SHOCKING Disney Rides

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remember that time you were obsessed with a disney ride today we are talking about tech rides we are talking about disney's latest and greatest attractions with newest technologies it's gonna be crazy talking about all of this tech i am going to do the whole show as a robot because i am high tech as well oh dear i'm seeming to have a slight malfunction rise of resistance is a gosh how do you describe rise of the resistance i mean the question should be what is rise of the resistance the question should be what is it not because it's everything maybe the most incredible ride in any disney theme park to call rise of the resistance a ride is honestly insulting um it is more than a ride it is more than an attraction it is a 20-plus minute immersive experience that puts you into the star wars universe it's the centerpiece even though it's not in the center of star wars galaxies that's kind of off to the side but it's the centerpiece it combines a lot of different incredible technology including a trackless ride vehicle system you have plenty of animatronics in there a combination of different ride vehicles and modes you're walking a lot which is not really a ride system but there's a lot of walking because you got to get from one ride system to another it's almost like riding three rides at once you're entering the queue at the resistance base camp so you have joined the resistance um along with finn and poe and rey and general organa and you are meeting up with ray and um she's going to let you know the location of the secret base kylo ren is still evil he is on the lookout uh for the resistance and you are taken on board a first order ship the first order is like business they like make fun of your pants probably i don't think that's actually true but guess what they're scary in there yeah they come up to you and they say you dummy okay what are you some kind of idiot i know what you're doing you resistant scum and then all of a sudden bang you hear something happening in the wall and lasers actually cut out a hole out of the wall because the resistance remember the guys that were within that ray told us about they are breaking you out of there you got kylo ren coming after you with the lightsaber coming through the ceiling you then get into one of the escape pods and jettison out of the star destroyer and ultimately to safety so spoiler alert the resistance does win and you don't die um as you can as you can tell i'm not dead [Music] one of the parts that sticks out to me the most is when kylo ren has his like little fit you know when he's pulling us in he's like you know i can control you and you shouldn't have come up here and our our ride vehicles literally are going up and back i was like okay this is cool the kylo ren lightsaber that cuts through the ceiling is a maze when you go into the bay with the two atats and to actually look up and see there's an 88 here's two atats um it was fantasy come to life my absolute favorite part of this ride because i love the sensation of dropping is that at the very end you get into a a rescue spaceship i'm sure there's a transport i don't know i don't actually know the star wars terminology for this one and then we get in that escape pod and like you don't know what's going to happen and it's quite it's kind of quiet like the music is lower and then it physically drops and every single time it is such a rush and it goes like that and it's just that beautiful star wars music i'm like we're here we're we're in space it's amazing we're part of it we are fighting with the resistance it's amazing it's it's there's nothing else like it i kid you not every single time i'm in that escape pod and it drops i like throw a fist in the air and i'm like yes we did it i did nothing every single time i'm literally like fist fist in the air i'm always serious [Music] i absolutely think rise of the resistance is the best ride disney's ever made oh rise of the resistance is the best ride any park has ever made period some things in life are just good okay and this ride like campbell's soup is eating good you know to be honest with you campbell soup really ain't that great it's not my favorite ride it's up there it's on the list of my favorites but i think people get confused a lot when people say it's the best ride versus their favorite ride um because for a lot of people their favorite rides like something nostalgic but yes best technologically most advanced most immersive most impressive yes rise of the resistance [Music] you're about to experience a ceremony that's very special to the navi avatar flight of passage is a 3d simulator attraction in pandora the world of avatar at animal kingdom that simulates the flight of passage like a rite of passage where you get on the back of a banshee and fly about the valley of moara that is inspired by the blockbuster film avatar by james cameron i'm clueing you in early that i am not a fan of avatar the film no one cares about that movie um trust me i get it but i am a fan of flight of passage because i don't actually think you need to be a fan of avatar to enjoy this ride the plot of flight of passage is that you are you know co coding into your avatar just like jake sully in the movie yeah i know his name i've seen it he didn't think i had but i've seen avatar and then you get on a mechanical bull slash motorcycle situation that breathes yeah it actually breathes under your legs it's like a motorcycle that breathes okay and like vibrates and it is very odd and it is very weird you've made it really feel like you're on something that's going like this oh my gosh i think the ride system is a little bit deceiving in how cool it is because you've all been on it before you may think it's something new it's not it's something old it's honestly like fancy soarin and i i can get behind fancy sword but the seat is really cool and you put on 3d glasses and all of a sudden some lights flash in your face and the wall is gone and you are flying through the vistas of pandora on the back of a banshee what's super great about it is it's a screen below you and you're looking down at it which means you look like this it's super flattering for everyone um you have six to nine chins and it keeps you humble like every time i look at