Sheed & Gil UNLEASH On Doc Rivers’ Terrible Season

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yeah let's talk about your favorite topic uh in the past few weeks uh the Milwaukee Bucks uh Doc Rivers experiment take a shot [ __ ] what is his name Glenn Glenn change it on the PDA Glenn Rivers Glenn Rivers how tired I am the Glenn Rivers experiment looking more questionable by the day but bu continue to struggle leading up to the playoffs so the Bucks tripped off three straight games against the Wizards Grizzlies and Raptors uh the Raptors snapped their 13 game with the win so Evan Abs from Action Network pointed out that the Bucks are the first team in the last 30 years to lose three straight games as double digit favorites Glenn took the blame for those losses saying the last three were against three bad teams to me that's inexcusable for all of us as I told them this is on me I got to figure out what we got to do to play at a higher Pace uh they did not figure that out by Sunday uh when they played the Knicks I think Brunson gave what 43 they're four four straight lost they've lost six their last seven games uh Brandon you're are resident yeah bucks expert I'm staying strong are you still Mr bucks and six or for sure always always that's why why they that's why they want it he look like he lost a lot of weight since doc got there this guy right here he lost a lot of weight over there stressing no I mean I mean listen man playoffs is coming I'm staying strong with the Bucs but they they need a team meeting or something though we have to figure it out like me something something like you know I like Doc got to go in there and do something though like you know what I'm saying like I still love our chances but you know number two yeah but how much do you love them though no I still [ __ ] with yeah I ain't switch I Ain I ain't switching don't nobody in the organization like the [ __ ] especially after the [ __ ] he said the other day who said they a like him when he man just think every I wouldn't like the [ __ ] you sitting here talking about me talking about something oh yeah everybody from so and so's not professional know down to the trainers and the ball boys and this and that no one's profession well [ __ ] you I'm going take offense to that well I mean I know he like they can find me now they already gave my three years I'm good oh [ __ ] no no I he I hear you though because we did win it before you got there so it's like exactly you know what I'm saying with with that probably that same crew as far as the people in your front office and all the other people around you know the trainers and all that yeah man you can't go in there and saying [ __ ] like that that's n DG that's that's you thinking too highly of yourself in my opinion with that [ __ ] right there right cuz they again as you just said they beat that [ __ ] they were a good team before you got there before you snaked your way in he had earned his way to say that with them yet yeah I don't think he will 30 and 13 with Adrien Griffin now 15 and 17 with Mr Rivers as the head coach hey yo if you hey yo if you this just me my opinion if you if you Yannis right now like what are you thinking for the next couple years cuz he signed for 3 years right damn we should have kept Adrian Adrian probably sign for what multiple years too and they got him out of there so he's getting all his bre three soes now yeah they three yeah they got three D still like Baby M I don't know I just feel like I don't yeah like three of them um yeah I don't know I still I still like our chances I don't know I just think I don't know man I don't know you don't know you like your CH but you don't know no no I'm saying I just feel like we going to hit a we going to turn that going turn it I'm with you like like we going to turn it something like I don't know team meeting or something everybody the whole go up 31 o do you already know what's going to happen you already know what's going to happen that Glenn kick in look Glen effect kick I hope y'all go up 31 I hope we the I'm I'm going to be there first round I know one thing we did first round I think the I'll be Dam are you [ __ ] with Glenn or no yeah of course he just got to get it together so she he there will that 3-1 turn into a 4-1 or will it start to go the other way you hey look at the track record look at the track record and I'm saying that and I really feel that I'm team Glenn now yes yes his name is Doc what a losing record no read the quot again read the quote again read the quote again the do the doc quote on the team oh he said uh oh wait on the on taking the blame okay so last three were against three bad teams to me that's inexcusable for all of us as I told them this is on me I got to figure out what we got to do to play at a higher Pace boom right there he's finally taking accountability MH right cuz all them other losses he blamed it on everything else but himself y okay and then he realized that that offense was struggling since he's been there and he need to Speed the game back up how they were playing before but who he sees it how was the offense struggling if I'm not mistaken they were in the top five with scoring before he got there they two so how were they