Sherlock Holmes - Terror By Night (Film-Noir, 1936) Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce | Colorized

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The Star of Rhodesia is one of the most famous of the Earth's treasures. First touched by the fingers of the humble Catherine. It would have been better had it never been found. For all those who possessed it came to sudden and violent death. Our story opens in London within the sound of bow bells. In the shadow of Tower Bridge is the carpenter's shop of Mock and Son, coffin makers. A beautiful job if I may so. You'll be sure to have it at the undertakers in time? Of course. The Scotch Express leaves Euston Station at 7:30 tonight. That leaves very little time for the arrangement of the body. - Your mother, is it not? - Yes. You are taking her to Scotland? Yes, Edinburgh, her home. Oh. Thank you. Rather a nuisance traveling by train, ain't it? Off with you. Go on, get on about your business. Oh. I'm terribly sorry. Mr. Holmes? Hello. I was afraid you wouldn't get here in time. I was studying the faces of our fellow passengers. Fascinating hobby and sometimes most enlightening. Lady Margaret is aboard the train I presume? Oh yes, mother's expecting you. I reserved a compartment for you and your friend Doctor Watson. As a matter of fact, it's in this coach here, - just ahead of the luggage van. - Day coach? Yes, the sleepers are all taken. Mother wasn't interested in a bed so much as she was getting to Edinburgh. So naturally, it wasn't very difficult - to persuade her to travel in a day coach. - Exactly. - It had been open to take on additional passengers. - So I observed. I say, it was awfully decent of you to come considering the fact that I was so secretive about it all. Mr. dear Mr. Carstairs, there was no need for secrecy I already knew. You knew that mother insisted on bringing the Star of Rhodesia with her to London? And that while here an attempted would be made to steal it. Did Scotland Yard tell you that? Oh no, my dear, Mr. Carstairs. The fact that your mother owns the famous diamond is common knowledge. She came down to London to attend the reception at Buckingham Palace, and quite naturally, wore the Star of Rhodesia. You want me to accompany you back to your home in Edinburgh. Therefore, an attempt must have been made to steal the Star of Rhodesia while you were here in London. - It seems simple the way you explain it, Mr. Holmes. - Thank you. If you don't mind, I'll wait here for my friend Doctor Watson. I can't think what's keeping him. Mother and I will be expecting you. Oh, could I take this for you? Oh, I'd be much obliged. Thank you. - We'll be in compartment 'E.' - Yes. Ticket please. Here's your carriage, sir. Well, well, well look who's here, Inspector Lestrade. Why, Mr. Holmes. Taking you a trip, Inspector? Fishing, eh. Bit of a holiday. Oh, it's very nice. - Trout? - Huh? Oh yes, yes. Rather large rods for trout aren't they? Salmon perhaps. Well, as a matter of fact, I'm going mostly for the rest. As a matter of fact you're on a job for Scotland Yard aren't you? I trust this is the right carriage? - This is where we take care of the overflow, sir. - I see. The porter will take your bags. I'll carry this myself if you don't mind. Ready to go, sir. Half past seven, eh? We always leave on time. Mind your head, sir. Watson! Coming Holmes! Watson! Sorry, Holmes, I'm coming. I beg your pardon. I beg yours. Incoming. Thank you for your timely assistance. Really Watson, aren't you a little stout for this sort of thing? Rubbish, ideal weight for a man of my age. Ran into an old friend of mine, Duncan Bleek. Major of the fourth Indian Lancers. - Major Duncan Bleek this is Sherlock Holmes. - How do you do, sir? Likewise, I've heard quite a lot about you. - India, eh? - Retired fifteen years ago. As a matter of fact, we were reminiscing about India. Didn't realize how late it was. Stays light so long these days we almost missed the train. Yes, so I've observed. - In here, sir. - Oh, thank you. Doctor would you care to join me in a glass of whiskey and a dash of soda before dinner? Old man, that's a good idea. What's this all about, Holmes? Did you ever hear of Lady Margaret Carstairs famous diamond of the Star of Rhodesia? I read something last week about the old girl being in London - with a bauble wasn't it, Holmes? - Yes, it was. She's on this train. That's while we're here to see that this bauble as you call it gets safely back to its vault at Edinburgh. Sounds to me... Pardon me. Sounds to me like a police routine job. That's where you're wrong, old fellow. In an