"Shine The Boot" 1956 USCG Film (full)

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Montee mr. Kotter how are you sir would you mind if I left this here I'll pick it up later sir thank you sir good morning sir do you mind sir thank you sir what has happened to young really bacon thank you sir fight wasn't three months ago he stood right there well pop you up you see me around this town for quite a while is that so yep I'm off I'm not sorry to be going either I think I like it over in Jersey I'll take care of yourself up where'd you add this to get along with it really mean it nice little place you got here we like it better without the gum chewing on a cigarette for the time being oh sure sure we also like yes sir better than sure they got that button that gun and put them where they belong hey Barbara what kind of guy do around here in the spare time spare time what's that but if you've got any experience you might be able to get on our football team we have a band if you can play an instrument and there's a choir for those who can sing everybody likes the rec hall but be sure to save time for a letter home every week aside from that you've got the whole Atlantic Ocean to swim in you'll find enough to do don't worry about that and nine disciplined mesial will have to teach you how to take care of your teeth bacon report back Wednesday at 1600 attention in the boys at ease men as your company commander I want you to know I expect you to be honored company at least three times during your 12 weeks of recruit training you go about it by being the best company and every weekly inspection and competition at barracks inspection I want to find everything in perfect order no Irish tenants no footer anyplace that's personnel inspection I want your clothes shoes personal appearance to be for old when your teabags are inspected I want to see square edges or all rolls I want to hear them when they are thumped I won't see crew developed in this company that can win the weekly boat competition you are known as dull company I wish you to be known as top dog company what's the matter homesick I'm alright besides I couldn't be homesick what makes you think you're immune I wanted to get away from a hometown I got away didn't I why should I want to go back we always want to go back we always want to go back and make the folk sit up and take notice wouldn't you like to do that yeah I guess so will you'll do it you're on the right track now by the way my name is Chris field Stanley Critchfield what's yours Megan they call me Willy back home oh well good night though goodnight courage you've got to swim the length of the school before you can graduate till that growth push up to do in one minute that's room you'll have to come back and try again ready tau 1 tau 2 now 3 down fall down 5 now up the rope and touch the ring oh come on down son your aptitude test what'd you do with it as important in determining your job in the Coast Guard opportunities for attendance that advanced technical and training schools are practically unlimited we have a need for every conceivable type of talent such as electronic technician aviation machinist mates engineman yeoman storekeepers commissary man and radio man hey Phil what's the scoop on your Ted take a look the way you're doing I hate to think what's going to happen when you hit your hometown on that first leave I can see it all now just as plain knock it off I'm sorry do it again anytime I didn't know you were in the Navy Willie village NGO the Coast Guard the oldest seagoing armed force in the United States established in 1790 it has a tradition you can be proud of Oxford so know how to act who wants acting in church just be yourself come on hi mom but your telegram said tomorrow son let me take a look at you Willie you look positively dangerous thank you what my car down so you left us you left go to your happy right now crap oh if height out pick up down or come to flag want to come in five times I'm proud of I'm proud of for we know that you will bring distinction to the service and to yourselves wherever you go we wish you Godspeed you hold it hold it hold it now boy winters got to get this train come on Willy come on boy be sure and write when you get to the ship left to your left - right - left they set the coastguard coward great like horses every day any avail of a Dear John there John Oh you
Channel: WWIIPublicDomain
Views: 19,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: United States Coast Guard (Armed Force), Cape May (City/Town/Village), United States Coast Guard Training Center Cape May (Location), Train Station (Building Function), Train (Transit Vehicle Type)
Id: QD6YumHregg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 26 2015
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