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what are you doing if in 5 years from now I bring home he's a dead beat he has a tattoo on his face like Mike Tyson yeah this guy what kind of car do you think I should get because I want something that is like a nice car I can buy her anything by the way this is a great feeling am I going to inherit that beautiful green watch you don't even know what this is what they going to do take me to jail by the way what's our plan if we get busted okay I need to train to be able to drive a car just in case anything ever happens to my dad he's old and I need to be able to know how to drive so I can take somebody to the hospital ladies and gentlemen Miss Sabrina Cardone and welcome to my very first podcast you know I think open communication with within families and you know to parents I think that's a really important thing about relationships now on that topic how do you think young people should dress hello everyone and welcome to my very first podcast our first guest here today is Mr himself the man the myth the legend my father he's done so much in the world in so many different respects and we're going to be getting his opinion on a lot of different subjects Mr Cardone are you excited I am excited and it's very cool that you chose me as your first guest by the way very smart of you thank you thank you I think that that's a good one I got a whole list of guys that I know you can interview so I'm going to give you access to a whole bunch of guys it's going to be an easy call for me to make some hitters you're going to be able to ask him some great questions we'll get it done we're going to we're going to find some really cool people yeah so stay tuned now we haven't uh we haven't talked about anything that you're going to ask me about today not even a little bit are you GNA go deep I'm gonna go as deep as I can go okay so I'm going to be asking you some questions about a few different subjects okay um I want to start about the meeting we were at yesterday do you remember that meeting yes of course it was very boring very dull it was how do you sit through those very dull very boring meetings I've been through thousands of them okay like I knew the second I sat down after about the first three or four minutes let's not mention any names no no names I'm like this is not going to go anywhere nothing's going to happen me and him aren't going to do this but I have to live through it okay so I had the guy to my right the guy to your left you've sat in a lot of these meetings with me and usually they're not this boring I know because the other guy was dead and we're not going to do anything together I don't know maybe it could turn into something so I'm just sitting there the whole time thinking okay just hang on dude it's going to be 30 or 40 minutes maybe something comes out of it and I'm just telling myself that over and over but you know how I am yeah I have very low attention span for things that aren't going to go any place yeah so that was a struggle for me like just hanging in there and it went on too long too it was almost two hours yeah it was cold it was free it was Breezy outside the food was terrible and the food was pretty good the service was terrible the service was terrible it was slow it was so so slow oh my God so anyway most of the time I'm pulling my hair out without pulling my hair out that's how I do it you're just sitting through it trying to get through trying to get through it because I don't know if I could do thousands of those um you you will do thousands you will do thousands but the difference yeah the difference for you is going to be people are already they're going to take you much more seriously than they took me when I was getting started that is actually something I'm worried about and another question I wanted to ask you should I go to college because I feel like it would make me more able to take Ser like people would be more able to take me seriously if I went to college I don't think anybody's going to take you more seriously because you went to college I think people are going to take you serious because you're a serious person so if you have something to offer if you could stay present in the meeting if you can ask good questions you don't even need to know anything if you can ask good questions of them like yesterday you could have got more involved with him like it's my you could have been like hey well tell me what you do oh really what is that all you got to do is ask a coup tweak a couple of those questions to engage that guy I don't know if that would have worked with him but he was very very conservative very conservative slow yeah just hard to make conversation to yeah but but that's what you got to you got to figure if you can do those things nobody cares where you went to college now if you're going to go to Harvard or Yale and meet Bill amman's kids are you're gonna meet Steve schwartzman's grandkids or Larry Finks like if you're going to connect I mean that is the value of doing that but you you can you can hijack all that yeah I mean I think I could connect with people not going to college you don't need to bro you're gonna you're gonna go in there and say hey I run I run this company yeah if you run this company you you have access it it is it is uh what is it called not entitlement um what's the other word uh it's not entitlement we have privilege dude you ought to you ought to drop into the privilege bro privilege University [ __ ] you you come from privilege University and you should tap into it but not act like a privileged not act like conceited and full of myself no just come in this company and do something yeah move the bar I agree that that is my goal by the way let me just say out of that meeting that boring meeting yesterday read this this just came in because you know who this is and you heard me make this phone call on the way home so nothing didn't come out of that meeting nothing didn't come out of that meeting because on the way home from that meeting I called this guy because that was a dinner a lunch you were at yeah and said hey man how can can I expedite this that lunch was interesting yeah this was a very interesting lunch but here he's saying hey I got 2,000 units yeah so I mean that's pretty awesome because it's one of my goals as I'm sure you know to run cardal Capital up to a hundred billion dollars of asset under management do you think that's you think that's viable like do you think that's a a good plan and how do you think I would can you grab my notepad from my office there's one right there do you need no no it's the one I was writing on this morning it it'll say that that she just said how would you how would one go about trying to do that okay how would you go about doing how would I yeah how would I go about well so we're at four we're at four now uh the first thing I would do is I would start writing down in the morning I'm taking C on Capital to 100 billion 25x what it is today because now it's like like you're like wait a minute he's already done four of it five of it yeah and getting started is really the hard part it's it's it's the worst part for sure now I got to do that all I have to do is what he did 20 more times yeah okay and then you start doing the math on it Sabrina you just start doing the math and saying hey he did this this many times what worked what didn't work what didn't worked is probably as important as what did work yeah because now you know what not to do and then you build a team that that can that can take you there