She Survived 3 Ship Sinkings But It Didn't Stop Her

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icy water squeezes your chest so you can't take a deep breath you hear people yelling around it's late at night and the endless sea blends with the black starry sky you're scared and cold the ship you were just aboard is going down into the depths of the ocean people who have been in a shipwreck often remain afraid of water for the rest of their lives but the woman whose story you'll hear survived not one and not even two but three ship disasters and continued to work on cruise liners as a stewardess meet violet jessup miss unsinkable her childhood can be described in one word short she had to grow up quickly to take care of her siblings violet was the oldest of nine children life became even more difficult when she became very ill the doctors were sure she wouldn't survive but she did at a young age she moved to england with her mother took care of her sisters and attended a convent school her mother worked as a stewardess at sea and when she fell sick young violet followed in her footsteps but because of her youth and beauty no one wanted to hire her they thought she would distract passengers and crew violet didn't give up though and came to one of the interviews in her worst clothes and with unkempt hair she wanted to show she was ready for hard work on the ship and she had it the girl was hired the first two years passed quietly but then a series of incredible fortunes began or misfortunes depending on how you looked at it in 1910 violet got a job on the most luxurious liner of the time the royal mail ship olympic the ship sailed across the atlantic from england to america the engineers didn't focus on the speed of the vessel but on its comfort violet worked on the ship and was paid just two pounds a month the same as 200 pounds today hard work on the ship's deck from morning to night didn't frighten violet she loved the job she liked to talk to people and enjoyed the beautiful views of the atlantic so on september 20th 1911 violet worked on the deck as usual the sea was calm and the weather was excellent nothing boated ill the ship sailed through the solent strait which separates the isle of wight from the british mainland at this moment the british military cruiser hawk appeared ahead it should have passed by the olympic but something went wrong the ships went straight at each other the olympics captain tried to maneuver to avoid a collision but failed the hawks bow was designed specifically to ram other ships at that time it rammed the olympic boom the liner shuttered and the people screamed in fear and panic the ship had a huge hole in the starboard violet fell from the force of the blow it seemed one of the biggest liners of its time was going to sink but luckily that wasn't the case both ships stayed afloat and nobody got hurt this time fortune was on violet's side the accident on the ship didn't frighten the young woman she didn't give it a second thought and continued to work as a stewardess in april 1912 she took a job on the best unsinkable ship of the time where she was supposed to serve vips initially she didn't want to work on this ship but her friends persuaded her and thus she boarded the titanic on april 10 1912 and left the port of southampton for better or worse the first days of work were peaceful but on the fourth day of the voyage one of the most notorious disasters in the world struck violet was resting in her cabin she was almost asleep when she felt the jolt at that moment she was called to the upper deck when the titanic hit the iceberg almost no one panicked no one believed that the unsinkable ship could actually sink at the time when the ship's hold was being filled with water everybody was calm on the upper decks violet along with other stewards was present during the evacuation to the lifeboats women and children were evacuated first then one of the ship's officers ordered violet to get into a boat to show the other women it was perfectly safe when she did others followed and someone suddenly thrust a swaddled baby into her hands without a second thought violet hugged the child to her chest to keep it warm while the titanic was sinking she didn't let go of the baby until her lifeboat was picked up by the carpathia a ship that came to the rescue already on board the ship a woman ran up to her she didn't say a word and snatched the child from violet's hands violet thought the woman was the baby's mother so she didn't try to get it back she was too freezing and numb to think how strange it was that this woman hadn't said thank you to her baby's savior many years later violet would be reminded of this child under unusual circumstances after successfully surviving one of the most terrible shipwrecks in history violet continued to work at sea against all odds in 1916 she took a job as a nurse on the hospital ship britannic a sister to both the olympic and the titanic which sailed in the aegean sea on november 21st the ship took a route that it had already sailed several times but on that particular day it was out of luck the britannic hit an underwater mine violet managed to survive the third shipwreck in her life this rescue wasn't as easy as the previous two though after the explosion the huge britannic began to sink quickly it took less than an hour for the ship to go down completely violet didn't have time to board a lifeboat so she jumped overboard into the cold water there she swam to the closest lifeboat and got on but the rescue turned into a new danger the ship's propellers were still working they were spinning in the water and pulling the boat toward them violet jumped off the boat just in time to escape the propellers but her ordeal was far from over already in the water she was pulled under the ship's keel and hit her head the only thing that saved her from losing consciousness and probably her life was her thick hair in the end violet got away from the engine and was picked up by another boat for the next few years violet was plagued by headaches when she finally went to the doctor he told her she was incredibly lucky as a result of the incident on the britannic she had a fracture in her skull three disasters that violet managed to survive didn't stop her she continued to work on cruise liners until 1950. she cruised the world twice on the luxury liner belgian land fortunately the string of mishaps ended and violet was never shipwrecked again in 1950 she moved to great ashfield in suffolk county she'd worked at sea for almost 42 years content with her career she settled in a large cottage built in the 16th century but a year into her retirement she received a strange phone call it was late at night violet was asleep when the phone rang she picked up the phone there was a woman's voice on the other end the lady didn't introduce herself and asked right away excuse me was it you who saved a baby on the titanic violet answered yes it was me the strange woman said she laughed and hung up violet told her friend about this strange call he assumed that some kids were playing a joke on her but violet had never told anyone about the baby before that call according to the old records the only child who was on the boat with violet was a boy but those same records also said the boy had been saved by another passenger it's still unknown who the baby that violet rescued was and so for surviving three different wrecks on three different shifts she was aptly dubbed miss unsinkable
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, titanic, titanic iceberg, titanic sister ships, britannic, olympic, facts about titanic, ship crash, titanic sinking, ship disaster, titanic wreck, titanic survivors, white star line, violet constance jessop, luckiest people, unluckiest people, unsinkable ship, critical situations, amazing stories, true stories, titanic survival stories, titanic sinking survival, titanic story, titanic truth, cruise ships, survival stories, survivor, survival at sea
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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