attempt to make away with it from London was unsuccessful. A second attempt will, in all probability, be made on this train. Huh? What makes you say that? Well, it seems more than likely that the people who planned the first attempt were not discouraged by one failure and will stop and nothing to insure success the second time. Sounds like Lestrade's cup of tea to me. Lestrade? He's on this train. Oh, is he? Giving an excellent imitation of Isaac Walton. - Here we are. - Beg your pardon, gents. Do come in, Mr. Holmes. My friend and colleague Doctor Watson. How do you do? I thought it better to engage Mr. Holmes after what happened in London. No doubt you're an efficient person but I don't think there's any need for a policeman. Policeman? How long have you been in possession of the Star of Rhodesia, Lady Margaret? Twenty-five years. You know it may seem strange to you but I've never actually seen it. I suppose there's no harm since we're paying you to guard it. - Mother. - Yes? May I? - Do, by all means. - Thank you. Great Scott! What a remarkable stone. My husband gave it to me on our fifth wedding anniversary. Four hundred and twenty-three carats, isn't it? - The original diamond was over seven hundred carats. - Really? Your father had it cut. Less ostentatious. Ostentatious, it's as big as a duck's egg. - Watson, please. - Oh, sorry. Thank you, Lady Margaret. We will be as unobtrusive as possible. That will be a novelty from a policeman. Now if you wouldn't mind telling us where are compartment is. Oh, I am sorry, Mr. Holmes. Oh, thank you. Lady Margaret. - Good night. - Good night. Good night, sir. Impertinents. She called us policemen. What's wrong with being a policeman? Oh, hello, Lestrade. Where are you going? The inspector's going to Scotland to fish for salmon. Oh, really? The season doesn't start for another month but you wouldn't know that would you? Who says I'm going to fish for salmon? Who? Him. Excuse me, please. Police. Police? Here? On the train? Scotland Yard, I heard. I warned you. - Oh, Mr. Holmes? - Yes. This way please. Oh, there you are, Holmes. Try some of this curry, it's excellent Steak and kidney pudding, please. Of course the Bengal curry doesn't compare to that of Madras It's the quality of the mutton that makes the difference, don't you think? The meats unimportant. It's the spices that make the difference, don't you agree with me, Holmes? What? I say, we were discussing curry. Oh yes, curry, horrible stuff. Oh really? One man's meat is another man's poison. There will be two of us, steward. My son will be here directly. My dear fellow, I still insist the unpolished wild rice does make a considerable difference to a good curry. Well, I still can't agree with you. Take care of this for me, will you, Watson? Right you are, old fellow. That was one of them. Was young Carstairs in the dining club with you? No, Lady Margaret came in alone. Well, I was in my compartment just now having a bite to eat - and heard a crash in here. - Crash? It's locked. I knocked and there was no answer. So you just stood here twiddling your thumbs? Brilliant. Attendant, will you please unlock this door? - I'm sorry sir, it's... - This is Inspector Lestrade of Scotland Yard. - That's all right, you can open it. - Very good, sir. Well. Dead. Murdered. That's a bit quick, isn't it, even for you? Is this the a... Yes. The Star of Rhodesia was in this box not forty-five minutes ago. How do you know? I saw it. Well, it might be here somewhere. No, good looking for it, Lestrade. The killer's got it. Ah, there you are, Holmes. - How about joining us in the... - Take a look at this body, will you Watson? Body? Great Scott. How do you know its murder, Mr. Holmes? Murder? Oh, I say. Who are you? - Major Duncan Bleek, a friend of Doctor Watson's. - Oh. What makes you so sure it's murder, Mr. Holmes, the door was locked? Every attendant has a key. Did you open this door for anyone during the last hour? No, sir. Was the key ever out of your possession? It never is, sir. It's on a chain. - Looks to me like heart failure. - Ah-huh. Any marks of violence on the body? None that I can see. Seemed to of missed this time, didn't you, Mr. Holmes? Possibly. Still if it was a natural death it came at a very convenient time didn't it? What does this mean? Star of Rhodesia, it's gone. You were supposed to guard it. My son employed you. That's why I left it with him. Where is he? I'm sorry, Lady Margaret. It's thoughtless of us to let you come in like this. - Do you have an empty compartment? - Yes, sir. Then I think we'd better... If you don't mind Lady Margaret, please. The