(Shocked) ChatGPT created this Android App and made $$$?

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oh my God so this video is very scary towards my career as an Android developer that I am from the last three years let's find out if chat GPT can replace me and if it can help you make Android app published to Play Store and put ads on it to make a lot of paneer and stay till the end because I'm gonna tell you the practicality of AI replacing software Engineers or not bing.com let's ask latest trends on Android apps to make a lot of money so best money making Android apps is here let's go to the chat so let's see the answer through chargeability seems like chat GPT on bing.com is down so let's go to chat Dot openai and let's ask the same question and let's see so the AI model is telling me that it doesn't have data Beyond 2021 but it's still giving me some ideas but not exact idea it's still living gaming apps e-commerce apps health and fitness apps but not telling me the exact app but I have experience so I'm gonna go to Play Store play.google.com and I'm gonna tell you the apps which make a lot of money with minimum effort because I have the experience in this field so here you can look up for wallpaper apps and you will not believe why wallpaper apps because we have tools like Dali 2 where you can create no copyright images which can be used for wallpapers so this image like it is so futuristic and this image can be recreated multiple times with no copyright so that's why this is the best way and hottest way to make money right now and now you can also use mid Journey because this is also giving you copyright free images all is dependent on your imagination more creative words you write more interesting images will come out that way now let's go to the wallpaper apps again and here if you take a look at all of these wallpaper apps so let's say I love you wallpaper apps this is like these these I love you wallpapers can be created on canva with unique tests but you don't even have to do that hard work because you have ai apps like mid journey and Dali and most importantly if you see that it has 5 million plus downloads and it contains ads so if you want to figure without how much money you can make using these downloads so if you considered the SEO so money through Android apps ads so if you search how much money you can make it says ten dollars to 200 a day for 1000 active users so it's not dependent on downloads depending on how many people are actively using you can make money but honestly I'll tell you that people change wallpaper once in a month or once in three months right but still for every new download you can make decent amount of passive money to be exact my friends have made around thousand to two thousand dollars maximum per month on a good month but as low as hundred dollars as well like you just have to make it once publish it and that's it you are ready with your passive income the reality is you can make money beyond your imagination it depends on luck and demand and Supply so let's explore this method so I'm gonna ask chargpt to create a simple wallpaper app for me in Android kotlin and you will not believe with this simple prompt I'm not even asking a complicated prompt just a simple prompt it is giving me step by step answer with all the libraries to import it is teaching me how to use an API as well which I thought like you know key HR GPT can only make UI and that's it but no it can help you use apis from different websites too so it is telling me that use volley at this point it has stopped generating code so I'm gonna type continue generating and now it is creating a method to fetch wallpapers let's wait so exciting let's complete the standard app and let's ask to add more features so I'm going to open Android studio and I'm gonna create a new empty activity and now creating an empty activity I'm going to paste the code so independencies I'm going to create the library warri library as it mentioned now next step go to Android manifest folder this is like Mom of Android app like you know you ask your mom can I go to the bathroom can I go to Goa can I go to Florida so same is Android manifest you are giving permissions to Android app to go to internet to set wallpaper so we are just adding these two permission lines and then next step is we need to create some files as I mentioned number one is wallpaper model and then next app is wallpaper adapter let's just copy paste I'm just doing copy paste and my goal will be for the whole video do not to not to use my logic it is all going to be just chart GPT so next step is the main activity app I'm just going to copy paste and then this is one problem it doesn't have the code for UI UI Kanga so for that what we can do is there are some errors in the app for now but let's come back to the errors later let's complete the UI so for UI it is telling me to create network image view so it is just for part of the app but not complete UI so let's just copy that in wallpaper item so copied the wallpaper item as well and now we need the UI so I'm going to ask chart GPT so now I'm asking chat GPT can you provide activity main.xml because UI is needed so now it gave me I had to ask for it so I'm gonna paste this in my activity underscore main created so here are some errors I have to use some logic okay or you can say that you need to use your brains even while copying so that's what I'm gonna do so here you can see recycler underscore view is not found so to fix this error I am going to rename in my UI and let's fix the other errors so let's see if I can use chart GPD to fix the rest of the error so here you will see that number one error that I can see is in the file wallpaper adapter so if I go to the adapter here it is in line number 24 copy paste code has an error and I think it is kind of obvious because you know these libraries keep getting updated so to fix this error I'm just going to ask chargpt copy this code go to chart GPT and I'm going to ask it fix this method because you know I think it keeps track of the conversation so it should be able to so let's see what it gives you so it says assuming you're using network image view so now it is give giving me the solution wow so I've already updated I've already done this step so that's not needed but let's copy this new method and paste it error gone no so at this point I'm gonna use my Android logic so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to the documentation so let's see the data type of image view it is Network image View and what we are doing is we are setting it through a URL so for that I'm gonna google set set network image View using URL so Google but if you want I can just ask chat Jupiter let's just use chat GPT so let's just ask the same statement using charge GPT and let's not use Google but this is what I am using my Android logic this is this question is not coming from charge gbt this is coming from an Android Logic the logic is needed while copying too so now at this point it is telling me a better answer so it is telling me the steps that if this is the URL you need image loader as well so let's try it out so let's copy this code and let's improve it so we were in image adapter um so let's command Z and now I am going to paste the new code it has generated we need image loader import and you know why this was an error because if you look at this method set image URL the second parameter was missing so what we are doing is we are creating this image loader and that will help you but we don't have q either let's ask it again give me an example of set image URL in network image view Android in kotlin let's ask the same question in different words let's see if it improves the answer so examples are one of the best way to learn so let's see what it does um I think now it nailed it now I think it makes