Sherlock Holmes tv episode 31 to 39 colorized color

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[Music] um [Music] i am the resurrection and the life says the lord he that believeth in me although he were dead shall live and he that liveth and believeth shall not die unto almighty god we commend his body to the ground earth to earth ashes to ashes dust to dust ensure and certain hope that at the resurrection he will rise again to everlasting life in well that completes the formal contents of sir charles's will may i be the first to congratulate you sir george as the new heir to farnsworth castle a massive crumbling stone and a morbid legend oh plus an estate with a handsome revenue all our negatives were most liberal mr clarkson my brother was a generous man he was a bully and a braggart george please charles is dead now he treated you more like one of his hounds than his ward sylvia and you know it henry you can now do what you've always dreamed of doing by your own medical practice two thousand pounds i'm overwhelmed i suppose that finishes the wilcoxon well not quite sir george your cousin charles added a most unusual codicil having made many enemies in my life and suspecting that any one of them may be tempted to bring my earthly days to an abrupt end i hereby direct no matter how i die that sherlock holmes be engaged to investigate the circumstances of my death sherlock holmes the detective but it's absurd charles died from a heart attack you signed the death certificate yourself reads i want a lot of homes to investigate i'm afraid mr holmes has already commenced his investigation a court order was issued this morning a court order for what the exhibition of sir charles's body the autopsy has been completed so charles died from arsenic poisoning our elizabeth it's incredible who could have done it one of us you or i or hendy or sylvia no not so do you know she had no reason she had the same reason we all had to our death set her free just as it said the rest of the tree homes and the straight still up in the tower room yes and dr watson is there too why is home so interested in the tower because charles died there i suppose or perhaps mr holmes is interested in the legend that ridiculous gruesome legend [Music] murders what i believe in homes not legends trade legends are sometimes put to surprisingly modern uses by the way what is the legend hope well it dates back to the wars of the roses essentially fell asleep here one night while on watch as a result they chopped his head off ever since that time anyone who sleeps here is supposed to die nonsense twice and yet the child slept here and he did die as a coincidence he'd already taken the poison he had to die somewhere no that window is much too narrow for anyone to get in or out with that door locked this place becomes a classic sealed room it was arsenic that killed them homes not the room or the legend or the legend dr watson you read their topsail report what's your opinion well there is one thing that struck me as odd this is january it's a chance of eating grapes the night he was poisoned what's that got to do with it well you don't very often find grapes in january not in england anyway clever watson grapes in january here arsenic out of this jar and someone in this room gave it to him each of you gained from his death we all had access to that dry inspector the arsenic was used for garden spraying anyway charles didn't eat or drink a single thing that night the rest of us didn't then why weren't all of you poisoned too miss bosworth what prompted your brother to sleep in the tile room the night he died i prompted him mr holmes i challenged him to oh really why to put his constant bragging to the test it started at dinner that night [Music] elizabeth your meals are getting progressively more inedible if you can't do better i suggest you find your own home and run it i'll try to do better charles elizabeth i like your dinner what do you know about decent food what do you know about anything i know how to run your estate for you and a mess you're making of it too with half the tenants overdue in their rents i won't sweat a man's rent out of him charles you'll get the rest of the rent by tomorrow or out you go bag and baggage what have you got to say to that i'll collect the rents by noon tomorrow i missed you always humiliate us charles have you no decency no human feelings i am not a weakness that's what you mean courage isn't always physical charles carriage you remember the time i locked you in the tower room you screamed like a stuck pig i was seven years old not a big brave man like you what do you mean by that you dared lock a little boy in that room but you never dared spend a night in it yourself you think i believe that stupid legend yes and fear it just as you fear anything you cannot hear or see or touch you locked me in to frighten me because you yourself would have been frightened get me a candle and spending the night in the tower room for charles you mustn't your heart if you want to talk like an idiot reeves trying to what an old wives tale i will fetch the candle i had to break open the tower room next morning i found him dead interesting what kind of grapes were served at dinner that night grapes no grapes were served we haven't had grapes in the house for months then who gave so charles the grapes he ate that night because he did eat grapes that's how he was poisoned no one gave my brother grapes inspector you're wrong the murderer did the strain the grapes weren't solve your case you know the solution lies in the tower room now look here homes we've already gone into all that and and i'm going to find it how can you do that then by spending the night in the tower room myself [Music] mr helms i think you are wrong to take the legend of france with castle so likely on the contrary miss farnsworth i'm taking it very seriously [Music] then be on guard mr holmes and stay awake [Music] [Applause] [Music] holmes how can you possibly solve the mystery here quite simply watson the murderer is going to try and kill me why because i'm sherlock holmes um can i can i stay with you no thanks all the same [Music] anything happens you will shout with you yes loud and strong [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] what [Music] what's up [Music] [Music] house [Music] poison i'll get you back to my room [Music] arsenic wasn't quickly the antidote arsenic [Music] he's very cunning watson yes maybe homes but i don't understand after all you and i ate the same thing the entire evening watson i think i know the killer's secret it is getting rather late not that i believe in any of this superstitious nonsense mind you but but you do believe in murder a dr reeves [Music] well it seems that everyone is surprised at my appearance this morning i was poisoned last night i am alive this morning thanks to a bit of good luck and some ingenious foresight on the part of dr watson on the afternoon the dr watson learned the true cause of sir charles's death he ordered the ingredients of an arsenic antidote from the local chemist i wonder who sitting at this table now is cursing that foresight do we have to be afraid of every bite we put into our mouths not every bite sir george only food with a flavor strong enough to conceal the taste of arsenic something like grapes for example if you want to know who poisoned the grapes i can tell you that too the person who bought the grapes in a london fruit shop on the days that charles died i rather imagined you'd trace those grapes astray who did in fact buy them miss sylvia taylor you're lying let her answer that sir george yes i bought them sylvia and gave them to charles when he was in the tower room yes but i didn't poison them i swear i didn't for some reason which he did not yet explain holmes doubted lestrade's case against sylvia taylor furthermore he reasoned that the killer would take refuge in her arrest letting the case end there and accepting his own safety he revealed to me that our only hope was to force the killer into making another move in spite of himself the first step was publicly to denounce the straits case in such a way that the inspector himself would be convinced that he needed more evidence this holmes hoped would frighten the killer more evidence you could spend a lifetime going over this place with your magnifying glass and i wouldn't even attempt it but a whole battery of men could accomplish it in a very short time indeed now look here a whole battery of man hmm straight how soon do you think you get up here sufficient men from scotland yard to carry out a systematic and thorough search tonight maybe certainly by tomorrow morning just a moment here this is my home and straight i think sir george is going to be rather anxious that they uh come armed with a search warrant i'll get in touch with the yard of me to say [Music] bobby on the door said nobody had gone in or out all day well i hope we haven't been outwitted on this it's been a very tiring time homes watching every move was being made and getting no word if we can't afford to let up now watson the pressure's really on him you know he's got fear to contend with oh holmes why do you keep crossing to that window you know i think it's your pacing up and down all day that's made me more nervous than anything else there it is why quickly what's in the tower of curry homes would you go downstairs immediately and tell us trade to bring our four friends up here who are you up to as i had hoped the killer that was all the necessary components of a trap well you better hurry watson we have a little time to lose right won't you sit down here just what's the point of this sounds exactly home we're going to find a murderer illustrated [Music] yes but why here perhaps the legends going to tell us yes mistreat the legend the weird tale of a headless century and the most convenient one for the murderer who didn't anticipate an autopsy yet why did he choose this room to murder him what is the mysterious connection between the tower room and death please stop i didn't want to stay here any longer i'm sorry miss taylor but we must stay here and wait perhaps all night who knows [Music] i don't feel very well could we open the window i'll open it for you elizabeth just getting rather stuffed here [Music] don't bother dr reeves i've already tried to have him myself it's quite impossible heading spinning you've got to open the window i see his feet please open the window i've already told you miss farnsworth it's quite impossible i don't believe you we make him open the elizabeth calm yourself it's just this eerie room that's getting on your nerves that's it's enough to send you out of your mind mr holmes can't we settle this downstairs please try to be calm all of you as i said before we may have quite a long wait here let me out of here elizabeth open the window do something stop it isn't it without you going off you fool you don't understand we've got to have a help i haven't seen him in the window let me let [Music] it really wasn't necessary to smash the window miss sponsor oh watson there's a package in that drawer behind you bring it to me will you yes good you see ms farnsworth i took the precaution of replacing your arsenic candles with harmless ones of course you couldn't be aware of that could you arsenic candles yes the strain like the one that kills a [Music] child it's a charles died of poisoned grapes oh no on the stage it was a far more ingenious method of killing than that a small room a tiny window and a candle impregnated with arsenic and giving off fatal fuels [Music] ingenious years and it's practical you can inhale arsenic as a gas [Music] follow an option you see this trade the person who placed those candles there wasn't going to sit through the night and wait for death she had to give herself away i'm sorry to upset all of you but uh quite frankly i didn't know which one of you it was but helms why did she choose this room to destroy the candles because this was the only room in the castle that she could be sure would be deserted that night the legend you see [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so um [Music] um [Music] [Music] you sent for me edward yes i've been thinking a great deal and i've decided on