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you are listening to the gritty podcast where we talk about all things gritty all right welcome to the gritty podcast I am your host Brian call I got Brad hunt here today's guest on the podcast is Ryan lamper's AKA stealthy Hunter and on this episode we talk about our recent hunt in Alaska when we were bringing home um well a couple of caribou each and uh his moose or Caribou a moose uh and a bunch of meat yeah 400 to 450 pounds each of meat and the question is how do you get your trophies and your meat back when you do a hunt in Alaska before you actually get it on a plane yeah what are all the ways and what is all the costs and it's actually surprisingly inexpensive if you know the tricks and uh what to do and you have a little planning ahead of time because I've spent a couple two three grand trying to get just horns back from from some remote hunts whereas we were able to get this stuff for a few hundred dollars uh back with us and uh so listen to this podcast get all the details if you're this is a hunt you want to do and we apply this strategy to New Zealand as well a lot of it to New Zealand and some other like far away hunts yeah and what's nice about Alaska you know is it's in the United States so it does help you don't have to go through the whole tariff things and shifts and stuff like that versus Canada and some of the other places but right and uh it's very doable it is it's very affordable so hope you enjoy this episode before we get into to that Ryan lampers does have a giveaway going on right now you can win uh for a Harvest Right freeze dryer a Gohan Insider lifetime membership and pass to the Western hunting Summit this June of your choice so it's a big package all you got to do to be entered to win is just shop at stealthy get some of the supplements the glassing pad the rifle cover whatever Hillary and Ryan have in their shop just shop over there every 10 bucks you spend gets you an entry and they're going to announce that they're going to pick that winner well they're going to close this giveaway on the 18th 18th of December and it and it oh which is Sunday and then they will announce it on Christmas Eve the winner on Christmas Eve yeah so if you want to get entered on that in on that just shop over at stealthy and use the code gritty and then use the code gritty over at Peaks and you could be entered to win a six thousand dollar hunt package bow arrow TP backpack backpack crispy boots everything you could want it's in that package um and uh if you want to be entered to win just shop at Peaks use the code gritty every ten dollars is an entry to win we are picking that winner on December 18th and today only this Thursday today only for every beanie and hat that you purchase you're going to get three times the entries so there you go the other giveaway right now is the gritty Swag like uh every hat shirt I got a hat on right now Brad has a gritty sweatshirt on and there's t-shirts I have lived inside in this thing like it's perfect for this temperature you know yeah yeah it's it's solid stuff go check it out just go over to uh click on shop you'll find it or just type in and every ten dollars you you spend gets you enter an entry and we're gonna pick that winner on Sunday as well so that's coming up here you got a few more days I can't thank you guys enough for participating in this giveaway I don't know how many hats and shirts are really left or or sweatshirts but they got I think they're getting new hats today or tomorrow so if you win over there and you couldn't find anything in stock they're they're hustling to try to get product in stock I think they do have water bottles and some other stickers uh but just thanks everybody who has already shopped over there and I'm sorry for everyone who wants to get in on this and then we don't have anything we're going to keep expanding that and hopefully um find some more cool designs and you guys have blown us away on how much yeah we need much more we need it in stock it's been cool so thank you again and enjoys Today's Show stay gritty all right folks welcome to the gritty podcast I'm your host Brian call and I'm joined today by my guest Ryan lampers AKA stealthy Hunter and uh we're at Ryan's house right now uh we're on the upper level he's got one of those fancy two-story places fancy two-story houses they're not that fancy uh I do I do like your open uh ceiling though that's it's for lots of Furs and horns antlers Galore yeah my my first house which my wife and I had for 21 years was a little box not a lot of room for this stuff so uh this is this is a dream a dream place where you can actually like display all these euros and it's in the great state of of uh Montana instead of um the sad state of Washington state of Washington that's a great way to fly folks but oh we're both from the Northwest over there yeah um it's not oh how it has fallen over there it's not great but uh we've got these um tar and Chamois hides right here from our trip to New Zealand display these guys all over the upper balcony here that's pretty cool yeah I was telling you I can't wait to get that moose Hut yak that's going to need some space um it's not going to fit on this rail but we're going to have to find a spot for it no the Moose hide for those that don't know we're going to talk about getting to hide the horns and the meat back from Alaska including the Caribou as well so we just dropped the film it's been out for about a day and of your mousse that you just took in Alaska yeah dropped today we've been sifting through some of the comments yeah trying to keep up on the comments on the on the YouTube there's some funny ones in there there's some good ones in there man they're hilarious guys put some time and effort and thought into some of these comments there's a few I mean I think you should share some if you've got some handy because well before I do not the ones that mock me I like the ones that mock you I need to screen grab a bunch more because there's some good ones mocking you there's a lot that are uh kind of I don't know what do they call you Brian caller now yeah Phelps should bring me in there you'll notice your um your calling um strategies on the moose and how it worked yeah um great comments though this one I thought was pretty good just because I love the stuff this show Yellowstone this guy was like I struggled to figure out my favorite show between gritty and Yellowstone gritty is probably winning that's