SHOCKING MOMENT: Education Secretary Cardona Repeatedly Evades Lisa McClain's Questions

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and thank you Mr secretary for being here um I'm I'm just amazed I talk I hear my mom talking in my in the back of my brain she's on that shoulder she always said Lisa if you make a deal you gotta hold up your end of the bargain and Lisa if you have a right to something you have an obligation as well seems like we want to pick up one end of the stick but not the other so I want to take a moment and just since it's Mother's Day and thank my mom for all the wisdom and guidance that she has given me on rights and responsibilities and if you pick up one end of the stick you pick up the other so thanks Mom Switching gears a minute in 2021 uh you had a hearing before this committee and you said you believed all colleges right should be tweeted equally is that still your position I do awesome and I want to protect the students and the taxpayers but give but but the idea that the department can act unilaterally to forgive student debt using the borrower defense program to discharge student debt to me is alarming it's concerning and I hear my mom in the back of my back of my head Mr secretary I'm trying to get some data before I just talk about opinions do you know or can you tell me how many public universities have had claims approved under the loan discharge program are you saying the borrow defense uh actions yeah I can have my staff reach out to you with specifics about that but the borrow defense is wonderful protecting students from Bad actors that are absolutely selling them absolutely and I think there's Bad actors in public universities private universities Pro I mean you're always going to find Bad actors I wish we were all perfect but that's not the world we live in um do you have or can you get me the data on the amount of number of career or colleges that have also had claims approved sure we'd be happy to follow up with okay when can I expect that well we engage in uh feedback and in communication with the Committees regularly so I'll we'll make sure we act in good faith to continue that communication to get you the info July 1st you think we should at least reach out to your team very soon to share when you can expect that I'm I'm sorry when you're going to be able to get me the data well you know we have uh 45 letters that were sent to us and we're working in good faith to make sure we communicate but it's really simple I'm just trying to get the data on how many public universities and private universities have had claims approved under this loan discharge program I'm sure that information could be gathered and I'll have my team reach out to yours is it I appreciate that I'm kind of looking for a date that's fine I'll have my team reach out to yours to share with you a date that you can receive that information it's important that you have the information I would agree too and with as much money as we give the Department of Education and as much as we care about the students I would think somebody has this data so can I mean you want to say August 1st I mean that's like three months I would think we could be able to get this data in a three-month period of time yeah we think it's really important to communicate with you and I'll have my team reach out to yours to share a timeline of when we can get that information to you am I the only one that thinks that okay all right well thank you for your Speedy expedience on this okay um I understand that there's also been a lot of foia requests made by private organizations and institutions trying to get information on these claims and have not received them yet has your department um been processing and responding to these requests absolutely okay the Department of Education is committed to being very clear and providing information with oversight we take that very serious seriously online free seriously we've provided over 2 400 pages of documents in this Congress alone we've responded to uh 45 letters this Congress alone and we're going to continue to take that very seriously because how many employees do you have in your department and what's your budget roughly um under four thousand under four okay okay so I'm going to take that as a yes you have been processing and responding to these foia requests we take that very seriously and that's a great answer to a question I didn't ask so can we just stick with the question yes or no I mean we learned that early in education has your department been processing and responding to the foia requests yes they have no they haven't I'll even accept and I don't know yeah we take foia requests very seriously and we have been responding so yes we take foia requests very seriously and we have been responding well I'd be happy to focus on I'm just trying to figure out if we can answer a question I'd be happy to all right Madam chair I think this information is vital not only for the oversight role but also to understand president's request for a 600 percent increase in the budget in the Student Financial Aid office I hope that you're willing to work with me to get this data from the department and get it in actually a timely fashion for the American taxpayers so with that Madam chair I yield back thank you Ms McLean I intend to try to
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
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Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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