She Reincarnated as Mage Baby who can Control Fire

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before we start the name is at the top right of the screen The Story begins with our female protagonist accepting the world she once knew has come to an end and only the two of them left behind in this world that's Fallen apart the system tells her to kill the demon king of Destruction to save the world and difficulty is Extreme she thinks there is no point in saving the world in this situation where everyone is dead and she's the only one left however she thinks maybe this is why she must defeat that guy as that can be the purpose no matter what she holds the swords in both her hands and screams at the demon accusing him of causing the death of her family she is determined and tells him she will definitely finish him as the sword pierces his heart the mask of the demon Falls away revealing the familiar face of a former colleague and she is struck by the realization he once had told her to please trust him and wait for her she looks at him and knows this is the face of the enemy who killed her only remaining family her brother he tries to talk to her but she tells him to shut up she won't entertain any words from him because she has no intention of listening and once again lifts the sword to attack him when she has done her Mission successfully the system tells her Quest is completed and also informs her the gift of the world is collapsing summoning guest completion rewards as blood trickles from her mouth she can't help but wonder if she pushed herself too hard she then orders the system to check her status but the system shows that an error is occurring causing her to be furious and thinking what the heck it's always been like this she tries again as she coughs and demands the system to check her status this time it works and the system shows her status after appearing satisfied she then asks the system to show her condition the system shows muscle tear internal bleeding and multiple organ fail failure is ongoing and concludes self-recovery is not possible she closes her eyes seeming prepared for the inevitable and thinks she doesn't want to live in this kind of world anyway the system asks if she would like to claim the quest completion reward she gazes at the picture of her family in her hands a smile gracing her lips as she anticipates soon reuniting with them the system tells her about the quest completion reward and asks her would she like to claim the reward she curses the system but then curiosity gets the better of her and she says let's see what it can do for a dying person she clicks on the receive option on the system at the same time she's uneasy because it just keeps throwing more weird things at her however she starts losing Consciousness and thinks she won't be able to however the system loads her Consciousness and she wonders what does she have to see this window even after she dies the system informs her as an additional reward for completing an SSS great difficulty Quest her abilities from her past life will remain intact she is perplexed and wonders what does it mean what about past life the system further adds as an additional reward the rank of the magic circuit increases by one level she realizes she is not dead and the Consciousness has loaded successfully the system congratulates her on being reincarnated she wakes up in a baby form screaming with confusion evident on her tiny face she looks at her tiny hands and thinks it's nice to be reincarnated but isn't She Too Young she notices her body and then realizes this wasn't she the only alive in the world this freaks her out because she thinks if she has reincarnated in that situation who will take care of her she points an accusatory finger at the system and questions their Intentions by giving her this tiny body she states they should have made her something else suddenly she becomes aware of her surroundings and looks around marveling at how unexpectedly tidy everything appears she tries to recall if there has ever been a building or interior that was this clean she comes to the conclusion that means there is someone at least someone who maintains this place she decides to try to call them however when she Parts her lips to call for the person she ends up crying and babbling and wonders what's with this babbling she realizes she's not able to talk properly and all babies are like that she cannot make any sound the door swings open and the lovely maid enters and calls her her highness informing her that she is here she knows that she was right and there had to be someone she feels content because it's been years since she has seen a living person the maid picks her up and rocks her back and forth and States today is her naming ceremony and asks if she feels nervous she wonders what the naming ceremony is moreover she realizes that she addressed her as her highness the maid escorts her into the ballroom where a crowd of guests has gathered around all eyes fixed on her she tells her not to be nervous and addresses her as her highness the princess she realizes really is addressing her as a princess she wonders if it is the princess she knows and then Smiles with delight because she's really reincarnated as a princess and that is so amazing the guests talk about the rumors wondering if it is true true that the princess is dump and it seems like her growth is staying the same and if it continues like this won't she be dethroned from her position as Princess they believe it would be a big deal if the Sunstone couldn't even emit light a frown forms on her face as she thinks they dare speak like this in front of the princess are they ignoring her because she's a baby the maid ignores everyone and requests her highness to place her hand here it's a Magic Stone and the magic power inside her highness will react with this tone and make it shine she encourages her by saying even if it's a little light