funny that's a powerful word right there okay let's just clear this up right now because so Brian likes to get those uh real up close shots so in this latest film you'll see a lot of my mug very close a lot of beard by the way folks the the truth about the up close shots of our faces especially Ryan's face that is not what I want it's not ideal but there's two reasons why it happens the primary reason is the microphone yeah um running lavs doesn't give us the sound I'd like it's always a a risk that the microphone gets bumped or it's in your jacket and Ryan is horrible about a laugh Mike he hates him um and Ryan is one of the most quiet whispery people you've ever been around so that means I have to put the shotgun mic this close to pick up the whispering it's uncomfortable which puts the the camera which push the camera lens six inches from his face yes uh so audio's the first the second reason is um the the big reason is there's certain uh like your Spotter and stuff we we work with different companies and um and we try not to have that be part of our Productions you know like uh we're pretty much aligned on a lot of things and then we're also very independent we don't have uh sponsorships not much but we do actually both you've been with Vortex for a long time been friends with Mark Borden for a long time and I've been with Leopold for a really long time and um Tim lesser and when Riza was there really good friends there and we have different partnership we have different relationships with those guys like yeah for for Vortex with me Boardman he comes from where I came from back there in Washington and uh he's been a good buddy for a very long time and I love being around the guy he's just man he's just a great guy so yeah there's a lot of that and I I have a lot of loyalty and and respect and love for Leopold and uh you know we both have our reasons for why we we have these as partners and neither one of us are willing to change that either absolutely and so what ends up happening is it's a conflict if I'm if I'm filming if you're panned out yeah and so I'm like I'm trying to you know um deal with that so that's just the reality of what we do so close but that's pretty much that's that's kind of the the down and dirty of it so the camera ends up being so people out there worry about your mole yeah but here's some of the things like my wife notices my The Rat's Nest and my hair yeah a lot this film really highlighted the uh the Grody nature of my hair my mop how unclean it was I didn't even notice during the whole edit until I sat down and watched it and your wife she picked it apart every time she is embarrassed I wonder how many other people notice a lot of people noticed apparently they noticed my beard they noticed my hair and how Grody it is so let's just clear this up right now as far as the color of my beard it as much dyes his beard if no he doesn't do I ever do I appear to be the kind of guy that would die I know it bugs the crap out of you what's funny is like if I look in the mirror like look how much white is in this weird I know white all over he's got white in his beard it's just like a but in the video it looks dark yeah like you can't even see it but there's a ton of white in there so no I don't dye my beard it's been my hair more and more white every year bleached out you're sitting next to freaking Santa Claus that's it and so it's so such a contrast that people think my beard is like black or something yeah no it's not it's not right I see it in person you'll see it's got gray and white hairs so I don't dye my beard let's just clear that up and yes that would you'd lose your man card if you dye your beard absolutely I don't know who would do that um so yeah so there's there's some comments there's a lot of hair comments uh but this one I thought was pretty fascinating just because it kind of back up my side my argument for keeping my hair the way it is this gentleman wrote um Ryan I want I want you to know that because of all your time actually all your hair locks and the facts that you are extremely famous that's not true my wife continues to put up with my wild hair please know that if you do cut your hair my relationship with my wife will likely begin to deteriorate an intense marriage counseling will follow suit please keep the locks and stay strong wow so I read that to my wife I was just kind of backing up my my point that there is no I'm never going back I'm never going to cut this hair it's just the way it is so she misses that young you know baby face baby face cut yeah that ain't ever coming back that ship sailed yeah you I'm afraid if you shaved off the beard that young lampers would not emerge it would be a different older lampers underneath there yep I saw this comment I liked it this Series has been fired up since the beginning Stellar footage of the Moose charging in of the Moose charging in to help that poor sounding mousse Brian was emulating the way those cows came running in was like holy crap this kid needs help great work um yeah we we sit back and we laugh at a little bit of the the calling in that situation but there's no denying that it worked like those cows came running yeah yeah immediately upon you starting that call so yeah it had a little wolf-like sound to it in the beginning but I think you you kind of cleaned it up at the end and got that nasally yeah sound too it's one of those things where it's pretty good you found the sound yeah you're like oh that ain't it wait yeah adjust the pitch the tone whatever I was never good at singing or musical instruments so but it just goes to show you don't have to be you know how did you you know what I did the the Moose grunts those sounded like a grizzly bear kind of like growl they were off yeah it was especially when I hear Chris first the first three four seconds were way off like I was a little worried but then it uh it panned out at the end so so moving on a lot of folks wonder how do you get these horns the you know I shot a couple characters you shot a couple Caribou you shot a moose when you flew home how much meat uh how much weight was that that you were flying in it was gosh 400. remember um and what so yeah we split up so he's got two caribou I wish I remember the weights at this time but and then we took a mousse and basically split that moose in half so I want to say we came back with what was it six boxes was it six boxes a piece yeah yeah but I want to say the total weight between the boxes I had fewer boxes which