man you can do it 100% I have complete confidence I think if I do that in my lifetime I'll feel fulfilled Sabrina if you did that nobody will ever ask you where where you went to school I hope not and by the way they won't even remember me they're going to remember you because you're going to do something I didn't do they're going to say I gave you a start and people going to hold that against you forever but you did of course you did give me a start yeah why not yeah why not why not run with that exactly and if you did that if you took Cardone Capital to a 100 billion of assets under management what's the first thing that say says on that yeah read that that I wrote that this morning goals hundred billion do assets under management we're really aligned thinking we're really aligned you wrote that just this morning I wrote that um two hours ago wow and that would give us 333 unit th thousand units that's not that's not impossible nobody's ever done that still not not one not one group one group has never done that we would be the largest apartment owner in the world we could do that you did that I wouldn't I didn't do that it'll still be we though okay and I think it should always be like that I like that I like it too so some more questions I have for you about real estate when people sometimes will talk to me about real estate sometimes I'll hear them mention houses I'll hear them mention retail that's all real estate but that's not what I think in my mind when somebody says real estate what would you classify as real estate in your mind well I would classify a house um the aventur all a hotel the airport the private airport the Amazon distribution center that's a that's a that's real estate the house we live in is real estate this office building is real estate that office building right there is real estate the apartment buildings across the street that's all real estate but the kind of real estate we're buying you know is real estate that unlike our house provides us with money income and so that's the kind of real estate I'm talking about but that being would do that yes 100% the Diplomat Hotel that we tried to buy that's real estate right so but you you don't have to stay confined to what I did either by the way yeah you could end a medical office like where we go get that PT the physical therapy treatment that's a medical office um piece of real estate yeah the trailer pads that our friend Jordan Zimmerman owns yeah that's a lot of real estate and pretty awesome real estate too yeah and the so so you could expand because you probably have to I don't think you can do 333,000 units of Apartments yeah I think it's going to be too big like what we're never going to be able to get that many maybe you can but you're probably going to have to expand into some other real estate opportunities other different kinds of so what would be the perfect asset to buy in your mind the perfect asset yes for for who for you or for me well yeah well yeah but why why for you what are you trying to accomplish make a lot of money and and go on that goal of trying to I mean the perfect asset for you right now is you're 15 years old almost 15 you're going to be getting a driver's license soon you know you don't need money right now you need income yeah so you you need to invest in something you you need to take your money like you're doing right now and invest it in something that pay P you cash flow without you ever touching the capital so if this is your Capital you explained this before if this is the capital you take your salary dump it into this and then it pays you a couple hundred bucks a month use the 200 but never touch this every 15y old kid should be doing this right now yeah if you're getting an allowance of you know 300 bucks a month or whatever you're getting take it buy a piece of real estate that pays you 30 bucks a month only use the 30 don't touch the 300 yeah but how would a young normal person get money allowance sad jobs sad hustles uh I was I was 14 years old I was working every weekend I was mowing lawns um doing whatever I could to to get some extra money so I could go buy cigarettes oh oh wow okay well let's not promote that actually I didn't buy the cigarettes let me be honest I stole the cigarettes from my mother and I kept the money oh wow from the work wow cuz my mother was a smoker so so I'd steal her cigarettes cuz I wanted to be an adult I wanted to be an adult so what did you do with that money uh well I didn't have anything to invest in so you just bought something but what what kind of stuff you I just saved money I've been saving money since I was a kid oh really yeah just stashing it away where did you learn that from I don't know where I learned that from probably my parents they were very conservative you know wish she would have met my Mom and Dad yeah I really wish I they would have loved you oh really oh my God my dad dude he he he would stop I mean he would be so in love with you it'd be unbelievable oh that's awesome oh my God he would be like I'd never get a minute with you and my mom my mom would have been a went a you know you and my mom would have got along great oh what a shame I wish I could have met them yeah well you know mom died five days after you were born so I did kind of meet her she saw you yeah on video but she wasn't in a great place at that time but you know when my mom was passing on you were coming in so that's kind of a crazy it's a py life yeah yeah it is cycle life why do you say that people are born and then they grow and then they grow old and then they die and then people are born again so it's the cycle of life uhhuh because Cycles they repeat themselves yeah yeah I'm just the beginning of the cycle she was at the end yeah that's awesome man okay so on the topic of saving money is it good or bad because I've heard from so many different sources it's good it's bad when is it good when is it bad well well just sit just having money sit around this is good that you're curious about all the these things this going to be a good podcast for you people are going to be interested in this Sabrina's Corner Sabrina's Corner what should we name it let us know yeah we don't quite know what what we're going to name it yet but it's the new podcast for now yeah look you people should not just save money to save money because money is useless sitting there it's always depreciating it's going down in value yeah right I mean it's not really going down in value it just buys less it buys less yeah is a dollar is still worth a dollar but a dollar is still a dollar a dollar used to buy an ice cream now it's $3 yeah exactly so you know when I was a kid your age I'd buy a piece of bubble gum I swear to you it was that big around one piece wow and it cost maybe two cents wow so I could go to the store for 25 cents I could get a bag that would last me it would literally wear out my jaws oh my gosh today I mean first of all they made them a lot smaller yeah and probably 25 cents yeah per little bubble gum but I'm still using the same dollar yeah so if I had just Sav that money if I saved $100 when I was your age today it would still say a hundred but it's only worth four pennies you know probably not quite that drastic no it is it is it would be exactly that really yeah wow it would only buy $4 four pennies of services wow yeah so saving that 100 I'm deceived because I'm like I still have a 100 but it's not exactly so that's why I say people shouldn't save money now that doesn't mean you should spend it it means you should take it and put it into