it i'm like thanks for humbling me today disney also it smells really good i love the smells i love smelling things on rides yeah i'll say it i enjoy smells on rides a good smiles on rides of course now quincy loves smelling things on rides but she loves smelling gross things on rides what but i enjoy when you go into the cave with the bioluminescence there is an incredible scent that i must ask disney again i i ask you i beg you disney please make a candle of this scent i do not think this is the best ride disney has ever made because i already gave that award to rise of resistance and even if i hadn't i still wouldn't give it to this ride i don't even think it's the best ride at animal i think that the best pride in animal kingdom is expedition everest that thing's amazing also the safari is up there you're telling me a live giraffe coming up next to you with its sweet sweet giraffe baby is not as good as flight of passage i just i disagree find a passage is a good ride i have to give it demerits for its material i don't have a connection to avatar i don't feel like a lot of people in this day and age have a connection to avatar wouldn't this be so great if all this technology all this passion all this creativity all this beauty went into a franchise i cared about that's what i think every single time i go to pandora it's unbelievable that that movie is the highest grossing film of all time isn't it isn't that unbelievable how incredible that we have a movie that has been that successful more successful than any film ever and yet i think it's just collectively left the conscious my wonderful co-workers don't really like this movie but i like it i do it's so weird he literally said that he dreamed about this like james cameron said this was a dream in his head and i love that because i just a dream is a wish your heart makes or a dream is a land that disney makes when you're james cameron would i write a banshee in real life yes i would if i could hook my ponytail in i assume that acts like a seat belt they hook the ponytail to the banshee these gorgeous curly locks could never connect to that strappy weird virus lookit i i love a thrill i'm in let's do it as long as the banshee's okay with it you know i don't want this to be one of those things where it's like when you go to asia and you can ride a poor abused elephant that's like not well taken care of so taurus can ride him i want it to be like a happy banshee pretty sure that banshees are protected by pita and they can only work so many hours a day under certain conditions is a trackless dark ride at disney's hollywood studios that puts you in the world of mickey mouse and a modern cartoon i think i'm proud of tune world i think the only thing you need to thrive in the tune world is the ability to be ridiculous and i'm pretty ridiculous this ride had a uphill battle to fight the moment it was what was announced because it replaced an absolutely beloved ride within hollywood studios it actually replaced the great movie ride now i'm a huge fan of the great movie ride okay but people love mickey mouse people love minnie mouse and there had never been a mickey and minnie ride anywhere in the world before not wild imagineers the calculated decision to remove great movie ride in favor of a mickey and minnie ride mickey minnie's wondering really is so cute i honestly will go on that ride anytime i will wait for that ride i think for a no height requirement family ride the amount of technology and thrill they were able to get into it is incredible you're in the chinese theater to watch the debut premiere of a brand new mickey mouse short you see and then while you're watching that short the railway becomes a runaway we're on the train goofy is driving the train i do not feel good about goofy and making a minions run away railway i do not feel good about goofy in the new style of animation i don't love the new style of animation it's very red and stimpy to me and it doesn't necessarily always look like our classic friends that we know and love but goofy got hit the hardest in the arms uh i see myself in goofy and i see that he's hurting something's not right in his life he hasn't shaven he's very skinny and his clothes look dirty i don't like it goofy i'm worried about you as your friend i am worried about you so please reach out with your short donation you could help goofy get some pants so this i will say that the innovation of the technology for this ride is very impressive the the tracklist system is great beautiful choreography between where like the cars will change who's in front and you may go in this scene behind this car but then something will happen and now you're behind this other car and now you're in the front um and they literally just like it's like a dance that these cars do choreographed and it's really neat because if you ride it if you get in the front when you get on the attraction you're not going to be in the front when you're getting off the attraction so i love that that you can look for different little things because the story is happening around you so you might be able to see something better or not at all depending on which of the four cars are in the last time i we talked about mickey minnie's runaway railway on rtt i talked about a scene and then the editor cut it so i'm going to talk about it again and see if he cuts me again there's a scene in uh mickey man but i also really love um the way they've done like the projection mapping in there i feel like it's the first like full out projection mapping based rides that's the production that curves around surfaces and it's like magic before your eyes like there's literally the part at the end where the like factory turns into a park and i'm always like i do not think this is the best ride ever made i think it's a good ride that doesn't get its chance i think a lot of people decided to not like this ride before they ever even gave it a shot or they walked into it wanting to hate it that doesn't mean it's the best ride ever made no in fact i put it kind of low on this list it's cute but right so the resistance flight of passage and web slingers are all technologically more advanced and also more impressive oh no mickey and minnie's runaway railway is not the best ride that disney ever created far from it it's a great ride it's a