poor chaps mother, I presume. Yeah. Well, let's get to the bottom of this. Well, excuse me, Doctor. Poor chap, he was so young. It's such a pity. I have sent for the conductor, Lestrade. You'll want to talk him and I've asked that no one be allowed to leave this coach. Oh, thank you, Mr. Holmes. - Shall we use my compartment? - Thanks. - Attendant? - Yes, sir. Lock that door and let no one go in without my permission, - you understand? - Very good, sir. Sorry, old man, official police business. Well, that's all right I'll catch up with you later. Are you looking for the Scotland Yard, Inspector, sir? - Oh, why yes. - Right in there. Thank you. Come in. Sorry sir, no one's allowed to leave the carriage. Can't leave the carriage, whose ridiculous idea was that? Scotland Yard. Scotland... You say we don't stop until we reach Rugby? - That's right, sir. - Good. We'll have a thorough search of the train made before that time. Find the murderer, Inspector, and you'll find the diamond. But we don't know it was murder. Consider the facts, Lestrade. Young Carstairs was dead when the jewel was taken, otherwise he'd of put up a struggle and there were no marks of violence on the body. If, however, he died a natural death we must assume that the thief happened to be on hand just at the right moment, which is outside the realm of probability. No Lestrade, in this case, nothing was left to chance. That's why I say find the murderer and you'll find the diamond. How do we know the thief didn't leave the carriage before we discovered the body? The attendant was in the corridor the entire time and he's certain that no one passed into the dining car. The door at the other end leads into the luggage van. - Which is always locked. - Oh. You found no marks of any kind on the body, Watson? No, none of any significance. Not even a scratch? Well, there was a small spot of blood on his neck, just a mere speck. That's what I was referring to. You mean, that scratch killed him? It's possible the poison that went into the wound did. Poison? We can't tell that without an autopsy. Have you got a list of passengers in this carriage? Yes, sir. There you are, sir. Thank you. Major Duncan Bleek that would be your friend, Doctor. The next compartment's empty. Where we took Lady Margaret after the murder. You remember, Lestrade. Go on. Vivian Vedder, Inspector Les...that's this one. Lady Margaret Carstairs and the honorable Roland Carstairs, Professor William Kilbane, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Shawcross, Mr. Holmes and Doctor Watson. That would be you two. I think I shall ask a few questions. Vivian Vedder, we'll start with her, whoever she is. Vedder, Compartment 'C.' Oh, here we are. Empty. Say, Holmes are you going to let Lestrade handle this thing by himself? Well after all, he does represent the official police you know. With him doing the questioning, looking under the seat cushions for diamonds, what very more must we do now? I could do it better myself. - Why don't you, old fellow? - Huh? By Jove, I think I will. Probably find out just as much as Lestrade would anyway. I'll do it at once. Oh, that's where we just came from. Locked, huh. Well, I'll start with this one. Yes? My name's Watson, Doctor Watson. Oh, to what am I indebted to this intrusion? I'm afraid I've got to ask you one or two questions what are you doing on the train? Where you are going? Things like that you know? - Why? - Customary. There's been a murder committed. Scotland Yard, Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes and I... What about Sherlock Holmes? We're cross-examining suspects. Suspects? Of what am I suspected? Oh, a fellows dead. Murdered you know? Now let me get this straight. You say a murder has been committed on this train? Yeah, next compartment. And because a perfect stranger to me got himself murdered you come to question me? Well, we got to question everybody. Are you a policeman? No. Then by what right do you force your way into my compartment? - Well I... - What are you doing on this train? Where are you going? I'm not going anywhere. - Holmes and I are on the train to watch the... - I know. It's a diamond or a pearl or something of fabulous value. This fellows Holmes is always chasing after missing jewels or mysterious females. What is the meaning of this? I'm sorry, Ms. Vedder - but it was necessary for us to search your compartment. - Indeed. May I ask what you expected to find? A valuable jewel has been stolen. And a man has been murdered. We're making a routine search of the entire carriage and asking a few questions. Go right ahead. I understand