was a mistake they didn't really save D you know so I ended up with like an 80 pound box when I could have had like two two you know 40 pound boxes right right which would make it easier to load although when you freeze it you know it had its benefits because when you're trying to find someone's freezer space that was it doesn't take as much so number one we get at the end of this trip you know we're back to town we've got all this meat right yep um number one we're trying to you know we need to have somewhere to put it we scheduled three days at the end of our trip now we did that for a couple reasons one we're gonna need some time to break down the meat get it trimmed get it packaged get it ready for shipping but it also gave us a little bit of a buffer in case we weren't able to be picked up on time whether whatever give us a couple days there so we did that um we added three days to you know the end of our trip basically which which we needed every lick of because um breaking down that meant many animals take some time I mean we were trimming and cutting and bagging and wrapping and freezing and then you know working up the antlers and getting those ready for shipping and then you know getting everything you know just just set to go so we spent two and a half days basically in an Airbnb breaking down animals trimming whatever your transportation is coming out of the back country with your meat moose Caribou whatever yeah whether it's a van a boat a plane yep could be any which way once you once you get into the city right we got ourselves an Airbnb and we got ourselves a U-Haul yep and uh the U-Haul seems to be the method of choice a lot of guys do that yep there's a lot of plenty of them now we saw cheaper than a rental car service yeah we saw guys just standing in the back of a U-Haul like cutting up their meat in the back of a U-Haul outside hotels and stuff the U-Haul we happen to get uh there was definitely a lot of blood it had an odor of blood in the U-Haul from the people who used it prior to us from the prior group so yeah it's a pretty common practice but we got ourselves a U-Haul which was not very expensive I want to say 30 bucks a day or something like that it was pretty inexpensive and then so we got the U-Haul we put all of our meat into the U-Haul you know out of the vehicle we were in into the U-Haul and all the horns and then we drove and then we just got on the Airbnb app and we found um a bunch of places in town and then we just booked uh booked that so we that was easy we drove into the the the Airbnb and now we have effectively I don't know on the bone in the game bags we have a lot of work to do yeah a lot of work to do so um we needed a few things so we went over to the Walmart we got uh fish boxes basically kind of a a waxy box you know fish boxes aren't always going to be readily available some guys use coolers the cheapest coolers they can get um but we happen to be able to come across some fish boxes um and the airline requires that you have a waterproof container of some kind not not waterproof but water resistant well it needs to be wrapped so there's no leakage so we double did it we got boxes that wouldn't leak but we also double bagged everything but even on the airport tractor bags the airline which we flew Alaska the regulation said you had to have like a wax box or a cooler cooler yeah you couldn't have you couldn't have a regular box is my point oh yeah yeah yeah no I mean you're gonna have some you're gonna have some leakage we all know how um garbage bags work they never hold everything in right especially when you're dealing with a frozen product whether it's fish or meat or whatever so there's going to be some leakage but those wax boxes are cheap number one they're pretty compact I think they're made for Now 50 pounds I think they're 50 pound boxes but you can easily get you know 70 80 pounds of boned out meat in there which is what we did yeah so we we basically bought like four or five boxes each it's about what we needed well we bought too many we bought way too many we bought extras and uh but if you were to do it you needed one box was it one box per caribou and then no there's like one and a half yeah and then you need at least two and a half boxes for the mousse that we split yeah so we split the moose meat yeah if you have a mousse you're gonna need four boxes just for the mousse right at least so we got Ziplocs you know court and these are 40 gallon bag zip locks no the boxes were they 40 gallon boxes what were they how were they labeled 50 pound boxes they call them 50 pound boxes wax boxes okay fish boxes I believe that's what it is um it was by weight not by volume I think it I think it's a 50 pound box but obviously you can get a lot more um than 50 pounds in that box but whatever they're kind of the standard box is what we used to use when we shipped fish out of Alaska when I was guiding it's the same box um with fish you get about 50 pounds in there garbage bags garbage bags boxes lots of duct tape more than you think and then yep we bought a lot of cardboard too yep we got cardboard for Rapid antlers and getting all the tips covered and all that so we did a heck of a job I think we did probably above and beyond what we needed to do and everything from the meat wrapping to getting our antlers all wrapped up so they weren't you know gonna reject them at the air at the airport yeah well so once we we we did our shopping run we get to the Airbnb and we we basically brought one quarter in at a time one shot one game bag at a time a piece and uh we worked on it we we we took great pains to make sure that we didn't cause any damage to the Airbnb we were in uh we didn't tell the Airbnb what we were going to be doing in there um the whole idea was to do it and have them never know we ever did it you know yeah I think we nailed it so we we did take care of laying out some cloth so that the table and the floor was all covered so there was no uh no damage done to the place and then we we butchered for two straight days yeah we got some cheap little those little kind of plastic cutting board sheets that we use to to trim and and cut meat um get it into Ziploc bags where you got these smaller bags that we could just slip into the freezer and get a couple of ugly cheaper uh fillet knives yep yep yep um the biggest question mark we had was the freezer because it could be a struggle to find somebody with a freezer and we did go to multiple places to find us the ability to use