something that would have gone that would have had the reverse effect over those periods of years like real estate or yeah real estate a business a business investing in your own marketing branding a YouTube channel anything that that would create more income I guess cloes if you if you need to look professional yeah I mean you need clothes so you do need to buy clothes yeah yeah you have good nice and close thank you thank you very much what look are you going for um right today I was kind of in a rush so I just put on these pants and this little shirt and it's just kind of like you know business casual that's the look yeah you know what now on that topic how do you think young people should dress young boys or girls both well you know we were going through them allall the other day yeah and I you know you want to tell them what I said well you know we're passing these like young girls who are like showing their mid drifts and short shorts and all that kind of stuff and um I don't know like I don't really remember what you said yeah there was five kids coming this way and two of them are barely barely dressed and I'm like okay guys I'm 66 years old married with two kids five kids are walking this way they're about your age and I'm like look at that okay there's no way a grown man or a woman um anybody is going to look at that and not put all their attention on these two kids that are you know barely dressed and it's it's it's a bad it's not that they're bad kids it's that they're pushing out this wrong Vibe yeah and I'm not a weirdo but trust me in that mall there there is probably a weirdo thousands and thousands of people in that mall men and women that are weirdos yeah there's there's 20 weirdos in the mall at any given on any given day I agree I mean like it's a known statistic the pedophiles go to malls cuz there's young people there oh yeah I didn't know that yeah I know it is yeah but but but so so what happened those two girls now now are St stimulating or pushing out a Vibe an advertisement a billboard yeah to the to the weirdo that that them makes him he has a response to yeah so I I would just tell the young girls out there look if you don't want to create that kind of effect man don't don't dress like that it doesn't mean you're a bad girl because you're dressing like that but it does mean you're sending a message out to people that have stuff going on that are cuckoo if if a man came through and he was dressed like that didn't have a shirt on short shorts I'm like everything's pulled tight I'm like do this isn't a swimming pool yeah this is a mall now if we're on the beaches in France there's a time and place for everything yeah exactly yeah that makes sense yeah so what was what was your impression of the way they were dressed yeah no I thought the same thing they didn't look very CL the way you think about what you wear well I try not to wear anything really shocking anyway yeah like yeah like I'll wear like sweatpants and like a small top in my house but I don't like to like wear that out yeah anyway yeah you know so that that's kind of my general role but you do want to be you do want to be free to to dress as a kid too of course and I agree with that but I think yeah like you can dress like you're kid and you're young without showing your whole body yeah I agree with that you know I you don't know this but one of the security guys at the house MH actually said something to me about hey man when the kids go to the mall oh really they were worried about Scarlet oh really which one but he comes from a part of the world where that's not you know it's frowned upon yeah anyway you guys will you guys will figure out the right thing to do no for sure I agree you know I agree it's definitely a more delicate subject because it's just hard to it's hard to talk about you know yeah it's like if you talk about it you seem weird yeah but I agree with you now now on the boy side you're wearing a hoodie your pants are halfway down your dude that's same same thing you you look like a game member you look like a what what what are you doing bro your pants don't fit that is not cool to me it's no it's not it's not at all on the other end of the spectrum yeah the kid that drove up here in a roll Royce trying to impress me with a big watch on oh yeah what do you think about that like really young people weren't like what if I got a really really great looking car like what do you think about that like a Ferrari that kid that kid let me do that kid first driving up in a Rolls-Royce wearing a a gold Rolex he completely lost all my respect yeah cuz I'm like you're overspending dude you're overp spending to trying to impress me and it doesn't impress me yeah now you going out you're getting ready to get a car yeah what kind of we think that will have have you ask the audience what kind of question what kind of car do you think I should get because I want something that is like a nice car I can buy her anything by the way this is a great feeling but I want something that's a nice car but I also don't want it to be uh super flashy super loud uh nothing like that screams like oh I'm super spoiled just something that's like it's a nice car like yeah like she probably comes from a good family but that's all I want it to say yeah I don't want it to be super I don't want it to be a Ferrari I don't want it to be something like that well it's not going to be a for I know a girl who who drove around it was basically her McLaren like it's just too loud yeah yeah yeah you know yeah so it's you know you even said you even said you you were willing to have a used car with some scratches on it why' you say that for sure for sure I don't want a new car I want a used car uhuh right now I think the car that I want is um the new Toyota High not the Highlander the Land Cruiser that came out cuz it's a good-looking car it's like I like the SUV kind of yeah like the Land Rover Defender like I like those kind of like kind of bulky cars they're not quite SUVs like the G wagon like that kind of shape of car I like and the Toyota Land Cruiser is kind of the same kind of shape yeah so that's what I'm thinking right now yeah I wish that what was the other car beneath that the Toyota they used to make the the foror SUV that was the The Land Cruiser no not the Land Cruiser the one before that um smaller than that I don't think they make it anymore Toyota huh because no not the raft but right above the raft no I think you're thinking about the Land Cruiser because they just started remaking it no it was the not the 4run the 4Runners are good looking little huh not the Highlander no there was another it's smaller man I think they discontinued it I think it looks perfect it's they discontinued the the Land Cruiser though no this are you sure you're not this is the Land Cruiser are you sure I had I had a Land Cruiser oh really yeah the new Land Cruiser is pretty cool looking the new Land Cruiser is really cool FJ Cruiser dude see that's what I'd like to buy you the old FJ Cruiser that's the one I would love to get or one of those small but the problem is some of these old cars they're they're they're not going to they're not safe that's the only thing I worry about but you're a good driver except for that time you almost hit the mailbox or or that one time I tried to hit the break but accidentally hit the accelerator yeah there's there's been some times yeah but I think I'm pretty good what do you think no you're a great driver dude I think I'm a pretty good driver I don't even worry about you when you're driving