your journey is rather a sad one. Your mother... Yes. Perhaps we better not question Ms. Vedder just now, Lestrade. Huh? Excuse us will you? What's the idea, Mr. Holmes? It's a matter of taste, Lestrade. The young lady's taking her mother to Scotland for burial. In a coffin? That is the customary method I believe. Lestrade, I think we'll take a look at that coffin. Might prove interesting. I was about to suggest that very thing myself, Mr. Holmes. - Conductor, I'll have a look in the luggage van. - This way sir. But I am Doctor Watson, Doctor John H. Watson of 221 B Baker Street, retired, my friend Sherlock Holmes will vouch for it. Your alibi isn't worth a Scotch. You just told me that this fellw Holmes is a crony of yours, naturally he'd lie. I resent that, sir. Sherlock Holmes is very full of integrity. Might even be an accomplice. Oh, why if I were a policeman I'd take you and charge this very moment. I didn't do it, sir. I swear I didn't do it. - I can prove it. - Prove what, old chap? - There you are, Holmes. - Now get out of here and join your silly friend! - Did you discover anything, Watson? - Yes. He's a very suspicious character. He tried to put me off the scent. From the little I heard he seemed reasonably successful. Look here, you're not going to let an old fellow like Professor Kilbane discourage you, are you? Why don't you try this one? - You think I'd better? - Yes of course. All right. Do you mind if I come in? - You may. - Thank you. I'm sorry to bother you but I represent the police. I knew it. Alfred, I told you. Told him what? Well? It's quite all right, Inspector. I confess. Confess? You mean, you stole it? You got it in there? - Yes. - No no no, Leave it where it is. I've got to fetch Inspector Lestrade of Scotland Yard. And don't either of you attempt to run away. Oh no, Inspector. Is this door always kept locked Conductor? Yes, sir. Only the guard and myself have keys. - Got him, Holmes. - Who? - The thieves. - Thieves? Where? Come on, speak up. That married couple down there. - Mr. & Mrs. Shawcross? - Yes, they confessed. Confessed? Broke them down. Gave them the third degree. And you left them unguarded? I told them not to run away. We'd better have a talk with them. Oh, it's you again. It might interest you to know tt I've just caught the thieves. Excuse me, madam. You are the police, I know. I warned him but no he had to take it. I must warn you that anything you say may be used against you. Anything they say? They've already admitted everything. - Everything? - Yes. They've got it in there. I'd be glad to pay double what it's worth if only they won't prosecute. It's my first offense. You chaps always say the same thing. Come on hand it over. Where is it? I stole it. I took it from a hotel in London. Come on, come on. In my small way I'm a collector of teapots. Teapots! Doctor Watson, does this look like a diamond? Not very much now that you mention it. What's that all about a confession? When I came in here before they said that they took it. Well you'll please oblige us, doctor to stop meddling in police business. His time wasn't entirely wasted, Lestrade, at least you've recovered the teapot. Thank you, Holmes. Teapot. Fellow tries his best and what's he get? Humiliation and abuse from Lestrade of all people. I have a good mind to chuck up the whole case. Might be a good idea to let the police do their own work. You mind your own business. Oh, there you are, Watson. How about a spot in my compartment? Thanks, old man. Serve them right if I got a bit tiddly. I suppose you realize you'll be turned over to the police as soon as we reach Edinburgh. Doctor Watson, teapots! Oh, I beg your pardon Professor Kilbane; - you're in the next compartment aren't you? - I am. I'm afraid we'll have to ask you a few questions. Now, don't tell me that you're going to start. - Do you mind? - Why of course mind. Come on, in you go. A brilliant mind but there's been times when... When your scientist mind has shown him the way? Exactly. You take the death of young Carstairs, for instance. I knew from the first it was poison. The scientific approach of course. The murderer used a hypodermic. Some rare poison from, from South America probably. Or India. Yes, or India. I've been to India. So have you. Yes of... Yes of course. You've been to India. I don't like your attitude, Professor Kilbane, I don't like it at all. Perhaps not, but I'm on this train for legitimate reasons and I've neither the time nor the inclination to assist you with your work. You're perfectly within in your right, sir and I'm sure that Inspector Lestrade appreciates