it doesn't matter Sia realizes this thing glows in response to magical power and proceeds to place her hand on the stone the stone starts shining very brightly causing everyone to be shocked because the stone never shined this brightly the Sunstone emits light based on the Caster's magic power so they realize the princess magic power is this much the dazzling light caused cuses CA to Shield her face with her tiny hands overwhelmed by its brightness a voice blooms in the ballroom commanding everyone's attention and announces with this the princess has proven her royal lineage as of now he will give her name to the princess he declares antera rustam is the princess name earlier when she was going through the process of regaining her Consciousness she heard a woman say did he say it's all over now the man admitted yes it is is she then asked but even so she's still in this state is she still alive the man responded that according to the Palace opinion she is probably an idiot and in that case he believed there was no way there could be magic upon hearing it the pink-haired lady started laughing like a maniac as if receiving this news was the greatest Delight imaginable she then said it's safe to say that the imperial lineage has now come to an end the prince was unable to shine on the Sun Stone during the naming ceremony due to lack of his magic moreover she believed the princess to be an idiot and in the state she admitted she was looking forward to the naming ceremony and wondered what embarrassing things would happen this time at that time the system congratulated ciona because Consciousness loading had been successful and she had been reincarnated back in the present when she looks at the man she recognizes him as his father and the pink-haired lady is among the crowds her face tight with tension she is unable to believe that the princess who looked like a living corpse spoke Anisha starts crying upon seeing her father lifting her tiny hands as if reaching out to him longing for his Embrace she thinks they are meeting again after 13 years his majesty looks at her with perplexity and asks her if she's calling him he ends up holding her the maid Smiles with a stating that indeed she's really seeking out to find his majesty his Majesty's lips curve into a small smile upon seeing his daughter reaching out for him the pink-haired lady in the crowd is still in denial like an idiot and Whispers this cannot be the guests congratulate his majesty and mention it is a great blessing of the Empire anishia wonders if this was the reward mentioned by the system could it be similar to seeing her life flash before her eyes before she dies but she then starts crying because if that's the case the system won't be the only one turning a deaf ear his majesty gently calls her name in response Anisha starts smiling his majesty then announces the naming ceremony ends here and thanks all the distinguished guests for coming she thinks what a great reincarnation and then her smile breaks out on her face upon seeing another person she never thought she would meet again filling her with unexpected joy in the past life he was her father's friend and a member of the same Guild he greets the Majesty with his head bowed in respect she recalls a memory of his uncle who had told her in the past life that if she had a daughter as cute as her he would not be able to wish for anything else he then asked her if she liked her uncle more or her father she remained quiet her father had come from behind scolding his friend to teach her something good instead but she had ended up choosing the uncle who picked her and was laughing in joy she feels so good to know that her uncle is still alive and thinks this is the best system his majesty notices his daughter is pleased upon seeing the man and mutters this may be her first time seeing him but she's trying to cling to him how strange the man laughs and says it is an honor he then informs his majesty although they were not able to attend the naming ceremony but still a delegation from hasta is here he says that's right he reluctantly hands over his daughter to the nanny and anishia looks visibly saddened by the sudden separation from her father she thinks it's a shame to part ways with her dad but realizes it cannot be helped if it's work she calls after her father and says fighting with her hand raised in that gesture believing that now they can stay together it's okay his father turns back to look at her for a moment but then leaves silently she gets mad because she can't speak the nanny Smiles excitedly at her telling her it's the first time for the princess to have her meal she places her on her cot and tells her to wait here for a moment she thinks she met dad and uncle but is it possible to meet her whole family she hopes so but she doesn't know how much the system will allow the system screen appears in front of her and informs that compensation is received she wonders when did she receive her reward and tries to click on it to check what it is she received but her finger does not reach then she tries with her voice but due to being unable to understand her with her current baby voice the system tells her this is an invalid command and request her to try again every time she tries she ends up failing because the system tells her this is an incorrect command she becomes annoyed and kicks her feet in the air angrily then a boy appears who seems curious about her actions and asks what is she doing she is startled by a sudden voice and when she looks at the owner of the voice she is left stunned by the surprise because this time she comes face to face with her brother her brother gazes at her intensely and she returns his gaze with equal intensity she recalls how in the past the brother had joined her in the war and warned her it's dangerous here so she should leave it to her brother she becomes emotional and starts crying thinking what is this he even resembles