like if if it was up to me I'd have you driving every day right now you already drove the PCH it's true I did tell tell everybody about when you drove the PCH and what mama said what did she say I don't remember oh my God she was like oh my God like I can't believe you would let her do that but it was like 6:00 in the morning there was nobody on the road um there was pretty much nobody on the road there wasn't I'm serious you must be remembering this I was in the car dude you must be remembering this wrong because there was almost nobody bro I tell your mom I let you drive the PCA she's like how dare you if people found out if something happened I'm like Som ham what like what are they goingon to do take me to jail yeah I mean if by what's our plan what's our plan if we get busted okay I need to train to be able to drive a car just in case anything ever happens to my dad anything ever happens to an parent or somebody I'm with he's old yeah who knows he's old and something could happen but um like and need to be able to know how to drive so I can take somebody to the hospital it's it makes sense or just tell them hey we're going there now yeah we're going to the hospital he's having a heart attack like H it's a little bit insensitive but I think it would work I think it would work so talking about watches that how do we get to the watches because you were uh talking about that guy who rolled up with roll Royce Rolex so talking about watches am I going to inherit that beautiful green watch Mr greeny on your wrist there because I that's I you don't even know what this is yes I do you don't even know what watch yes they do it's a model number 5905p 014 I guess they deserve it let's see let's see how it looks on you let's see how it looks on you look I mean we were kind of talking about not trying to be flashy I feel like this would be a little bit flashy well I'm not giving it to you now bro trust me I guess what a shame does it even fit on you yeah I'm sure it will I just am struggling a little bit well this is what I'll do you know what yeah I'll leave that watch for you I'll inherit this watch yeah you you've asked about it before why do you like it so much because it's so beautiful it's green yeah I love the little the band yeah it's shiny it's beautiful what do we think guys does it look nice dude that watch is so sick it looks great on me too just saying there's 25 of those in the world oh seriously yeah so that is one watch I'm proud that I bought most of the watches I wish I in a bot so you are like a little bit of a watch collector yeah yeah but this watch this is what I'll do okay is that one your favorite yeah 100% um I will give you this watch when I'm not around anymore okay okay this will be yours and I'll put it in my wheel that it's yours okay perfect as long as yeah you get the company up to100 Billion do assets under management oh God even if you get it to 25 billion dude okay okay no no no you got to get it to 50 okay I have to get it to 50 I think there's 25 of these so if you got it to 25 billion I think I can get it to 25 by myself though but I can help and then you can give it to me you think you can get it to 100 I think I can do my very best get it to 80 when you get it to 80 I give you the watch if if I or if I die I give you the watch okay fine but you can't give it to that dead beat you get with that's another question I wanted to ask you this is your watch he can't can't use it he can't wear it he can't tell he can look at it but what if it's not a dead beat I don't want him wearing my watch man I want you wearing the watch what are you doing what are you doing if in five years from now I bring home he's a dead beat he has a tattoo on his face like Mike Tyson yeah this guy like what are you doing like how are you going to react so number one Mike Tyson can put a tattoo anywhere he wants that guy you're with hadn't done anything he had won one fight much less 50 okay um but what if I really love him dude I mean I'm GNA tell you man you bring a kid home who's got a tattoo on his face I got a problem with that really I'm like what are you thinking but what what were you thinking yeah it's pretty stupid what what what what happened to you because what all we know is this kid took and put tens of thousands of injections into his face to make H how did he come what what what what thought process did he go through to decide to do that you you were either did something out of one moment or you took a long period of time to think about doing that yeah e either way either way I we got a problem Houston we have a problem okay now and now I got a problem with you because now you fell in love with some some guy that makes weird decisions yeah okay so now what if he doesn't have a tattoo in his face but what if he's just like a lazy guy you know maybe like a piercing or something like ear his ears are take away the piercing too let's just go with lazy he's just a little bit lazy you know he doesn't do much not really very motivated uhhuh but he's a really nice guy you know he has good morals is he's let's just say ish to make him like an average fellow yeah you know okay he's you know he's like a good guy he's kind he respects people yeah but he's a little bit lazy doesn't really do much not really motivated and so how how's he going to take care of you what if I decided that I was going to take care of him oh yeah uhuh if I decided I was G to make I was going to be the bread winner of the family yeah yeah I mean how old are you let's say you're how old 19 20 something like that yeah well 20 you you're not going to have enough money yet to take care of him what if it's just like he takes care of himself and I take care of myself because he's a dead beat dude he's lazy yeah but what if I really love this gu you're not going to you're not going to stay with him just telling you you're going to be you're going to get bored with him yeah I probably will you're going to be running if you're going to be running this by the way you're not going to get to watch with this guy it's true cuz he's going to hold you back yeah that's true now what do you want from me do you want me just to love him yeah okay whatever bro he you know but I'm never going to respect him yeah that makes sense I can be like okay that's your husband but I'm not going to respect him he's got to earn my respect just cuz you love him Dum me I respect him yeah that makes sense right that makes sense and you can't I can't make you love him no and I don't think he's going to make you happy because I don't think anybody's going to make you happy I don't think people make you happy no I think you got to make you happy yeah so you know the old thing the daughter could say to the father he makes me happy good bro it's [ __ ] no nobody makes you happy yeah you know you make you happy so am I going to respect him no he doesn't work he doesn't do what I do he hadn't done what I've done I'm not I'm what happens to if something happens to you what's he going to teach the kids so it's hard for me to wrap my head around how I'm going to be like respectful of him that makes sense so we go do let's say we have a yacht in the future and we want to go spend two months on the yacht Sabrina come on out boyfriend no dude hope you know hopefully you're gonna you're going to find somebody that's curious motivated excited wants to grow and wants to do things and but hey that's up to you man hopefully so you know that's that's my goal personally you know I'mma have a problem with him though yeah would you still have a