my last request yes what is it my son i want to see mr holmes who mr sherlock holmes the detective if there's any chance to prove my innocence he's the one who can do it you've got to bring him to me father very well edwin if the man can be found i'll have him brought here mr sherlock holmes i want you to assist me in a rather unusual experiment experiment what kind of experiment i want you to stand by while i drink this oh and you'll need your stethoscope what i say homes is it lethal of course not you don't think i take a chance like that do you are you ready oh thank goodness whoever you are oh dear come in the strength i've been delighted to see you well this is a warm welcome well now sit yourself down make sure at home no i won't thank you very much tell me social goal no not exactly oh what's the trouble austrade do you remember the phyllis brighton murder oh yes of course brighton uh she was stabbed wasn't she that's right by her husband edward wright but an hour ago he made known his last request rather an unusual one oh what was it you me why well no explanation and simply wanted to see sherlock holmes and you know holmes whatever is humanly possible we try to fulfill these vast requests of condemned men actually and i take it that his execution is imminent then straight yes a dawn he has about um seven hours to live come on then watson we have little time to lose if a man calls for me in his final hours it may mean that we too shall be called upon to fulfill a final request and seven hours is literally enough time when a gallows is at the end suddenly it came to me mr ho i was lying here on my god and suddenly i remembered something that happened the night of the murder it had entirely escaped my memory until now what was that recollection mr brighton i'm afraid it won't make sense to you until you understand some of the other facts in the case well yes yes of course well please go on it was a sunday afternoon last april when i first met phyllis we hid it off together immediately and three weeks later we were married she was very beautiful mr holmes blonde hair perfect nose delicate little mouth and her background her family we we never spoke about that fellas made me agree not to inquire into her past or she into mine i knew it was an unusual request but i consented readily mr holmes i'd been just a bank clerk and very lonely i didn't want to lose my one chance at happiness of course tell me what was mrs brighton's maiden name levay phyllis levay but she told me her friends called her bobo bobo i thought that awfully charming mr holmes i wouldn't kill her i i bought for a little home in benedict lane i insured my life for 2 000 pounds so she'd be well protected in case i should die i gave her everything she wanted every moment counts mr brighton now you must tell me what happened the night of your wife's death oh yes uh that night we had our first argument it was over a very trivial matter forgive me dear fair saying so but don't you think it's just a little too much what's a little too much healthy as a matter of fact i think it's too little now really phyllis it doesn't improve your appearance it makes you look um cheap i didn't say that i merely said you're afraid i'm going to shock the kimballs and i simply won't go you know very well the kimballs are expecting us there's no need to carry on like this i'm not carrying on edward you're the one i think i'd better take a breath of air before i say something unkind suit yourself you're really a sweetie edward but sometimes you're just so stuffy [Music] that was the extent of it mr helms it was just a mild little row but at the trial the neighbors testified we had a violent argument that night to this moment i can't understand why we should say such a thing after you left your wife what did you do i nearly i don't know exactly where just walked after a while i began to think of some way to apologize to phyllis i didn't want to make her unhappy even over the smallest thing [Music] i must have traveled a good long distance when suddenly i began to feel ill ill yes i contracted malaria as a young man in south africa i knew i was in for another one of my seizures dr watson you know what malaria does to a man oh yes indeed high fever sweats chills and sudden thank you spells that's it with the first chills i instinctively turned back towards the house i had medicine there that would lessen the effect of the attack i wasn't aware of the street or anything around me each step i took became a struggle [Music] i barely made it to my home i stumbled onto the front steps there it was on the ground i i knew it didn't belong to me but instinctively i reached for it and that's all i remember [Music] when i came to the house was swarming with police and phyllis was dead this object you saw the ground what was it that's the maddening pop i don't remember i'm only positive there was something and it didn't belong to me but mr brighton have you any recollection of his general shape size or color no sir nothing beyond what i've told you this has been most illuminating good night mr brighton come watson i realize i haven't given you very much to go on mr holmes perhaps not even the slender thread you require but a man will pray for a miracle when he's only a few hours remaining on this [Applause] [Music] earth [Music] [Music] ah homes come in what did brighton want astray may i see the items that you took from edward brighton's pockets when he was arrested um no i said may i see oh very well wilkins bring over brighton's effects will you well i don't want to seem pessimistic holmes but do you think this poor chapter got a chance no i'm afraid all the evidence proved conclusively that he had a violent quarrel with his wife then murdered in a fit of rage these mild-mannered clocks are always the ones oh thank you wilkins there are homes there's nothing unusual in there keys handkerchief wallet and so forth yes justin the straight says nothing there but coming to garden personal effects home well i for one wonder where we go from here we go to 14 head of a place watson beg your problem what are you there for that's the address of the tobacconist who prepared this mixture yes i can see that's the address but i still don't understand quite obvious watson brighton in his cell was smoking the inexpensive ordinary sea shanty brand of tobacco well that's a specially prepared blend uh only made for the welterweight connoisseur you'll note that burleigh base a touch of latakia at a certain amount of yeni j leaf hmm extraordinary old factory perception homes but what is the man's smoking habits to do with the case perhaps everything was trained it's my guess that phyllis brighton had a visitor that evening while edward brighton was roaming the streets and this is the something that he picked up on his return the something that he couldn't recall come what the scent of this tobacco may very well lead us to the real murderer and we have little time to lose goodnight inspector [Music] the package of tobacco was a thin thread to follow and it seemed a desperate chance for homes to take with only a few hours standing between brighton and death there was no time for false leads that would have to be abandoned [Music] a mistake now could mean disaster [Music] don't you see the shop is closed come back tomorrow tomorrow will be too late we must see you now what about father murder murder [Applause] oh well i could do the good cigar yeah i don't believe we'd have time for that watson you choose a cigar like another man chooses a wife oh i say really yes my name is sherlock holmes this is dr watson maybe come in please oh it's uh mr holmes indeed you have been come in thank you my shop is the georgia sport mr carruthers a man's life is at stake the information you may give us may very well save him from the galleries i'd like to have a look at your client's ledger with the names and addresses of all those who smoke this blend of tobacco why certainly mr holmes it's my own special mixture you know not many of my clients have the discernment or the cash to smoke it i hope this will be some help for you but i say homes and at least 50 names on that list it'll take days to check for one of them and time's getting desperately short mr langsley prime 8 grovel is square langsley prime was he i have the slightest idea that we must get to him immediately watson but now why langsley prime amongst all those names because eight gravely square isn't the dark section of the city and all the other addresses in the ledger were in the more fashionable neighborhoods doesn't that strike you as unusual yes it does now you've come to mention whereas you may recall watson that the late mrs brighton didn't wish to reveal her background i think we may therefore assume that it was of a somewhat questionable nature that's true and eight gravely square is in a questionable neighborhood well these are slight leads i grant you watson but we haven't the leisure at our disposal for more investigation our one critical factor now is time thank you very much mr crothers for your assistance and good night good [Music] ten o'clock six more hours inspector straight do you really think mr holmes will discover anything if there's anything to be discovered he's the man to do it [Music] i wonder where he is now it seems impossible all i could give him a few hours of vague memory this was mr prim's room mr holmes he left me two weeks ago and he mowing me back regular scoundrel we leave you in a forwarding address mrs jimmy cool got it he just left a note saying he was gold and got a job that's all tell me mr jeffy what sort of a man was he i mean what do you look like well he was tall and kind of ants him you might say then again you might not what do you want him for he's not in some kind of trouble is he not necessarily you're not here to give him the two thousand pounds two thousand pounds he was always talking about how he was going to get his hands on two thousand pounds and you know me rent thank you very much mr chibby you've been most kind yeah but when you see him you tell him i've said my money from now on all rent in advance well watson that's one more link in a strange chain of events tell me what's the time man must be after 10. all right let me just have time to get to the theater the theater yes we ought to miss the last act now look here you can't do a thing like that i'm in the theater at a time like this [Music] really homes your desire for entertainment is most challenge what you make of this hair and just the same i can't see how you can go on sitting there reading the paper with apparent indifference to the matter in hand it's not ordinary hair watson it's crepe hair used to make false beards and moustaches oh nonsense i mean if a man wants a mistake he can grow one like anybody else well watson actors often have need of uh simulated beards and mustaches actors yes do you mean it's an accurate doctor i'd wager so in as much as i discovered that in mr prime's dressing table drawer i see but even then holmes aren't we're going to find out what these performing in i mean there must be at least two dozen players being presented in london this evening alone that is precisely my reason for reading the theatrical page of the newspaper and i noticed that only one play opened at the same time our mr prime suddenly departed from mrs chivi's lodging house i hope you like uh shakespeare once nobody goes backstage those are my orders but my good man if you're from the costumes company you can't touch a thing till after the show mr pettifoot says he'll be able to pay by the end of the week i am not here for the costumes i'm here on a very much more important matter one in which every moment counts depending if it says see here this gentleman here is uh was sherlock holmes the detective here checkmate until it's all over and how do you know that mr preem is the man that you are looking for very sorry you'll just have to wait until the end of the play the show must go on my dear sir a man's life is at stake with all due respect to the bard i may be forced to tread the boards myself homes homes where are you no i need to break my blasted neck finding you this is mr petty food petty foot huh foot you know oh i figure pardon mr petty foot my