really fun ride i do really love it but rise of the resistance by far leaps and bounds there is absolutely no comparison they are not in the same league i do think it's iconic in its own way because it is mckee mini and that's iconic like you that's kind of a trump card it's like come on in here and ride with mickey minnie yeah yeah i see you slinky dog and i raise you literally making money so what are you fuss hey guys bye sorry mickey and minnie [Music] all you got to do is swing your arm in the direction you want to shoot what slingers is we're gonna slang them wets it is a spiderman ride it's located at avengers campus and it's interactive web slingers is cardio for your arms can we just call it what it really is okay it is cardio for your arms it's a super fun ride it's the best of these game and a ride attractions for a long time i would give that to uh men in black in universal orlando that i thought that that was the best one of these but i think today i would say my favorite of these gaming ride attractions is now spider-man web slingers i really didn't have that high like i mean i had expectations for it because it was in avengers campus and i loved the avengers and i love peter parker but i didn't really like know what to expect and it was awesome it blew me away duck fist and i wrote it together for the first time and we both got off and we're like basically what is so cool about this ride is that it is kind of like toy story mania it's hard enough for me to ride toy story mania because you have to pull that little ball and it goes like this like i always pull it i put the ball between my fingers and i pull it like this and it works out a very strange muscle in the front of my arm and it hurts me but instead of having slingshots or something like a physical thing where it is reacting to that component you're using your hand you use these you just use your hands that's all and literally you go like this [Music] you know whistle whistle the plot of web slingers is that you are headed into the web institute which tony stark has funded as a way to um encourage bright minds to do the next generation of creation and innovation in the avengers universe spoiler or they are other kids from marvel so of course peter parker is there um squirrel girl is there luna is there um the kid from iron man 3 is there who's also in jurassic world so all these characters are there and they're training with spiderbots which are these really cool new inventions they have a self-replicating feature um they can make more of themselves they are replicating so much that they threaten to take over not only all of the research facility but all of avengers campus and you're gonna sling some webs with spider-man so you get into a vehicle and all the spider bots are there and you physically are like slinging webs trying to take down the spider bots to help peter parker out so the that actually brings me back to the the attack of web slingers that most blows my mind is the fact that you yourself are slinging wax slinging the webs all good like it's the how do you here's the thing y'all is that while that is new for disney it's not particularly new in the video game world um we've had motion detection for the xbox kinect for uh many different rides now virtual reality uh for many many many years um it is very sophisticated motion detection because you have four different people and it knows my arm from your arm and it can recognize when i extend to fire a web versus when you do uh but it's not it's new tech but it's not new tech you know uh the cool thing about this ride as well is disney in their financial marketing mind even created little add-on slingers that you can purchase for an additional cost to get on this ride for better chances to improve your aim you know and there are multiple different types there's a gwen stacey one there's an iron man one where you shoot like this so we're talking about rides are gonna blow our minds if the phase two avengers campus ride comes to be we don't know much about it but if it comes to be it's gonna blow all of this out of the water so the phase two attraction that should be coming out tbd we got nothing they just opened this one during you know a pandemic so let's give them a minute you are going to be participating in a battle on the fields of wakanda with the avengers and the like one two pieces of concept art they've put out shows guests in like individual jet packs is what it looks like you're in and then you're flying through a field where literally like the hulk is like smashing like enemies on the fields of wakanda this is gonna be the e-ticket attraction this is gonna be the one that everybody wants to go to that we're gonna have to overall disney continues to impress and thrill with the technology that they put into these rides while i like classic dark rides and while i still love nostalgic favorites like pirates of the caribbean and haunted mansion the new technology is part of the reason people keep going back to disney they're always innovating and breaking ground and figuring out new ways to immerse you more into the stories and mourn of the attractions and these are all great examples of that they should not stop innovating these rides they are mind-blowing they push the boundaries of what an experience a person can have is i love them i love them so much this motion this motion my cool rava hands my cool ray of our hands my cool rave of hands shooting out the spider webs getting all those spider bots getting all the spider bots oh ooh hot or not yes yes hot hey everybody it's molly thanks for tuning in to this week's episode of rtt please make sure to like and subscribe ring that notification bell so you never miss an episode if you want me rtt right now click over here for a playlist of our favorite in parks episodes and if you want more honors click over here for a full tour of the brand new avengers campus thanks for watching
Views: 15,366
Rating: 4.9210157 out of 5
Keywords: Disney World, Disney Parks, Disney Travel, Disney Trip, Disney planning, disney vacation, disney vlog, disney vlogger, disney video, Disney tips, orlando vacation, universal orlando, universal studios, islands of adventure
Id: dsBzcwjhPQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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