dad the brother growing nervous asks her why she suddenly started crying he tries to shush her she grabs his hair and pulls him into the cot despite his warning her that he will fall in the commotion attracts the attention of the maids too who are confusedly looking at them she starts hitting him and he thinks damn it this hurts his pride she keeps hitting him and crying unable to comprehend why she's crying because of him he lifts his hands up to Shield him against the hits and questions her what's happening why is she crying he did not do anything after she has used all her energy in hitting him she becomes quiet tears still silently streaking down her face however she grabs his hair once again and starts beating him causing the whole cot to shake with the intensity of her hits after she is done she wipes her tears content that she got her whole family back the nanny and the maids rush to their side asking the prince what is happening the maids pick up the Princess and The Nanny scolds the prince that he should not torment the baby and that she is the only younger sibling the poor child tries to tell them that he hasn't done anything but the nanny accuses him of being in the cot and tells him that it is dangerous the prince tries to defend himself that he did not climb up he just wanted to see her face but the nanny points out the obvious that he's in the crib surprisingly he didn't notice and is shocked to find himself here however he tries to explain that he did not intend to to climb and points an accusatory finger at the princess and tells them she pulled her up anishia makes an innocent face then y adorably all traitors become captivated by her cuteness the maid asks did this small and delicate baby lift His Highness onto the bed the brother tries to tell them he is serious but to no avail anishia thinks gez who would say such a thing even if adults say such things no one would believe them she then lifts her hand ends up trying to reach her brother and starts playing with him and calls him Opa the maids are delighted and hug her tightly exclaiming she just called him Opa the maid then Smiles at The Prince and asks him if he wishes to play with the princess the brother is wey of her and wonders what else she is going to do but to his surprise she jumps up into his arms and hugs him tightly but then Whispers in his ear unintelligible things however what she means to say is that he shouldn't do that that again if he does she will kill him he thinks it seems something incredibly creepy did he hear it correctly later the system finally opens and it shows a new Quest she thinks this is tricky the quest name is taming the Enemy at the house the quest says originally brothers are the first Rivals you meet in your life bring your first enemy to kneel under your feet means and methods don't matter prove your abilities with your charm strength or cuteness to make the other person surrender completion condition subjugation of ruusan Rustin completed receive additional rewards for completion in the shortest time she wonders if it was already completed before starting the quest but this is ridiculous and easy peasy she says NCO un is naturally her answer and clicks on the button to claim the reward however reward claim error occurs and she is agitated that this is happening again that's insane on the other hand the Maids are happy and talk about how the baby is Lively these days which is nice anishia ends up screaming in frustration but then suddenly covers her mouth realizing her voice was too loud she looks around and realizes no one seemed to hear her and that's convenient she clicks at the error again wondering what is wrong the system tells her if she doesn't get experience she cannot level up she again screams at the system but it tells her that it just tells her it's the wrong approach she curses the system and the error and thinks she will not leave the regime she will never leave it the system offers her additional remuneration and asks if she would like to have it she folds her hands and looks at the system screen with narrowed eyes aware if she tries to get in an error will occur again she asks them for additional rewards in additional reward skill tone Sr appears she agrees with their choice she wonders if it is due to ER eror that they are giving her this valuable thing for free if they want to do that she will want to hit the system even more she wonders what kind of skills can be obtained through it the system tells her the skill is but padding for encouragement and growth the effects are that it activates or restores the opponent's magic circuit when applying this skill and the number of uses are five she wonders butt padding what kind of skill is that she imagines in her mind for a moment that she is doing this to Uncle wuman and in Her Imagination her uncle seems to like it a lot she cringes at the thought that her uncle would probably like that she believes the skill should be sealed forever and convinces herself to just forget what she just imagined she then sees other things and thinks is it a quest record right after she was born in this world first crying drinking milk chattering Etc these are the actions that everyone does when they're born her guess is that they are trying to make her grow well and become stronger she knows this means there might be a devil appearing in the future she shutters at the thought she knows she is right to be nervous she has to keep her family and she hasn't even seen her mother's face yet she knows if the ultimatum is that high there will be plenty of rewards she checks the compensation results but the error occurs again she thinks it couldn't be that easy however she is rewarded with another magic potion stamina a portion eade it helps with growth she thinks in the past it was just trash but now it can be useful she uncaps the bottle thinking in her past life level a wasn't effective but now that she is passed her first