that. Thank you, sir. Now, if you have no objection I have some work to do, which requires concentration. Mathematics? Yes. Interesting study. If you don't mind. Looking for something, Lady Margaret? Oh. I came to get my bag. The door's locked. Naturally. Perhaps I can help you. Thank you. Mr. Holmes, I must talk to you about the diamond. Oh, don't you worry about that, Lady Margaret. Fifty thousand pounds and you tell me not to worry. My son employed this man to guard it and it was stolen right under his very nose. I warn you, I intend to take this matter up with your superiors. I'm a private agent, Lady Margaret. Good. I shall report you both to Scotland Yard. But I am Scotland Yard. Lady Carstairs entered the dining car alone. You and I were already there. Holmes came in later and I understand that Inspector Lestrade remained in his compartment with the curtains open so that if anyone had gone in or out he would have seen them? Say, you've got something there. Well, let's look at this thing objectively. Lady Carstairs seemed more concerned, was more concerned, at the loss of the diamond than at the death of her son. By George, you're right. So she was. Come in. Oh, here you are, Watson. Sit down. Have a drink? No thanks. Do you mind if I... Not at all. I've been thinking about this case Holmes, that is Duncan Bleek and I have. Yes, so I see. The way we figure it out, the old trout is the only one without an alibi. Yes, we feel that you're approaching the whole thing from the wrong angle. Really, Watson? - What's your theory? - Insurance. A lot of people insure jewelry and then try and collect on it. Interesting suggestion. I suppose you go and ask Lady Margaret just how much insurance she carries on the Star of Rhodesia. No thank you. I've already had two tries. Why don't you ask her yourself? For a very simple reason, I already know. You're quite a doodler, sir. If you know why did you ask me? Trying to make a fool of me? Mr. & Mrs. Shawcross. Teapots. Well, we can eliminate them. Professor William Kilbane. I'll send a telegram to the Edinburgh Police to check up on that mathematics professor. Interesting. Now what? - Well, just a coincidence. - What's a coincidence? The fact that this fellow Kilbane, happens to be a professor of mathematics. Oh. Come again, Mr. Holmes. Lestrade did you ever hear of Colonel Sebastian Moran? Well, of course I did. What about him? Well then, as you know, Colonel Sebastian Moran was the most sinister, ruthless and diabolic, clever henchmen of our late but unlamented friend, Professor Moriarity. I've never seen him but I've been conscious of his presence more than once. As a matter of fact, he was directly responsible for what very nearly turned out to be my premature death on three separate occasions. Very pretty, Mr. Holmes, what's all that got to do with all this? Possibly nothing. However, his specialty was spectacular jewel robberies and for relaxation he was addicted to the study of mathematics. Are you referring that this Professor Kilbane is Colonel Sebastian Moran? That he murdered young Carstairs and stole the diamond? Well what about this woman, this Vivian Vedder, what about her? No one's above suspicion. And Lady Margaret, she might have a motive for wanting the Star of Rhodesia stolen. She wasn't very concerned over the death of her son. And this friend of Doctor Watson's, this Major Duncan Bleek, might suggest it's sensible to suspect him. No. As far as we know only four persons knew the Star of Rhodesia was on this train, yourself, Doctor Watson, the murdered... The dead lad and myself. - And Lady Margaret. - And Lady Margaret. I'll have another talk with her ladyship. Lady Margaret do you mind if I come in? Well, Holmes? You can leave it open, will you? Lucky beggar. Who's a lucky beggar? Duncan Bleek. Been playing cards with him. He won all the way across, however the expression is. Have you been with him all this time? Yeah, just left him. He introduced me to a new fangled game. Gin Rummy he called it. It's American I believe. Sort of bookkeeping connected with it. You ever hear of it? Still looking for the murderer, Inspector? Impossible fellow. Vanished into thin air. There you are. Where on Earth have you been? I asked you where'd you been. Well, what's happened? I've been observing the landscape from the dark end of the corridor. I just been along there, I didn't see you. The door was shut. Naturally, I was on the outside. The outside? Yes. You must try it sometime. Lets go take a look at that coffin. Do you remember - I was interrupted the last time? - Oh, sorry. I'm Sherlock Holmes. Do you mind if I