friend an associate dr watson how do you do how do you know mr pettyfoot refuses to lower the curtain watson the condition of the does not permit it i must ask you gentlemen to leave leave oh please oh very well come on watson it is the cause it is the cause my soul let me not name it to you you chase stars it is the cause kid i'll not shed her blood will scar that whiter skin of hers than snow and smooth as monumental alabaster yet you must die else you betray more men put out the light and then put out the light if i quench thee they flaming minister i can again their former life restore should i repent me but once put out the light thou cunning's pattern of excelling nature i know not where is thy promethean heat but can my life with you when i have plucked the rose i cannot give it vital growth again it needs must wither i'll smell it on the tree oh bomby breath that the store must persuade justice to break her sword one more one more oh all right i don't care what happens anymore i'll be ruined i'd be the laughingstock of the theater detectives in shakespeare well the final thread is worth and watson or should i say rather that every hair is at last in place the two match perfectly what is going on what are you two mademen doing mr peterborough you can be of assistance to us in a drama even more important than the performance on your stage in fact you can help us to save a man's life i can you can indeed now listen very closely when mr prime comes in here what time is it now inspector there's still time no i'm afraid it's too late telephone call for you inspector straight very important sir thank you officer you want me to hide behind the door and jump through as he comes in no you need to do that watson just sit there and do nothing whatever happens right he's coming you how dare you ruin my scene that i believe will only be the least of it well who are you and what you want in answer to your first question my name is sherlock holmes in answer to your second i want you for the murder of phyllis brighton murder phyllis brighton hmm better known in theatrical circles as bobo levy get out of my dressing room your acting stands you in good stead mr prime you almost convinced me of your innocence however acting in life are two quite different things tonight on the stage you murdered the girl desdemona in make believe a month ago you murdered a woman in a more sordid drama you may as well continue this fast the stage is all yours thank you i shall try to be brief you and your ex-partner planned what seemed to be a simple but clever scheme she would marry some poor unsuspecting soul and you would murder him and then a pair of you would share the insurance policy ridiculous and it might have worked but for one thing phyllis fell in love with edward brighton i don't know what you're talking about i don't know any phyllis or any brighton then perhaps mr prime you are familiar with romeo's lines how oft when men are at the point of death have they been merry get out of here i've heard enough not quite enough brian it was you who had the vicious argument with phyllis brighton when she refused to continue with your scheme and it was you who in a fit of jealous rage stabbed her to death and so shall you die holmes let me go let me go i came here as soon as i got your telephone message home what's going on here and who's he no time to explain now the straight i want you to arrest this man order a stay of execution for brighton i'll be able to prove conclusively in the morning that brighton is innocent and this man is guilty all right holmes i'll take your way for it you'd better come along with me well i must admit i've been far too shaken to think clearly but just the same i can't believe it i mean with my very eyes i saw him stab you with that that dagger [Laughter] watson if actors were allowed to use real weapons on the stage the mortality rate would be something fantastic observe how the blade disappears into the handle [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] what in heaven's name did you hit her for how many times do i have to tell you i didn't strike her i never harmed her she has a broken arm hasn't she maybe so but it has nothing to do with me you're finished you know that i am not finished confounded by my whole career is thrown into this election well what you propose to do pay the money she asks two thousand pounds don't be ridiculous now listen to me jeffrey the party's depending on your seat in the comments if that woman makes a public statement you attacked her and broke her arm you'll be lucky if you get one vote and it makes no difference that i happen to be innocent wit in your position an accusation is just as damaging as a conviction you've got to withdraw now very well i'll do it for you i'm going to fight for my very life i know someone who might help me even if you weren't you've got three days to clear this better up or get out on sunday evening i'm going to make a statement one way or the other i thought you were my campaign manager not my accuser three days remember [Music] so i went to a marriage bureau she seemed a very charming sort of woman cultured and good background and all that yes we are a marriage bureau yes i've lived in the country for a long time now i just never seem to meet any woman except the most ineligible and unattractive ones i've been lonely these past few years since my wife died this bureau seemed reasonable enough after all they promised to introduce you to ladies of cultural and intellectual backgrounds similar to your own but they didn't um mention blackmail two thousand pounds you say an impossible son even if i were guilty which i'm not my whole career is at stake mr holmes i think it might be a good idea to have a look into this managed bureau don't you agree watson yes i'd say sir i simply can't believe mr oliver he's a proprietor could be involved in this and you say you have three days to pay or disprove the accusation here yes mr helms it's not very long i know it isn't getting any longer i suggest that dr watson and i start our investigations immediately [Music] business we are working against time this is the only way we can get to the core of the case now this is listen listen uh you go on in and i'll just wait here and you see but i'll be here if you need me absolutely no use to be at all out here come on come on come on watson come on [Music] come on beautiful weather we're having eh [Music] [Applause] [Music] um well excellent everything seems to be in order now i'm afraid i shall have to put the same questions to you that i put to your friend i realize they're rather personal but it's the only way we can be certain that all clients are protected and properly matched yes right right i can understand that now about your financial situation this is all routine you understand yes i i suppose it is um well my um personal income is in the vicinity of um 3 000 pounds a year well that seems quite empty that's quite apart from uh aunt agatha she's worth thousands about hundreds of thousands and yo the air next in line uh my favorite too well i have been since i was you're you're very fortunate a very odd coincidence has occurred today the very first time it's happened i can remember but there are two charming ladies here at this very moment who seem to fit perfectly with both your backgrounds i think we could have our first introduction immediately is anything the matter no no no i was just admiring your um toulouse-lautrec my what you're the trek it's uh very interesting the the painting oh the painting oh of course of course well if you'll excuse me for a moment i'll see if the young ladies are still here i say holmes what was all that whispering about my uh financial position but that confounded busybody asked me the same questions i answered them straight out no but you gave them real information they'll never try and blackmail you oh boy well gentlemen everything's worked out perfectly the ladies are waiting in the cenor where we generally introduce our couples and let them have a uh get acquainted chat my secretary is there with them and she will introduce you um the door is the far end of the hall thank you well watson come on what are you waiting for go on go on door at the other end no no no straight on straight on ah mr holmes hmm i'm always interested in the welfare and the situation of my clients yes how old is aunt agatha [Music] 94. uh tell me uh miss uh miss um family family all right charming name very good charming tell me family do you prefer living in the country or do you like living in london huh oh i like living in the country do you really have so do i as a matter of fact i love the country thing i like most about the country i think is the early morning ride hey yes do you ride [Music] oh busy [Music] not really you've never really been to paris yeah oh you'd adore paris my aunt agatha always went to september you know she said it was quite simple not to go to paris at all without going in the spring [Music] that's very funny [Music] i'm so sorry i hope i haven't shocked you oh no no of course not good [Music] and uh charles was furious of course well he hates to lose a wager but did he pay you the the 500 pound oh of course on the spot why wouldn't he why don't you say something [Music] you have very pretty eyes you're a romantic one well has everyone become acquainted oh we've had ever such a lovely chat mr oliver it's nearly time for us to close the bureau so i must ask you to leave in a few moments but first in accordance with our policy i want to encourage all of you to know each other might i for instance suggest that all of you have tea together tomorrow and then perhaps um go to the theater that is of course if it suits everyone's convenience oh that would be lovely oh yes dead oh yes perfectly delightful excellent well i will allow you some minutes to make your preparations and then i'm afraid we must close the office [Music] well i see it through him what do you make of me though nothing i didn't expect to we were merely planting seeds watson planting seeds yes it's my theory that if oliver and the others are blackmailing they're choosing their victims pretty carefully however i hope that a tea time tomorrow we'll be able to obtain more evidence in support of my ethereum the trouble is that our client can't wait very much longer you were telling me about your musical background mister i i said i interrupted you well there isn't very much to tell really i've spent a considerable fortune on my musical education but what instrument was it using that you paid the violin my dear the violin at times rather brilliantly i've been told oh dear do be careful [Music] followed you this time oh charlie i beg your pardons oh i don't stay out of it wait a minute so you're the one [Music] what have you done to him the police somebody get the police he's my husband this man this one here i saw what he did man you better not try any more tricks mr the police will soon settle you but this is outrageous you don't understand but it's true it's true they're married and he was trying to break them up i know he is type in here comfortable there's your man help someone why don't you say something you can't do anything like this happen to you we've fallen very neatly into their trap don't you agree watson well everyone seems quite thoroughly in agreement except of course your friend here these other witnesses are in full accord and the testimony of the proprietors of the tea shop supports them but inspector this is absolutely outrageous where's inspection of the strain he'll speak mr holmes inspect on a straight i'm sorry it doesn't inspect in this trades case well i think we have everything we need now your girl except of course mr helms he's under arrest oh my life i waited for something like this assault and battery you should stick to your magnifying glass oh hell in the straight line i'm glad you're here oh i was just seeing our more dangerous criminals what probably god is you were right holmes oliver called on me and told me that for four thousand pounds this case would be quietly dropped why he's insane he's not insane wasn't he just greedy no he's insane he kept on saying that he was sure aunt agatha would fix it got that four thousand pounds