birthday she drinks the potion in one go the system shows that her growth has risen to plus one and she thinks she will never lose her family again later she has drank all her milk causing the nanny and maids to be delighted that she drank it all they then tell her to eat food and feed her they are so relieved that their princess is finally eating food because in the past they tried so many times to feed her but she refused one of the maids says she looks like a chick no it is 10 1,000 times more beautiful they all also agree that she had a really hard time they praise her for being strong and not vomiting food now after she has eaten her food she stands up in front of them and jumps out of the cot causing them to be shocked the nanny is flabbergasted because at this age how can she walk they Place her down on the floor and then stand on the other side encouraging her to come to them she takes baby steps towards them they all cheer for her however after taking several steps she ends up falling onto the floor they say she fell again but she walked five steps they all are happy that she is able to walk the maid comes running to her and starts drawing with the chalk on the floor believing that they should celebrate this day her little hands move in excitement eliciting laughter from the women around her the maid picks her up and lifts her in the air surprised that she has really gained weight and that she has grown too te seems like her limbs have gotten longer as well the maid says the empress should have seen this happy sight for herself this statement widens anish's eyes she realizes now that she thinks about it her mom has never been here before she thinks there is no way her mom won't come to see her until now dad and uncle everyone including her brother was here she tries to convince herself that her mom is an empress now and might be in the empress office she might be busy she tells herself even in her past life she was with her dad they were S-Class Hunters together she convinces herself that it is still too early to come to any conclusion first she should ask someone who might know know this in detail later her brother comes once again to play with her and notices she's in the cot with her head down and asks her why his head down she looks up at her brother expectantly and calls for her mother the brother is taken aback by this and his lips starts trembling and his whole demeanor changes he becomes angry and tells her he does not know he runs away calling her idiot she wonders what is that reaction it takes a moment for her to acknowledge that her mother passed away but when she does she breaks down in tears she recalls in her past life when she was crying and her mother convinced her to stop because a woman only cries three times in her life and her mother told her she still felt relieved after beating up those annoying boys right she thinks this is right she knows but what good is it if the person who said it is not here the Maids come rushing to her and pick her up soothing her she thinks she has been holding back from wanting to cry this whole time she remembers in her previous life they took her dad first but this time they took her mom and curses the system she thinks if they were going to give her family back they should have given her mom too why only mom the whole day passes the sun sets and the next day Dawns a new anishia refuses to eat her breakfast The Nanny and the maids worry for her again they are worried because she has too little energy she looks like she's about to cry again they become worried because if it continues like this they try to lighten her mood with the toys encouraging her to play with them but are unsuccessful in their attempts to make her lighten up and Trisha thinks they are worried that she has become an idiot again she knows the rumor that she's an idiot cannot be spread again even through those Maids she gets up once again because of it and starts going towards the blocks and Picks Them Up The Nanny is glad she's feeling better Anisha thinks it's a gem Block it's luxurious and she feels the magic power she wonders if it is a Magic Stone in her previous life she was able to save it from a monster she wonders if it is relatively common here she solves the block puzzles and the maids cheer up thinking she guessed it all right after all their princess is a genius one of the maids says the princess tiny fingers are so cute that she want to sucks them causing her to be literally concerned as she should be once again when she thinks about her mom her mood worsens and the maid notices she is Sullen again she picks up the princess and asks her if she would like to go and see her brother this catches her attention and now that she thinks about it he hasn't come to her room for over a day as they take her to him they are startled by a sound and upon investigation they find some boys bullying His Highness and commenting what kind of Prince is this a half penny with no right to succeed to the throne the other two boys tell tell him to kneel before the great Duke the Duke mutters that he's a useless guy with no mother and no magic power the prince Narrows his eyes but remains silent this makes the princess mad that how dare they treat her brother like that she notices that even the servants are standing by and wonders if they are the servant from The Emperor's Palace she screams at the boys capturing the attention of both her brother and the Duke flashback the prince wakes up as he Ponders that the sky looks the same like the feathers of achillis he looks at the attendance and thinks that he should start practicing swordsmanship after today's class after the class ends he asks when will he be able to study Imperial studies he states that even though he is Young he should be the Crown Prince he questions who dared to criticize the Crown Prince the teacher looks down upon him mentioning that he cannot learn it yet as he have not awakened