sense because last time it did not create these two data types which we needed it assumed we have it now by asking better questions it is able to give me so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to paste this code as well so let's go to Android Studio so I'm going to paste number one is we need image loader let's remove the previous code we copied and I'm gonna move this below it because this is the method which is needed to you know set the image and here we're going to pass one more thing image loader you can take a reference at charge gbt it is saying the same and let's go back and here some things are missing volley we need to import it import context now here again I have to use my logic now to fix this error I can not just copy paste I cannot just do Alt Enter Import in each other this will not work because app code you have to use a logic now here I'm going to explain you the concept of context context is like you know in the whole app you're telling the exact location how to get the context as in how to get the location in the app like context is like a room like you know every room has different dimensions you need to give boundaries to the app so to for contest first so for that reason context is needed from this part of the app so I let me let me just tell you here what I'm going to do is for that I'm gonna do current item dot uh uh here I'm gonna what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use it from holder holder dot imageview dot context so this is how I'm getting context because we need from the image not from the whole app so you know Photoshop practice okay as you practice more you will get to do more details about this now let's just copy let's just import rest of the libraries uh in Alt Enter Alt Enter now done so this file is it fixed yeah this file is fixed it's no more red one error fix but it needed my Android experience remember that so my job is not completely gone next main activity so here there are some errors too let's see where are the errors so error is in this part so let's just do option Intel try to automatically fix it so add suspense more suspend modified to all functions in hierarchy so let's do just automatic fixes Alt Enter and um and what it did was it actually added suspend keyword here so error was in here as well as here we added suspend key automatic fix but it is not fixed yet so you have to know why it is not fixed so let's ask chargpt copy this code let's ask here fix this method so let's see if it can fix or not so this code looks fine but you can simplify so it is telling me it doesn't have any error look at this but there are errors even if I try to run the app so let's try to run the app so running we are running the app I'm pretty sure it's gonna fail because it says that there is an error okay it failed so there is a Gradle exception so you can you can see now here again you have to use some sort of logic because chat GPT is telling you this is correct and let's see what are the modifications it did let's copy the modified code even even let's try that if it can help you or not still there is error it is not gone yet I know the solution but I can tell you how to make chat GPT do it for you so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna remove this fix suspend the automatic fixed I'm gonna copy this again and then go to chart GPT and fix again let's see if it can you know give you a better answer so that you can solve the problem now it is telling me yeah it has a problem and it is giving me one possible solution so the idea of chat gbt is you can keep asking it for different responses so hit and trial say you can solve the problem that is the magic of chat GPT so let's use it so let's copy this new code and then paste still there is a problem it is still red line so add suspend it is it is not fixed yet it is telling me that I can use life uh lifecycle.scope.launch let's see if we can use it so I'm going to see where this method is called it is called right here so let's replace it here uh let's copy this whole thing and then let's see if it is gone or not so copy pasting done let's run the app if it fixes the solution or I have to use my logic again no it did not so let's try asking chat GPT for a better solution copy again then give me better solution this didn't work okay okay everyone it is still failing you to give the right solution I'm not going to explain you I'm just gonna paste the logic I know I'm just gonna fix the method and paste it right here and it is fixed so you know you need some understanding at the end of the day to fix this method and if you Google it you will be able to find it let's run the app now terminate okay oh my God wallpapers are here and you know if you want to know the details what's happening is we are reading from the URL so you can see this URL here so if you go to this URL you can see all of the this is like a Json array which all which has all the URLs to download the image this is lightweight image you can open each image which is pretty good quality so this is this can act as a template for your Android app with images from Dali or mid Journey now if I scroll you can scroll it it needs some AI Improvement you can ask charge GPT copy the code ask it to improve the UI you can do it but at the end of the day the template is ready for you to use and you can use it let's try if we can set a wallpaper so if I go home this is my current wallpaper right now and then let's go to this app let's choose a random wallpaper and let's go home wallpaper set successfully you see the toast image but it's not set right now let's wait I think it's taking time oh yes I see a black screen and yes the white wallpaper is successfully set so this app is ready to be used as a template for any wallpaper app you want to create you have to set up this so you can even ask you know ask this website how this is said to be used as images from Dali you can even ask chat GPT how this website was made help me make as well and literally paste the link and it will help you because it's part of the same conversation this website is a simple API that returns list of photos and you can use this and you know it's still a lot of work but you can follow these steps and in this API you can put the images of wallpapers from Dali and get started and after that you have to ask it one more question that how to put ads put ads on Android app and it will tell you the ad using it'll tell you the method using admobi or you know it add more it'll tell you the methods like admob Facebook Audience Network all of these networks and then you can find tutorials for admob on your own and make this app and monetize it so that actually proves that Android apps have become much easier to make as compared to before is it going to replace my job maybe because I think the amount of time it took me to make this wallpaper app it is around 10 times less if I was starting from scratch you know you read documentations and you make it but the experience I have I still had to use my logic so you know I think it can maybe replace in a team of 10 developers replaced one developer but it's not at the level that it can replace five Engineers with one Ai No it hasn't reached that but 10 Engineers can be replaced by nine Engineers with an AI if not or if all nine Engineers are using AI to speed up their work so that is the reality so be ready to use it to become a more productive engineer so that you cannot be replaced by AI so all the best everyone and thank you so much for watching
Channel: Harnoor Singh
Views: 133,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indian vlogger, indian software engineer in usa, singh in usa, android app, chat gpt, ai, artificial intelligence
Id: bAyHqww3PeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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