Sheldon Gets A GIFT The Young Sheldon

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Shatner Leonard Nimoy Kirk and Spock I want to be Jewish hold on a second well I got a question for you Sheldon when you grow up are you planning on living in Texas probably and I strongly advise you to stay Baptist maybe even wear a cross why did you move to Texas well that's simple Medford had no Jews so there was an opening for what and you got it good for you I love this kid me too Hey how's it going good did you know that Zoroaster believed in two gods no I did poet and the Taoist don't believe in God at all they believe in a principle of harmony how very nice for them Shelley I understand you enjoy researching things love it but it's important to keep in mind that there is only one true God that's called monotheism I have a book about it if you're interested that's okay I have the book about it would you be angry with me if I don't pick your religion I could never be angry with you you be a seeker of your own truth thanks mom [Music] and if the truth turns out to be Satan I will do battle with him [Music] welcome Sheldon we've been waiting for you are you the 10 commandments no we are what any zero we are the binary code that underlies the universe the tensing is a common mistake I want to understand God can you help me did you not hear what we just said it's a binary universe God is yes and no left and right on and off something and nothing positive and negative male and female light and dark but why is there evil and suffering well without evil and suffering there is no good and happiness oh sure binary shall we give him the final piece of information that unlocks the secret of the universe why not at least one human beings you know the reason for everything Sheldon before the universe began hey dummy you're drilling all of your books Oh No zero was about to tell me the secret and you ruined it I never heard from one and zero again although I was once visited by nine when I had chickenpox he was a lot less funny than he thought he was okay what God means to me who'd like to go first Billy I like to go third alrighty who's feeling brave Missy I'll go second great does anybody want to go first I'll go okay come on up here Sheldon let's hear what you got I've spent the last week studying what people believe and I've come to a conclusion and what's that I'm starting my own religion I'm sorry what I'm calling it mythology it's based on a universal binary system that's terrific Sheldon but this is a Baptist sunday-school I know I'm here to convert everybody any takers okay let's go have a talk with your mom the only cinema the ology is being stupid [Music] welcome to the Church of mythology today I'd like to talk about prime numbers and why they bring us joy you [Applause] [Music] you you you you you you you you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Young Sheldon
Views: 37,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C5F5ToZpwYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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