his magic power the prince grits in frustration he practices swordsmanship as he thinks that at this rate he will surely become an older brother who cannot protect the family he is aware that he needs a solution but to do that he first needs to awaken his magic powers suddenly he is called by the bullies who questions what does he want now the prince states that they cannot just walk in here like it's their own place he states that it's his place so he can come and go as he pleases and taunts the prince that unlike someone like him who cannot even awaken magic power and is not even qualified to be a Crown Prince he mentions that this Palace is way too extravagant and his friend states that it suits Grand Duke aillis much better stating that the emperor will soon recognize him as his Heir the prince becomes annoyed as he states that he is the only Prince of rustam so they should show some respect the bullies asks him what Prince is he talking about he's a half grown man with no claim to the throne they orders the prince to kneel before the kid the kid also tells tells the prince that he should better watch his words as he is a useless fellow with no mother and no magic power and Trisha shouts at them and curses them she seems really frustrated as one of them questions what did she even say the kid begins to joke with her mentioning that someone said something and curses at her he states that he thought she was just immature but she also has completely lost her mind she is filled with anger as she points her hand towards him calling him an idiot in her mind she decides to give him a real lesson before the prince grabs his neck the prince shouts at him telling him to keep his mouth shut the Butlers are shocked she wonders if he is a child then why is he talking like that more importantly she also thinks why there's no one stopping a prince from begging like this in the Royal Palace the Butlers runs towards them as she thinks that is right it should be like this and now she can protect her brother they grab the prince the prince is angry as he asks the butler to let him go the other one apologizes to the kid he mentions that he should please forgive them as their Crown Prince is still young and made a mistake the kid smirks as she wonders what is going on here the other attendant tells the prince to quickly apologize and seek forgiveness from Lord achillis the Crown Prince complains why him the attendant asks him to hurry up the kid asks the prince to quickly kneel and beg for forgiveness as then he might forgive him generously mentioning that he might even allow the prince to use this Crown Prince residence until he becomes an adult and Trisha wonders if he is out of his mind she finds it unbelievable she hopes that the prince refuses to do it as she does not want him to ever kneel and beg she tries to call out to him telling him to not do it he is told that if he refuses to do it then consequences will follow the kid tells him that if he comes before him kneel sincerely and apologize then he will forgive him and the other kids also makes fun of him as she continues to try to tell him to not do it she pund that he is still her brother he gets slightly down to Neil before she jumps out of the maid's arm she pund that she is the only one who can make her foolish little brother kneel she lands on the ground but the prince has already kneeled tears begin to fall out of her eyes as she calls out to him the prince apologizes as the kid tells him that he should have done that earlier the prince looks up to him mentioning that he knew he was going to say that and gets up to attack him again the prince hits him so bad that he falls on the ground screaming in pain the prince tells him to go and tell them exactly what happened that he entered the crown Prince's residence without permission and got scolded the attendance calls out to him questioning if he's okay and orders to call for the doctor as the kid becomes unconscious it is is not a big deal as the bullies look at him as they tremble the prince has a terrified expression on his face he turns around to find the princess excitedly calling out to him she cheers him up as she Ponders that he knelt just to gain the favor of the mighty achillis he Pats her on the head and questions if she is praising him for doing well both of the bullies find it unexpected they wonder if they are now being intimidated by the crown prince the prince asks the bullies what are they doing instead of moving me aurus as required he asks if they have something to say they tremble in fear as they respond no she's aware that he has a cool image and or are assembling that of the past Emperor she calls out to him as she runs to him he also beams with happiness as he hugs her he calls out to her and questions if she can give him a compliment as he punched that kid he places his both hands on her cheek as she Ponders that she cannot help it but she has to deal with with it well this time she thinks that now she should call him bad brother rather than just brother she sigh as she Ponders that she said it in a good faith she tells him to cheer up as he is amazed he begins to smile mentioning that she is still a baby so she cannot reach him she turns around in embarrassment thinking that it is such a shame she's aware that she has to grow up as soon as possible after all the maid appears mentioning that she will give her a hug but she resp responds that she does not like it the prince questions if she likes him to Pat her again she reaches out to him so she can Pat him but she cannot reach him and ends up falling down the maid holds her as she thinks that she should get some help like this she looks at the prince as she is aware that he is only 7 years old which causes her to wonder why is he so tall she tries to tell him that he's had his stall before he holds her hand and let her pet him he asks her how is it he mentions that if he does it like this then it will