Sherlock BBC: Portrait Drawing Tutorial

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peel the paper off them entirely because what this gets you to do is you draw with the entire piece of crayon you don't just draw the tip most people just draw here but you want to draw with the side you want to draw with the back and another thing that i do too is i'll take the crayon in the beginning and i'll just even out the side because if i do this i i get a really uneven mark and so what i'm just doing here is just smoothing out the edge of the crayon so i can get really nice soft edges of tone like this and so now the crayon it's a little bit more broken in and so now if i show you guys down here see how nice and smooth that tone is it's like that because i took the time to do this so this is a really good thing to do if you guys decide to use crown okay let's get going we're gonna do some five minute poses i think probably what i'll do is maybe do two per page because i don't tend to like to draw that small i find it a little bit constrictive all right so let's get started with the pose and if you guys watched my tutorials on portrait drawing you'll know that facial features are not that important in the very beginning that actually it's the bony structures that you guys want to start to analyze bummer i can't see his ears in this i would actually be really helpful right now but oh well okay and also that the mass of the hair very important to include his awesome jacket i love his jacket his jacket looks so good by the way tell me in the chat if you guys have watched sherlock before or if you wanted those shameful people that have not watched it because it's like oh my god it's so good it never gets worse there are definitely shows that i'm like worried about watching too much because i'm like oh no i'm gonna ruin it if i watch it too many times this is not one of them i'm like it's always good like every time i watch it it's amazing okay so everything gets in here even like the mass of the hair like this his hair doesn't look so great in this one but i'm just approximating and now i'm gonna go in and try to build up the eye sockets the brow and i'm not trying to put in details no nostrils he looks very startled and his mouth is a little bit weird and too big looking and his face is like i feel like he's really elongated in this portrait it's a really strange i mean i don't know he always looks weird but that that's part of the attraction i don't know i think people who are known as being beautiful or sort of strange looking i don't know how to explain that but i i definitely feel like that is the case so these creases on the side help you show his cheekbones and he's got great cheekbones oh my god if you guys want to learn how to draw your zygomatic arch just look at that it's so good okay so let's make some adjustments now with the mouth i'm more concerned with these pockets they're on the side of his mouth and also the chin which is down here and now even at this early stage i'm gonna block in a little bit of the shadow here just to say okay there's some tone and then with the hair even i'm gonna just like this is a really large shape on this side and then there's like a chunk here and then here and with the hair you just try to put together like a hierarchy like you say okay this is more dramatic okay now let's give him some of these amazing raccoon eye sockets clarify some of the nose i'm barely gonna do anything with the eyes there's not really time for that i only have like two minutes left but i am gonna try to get the brow in there and and really guys the emphasis right now cheekbones okay and you have no excuse because i know you can see his cheekbones no chance that you're not gonna see that maybe some lighting on the nose starting to warm up but i still don't feel great just yet but i am getting excited because you know i woke up this morning and i was like oh my god i can't wait to draw that if anything that's what i like about these dreams is like i i have to draw i can't be like oh i don't feel like it it's a really good excuse for me to build it into my schedule because i don't always there's oftentimes other things that seem like they're more important so it's easy for me to put drawing aside but when i have to do these streams it's very much for me it's a relief that this is something that i can't get out of isn't that strange it's like this is the thing that we love so much yet sometimes we're trying to get out of it or making excuses for why we can't do it or why we have to do something else okay this definitely got like way bigger than i was expecting to but you know something i do think i scale it's a personal thing i tend to draw much better when i'm drawing bigger i just find that if i draw too small i feel very constricted i feel like i can't move around so much okay if anything let's just get a little bit more at his nose and he's got all this yucky facial hair i don't like it when he's facial hair it does not look good maybe that's why i didn't like doctor strange that much i mean i like the movie the movie is fine i'm just saying he didn't look that great in that movie plus that american accent not good like what a waste that makes me really sad to like perfectly beautiful a british accent totally wasted on american superhero that makes me pretty sad okay so this is again this is a warm up not trying to impress anybody right now not important guys right now it's all about bony structure and getting things in place okay there it is i guess i can't do two faces per page so i think the next one i'm just gonna go right into the middle because it seems like that's gonna work out a lot better okay not happy but who cares move on let's just do another one okay here we go let's see what's up next oh i really like this one he's just he looks so soft he's like glowing it's really really nice okay let's do another one all right and tell me in the chat i know i can't talk to you right this second but i'm gonna talk to you after a few poses tell me what you're observing tell me does benedict look more like an alien or a duck in my drawing whichever one i'm closer to or maybe a goose but maybe that's just i'm thinking about lauren another art prof teaching artist okay here we go let's start five-minute pose again still warming up guys okay i'm gonna put this one in the middle and actually you know what let's make this one nice and big and i am ready to go so cheekbones chin perfect neck oh such a nice suit i love it when he's in the suit like the suits that i am wearing sure they're so good and this like dark purple oh my god like whoever outfitted him for that show such a good job okay and i love his hair oh my god like i just don't like his regular hair he's fine i just i really like his sherlock hair okay let's get in the shape of the nose eye sockets which are way more important than the eyes a lot of you guys think it's about the eyes it's not about the eyes you can't have eyes if you don't have an eye socket it's not happening now for the mouth i always do the line that goes in between the lips i don't actually try to trace the lips what i do try to show is like the chin which is underneath here and now let's get in the shape of the chin and you know this one i actually am going to add a little bit of the background because he has this like super dramatic lighting on him so it's a little bit hard to avoid doing that and then let's just get in some bulk of the hair yes it's a mess yes i know too bad if you don't like it i don't care okay yeah he's a little long right now oh dear okay no you know i made the mistake of looking at my drawing and i should not i should look at him more all the information is up there on my screen it's not here so for those of you guys who are staring at your drawings and analyzing don't do that okay just look at the structure look at the forms and that is what's going to help you it's not going to be all that picking and all that judgment okay all right let's get in his suit oh he's really flat right now oh that just made it worse okay all right so this is what i'm gonna do this is a mess i know i know but i'm gonna block in this huge shadow does everybody see this shadow it's really dramatic so this shadow goes like this and it comes down and it goes through the face and yes i know you all think i'm crazy because i'm like canceling out everything that i just did but i am trying to nail the mass of his head and i guess the ear is like about here so the ear is not a bony landmark and you guys have probably heard me talk about this before but it is a landmark it is really really helpful to place the error so you know where everything else is okay so let's block in get his suit a little bit more dramatic so this is what happens a lot is you put down features you get rid of them and then you put them back so let's do that now okay so let's get in the eye sockets i'm going to block in more of the mouth because the mouth is not happening let's get in the chin this is what i talked to you guys earlier about that rug of tone that you're trying to put in and i'm very much a tonal person i i'm not very good at lines if you guys want to be good at lines go talk to jordan mccracken foster he's doing a 2500 drawing challenge for some of you guys who are in the discord maybe you've seen him posting about that and i would join guys that that's a hardcore art dare that they're working on which is really fun and he has people only doing wine so if you want to get better at line talk to jordan he's really good at it i am not that great at wine so that that is an advantage i think to the fact that we have so many different artists working here at art prof okay it's time to really get moving because i i'm still this really is you guys how many of you guys feel like this is like athletics where you're just like running around the track getting ready for your soccer game whatever it is that you're playing i never played soccer i always played volleyball volleyball was my thing okay so let's lock in more specifics and now i'm losing his hair so let's get that in oh 27 seconds okay this this drawing looks like crap it looks so bad oh my god it's such a disaster like i barely barely got the forms in here i mean they're here if you look hard for them you might see something that slightly resembles a nose but that's okay that's oh oh man this looks terrible all right there we go okay let me take a quick break and i'll see what you guys are saying in the chat so let me switch gears and see what you guys are saying because you know something as hard as my week has been i already feel better i really do because it's nice to just put everything aside and just focus on you guys okay let's see what people are saying cool i'm so glad that you guys understand the importance not just of the bony structure which we're going to be talking about but the lighting so many people oftentimes they want me to critique their work and they show me the reference photo they show me the drawing especially a lot of you guys who are on the discord you know that i'm always talking to you about this stuff but by the way if you're not in the discord just join come on the cool kids are all doing it and the light in the shadows sometimes they're just not there and you can't do anything about that no matter how good of an artist you are you cannot fix crummy lighting in your reference photos so really make sure that you guys get into that okay let's see w315 says he looks like an alien in real life okay fair so maybe you could say that if i make him look like an alien i'm doing a great job and annie says you know when it starts big it's gonna get out of control it is but you know something annie i like living on the edge i i don't like as an artist being a hundred percent in control because i think that if you are a hundred percent in control that you're not leaving a lot of options available and i like having those options now does everybody see here portrait mistake number two which is in the video if you guys go back and look at it starting with the eyes nose and mouth and you guys can notice that in those two sketches i did you did not really see the eyes nose and mouth there was way more emphasis on the bony structures so if you guys haven't seen this video i'm just going to give you the quick and dirty overview what you're really looking for in a portrait you're looking for the eye sockets they matter way more than the pupil which is usually what everybody draws first and you look for the cheekbone if you want to be a big dork called the zygomatic arch the ear is very important it's not bony it's cartilage but it's a great locator and then the jawbone which is known as the mandible you guys nailed those parts of the face the eyes nose and the mouth just gonna drop them in they're gonna be so easy for you guys to put into your pieces so really prioritize everything but the eyes nose and mouth ingress is saying clara do you ever draw cartoons i really don't but you know something ever since i started doing all these character design discussions with kat and jordan who are two other art prop teaching artists it really makes me want to do it it's just really it's a matter of headspace and time because i just don't have any let's see what else people are saying rihanna is drawing with her dog in her lap very cool haley is saying drawing has been my quarantine workout well that's good because i have not been working out as much as i used to and i really need this let's see natalie is saying what supplies i am using okay so what i'm using right now just because i'm warming up i'm using rough newsprint i don't like the smoothness print i feel like you can't see the marks as well and i'm also using karen dash neocolor crayon which by the way you cannot erase and that is on purpose because i just find for a lot of people the eraser becomes a crutch when they're doing gesture drawing and they tend to fuss too much and when you draw with someone you can't erase then you end up really having to deal with your marks later on when i get to the longer drawing i am going to switch to charcoal paper but for now i'm going to just stick with newsprint jade leaf says mine looks like bruce jenner that's great let's see although i thought bruce jenner was going by caitlyn now anyway i can't keep track of everybody's names ellie castano is saying do you recommend that we draw ourselves in mirrors rather than from pictures i think ellie it's a really good grounding to draw lots and lots of self-portraits because for one thing you're always there you're never going to turn yourself down and you can just really take your time drawing the portrait because even with a photo i feel that there's a limitation because you can't zoom in and zoom out the way you can when you look at a mirror but also you guys would not believe how many self-portraits i did in art school and it wasn't because i'm vain or anything like that in fact i feel like it was torture looking at myself for that long but i really really learned a lot so yeah if you can ellie do as many of those as you can it's going to make you a lot better scott says my phone camera recognized