someone's freezer there's a lot of tanneries there's a lot of um you know tax cutting services you know that have freezers but shops at that time of year a lot of them were kind of booked up for space so they weren't really allowing um anything else to go into their freezer but you know we just kept looking and looking and we found a you know a gentleman who gave us access to his freezer which helped a ton yeah I think um it would have been wise for us to con connect with the people in the town or make some calls before we ever got there to try to figure out where we could freeze the meat um the meat was well taken care of on the trip we got it out we let it air out a lot we we had plenty of time to as we made our trip home we took care of the meat it was cool enough that it it stayed yeah we're in good shape we had cool temps throughout the trip um Frozen nights you know and then cool kind of semi-breezy days throughout the entirety of it so so when we got to the hotel and we started butchering it we basically started cutting it up into we cut and wrapped it basically and we threw it in Ziplocs and then we'd put it inside of a garbage bag that went inside the the plastic there the wax covered boxes and we just started like breaking down the meat so we had all this scrap bone you know um sinew and and whatnot all the scrap that you have when you do a butcher job that went into garbage bags over here in the corner and we just basically ended up with four boxes of meat a piece four full boxes and the meat I know my meat weighed more than 400 pounds total mm-hmm um yeah I wish I could remember the exact total it was a lot it was definitely a lot I mean I think you were like 4 50 something like that I thought I think it was yeah 450 460. and I think I was like 410 or something like that so then what we did was we once we got the boxes all filled up and we had to find a place to freeze them because we were gonna we were in a hurry to get our the meat butchered as quick as possible so we could get at least a 12 hour or 24 hour freeze on it yeah before we went to the airport yeah we wanted a we wanted this stuff Rock Solid you know I mean it's still a quick flight back here but you never know if there's going to be a delay in overnight winter like that it's yeah it was cool it's not like it's the summer so yeah but you always want to the goal is to get that meat frozen so there's no it's a lot you've work you've gone through at this point from the field to the airport you hate to have it spoil at that point you know um it's a tragic loss yep so now we're you know I get I guess I think a lot of people's questions come with like how do you how do you do a ship to me do you get a carrier well we did find some place to freeze it we did and and uh that's just a that's just a process of making calls and finding someone and I think we paid it was it cost us a little bit 100 100 bucks 100 bucks to freeze it uh for 24 hours and then we then we picked it up on our way to the airport so it was just freshly Frozen we used the uh you could use the U-Haul to get to the airport um and then once we got there we we well you could take your meat through the airline itself but it has some there's some issues with that or you can use Air Cargo so there's there's you could you could ship it as baggage or you could send it as baggage um you know there's obviously a fee with that but there's a cheaper route um because I think it's a hundred dollars per oversized bag and an oversized bag is 70 and that adds 50. it's anything between 50 and 100 pounds I think with Alaska yeah yeah and there's so that means 400 there's an expense there but at a minimum there's a better rate if you run it through Air Cargo through Alaska Airlines um which is definitely the way to go which is what we ended up doing now if you haven't pre-plan this and you're not a known shipper with air cargo you're most likely not going to be able to use that service unless you find someone up there I know some of the taxes are fine known shipper known shippers so there is a you have to go in well ahead of time um I just happen to be a known shipper because of my prior business so we s we used to ship a ton of Frozen products all over the country up down the West Coast Herring and sardines and Anchovies and stuff like that so we had our known ship we've had our known shipper number for you know a long a very long time it's basically a form you got to fill out ahead of time um get qualified for it pre-check basically so that they allow you to utilize it and once you are a known shipper um you get a a decent rate per pound versus what you would pay in baggage fees the known shipper thing I believe the reason it's controlled is is you know the it's for crime and to to prevent uh you know it's flying on airlines it's federally regulated and basically they have to know they have to know all the stuff about you I think you have to have a business license you have to have a few things to get the known shipper number and in the end the known shipper we we talked you can weigh it out like the cost of getting getting a known shipper ID if you don't have one I want to say it's a couple hundred bucks for basically the fee like annually or something like that for a known shipper but the process in getting it can take some time so most likely you're not going to get it and as well and as we discovered it's actually probably cheaper just to check the meat as Luggage in that case so if you don't have a connection to a known shipper individual or number that you can leverage that you've cleared ahead of time then it's actually you know when we spoke to the locals down there they recommended we just check it as luggage and the cost would actually probably be better but then you got to go to the airport you know inside the the luggage area and you gotta wheel those boxes in then you got to check them on the airline right there where with the Air Cargo you can drive right up to the docks or the semi trucks will load and unload product and you can just get those boxes of meat dropped off right there and it's cheaper if you do have a known shipping number as well so it's going to save you some money now the difference in price for the meat as luggage versus known shipping it wasn't that much yeah it wasn't as much as it was still like 30 40 a box something like that so it was it was half not significant but it was definitely there's definitely some savings there now the benefit of because it's about a hundred bucks