help her reach her hand and it will not be high too she Ponders how can he pretend to be cool she smiles as they both smile suddenly someone yells at them as it is the kid who questions how dare half a penny like him see his blood the kid looks at his friends and questions if they are laughing at him too and why did they leave him alone the kid begins to hit his friends he also points at the prince mentioning cannot he come up to him and back then he will spare his life the prince makes fun of him mentioning that it would be ridiculous if the defeated dog barked late suddenly anri's attention turns to him as she wonders if that's magic the kid begins to use magic as he mentions that he's going to kill both of them the prince comes in front of anria she also uses her magic and create a barrier the prince tells the nanny to get out of the way as it is dangerous she Ponder wers that she thought he was casting something great she begins to step towards him because the magic flows from her body she thinks that is about it as the kid becomes nervous he asks her what is she doing the attendant calls out to him telling him that he cannot use magic in the palace he yells at her to not come as he uses his magic the prince once again stands in front of her telling her that it is dangerous she suddenly gets flashbacks from before when she was saved she Ponders that they meet again as family she begins to form a greater magic as she Pond that now she has a power and the power to protect this stupid brother of hers everyone becomes shocked of her magic she is filled with frustration as she wonders who dares to do that to her brother she tells the kid that she will give it to him as the Magic in the form of a dragon goes towards the kid he begins to cry he begins to run with his friends she wonders if it will remain a dark history for forever or does he want her to let this go for today the kid is running away before he suddenly stops thinking that he just had a realization he looks towards his pant which is wet he turns around to look at his friends staring at him he becomes embarrassed as he tells them that he did not do it andrica wonders why did he act so rudely he gets down from embarrassment as he thinks that he did that with so many witnesses and it is obvious that the news that he peed in the Imperial Palace will spread he begins to cry more as he turns around to look at anria giving him a cold glare he is aware that he is in this mess because of her he curses her and calls out to the prince telling him that he is to be Troublesome and he does not even deserve to be called a prince he questions so what does that make any difference if he loses to his younger brother the kid is so annoyed as he glares at them she calls out to him mentioning that she is just kidding the prince Prince asks her if she is going to praise him again she Pond that she is going to give him a special gift as a reward for winning she runs to the side as she stretches her hand she goes towards his back and sparkles something on his back the skill activation screen appears it asks her if she would like to apply this skill as she responds yes she Ponders that because the system window is only visible to her she is glad that she can see it that way suddenly the prince begins to emit magic as she Ponders that her brother owes her a big favor the light begins to increase as the magic circuit activation stage one has begun she Pond that if he handles it well like he did in his previous life then he can be promoted to S rank she wonders if they should try to break the record suddenly she flinches wondering what the magic emitting from him increases to a uncontrollable level as everyone becomes shocked the kid also becomes shocked as she wonders what did she just see she realizes that this is not the time for this she calls out to the kid calling him being Sprout head he asks her what she tells him who said that he is a cheap skate as he isn't even a half of it the people begins to notice the Sunstone shining again they are aware that this is already a second time today they wonder who is at this time they know that it is different from the princess as when it was the Grand Duke or grand duchess it did not shine this much much a person who can shine like this the butler calls out to him in shock he mentions that there have been very few cases of people Awakening their magical powers after the age of five she wonders why does it flash whenever she does something she thinks if it is really sacred or it seems like psychedelic lightning the Sun is setting as the woman questions if it is true that the prince awakened his magical powers she is informed that is indeed true she P that she she thought the princess was an idiot so she left her for the naming ceremony from there the princess spoke and even made the Sunstone shine she wonders how much money did she spend to limit the spread of that rumor she's aware that now even the prince has awakened his magical powers an aillis was humiliated at the Imperial Palace in the presence of the Crown Prince she finds it such a disgrace to the Grand duy she wonders if it is a good thing Cecilia goes to her and calls call her mother telling her to not be sad as she is here she mentions that she is the only one who can make her forget this shame even for a moment Cecilia states that she will not leave anyone those who tarnish balon's name she will repay her for everything his majesty is informed that the Sunstone shined again he is questioned if he has seen that he responds that he is aware that it's shown twice and at first it was similar to anria the man responds that he thinks that is is the princess's light he states that the second one is important as the prince has awakened his magical powers his majesty questions if that is true as the man congratulates him his majesty does not seem very happy to hear this news mentioning that he heard it his majesty is informed that the