them as faces so i count that as a small victory that that's how we should measure our success as portrait artist is can your phone pick it up as a face that's really hilarious nick steins is saying i'm a beginner my shadows on the face often times look like a dirty face as opposed to shadow any suggestions okay well a lot of it nick nick i'm sorry i don't know how to say your name a lot of it has to do with the edges and the types of shadows because if you guys watch this light and shadow tutorial i explain the difference between a form shadow and a cast shadow and a lot of people don't really take the time to distinguish between the two so if you do that that will help you quite a bit brew hasn't drawn for three months now you motivate me and i do fabulous guys the most important thing here about drawing is that you do it who cares if it's crappy i just did two freaky drawings of benedict and i feel a little bit um crummy about it but who cares let's just do another one that's really not a big deal calm cube says starting with the nose is really helpful it's a good landmark yeah you know what else is nice calm cute about the nose is that it's right in the middle and so it's similar to the torso in that it is connected to everything else so in my opinion if you start with the eyes that's tougher because the eyes are at the top of the head and then you gotta go head nose mouth whereas if you go nose mouth head it just makes a lot more sense all of this guys is about relationships screw those silly measuring things where people say the human body is a being or look at the figure as a series of cute i'm like there's no cubes where are they like show me the cubes in benedict's face like i don't see the cubes they don't exist so draw what you see and draw the relationships and look at the eyes in relation to the nose that's how you guys are going to learn how to do all of this stuff all right benjamin says i also want to do portrait haven't done one since middle school which was the tail end of the last century well hopefully at this stage in our lives those of us who are older than 13 have have somewhat gotten over some of that middle school self-consciousness i hope i don't know it's a very tricky thing you can't do you guys a self-portrait without getting deep i mean if you look at yourself for that long you can't not deconstruct yourself in some way but i do think it's pretty interesting let's see real buns cancer i have a problem because i'm feeling bad when not drawing if i draw i'm really lazy i don't really want to you know you guys put on a podcast or put on something that has some story that you have to actually follow and pay attention to i actually listen to a lot of stand-up comedy because it's really funny and i just really enjoy it a lot and sometimes that just takes your mind a little bit off of the ruminating because i definitely do that i ruminate if i don't have something else to follow saren is saying when you do figure portrait drawings is it better to do quick drawings with time limits like 30 minutes is it better to try and attain a certain level of finish without timing i think you got to do both my whole feeling about figure and portraits you have to train yourself to be versatile you cannot be somebody who can only do just your drawings and you shouldn't say oh well i need 50 hours or i can't get anything done you should be able to do all of it learn how to do a two-minute drawing learn how to do a 15-minute drawing learn how to do a three-minute drawing these are all lengths of time for a drawing that are really going to give you versatility if you guys can only do things one way it's really really limiting as an artist you want to be able to do all those different types of things ingress has a question about portfolios i think you're asking about art school portfolios go to i think in the video description below we have a complete art school portfolios guide click on that link it will give you guys everything you need to know okay let's get into some of the other drawings i'm still not that warmed up so i do think i want to do at least one more five minute drawing before i get into something a little bit longer so let's go back to my demo page okay all right and again we're still using newsprint and we're still using these crayons and let's see which benedict we have up next oh i like this something about the hazy blue color and he just he's such a nice profile i just oh my god this is this is the best way to spend my day it's like it's like watching tv but not it's like combining the best of both worlds i love his hair oh my god okay i promise i'm gonna teach you i promise we'll get back into that okay all right calm down okay start here we go all right and i do think it's good you guys learn how to do a profile profiles are very helpful you do have to envision the head quite differently because all of the relationships are different so learn how to do it all leave no stone unturned okay this is actually getting a little bit too sharp so i'm gonna try to get rid of that little point okay so here i'm actually gonna start with his lovely zygomatic arch which is right here and then look at this jawbone all the way down here is his jawbone and then the ear is about here i'm gonna say and i'm also gonna look at the jacket that he's wearing and i think okay so that's about the chin and then get the the angle of the nasal bone like this okay and actually oh i put his cheekbone too high okay let's put that a little lower so we put the cheekbone down here and then start to put in the bulk of the nose he's got a small mouth especially from the profile view it doesn't really look that large sort of interesting okay this is too high oh whoa okay so this comes down here okay does everybody see how many times i had to draw this this is not something you do quickly it's something that you gotta mess up a lot of times before you can really nail where you think you want things to be okay again another mistake a lot of people they don't draw the hair until they're almost done i'm like how can you do that how can you leave this out think about how offended his hair stylist would be if you guys didn't bulk in the hair like i would be really upset if i spent all that time on his hair and you guys just chose to not draw it that would make me really sad so don't do that make sure you put in the hair and also just really quick some tone okay nose is way too big so let's fix that up i'm going to slow down a little bit but i am going to keep it still pretty loose here's that bit of the crease and i can see the ear is more around here if i get a little more specific and then i guess let's accentuate that because actually you can see a little bit of the wrinkles in his neck and you got to get back in here actually i need to put in the eye socket let's get that in uh and if you're gonna do anything on the face you guys in terms of the eyes do the eyebrow and then do like the top lid i think the top lid to me is the most important the bottom lid yeah but the top lid i sort of feel is the most important part a little bit of the eyebrow on this side let's bring this down now i'm going to bring in a little bit more line work because i'm feeling like i'm actually ready to put in some of that line work and maybe get more specific here a little indication of the nostril which i think i know just maybe too big oh well um god i think i did i smush him this way i think i have to do that right yeah he's got like too much hair up here okay let's do some redrawing pull down some of the hair going this way oh i hope i do get to do a long lunch so i can draw his hair i love drawing hair i love his hair his hair is so incredible i think there's not enough hair on the side i think it there's like a lot of hair back here oh my god okay so then that brings that here and that brings that there and then this comes all the way here does everybody see how this is basically like a bunch of dominoes it's a domino effect like you fix one thing you got to fix everything else and it becomes very challenging but that's why you guys can't draw things in isolation you can't just say okay now i'm just going to do the math you can't do that you got to work on everything all at once okay so let's give him a little more shadow back here and then yeah his yeah his cheekbones should come down more dramatically and i forgot this little pocket of your lip this is very important if you guys don't put that in that mouth is not gonna stay it's gonna be really really hard to see okay and i would spend a little more time on this eye but i think i'm almost out of time so let's just at the very least give him his little wrinkly forehead i love him when he looks so like mad and inquisitive i don't know he's just like looking so smart this makes me want to go watch sherlock like right now i should just spend my afternoon doing that okay guys we are seven seconds in okay i am totally ready to start a longer pose so let's put this one aside that was a good warm-up now i'm going to be using charcoal paper so if you guys notice the difference that is exactly it okay so let's see what the next one is this one i'm going to do for 10 minutes actually okay so this one's not as fun he doesn't have the hair but this is a deep dive into a profile so i think for that reason alone it's pretty important so 10 minutes we'll get started there and i think this was from a sherlock episode i think it was the one the abominable bride i can't remember it was like the last one that they ever shot which made me incredibly sad because i don't think they're gonna make any more guys like i haven't heard anything about it for years and that's just really upsetting okay i'm not gonna talk about that because i'm gonna be sad and i don't wanna be sad i wanna have fun drawing okay this tip getting way too sharp for me so i'm gonna make it a little more blunt because i think that's a little bit better okay now when you switch surfaces it is a different experience because you actually have to press way harder on the charcoal paper to get the crayon to show but in some ways i think that works to your advantage because then you're not getting as dark so fast especially in a longer pose you want to keep the drawing lighter for longer so you have more time to be flexible okay let's go in here i'm going to actually try to draw him a little bit smaller this time i feel like i got a little bit too big and actually you know what i think i need to do maybe i'll do it during the break but i feel like this is getting too close to the back of the board and i can already feel that the paper is getting a little bit texturey so sometimes it's nice to have like a cushion of paper underneath so the paper is a little bit smoother because i can already see some of the texture that's coming in anyway not an excuse i'm just noting because sometimes my students are in class and they say oh why am i getting this weird texture and i'm like oh it's because you don't have like a pad of paper underneath and so maybe that's the reason why okay so blocking in jawbone right here there's his neck and does everybody see the pivot of the neck the neck is going this way and if you guys watch my streams on the neck you should know by now because already it was in my lecture that the neck pivots forward okay i'm going to move this up a little bit because i think i made it a little bit too low on the page so okay let's get in there i'm actually i'm gonna move him up i don't think i like where i placed him because now i have to draw in a funny place okay so let's start again and i might actually make this one a little bit longer because i was blabbing too much and so now i'm like three minutes in and i've barely done anything okay here's his forehead let's get in his cheekbone which is about here there's his ear jawbone is more like up here and then nose you gotta jump around guys don't stay in one place for too long that's the kiss of death you stay in one place for too long you're ignoring everything else okay lip i think his chin is about here okay and then jawbone is here the jawbone is so so important you guys you don't have a jawbone you don't have anything it's so so important to have that okay so now i'm going to bring his collar all the way up here like that he just looks so good in historical costumes you know some people don't look good in historical costumes and he just looks great like he totally is perfect for all this i i sort of feel like the best actors are like that like they can look really contemporary but they look great in like shakespearean outfits it's sort of like i don't know for me the female version of that is cate blanchett like she looks super contemporary sometimes and then other times she's like freaking queen elizabeth and looking amazing okay i just want to block in the hair a little bit because i just feel i don't know i need to like throw it down i just need to put it down and that makes me feel better okay here is his eyebrow let's get in the cheekbone again cheekbone is not happening right now jawbone needs to be a lot more dramatic so i'm just going to throw in some of these shadows so you guys can see i mean my approach is very total some of you guys this might not be the best fit for you some people like i said jordan is so good at drawing with lines i am not but that's why again you guys should study with lots of different people don't just study for me i'm one person and yes i know we're the best but you should study with other people it is very helpful okay so a little bit more okay i'm ignoring the eye socket so let's go back and block that in and you know his jawbone got he's not wide enough okay hang on a second let's move the jawbone back maybe the jawbone should be more like here and then i'll move the ear back here does everybody see how much adjusting is going on it's like you can't just draw it once and that happens a lot in my classes where people just draw at one time they accept it as it is and they don't make any changes and i think that's a big mistake guys i think you have to make changes okay let's give him a little bit more back here and i'm just stepping back a little bit and squinting because i really feel like right now not enough head like you guys would be so surprised how much is back here there's a lot of form and a lot of people don't think about that and that's why when i teach portrait drawing i don't call it portrait drawing and i don't refer to it as the face i talk about it as a head and if you talk about it as a head i think it puts you in the right right frame of mind in terms of thinking about the different forms okay i'm so not paying attention to the eyebrow so let's go back in his eyes are like really tiny and there's really bad shadow here so this is a little bit annoying but i'm going to do the best i can and ooh that is creepy okay i don't like that that looks really bad that's okay that's okay we're just gonna put that aside oh my god and noses are so frustrating and i know you guys all hate drawing them because i do too but my suggestion to you about noses except that they're funny looking and move on that's just what they are i mean you can