inspect the coffin you're taking to Scotland? No one is allowed in here, Mr. Holmes. I'll take the responsibility, excuse me. Did it ever occur to you, Watson that this is a very unusual coffin? I don't know, a trifle ornate perhaps. I wasn't thinking of the fittings as the... - Do you mind if we open it? - It's forbidden, sir. Sorry. Come on, Watson. - But you can't do that, sir. - We'll have to. Excuse me please. The old lady. As I thought. Swallow. The body only comes down to about here. Well, you think there's a secret compartment underneath? There has to be. Empty. Yes, but it's been recently occupied. Lets ask Lestrade to come in here he's with Lady Margaret. Right you are, Holmes. - Have you let anyone else in here? - No. Mathematics, eh? Gives me something to do. Come quick. What is it? It's the coffin. Holmes found a false bottom in it. - There's enough room for the murderer to hide in. - What? What is all this, Mr. Holmes? There's where your murderer's been hiding, Lestrade. Then it's just a question of finding him isn't it, Mr. Holmes? Not him, them. Huh? This affair's obviously the work of two men. The one who planned and the other who hid in the coffin and at prearranged time emerged to commit the murder and affect the robbery. What are you talking about? - Colonel Sebastian Moran. - You got that man on the brain, Mr. Holmes. My dear Lestrade, I accepted this case because I was virtually certain that Colonel Sebastian Moran could not resist such a tempting morsel as the Star of Rhodesia. I'm convinced that he's the brains behind this case and that he's on this train. Oh, and how would you go about finding out, which one of the passenger's is this Colonel Sebastian Moran? If he is one of the passengers. Well, I suggest you start by questioning, Ms. Vedder. - It might prove interesting. - Huh? Oh. Who's there? Ms. Vedder, I want to ask you a few questions and I must warn you, anything you say may be used against you. Oh? Now, about your mother. It isn't your mother after all, is it? Perhaps if you explain. That coffin, we've examined it. And found the secret compartment. - Oh come on, let's have it. - Have what? The whole story. If you insist. A man approached me and ask me to take a coffin to Scotland. He offered me a hundred pounds. Were you aware that the coffin had a secret compartment? I was. What story did this person tell you to account for a man being concealed in the coffin? That someone had to leave London. - Foreign agents were watching the trains. - Foreign agents. All right. Maybe I didn't believe that foreign agent story. You realize, of course, this makes you an accomplice? What was the name of the man who approached you? I don't remember. Ms. Vedder, the man who engaged you to take this coffin to Scotland was it by any chance this man here? I say old man, aren't you making a mistake? My dear Watson, just what do you know about Major Duncan Bleek? I've known him for years. He's a member of my club. I say, is this a joke? Does the name, Colonel Moran, mean anything to you, sir? - Colonel Moran? - Yes, Colonel Sebastian Moran. Why, I'm afraid it doesn't. - Good heavens you don't think that I... - No no no of course not, you have the perfect alibi, Doctor Watson. Yes, yes, yes of course. Good heavens gentlemen, you are at perfect liberty to search my compartment or to search me. And if you find the diamond I... No, that won't be necessary. The Star of Rhodesia has not been stolen. What's that, Mr. Holmes? An imitation was stolen. I have the real one. You've got it? My dear Lestrade, surely you didn't think I would allow Lady Margaret to retain the genuine diamond. When I felt reasonably certain that an attempt would be made to steal it I have had it in my possession almost from the moment I boarded the train. Confound it, Mr. Holmes, you had no right to do that. This is a police matter come on let me have it. My job was to see that it wasn't stolen, it wasn't. Look, I don't know what this is all about but I do know that I never seen this gentleman before in my life. I shall have to ask you to remain in your compartment until we reach Edinburgh. - Inspector Lestrade? - Huh? Oh. Telegram for you, sir. Thank you. I'm sorry, old man, I'm afraid my friend owes you an apology. Oh, that's all right, Watson. In a case like this naturally everyone is suspected. Oh, we all make mistakes, even Holmes is not infallible and after all the killer is still at large you know? Yes, he is, isn't he? Well, good night. Good night, old boy. Don't worry. I think I'll have another little chat with that professor fellow. Something important, Lestrade? You