what are you talking about no i'm not sure myself well listen most now that we know where to look we could take them quickly and you've got to let me out of here industry what's the matter holmes this is one of our more comfortable jazz listen the straight a man's life is involved in this jeffrey born candidate for parliament he's been blackmailed by the same group we can stop them now and you've got to let me out of here well i didn't know it was serious this isn't my case i have a word with mason he's seen your arresting officer in this job he's the only one who can let you out of here without a court order i'll see another one well honey straight jeffrey bourne has only got until seven o'clock tonight but you will release her now look here mason i've known sherlock holmes for a very long time i know him as a valuable colleague if he says this marriage bureau is a fake if he says they're blackmailers then undoubtedly they are blackmailers but there is no case of any kind against the marriage bureau illustrated if one arises i'll investigate it but i will not jeopardize my position by taking such a step without cause as for mr holmes he has been formally accused and the number of witnesses more than justify an arrest all right mason but this is outrageously straight didn't you explain everything dr watson right i'll handle this case myself you dr watson unless you care to come in and help me well i'll do what i can of course there's only one thing to do you must break into oliver's office go through his private files and everything there must be further evidence of their activities right break him that's against the law look maybe i could get a search warrant for how soon straight oh it's a pity this is sunday certainly not before monday not with mason here yes but look jeffrey jeffrey born only has until seven o'clock yes but breaking and entering that's a crime have you any idea what the penalty is for that yes if i remember correctly thank you very much i'd rather not know excuse me [Music] [Music] i just had to come and see for myself mr holmes i couldn't believe it oh well i suppose i better tell george to get it over with well don't be hasty mr born dr watson's working on the case with all his energy at this very moment [Applause] [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] and it must be a cylindrical lock with multiple tampers and that's quite a different story each of the tumblers operates at a different height it's an absolute tremendous task well what are we going to do well there's any one thing for it smash the lock of course my of course smash the lock the strange if you had blackmail records to keep and they might be dangerous where would you hide them uh let me see well blackmail's liable to turn into a running game at any time i suppose you want to be portable that's good that's perfect i want you to go after dr watson immediately clear office i couldn't tell him to ignore the files to them to take all the paintings down off the walls open the backs and tear them apart necessary paintings yes oliver's office had one wall covered with paintings mostly latrine and he hadn't even heard of him well neither have i oh go on hurry this trade come on [Music] hello what are you doing here but you gave me a start i gave you a start look holmes says not to bother anymore about the files what no he says try looking behind these pictures looking behind here you try that nonsense this is nerve-wracking enough about you beginning to hear things [Applause] the straight look that's it i just spoke to mr holmes he said he'd be sure to have something by six o'clock i hope so jeff for your sake i hope so your eyes are not so pretty [Music] i told you i heard something quiet who's been in the oh good work his who's here scotland yard scotland yard eh what are you doing here well i uh i i iva you interfere with the national election for one thing we've got to clean up those files we'll take care of them later edna listen to what i'm telling you and see if you can do it right stand right here and if either of them makes a move scream can you do that yes mr oliver good she's awfully stupid but she can scream [Music] all right mr helms what's the meaning of this message it refers to a black male gang operating through a marriage bureau i've heard that accusation before but so far i've seen no evidence to support it inspected the strain has evidence inspectors trade yeah it is already set out for the marriage bureau to make a clean arrest of the entire gang but it isn't inspecting the straits case if he had evidence he should have brought it to me well i thought of that anyway he went and according to my calculation he should have been back by now however i think he may run into some very serious difficulties there are strict regulations regarding such things when he gets back here i'll talk to him you can do better than that the day can be yours you know what do you mean go to the marriage bureau yourself and take charge after all it is your case you know order a squad of men to get ready have them meet me at the side entrance in five minutes don't you think she's a pretty girl this dread what you know the straight i'm so surprised that any girl who's so lovely and so intelligent could be kicked around by a cad like oliver you really think i'm pretty sure oh yes i from the very first moment i saw you huh yes i mean wouldn't you like to sit down you must be tired standing yes you yes you have the most lovely hair really it's i i wonder my hands are awfully uncomfortable if you could be a dear ease them a little something amusing i know i'm stupid but not that stupid oh are you ready to go mr oliver ah well inspector let's trade oh no not mason where are you again mr bone before seven i've got to get there go after my hands i never thought such a sunday [Music] [Applause] [Music] you told inspector mason i know this trade but i had to get you out of there somehow i was better off as i was well i considered that but uh despite the injury to your pride you know uh it's best that way i know nothing of the kind it was only a matter of a few moments before dr watson and i had the situation completely under control well you must tell me the story in the meantime uh now the criminals have been arrested please let me out of here oh i'm terribly sorry but this is inspector mason's case i couldn't possibly interfere with another colleague's affair oh no [Laughter] all astray i want to straight my old friend australia [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] foreign [Music] sherlock holmes solved an extraordinary case involving the theft of state secrets from a foreign embassy in london holmes work virtually saved the throne of the balkan monarch king conrad in appreciation of this service both homes and i were extended and eagerly accepted an invitation to join a royal hunting party at the sovereign's lodge deep in the forest of his balkan kingdom hey wait tell the king's fortune not mine let's hear prince stephens afraid of your future cousin i'll tell you that when i've heard yours don't worry conrad i'm going to have a long peaceful life tell them girl [Music] come now stefan don't take it so seriously no just a bit of nerving that's all not some sort of joke of yours was it i'm afraid not i imagine the girl is genuinely frightened prince stefan she's rushed out leaving her money on the floor let's forget all this let's drink a toast to i can't think of anything we've drunk to our guests and to everybody's country to beauty your highness you were as thoughtful as ever count my girl your second payment stefan remind you of the wonderful times at monte carlo [Music] he did not [Music] yes poison but you can't tell what kind without a post motion watson do you think he could have been in his wine glass and we drank that last toast yes could have been have to be very quick acting hmm it seems almost incredible that one could murder so quickly and so smoothly in front of so many witnesses you know holmes i've come to the conclusion these people are raving mad i haven't had a quiet minute since we first came here the question watson is who had the greatest motive even the king is capable of it if the reason were great enough come in won't you sit here then please sit down gentlemen great shock terrible but i'm afraid the consequences will be still more tragic war stefan came here at my request as a representative of his father king johann i had hoped to to reach a non-aggression agreement to relieve the tension between our two countries however it seems that king johann is more interested in finding an excuse for war than in preventing one and now of course he has his excuse plus a genuine fury king johann is arriving tomorrow to take his son's body back home i must be cleared of all suspicion before he leaves this lodge tomorrow mr holmes will you help me i can only promise to try your majesty but i believe i should warn you that the speed and cunning of our murderer may uh place other lives in jeopardy before we see the end of this affair why was prince stefan's wine glass taken to the kitchen and washed i set it aside but the servants picked it up with the other glasses an analysis will serve no purpose now your majesty have you any more questions to ask count mcgaure mr holmes no your majesty is not at present you may go calm magor is an excellent equity mr holmes he's rash but faithful i see tell me your majesty what do you know princess antonia she was a friend of stefan and her background she's a member of an impoverished royal house have you known her long a few years we met at monte carlo in fact i fell in love with her there no surprise everyone did including stefan she was attached to another man whom i respected and i was discreet stefan used no such discretion and swept her away from us all you ain't angry no not really stefan and i never really fought about anything except politics that's a lie or can't you remember as far back as this morning what do you mean antonia perhaps i was mistaken you've made an accusation i apologize if you should require me again mr holmes i'll be in my rooms i'm leaving too your majesty i wouldn't want you to think i spoke behind your back good night gentlemen perhaps you should go and have your palms red tonight there's a gypsy who tells amazing things i say hose what's she getting at well you know what it might be interesting to find out yes it might be very interesting [Music] do [Music] the prince is dead i know i saw it in his hand did you see anything that wasn't written in the hand i i see the two men called the king and the prince i was waiting in the kitchen for the time when i would be told to dance but as i go to a door i see the two men preparing to fend [Applause] [Music] ten gold florence on prince stefan taken princess and as good as one quick with your parrots stefan scratch you'd better have it dressed count nagorn your emergency fetch a napkin from the table you need fencing lessons stefan your reflexes have slowed down i may need fencing lessons but at least i need no lessons in sportsmanship what do you mean i was off guard the true sportsman doesn't repost when his adversaries are balanced i won't forget that remark stefan and i'll see that you remember it too gentlemen mr holmes and dr watson will be back from their walk any moment then i did not look anymore thank you you've been very helpful i think that friendly match this morning one on some close investigation come watson tell me your majesty who suggested the fencing match between yourself and prince step up princess antonio and where are the epas there would you mind if i had a look at them no thank you this is the fao majesty used yes did you have the choice of weapons yes i note that the tip of this epa has been dipped in poison you perhaps misunderstood me earlier mr holmes my request and your orders are to clear me not convict me [Music] but it's conclusive evidence king had the choice of their place so he was sure to be the one who gave her the poison it's evidence watson but fortunately for our own safety it isn't conclusive oh what do you mean well we must continue our investigations until we have a decision one way or the other then we must let the facts speak for themselves yes but if