struggling no when he since he got there after he got there oh oh after yeah they struggling they were number two since uh they were number two before he got there they dropped down the five yeah at the end of the day it's going so the fact that he even acknowledged finally acknowledged that it's been his fault I'm good I can I can get off his back now that's just that coach no no I'm just I was on his back cuz he was doing everything in his power the C the cup got a leak it fals it in it but he going to do it again just wait however they and then I'm going to be on his ass damn at when playoffs come when play come it's just going to be us three up here when playoffs come it's just going to be us three up here that's all I know he a Boston fan this year you know every year he got a new he he a new fan or somebody bucks were two they say Dro down to five but let's talk about a bigger issue so Yiannis and Dame have been on the court together for 95 minutes since March 26 The Bu has been outscored by 3.4 points per 100 possessions in that time frame no we don't like analytics okay that's concerning though English they're getting English what does that mean that offense is is getting outscored by other teams oh no we already know that cuz the defense right yall remember that defense of Doc going come in here and change the defense you going put in his defense strategy right I think he thought that all the defensive players he's ever had going to come back to the team he thought all them defensive players about to just inherit nah nah nah so yeah there's nothing alarming there's nothing to see here it's been a dead body since when uh J it's called karma that's why the Bucks ain't going to do [ __ ] it's called karma facts and what is that karma [ __ ] because of the way that they got rid of uh Adrien Griffin it's come on that to me and I'm speaking for me [ __ ] that's looking real suspect if this same dude helped me get the job but yet all of a sudden soon as I get for some Scooby-Doo Mystery reason I get fired and now he comes on my my mentor my coaching Mentor talk about it yo talk about it that don't sit right my coaching Mentor that don't right you got that nice Milwaukee Blue on though y'all [ __ ] is green man [ __ ] no blue we wear blue jersey no we wear that blue that be truthful this is Nick's colors since match the sneakers it's all Nick's colors to be truthful instead of Milwaukee okay alternate Brandon like like a true Philadelphia the fit is going to match so what hey you can get me Karma long as you get my check I don't give [ __ ] with nobody Hey listen listen what we think about it that snake came with 30 million he got 30 million snake that got a 30 million woo [ __ ] wait how much did Griffin get I don't know still get paid probably not that much but he's still getting paid like two three he still getting paid five at the max it's all right though sorry we I'm standing strong got it I know he got it over there I can't wait to text years so it's through 2026 27 so you 3 year 12 four year I think four year 16ish round about he made it what 40 games and D got doc got double that doc need to hire me Doc H give me that spot trying to do what doc get I get in shape to come back where at three oh where the play yeah oh you talking about play oh so we can we can roast your we can roast your ass too I'm calling out call every Tuesday Thursday hey how's it going how's it going how's it going same your ass went last night you know I'm surviving today doc we see you with the nasis y'all out there playing bottle flip cont hell he never finishes his contract out I don't think he going finish that contract out with I think that I think that's Doc's game get the contract so get fir so I can get the next contract like relationship get there try to figure out how to get out of it pay four coaches they got three coaches I know so you going to fire Doc and pay another you already got three he got another might as well get another baby mama already got three get four [ __ ] [ __ ] it what's one more what's one more you got three kids already get get a four come on boo let's have that four junior junior junor you start naming your daughter Junior yeah but like who else would you hire though after like after man it doesn't matter somebody cois and D for sure for sure it's just like but who like who Carousel go it don't they might hire a [ __ ] you never heard of can we just say that the one thing is who might have been selling tickets at front office now now he's D Tony Dan Tony but is it is it you already got defense might as well put them in Yiannis is not a good match well well we don't know I don't know yeah we don't know we have been watching no no we've been watching a different offense yeah I'm about say they was two [ __ ] play together they were 30 and bled it was in 30 30 and 13 we was we wasn't we wasn't questioning them on how they was matching up then I'm asking now yeah but it has nothing to do I was a little bit I was just questioning how D would fit with them I think it's a bad when they were 30 and 13 I think it's bad basketball no no that's facts in what what sense what you mean like as far as like well okay I mean our offense isn't the the the most prettiest I mean