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it's jordan from the mulligan brothers and today's interview highlight is with master xi yi talking about the creator of the universe this one is going to absolutely blow your mind and if you've been enjoying the shihen year content so far please please consider supporting us at where you can now buy the hardest worker in the room t-shirts my favorite t-shirts of the brand new merchandise that's dropped on there everyone who's been buying it you've been helping support these projects it's all linked down below but first of all let's jump into the video one misconception maybe or just something to meditate about to contemplate about this [Music] why would this world why would this life or even this universe now i express it a little bit in a negative way maybe but why should this life care about an individual's expectation about life and now we are not just having one we're having 8 billion individual expectations about life but for me in my mind is just like we are talking right now about the creator of everything the creator of the universe the creator of the planets of the humans of the animals of the plants of all possibilities in this world we are talking about this type of force in comparison to the expectation of an individual human i'm not sure who's in the more powerful position at the moment i mean i am sure the thing is just i don't think that this type of force is existing in this world in order to fulfill that individual person's expectation about life i think it's the other way around i think that you have been put here on the on this world as a small individual in order now to be open in order to be open in order to receive what that force has to offer you in this lifetime which means you are walking through this lifetime without an own idea more or less what to do with your life you are open to receive what this life in a way has to offer you and how do you know that you are getting these messages or how do you know that you are on this path that i'm trying to to at least present it a little bit graspable to you i just imagine you are working on a project no matter what type of project that is you invest a lot of effort a lot of time and a lot of energy into this project but no matter how hard you try you are not succeeding somehow even so you watch around other people make similar projects but they invest way less energy than you do but they are succeeding or you're already together the third or fourth time together with a with a partner the first three times you broke up because you you realize there is something which apparently is not fitting but because of your hope you go the fourth time into this relationship but again you're just about to feel that something is not resonating there and no matter how much you try it it is hard for you to make it work and often in such situations then you might ask yeah i'm working so hard why i why am i not deserving finally the success of my work or when it comes to the partnership why do i why don't i deserve to have this partner this woman or this man in my life this is the one way how you could ask or you turn around and ask it in a different way maybe this universe doesn't want you to succeed in exactly this project the universe wants you to succeed but not in that project and the universe wants you to be in a partnership and to be and to have someone next to your side that you are deserving but not that person so maybe it's not that this person is you are not deserving her or him maybe the universe is just thinking you deserve someone better you don't deserve to succeed in this project why because it's too small for you don't waste your time with that small one the universe has bigger plans with you so spend your time listen to what sometimes the universe wants to give you and that means this is how i see how i like sometimes feel inside and it's one of the reasons why i meditate one of the reasons why i sit down and i'm quiet because i need to listen sometimes no matter how strange it sounds listen to what listen to what the next steps are that i should be taking [Music] so what i'm saying is if you invest a lot of your own effort your own willpower your own energy your own work into something but it's not your sometimes we call it karma or it's not your destiny or it's not in harmony with someone with someone's more powerful presence that then it doesn't matter what you want you're not going to succeed yeah but the greatest thing that can happen is you hear the message you feel the message you hear the call and then you are taking now your lifetime your 24 hours day and make this call take reality because what it then means is there is a plan and you are here with your own hands capable of fulfilling that plan because when we talk about like this here what does a plan mean what is an idea what is a vision first of all it is something that every human when he has it he has it for himself he has it inside of his mind he has it in his imaginary world let's say but imaginary world means only one person knows about it the one who has this vision and therefore now if you want to contribute something to this earth to this world i think the challenge is to bring something from this imaginary world that only one person has to make it start and take form that this idea starts to shape because only when it takes a form only when it starts to shape then it enters into the world where more people now can can touch it can see it can feel it so it's always about an idea which has no form yet but we humans this is the nice part where in asia we say or in the shaolin temple it's the tian run d the heaven man earth heaven man earth which means the human is between heaven and earth he's like the middle man between heaven and earth from the heaven he sometimes receives something but only he has it and now what is he doing because he's in the middle he brings this idea this vision boom onto the earth and manifests it makes it real yeah for people to touch it to see it what did i tell you that's one of my favorite highlights on this channel master shihangi's wisdom and message has come through in all the content and i think it's why it's been so well received by everybody um the first two videos we ever did with him have over three million views but to produce this project we drove all the way to germany with the whole team and all our gear and without the support of you guys becoming youtube members which there's a join button down there where you can become a youtube member and a producer of the show and everybody who's been going over to and buying the t-shirts like the hardest work in the room t-shirt the inspire change t-shirt the lfg t-shirts the hoodies the momentum ori posters as well without that support we would not be able to do this we wouldn't be able to keep these lights on we wouldn't be able to drive all the way to germany and film these projects to such a high standard and quality so thank you thank you for all the support if you are supporting us in any way please tag us on instagram at jordan mulligan brother at mulligan rivers and i'll get back to you as soon as possible thank you for all the support have a blessed and productive day and i'll see you in the next one peace you
Channel: Mulligan Brothers Interviews
Views: 110,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mulliganbrothers, mulligan brothers, motivational videos, motivation, motivational speech, shi heng yi do not harm any being, shi heng yi - huy, cheng xiao, shihengyi, shi heng yi, #shiheng​yi, shi heng yi hu, shi heng yi q&a, shi heng yi best, shi heng yi life, shi heng yi time, shi heng yi good, shi heng yi mind, shi heng yi calm, shi heng yi truth, shi heng yi world, shi heng yi lotus, shi heng yi relax, shi heng yi money, shi heng yi anger, shi heng yi peace
Id: 1mbPjucxYoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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