be michael fassbender and you still have a funny looking nose so i think it's fine so does benedict he's got a funny looking nose too okay i am getting sidetracked and i'm not thinking about the rest of this because even things like this like this collar down here and this collar down here and this angle of the neck and his white collar this coming back you might think oh you're wasting your time working on this stuff down here but this to me this is sort of like when you have a model who's sitting on a stool and you guys don't draw the stool it looks ridiculous so you have to place the figure somewhere okay let's just make this ear look like something other than an apricot and i really need to focus on the back of the neck and now i'm doing a step back oh my god it's so bad like the shades are not even okay okay okay it's fine it's fine you'll survive okay this eye is way smaller his eyebrow again like this is not the best photo i think in terms of lighting the lighting is really not that great it's a little bit i don't know i think his forehead's too small i think something's funky anyway let's just deal because i i don't think it's that important that you guys see me do an amazing drawing of him i just want you guys to see how i process things like how do i actually move from one thing to the next and then everything else is up to you it really is and if it looks like benedict fine if it doesn't you know i'll cry but that's fine i'm gonna actually pull the nose a little bit further out so let's put it out here like that that might be the biggest mistake but you know what i i just think i did something funky with the lips because there's definitely this like crease here that i did not take advantage of and also like this little bitty pocket of the lip which i don't think is coming across and then there's these forms around the mouth as well oh his chin is way too big okay that's it i bet you anything you guys you can see my proportional problems better than i can because you're not looking at my drawing and you guys are further away you're not me that makes a really big difference all of those things i say to my students look guys the reason i know how to help you is because i'm not you because i can step back and i can look at your work objectively and you can't because it's your work okay let's go back in and now i'm going to slow down a little bit and try to work some of these areas not very happy about this chin still i feel like it should come back a little more i'm still oh this nose is driving me crazy that's okay i think also i i didn't do a great job of showing like this section of the nose and his nose is like it's really angled and strange looking so i'm just gonna blame it on you benedict it's it's your fault for your anatomy being so strange okay i gotta pick it up i only have a minute left on this one let's just do something on the eye so it's not so totally embarrassing and i think i gotta push the ear back maybe the ears too big see this is where portraiture is not like figure drawing figure drawing i think yeah you're going to pick up stuff but not the way you pick out a portrait a portrait it's like a little here a little there it can drive you absolutely crazy sometimes and i do want to show like the direction of some marks maybe block in more of his zygomatic arch over here get more of the angle of this now see i only have 30 13 seconds left so i'm just trying to like group things a little bit better just so it's not nothing and i have something on the page there we go okay let me take a quick break and then i think after this i'm going to do one that's pretty long so let me hit back to my other reference and let's see what you guys are talking about ask me your questions let me know now because i'm going to do a longer drawing after this okay see what you guys are saying wow there's a lot of you guys hanging out today we got over 120 people very very cool okay annie is saying i can't handle the feeling of charcoal paper it's so fun to work with but it gives me goosebumps the whole time i know i have some people who really can't stand vine charcoal because sometimes it makes that squeaky sound and it drives everybody up the wall there's always some student in my class who manages to make that squeaky sound at some point we all go oh it's like your fingernails on the scratchboard type of thing blackboard type of thing okay let's see what else people are talking about jenko 17 working on your portfolio for graphic design never done anatomy i feel like it's holding my art back should i make artworks with mediocre anatomy or no anatomy well genko anatomy is really not a hundred percent necessary for an art school portfolio you can totally do an article portfolio that has no anatomy at all and it's fine my feeling is that you should not be learning anatomy out of obligation because number one it's not gonna be fun number two i just think that you shouldn't be forcing yourself to do so oh i should do that you should find a point where you re oh wow if i learn anatomy that will make this a lot better that is when you learn anatomy if you don't really have a strong understanding of why you think anatomy is important then don't learn it you have to figure out first why you need to learn it so actually those of you guys in the chat maybe you can give some suggestions to janko why anatomy might be helpful because it's sort of like saying to somebody hey you should as a scientist memorize the periodic table but just because you know the periodic table doesn't mean you know how to be a good scientist or that you would understand how to contextualize the periodic table now i don't know anything about that because i'm not a scientist but i think it's a similar thing that anatomy it's a really particular subset of knowledge that helps in a lot of areas but you have to see why it helps in those areas and by the way you guys if you want some examples of somebody who does really good head drawings look at kathy kolowitz because feeling a little inferior right now that's okay kathy kolowitz you you did work in a very oppressive time period compared to me and so fine that's fine if you're better it's okay i'm dealing but look at her work and look at how there are almost no details in kathy holloway's drawings i mean could you tell who i was looking at yes i definitely have looked at her work just a few times in my career but she's a great person because she's very sculptural the way she draws and she's very efficient and then guys little things like this like this is just a quick drawing that i did of my daughter on her ipad i mean this is like a five minute drawing there's another one that i did of her i mean these do not have to be of famous people or i mean it can be just people around the house your family i mean you're probably not seeing a lot of your friends right now but there's no reason that you have to draw from photos do both okay do it all that's the most important thing okay wow we got a lot of new people in here a lot of new names that i've never seen before which is really cool okay let's see what else people are saying nougat nougat says darn his gorgeous exotic facial anatomy i can definitely get on board with that concept but you know it's so much of it it's not just okay just just a little break from the anatomy for me it's not just the face it's the voice oh my god that bass that voice and then the rhythm and then the jacket it's like and then you add the hair and it's just like oh my god this is like too much like my face is gonna explode just like thinking about this okay thank you for the super chat tomorrow really appreciate you guys and your help i'll i'll tell you i'm gonna do probably a video at some point to explain to everybody just what happened after my utah announcement but i just i was not expecting people to relate to it so much i just sort of thought okay i'm just gonna tell people what i did and i guess when you live with something like that for so long you just start to accept oh yeah that's just what it is that's just my life and then you start to accept it as being very normal and i guess a lot of people just really had no idea what my life in academia was like and so a lot of people actually said to me my god i was so shocked i thought you were full-time i thought you were tenured this whole time and so i didn't realize what a big surprise it was going to be for people when i made that announcement so anyway i am going to reply to your messages guys it's taking me a while because there's so many people michael is saying do you think starting in with shape and line work is more effective than blocking in values or is it just preference i think it's just preference michael everybody's so different i think it's like do you like eating apples or do you like eating pears it's like they're different they're not the same thing and they won't give you the same result but who cares if it's an apple or pear it's like whatever it's fine what i do think you guys should do is do both because i do get a lot of questions like that where people say oh well is it better to do this or is it better to do that and a lot of the times you guys are going to hear me say to people do both figure out why you like line better than tone or maybe by trying more line you realize hey i like this better than tone so the key i think you guys in terms of your studio practice as an artist you can't leave any stone unturned you can't say oh well this is the way this works really well for me so i'm not going to bother learning anything else that diversity is really important and that's one of the reasons why at art prof i am not the only teacher we have all these people on artprof who i work with and lauren welch is so hilarious because we get along so well but we never agree on anything like have you guys noticed we're always arguing during discussions it's really really funny ifat meme is saying do you consider tracing as art i don't know that i would say that's an art form as much as that is a technique and there are certain contexts where i think it makes sense to do that for example if you guys are making a really big mural and the mural is 10 feet wide you probably should use a projector a lot of people do that because it's so time consuming to hate hand draw it and if you have the facility then go ahead that's fine i mean i feel like hiring other people to paint your paintings is worse than tracing your own stuff but that's a conversation for another day let's see adira is saying how do you not stress out doing a live drawing i do i totally do for every single live stream i'm like why am i doing this to myself like oh my god i totally stress about it absolutely i just don't want to act like a total crazy person when i'm online so yes i do it does not get that much easier i mean i suspect that it's probably like being an actor like benedict i'm sure he must get nervous come on there's no chance that he's that inhuman i mean yes he's perfect but i'm just saying that i think there are a lot of parts of your practice as an artist that never go away the self-doubt the questioning the experimentation all of those things are gonna be with you your whole life you're not gonna at some point say i don't need to experiment anymore i don't need to learn anymore you do you really really do i've been doing this for so long and i'm always learning stuff and it's one of my favorite things about being an artist let's see carol says i feel like my first drawing looks like thomas jefferson and the second looks like ray finds oh i i would take that i don't care about thomas jefferson but i like refunds hey we should do a ray fine stream oh he's great i love him he was so annoying in the english patient which by the way i did not like that movie but oh my god he's got a great voice ray finds oh my god okay okay we're gonna get back to it i promise i'm gonna teach you today let's see anjusha says i never draw a portrait properly this is my first time and it's getting better well that's fantastic you know you guys you can't practice and not get better it's not gonna happen overnight and you may not see it visibly until a few weeks have passed but that's fine it really is okay for you guys to do that okay uh jason wertnick says as a chemist i approve that analgesia that's great because i'm always trying to come up with these analogies and oftentimes i put them in terms of science and i'm like would chemists be just squirming in their grave right now like just thinking about all this like i tried to make some reference to hieroglyphs yesterday and it just was a mistake i was like oh crap like the second it came out of my mouth i was like that was dumb why did you say that so yes definitely for sure and he says do you worry about likeness in your drawings really good question because you know what top portrait mistake number one stressing about likeness and accuracy because here's the thing if i was a sculptor for madame tussauds and i had to make a realistic image of benedict that looked exactly like him yes i would stress about accuracy and likeness but most of the time when i'm drawing something accuracy is not that important and likeness isn't that important like i did so many drawings you guys that benedict they don't even look like him like who cares i don't care it does not matter to me i mean granted i'm doing them for educational reasons maybe i'd feel differently if i was actually trying to like make art about it but most of the time i really really do not care guys i don't know it's just maybe you just get to a certain point those of you who are age 40 and older tell me if this is accurate you just get a certain point in your life you're just like i don't care like when i was younger when i was in my 20s i used to tell people i didn't care but i totally did and now i'm like who cares it doesn't matter so anyway let's see jade leaf says i'm not really a fan of benedict but he is an interesting and unusual face so that's fun to draw okay well jade leaf you just got excommunicated from my life but that's okay that's okay if you don't appreciate him for the perfection that he is that's okay compute says i watch the taiwan video are the tombow markers very different from generics and knockoffs you know something come cute i'm very spoiled because tombow gives us supplies because they sponsor us so i have not really tried a lot of the other ones what i would just do maybe just buy like one of the generics and see if it's a big difference or not i will tell you that i tried the stadler ones at one point the stadler brush pens and i did not like them they were weird and rubbery the tip was a little bit stiffer than the tombow ones and i felt like the ink didn't flow quite as well so i like the tombow ones but definitely try out the other ones i mean it would not be that bad raymond is asking about a vlog of my move probably not the messy stuff like moving all the boxes but we are going to drive cross country so i did think okay you're kind of crazy clara but maybe you should shoot a tutorial of traveling from massachusetts to utah that might be really fun but i gotta see how viable that is because oh my god there's just