Awakening of the prince magic has been confirmed as a fact his majesty responds fortunately He commands the butler to order the formal recording of the prince name in the book of the son the butler mentions all right as he thinks with the Awakening of the prince there is now a solid justification to oppose the dominance of bond Ila he thinks that it has been a year but his majesty still has not overcome the wounds from that time embracing the princess at the naming ceremony was truly a tremendous event he gets up to leave as he still continues to think that perhaps with the princess his majesty might be able to thaw his Frozen Heart meanwhile the princess appeared appears to be confused as the screen appears mentioning that a child at the new world who eats well and the condition is to drink milk she drinks milk she deals herself that she is a kind princess so she should not imitate this she is aware that she needs to grow up quickly the maids excitedly calls out to her and feeds her food the quest is complete as they question if she should claim the reward she receives it she thinks that secretly eating portions is quite a task for her she is aware that this time it is the taste of black sugar bubble tea and as expected Koreans love Bubble Tea suddenly the prince appears questioning what is she eating she gets shocked as she throws it all out she Ponders that she got caught the prince stares at her she thinks that even in her past life he stole what she was eating she tries to hide it before he gets down he questions if she will really not give it to him she wonders if he really wants wants to steal a baby's food so badly she calls him a silly brother she tells him to lean on her she gives it to him as she is shocked before he smiles and Pats her he thanks her and asks her if it is something special just for her brother she questions if he will eat it all as he responds yes the moment he drinks it he flinches she begins to laugh mentioning that it is boiled cabbage water and she got him he asks her if she has ever drunk something like that she asks him again if he is going to eat it all she tells him that she gave it to him so he has to drink it all otherwise she will be mad he turns around and tries to drink all of it in one go after a while as he is on the ground she looks towards him thinking that being a baby she does not know when she will grow up she is aware that even in her past life she was weak and got mistreated everywhere in this life too she remembers that come to think of it the prince has not received any education even though he is called the Crown Prince she wonders if it is not too abnormal to be busy she calls out to him and asks him if he can play hide and seek he asks her what before he mentions there is no such thing she pers that even in her past life he used to do this when lying and her habit has not disappeared she tells him that he got it all wrong he laughs as she tells him that he will get scolded by dead he looks terrified as she looks at him for a while he tells her that he will play hide and seek with her next time and Promises her she wonders that this reaction is definitely hiding something she is aware that it is clear that there is something which is going on the attendants appear and greets the prince they mention that now he will surely be recognized as the proud member of the royal family they question if the prince has not forgotten them they also state that they have always been loyal to the prince the prince commands the Knight to get rid of them as he calls them trash they are taken away as they state that they have served the prince for so long and asks him to forgive them the butler tells him that perhaps there's someone among them seeking Mercy he responds that is none it is just balon's tantrum the butler states that he received a degree in the name of Prince Wayne the prince tells him that they are those who dared to disrespect him even in front of the princess and the flatter airos they continue to ask for Mercy mentioning that there is no law such as that he states that they also may cause harm to the princess the butler apologizes mentioning that he is sorry for his lack of ability and he did not realize the chaos in the prince Palace the prince tells the butler did it is not his fault mentioning that he is not in charge of the palace and asks is not there something more important that he came for he responds yes as he mentions that now finally the members of the royal family have their names inscribed in the son's book he bows to The Prince and asks him to touch the son's book he touched it as the magic appears he thinks that just a few days ago he was like a powerless penniless servant he thinks perhaps it was the princess who shared her magic power with him he always felt suffocated with something blocked into places in his body but now he feels relieved thanks to her sacrifice for him the butler bows to him and tells him May the blessing of the son God be with him he thinks that even though the temporary management by the palace Maids may not have been perfect this level of chaos is unexpected he thanks for the sake of the princess and the prince they must investigate
Channel: Manhwa Mayhem
Views: 35,559
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Keywords: manhwa capped, manhwa mayhem, manhwa recapped, miss manhwa, manhwa recap, manhwa recaps, manhwa, manga recap, manga recaps, manhwa cap, anime cap, the manhwa man, manga, anime recaps, recap manhwa, recap manga, mangas, anistory, mystery manhwa, seth manhwa recaps, aniworld, logan manhwa recap, romantic fangirl recaps, manhwa tower, manga secrets, manhwas, mage manhwa, baby manhwa, fire manhwa, mage baby manhwa, control fire manhwa, she fire manhwa, reincarnation manhwa
Id: 7kFhn7ZHbf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 41sec (2561 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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