but you know we was no for real like it's not the prettiest but you know it got the [ __ ] done but it's just I don't know I mean I like Dan Tony I like what you said D Tony some faster some more EXC it's exciting so you got two guys right yes sir that have not been forced to play any other way than the way that they wanted to play facts facts right agre and had s major success at playing that way that way got MVP Champion lot of points lot of ball in his hand [ __ ] 67 70% of the time when they P right ball in this man's hands the MVP the champion same amount of time right it's human nature I think to kick in for Yiannis like sh we W doing it this way yep I know what to do to win mhm Dame over here like well I didn't have success doing it this way but when so it's like it's a pull and Tu kind of a situation yeah so who do we go with yanis like [ __ ] I like I said we want doing it this [ __ ] way so what we going to do facts I mean to be I now I shut the [ __ ] up after this but my I'm a big time I love Dane I love his game I love his competitive nature who has D made better that's played with him the rest of the the rest of the Bucks we going to make somebody else mad [Applause] the I'm talking about around Dane who has he made CJ had that's why he had so why did they get rid of CJ two smalls small they had they they they with that [ __ ] for years right yeah two talented players CJ can play more off the ball than than Dame could right yeah without I don't think Dame made CJ better facts I think CJ was just to score and go get his own bucket worked on his game and worked on his game I don't think damee made him better but if you don't think that with them being that onew punch with Dame scoring capability that opened it up for CJ to show his game he needed a second option anyway regardless needed oh yeah wasn't Lamarcus there early yeah but I just think that would have been a better situation for them to to jail more I think than that but I just Damon hell of a talent has proven himself in this league but if you look at when it get down to it in the playoffs what has happened right right it fell short it fell short because it's all on him and he feel that it's all on me and I'm going take every shot I'm nobody there's no one else can thrive in that situation even as good as CJ was he was still limited when Dame was on the floor y so now is that gamer mentality though and see because because here I am as you just said if I'm if I'm Yannis we want it doing this way we wanted doing my way with Dame Dame has the talent but as we just said he didn't get it done yet but is it the mental part where Dame got to take that back seat or will it be [ __ ] him like well [ __ ] I got to take the lead in this [ __ ] dance because it's a serpy soap because we all know like in the playoffs Jan is going to struggle to make free throws right so now it comes into play over where do we want the ball Dame because he can't make but now you got jiannis over here just stand in the corner not a good three-point shoot right so so then the picking R they playing a different if you put jiannis and Dame in the pick and roll to your point so what do you do right teams are playing them different when Dame is in the pick and roll versus Janis in the pick and roll and Brook Lopez so you playing a different so what do you do so now you got to play with the lineups now you got to figure out now that's on Glenn to figure that part out yeah and I don't from history he's not capable of making those adjustments when it's time yeah this is what we found though hold on this what we found me and Gil was talking about this other day is that when Dame was playing well without yanis D was saying to the media that doc had Drew up certain plays for him to stuff you the me and Gil agreed it ain't no [ __ ] new plays been drawn up that's just you playing your game cuz Giannis is not on the floor to stop the flow of the game Yannis is a ball stopper Yannis is not a flow mover so when is on the floor and I got a pass to a guy who can't shoot I'm stopping the flow of the move move move when he ain't on the floor you got Brook you got Beasley you got he not a ball stop cuz he get that mother going miss top think we missing the biggest thing I think we missing the biggest thing of it all though like like the way they did Drew was I love Milwaukee but the way they did Drew was [ __ ] up fact like I think that's the karma of it like the way you did Drew like like like I like you know man I love the the D move but I was still a little bit like like Drew like Drew's a proven Champion like he's a proven two-way player right so I'm just like damn we Dam you move Drew before like it's somebody else I feel like in there that got a big contract we could have moved you got to give something to get something but the real problem problem is two are fighting over doing trying to do the same thing right they're both trying to score and then pass second the fact that they can't play with each other because let's just face it Giannis hasn't developed anything besides what he knows yep right coming downhill full full boore yearo that's all he knows right I we can't do a pick and Roll pop it to him he takes a 15-footer 177 footer we can't