so much stuff going on let's see same rmc says the fangirling is really strong here well you know i haven't done a hot white man stream for a while and so i just was like clara you got to give this to yourself you worked really hard on that graduation stream so you totally deserve this okay guys let's get started i'm going to do a longer one now so that way we can get into some of more of the specifics so let me get set up and let's see what image is up next for you guys okay so we did this one see i don't like this one because he doesn't have the sherlock hair the sherlock hair to me makes a really big difference you know i don't like this one either because he looks a little surprised so hang on a second okay this one has really good lighting but i don't know oh wait wait we have to do this one i don't know why i just love it when he looks like like he's really thinking hard he just looks so good okay let's do this one this is that one where watson got married did anybody see that oh my god that was such a good episode okay let's do this one so here he is looking very inquisitive i don't know he's not really upset he doesn't get mad but he does roll his eyes a lot so i can definitely relate to that okay let's get into our next page okay guys actually you know what i gotta do i have to get some paper to put underneath this because it's too thin and i'm going to get too much of a texture so what i'm going to do is i'm going to switch back to here and if you guys just pause with me for a minute i'm going to grab some paper okay this should make a difference these are the minor little things that i do believe make a difference when you draw so okay let's grab this get rid of that and i'm gonna rip off that drawing here let me go back to demo mode here we go get this one off and let's put this down here and then i'm going to also put a stack of new print here so that way we can see things a little bit better okay here we go see now i have like a nice cushioned surface of paper and it's just gonna be a lot better a lot smoother for me to draw on okay here we go okay let's pull up the portrait and i hope you guys are drawing along with me because i just love it when you guys do that and use hashtag rprofshare you can share in the discord and you can also share on instagram so let me know what you guys are doing okay this one's going to be a lot longer so let's do a 20 minute and then what i might do is do a second round of 20 minutes again so i can really push it a lot further because i love doing the quick stuff but i feel like the quick stuff doesn't mean a lot if you can't see the follow-through on how that works okay here we go now we're gonna do it see okay guys don't do what i just did oh you have more time now you can slow down don't do that okay pretend you still have five minutes treat this like a gesture okay don't fall into that trap that i just fell into okay here we go okay benedict let's do it okay let's see there's a slight tilt to this portrait and so even now let's see jawbone here neck tilted and here more so than even the other ones i think the collar is really important because if you don't put in the collar you don't get the tilt of his head so don't leave that out guys that's pretty important okay and i'm i'm gonna do his hair this time guys i'm excited yes see i wish he always looked like that see i like i like you benedict but you're just much better when you're sherlock i don't know his normal hair is fine there's nothing wrong with it i just really like his sherlock hair okay so you guys see like even now i'm putting time in the hair and so many people that they don't add the hair to the last minute i'm like how can you do that it always ends up looking like a wig it looks really really bad so don't do that okay so now cheekbones remember zygomatic arch right up here really important here's about his zygomatic arch maybe on this side and let's get in his jaw it's more like this i think it's a little rounder than i made it and then let's just approximate the nasal bone and maybe some of these creases like this crease by the nose you can see it really well like does everybody see this is a really good reference i mean it's a good photo but it's a great reference photo because it has very visible highlights really visible shadows and if you guys watched my michael fassbender tutorial you will know that there's reflected light on the right hand side see how awesome that is like it's really really visible if you don't know what i'm talking about i really recommend you guys go and you watch my um let's see this tutorial which is the light and shadows portrait drawing tutorial really really helpful okay let's get rid of that let's put the timer back okay here we go okay let's get the eye sockets which are about here and i'd say this eye socket is a little harder to see let's get the nose a little longer and fulcrum which is this little thing it's in between your nose and your mouth and then for the mouth i'm just going to do the the outline that's in between the two lips okay and notice how there are these pockets there's his chin and i made it way too small i think his chin is like all the way down here i think i made him too tilted but who cares doesn't matter actually my daughter she's 11 she made through this she's going through this phase where she had all these phrases that she would use all the time and one of them was who cares deal with it i was like yep i should that's just what you should say who cares you deal with it right sometimes you can't fix things okay now here i need to do a little bit more but i do want to get in the lighting sooner rather than later because i can already feel myself stiffening up a little bit which i don't like and so here let's just get in a little bit more cheekbone and yes i know you guys can barely see what i'm drawing but that's on purpose it's because if i draw too dark i'm going to get screwed later on so too bad deal with it okay here we go um collar needs to be redefined see i'm gonna bring this down and put his neck more there let's put the collar all the way down here oh whoever did the suits for this show did a really good job he looks really good in this suit oh my god okay here we go the tie as well is also like a scale comparison so again you might think oh that tie doesn't matter but it actually really does and things like this shadow that's underneath the collar and this shadow underneath the collar that all matters too and even this color change just to quickly say okay this is dark all right that's how you really establish things in the beginning okay so let's get in here i think i'm going to do a little bit of shadow that rug of tone that you guys have heard me talk about and then i'm gonna jump more into the line work so here let's just get in big shapes of tone this is just to hold the place i i'm not actually gonna do much right now and actually there's a lot of highlights over here so i'm not going to do too much in that area because it'll get too dark too fast but what i do want to do is do this watch this rug of tone right now see this i'm just going to fill this whole area [Music] and now the reason i want to do that is because there is nothing on this side of the portrait that is remotely as bright as this so if that's true you might as well just fill the whole thing in it's a lot easier that way okay here we go now let's get in some more specifics so now i'm going to get a little bit lighter but i do want to start to put in things like for example his weird nostrils and maybe the side of the nose and then always this this crease in the face this is really really helpful guys let's get in the fulcrum which is here and let's see this little pocket it's pretty pronounced and if i look at the line of his mouth it's not as symmetrical as you think you think it's symmetrical but it's a little bit this side's a little shorter so i'm going to put this like this and then this side gets a little longer and then here is a very dramatic pocket for his lip actually i think this should be more like that i mean i'd have to go back in and fix that some more but let's just move on for now here's some of the chin the chin is very dramatic down here at the bottom and let's really solidify that some more okay it's still you know i lost the ear we got to put the ear back but before we do that let's give a little more zygomatic arch right here and let's let's just place the ear like i think the ear is about here is the bottom i just looked at it in relation to the nose and the nose is like dripping i don't really like that so much okay hang on let's move this up a little higher because i think that was not a good move and then i really have to get in here and do his eyebrows like this i don't know he looks so good when he's looking all like analytical it's great he's such a good like mad face actually michael fassbender has a good one too when he's looking really mad i love it it's so good okay let's get in more of the eye socket this eye is going to be tricky because this eye let's just do the top of the lid a little bit of the pupil i don't want to do too much because this is a pretty delicate area like there isn't a lot going on and so i want to make sure i really feel confident about that area and let's see this should be a little bit straighter like this contour is so specific okay and then these like creases up here i think are pretty important especially to the the gesture of the figure and also the emotion of the figure okay let's get see i want to show the division up here because there's this hair that comes out like this this direction and then there's hair that comes down so with hair you're looking at the direction of it you're not looking so much at the exact shape you're just trying to figure out where it's going now see most of it's covered the ear you can only see a little portion of it but i am going to show a little bit of the shadow so it gets a little more specific there the bottom and then let's redefine his neck so it's a little bit more solid okay that's looking a little bit better okay i am having a moment of confidence just want you guys to know because so much of the time i feel like i'm crapping on myself and i i can't help it that's what we all do but i just trying to recognize that feeling pretty good now it's good let's see how long it'll last honestly it's gonna last that long but that's okay so one of the reasons why i am feeling better about it is because i think that i stayed light long enough to make a lot of changes that i think really were necessary and so that really helped me a lot is feeling like okay yeah you did stay light long enough because sometimes i get dark really fast and then i pay for it later so that is definitely something that i think about okay there's this big like chunk of hair that's sort of pushing down and then there's like another chunk that goes this way when you guys draw hair you gotta group it so it's like a chunk here a chunk there and there's another one up here i'll come back to it obviously but i'm just trying to block in some general areas i do think maybe a little more up here i don't know maybe this form back here we'll come back to it i mean this photo is sort of bugging me because the hair it's really really flat like you you almost can't see anything like this whole section in the photo is like flat black i can't see anything and if this were me looking at it in real life i would see a lot more detail than that okay let's work on the face because i did not really do very much and here let's try to get the top of his eyelid this is a weird pose because this eye is like closed but then the other one is like very visibly open but not that open i think i made it too open i might have to really slow down to do this because this is super detailed hopefully you guys can see and this is very dark and then let's just get in the upper lid i feel like if i get the upper lid then maybe that's enough to keep me going i gotta stop for a second pull out some key things okay so hang on i do want to work in the eye but i think it might be premature i i need more of the eye socket like see this shape i just put in there that is being put in there so that the eye socket feels more dramatic and now this i'm really going to beef up which is this like crease in his face and then the lip we really got to spend some time on the lip i've got to make this pocket around the mouth more dramatic i'm going to look at how the whole top of his upper lip which is pretty dark on this side like that this is tricky that the lip is really hard i think a lot of people it ends up looking very mechanical so what i really try to emphasize is these pockets these pockets make a huge difference and then see how this crease comes down and then something harsher so here at the bottom does everybody see how some of the edges of the shadows are really harsh and really well defined and then others are not so down here we have a very soft shadow that comes around his mouth and this comes around as well so if you guys look at the way i'm constructing his mouth i'm not really spending that much time on the lips i'm actually spending more time around the lips because the stuff around the lips matters more okay and so now let's get more specific with the nose i'm not actually in my photo right now i'm just going to enlarge it because i'm having trouble seeing it pretty well whoops hang on a sec let's make that really big okay that way i can see the forms a little bit better and by the way you guys if you do draw somebody from life really if you can sit as close as you can because the more information the better you cannot go wrong when you have more information okay so now let's just really drive this chin home this is a cast shadow here and now this is a form shadow and let's go back in and just a little bit of information here a little bit here i do want to come back and do more on his collar and this should be a little more straight because this suit sort of comes around so i will come back to this i'm just feeling really uneasy about the face right now it still feels very unstable to me so i i want to get back to that even though i know i should be making this darker and more dramatic okay i got six more minutes and then i'll take some time for questions so let's get in the shadow on the nose like this more shadow up here and this whole area too this is reflected light but look at the jawbone it's pretty pronounced so i want to make that more dramatic down there okay so if you guys look at this yeah i've worked on the mouth a little bit but actually most of this has been stuff around the facial features so don't tell yourself that a portrait is eyes nose and mouth either's mouth it's like decoration they're really not that important actually if you really think about the structure they're not they just really are not okay i still feel like i'm not being very expressive just yet but that's because i just think there's more to do right now there's more structural stuff that i have to take care of but i do want to pump up my marks because they are feeling a little bit wimpy right now to me but i think it's because i'm trying