【FULL】她是首富千金,為了躲避家族聯姻假扮成保潔員,沒想到撩到了一個窮保安,他竟是隱藏身份的傅家少爺,也就是她要聯姻的人!#短劇 #甜寵 #總裁灰姑娘

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I said I make the decision about my marriage Even if Fu Dongxun is the president of Dongxia Group I will never get married either The Fu family and our Qiao family are very close friends. You must go to this blind date today Well, don't regret it Mr. Fu, please Miss Qiao is the granddaughter of the richest man You asked me to go on a blind date for you This is simply torturing me You go if you are told to go I won't compromise on an arranged marriage Then why me? You've changed into your security uniform. Wouldn't it be better if you went to make the blind date obscene yourself? My image is still not very safe In your words The chance of failure will be higher If you do this well your winnings doubled Okay Mr. Fu I promise to complete the task Is this Fu Dongxun? He really looks average I agreed to a blind date with grandpa But I didn’t agree to go on a blind date with Fu Dongxun He is so handsome What he wears matches me too. Did I sit at someone else’s blind date table? Miss Hello My name is Xia Xiaoqiao I am a cleaner Security Brother How about we make do together? broken Did Fu Dongxun recognize me when he saw my photo? What's happening here? Mr. Fu doesn’t want the richest man’s granddaughter But was intercepted by this cleaning lady Where are you going? I owe money to that person just now Do you owe him money? Security Brother Do you want to consider being my boyfriend? than marriage Maybe this is a good choice It's time to think about it If you don't speak Then you agree from now on you are my boyfriend By the way, what's your name? If she knew my true identity She should be afraid My name is Xing Xiaodong I'm a security guard Okay, then I will call you Xiaodong from now on. careful Miss Xia Young people are so boring I don’t know about that brat in my family How was your conversation with Xiaoxia? Then let's go and have a look Ha ha ha ha It is not advisable to stay here for a long time I'm afraid that the debt collector will find me Let's talk somewhere else What? Xiaodong What’s wrong with you I've run into some trouble. Where are you? Me too If your family members Forcing you to do something you don't want to do what would you do Forget it, you won't understand Who said I didn't understand? if it was me I will definitely respect my original intention to win the life you want If you are restricted everywhere You can’t even protect your beloved things well How is that different from a marionette? What did your family force you to do? nothing Just your words let me know I’m not the only one struggling in this world Xiao Qiao is right maybe i'm braver I should break off my engagement with the richest man’s granddaughter I just got the news from Special Assistant Qin The granddaughter of the richest man is coming to work in our company today The granddaughter of the richest man? Keep your voice down This matter cannot be spread outside Just a few of us know about it If I marry her, I won't have to work Please wake up Mr. Fu has long been engaged to the richest man’s granddaughter. Stop dreaming Hello, my name is Lin Yueyue I have been working in Dongxia Group for 3 years What problems do you have at work or in life? You can find me She is my classmate who picks up rags at home What? Are you just someone who picks up trash at home? dirty my hands Are you pretending not to know me? Are you afraid that I will be embarrassed if I tell you something scandalous? I tell you Her hands are not clean She even stole my bracelet before oh You are Chen Xiaomo I've already explained that matter so now I don’t have to talk nonsense to you anymore May I ask how to get to the president's office? what's your name Qiao Yipan Is your last name Joe? The richest man is also named Qiao The president is upstairs I'll take you what about me don't you have legs? Can't you follow up yourself? Did you learn face-changing in Sichuan Opera? The face changes so quickly Then do you know who I am? I am Xiaodong, why are you here? Do you know the president’s special assistant? Special assistant to the president? He called Special Assistant Qi Xiaodong Is she a related household? I'm here to apply I'm applying for cleaning job My name is Xia Xiaoqiao I thought she was some big shot It turns out that she is applying for a job as a cleaner. New employee You go to the office with me I'm Qiao Yipan, the new employee Please give me more advice Is she the granddaughter of the richest man? Xiao Qiao still looks innocent and simple Then Miss Qiao will join the staff first. As for Miss Xia The company has no idea of recruiting cleaning staff at the moment I remembered The previous housekeeper just resigned due to his old age. Then Miss Xia will join the job as a cleaner first. Okay, do you really want me to do the cleaning? But I have never mopped the ground in Dalian since I was a child. Promote Xia Xiaoqiao to HR manager Isn't this against the rules? Don't you agree? I'll do it right away I got a promotion and a salary increase when I first arrived. Could it be that this little cleaning lady really won the CEO position? I owe money to that person just now And your bonus this month is gone? Why am I always the unlucky one? You move faster before ending get