Shimano Di2 Button Programming // Remote Garmin Edge Control

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today I'm going to run through the Shimano di2 configuration to set up the secret buttons on the hoods to remotely control my garment by computer the group said I'm configuring today is what's on my giant TCR bike so it's the Shimano all Tegra di to grip set it's the r87 T and it's with the wireless module installed which was one of the first upgrades that I did when I got the bike I will link below to my video on that of how I installed that Wireless unit in line Shimano di2 group sets with the wireless module installed aka the defly unit it has a few different names and there's a few different modules you can get which I'll pretty much do the same thing allows you to configure and program your group set via bluetooth from the mobile app it allows you to update the firmware again via the mobile app but be very careful when doing that proceed with caution and with the wireless module installed on your DI to system it will then talk and plus so you can pair your head unit to it get battery level information it will show gearing information it will log gearing information and you've got access now to the defly channels the defly channels can be configured one through four so you can have four buttons or switches on your di2 system set up as defly channels and HD flight button or switch can be served to perform three different functions so you've got press you've got double press and you've got press and hold and once those channels are configured on the bike you then set up what they do on these head units let's run through that now loading up the a true bap here on my iphone waiting for it to connect i need to put the DI to bluetooth in connection mode for it to show up there we go we connect through to it and away we go straight to customize switching unit I'll start with the left lever first you can see there the re shift down is what my current a switch is set to so we're just going to set that to D fly through configuration now save to D flow channel one for switch a on leave a left lever right we'll do the same thing that works change that over 2 D flow channel 2 clicking thumbs up on that clicking okay and the only thing we need to remember to do is to switch off the Bluetooth connection so we're just disconnect bluetooth le and we're done it's really as easy as that so once this is configured it then pops up and recognizes that we now have some channels to configure we hit OK on that and it takes us straight to the configuration page you can get to the device configuration for di 2 to set these with you need almost census profiles but it's just popped up here so this is what we're going to use okay now we've got left and right lever and there are three options to choose a single press double press and press and hold I'm gonna scroll through a few things here now this is the edge 8:30 I'm just still getting used to the touch screen it's quite sensitive and quite responsive so accidentally setting a few things here you can see there there are the options to set for our button press functions and this is just for the left eye switch at the moment so what I'm going to setup here is single press on the left is going to be next page and press and hold will be previous page so we can scroll left and right just with the left button and for the third action let's go with screen backlight on what hang on I'm going to turn in a sensitivity on the screen here but screen backlight on there we go backlight on there we go okay so that's left configured over the right configuration let's have a look at what we can do here go lap will do a few other things we'll go and again you can you can figure this however you like this is just me playing around with this show compass well if I had ANT+ connected lights we could do a few things there lights on or off or light mode none of those on the bike at this point so we'll go back and just assign this will go virtual partner but I don't have that screen enabled so I'm keen to see how that actually works okay time to test this out on the left a switch single press is next page press and hold is previous page scrolling to and fro on that that works and then my double tap is to turn the back light on but the back light is already on so not a good tester hit okay over to the right-hand side let me hit go single press his lap there we go at lap now double press is virtual partner which I don't have enabled as a page so you can just see it not doing much there single press lap and then once we do hit lap we can scroll screens with the other button check out our lap summary scroll back to our main screen and away we go it's working as expected okay and our backlight is off and backlight is on so that does work as well all right basic config done happy days so there we are remote wireless control of my Garmin Edge units pretty cool stuff especially if you've got a non touchscreen device such as a 520 or a 530 or if you're wearing gloves on a winter's day and that touch screen gets a little bit well a bit dodgy through your gloves super cool stuff ok if you found this one informative please hit like please hit subscribe and support this channel it's much appreciated I'll see you soon you
Channel: Shane Miller - GPLama
Views: 167,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daily Lama, Shane Miller, GPLama, GP Lama, Cycling, D-Fly, Shimano Di2, Di2, R8070, Di2 Firmware, Di2 Switches, Di2 Firmware Update, Garmin Edge Remote, Di2 Programming, Edge 830, garmin edge remote control, Di2 Help, E-Tube, E-Tube Project, E-Tube Help, Shimano Firmware Update, Ultegra Di2, Dura Ace Di2, Electronic Shifting, Di2 Road Bike, Programming Shimano Di2, Di2 Recovery, EW-WU111 WIRELESS UNIT, EW-WU111, Giant Di2, Di2 Tips, Shimano Cycling, Di2 Hoods, EW-WU101
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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