to get a handle on the lighting that i think that's why i'm being a little bit wimpy about it okay because some of this stuff you can't really rush some of the more um delicate delicate parts of benedict right everything is delicate when it comes to him okay here we go i think this goes to show you guys i should not go longer than a week without doing one of these that's what i think i think that these should be at least a weekly occurrence because look at what happened to me like i didn't do one of these in so long and now i'm like totally out of control okay here we go um [Music] i lost this this this is important this crease because it shows the form better and actually little here you can see his cheekbone a little bit more and i something's funky here like the lighting on his eyebrows is strange like i can't really i can't figure out if that's like shadow from his hair or if that's just his eyebrows are weird looking or both it's it's really hard to see that that's why photographs they just drive me crazy because i can't tell usually in real life you can sort of figure it out if you look closely you can see oh yeah that is a shadow but in a photo it can trick you quite a bit okay let's get okay i've been really avoiding this eye so we have to get these eyes to line up a little bit better because i have not done a good job of that so i'm going to really slow down a lot and try to get this eye in here i find blue eyes really hard to draw i think they're tricky i think when people have darker eyes like they're they're a little bit more dramatic they're easier to see but with lighter eyes it's not so easy okay still want to stay pretty general though i don't want to get too seduced by all these details but i am definitely feeling the call of that okay let's try to get so here's the reason i think why i like tone is because now it's easy for me to like pull the line out of the tone like the tone sort of has my back a little bit with line i just sort of feel like i don't have a lot of backup and so it's harder for me to do as an artist i mean i don't know talk to jordan he's better at this than i am in terms of wine okay let's get in a little bit more see this eye is barely there like a lot of people try to put so much emphasis on pupils and it's like half the time the pupils aren't even visible like his pupil is barely there because there's just so much shadow in this area i mean i'm gonna have to go back and really take a second look but that's what i'm definitely noticing right now okay now what i'm noticing and guys tell me if you're doing this too i'm starting to slow down so much that i feel like i'm losing the bite and the spontaneity of my drawing so what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to try to pump it up a little in terms of my marks and try to be a little more aggressive because i'm losing that bite that i like to have in my drawings even if it's a long drawing i i really want to get that to become more dramatic okay and here too there's a little more emphasis on his bony structure okay now i'm spending too much time here okay we gotta work on the hair let's do the hair and you know something i need another crown for this because that crown's starting to die on me and let's just get in some tone i mean this is going to take a while for me to build up but that's all right that's fine it's just it's more work with charcoal paper if you have newsprint you're going to be better off or if you guys are working in a sketchbook you're going to be better off but with charcoal paper you got to work you got to work real hard to get in some of that okay and i'm going to take a break pretty soon so you guys can uh ask me questions and make comments talk to me about benedict which i'm always willing to do any time of day okay yeah see this this is a lot of work here like this is just layering this is you guys really just you gotta put in like the physical manual labor to get this going like here oh man i gotta just really whip it out i think it's just so for me part of this is just really getting back into the aggression that you have in the beginning that you lose when you work on a drawing longer than five minutes or so and i really want to play with my marks so i'm gonna let it rip in a little bit but we only have 20 seconds left so let's take a quick break guys and i'll come back to this after looking at your questions okay so let's put this aside and let's see what you guys are saying okay let's minimize you benedict and see what people are saying so what i'm going to do i'm going to go with the most recent comments and i'm going to scroll back up so if you asked a comment a little ways back hopefully i'll get to it let's see clara saying what pencil did you use so right now i am using not newsprint but charcoal paper with karen dash neocolor one crayons if you guys want links to the supplies they're all in the video description below so that way you can see exactly what those items are and also if you're drawing along with me tag us on instagram with at and use hashtag rprofshare so we can see your stuff and we can share it with people you can also post it in discord under post live streams so we can see what you guys are up to although now that i'm thinking about it maybe we should make an rprov shared channel maybe that would consolidate things a little bit more but anyway we'll figure that out later and jade leaf says my graphite stick flew out of my hand and the frenzy of drawing and my benedict looks like he's had a very rough night oh my god you guys are awesome i just love that so much let's see tuoja stara says i only started watching a few days ago they're helping me a lot especially the ones about oil painting thank you so much for making them well i'm so glad you guys found us i'll tell you i'm getting so many comments from people saying i don't understand why your channel has so few subscribers why aren't you guys bigger and i'm like i don't know like please help us i don't know why we're not bigger anyway um let's see what else do we have going annie is saying do you recommend the hundred heads challenge other similar challenges i might try it out as an entrance to portraiture can't decide how productive it is well annie i would head over to discord there's actually a channel called 2500 challenge and i think once you get in there jordan the kraken foster one of our teaching artists he can be very persuasive and i think you'll see there's a lot of people in there doing it and you guys are gonna ride the momentum with each other i think when you have a group of people and they're doing it with you and you have that little voice that says i don't know everybody else is going to peer pressure you into doing it so i think it's a win-win situation in my opinion let's see somebody saying sorry your name is in japanese i can't say it i have trouble drawing lips any tips okay well if we go back and we look at this okay see benedict this is from the imitation game i don't know if anybody saw this it was fine i just watched it because he was in it wasn't great though it was okay anyway start with the line in between the lips because you know what i see a lot people try to trace the lip like they'll trace the bottom and they'll trace the top and that's not helpful guys because that's not what defines the form this is what defines the form the lip of the lines and these pockets that are on the side of the lips people never draw these they're really really important and ultimately when you guys are drawing lips it's the stuff around the lips like a lot of people they just draw lips only draw the lips they don't draw the pockets they don't draw the chin they don't draw the fulcrum or the shadows around it that is the most important thing it's the forms around the lips the forms around the eyes that's what you guys really really have to think about thank you so much for the super chat rachel b i really appreciate your support you guys yeah and remember you can donate anytime you guys want we do have of course our wonderful top patreon supporters who support us every single month but we also have links for one-time donations so if you don't want to do a monthly commitment you can do that as well so anyway we appreciate because we sustain ourselves entirely on donations and let's just say we're hanging on by a bare thread and with me moving to utah is even bigger of a risk so i'm hoping we can do it i mean i didn't realize a lot of people thought art prof was this little side gig i'm like no this is my life and basically we've been bleeding cash for a while and we we need something more reliable than just what we have right now so we're going to need to work on that okay let's see what other people are saying in the chat and haley says i'm really into charcoal for portraits yeah we did a shout out for haley a little ways back haley's been doing these wonderful charcoal drawings based on one of our tutorials so definitely take a look at that and let's see jacabi says yes keep doing these once a week i love them well you know any chance i have to talk about the hot white men in my life although i'm not gonna talk about my husband that's just that's private so anyway he's never gonna appear on one of these streams okay um become the caller says watched your videos on taiwan and china inspired me to get some tombow brush pens what paper do you guys use in those videos okay i would say for brush pens if you're not going to put any water on it and a just straight brush pen bristol board is great bristol board is really nice because it's smooth and so the brush pens glide across it really really well now if you want to add water to them which i oftentimes do like i'll take a water brush and i'll just add it to the brush pen ends up looking a lot like watercolor i would use watercolor paper then because watercolor paper it's a lot more durable the bristol board you can make it wet but it doesn't do great with that or the other thing i recommend if you're traveling get a watercolor block a watercolor block is a padded newsprint except it's sealed with glue on all four sides so when it buckles as you're painting it gets all buckly but then when it dries in the watercolor block it stays flat it's fabulous they do cost more than a pad but in my opinion it's worth it if you can really do that okay let's see what else people are saying thank you so much for the super chat nikki a really appreciate your support really excited about that and let's see every movie with benedict is great thank you carla i know although there's a couple i haven't seen like i never saw him in that star trek movie because i was like ew i don't know if i like you with blonde hair this is sort of weird like it's just wrong i don't know like michael fassbender he looked terrible with blonde hair he was blonde in those alien movies i i just couldn't i was like oh this is not fun for me lydia is saying do you have any tips on how to make skin look more realistic and pencil drawing it's difficult to get the right texture well i think lydia the key to skin no matter what you're doing you have to begin to recognize what is a bony area and what's a flushy area because especially on a face think about how different the skin is on each part of your face like think about the skin on your lips compared to the skin on your cheekbones it's very very different or the skin on your forehead how that is different from the skin on your chin and so it's not so much that there's a certain texture you have to get as much as it is that you need to make the skin feel different because i think when skin doesn't look good in a portrait most of the time is because people are drawing the skin the same and so that's when you end up with a portrait drawing where people almost look like dolls in a way their faces look too plastic and too perfect and so that's why i think if you look at a real person as opposed to say a figure in a video game the figure in the video game it just looks fake because things are too much the same and on an average person there's so many different textures and so that's what you have to show is that range of textures nikki a saying you're selling the drawings you do looks like i'm saving up yup so this is new if you guys go to my etsy shop you can find the link in the video description below there is a category in my shop called art profit drawings because a bunch of people ask me about this but anyway what i've been doing is after every single live drawing stream is i will post a listing for the drawings that i do and this all goes back to art prof although i don't know maybe i'll buy some ice cream but anyway ice cream or art craft whichever one you want to support you can go there and you can find all the drawings that i've done and help support us everything helps us you guys every single thing literally because we're on a shoestring budget we're barely hanging in there and so yeah take a look at the etsy shop i think that's pretty fun okay thank you for the super chat elroy murray really appreciate that and yeah jade leaf i know i heard about benedict and the frankenstein production and i know he was writing in his underpants i know i think that they took it down though somebody told me it's not available anymore so that makes me really sad like how did i miss that i guess i must be like following the wrong instagrams although you know what i decided guys i actually followed this michael fassbender instagram for a little while and the people that run it are hardcore they're like really good and so i followed for a little while and i couldn't do it because i go through my instagram trying to do work stuff and i would get like all just i'm like i can't do this i can't follow you guys you're too distracting so i actually unfollowed them because i was like i have to get work done there's it's not gonna happen if i don't do that okay let's see do you guys also see nothing is my internet cut off i think that's you alice db according to my thing it's still streaming so hopefully you can get that fixed at some point okay yeah they only keep up benedict for a week after they stream crap well you guys have to keep me in the loop because i'm pretty upset that i miss that moment sounds really incredible okay what i'm going to do now guys i'm going to do another 20 minutes and let's see how far we can get this i don't know how far i'm going to go let's just play by ear and then we'll go from there so i'll do another thing where you guys can talk to me about the development of the drawing because i do think it is interesting to see how things change okay so let me get back into my drawing position okay and i hope you guys are drawing along with me i love opening up instagram and seeing what you guys are doing afterwards okay so let's get all my stuff in place we're going to go back to the demo view and we're going to start the timer let's just do 20 minutes okay let's see why is that thing not properly there we go okay let's get out my crayon we'll get going [Music] all right benedict i need you a little bit bigger so i can see your lovely features i feel like he's too soft in my drawing if i were to self-critique now for a minute i think