Shirley MacLaine On Life Outside Our Universe: 'I Saw Craft' | Larry King Now Ora TV
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Channel: Larry King
Views: 175,755
Rating: 4.8971963 out of 5
Keywords: new mexico, ufo, unidentified flying object, extraterrestrials, shirley maclaine, life, maclaine, universe, outside, craft, shirley, saw, Ora TV Network, Shirley MacLaine interview, Shirley MacLaine interview 2014, Shirley MacLaine movies, Shirley MacLaine UFO, UFO Shirley MacLaine, aliens, Shirley MacLaine aliens, shirley maclaine new mexico, Larry King, Larry King Now, Larry King Interview, Larry King Exclusive, Ora, Ora TV, ORA
Id: sDtN5DXtLzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 17sec (137 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 05 2014
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