you prove him guilty he'll start a war my dear watson i can't disclose the facts i can't alter them oh well let's go to breakfast even if we are condemned men we might as well have a hearty meal right to our ours yes that's true do you remember what you called me in monte carlo a vagabond princess an ambitious royal [ __ ] you wanted just one thing for yourself a throne i still want one conrad i saw you with the airplanes yesterday morning before you fenced with stefan oh the hilt of one of them was loosened i i haven't told mr holmes yet and i won't if if what your throne's an attractive throne and i've been told i'm not an unattractive woman you could have had it without blackmailing me i was ready to marry you at monte carlo when you chose stefan i've loved you ever since you you love tell mr holmes anything you want conrad i didn't know get out get out mr holmes princess it poses a dilemma for you doesn't it you englishman are so honorable are you willing to sacrifice your honor for him you heard yes you mentioned i did not kill prince stephen and yet the circumstantial evidence could convict you in a court of law you know mr holmes you're a very dangerous man have i your word that when king johan arrives you will suppress any evidence you may have against me know your majesty you're placing yourself and dr watson in jeopardy i realized that before i started my investigations see that princess antonio is confined to a room mr holmes and dr watson are under arrest but look here your majesty we're british subjects at the moment that is not too important interesting situation a watson right fantastic [Music] why blasted homes they can't throw us into prison like this without a charge or a reason i'd wager they could well we have that's what i mean why should he ask you to investigate the case for him holmes you couldn't help but find him guilty we haven't found him guilty of watson it's only circumstantial evidence that's what you yourself said that was enough to convict him yes but we've missed the most significant point a motive well perhaps he just isn't obvious who gains the most by stefan's death um uh well no one exactly and who loses by it well now let me see uh princess antonio loses the throne and king conrad throws his whole nation into a war for which he is totally unprepared that brings us to count my goal my goal well he loses nothing um it would appear sir wouldn't it watson what have you got on your mind holmes watch with the guard watson and tell him when he comes this way right watson do you remember what stephanie said just before he collapsed no i don't remember except it well he was rather overshadowed by the death but he threw the gypsies money to my gore and then said something about a second paper god what's that in your nose watson hey ah very neat eh oh look and another one behind your ear that's two really holmes this is no time for palm tricks hmm i think you're quite right old man yeah come on like the trick nose uh-huh yeah yeah yeah yeah see there's a card you take and huh good mm-hmm now huh here yeah yeah [Music] what now though first we free princess antonio come on [Music] feed watson [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh what's up [Music] gotcha [Music] tell him nothing your majesty he has no proof against you he'd start a war merely on suspicion i need proof of my innocence count my goal yes but holmes he's not involved in all this he could have put the poison on the ep no after all how do you know which epa the king would choose sheer logic eliminates the current hmm not if the epa was poisoned after the dual watson you mean to throw suspicion on the king the wine glass perhaps hmm i think not watson princess when prince stefan received the scratch who dressed the wound may go we must go out of the hole immediately and we have little time your highness but homes you can't prove anything all the dressings have been burnt you have the scrap of evidence well evidence is an interesting thing watson sometimes it can be recreated shall we go your highness yes thank you follow me [Music] [Applause] johann has issued secret orders for mobilization to take effect from the moment he recrosses the frontier he's determined to have war and he can't be distracted are you quite sure of that counter goal if king johann had been confronted with the truth there would have been no cause for war would there count why draw your sword count my girl we are unarmed put up your sword count magor what truth mr holmes they're wasting time your majesty so they'll be free when king john arrives not at all count we happen to have discovered the last scrap of evidence that we needed it completely vindicates your majesty what is it will it convince king johann i believe it will we have found a container that held the poison what are you talking about homes we found it watson haven't we count defend yourself mr holmes return the button or defend yourself put up your sword count the gore i'll count to three mr holmes what is in this button count nothing oh nothing eh then you shouldn't mind very much if i do this with it [Music] account no for the matter i'm defending myself i say there was poison in that button you say there wasn't if you're right you shouldn't mind a little dueling scratch no don't don't drop your sword well count yes you're right what happened in monte carlo monte carlo yes your majesty that was where stefan got some sort of hold on him what was it [ __ ] i cheated at cards he caught me he took mine iron the woman i loved i wanted to forget and start again but he would never let me he reminded me of it every chance he had and what made it more unbearable count was that you continually reminded yourself and yet you couldn't quite escape your conscience could you king johan and his party are entering the ground sire [Music] quite frankly holmes i should be glad to get back to london again work with lestrade poison swords and all that caper i'm just not up to it i know just what you mean old chap oh um holmes i uh didn't get to mention this before but did you know that count magor was noted for his swordsmanship oh yes yes i seem to have heard about it somewhere oh well well uh no no offense of course but i mean i i've fenced with you you know and i mean you're good enough but uh well you're not that good i mean to stand up to him mother well yes i knew that watson but uh fortunately he didn't no but i mean what would have happened if he called your bluff how long do you think he would have lasted with him well let's see now about uh 30 or 40 seconds but then in every game of bluff of course there's a certain element of risk or it really isn't much fun is it yes i shall be glad to see dear oldest trade again don't ever tell him watson but so will i so will it [Music] [Music] right [Music] oh all right all right let me you're welcome come in are you mr silla coons yeah and shut the door she's after me hey there she is the wild mischievous creature look at that did you ever see anything so brazen but the state's empty oh she's gone she faded away the moment you looked out excuse me sir but uh who faded away the ghost of my ancestors hear that ghost uh her ghost and a more impudent saucy ghost you won't find in the whole of scotland oh i'm in need of a stimulant ah cup of tea bath no thank you not that habit but maybe you have a wee drop of scotland's gift to civilization anymore no subsetting being followed by a ghost oh forgive me allow me to complete the introductions are dr watson mr mcgregor how did you know i was malcolm i didn't say only that your name is mcgregor i am sir and i wish to sell it but she won't let me ever yes every time a buyer is handing over the mini she whisks in and scares them off thank you doctor it was necessary yes you say she scares brother money mr mcgregor i am mr holmes the mortgage in my castle is due at midnight tomorrow night mr holmes i have one last chance and you've got to help me an american is coming to look at the painting at the castle tomorrow you must stop heather from scaring him off if you don't i lose my castle you know holmes she's a very pretty ghost we'll take a case mr mcgregor i cannot thank you enough mr ho nozzle now you will take the royal scots train from the london houston station at nine o'clock tonight three minutes past nine as you say dr watson you will take that to glasgow and at glasgow you will change to buchanan street to the highland railway there ask them to put you off at bray halakhalt thank you mr mcgregor there is just one more thing mr holmes will the price of your railway fare be included in your fee or will i have to give you that out of my own pocket now it's included sir you're a gentleman mr holmes you are a great gentleman could tell me this very good grass shooting up at brahav hello hans what do you found there woman's clown mid-18th century curious place to find it once very curious [Music] piping in mr sherlock holmes and dr john watson i'll see that your bags are put in your rooms now that's an experience i never thought i'd have been piped into a scottish castle i wonder who he was announcing us to or the ghost fans i forgot to tell you sirs the mcgregor has gone to the village this afternoon he intends to remain there until this evening when he fetches the american from the station he begs your pardon romeo plays this damn two i shouldn't wonder if the lead has rubidism [Music] hello 8 30. he hasn't got much time from midnight you know it's odd watson that portrait do you notice that my homes [Applause] [Music] reflect and then you'll plainly see than the greater fortune hung with me as cursed on all who dare conspire to take me down from all the fire [Music] what's in the candelabra [Music] this is the only way she could have come [Applause] 50 feet straight down from here oh nothing here watson let's go and have another look at the hallway shall we is it me you're looking for yes heather it's you we're looking for your glove did i drop my glove somewhere i think you remember would you care to have it back are you sure it's only the club you want to give me what else then a kiss maybe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what well i'm afraid we must score one forever and a very neat one [Music] now i don't want to seem ridiculous you know but i know jeff it's quite inexplicable for the moment anyway yes but well i mean it breaks the children up and down your spire and those tinkling bells what did all mean i wonder who earns the mortgage on this castle and mr ross the lad said though i can't for life he thinks when he wants the place for i thought he can't pay for itself and it's in very poor condition well undoubtedly watson we could uncover something if we worked in that direction but i'm afraid we haven't got the time to investigate we must attempt to deal more directly with our attractive ghost have you got a scheme humps let's just say i have a notion oh well the ghost is bound to appear for the benefits of mr mcgregor's american plant when she does will be quite prepared for her and how does one prepare for a ghost by first deciding if she is a ghost well holmes what's your plan there are two tiny alchemists at the head of the stairs well just a few feet after the turn each of us hides either side of the stairway we conceal ourselves and when heather comes down to make her appearance she has to pass by one of us and as she passes one of us one of us will take her no no no let her come down and give her performance that will establish her guilt then when she goes to make her exit back up the stairway we jump out of nava homes and since the lair should be returning shortly we won't have very long to wait you take the right ones and i'll take a left [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr samuel scott thank you pardner that's right nice there was a couple of gents here well mcleish said they were here and they'll be taking the air baby that's the great work art i'm gonna take back home yes mr scott that's a portrait of my ancestors header that's the work of a master mr first where were you your heartless guestie we're going with you don't you see you'll lose my castle reflect and then you plainly see emma great and fortune hung with me obtains on all who dare conspire