he's too mushy and i need to make him a little bit bonier so let's see if we can really infuse some harsher more dramatic marks and you know what the first thought in my mind is but what if you screw it up so what you can do that it's okay this is all about the process you guys you can't get hung up on the product and i know that's what we're all here for we're all here to do a good drawing nobody wants to do a bad drawing but if you want to make good drawings you guys have to make bad ones too that is a requirement it's a quota give yourself a quota of bad drawings i have to do 10 a month i bet you anything will fulfill that pretty quickly but it will make you feel better okay all right let's see what's going on i think i got to do hair i really do at the very least just to give some of this a little bit more structure because i'm i'm losing some of these forms this is the crappy crayon let me put the other one this one's a little bit more substantial and i want to be more focused because i i do feel in the beginning of a drawing that i really am just all over the place but right now it is time to start making some decisions making some commitments like this and let's see we have to really um let me take a minute and think about this okay we need to block in big shapes that's what we need because i did not do that and now i'm paying the consequences so let's get in some big shapes especially down here let me move the hair down so you guys can see this a little bit better but up here let's just go to town on some of these strokes because this is really like thick beautiful luscious hair and you don't want to make it look like anything other than that right okay this is where you guys are going to get in your workout in terms of drawing to really nail it in there this is charcoal paper so i i really have to press like crazy to make this work okay and some of these strokes they're a little bit more visible than i'd like them to be but the thing is i'd rather have that than have the hair just be boring and not really do much so i'm gonna let some hairs pull out a little bit more start to pull some of that it's the direction that's what you guys are thinking about it's the direction of the hair that's what matters when it comes down to it oh i like this hair that's a nice one benedict good actually it's probably it's not him it's probably his hair stylist his hair stylist is great the person on sherlock okay now here let's slow down there's this like really nice wave that comes downwards there's a big one that's like swooping up like this oh that is fun i'm having so much fun with his hair and there's a lot up here hair is such an important part of people's identities you guys i mean my hair is not that dramatic i'm just like what can i do to just never have to style it but i know for some people it's like it really does define a lot who they are and it does define the shape and what they look like and so hair is not a small thing guys in a portrait it's a very important part and that's why you cannot leave it until the last minute it is not something that you can say oh i'll do that when i'm done with everything it doesn't work that way in fact i'm doing it the opposite way i'm making the hair before i do the face and does everybody see it already looks more like him not because i did a great job but because i drew the hair like just because you add the hair it already feels more like him and so it's a good little trick for you guys to follow oh i love doing this messy stuff yeah okay let's i gotta really work this up down here because this is like dark in the back and let's give it some more body especially the ear is like very hidden so i'm just gonna block all that in like that and he needs a little more body up here because i feel like there's a big chunk here that comes out a lot so i'm trying to just get that in okay now my arm hurts that's a good sign and i'm not gonna do tons here i'm gonna come back to it but for now i think at the very least i got this one and maybe let's darken up this stroke because he's got this other one that just sort of loops like this okay and maybe a little bit more drama in this section and then this down here let's get some good shadows i don't want to cover everything here because there actually is quite a bit of highlight in that area so i'm just going to leave it for now there's definitely more that needs to be done but i think i got to move on because i'm getting a little too excited about his hair okay yes because this is all so there's highlights here i should make this more dramatic too actually this is really dark look at that because you know what there's a cast shadow here guys okay look at this this is really dark this is the hair and then this is the cast shadow does everyone see that that's a cast shadow that's being made by his hair okay there we all go okay i really want to work on the hair more but i really should not because there's so much other stuff that needs to get worked on but i feel better about the likeness even though i told you guys i don't care i totally do so it is important to me to a degree i don't think it's as important as it is for some people but for me it just it helps bulk up the portrait a little bit more okay i lied i'm working on the hair more okay i just i really really need the dark the dark is not you know something he's got even more hair back here so i'm actually sort of missing a lot of the volume back here oh geez all right that's a little bit better okay benedict you get in there we got to give you something down here though because you know what some of the value structures are not working very well because if i don't show the darkness of his suit it does sort of mess with things okay so let's i i so want to work on this but i gotta work on this because this has to fall into place and this section i'm not going to spend that much time on it but i just want to make sure it gets addressed because if it doesn't get addressed it becomes a real issue and then it actually becomes a problem because it's not there sometimes things not being there it's worse than if you draw it poorly like i'd i'd rather draw his tie badly than have it just not be there i think having it not be there is a lot worse it's a lot more distracting okay now i feel like watching this episode this was a good episode the whole thing where he made that really awkward speech was so good oh my god now i'm like out of crayon sheesh okay let's switch crowns and let's really just let it rip who else is drawing so much that you flicked your crown to the other side of the room tell me in the chat if you're one of those crazy people like me that does stuff like that okay let's get in is pretty grayish so i'm not going to do too much i do want to do a little bit here and then does everybody see how this is white and by comparison his skin tone is darker so you actually want to darken this a little bit that's a comparison like people might say okay he's a pretty fair-skinned person but when you put his skin tone next to white it's actually the skin tone is darker okay now here i'm going to put a shadow on this side okay so does everybody see how the lighting is consistent even down here here's the highlight here's the shadow okay now i totally want to do more back here and i need to do more back here at some point i'm going to move on because i feel like i'm ignoring this whole section in the center okay let's go back in and i'm going to try to like step back a little bit more because i feel like i i don't know i feel like i sort of lost the structure of the face so you know what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna go in and i'm gonna get really aggressive with his bony structures let's make them real dark and real dramatic and you know i'm sorry benedict you might end up looking really scary after this but that's okay that's fine it's all in the name of our education you being humiliated although can you guys imagine what his life must be like oh my god i feel really bad for him like if you google benedict cumberbatch like one of the first things that pops up is benedict cumberbatch wife like that sucks for him like i feel bad for his wife that must be really hard to like live that existence oh my god okay i know that people are like oh well they brought it upon themselves i'm like i don't think so i think that that's just part of god that industry must be so hard i just cannot imagine okay like i just can't imagine the privacy issues that must come along with being so hot and white and male okay things just got really dramatic guys oh my god all right you need more cheekbone you need more eye socket here we go let's really start to dig it in [Music] now i know some of you guys probably think i'm overdoing it but you know what you have to you can't be calm about this type of thing you have to let it rip see now i'm like eating up on my crown so i gotta get another one and what i always do if you guys miss this part of it is i always unpeel all of the paper around it because then i can really use the crown as a piece of drawing material and not just draw the tip if you draw the tip it's really really limiting so okay here we go i probably will go in and soften some of these areas but for now i'm not worrying about it so much because i really want this form to come that's what it is guys it's a search for form where is the form how are you going to show the form that's the important thing here that's what we're looking for okay so see these pockets let's make these way more dramatic and i think somebody said earlier they were asking about skin textures and how to make the skin look more realistic a lot of it is in layering so you guys can see i am doing multiple passes of the tone now see how this looks too dramatic it looks too dramatic because this is too light so look at what i'm going to do now we're going to darken this whole side because this whole side of his face is in shadow and this is for me what really groups the shading makes it a little bit more congruent it's all relative so sometimes if you think something is not looking good or you're like oh that's too light that's too dark you don't fix the thing that's the problem you fix the thing that's around the problem that can actually get you better results okay all right now this is starting to get somewhere it's still not great it's still not where i would like it to be but at least it's more dramatic this i really i chickened out in this area and i have to just go i just really have to go with it and i think it's too small i think i might have to change the size but again i'm not trying to get hung up on those details guys that does not matter and i do want something that's more dramatic than the photo if i wanted to make the photo i just take a picture i just you know download it a lot faster so let's really heighten this actually that's what i think i'm going to do my response to this is let's make this more dramatic than it actually is so that means this like weird crease thing here that's by his eye we're gonna make it more muscular than it actually is and we're going to work on this eye some more because i sort of lost it back there make it a little rounder at the bottom like this like this is all layers this is just one layer on top of another let's jump back here make this darker and it's just this is so flat looking in the photo it's driving me crazy oh well okay and i'm gonna add a little bit of hair over here because i think this is really hard to see so the hair will help me um get this looser and looking better because now i have something to compare it against okay and then this should be more simple so we can see the shapes a little bit better so a lot of this guys it's like trying to get the parts to be together and that's where the grouping i was talking about okay so this nostril now i'm going to really darken it a lot make it very dramatic really accentuate it and then i'm also going to darken this okay because he's got the shadow that gets more dramatic here it gets very dramatic here and maybe bulk up some of that this is less dramatic so i'm going to cut back on this his fulcrum needs a lot of work so let's give his sulcrum something that's a little bit more dramatic like this and i lost the lip the lip totally disappeared so let's bring it back like i said darken that darken this so this really is layers you guys it's like putting one layer of shadow over another and right now i'm going to try to even this out because my marks got really uneven there and i lost his beautiful neck so let's make his neck more slender and his ear got funky so let's put in this shadow underneath the ear and i do want to add a little bit of the interior of the ear too i mean i'm not doing a great job right now but i just want to stick it somewhere so it's not totally empty i'm going to just darken that whole section okay let's get that darker too up here so does everybody see how the pacing of a drawing it changes you think you're done being all aggressive but actually you're not so let me get the fulcrum better and let's really go to town on this lip because this lip is not very well articulated and something really dramatic underneath the mouth like this and let's really work on the chin the chin i was ignoring it for a very long time because i was trying to do some of the more refined stuff okay i think i did too much on the chin but that's okay here's the cast shadow and as i said earlier this is the form shadow so that's the real difference is that cast shadows have very harsh edges they tend to be very graphic looking form shadows are not like that form shadows are very soft and so that's what you're getting there okay let's bring his jawbone back because this jawbone totally disappeared in the process this more layered okay now things are starting to get more substantial i still don't feel great and you know what i might do another 20 minute 20 minutes on this one because i feel like i'm getting there but it's still still pretty shaky in a couple spots and you guys can tell me if you want to see me work on this more or if you think i'm done i should move on but i'm feeling like i want to work on this not not because i'm trying to like you know score points with benedict but just because as an artist i just feel like i want to do it plus there's something great to me like one of the reasons i like the drawing streams is that i don't feel any pressure to like do amazing work i mean i want to do work that doesn't embarrass me but i think what matters more is that i i can just draw to draw and really guys if you can think about your drawings that way that's going to help you a lot that way you don't feel so much pressure to just be great all the time i mean who can be great all the time benedict cumberbatch can be great all the time he just has to show up he doesn't have to do anything and he's great not a lot of people can show can do that it's true though i mean i work with this actress once she's very active in the boston theater scene and she really was one of those people it's like she'd just enter a room and you just knew she was there like i think some people just have that inherent