Shell Gold

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the gilding work which you can see here in this icon of Christ and the Theotokos is done using shale gold shale gold is made by dissolving gold leaf into gum arabic i've been very disappointed with the quality of shale gold that i've been able to make or indeed to purchase and so it was with absolute delight that i discovered that one of our students at the icon school olga had learned to make shale gold in russia and that the quality of it was absolutely superb well fortunately we were able to persuade all gur to allow us to make a video of her following the method she'd been taught and were happy to share that with you now no half shaken we have the same the same size as half shaking we should put gum arabic not too much yeah the size should be like this not more that's gum arabic and let's start from the smokies so you just make it a little bit a wetting your finger yeah to touch and now you are starting but just top tapping don't move any don't stir it yeah it goes yeah why because leaves can can be wrong and it's will not succeed so just tapping so this we will not count it just the first this one see the I have them are a bit more heavily greater but never mind it is good just happy and try to not go far from the center so the gold coming losing bride yes and becoming dull yeah it's just taking 14 minutes no that one I made two years ago just covered with the material put an island back to not be dusty and you can use it forever this never guess what what we have this so when do you know to add another piece you see it's melted see no no shiny yeah it's good pieces mm-hmm so it's ready to put other one yeah if it's like here or stuck in here just don't [Music] Tamara Berg is what they meant watercolor paint they say come England yes sir even buy in Jerusalem an artist or they have and always you can make from your minerals you can make just watercolor gold paint and with this 210 now 12 sheets what we three will mate make you can cover with our sister I think it for my size about five six hundreds yeah it's so usable and I show you when you put water making liquid when it's ready don't use heart I mean it's better for it's making more slimline better and after that you can polish it's getting quite a thick paste now it's getting quite a thick piece this yeah you can buy the reason some some film they are making but it's very very very expensive very expensive I'm not very good not good quality not even that Germany gold good quality but when I bought from them it's you know it's like small peeled yes in in small books about 50 pounds 50 euros yeah and it's wasn't a port which is why I have not used it but you're the gold that you you were using that you'd made it it's the best I've ever come across so that's why I asked you to show us because one if you do have all the little scraps of gold which there always is and if we collect them amongst ourselves even if you have to watch them that's a very good way of not wasting it and it if we can make a good quality paint then you know that's going to be really good for doing all these fine lines and things much easier with the but this is a cease before this fine lines but it's doing a little paint rather than putting the glue and you can see what you do is more and you're thin lines and everything and it's really I think impossible to do really really fine lines with using this oh no no no whatever what for what we need water just to wash and try to put on some no problem here understand so say this again okay so once you've mixed the gold in with the gum arabic what's the next thing to do just the air so dry here don't worry about what you have on finger will be worse after that hear nothing you said now you can put some and I didn't catch what you may sorry now you can move a little bit face yeah it's will not break leaves because it's melted this I think last one it's really you will feel it's a heavy placed getting music-based now looks like yellow okra yes very nice expensive so now second step you should work with this paste so now you do grow it yes and don't try to go everywhere to keep it me though and don't put any water feel it's getting dry but don't put because then more water you put then more you will stay to smash all of this so you got to work with a quite dry yeah and heavy try to keep working middle do not go everywhere why because the gold would like this for example we lost because when we will wash it will go up because it's not melted so with this paste just try to go in so that it doesn't dry you know that bit that you said has been lost is that because it's dried no when we will wash it's not ready it's not why I can't you work that now because I will put more I will lose more from my finger okay if well I don't understand okay so it's is just a little bit on the side there why what happened it's getting dry and you you can't know some some some pieces you will lose it will be not melted good okay but you can't work it once destroy is that what you're saying because if I will try to take her out and put I will yes to beat but it or not and now with the pre-trip bracing refresh area you see it's getting no gold how to tell this like color or the field Carla you see the energy changing look it's heavy liquid now it's good because we can the the gold will be ready faster don't worry if you don't put any water so just just and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] yes Oh now let's go this to me this to me no we are washing [Music] [Music] so important when you see the shine it's so means you you've got it you smash it good yes I was gonna say when I did it didn't get that's the magic maybe not enough time I think it was like you know you think back from the edge where and you know pushing it I think maybe too much something as simple as that can you overwork it like if you do too much will this be bad or no so do if you do too much reading it's a problem too no than more than more than I sit there for one hour yeah no problem your finger take in more time sideline for the Icahn School for the ladies to be done icon go all the nuns will be in [Music] no no it's a fourth step first step you tapping second step you machine yeah and the third step you put drops of water and this is a washing so first fifth yeah washing and 6/5 next step yeah we should separate with the material okay so what sort of material how come get some like a hankerchief something like this yes I think can be but but oh it's going look there is a pieces this will be on top of water that's why we should separate clean with motion and now to super separate all of this they're just getting all the gold into the water so the materials have to be something like dirt white because the gold have from the the residuals has to go through yes and [Music] you see yeah I can see the little bit now so this 11 yeah and we should leave this for 20 minutes okay yes so why we leave in 20 minutes I what we we are working with so 20 minutes we'll leave it and then we'll come back yeah yeah yeah so you're just gonna cool the water off [Music] yes this and now we can put it on some and it's five minutes will be dry and ready to party so but will you keep this on the plate forever and you just have to use the plate and yeah but then how do you activate the paint or just water take one one brush put a little bit water and work with other brush and keep that brush with water always and that brush for painting just work with it because if for example you will work with Brad put whatever this brush with what you're working you will always water and they will lose gold this is replacing so fast
Channel: Ian K
Views: 42,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: YYBpNvwEvhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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