to take me down from all the fire come back here come back you brazen warlock and have it out with me [Music] you cannot do this to me heather you gotta do it come back [Music] gone but i didn't see her go no place did you get her no didn't she pass you why don't you pass you but i thought the same thing why holmes is it yes i know it's impossible and now we return to the case of the haunted gainsborough coyotes and rattlesnakes that's all we got where i come from never heard tell of a ghost why does she do this to me mr holmes it's not her castle now it suited me if you'd give me the picture let me ride out of here lad you mean mr scott do you mean that you you still want the painting well i wouldn't want it said i got scared out of a deal by no lady even if she wasn't old lady what do you want for the picture uh five thousand pounds what do you think one thousand it's a deal you're a gentleman mr scott a great gentleman well let's go and have our supper my appetite's returning it'll be like a feast to me now will you be so kind to follow me [Music] gentlemen [Applause] [Music] the dark man it can't be would i invent such a tale what has she done to me now listen mcleish you must go back to mr scott keep him entertained keep him out of here as long as you can but by no means tell him about this i'll do my best as long as there's food you stay i think heather heather give it back to me it is my own portrait and you will not sell it malcolm mcgregon have you no consideration for pity's sake [Music] she's gone you cannot catch a ghost [Music] you find something else our first material evidence the tinkling sound hmm to something probably a glove well i must say holmes i'm very relieved well i'm not relieved it's 11 15 already my painting's gone and soon i'll lose my castle now listen you must say nothing about this to mr scott if he comes in here tell him that you're having the painting packed he must be kept willing to buy until midnight but there's nothing to buy now there will be right homes rounds like an antelope i've told you four take no chances i fed up the same old routine again and again i didn't like your variations what do you mean i read my line straight i'm a professional actress and talented yeah a distressful man i don't know let you down i'll tell you better of that when i go to collect my castle can't see what you want with this tumble down old place there's more in it than meets the eye appreciate you having my picture created for me it's ready in time i might break camp right out of here tonight mr archibald ross i take note of the fact that i'm not piped into the castle only welcome guests of the laird piped into mcgregor castle well if you want my opinion i didn't like the way you blew the pipes anyway you wouldn't know good piping from bad your mind's too full of mortgages and if we're passing opinions archie his mind that you're a disgrace to the whole of your clan pack your pipes you're leaving soon well where's my money laird you'll get your money before midnight actual grass i've still half an hour left and where do you hope to find it in that space of time i've sold the portrait of my ancestors heather to mr scott here you've sold it i see no portrait there to be sold i've taken it down to be packed get lying i can pay you now lad might save you a little trouble besides i'd like to settle the deal and get out of here before that ghost lady turns up again i'll be back at midnight on a wee bit before again and it's got to be the most frightening performance of your life what now no i want to see it give me 10 minutes to get down the passage and out the door i've got to return by the front door again you know i'll give you a performance ducks it'll scare even you that's a fain ass i can see the news spreading like a prairie fire all the way to el paso most likely sam scott just trudged in from europe looking a genuine gainsbo a what a gainsbow pitcher oh i see mr archibald ross again well mcgregor you're lacking breath that triple ross you needn't have run there's still time i wasn't sure of the time oh i can't see the clock from here but there is time i'm telling you [Music] a curse a curse upon one that is here a curse upon him who defies my wish my word and my will his deed will be done at midnight so i lay my curse upon him to commence at that hour he will live his days in the misery of loneliness he will live his nights in the horror of fear terror will follow him like a shadow through both day and night [Applause] [Music] quickly watching is she all right yes only fainted mr norms is it really you yes mr gregan would you look after the girl not to watch the nightmares go after the painting thank you good head through here watson there you'll be all right now i suppose you got what you deserved but i must admit that you get the worst of the scaring business come lassie and i'll take you upstairs and find a room where you can rest [Applause] well once when our first trap failed there was only one answer a secret passageway but i wanted the ghost with it i say help the painting well good watson well what do you got there it appears to be the flames of mcgregor's castle ah yes of course this would explain heather's fantastic exits this whole place is honeycombed with passageways and here's something that interests you watson an entrance to the passageway through the stone floor of the battles so that's how she first disappeared on us feel much better now [Applause] well we must get the portrait back to mr scott and uh close the sail before midnight well what are you going to do now layered you have five minutes left by your own clock faster you couldn't be mistaken you're quite sure well mr mcgregor here's your portrait well you might just as well take it back where you found it the buyer's gone and he won't come back thanks to your wild theatricals mr holmes watson take the picture and hold it up in front of the fireplace all right likely that's it [Applause] the mcgregor fortunes hang with me is it a curse or is it a clue as to where the treasure is stored now let us imagine that she is uh above the fireplace which way is she pointing well i'd say that black wall over there well you're ignoring the most significant part of the portrait note the wedding ring on the right hand the sash on the left shoulder the clan badge on the wrong side of the bonnet in fact everything in reverse well i've never noticed that before well gainsborough painted her reflection reflect with me and you will plainly see that she is actually appointing over there but that's actually about that newer [Music] first [Music] notes this treasure i swear to keep until a mcgregor has so need of it and may this bible guard it well heather mcgregor a.d 1746 [Applause] issued by bonnie prince charlie before he fled the mcgregor treasure [Applause] i'll take the deed to my castle one moment mr ross i've had enough of your tricks this happens to be an original wettenberg bible unappreciated in 1746 it is worth approximately 5 000 pounds today that makes no difference the castle's mine and the bible goes with it and conspiracy to defraud and also sufficient witnesses not alone with your accomplice and above all the enormous sums i personally can sue you for for the shock to my nervous system because of that directful false ghost what a mine could invent such a diabolical thing you sir are probably liable to spend the rest of your life in prison [Music] [Applause] thank you mr holmes you're very welcome heather thank you for buying the treasure and saving the castle you're too good and anxious for this kind of work but i was up to your tricks all along though it would be very difficult for a woman to fall a strong and intelligent man like you dr good day and good trip [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] well [Music] through the centuries london has inspired great writers great painters great statesmen and great criminals but in the early 1896 the greatest criminal of them all suddenly came into being his identity was unknown he never left a clue and all london waited breathlessly as he struck again and again with shared audacity and terrifying [Music] brilliance [Music] oh [Music] that's fantastic [Applause] absolutely fantastic huh well first the gold sale from edinburgh castle and then naval secrets from the admiralty and now queen elizabeth jules what in thunderous scotland you are doing no no well he's been makes chills run up down my spine there's no clue to any of the thefts you must have some ideas on this case huh what are you doing anyway research research hopes do you realize this gang has been helping themselves to state secrets and national treasures are they really oh hello inspector come on in good morning dr watson his home's in yes he is but our communication seems to be faulted oh there you are holmes oh good morning australia you're up early well you'd be up early too if every government official in london were breathing down the back of your neck and i must say that would make uh sleep rather difficult wouldn't it holmes i'll come straight to the point i need your help indeed it's these extraordinary thefts government stuff you know this man and his gang have evaded every trap we've set for them and the commissioners demanding results again that your uh position is somewhat precarious and you wish to security well all right homes you can put it that way if you wish well straight you know there's only one thing for you to do to regain the confidence of your superiors you must go out and capture this criminal yourself i i well uh well goodbye mr holmes good luck let's trade whether i can be of any assistance please don't hesitate to ask me thank you very much dr watson good day [Music] how could you do that to him he did everything but beg you to help him well it's the odds job to solve these cases besides i'm always giving him help i should have thought if you wouldn't do it for this trade at least you'd remember the security of england's being menaced by this criminal now look i know you're pressed homes but you don't seem to realize that that's a special blend of tobacco watson you wouldn't like it i'm sorry watson i didn't mean to upset you oh no not at all you just startled me sorry really [Music] i'm um just going out for a walk in the fresh air oh yes well goodbye watson enjoy your walk [Applause] [Music] certainly holmes's erratic behavior was enough to set my nerves on edge but now suddenly i was far more than upset before i had seen something in that humidor at least i thought i'd seen something perhaps it was my imagination my nerves but i could have sworn that next to the tobacco in the humidor was a diamond necklace [Music] oh are you just going out yeah are you just going in no no i i'm just stroding about oh it's nice well i have an appointment oh i i say would would you like me to stir along with you well as a matter of fact it's a private matter i think i'd better go on my own all right well will i see you for lunch most likely most likely yes [Music] [Music] [Music] really what's nice and it was a private matter no i look i i i don't want you to think that i do homes you must well well shall i be seeing you at lunch i believe we've already discussed that yes we already [Music] you know when holmes returned he was kind enough to let the morning affair be forgotten or apparently forgotten thank you watson um now i hope you won't mind if i take my cup over to the desk i have a few things to look over no of course my dear japan do his only reference to it was his remark about another private appointment that afternoon i felt he gave a bit of undue emphasis on the word private as for me as terrible as the morning experience had been it actually stressed the importance of continuing my investigation one other thing was also made quite clear i realized that if one were to match wits with sherlock holmes one could not employ ordinary methods [Music] station please i'm sorry sir this cat's engaged that's all right i'll double your fee i'm sorry sir this cab is not available but but melinda and i were eloping we don't have time to uh i'm very sorry young man i'll triple your fee for the third and last time young man will you kindly go and elope with somebody else nobody understands us not