charisma and you can't replicate it it's like you have it or you don't i don't know maybe i'm wrong maybe one of you guys in here is in theater and can correct me otherwise but that's just sort of the feeling that i get from the people i have worked with in those areas okay i've lost his eye socket okay guys let's see how i'm doing and come back into the chat so let me switch over to my talk scene all right let's see what you guys are saying i'll chat with you for a little bit and then i have a feeling i am going to do another 20 minutes and then call it a day so let me scroll back up and see what you guys are saying okay nikki says i was watching tv at first but cut it off for a second then started buffering watching on my phone now sounds like people have a few internet things solar starfish says who needs exercise when you've got art exactly margaret drawing on charcoal paper is a workout you really do have to i think work a lot harder to get yourself there and drawing is physically demanding it's a physical exercise it's not in your fingers people think drawing is in your fingers it's not it goes all the way up into your shoulders into your neck really really important chloe says they did the 100 heads challenge helped me a lot on quick sketches and proportions guys there's no way you can do jordan's 2500 challenge and not get better it's guaranteed but you got to stick with it you can't do it for two weeks and then complain that it's not better you have to actually do the whole thing from beginning to end solar starfish says you can humiliate anyone in art form and claim it's for the purpose of education including myself you know you guys also the other thing about getting older is when you've taught in classrooms as long as i've taught you start to get really desperate to get people to learn stuff and you're just like okay if i dance and you guys will learn it fine and that's why i started all of these um benedict and white men's dreams because my students were saying to me they're like you know when you talked about his thernocladomastoid i remembered that and i was like good if it means i act like an idiot and you learn something then i'm just going to keep doing it because i just have no shame at this point i'm old i don't care whatever let's see g sang says i've been making ballpoint pen sketches always overdo it compared to charcoal becomes hard to see the values as i go too dark too quickly i have the exact same thing and the thing is i'm so aware of it that it's kind of lame that i still do it but i think a lot of this has to do with we all have tendencies we all have certain things that we tend to do and if you don't remind yourself on an active basis you forget and so when i sit down and i draw the figure i have to actively tell myself don't draw the legs too short because i always do that i've been doing that since i was 20 and i have not worked that out of my system so it's like you almost need a list of reminders to give yourself yeah solar starfish says since learn to appreciate lighter shades let's see g thang says i posted on my instagram got over twice as many likes as my oil paintings my charcoal piece got only a quarter as many likes it's made me realize that sketchy looks are super popular you know that's true jesus that's an instagram thing and actually we definitely have videos on how to use instagram some of the reasons instagram can be toxic but one thing i have noticed is that people don't tend to like the really refined finished polished long-term pieces you make on instagram they like the crummy sketches that i did of ducks i did these really crappy sketches of ducks they were like five second sketches i'm not even joking there were recent posts on my instagram and they got so many more likes than i get on stuff that's super polished i really think that's a platform thing i don't think it's necessarily because those duck sketches are better than the other things it's just people react to it they can relate to it a lot more i mean those duck sketches i would never show those in the show i mean that would be really lame in a professional art show but on instagram it's totally fine okay let's see what's going on nikki says i thought it was a philtrum on the top lid the fulcrum on the lower i was always told this is the fulcrum but maybe i'm wrong about that too i have definitely been wrong about other things and karen says i agree the charisma is very strong with some actors it's an amazing quality especially in person well i can't speak about benedict in person i just imagine if he you know let's see somebody is killing their arm jade leaf talk about a workout and let's see alice db says their finger's also hurting but because it's pencil okay yeah pencil will definitely do that to you rupesh says i learned so much for you i learned that drawing is messy is actually what helps it get better faster yeah guys don't be so unrealistic and just want everything to look perfectly great immediately in two seconds it's not gonna happen i mean it takes time you gotta do a lot of bad stuff nikki says there's really a point when you get over 40 when you stop caring what people think happen for me too guys it's the best part about getting old i mean i know a lot of people talk about oh when you get older than all these things yes there are a lot of things that i have given up on like losing weight like i used to worry about that and now i'm like dude i'm eating my ice cream i don't care and yeah there are so many great things about getting older because you just are like i don't care like some of the stuff my college students really stress about i'm like i don't care it's fine my life is great really cool okay guys i'm gonna do another 20 minutes feel free to stick around because i just want to see where this is going to go i have not done a longer term port of drawing in a really long time because most of my stuff is not straight portraiture anymore most of the time i have an idea and actually the work i've been doing recently on my instagram which you can see is about all of my horrific gum problems if you're squeamish you probably don't want to read my captions but i've been doing stuff about that which interests me but i never get to really just sit and make a portrait i do that for demos in class but i never finish them because i'm working with students and everything so i'm just gonna do this alexandria diana says i'm cheating with an eraser but definitely having fun my benedick actually looks like the real thing oh i'm so excited you know what though using an eraser it's not cheating okay and someday i will do a stream with charcoal so i can show you guys more how to use that if you're curious right now there is also a stream right now it's already online of me drawing this female back where i do use an eraser pretty aggressively and i do use graphite powder so if you guys want to see a little bit of my eraser technique watch this stream that has this drawing the drawings in the thumbnail but i am going to do more i'm just not doing it today because this is the technique i decided to focus on maria the challenge it's in the discord so if you guys are not in the discord there's a channel called 2500 challenge and jordan is in there coaching people on how to do this and i really recommend you guys drop in you want to get better at drawing do jordan's challenge because he's gonna bust your butt you guys and the thing is like jordan's so nice about it that you're gonna think he's like not busting your butt but he really is so it's it's very manipulative although it's not when it comes to jordan if it were me yeah i always have like sneaky stuff jordan is like just super nice and chill so okay let's get back i'm gonna do another 20 minutes and let's just see where this goes right now i just feel like the drawing is so much about tone and i just i do want to show you guys that number one i can sort of do line a little bit but also where that line is actually gonna go so okay let me get set up and i'll get my reference photo and we're gonna do another 20 minutes and this really will be the last one because uh i think i gotta feed myself at some point okay let's see okay benedict i hope i can do you justice okay now i'm really gonna slow down and i'm going to be decisive even though part of me doesn't want to be i'm going to be and i actually i think this is the one where i'm really going to press hard because i really need to be decisive about some things like this uh eyelid i'm actually gonna finally put it in there i've been putting it off but i think it's time so and i hope you guys will see as i draw this what i need when i say that you don't need those details in the beginning and that if you do a good job setting everything up you could just drop them into place they'll just fall into place it's like if you guys make cupcakes and you put sprinkles on the top you just put them on it's not a big deal it should not be a big deal when you guys go in and you start adding all this stuff it should not be a big deal like if you struggle to place the eyes or to place the eye sockets that means you didn't do a good job setting things up so you have to start to think about it that way okay let's group things a little bit more make that more dramatic because he's got a sophisticated set of psychomatic arches oh nice okay all right we really need some structure in the lip so i'm gonna get really harsh and geometric down here because i i think what's happening right now this this happens all the time is the drawing is getting really smeary and i don't like that i do want it to be a little harsher so i'm trying to put in marks that have more defined edges and actually i have not worked on this other side of his upper lip so let's get that going because that is definitely an area that was suffering and this has to be a lot softer i feel like this did not get the fleshy quality that i wanted it to have so i'm gonna try to lock some of that in this too i think disappeared a little bit so i'm going to bring it back try to get it a little bit rounder like that and i will post this on instagram and on discord later because i can already tell on my youtube screen that the lighting's weird and so it's not i mean it's the best i could do given the equipment that i have but i'm just saying that probably what you guys are seeing on screen is not super accurate to what i'm seeing so i'll show it to you later when it's on instagram okay oh i did not give him his eyelid okay benedict here here's what you get there you go at least he's not on instagram guys i would die i don't know it's probably good he's not on instagram although hugh jackman's on instagram and he's so cute except for those dorky glasses he's been wearing lately i don't like his new glasses it's okay it's fine everything else makes up for it okay let's get he needs more the eye shadow the not the eyeshadow the eyebrow still not great in this area starting to get some of the form i'm looking for i mean if there's any way to describe to you guys my drawing process i really try to sculpt it i try to sculpt the figure that's what i'm looking to do i'm not really looking to do anything about that and so i do think about it from a very sculptural point of view okay and then there's a little bit of form around that bit of the lip and then let's do a little bit more under here because this is actually a lot more complex than i had it i think i simplified it too much in that area okay and you know something guys i was telling you earlier that i was having kind of a rough week for a lot of different reasons and i feel better i really do like after just sitting down and just drawing and hanging with you guys i already feel like i'm in a better mood so thank you for being here it makes all the difference because i could totally just draw by myself i mean i don't have to turn on live but it's like having that community is really nice knowing that there are people out there rooting for you it makes a big difference so yeah because if you guys go back and you read i posted it on instagram and it's also on twitter my announcement about leaving academia and how that was not fun for me that decision was not easy so yeah okay let's do a little bit he looks really upset now i think i made him more upset than he looks in the picture that's okay you know what i think i should do i think i should watch sherlock after this in the middle of the day it's a beautiful day outside i think i should just do that that would be a great way to spend my afternoon and i think i should do it guilt-free too because usually i guilt myself for not working enough even though i know i'm crazy i already work too much but i love it i love working on this this is so much fun for me okay all right we gotta take a better look up here i feel like i'm starting to lose some of the lighting so while i i'm not feeling great well um actually i take it back sternocleidomastoid i didn't even see it here it is sternocleidomastoid here we go see this it's a little confusing because there's this cast shadow that comes across but he does have a stern called a mastoid and i think i made it a little bit darker than it should be but whatever at least he has one sternocleidomastoid which is this muscle that comes down we have not covered it yet in my anatomy lectures i will get back to that it's just those anatomy lectures take so long to prepare i think on average the anatomy lectures are about 80 slides so just picture making a custom slide and each one needs a diagram and just the right angle of benedict it takes time you gotta find those images you gotta make the charts so i don't know that i'm gonna be able to do them until i settle into utah again because utah's coming up sooner than i think it is so i need to get ready so you guys will see that there is going to be a slight shift in programming we're still going to be around but we won't be able to do lectures that are very slide heavy that's the difference we'll try to pivot to subjects that are a little bit more discussion based so that way we can still go but i can also do stuff on the road and not have to prepare so much so there'll be a shift in content there but when i'm back and i'm all settled we'll be back to normal so don't worry everything will get back to normal at some point okay let's fix uh his lip needs a little more i feel like there's a little bit of a delineation here the edge of his lip and then this should be more sharp let's make that a little sharper like that okay i feel like i did i feel like he doesn't have enough neck who knows let's just fix that okay i really want to work up here because i feel like the lighting is terrible so [Music] i'm going to just look for abstract shapes i'm not gonna try to draw a hair by hair because that's ridiculous and i hate that so what i am gonna do though is pull out certain highlights like here there's a big chunk of highlight there's a big shape here and i'm pressing hard guys because i really really need the contrast and then here there's like a couple strokes that come out this way and i do want a softer transition between the hair and the cast shadow and i am going to try to group it all