off work All toilets in the company must be cleaned What's the meaning? You want me to clean the toilet? A stinky cleaning lady is still picky Do you think you are the granddaughter of the richest man? Looking forward to it Are you still used to working? If you have anything to do, leave it to the people below. what do you mean Everyone is a new employee Why do you treat them differently? Yiwan is the granddaughter of the richest man Can it be the same with a low-level pariah like you? It turns out she thought I was the granddaughter of the richest man Anyway, no one has seen the granddaughter of the richest man Why don't I confirm this identity? Are you the granddaughter of the richest man? Everyone is out to work I don’t want to use my identity to overwhelm others either. What a strong green tea smell. Do you know what the richest man looks like? Just say that you are his granddaughter? People don’t know what their grandfather looks like You stinky cleaning lady know that? Wow Xia Xiaoqiao, you are dead you know this How bad is the impact on the company? It was the housekeeper who started the trouble first I should hold Xiao Qiao's hand a little bit I didn't expect that she was so angry He would actually do such a thing Better fire me now This Dongxia Group just doesn’t get along with me. Yes, tell her to get out today Um Let me talk about personnel transfers Starting today, Xia Xiaoqiao will be promoted to HR Director What? Xia Xiaoqiao, don't be too proud Do you think you have a special assistant to the president to support you? Dongxia Group is run by your family? I tell you Dongxia Group’s surname is Fu Only Mr. Fu’s fiancée is the future owner. You are also a part-time worker Why are you speaking so loudly? Do you think everyone has the same hearing problems as you? a cleaner I got to this position by relying on a relationship that doesn’t belong to me. I'll just wait and see how you fall down after that. Xiaodong Why are you here? Aren't you a security guard? Why did you become the president's special assistant? I I did the president a favor before He is grateful I was given this position Is Fu Dongxun so good? You seem to be biased against Mr. Fu? If not, I would be promoted to head of the human resources department Was it you who helped me too? Is there anyone in the stairwell? This bastard is deliberately trying to make things difficult for me Do not talk You will be implicated She seems to be gone I gonna go see I know Xia Xiaoqiao You don't work hard A person who runs out to have a private meeting with a wild man Assistant Qi, although you knew her before But we can't let her go on this kind of principled issue. Are you Qitezhu? Are you not Fu Dongxun? Stop changing the subject here Give your man time to delay Which of your eyes saw my affair? I just come out to do some activities Qite will help me, I guarantee That wild man is behind this door you just open the door Everything will be revealed If I say no, there will be no Could it be that Xia Xiaoqiao really has a bad style? There's no one here at all Lin Yueyue Dongxia Group doesn’t like employees who gossip. From now on, your salary will be reduced to the same as that of an intern. Impossible how is this possible For the sake of you being an old employee of the company I've given you enough face I hope you won’t challenge Mr. Fu’s bottom line Otherwise, the company will not have a place for you Maybe I heard it wrong? you are special assistant You are also a special assistant actually It turns out that Fu Dongxun recruited two special assistants Assistant Qi joined the job relatively early I was recently promoted to special assistant Um So Fu Dongxun At that time, I hired my assistant to come on a blind date with me. Mr. Fu Why didn't you tell Miss Xia your true identity? for her My identity will only bring pressure to her It's better to let her think that I am also a part-time worker. This way we can get along more easily But your engagement with the richest man’s granddaughter is still there If Mrs. Fu is allowed to know about Miss Xia, I am afraid I will break off the engagement and be with Xiao Qiao Do you need to communicate with Miss Qiao in advance? No need, I will notify you ah The lady worked for a day Thanks for your hard work Why do you think there is such an anti-human activity at work? I'm so exhausted How are you getting along with Fu Dongxun? Forget it not so good I wonder if Xiao Qiao has eaten it? Um Xiao Qiao, have you eaten? I have already eaten I just ate instant noodles Instant noodles? Next time, don’t eat such unclean food Recently found a new job I have plenty of money Eat something good next time Xiaodong, where are you? Are you at home? Why is your home so luxurious? I'm at the president's house He still asked you to work for him so late? This Fu Dongxun Really not human Xiaodong, what's wrong with you? I just choked on my drink of water Let’s not talk about this for now. You should also sleep early See you tomorrow Okay, I'll see you at work tomorrow Miss Are you in love? Xiaodong is so nice Looks handsome 100 times stronger than that Fu Dongxun Mr. Fu is famous for his good looks. You don't like this? I haven't met him yet Don't mention that bad thing Miss You don’t know yet, right? The master has booked an engagement party for you and Mr. Fu tomorrow