your father or my mother nor this this cabbie come linda we will fight the world together but we will prove our love [Music] number eight hundred and sixty what in humans name are you doing up here this sir is where the cabbie usually sits no really watson i'm sorry sorry i think you've made a mistake so my name isn't it's sedglister oh well sedgli may i give you a word of advice the corners of your beard are in dire need of repair most extraordinary behavior ah here comes a legitimate carriage cabbie can't be well good day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes he is good eight sixteen blake street and get a move all night i gotta catch that giant what just took off get into 816 blake street [Music] no [Music] i don't want any of you to come to my place or i thought you'd want to see these plans before our meeting albums mine are difficult it's nothing serious now miss ames yes mr house i want you to take 15 faces to the right and 10 to the left you must all remember that the first requisite of being a good thief is capable planning as the newspapers have said we are the most successful thieves england has ever [Music] known and now we return to the case of the neurotic detected [Music] repressed hostilities against society i don't think homes will allow any probing not willingly anyway you could meet him ostensibly on a non-professional basis if i could say you were a friend of mine excellent suggestion now why don't you come to dinner i could say we were friends to my student days uh what are you heading for dinner oh never mind yes i should be delighted right there fun i'd expect you at seven o'clock at my flat which is 221b street i should be prompt i hope something can be done oh mr holmes problem is really a very simple one with skilled fingers i shall mold him as one does a piece of clay [Music] fascinating it is amazing how many seemingly normal people are mentally disturbed now take yourself mr holmes that's a purely hypothetical example i imagine you might dream that the whole of london fears you on the contrary i i sleep most soundly ah but then there are all the little nervous habits the idiosyncrasies for instance do you drum your fingers on the table do you ever pull the lobe of your left ear now you know it's interesting that you mention those things professor because i've observed that you have three half smoked cigars in your coat pocket but your shoes have lifts in them to give you greater height and that your fingernails are bitten down to the quick of course uh hypothetically speaking i suppose your welcome would call an erratic man observe the three half smoke cigars you're also a very vain man observe the lips in your shoes and more than that you're a very very insecure man observe the fingernails i i i also observed that you've mangled three pieces of bread and that you've hacked your roast beef with a more than culinary vengeance off hand and without prejudice mark you i'd say that you're suffering from some very deeply repressed hostilities against society yes very deeply repressed indeed professor where are you going you must excuse me extraordinary friends you have watson yes indeed say he's completely disappeared oh yeah just as well anyway i've got to go out my servant a few minutes all right private matter no didn't i tell you watson i've been invited to a reception in honor of the new turkish ambassador at the embassy oh no as a matter of fact my dear fellow it's at the house of minister for foreign affairs ah good evening dr watson miss holmes and i want to ask him a few questions i'm so glad you came straight or the one man i wanted to see now sit down with you down what's the matter now the straight i want you to promise me that what i'm going to tell you you won't reveal to your dying day the mood the commission is in that may not be very long i know who london's master thief is food homes homes i don't believe it i can prove it but that's not the point the thing we've got to do is to stop homes whisk him away and put him in our home somewhere yeah homes oh well straight i didn't know you were here oh i um just happened to be in the neighborhood good good what i wonder if you could um look can you fix this confounder think he's on popping i thought you hated formal affairs well people change and illustrate people change well come on once and honey i want you to say very important too this year important thank you terrible we're having a clue oh i say flowers yes i'm escorting a rather beautiful young woman tonight rather picturesque don't you think well uh good evening gentlemen well enjoy yourself good night thank you watson thank him straight we knew what he was going to do let's look at this as holmes would have well i mean when he was normal you know those formal clothes are very hard and he was invited to reception to house the minister of foreign affairs big diplomatic thing yes but ordinarily stay miles away from a thing like that therefore perhaps he has a special reason for going hmm perhaps official papers of state secret documents in the minister safe harry watson he won't slip away this time you know this trade i've never been so unhappy in my life [Music] no [Music] oh [Music] he's done nothing but sing and dance and talk and have a wonderful time my feet are killing me where does the minister keep you safe in his study well we better get over there right away and be prepared for anything i think the danger will increase not the part is nearly over you're right watson let's go [Music] ah wilkins i didn't see mr holmes anywhere sir this young lady left in a carriage all by herself sir no time to lose doctor what's yeah i want you to hide behind this curtain here and uh wilkins what's in here i want you to stay in here and come out when you need it right i'm going to stay in the hole we'll get homes no matter what he does right right [Music] so [Music] [Music] found this chap sneaking around outside mr helms good work toby now look holmes you're you don't know what you're doing you're not well you'll never get away with this holmes i already have oh toby would you be good enough to ask the commissioner to come in here please the commissioner of scotland yard well naturally now look holmes i i'll take your way to france or or switzerland and spain and you'll have a nice long rest there you are commissioner splendid commissioner you too what are you talking about and put your hands down you're not in any danger i uh yes mr helms all britain knows you are tremendous debt of gratitude for this magnificent service service dangers what on earth are you talking about there have been a great deal of unrest in recent months regarding the adequacy of the measures employed to guard many of our national treasures and government secrets it was discussed in the various ministries and at the yard it was finally decided that we would put ourselves to a test mr holmes was hired as a most worthy adversary to our security the results were most enlightening a far tighter security system has already been planned working for scotland yard manholes why didn't you tell me because the only true test could be obtained by keeping the utmost secrecy every personal reaction had to be genuine the men from scotland were telling nothing because they too were being tested it was essential that everyone believed these thefts in order the tests could be accurate and worthwhile and the reactions were most amazing at the yard and to think once you didn't trust me oh i say look you're harassed no no holmes bill you've got to listen to me please i i mean get my point of view i mean for before i i knew the whole british empire was at stake well yes yes you have a point there come along oh really sadly [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i believe we're about to have a visitor no interesting type and most unusual i'd say the street is hardly deserted i don't mean that i see one or two people of course but nobody appears to be interested in this flare watson for the past five minutes that young man has been summoning up courage to call on us he's vacillated between doubt and decision fear and fortitude ah at last fear is conquered fortitude is the victim well i suppose you've deduced the whole thing who he is what he wants where he comes from as a matter of fact i haven't resisted idea but with so unusual a client i'd only expect the most unusual case if he comes here wait the first step [Music] hello are you mr sherlock holmes yes and uh that is dr watts how'd you do [Music] anything the matter no it's just that well i thought you'd be much stronger looking oh well i'm i'm really quite strong you know i can tear dictionaries in half can you really yes of course and i'd i'd show you if i had a dictionary handy well what i've come to see you about will take brains i think mr holmes has an ample supply of those now uh wouldn't you like to sit down oh thank you hello there my cup of tea no thank you sir i'd like to get right down to business oh good well my name is my name is andrew fennick i'm 11 years old and i live at number 17 dudley court up a spirman street spend it now what appears to be your difficulty mr holmes my father's disappeared disappeared yes sir his name is herbert finnick he's a bookkeeper at rondale industries he's tall and wears glasses will you find him for me i'll do my best andrew but first you better tell me the whole story and anything else that may matter well sir dad's always been the happiest and most wonderful person in the world each night he'd come home and joke and tell funny stories and every sunday we'd take bicycle trips or fly our kites or something like that you might see he was a pile of mine instead of just a father i understand go on well sir starting a few months ago dad began to act in a very peculiar manner you mean he stopped being your pal it was more than that mr holmes dad began to leave the house for days at a time you wouldn't tell mom me where he was going when he'd come back just act mysterious and was as jumpy as a cat when was the last time you saw your father over three weeks ago that's why i'm so worried usually he'd be gone for a day or two mr holmes i'll give odds he's in some sort of trouble and i bet jack driscoll is behind at all objective school yes sir just before dad left the last time he told mum and me what to say in case this jack driscoll came around the house looking for him we were to say that dad had gone to scotland to visit his brother and that's got me worried too why because dad hasn't got a brother have you ever seen this mr driscoll no sir i haven't i don't know a thing about him but i don't like him why hasn't your mother been to the police about this i suppose that's because dad told her not to do a thing about it not that no matter what seemed to happen she used just to wait and have faith but it's over three weeks ago i just couldn't wait any longer then your mother doesn't know you're here oh no if i told her she tried to tap me off for sure besides she's been quite ill and i wouldn't want to upset her your mother hasn't been well no sir the doctor said she had pleurisy or something like that she's been very sick i i really wouldn't want him to know i've come here your visit will be held in the strictest confidence thank you sir and you will take the case i'll look into it immediately i hope this will be enough to retain your services oh well no that won't be necessary andrew but i insist it's two pounds six shillings it's all my own money and i saved every bit of it now i think you'd better hold on to it perhaps you can do me a good term someday no sir a business deal is a business deal pay on the line and no welching on dips i always say very well andrew it's a deal but two pounds six shillings is far too much i'll settle for a pound really one pound enough quite enough then thank you thank you sir i'll let you know as soon as i hear anything andrew goodbye boy spider [Music] well watson we'll find that boy's father if you have to search every gambling den in england gambling then yes did you notice his clothing well i suppose so nothing extraordinary though on the contrary the shoes are most expensive but the coat was threadbare the trousers came from the best haberdashery and the cap was ancient attesting