together and this i kind of lost this hair let's put it back i think i had it and then i like colored over that area and then it disappeared so let's just put that in again like this all right yeah i really really want the light because i feel like i did this other drawing of him for the art dare last month and i really messed up the hair like i did not pay attention to the lighting and that was like that was it that was the end of that drawing once i stopped paying attention to the shadows and the highlights it was not a good look so i'm really trying to fix that this time around yeah and this hair is like it gets really dense up here and then it gets lighter like hair is very very sculptural you guys it's just you got to be aware of it that's the difference a lot of people aren't thinking about hair that way they think about it as individual hairs and that's when you get screwed is when you're not taking that under consideration okay so here let's try to show the texture of the hair as well all right that is starting to look a little bit better but i still need to treat this almost architecturally i know that sounds really strange because it's hair but you really do have to look at it as a structure and if you don't it really can fall into like total mush which you don't want and i want to throw in a couple marks like that okay there's a really like giant lunge of hair that comes this way and this one i'm going to really try to define the lighting a lot better like this okay we're getting there we're getting our benefit it's it's okay i'm gonna do it what is he doing by the way somebody look up what's his next thing because i really have no idea although he wasn't that wasn't he in that like 1918 movie that was like nominated for an oscar i was not paying attention to the i mean i never do but was he good in that movie because i'm like is that worth it or is he just like in a helmet the whole time because if he's in the helmet the whole time i don't know if i want to watch it also everybody is just like a little too good looking in that movie to be a soldier i'm like nah i don't think so that just doesn't work all right i need oh shoot okay wait slow down look observe find those patches okay here's a patch here's a patch i'm just wondering do you guys have the same inner monologue that i have is it like a fight with yourself all the time i'm just curious he's basically what i'm saying is are you all as crazy as i am that's the real question i'm not really asking about the inner monologue okay now some of these hairs go up like that so what i want to do here i want to give these a little more body more direction and a little more texture okay and now i i do believe i should head over here somewhere i know there's only eight minutes left but i just i really want the hair to work i think because i feel like i failed in the last drawing i did of him with the hair okay let's get a little more highlight see there's like a chunk of highlight here that comes across if i head back okay now this really has to go this really has to be dark and so does this let's show the strokes see it's like because i've worked on this so much now i really can just go to town so let's give him something more substantial back here and maybe pull out a couple there's a couple of these like stray hairs at the top that i really want to emphasize like that i'm really digging here ow okay now i'm in pain it's my fault though i could draw like a a wimp that that would be easier my hands wouldn't hurt so much but i'm not gonna do it it's not fun for me to draw that way there's got to be a bite in the process all right i think a little bit more up here this should be more dramatic actually this like delineation of where his hair begins i think should be a little stronger okay let's get back here six minutes let's see if we can really resolve some of the stuff here i i really this hair is this eyebrow's still bothering me i feel like i want it more dramatic and maybe there's something about this that's not great i mean see here now i'm starting to get a little fixated on some things which i don't really like but it's sort of necessary at this point and you sort of have to i mean there's sort of no way around it okay hmm jawbone that's what he needs jawbone got really unstable not good okay now i'm using the tip the tip is actually really helpful when you're trying to make things smoother and a little bit more consistent because the tip gives you control that's the difference when you draw with the tip you know better what the crown is going to do it's a lot more predictable but sometimes it's not good in the beginning sometimes you don't want that yeah i think the neck needs more something's funky i think i like i don't know i did something with the neck but whatever that's not what we're here for you guys want an accurate picture just download it it'll be way faster and let's do a little bit more here because i do want to show this like plane that comes across the nose a little bit better let's get his nostril a little bit more dramatic again noses are weird it's not your fault it's not benedict's fault the nose looks strange i think we all think it looks strange no matter who we are okay and then it's sort of hard like i can't tell if there's actually hair back there but you know i think i'm gonna add hair back there anyway because it's going to accentuate this contour and no one's going to know like who cares all right let's get this in like that okay see that then sort of frames that part of his hair a little bit better in my opinion i can see it more i want to group some of this okay we're getting there almost there and i think i just want to like do another pass over everything actually this eye probably needs some more work it's weird i i can't really understand from the photo what exactly is going on there it's like really weird the way the shadows are organized it's not easy to figure out this is where i need to see you in person benedict if i could see you in person i would know what was happening structurally with your eye socket i would understand better what your eyelids were doing and all of that would contribute to the art educational experience that my my audience is experiencing right now it's all in the name of our head that's what we got to do we got to get them on the art education unfortunately it's not that glamorous like nobody people don't tend to give millions of dollars to our education it's just not one of those things that people generally do you don't really read about that like you always read about people giving money to like classical symphony orchestras and don't get me wrong they need it too i mean all these arts organizations need it it's just i feel like art education is just not very glamorous for a lot of people okay yeah let's let's give it a little bit this eye is sort of disappearing a little bit so i feel like this upper lid could use something more dramatic and then maybe his he got too soft did i lose this i think this needs to come back this crease of his mouth that's maybe too much but you know what i'm gonna leave it because i'd rather the drawing be too much than not enough it is better to me when the drawing is overstating things than when it's understating things because you can always pull back you can always do less on your next drawing but when it comes to actually getting things across it's better to overdo it if you ask me okay and actually he does have like a little bit of see the the lip the skin and the lip is so delicate and i gotta show that so this is like what somebody was asking me earlier about showing the realistic skin texture and a lot of that is just being really specific about that form i think it's i think this is too small i think i made his jaw too small let's make it a little bit bigger even at this late stage this time for stuff like this you just got to make time for it i think that's the difference yeah his oh my god i've made his chin like way too small this whole time okay let's make it a little bit bigger then this should help of course now his collar is not in a great place i have to like to redo that but i do think that makes things a little bit better it does move this stuff around but i think in general i underestimated the scale of his chin because he actually he does have a pretty big chin alright so let's redo the jawbone jawbone should be more dramatic let's pull it down more like that and then this evens it out a lot better let's pull this up see this this whole area got way darker than i think it should have but i'm doing it as a reaction to moving this down so that's how you guys can like manipulate and shift things like even when you mess up like it's okay like i'm not trying to make it perfect so as long as it works within the context of the drawing that matters more than trying to get the drawing just like the photo because you can drive yourself crazy doing that i think that's not a very fun way to draw and i'm not so sure that it makes the drawing better necessarily oh 29 seconds i think i'm just about done though i'm feeling that like i'm winding down a little bit and that i am starting to pick so i feel like that's about right in terms of time okay just a little bit more with the tip to even out some of these shading areas okay that's it guys let me see in the chat what you guys are saying so let me go back to my scene and i will be posting this on instagram and on discord in a little bit so you guys can get a more accurate photo of what that actually looks like let's see big hen says i finally understand why several thumbnails are necessary hard to get every element right the first pass go away and then look again you'll see what you missed the last time very cool yeah this is like my record isn't it i don't think i've done a stream that was this long before but honestly i find it a lot more satisfying because i really felt when i was finishing that drawing that i was like in the mode some of the other streams that were shorter i felt like i cut it prematurely and so while this feels like it's more work because it's longer it doesn't because it feels more right i think in a lot of ways let's see what other people are saying lisa says two teachers donated to our local library for education which includes art they were entrepreneurs who were very successful oh that's great i'm always happy to hear about stories like that because as somebody who just cares so much about art education it's hard to get people behind you on it when i think it's easy to justify math and science for obvious reasons and art is just a tougher argument i think for a lot of people diego garcia says i was doing an inkwash drawing so you were alive i got why i'm struggling with the facial features my basic structure wasn't really that strong now i'm paying consequences you know what we've all been there diego i still do it it's extremely common but really guys i mean i think this slide says it all it's everything around the eyes nose and mouth that is what's going to save you it's not the actual features that is really really going to save you that's the most important thing let's see luis says my mind shuts down when i draw i feel like i don't think anything weird i think for some of us is a good thing i mean for me it's like a break from all the stuff that i'm dealing with on a regular basis and let's see sabrina says i'll never get mine to look like the picture itself but you know it doesn't matter sabrina i know that that can feel like a measure of worth but you just have to think about the process and what you did to get there and keep practicing and at some point you are going to do some pieces that do line up with your goals and your expectations you can't do it that much and not that have that happen it's just that to get there it takes a while you're gonna have to do a lot of drawings you're not that happy with for that to happen let's see what else people are saying lacey stardust says what about open mouse action shots of people talking are so difficult i think with those it's even more important that you do the stuff around like you have to look at like how the shapes around the mouth like how this part of the mouth is going to stretch if somebody makes their mouth really wide you have to look at the tension that happens because like right now this image of benedict in imitation game like his mouth is pretty relaxed like he's not stretching it or anything like that but in some of the other images where his mouth is big it's like you look at the tension that happens around the chin and if you work on that that can really help quite a bit and maria says i think it's more effective to justify art by just saying live without it and all the aspect that it's in your lives yep i mean if you eliminate art from your life you're not gonna have a lot left over when you think about what's really out there and how much you guys interact with anything that has to do with art and design it's just it's really hard to get your average person to think about it that way ross tron says love your videos you're 15 years old working colored pencil i can pretty much replicate a photo but it just takes me so long how do i cut down on the time rostrum i don't know if you do gesture drawings but i think these quick drawings i'm showing you now by kathy kolowitz learn how to do these like if you can do good gesture drawings you're going to be faster because when i was in high school i never did gesture drawings i just copied photos and made them realistic and they again like you took forever and ever and ever but now that i'm doing gesture drawings i can whip it out really fast so work on your gesture drawings i think that would be a good way to do that yes i know the chin needs a tweak i know it's not perfection like he is in real life but anyway you guys come hang out with us on discord because we always have a really cool conversations there really nerdy conversations for the most part and subscribe to our channel and join the art pro family because we are the best and thank you so much to our top patreon supporters who make all of this possible thank you to all of you guys for jumping in the stream for hanging out with me you guys inspire me as much as hopefully i inspire you it's mutual this is a two-way street this is not just me talking to you it's absolutely an exchange and i love it guys so everybody stay safe i'll see you next time
Channel: Art Prof: Create & Critique
Views: 18,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anatomy art class online, anatomy art practice, anatomy art school, anatomy art study, anatomy art tips, artist anatomy practice, artist anatomy study, artistic anatomy, life drawing anatomy, life drawing proportion, anatomy portrait drawing, portrait anatomy, portrait anatomy for artists, human anatomy portrait, portrait drawing tutorial, portrait drawing tips, portrait drawing for beginners, benedict cumberbatch drawing, benedict cumberbatch, benedict cumberbatch sherlock
Id: mOGVX94jDt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 43sec (8383 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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