night. What did you say? The master and Mrs. Fu made the decision Tomorrow night all the city's dignitaries will attend I won't go The master said you have to go If you don't go, I'll tie you up. Then change the engagement party into a wedding reception. This is the invitation letter for Mr. Fu and Yiwan’s engagement party How come you have this? Mr. Fu sent it to all employees It's normal if you don't have your level. You just said that the protagonist of this engagement party is Qiao Yipan? Are you so sure? tonight All employees will know Yipan’s true identity. When the time comes, Mr. Fu will definitely do it for his fiancée I'll teach you a lesson, this little girl who doesn't know how to die. Okay, let's take a look tonight Are you qualified to stand on the stage? I'm looking forward to preparing for the engagement party I'll leave these trivial matters to you as an idler. I think you are the most idle in the company I like to chew my tongue so much Xiao Qiao Although my grandpa has always taught me to be kind to others, Helping others But my identity is really not suitable for me I can only trouble you to do these trivial things. Excuse me Are you used to pretending to be a big-tailed wolf? The daughter of the richest man CEO's fiancée I want to see the engagement party tonight How do you come up with this lie? Why did I expect you to come? You are the hostess of the party Yueyue, I feel a little uncomfortable. Are you feeling unwell physically or mentally? Why are you here? How dare you, a fake, come here? Why can't I come? Could it be that Qiao Yi is looking forward to the identity of the richest man’s granddaughter? Is it really fake? Fake is always fake Don't tell too many lies Even myself was lied to Miss, you are finally here I almost thought you were going to run away Where is Fu Dongxun? he came Waiting at the venue Can't go on a blind date Breaking off the engagement is quite positive. After breaking off the engagement Then I can be with Xiao Qiao legitimately Why didn't I see the cleaning lady? Next, let’s invite the protagonist of this engagement party Mr. Fu and Miss Qiao make their debut Our Niuniu may be a little shy It's okay, our brat may have caught a cold. Fortunately, I was smart enough to wear a mask Otherwise tomorrow The news that I am the granddaughter of the richest man spread throughout the company Xiaodong will definitely alienate me because I am too rich It's just a pity that I can't slap Qiao Yifat in the face in public. I wonder if Xiao Qiao came to the engagement party? I'd better hide my identity just in case. Fortunately, Miss Qiao is wearing a mask Otherwise I will be exposed etc. Mr. Fu I have something to discuss with you Why does Qiao Yipan's voice sound so like Xiao Qiao? I know that marriage is the norm for wealthy families But I already have someone I like Do you mean to break off the engagement? Yes My grandpa is old I don't want to make him sad So I want to ask Mr. Fu to take the initiative to terminate the engagement I understand your wishes I also have someone I like Thanks for understanding Just mutual benefit You are Welcome I didn’t expect that Fu Dongxun was quite easy to talk to. Not as cold-blooded as rumored But why is he so strange? Wearing a mask at the engagement party And his voice sounds quite like Xiaodong Could it be that Xiaodong is Fu Dongxun? If someone finds out that I am not the granddaughter of the richest man Then wouldn’t I even have a job? How can I repay the debt? God is really helping me From today I am the granddaughter of the richest man I wish I had doubted your identity before I didn’t expect that you are not only the granddaughter of the richest man And she’s Mr. Fu’s fiancée I can stay in Dongxia Group thanks to you Yes, I hope you are really low-key You will become the president’s wife in the future You must support us a lot Now everyone thinks I am the granddaughter of the richest man If I could hook up with the president Marry into a wealthy family Why are you afraid that you won't be able to repay the debt for this 100,000 dress? It's no big deal to support you all But it depends on your sincerity You were late when you first became a supervisor You have such great official authority. Excuse me I took leave in the morning Who did you apply for leave from? Even our future president’s wife doesn’t agree. The richest man’s granddaughter didn’t show up Why do you say she is I didn't expect your family to be so poor. Can't even afford a big meal I wish I didn’t invite you Just go there secretly That was my engagement party Why should I go there secretly? Your engagement party? Open your dog eyes and see clearly who this is I've thrown this dress into the trash a long time ago You still pick it up and wear it It’s really not a waste. How did she know that this dress was found in the trash? I think you are just jealous Don't see anyone else better than you Do you think you got the position of supervisor by virtue of your superiority? Are you superior to others? I tell you You messed with the wrong person A bitch is a bitch His face is thicker than the city wall And poured dirty water on me I am the daughter of the richest man Is it necessary to pick up a dress from the trash can? Because you are not the granddaughter of the richest man at all What a lie Do you think anyone will