to the father's streaks of good luck and bad luck yes but that's not sufficient evidence to label fennica gambler quite right but there were other indications young andrew's speech if you may recall was sprinkled with the peculiar jargon of the gambler such terms as touted off i'll give you odds and welching on a debt the boy obviously learned from his father i see further i'd say the man's mysterious trips but a various sporting events held outside of london horse races dog races and so on yes holmes but why should an apparently a contented man like fenix suddenly turn to gambling well my guess is that the mother serious illness created a heavy drain on mr fenix slender financial resources he probably hoped for the gambler's classic killing well homes you've certainly answered everything i'm afraid not watson two questions yet remain unanswered where is mr herbert finnick and who is the shadowy mr jack crystal where two homes do we inspect the australia's office in this particular case he may be just the chap to help us now that's what a gambler would call a long shot [Music] oh yes i remember him he was um he was in the coal business oh no no in the straight i don't believe the disciple you're referring to has any bearing on this case hmm stuff broken no i don't think so parliament no railways no musician what if you'll excuse me sir yeah what is it what is it wilkins jack crisco sir alias jack alias joel jackson sir arrested 1891 suspicion of murder released arrested 1892 burglary convicted and served one year arrested 1894 suspicion of forgery released that present believed involved in illegal bookmaking practice whereabouts unknown now that unsavory brew sounds much more like our cup of tea tell me illustrate in which of the various sporting spheres is mr driscoll most active uh rumor is it that mr driscoll is concentrating his efforts on prize fight matches sir thank you very much for your assistance inspector and you too wilkins good afternoon gentlemen well if i know you holmes i suppose now we'll be attending a prize flight quite right watson this very evening hulking harry thornton meets powerhouse perseo noonan at londonderry gardens powerhouse happens to be a personal friend of mine you know fighter personally my dear fellow i once blackened his eye for him [Music] my boy will take it mr almost because he thinks that's the kind of fighter i like a fighter with brian a very good combination mr finnegan the best sometimes you makes a mistake this is a fighter what it's hard and you think maybe you got a champion but if you don't think nothing you understand oh yes yes perfectly tell me mr finnegan have you got excuse me it's time percy got started now you can tighten up now brains oh no what's in just a comparative judgment you know well i'd like to say goodbye to you now miss downs but thanks for dropping in not at all your boy was highly recommended to me i'll tell you about him hello but finney who herbert finnick a [ __ ] you know him of course i was just saying that excuse me mr elms i've got to be going now curious reaction hmm perhaps not so curious watson the proper use of that name may open several tightly bar doors proper use what do you mean well if i'm correct you'll soon see for yourself just let's continue to drop the name [Music] that's it now hold it hold it keep your eyes open right all right all right [Music] watch it now [ __ ] watch it [Music] how did [Music] now i tell you to keep your eyes open get up i must remember to get his advice on next week's card you know it's a pretty poor albert penny couldn't come with us as we mean yes do you know what old herbert fennick told me this morning no what did herbert fennick tell you this morning can you hear that you know what's not every day you can meet a man it sounds like just what this car's been looking for you remember what you're waiting for i'm like taking over here they might get roughed a bit later than somebody says they saw him leave with us do you think the street would be any better you know mr arms the big one is in your person didn't catch the other bloke's name but he looks like a fighter i used to know got the sack for using unfair tactics i figured he was a bad one got a nasty look about him well if he tried anything don't expect any markers of queensberry out of them here's some of your own tactics get to it now before the ups and leads let them know we mean business right from the outset standby watson i think we shall have company in a moment [Music] i beg your pardon over fennica freddie's yes but i don't see why you come with us [Music] certainly not who are you it will be much easier on you if you don't make a fuss [Music] where we're going just be a gentleman who would like to talk to you about mr fenwick i want to know from you is where you saw finnick last well i believe it was at uh murgatroyd's saloon say look fennick wouldn't go to murgatroyds maybe the green man or the own stoof of a blast goblet but never murder troids it wasn't too much money well mr driscoll you've been to a lot of places today perhaps it was one of the others how do you know my name well well i uh well um you were pointed out to us it seems you're quite a well-known figure in certain circles mr driscoll if we should see mr fennick again is there any message you'd like us to give him he knows what i want that welfare ah he's in debt to you is he over a thousand pounds now i'm not winning any longer to collect if i get my hands on phoenix that'll be the last aim and that goes for you too if i ever find out you opened anyway now get out of here good evening gentlemen people just don't have any manners anymore and this is not the time to instruct them come watson well they hope we go to a place where they appreciate proper behavior in the final things of life i'm sorry governor not at all sir not at all oh really holmes we've been to the coaching horses a green man the king said we've interviewed dozens of disreputable characters must we go through all this process again i'm afraid sir watson it's the only place that we can obtain some further information as to phoenix whereabouts yeah oh barman two kinds of mild and bitter please oh and uh some information on a british teacher but not the information there herbert what do you mean it was a long year not a few weeks ago you were talking confidence like tell me booked a passage to america too bad he won't be able to use it now well why not let me show you i'm good felix did suicide few hours ago but how were he rented a room not far from here and he went down to the thames and threw himself in left a note saying he's in trouble couldn't go on let's see have they found his body oh no not yet only he's at floating in the water fort sherwood was a bad sort of a champ you know but uh gambler had a run of bad luck come watch me miss honey or phoenix luck may turn from bad to worse [Music] and to worse he's dead well there you are holmes what more do you want the body oh we'll soon find that there's no doubt about that the river patrol's dragging the thames already i assure you inspector herbert fennick is still alive then why should he write a suicide note surely the question is why should fennec write a suicide note in such explicit detail listen this is a terrible thing to do but i have made up my mind it is the only way to end my difficulties today at six pm i'm going to the thames i will jump from the hartford bridge forgive me but have faith signed herbert l fennick now holmes i can't follow that line of reasoning then perhaps this may convince you take a look at that hatband with fennec's name on it you'll notice that it's absolutely brand new whereas the hat of course is unmistakably old you mean that homes that finicky had his name put into his band in the last two three days exactly merely a rules to make people believe that he committed suicide yes but why should a man say he's dead if he isn't well to avoid his muscular creditors for one thing if they believe the reports of his death they'd have no choice but to uh write him off as a total loss yes but if he's still alive somebody's bound to see him sooner or later not if he's made plans to go to america all right then i'll have an alarm sent out to all the ships in port i'm afraid astray that'll be too late by what do you mean because he has no money he needs it badly and he needs it quickly and there's only one way in which he can cover both his needs what where's that robbery what do you think he'd take the chance of course he would phenix desperate and in any case there's very little chance when one considers that no one would suspect a dead man of committing the crime now holmes what am i supposed to do warn everybody in london that a robbery is going to take place oh i wouldn't go as far as that destroyed i judge that finnick will strike at one of three places the wagon and horses the green man or the king's head i say homes how can you narrow it down to that because benny can feel certain that everyone in those places has heard the news of his death therefore no suspicion could be directed at him i don't know why i let you talk me into these things then you'll assign men to cover the wagon and horses and the green man yes yes good but there isn't much time you have to get on with it immediately all right you know sometimes you're worse than the commissioner tell me helms what about the king's head ah that will be our little project watson but first i want you to carry out a mission of the utmost importance now listen to me closely [Music] yes i've seen them come and go big and small happy and sad and i tend to my business and keeps my hands clean oh well that's a splendid philosophy yeah it's getting near closing time oh yeah sir there it is [Music] put your hands up i'll take that if you don't mind i'm sure he does but uh then he has very little choice has he you get over there come on [Music] brilliant job benny absolutely brilliant dad it would go what's the game let me go oh sit down here give me the gun [Music] no i don't know where i'm going of course it is andrew your father has been working on a special assignment for the secret service haven't you i i went in my handy now you don't need to say anything mr finnick your behavior is a model of a hero oh take this man away no you listen to me we'll have any time to listen to you later well who is he what's he done who is he well he's a spy working for a foreign government spy foreign government and these last trade are the secret documents he was stealing from our navy hey that's my account book a lightning story indeed yeah let me see them no you certainly can't see they're even too secret for you in a half minute cameron has been a mistake here somewhere i'm just uh wilkins does the straight orders take this man away yes mrs ross i'll be standing up your father has been working on the most dangerous case during the secret investigations uh quite naturally he couldn't tell you anything about his activities however i think that he can now remove his disguise he says of course [Music] gosh dad mom and me your father is ready to be congratulated andrew you see the foreign office chose him especially for this very important task because no one in the underworld would have suspected him of being connected with the lord mr helms i don't quite know how to thank you well fennick now the job is done of course you'll have to return to your old job and take up the strings of your own life again but if i know you you'll work hard meet all your obligations and carry on like the splendid citizen you are that's just what i'm going to do i'll never leave my family again and good at mr fennica and good [Music] come on [Applause] straight i just had a sudden thought i think perhaps you better release that bartender you must be getting rather upset by now [Music] either you've gone insane or i have no no more insane than usual after all everyone is entitled to make a mistake scotland yard sometimes you know i'm at least entitled to one good night
Channel: ARF
Views: 492,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gs9MvFmRJS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 2sec (11162 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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