Perfect Right If you flew at home and I want to say it was costing us like was it 67 68 bucks or so cargo yeah so I think it it's a forty dollar per box maybe 50 per box increase in price if you have four boxes that's 200 bucks here's the kicker and here's why Air Cargo is the way to go yeah and baggage isn't antlers moose antlers moose antlers so what was it 115 linear inches Max for to ship antlers as baggage now this is something new this is prior to this year I believe it was much higher than that so guys would be able to ship a legal non-resident legal Bowl but you get a bowl that's 55 60 65 70 inches um they're not going to take it as baggage anymore so even Air Cargo was very strict and we had to kind of sweet talk them into it like they have different people working so they don't quite understand what's possible and so Air Cargo though in the end um with their guidelines they would be able to take the antlers and ship them for us the only other alternative we couldn't do it as baggage would be to hire a courier that comes down to the States and hauls that down and who knows when we'll get it it might be in a week it might be in a month only if you did DIY but you could run it to the local taxidermist have them butcher clean do the skull and then they have a known shipper number a lot of the taxidermists have a known shipper number and they will then they ship all those horns and antlers yeah for a fee to the United and it's a lot more money to hire the tax numbers not only to do the work but then to also package it and ship it you end up spending way more than we did yeah yeah we we kind of nailed it on all things having that shipper number um we didn't have to have a courier you know give it all to the taxidermist so the shipper number is huge like if you can get that in um there is actually not a big problem shipping the antlers but if you get the wrong person on the phone it's a problem exactly because what they do is they take the measurements of the antlers and they say how tall is it and you measure up and down and they say how wide is it and then you tell them well it's 70 inches wide and it's five feet tall in their life we can't fit that through the door yeah they're thinking about it as a as a box a box like a crate and you have to explain to them though these are antlers you can get them in the door you know so a lot of people are paddle in and twist it a lot of them understand that but there's new people all the time and some of them you that they don't understand that so they have to ask and get to that person who can explain it to them like you'd think with how much they ship that you know but what happens is usually people just drop their their antlers off at a taxidermist in the local area and then that taxidermist uh does the work and then that taxidermist ships it and um some of those taxidermists even will leverage like a cargo Courier to just haul all their their stuff down in one big shipment to the to the to the lower 48 but yeah and I've heard varying prices for guys that find some Courier that'll haul all the meat and antlers for them down um but honestly having a known shipper number and then just dropping it off at Air Cargo was simple yeah it was easy with with the miner like they there's certain airplanes that have certain door size and cargo area and they asked us you know where do you live and of course I'm I'm out of Utah out of Logan area so they said Salt Lake City International Airport is mine and then you had the Bozeman Airport and they're like Salt Lake City easy no problem big planes are flying from from where we're at to there but they said to you at first you're not going to be able to do it because the plane isn't big enough to accommodate right you're a moose antlers because the plane is too small but that turned out to be false not the case yeah just got to talk to the right person you know keep digging keep asking more questions kind of explain to them antlers versus crates um and what was interesting is uh I think their ETA like when they gave us an ETA when you drop off you basically get all your boxes out of the U-Haul you put it on a pallet and it's going as as cargo they give you an ETA date like you're probably going to see this in 2 two days you know you'll get it on Thursday if you're flying on Tuesday or whatever mine actually showed up the meat showed up the day of me arriving it we it was the same plane so I flew into Bozeman my meat was there same plane it came as basically baggage but through our cargo mine came the next day and my antlers came two days later my antlers came like five days later yeah yeah and uh but they but they had a freezer in the various locations often airports you know Alaska is good about a lot of Air Force they do have a freezer on the other end so they said Salt Lake didn't have one at its rival destination but they do yeah the so they didn't again you're talking to people in Alaska and they're like you're gonna need to pick up your stuff pretty quick when you when it lands because they don't have a freezer in Salt Lake City and then the people in Salt Lake City goes of course we have a freezer we have fish and meat and all kinds of stuff over here yeah so all my stuff um even though it sat there for a couple of days it was all frozen solid and obviously this is just common sense but make sure they slap freezer stickers all over those boxes when you're at Air Cargo they know it's meant to be crammed into that freezer you want to double check like they'll make a note on the uh in the paperwork but also slap those freezer stickers on the box so they know to put it in there another thing to note with the freezer is or with the antlers is there are rules for how you have to package them all tips got to be covered um now we cover them with cardboard some folks often they go an easy route and they will cut up a piece of hose and just cram that hose right onto the tip of each time just to make sure the tip isn't going to gore someone you know yep um we went a different route we had a bunch of cardboard we used duct tape and cardboard and I think we did a dang good job like a wrap job there was going to be no scratches and then you know we we also got Saran wrap from yeah Walmart there as well and we doubled up on our Caribou rack because we each took two Caribou we put a caribou rack inside that Caribou rack yeah we had it cardboarded duct taped um you know the skulls were very well Saran wrapped in duct tape so no leakage or anything