problem with him if he's a really hard worker he's a great guy you like him well no not if you liked him say he's a really good guy yeah he's hardworking he has money yeah you'd like him then yeah it's cool man but what if his one flaw is that he believes in shrooms he believes in what shrooms like mushrooms like what if he likes to do weed like shrooms and smokes weed oh yeah that's a problem but what if he's a really hard worker has a lot of money all that kind of stuff that's his one flaw did he earn his money yes he earned it himself say he did but he's a shmmer yeah no it's a problem you you're you you need to have a problem with him no yeah I also have a problem with that personally why why are you doing drugs dude no yeah it's weird oh because I'm on some spiritual Discovery good bro you could do that without doing drugs you don't need to do that with drugs yeah that's true that's true you're just you're trying to do a shortcut yeah yeah I agree I agree Okay cool so what age do you think like on this subject what age you think is a good age for somebody to have a boyfriend or girlfriend you yeah what age would be a good age for me to have a boyfriend 50 oh wow I'm never going to get a boyfriend at that rate yeah yeah yeah no I don't know man I'm I'm I'm probably not you know you got to figure that out I mean I've just I've heard a lot of stories from you in your Youth and you've had a lot of girlfriends I have like do you think that you would go back and do that again or you think you would do that differently if you could you know I would like to think that I wouldn't do it again but I don't think that that's true I think I probably would be honest with you okay thank you for your honesty I think it was a complete waste of time though yeah but you would still do it again and have a bunch of girlfriends just because it there is some fun in it you know there's fun in it there's fun in but it's very lonely like when I when I really play it through in my head it's very dissatisfying very lonely the end of the weekend you're like yeah that's not this isn't going any place most of the time yeah if I look from the age of 50 till 45 there was not one person I met the entire time not one girl that I was with between 15 and 45 that I would have ever been in a successful relationship with I missed I would have Miss nothing Believe It or Not by not being with any of those people except the fun so then it wasn't that fun so you wouldn't go back and do it again I'm I'm just being honest with you I don't know that I could not avoid the temptation of like I want friends and I want fun and I want weekends and I want laughter and I want but it's completely ridiculous like you rationally know that that's ridiculous but you still think you would do it yeah probably huh that's really interesting yeah I'm just being honest with you yeah thank you for your honesty yeah so but you but you tell people you tell young people don't go party don't go have fun work on yourself but you don't think that you would do that not oh I wouldn't do all the partying I did again okay you know I would do some of it probably but not to the degree I did it okay you know were you a big partyer it wasn't a party it wasn't none of it was a party party's the wrong the wrong qu you know the wrong it was a disaster you the first time I got drunk I threw up all over the place when was that I was uh 15 or 16 went to a graduation party homecoming it was disgusting I drank a bottle of cherry vodka I threw up everywhere black entire bottle of cherry vodka me yeah me me and another guy I mean I couldn't handle a quarter of it yeah and it was just disgusting I I don't remember the event I don't like I was embarrassed oh that's terrible I lost respect I threw up on myself like oh it was terrible yeah that's I'm glad to say that that's never happened to me personally yeah and so so I would I if I didn't do that did I would I miss anything no no definitely not okay retained some respect for yourself yeah and then and then that continued we continued to do that and it just got worse and worse and it was not fun we weren't those weren't parties those weren't good times now do you think people from my generation have more potential than people from your generation had yes 100% I do because I I'll ask this question to people every once in a while and I'll get it both ways some people think because of social media because of Technology people don't but other people think that because of the same reasons they do yeah I think because of AI so social media the ability to reach it's how you're going to use your time and energy but more people are lazy in this day and age man I don't think so you don't think so I don't think people are any lazier today than they were 30 years ago I know a bunch of lazy people from when I grew up oh really yeah okay so every generation says the generation that comes after it is lazier than the one that but you don't think that's true no uhuh but I think people today there's like this whole thing being pushed that it's okay not to work and that you shouldn't push yourself and I think that you should push yourself and you should work yeah you know but that whole message is being pushed and I don't think that was pushed so much in your age yeah I I I agree but I mean you know it's it's the same problem there's still there's the the Grinders and the hustlers and everybody else and if you outwork everybody else consistently consistently if you can any kid that could create discipline right now and not do the parties not do the week not do the trips I didn't do any big trips when what was your first big trip my first big trip I was 28 years old and I went to Cabo with my sister and went fishing oh that's fun do do you know how to fish yeah I caught a I caught a I caught an 800 lb Marlin that oh wow I've always want an 800 lb Marlin yeah exactly how did you catch an 800 how took four hours oh my God so but but my point is I didn't and then I went on that trip and I didn't go on another another trip for probably 10 years like I just worked I was working and grinding yeah if I'd have been doing that when I was 15 16 17 I wouldn't have missed anything yeah I would have I'd have missed 10 years of drugs and I would have created another discipline the kids today if they could create Big D discipline okay like the ability to show up do your homework get done early get done fast like you're doing go to work go to the office learn the game yeah and dig in you your 30s will be unbelievable cuz now you're going to be traveling the French Riviera you know you're going to be traveling any way you want you could meet anybody you want like the plans that you have what age do you think I'll make it to100 billion do asset under management you could do that by the time you're 35 years old dude you could literally like like you could dig in now there's no reason a kid today couldn't put his head down find the right opportunity put his head down dig in yeah now because everybody else around you is sleeping if they're not lazy lazy is not the problem right now they're indoctrinated they're watching their phones their heads are going to be falling over their shoulders by the time they're 4y because they're looking at that phone all day long you could just you could rule the world man any kid you don't need to go to college that's four or five years that you would waste you could put your head down now find the right vehicle the right opportunity get in it learn everything you can about it every little thing that matters not the