have your secrets, Mr. Holmes, I have mine. This is Inspector Lestrade. Look here, is this racket going to continue all night? Professor Kilbane you told me you were on the staf of the University of Edinburgh. - I said nothing of the kind. - You most certainly did, I heard you. Mr. Holmes here heard you... - Oh. - I merely said that I was a professor of mathematics and that I was returning to my home in Edinburgh. Well, it might be necessary to talk to you again, later. You come pounding on this door again and I'll have the law on you. I am the law. Then stop barging in and out of my room like a chambermaid. Where is everybody? Surly, chap. Doesn't want to open the door probably. This should help us. Hello? Who shut that door? Great Scott, the guard. The murderer came back to the scene. - Hypodermic. - Look again, old fellow. Scratch, just a scratch. Like the one on Ronald Carstairs. A small dart apparently made with some soluble substance. Probably a gelatin preparation that melts in the wound. That's why you couldn't see anything on Carstairs. The murderer was about to get rid of the body and heard the knock and became frightened. Here, let me have that, will you? Come away from that door. Were you seen coming in here? No. Sherlock Holmes and the fat bloke are in the luggage van now. How about the guard in the corridor? He didn't see me. I fixed him temporarily. The guard in the van did. I had to kill him. Here you'd better take this. This isn't the Star of Rhodesia. You wouldn't be trying to double cross me would you? Sherlock Holmes got the diamond and replaced it with this imitation. Now that Scotland Yard Inspector has the real Star of Rhodesia. - Was he with Holmes and Watson in the luggage van? - No. Good then he's probably in his compartment. But you'll have to hurry. - I don't like it. - Neither do I. All you have to do is to relieve him of the diamond. Scotland Yard Inspector why that... That's something different. Naturally, it will be more money for you, you'd like that wouldn't you? Come on. He's in there. He's got the diamond. You use this. Ah. No! No, don't shoot! Don't! No, don't shoot! Hello. That fellow you put on guard isn't there. So I've observed. - That's strange. - What is? - Lestrade! - Here. Help me to get him up on to this seat. He's coming to. Hand me that water, will you? Oh, it's nothing very serious. I'll attend to him properly later on. Poisoned like the others. It's gone. The diamond's gone. - Gone? - Yeah. - Hadn't we better search the murderer at once? - It's no use, old fellow, the man who killed him has the Star of Rhodesia. What's that? It's an air pistol, Lestrade that fires a poison dart. It's quite an unusual design. You were attacked because you had the diamond. Fortunately, this wasn't used on you. Hello, we're coming to a stop. Police. Scottish police. Oh. I don't feel up to it, Mr. Holmes, would you be good enough to talk to them? Certainly. - Thank you. - You keep quiet, old boy. Be back in a minute. Mr. Holmes, this is Inspector MacDonald with the Edinburgh police. How do you do? I happen to be in this district on another case and I received this telegram from headquarters. You will want to talk to Inspector Lestrade? In due time but I'm in charge here. This is Scotland you've crossed the border. We've had a spot of trouble here, Inspector. That's why I'm here. And who are you, might I ask? Mr. Sherlock Holmes. The private inquiry agent, eh? - I've heard of you. - Heard of him? - Mr. Holmes has practically solved this case already. - Watson Will you clear the dining car I want to ask a few questions? Yes, sir. And see that no one leaves this compartment - until I need him for questioning. - Very good, sir. Inspector Lestrade asked me to sit in with you. It's a bit unusual but... Scotland Yard thinks a great deal of Sherlock Holmes. They frequently ask his advice. Scotland Yard, eh? Where is this Inspector Lestrade? Now Watson, will you see if Inspector Lestrade has sufficiently recovered to come into the dining car? Right you are. Ms. Vedder, I know all about you and frankly you're in for it. All I did was buy a coffin and bring it on the train. In my opinion this is a matter for Scotland Yard. Scotland Yard's jurisdiction ended when you crossed the border, Inspector. So you say. That's a matter of opinion. Ms. Vedder's unquestionably in the plot. But you may not know Colonel Moran, however. I don't. Colonel Sebastian Moran? Is he in this? You know him? Unfortunately, I do. You may return to your compartment. You said "unfortunately." Aye, I once had an encounter with Colonel Moran. The only time in my