like that and then we just Saran shrink wrap yeah like basically around the entire thing and what happened there was after we after we did the uh so the schools need to be boiled so you gotta you gotta do a little bit of cooking uh to kill whatever material might be in the brain brain matter out yeah um and so uh having a little boiler or a turkey pot a turkey pot and a stove you can do it um now with the Moose you got to take it down to like the local or you can take it to the car wash but it's it's messy and uh that time of year it's not fun but yeah if you can just get a little boiled to it and um you know a screwdriver the heck out of that brain matter and try to pressure wash it out that's we cleaned it up best we could and then we wrapped it super tight and once you have them wrapped and like you said we we talked to some really cool people down there that have locals were great and you would pay twice the price if basically if you have your two Caribou wrapped separately because they both take up a certain volume but when you inset them kind of and wrap them together they're just one object instead of two yep saved us some money and it really they took up almost about the same amount of space they had the same awkward footprint they just weighed a touch more um you know as one item instead of two but it was genius I mean we didn't plan on that so we spoke to somebody who's like make sure you stack both of these things together why not yeah one lesson box yep and once we wrapped it super tight like that same with your mousse your moose was a job but once we got it all wrapped up and the airline website tells you what you have to do what the rules are for all of this so we just followed the rules on the website When we dropped it off at their cargo they're like you guys went the extra mile like a lot of people don't come close with bubble wrap the crud out of those antlers they're very protective I didn't want to see any scratches or Nicks or breakage on any of those racks yep so now we crushed it but yeah the moose was definitely a job there was a lot of there's a lot of times there's a lot of cardboard a lot of duct tape I wish I remembered how many rolls of duct tape we got it was a lot we used every scrap of it so the the um fish boxes that we used they needed a lot of duct tape because they got heavy yep um then they freeze you just you just wanna lots of duct tape but um when we got finished with that total cost it was ironic I didn't have my antlers to ship you know or I mean I didn't have moose antlers to [ __ ] I just had the Caribou so it was just one in essence it was one heavy Caribou because it was they were combined into one and then my my boxes of meat my total shipping cost was 400 bucks I think but yours was a lot more like I was like 580 or something like that wasn't that close to Six something like that yeah total total fees for shipping so a lot of people so think about this it was four hundred dollars to get my Caribou antlers and to get my uh meat home through the the shipping plus the cost of the duct tape and the cell phone our trip to the store for supplies which was incidental it wasn't too too bad the cost of the Airbnb but we'd need a place to stay anyway uh and I think the Airbnb was 90 bucks a day or something I don't remember 80. no I can't remember something like that and uh the cost of the U-Haul like 30 bucks a day so all in all the the cost to butcher to get the Airbnb the rental car the rental U-Haul you know the supplies of the store get it all packaged and then get it to the place and then shipped on the plane I don't know it was 700 bucks yeah something like that maybe a little more with all the little ancillary things that we ended up getting but but it did take us to butcher a full moose and four Caribou it took us two full days yep of constant trimming cutting it was a lot of butchering and that is after yeah a lot of rowing so our hands were fatigued to say the least not just rowing but growing and moving meat moving meat like we moved meat I wish we had video of every time we took a bag of meat and moved it somewhere because every time you float you gotta you gotta put the meat onto the boats and then every time you stop you take the meat off the boats and some guys that have done this were like they never unload their boat once they throw the meat on there they never unload it we were we were all of the mindset of taking care of our meat one number one yeah you don't get any air when you have it stacked and we have so much meat and number two you got Bears yeah like the last thing I want is a bear snooping around our boat and putting a claw and having to patch that boat yep I get on me we had a bear fence so yeah we have to take it off every single time we moved and then put it back on the boats and reload it but we we talked to a lot of people who have done similar hunts and they don't take the meat off yeah which I think is uh just a recipe for a bad idea disaster yeah um so yeah by the time we got it all done it really wasn't that expensive uh like the I know I brought stuff home in the past where I just left it at a taxidermist and it ended up costing thousands you know a couple thousand twenty five hundred twenty eight hundred dollars to have them process the head and pay for especially the international stuff when you're in Canada right bringing it across that's a way there's all these tariff fees and stuff or whatever they want to call them expenses where you know Alaska is a U.S state so it is a little bit cheaper but still it costs money once you it's less hassle but I gotta say we the chain of custody was clear for us like we had the meat we we did it at the Airbnb we dropped it off froze it we brought it to the airport I know like nobody touched my stuff except me and it was it came back with us when we there was no waiting six months yeah and I've the the idea of shipping your meat home that's a whole nother cost Factor right when you just drop it off at a processing butcher plant have them do it and then have them ship it like now you're spending a lot of money I think if you're pressed for time it makes sense um you know and we had those um discussions about what's better do we do we just drive up there but then you start doing the math on the days that it's going to take you that you're going to lose on the front end the back end um Biden's gas prices everything is going to cost a fortune right you're going to have a lot of money invested in fuel to get up there