little stuff but all the the big things that make the thing grow and you could be 35 you could be one of the most influential people in in the in the world I believe in that too and then you can start moving around and and moving you could start moving and I I think that's part of that is what makes America so great you know although I'm pretty sure you could do that any other country too yeah but not not all countries not all I think like Iraq you could couldn't do that there yeah no that's right so on the subject of that do you think you would ever run for president do I you think do you think I would ever run for president oh I don't know if you would yeah I don't know I don't know if Mom would like being I don't know if Mom would like that yeah I think you would like it but I think it would be so hard on the rest of us it would be very hard yeah yeah do you think you ever would I don't think that happens you think you ever went for like Governor any other kind of I think some of that could be potential you know I think if I if I continue to you know if we continue to grow and and and and and change change who we are and become more of what we can be and reach our potential I'm going to become more and more interested in the Civil aspects and the surroundings and the community the reason people I think get involved in politics is because they become interested in in okay we we're deteriorating yeah I don't think old people get involved in politics because of that reason I don't think old politicians are good people in that sense yeah I agree with that I think well most of the politicians that you're talking about have been in so long they're career politicians but I think there's a new new group of guys coming in or gals that are in business and now they're concerned and they're starting their new like I would I would not be a politician I would be me moving into politics if I got into it to try to change the direction of things yeah I agree for the better I could definitely see you as president yeah could H now someone told me recently that women shouldn't be president oh yeah I think that's completely untrue I agree I agree women would be great presidents I think so too yeah 100% I think so too you know we we have like the class I don't think a woman's going to be better than a man no I don't really think so either I don't think a man's going to be better than a woman I think the right person is going to be the right person yeah the right person will be better than the wrong person now whether anybody can change anything as a president I don't know yeah but well what do you mean by that I don't think it's male or female or yeah I don't really think it matters he was saying like women are too emotional or something that's ridiculous what was the other thing we were having a conversation on about women vers men was it me or you or Scarlet was it the thing with the straws yes yeah we were discussing it was her you and Scarlet and then I kind of joined at the end yeah do men drinks with straws I don't think I've ever seen a man drink water with a straw no and and the reason the reason it is and I I was thinking like why there was a thing on Instagram about why men don't drink with straws it's because straws are considered feminine yes and I'm like no it's not dude men want to drink as much as they can as fast as they can so they're just like okay like men are more like dogs okay a like if I could drink out of a bowl I would really I mean just laugh very animalistic I'm not going to use a straw because it makes me look like a woman that's not your reasoning no it's got nothing to do with it I just want to get as much of the juice as I can as fast as I can so do you never use a straw I don't think I ever used straw love straws I I'd use a straw if it was a if it was a a protein drink or like aboba aboba yeah yeah you use aboba of course cuz you're not going to just like try to drink a a boba without a straw no but if it's a water if it's a beer I want it straight out of the bottle I don't want it out of the straw I think certain drinks need straws certain drinks don't need straw like you're not going to drink tea with straw well plastic or paper straw well plastic straws are not really allowed anymore yeah but they should be because it's ridiculous it's in a plastic cup it's true but I think the whole thing is that with the straws animals will eat them and choke and die okay whatever a cup one turtle one turtle on the internet had a problem with a straw maybe a few Turtles who knows yeah but I mean I don't know I think paper straws like it's a little bit uncomfortable but like it's better for the they don't even work they don't even work and I don't but you don't even like straws just does the paper how does the paper cup actually hold hot tea without them putting some kind of poly poly something in bioplastic or something some bioplastic inside the paper I mean they have to but it's less plastic whatever which is the point but also you don't even like straws just don't drink it with the straw yeah exactly I mean you you don't even like straws exactly so I don't even know why I'm fighting against the straws cuz I'm not using one anyway I think it's good I think it's good for the environment that we the only thing I remember straws good for us I'd do spitballs when I was in in high school oh wow you you must have been a menace in high school d a total Menace if you and I were in the same classroom you you have gotten along or No Yes 100% you think so you'd have been in love with me what are you talking about kind been like that dude is so wacko I don't think so I would have been I would have been I think I would have been like dude he's so weird yeah yeah yeah you'd have been on the other side of the room and I'd be God hitting you in the back of the head SP fun to be young at the same age yeah right we'd have had a lot of fun together we probably would have but then you would have gotten into drugs and I wouldn't have been cool with that yeah no you wouldn't have been my friend no I wouldn't have no so I have some more questions and I would have thought okay she's all toy toy do doo she's too good for me yeah yeah people think that's about me today and you were right and you and you should just stay that yeah yeah they would have been you would have been right I I would have been too good for you when you were doing drugs 100% yeah yeah yeah I don't think everyone should be allowed to be your friend oh I love that why why do you say that because you know not everyone should be allowed to be your friend you shouldn't be friends with everyone yeah and I do think you should obviously be kind to everyone I believe in that you know should be everyone with respect yeah um you know be a decent person to people but I don't think everyone should be allowed to be your friend because you are who you spend time with yeah you become who you spend time with yeah now you're not really nice to people I say I would say I I yeah like like you you're really you fluff it up you gas people up quite a bit don't you yes I do it's actually a gift and a curse both tell me tell me why that is we were talking about this last night people will think that we're really close because I'm nice to them but we're not close yeah like in my mind we're not really very we're not friends really yeah but I will obviously say that your dress looks fantastic and you are killing it and you're slaying oh my God my jaw is on the floor but it's not like that it's just it's like I am just being nice to you because it