entire career I've been bested. The cleverest criminal since the late Professor Moriarity. And that I can concur. Where is this Sebastian Moran? He's traveling on this train under the name of Major Duncan Bleek. What on Earth are you talking about? Are you serious, Mr. Holmes? Constable, bring in Duncan Bleek. Aye, sir. Duncan Bleek? But he paid for the Gentleman at Lords. Come in. - Duncan Bleek? - Yes. - Inspector MacDonald would like to see you. - All right. Colonel Sebastian Moran, eh? It will give me great pleasure, Mr. Holmes, to meet up with that scoundrel again. You wanted to see me? Yes, Colonel Moran, you're under arrest. So, you've managed to convince them that I'm the mythical Colonel Moran? Not mythical, Colonel. Have you forgotten that affair at Inverness three years ago? I've never been to Inverness in my life. - Do you mind if I search you? - Go ahead. For an innocent man, you carry strange things in your pockets. A retired Army officer, India. But you're in Scotland now and there's a law against carrying firearms. - Well, you satisfied? - Not quite, Colonel. Now I'm satisfied. This clears things up pretty well. You'll be coming into Topham in a few minutes. The train doesn't stop at Topham I'm afraid. I'm afraid you're wrong this time, Holmes. This train will stop at Topham. You're only delaying the inevitable, Colonel Moran. You can't get away. Out of the way, Inspector. All right, Inspector MacDonald, here's your man. - Who pulled that cord? - It's all right Conductor, we get off here with our prisoner. Constables take him off. That was quite a struggle, Inspector MacDonald. Good work, Mr. Holmes. Perhaps I underestimated you. Was it you who hit me? Oh, I'm terribly sorry. You must accept my apologies. Well, that's it. Where's Lestrade? Look under that table over there. That's not Lestrade. Great Scott, its Duncan Bleek. You mean, Colonel Sebastian Moran. Come on, old fellow, give me a hand. What's all this about? Where's Inspector MacDonald? He's just got off the train. He couldn't have. He couldn't. Oh, but he has. A very clever plot, Colonel Moran. You're henchmen masquerading as policemen come aboard the train, arrest you, stop the train and take you off. - But this is fantastic. - Yes, it is, isn't it? And it's a scheme worthy of Colonel Sebastian Moran. He planned the whole thing including the coffin with the secret compartment in case anything went wrong. The pseudo policeman to come aboard and take him off the train before it reached Edinburgh. Then where is Lestrade? Well I imagine at the moment he's pretty well occupied. Just a minute, MacDonald. Get over there all of you you're under arrest. Now put up your hands. Driver, take us to the nearest police station. Come on, get over here. Then the poke in the eye I received from Sherlock Holmes wasn't an accident after all? That is a matter of opinion. Come on get in. - Send it over as soon as possible will you? - Very good, sir. It's a telegram to the real Edinburgh police asking to meet us when we arrive. But how did you know this fellow wasn't the real Inspector MacDonald? Elementary, my dear Watson. In the first place, he didn't put handcuffs on Colonel Moran so I had to do it myself and in the second place, Inspector MacDonald, during the fight, was more hindrance than help, which is not characteristic of a real policeman. Amazing, Holmes. Uncovering such a fiendish plot with so little evidence. Yes, I forgot to mention that I also happen to know the real Inspector MacDonald of the Edinburgh Police. Oh, was Lestrade in all of this? Yes and surprisingly enough he grasped the situation immediately. That's very unusual. Let's hope he hasn't overdone it. Very clever, Holmes. You've got me but you haven't got the Star of Rhodesia. Oh, but I have. If in the dark I could substitute a big hulk like Lestrade for you Colonel Moran. It's no very great feat to switch a little thing like a diamond.
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 281,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: old movies, classic film, cult film, yt:cc=on, पूरी फिल्म, filme completo, película completa, فيلم كامل, subtitles, subtitled, subtítulos en español, legendas em português, Deutsche Untertitel, legendas, sous-titres, full movie, Colorized, Film noir, sherlock holmes, dr. john watson, murder, psychotronic film, mystery, classic movies, public domain, classic movies hd, classics movies full length, classics movies channel, sherlock holmes movies, terror by night, film noir crime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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