going from Montana going from Utah we did the math we did the math it didn't work no and and how we ended up doing it made way more sense and we weren't deriving I'm pretty proud of ourselves two three days two and from so I think we nailed it yeah yeah um and having those extra days to just process your own meat get it all boxed up get it all taken care of Frozen and then off to the airport having our antlers all packaged you know it was nice to have those few days right out before you just went home too you weren't in a rush so it was kind of fun we hung out in the Airbnb for two days yeah had some uh ordered some food found a little sort of coffee stand which I was a big fan of that made some excellent burritos like they made some their breakfast burritos were legit so we found a found a nice little bridge and a couple place pizza we had a little bit of indulgence after that many days in the back we earned it I'd say I wasn't I didn't feel guilty at all so it turned out to be a very um effective way to to manage the meat and to get it home it doesn't intimidate me at all um you know we did the same thing in New Zealand years ago when that was one of the first hunts we ever did together we went to New Zealand and uh we each you we should we shot a bunch of tar shammy a couple tar I think you had three so there's a lot of a lot of hides there right here yep they're right here behind us and we got a lot of meat off of that yep we did the hotel we booked a hotel for two nights or one night I don't remember we boiled the skulls we have the video it's in the films and that place smelled like a barnyard goat uh because goat is a lot different than Taurus has got a stink like no other um it was bad we left the stain on that a little bit though we left the windows open and we wrecked it a little bit for sure but again like we figured it out um you know cleaning those skulls is probably the longest most painstaking part of the whole thing but yeah we got all that meat back and should we chewed on that meat for the rest of the Year ah wrap that meat up and uh we we butchered all of it we packed it all out which is interesting because we've had a few people chime in and say you know um you do know that you're supposed to pack the head out before you pack the meat out from the or the meat out from the kill site before the head comes out and moves on the Moose which uh Chris is a resident and so there's no antler requirement for Chris and in such places that's not a rule but we're also moving that stuff as fast as we could from the kill site to avoid Grizzlies in the dark and so whatever was available to throw into the boat we were just moving as fast as we could you know I could lock the head off and I'm gonna shuttle that head out while Chris is still working on the rib cage and all the rest so that just made sense so there were some people who were worried about whether we were really concerned about the meat and if anybody has followed us for any length of time we take great pains to make sure that we keep all the meat and that our meat lasts and that we we Harvest every last strip of it and we we take shots that Salvage as much meat as possible meat is a number one like massive priority for us in New Zealand like we were talking about the meat there it's not a requirement to take that meat out in fact the fact isn't a lot of people most of the people there looked at us like we had two heads crazy taking all the meat out like yeah the guy was like what are you bringing all this meat out oh we we talked to gentlemen that had just taken a stag and they're just bringing a little bag out to take back for that evening meal but the rest stays on the mountain it's nuts and we took every scrap tar and Chamois you know and to explain that these aren't want these aren't wasteful necessarily but these people are these animals are invasive and so there is no they just call them they just shoot them it's a different model than we have by a mile yeah it's very weird and it doesn't make sense like you I remember literally seeing signs where it said shoot a Billy shoot a nanny or shoot six nannies for every Billy she's five or six nannies there's like posters in these Huts yeah that would literally tell you to just make sure you shoot a bunch of nannies if you shoot a billy yeah they're they're trying to limit that that invasive species um taking over and so but the meat matters to us even Bears there's places you have to take Bears out there's no every scrap of bear meat out exactly yep there's states where bears are are uh where we're not legally required to take the meat out but you are the hide and ironically we've been I've gotten a little bit of an ass chewing because I pulled the all the meat out every scrap of it but I didn't bring enough of The Hideout and they complained that they wanted to see the whole hide I still don't know and I'm like what are you talking about it makes sense to me but the officer cared way more about the hide he's like I can't believe you wasted the hide and it's like I hunt bears for the meat uh primarily in the hydes like icing on the cake but the regulations are the opposite requiring the hide and you can waste the meat and that's silly I hope that changes someday it really should I mean it's really out of whack but uh anyway the point was that the meats really really a priority uh on every hunt so for us it's been part of the challenge and some of the enjoyment of the Hunt is finding out how to get your meat home when you go overseas or you go on some big hunt and what we found is there the do-it-yourself options are incredibly affordable and doable if you just uh but it takes a little bit of your own time so the hotel room in New Zealand once we got it put same same situation once we got it all skinned out and you know everything cut up and bagged we found a Local Tavern and they let us uh throw our our boxes of meat in the uh in the freezer at the restaurant and bar which was cool we just talked to a bunch of locals and they hooked us up and then we picked it up on the way to the airport and it was frozen and we brought it home and we had lots of meat like it's like a couple of bucks worth of um you know big mealy bucks worth of meat yeah I I've found places I've been on hunts in places in the states here as well throughout the west where um you know I've had to go like I needed a freezer like I was still hunting or whatever and you're going somewhere else and it's it's surprising some of the small towns