makes me feel good to put this positive energy out into the world yeah but it really comes back to kick me sometimes because cuz then they make this connection with that they they think we're we're best friends and I'm just like we're just we're not like some people like this one random girl thinks we're really close friends but to me she's just a random girl uh you know so it's it's very interesting it's a gift and a curse I think you and I have different curses in that sense because um I think you're you're not you don't do that very often I don't do it at all um no not even a little bit I don't think I've ever heard you do that um I mean it has to be something like like it has to actually be worthy of that it has to be way worthy before I'm going acknowledge it probably it has to be beyond the point of worthy yeah for you to acknowledge it so heavily and even then I don't think you would acknowledge it and then it has to be consistently worthy yeah yeah you know and then I'm like bro you know like w when w performed oh you didn't see that did you I didn't see that you missed the party oh really yeah you thought it was great dude the guy was amazing okay we had we had Buster Rhymes the night before Buster was like had a little bit of an attitude had to get his haircut before he went out there I went over the scene he wasn't available I'm like okay whatever bro like I don't have time for this and we end up I ended up leaving but wlef CLA came the next night hey man I want to meet Grant he got there early attitudes completely different totally available wanted to be there he'd already been paid both of them been paid but W cleff like I want to reach out to you man I need your phone number I like I study your material like a completely different thing right then when he performed it was like I want to be here I you know um druming my with a finger oh that's awesome I mean dude it was so amazing like and I and I said man look look at this guy the difference between a performer and a performance wow and so when somebody does something really great I'm going to definitely acknowledge it yeah it's true I've been acknowledged a few times by you and it always feels good because you know you're not just going to there's certain people you can't really tell if they're just saying it yeah or if you're they're actually you know really acknowledging you they really think that you did a great job at something yeah when you get an acknowledgement from you like when when when if I acknowledge you that it me meant something to you uh I don't know when this was I just remember you saying Spina you did so fantastic I'm so proud of you it just felt really good cuz you know you're not you're just not going to say that yeah I'm not gassing you you're not you're just being what you think yeah so on a different subject okay should I get a prenup when I get married should I get a prenup 100,000% but what if they love of my life okay here here's what he's going to tell you here's what he's going to tell you let he it he's going to tell you oh why we're in love we're never going to get divorced why do we need one yeah cuz we need one and you shouldn't have a problem with that yeah if we're never going to get a divorce that's how you're going to handle that that's true okay and by the way if you don't want to handle that if you don't want to sign that that means you actually have some other agenda and I don't believe you have another agenda but if you don't have another agenda sign sign the prenup you're marrying me for me right you're not marrying me for the money so if you're marrying me for me not for the money boom sign if you want me sign the prenup if you want my money don't sign the prenup and then he's goingon to be like no I want you sign the prenup you you had that before he came into this and he shouldn't want you it's very important that you you that he really more important that he understands he's in it for you not for the money and when he signs that he's going to be saying I'm in it for for her not for her money because I'm not going to get any of the money yeah now what if instead of that I marry a guy and he's like I don't want a prenup and I'm like okay cool what are you doing okay so we leak a little bit prup then yeah so now you're GNA get a prenup yeah for sure yeah cuz I'm not I mean that was always my plan anyway yeah yeah now what if he is worth more than you then we both get prenups I guess no you just have one prenup a prenup works both ways BR you keep yours I keep mine we're good yeah we're good that that that's way should problem I don't think it would ever be a problem for someone with more money than you okay so why would it be a problem with somebody for with less money it shouldn't be a problem it shouldn't be a problem like if you don't want this if this is if you're here for me not for that but what if they feel like it's like and that's what's gonna that's what's gonna that's what they're going to say they're going to be like oh you're already planning to get rid of me you know you're anticip no I'm not bro I'm not like that you know no I'm not I'm I'm I'm just saying like sign Brin up it's simple it's an agreement by the way a marriage is an agreement why do we need an agreement the marriage is an agreement the whole thing's an agreement we're making an agreement right now if we can't make this agreement how are we GNA agree on other stuff so then kind of on that same line of thought yeah what's the biggest lesson you've learned from having kids man i' you know you guys have taught me so much you mostly you've taught me that I have the capacity to to to be a good person did you not think that you were had the capacity yeah I did but I didn't understand that I could actually stop what I'm doing anything and everything and even the most important things and pay attention to another person you know that didn't include me and some victory I was going to have you know so I know I'm a good dad like I would give it one of the my highest grades is being a good father and I couldn't you know I wouldn't know that about myself if I had not had y'all that's true you know and I think a lot of people like have that idea that they don't really have the capacity to be a good person CU I've experienced that myself too before yeah like I don't have the capacity I've kind of thought maybe I don't have the capacity to like love a person yeah but I mean I love you and I love Mom and I love Scarlet yeah so I think a lot of people actually do have that idea of course I mean until you know you can do something I don't know that I have the capacity to fly a plane because I haven't learned how to fly a plane yeah I don't have any interest yeah but I don't you you don't know what you have the capacity to do or not do until you do it and and and that's why I'm telling you about college you think college is going to give you some yeah that's right yeah but it won't because you still haven't done anything you got out of college and then and and in your case how many books have you read probably around 200 yeah so you're like if somebody reads two books they're not going to be like Oh I'm a better person because I read two books yeah because they haven't done it enough but you've read 200 books you know you can read yeah I can read like you can read you can read fast you know you're going to read hundreds of more books sure but most people can't even imagine reading a book you're gonna you could go to college get out with an A and still say okay for what I haven't done anything yeah yeah I