pick and pop get the switch pass it to him we switch he's going to pop out I pass it to him he's going to try to take that guard bury his head if he goes left no way he's passing the ball that's not if he if he spins whatever was open he missed it yep right um so it does get harder it seems like for the rest of the team today back then when they won it moved faster now the rest of the team seems like they're being hurt with when Giannis is playing the point in a sense yep when Giannis is playing the point um but we don't have a point guard they they're struggling we don't have a point guard then I don't need him playing the point I know but so we we don't we don't have like it's like me having Amari Sodom and Steve Nash and then instead of Amari diving and just do what you do he's popping getting the ball now he wants to play with it he wants to do that and then now he's trying to make those eight nine passes I rather you i' rather you try to score [ __ ] 45 to 50 versus you trying to do this job too and he's getting a triple doubles he get those numb he don't have he don't have them pieces like we did who you think that switch is in the playoffs though where he just like okay this a this ain't regular season no more if I got to get 40 I'm going to get 40 I I I I think his 40 his 40 needs to come different ways now it's like in the play you got to have new packages only can do it one way I know but and you know you know is new packages like I can't play I can't go against you right and then try to go against you the same you done watch everything I did here right so you going to count if I'm keep doing the same thing and I'm trying to force this this action right y' that's what y'all want just like Yukon score we going to cut everybody you score score your 37 and 10 lose by damn near 20 right and that's what's going to happen some rounds you you want to go play one-on-one basketball fine we're just going to cut everybody else off let everybody struggle now D going to realize he ain't scoring now he going to start taking Wilder shots that's what happens in the playoffs yeah he definitely need to get on the Block man he too big strong and athletic man not to not to be on that block especially in the playoff Rather game down like bucket like that that's why I'm that's why I roll with Denver you know how it go man though learn but he should have learned fact that he doesn't have any oh right right okay okay yeah when the playoffs start you can play that way in the regular season that downhill [ __ ] all day cool great you need a bucket yeah and you and ones and all that [ __ ] the same as [ __ ] that three-point line goddamn let me ask y'all this then so you talk about the same [ __ ] you talking about right now they say pick and pop with Brooke with Giannis ducking in ducking like a strong duck in it's almost like the play Paul Pierce used to do when he us to just D so it's like he don't need a he don't need a post move for speciic but he ain't never been in that position he's always had the ball in his hand right so you can draw that [ __ ] up okay you come out of a timeout okay this I'm saying at at cool but for him to be in that position regularly his brain don't register dunker don't register that facts right unless you drawing it up for him cuz I'm used to even this [ __ ] they on the duck quarter front him yeah quarter front they going to try to quar he going to seal the [ __ ] out of everybody they going to live it the fact that he don't get listen man spin lobs all dude it's when the [ __ ] is the spin spin where is that too athletic man that's what I'm saying dog he don't get no easy bucket no he duck in hard they G listen you ducking hard they going to fight it y they going to fight the top of it I'm try I want you D dude I used to duck in hard as [ __ ] I want you to stop this duck in and I'm out the back door got F you got to F I'm a spin live a no F over the shoulder duing in [ __ ] you going to try to stop this duck in [ __ ] I'm who did you have though who C was throwing the we so you think Dame can make that play no the I'm saying who's throwing that L LZ Flash in run a play Brook Lopez to Brook can shoot it you got to play honest let him duck in too what about Bas none of them can do it cuz they never done it I told you well we will see what the Bucks end up doing in the playoffs uh you know we will have opinions for you let's keep it moving she she one final thought before we okay saying first round okay I thought that was the in Jack finger round I'm I thought that was the inject finger
Channel: Gil's Arena
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Keywords: milwaukee bucks highlights, doc rivers, doc rivers bucks, doc rivers coach, doc rivers highlights, bucks, milwaukee bucks, milwaukee bucks head coach, nba, nba podcast, gilbert arenas, gilbert arenas podcast, gils arena, gilsarena, nba highlights, nba news, giannis, giannis highlights, giannis antetokounmpo, damian lillard, damian lillard highlights, damian lillard bucks, nightcap, pat bev podcast, jj redick, club shay shay, inside the nba, mind the game, lebron james podcast
Id: cWweiclxptQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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