especially very accommodating we've gone to shopping malls and stores grocery stores offer them like what if I give you 100 bucks like not just use the freezer you know um I think the reason though a lot of that has been green lit is because when we bring meat to these places it's pristine it's clean like there is no blood and gore and guts and you're talking about a finished cut and wrapped package job often we use a Yeti panga yeah um it looks clean it's you know you throw all that stuff in there it's not insulated but it is waterproof you throw that stuff in there seal it you take it to the to the place and you're like we just want to throw this in a freezer what's in it you show them they're like oh yeah that's cool and then you throw it in there hasn't been too much of a now if you'd want to drag a big dead hairy like we're going to get a different answer yeah yeah uh we have run into trouble where people are like well it's not really legal for me to put it in their FDA and stuff regulates us and yeah there's been some grocery stores that probably shouldn't have allowed us to throw our meat yeah in their freezers but they have they've let us yeah we like the the rebel stores that let us do it not the commie ones that small towns yeah are great they're great yep so yeah so that's it folks I mean I hope um you're you're planning your own trips and if you got more questions leave them in the comment section of the YouTube video here and we'll get we'll we'll respond to where we try to respond uh to the audience uh and then right now don't forget Ryan lampers is doing a big giveaway right now huge giveaway between uh now and Sunday yeah yeah it's probably our biggest giveaway we've got um three prizes and it's all going to one dude or gal whoever wins it it all goes to the same person um we're just picking One winner and that is a Harvest Right freeze dryer which is like a twenty seven hundred dollar value jeez I love that Harvest Right freezer I make everything with it everything gets freeze-dried these days um and then we've got a lifetime membership to The Insider over at go hunt which is super cool that you know with that you get everything you get you know the strategy articles you get all the research tools the maps everything comes with that Insider subscription and then uh one spot to a western hunting Summit of your choice in 2023 either an elk archery event or a mule deer El combo event both held in June in Montana so everything we're gonna we're gonna announce that winner so those for a week yeah December 11th through the 18th Christmas Eve we're gonna announce it on Christmas Eve yeah yeah anyone who purchased between now and Sunday basically just go to and every ten dollars gets you an entry yeah yep easy and then right now uh if you buy a gritty hat and shirt you can win a rifle and a Leopold scope on top it's a Weatherby six five RPM Mark 5 Hunter it's a sweet setup it's retails over two grand and uh but all you got to do is buy a gritty hat shirt decal water bottle every 10 bucks at the gritty store gets you entered to win if you just go to and click on shop or you just type in gritty store dot com you'll you'll find the site and uh yeah we're gonna pick a winner uh the 18th this Sunday December 18th um so like I said every 10 bucks you spend at the gritty store gets you entered to win the rifle and we also have a big Peaks giveaway that goes to the 18th as well yep every 10 bucks at the Peaks shop gets you entered to win a six thousand dollar Prize Package it's huge we've talked about it a bunch um you can find out more details at the end of each of these hunt films where we talk about it in more depth but yeah you can be you can win just use the uh code gritty over at Peaks and every ten dollars gets you enter to win and we'll we'll announce that winner on the 18th this Sunday so check it out some big old giveaways getting thrown out there it's Christmas time it's that time and uh making somebody happy Peaks is uh out of stock on a lot of things as of this recording there's a few headlamps left but they got a shipment in and they're almost sold out in a day and a half yeah they're they're doing their best over there the Gators the Green Gators are a new hot item yep uh not sure what the size is left at this point are I was happy to get my size the other day when I finally finally got my set of Greenies I can't say enough about the peak skaters they are uh they are I just think they're the best skater on the market right now yeah I don't think you could argue that they're tough it's tough as I'll get out and the Comfort to fit they don't fall down they fit so I'm I'm I'm I'm uh proud to mention those talk about those and then if you don't have a pair of trekking poles get some uh we don't hunt without them and now we're using them to help with shelter setups tarps we're using breaking down animals we're breaking down animals finding ways to utilize these pieces of gear like you know whatever whatever makes sense it's an effective tool I think you've highlighted uh how you've been using them on your animal breakdowns which is pretty cool and then appreciate that you get the adapter the quick sticks adapter and then you have like a shooting rest and you can adjust the height of it like you use the tripod where you use the poles as two of the legs on the tripod if people watch carefully in the video yep they would see the setup so you have basically a single leg tripod that you packed and then you could rig it into three legs by taking your treading poles which you're already carrying and fit them into the oh it's a slick system man it's pretty cool shaving weight um yeah that that tripod that particular tripod is made by tricer um t-r-i-c-e-r and uh that kid over there is making some cool stuff so I've been playing with that tripod and you throw the [ __ ] sticks in there and again you just shave the weight off two legs of any tripod yeah so it's pretty pretty slick system and it adjusts like you could literally be standing up and glass and or running the spot or you know full stand at six feet dang work slick yeah so get yourself some trekka poles if you don't have any and that's it I think that's it thanks for tuning in and stay gritty
Channel: Brian Call: Gritty
Views: 13,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5jDJiaDlxpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 44sec (3584 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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