agree but I still kind of have that idea that other people will say okay she went to a great College yeah 100% it would definitely give you a leg up if you went to Harvard but most importantly it's going to be more important if you went to Harvard and hung out with amman's kids in the Hamptons on the weekends which could have a lot of negative to it for sure because now that's where all the craziness comes in it's true because it's you know young people they want to fun alcohol they have so much access to anything and when and those kids have access to everything everything and when when people are like have that much money like they have legal connections like it's almost it's yeah it's too much too much too much Freedom yeah yeah you think kids can have too much freedom I think so for sure what does that look like um the kid who you know the parents always say yes and it almost shows like a negligence of the parents like when I was in school I knew this girl who could go to anything that she wanted to go to at any time she could stay up super late and we were like five years old like I was I remember this girl like we were 5 years old she ate whatever she wanted to eat like and I remember you know I know this person no no I I don't even remember who it is I just remember thinking her parents don't care about her like she she does whatever she wants to do her parents aren't like even really there and I think that that too much Freedom can create like unhappiness a lot of unhappiness for the child um like I think barriers are important like no you can't do that like you're going to act like this and you're going to act like this and you're going to act like this and I think that a person having to overcome those barriers that makes people that's what makes people yeah overcoming obstacles do you think we give you too much freedom I don't think so but I think that if I decided I wanted to be a bad kid then I would have too much Freedom as it is but I think since I'm a good kid and I don't abuse my freedom yeah like I I I do think I'm a good kid you know I think I I do ow my school I'm in junior year I'm only 14 and I'm in junior year about to graduate I think I'm going to graduate school around November December dud that's yeah so like I'm a good kid but if it was a bad kid I would have too much Freedom yeah yeah now do you think what's what's something you've done that I don't know about huh is this my podcast or is this yours it's yours but is there something you've gotten away with usually you know I've only done one of these podcasts and it's been with you but usually I think I'm the one asking the questions okay um no you you you know pretty much everything you know everything that is Meaningful or what's the one thing you're not telling me right now I'm not thinking any of anything no you sure no I I promise I let's see but if there was one thing were thinking of right now what would the audience say it is H H I don't know I guess they would have to yeah let us know that ask them what do you guys think with my one secret mystery let us know and I'll let you know if it's true if it's true if it's true I'll let you know but we'll see Truth or Dare truth or like two truths and a lie okay but you know there there's not really anything okay I I don't no you're a good kid man I am a good kid and and and the moment you know I mean unfortunately the parent I'm going to come in a second Tony uh the it's unfortunate because the parent typically Waits too long to pull in the yeah it's true harness but I would wait until you start screwing up then I'm like dude I got to tighten down on it now like you've kind of ruined ruined your You've Lost Your Right to have the freedoms yeah it's true and there's a right to have a freedom like I know two I'm not gonna I'm not going to penalize you prematurely yeah of course you shouldn't yeah if I'm doing great thriving there's no need like if everything's going good I don't need to hammer you would just decide to take away Freedom that would also create upset yeah yeah that would also be like yo what but some of the I know some of your friends that like I'm like their parents never say no to them for sure for sure like I am thinking of two people right now that it's almost like they're too far gone too like it's just too they've had too much Freedom like you can't even take that freedom away anymore yeah like well it's going to be a long upset a long upset and like it's just almost like it's too far gone but I don't think I don't think it is I think you can always you can always reel it back in yeah I think I think I'm trying to think like I just don't know how the kid the kid that didn't have because the kids's probably unhappy too in both of those cases you're thinking about yeah for sure the kids's probably unhappy you probably see them as unhappy for sure the parents probably see that they're unhappy then somebody just needs to tell the kid hey are you unhappy and then they're like the kid's like yeah I am I am unhappy okay well look you want to get happy what if they don't want to get happy yeah but they do that's true who doesn't want to get happy it's true I've never met anyone who doesn't want to be happy and so that's that's probably why parents send their kids to boarding schools my mom that you never met didn't she didn't she knew she just didn't confront it she she hoped it was prayed hoped and prayed it was going to go away and you know it didn't go away it didn't go away it got worse and I'm lucky to even be alive my mom should have intervened she should have said at 17 hey look dude I know you're smoking weed I could tell you guys are loaded all the time stops this is not going to happen in my house okay you want to go live some other place go do that she should have dropped the hammer she should have intervened at least she would have intervened I don't know that I would have changed okay but at 18 I overdosed oh 20 I overdosed 23 I overdosed were you in the hospital for all those no but I I I could have died somebody came and somebody came and interrupted the the the conclusion of my life my mom was one of them so so that has to be really hard as a mother as a parent I'm like you're watching your kid die but you're not confronting it you know so and my mom had a lot going on you know she didn't have a husband she had already lost a son she was by herself she was embarrassed she didn't want to go to her brothers you know you want to keep it a secret you don't want to tell anybody you got this problem going on it's a problem well hey this has been a great interview thank you so much Mr Cardone Mr Cardone or Papa what is your name on this podcast you can call me whatever you want to call me okay cool um we're looking for names for the podcast let us know what we should call it we're looking for people to interview let us know if you know anyone or if you want to come on the podcast and we'll see you next time on the very first well it will be the very second Sabrina Kone podcast [Music]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 170,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grantcardone, grant cardone, 10x, money, finance, business, sales, motivation, yt:cc=on, WeAre10X, 10XNation, 10XStrong, 10XLife, 10XEverything, kid boss, kid, kids, kid business, kids in business, inherit, inheritance, family business, family businesses
Id: Lqnq1N-q7nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 22sec (3562 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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