believe what you say? You really don't have a long memory I forget you so quickly because you offended others Family bankruptcy The supervisor was absent from work for a long time this morning Yueyue said a few words to her She refused and beat people. If I remember correctly I am her superior What right does she have to say something about me? The company clearly stipulates that requests for leave must be reported to superiors in advance. You absented yourself from work for no reason and poured dirty water on me every month. I approved her leave Miss Qiao I see that you are the granddaughter of the richest man Give you three points But this is Dongxia Group This is not a place for you to be arrogant If something like this happens to me again in the future, You all just get out of the Dongxia Group So handsome Look at Mr. Fu’s appearance just now You must have never seen the true appearance of the richest man’s granddaughter. That'll be easier Wait until I marry into the Fu family Don't be afraid of cleaning if you can't kill it Miss Qiao, why are you here? I came here to ask you something You also know that Mr. Fu and I are engaged But I feel like I don't know him well enough You are his personal secretary You should know his preferences, right? preferences Mr. Fu, why do you drive a shared bicycle? Hobby I know Mr. Fu likes to ride shared bicycles Why is Xiaodong so anxious? He brought me here as soon as he got off work Xiao Qiao, look This is the new car that Mr. Fu gave me Xiao Qiao, you will never have to suffer with me again Riding a shared bicycle to work By the way, I have something to report to you. I'm going on a business trip with Mr. Fu tomorrow. good SUV? This Mr. Fu is so stingy Find an excuse another day Let me give Xiaodong a Maybach. What's wrong, Xiao Qiao? Are you unhappy? I do not have it I'm happy It’s just that I never rode in a car when I was a child. It was my grandfather who took me to school on a tricycle. I was laughed at for this OK OK It's in the past But it’s a good thing that Mr. Fu gave you a car. Say it How do you want to celebrate? I want to try making the car vibrate It’s strange that Secretary Qi said that Mr. Fu is in the parking lot Where did he go Mr. Fu This is Qiao Yipan's voice you are not paying attention Why is this car shaking? Mr. Fu, are you in there? Will she see it? Don't worry, this car window is a specially customized version. You can't see inside from the outside But don't shout too loudly Mr. Fu I heard you like riding shared bicycles I would also like Why don't we go together after get off work? I didn’t even talk to you properly at the last engagement party. It turns out you were trying to seduce Mr. Fu. You damn cleaning lady It turns out you were in there roll Damn the housekeeper actually seduced Mr. Fu Damn the housekeeper actually seduced Mr. Fu I still want to fly on a branch and become a phoenix Don't even think about it Bitch How shameless are you when you are a mistress? what did you say How dare you, a cleaning lady, seduce Mr. Fu? What is Mr. Fu's family background? Is it possible for a despicable person like you to enter? If you have water in your head, go to the hospital Don't go crazy with me ah I warn you Mr. Fu is mine Some people pretend to be real for so long that they really think they are real I tell you Qiao Yipan, are you the granddaughter of the richest man? You and I both know it well A lie requires countless lies to cover it up What does she know Why is she so sure that I am not the granddaughter of the richest man? No, I can't let her stay in Dongxia Group What are you arguing about? Mr. Zhao, why are you here? What's wrong with your face? Forget about my tigress More and more fierce every day Why don't I just hold hands with another little girl? correct Where is Mr. Fu? I want to ask him Can the project cooperation funds be transferred to my card? Mr. Fu is on a business trip Since you are here Then let's have a cup of tea with you Ouch yo what are you doing It's you who didn't stand firm why blame me Is this a new employee? Yeah, she's new here This is better than the little assistant who played with you last time Be open-minded I'll be the HR manager in a few days. Hello Hello hello These little hands are so soft This must be comfortable to use Come to my company as an assistant I must focus on training you Why Do you want to unspoken rules for me? next life You will be more handsome in your next life I'll also think about it what are you doing Let go He is a big customer of our company Please apologize to Mr. Zhao quickly. impossible No one in this company dares to talk to me like that. No one dares to twist my arm like this Even your Mr. Fu asked me to do it you offend me Don’t you want Dongxia Group’s 30 million order? A mere order of 30 million yuan You dare to show off your power in front of me Isn't it just an intrusion? What did you say? After all, he who knows the current affairs is a hero Give mercy to others No more sorry if you want me to forgive you Tonight, Summer Solstice Hotel 303 I'm waiting for you You feel comfortable serving me I let bygones be bygones It's your blessing to be favored by Mr. Zhao I advise you to be obedient and go ahead. Otherwise, 30 million orders will be lost. Do you think Mr. Fu will still turn to you? yes for this list This morning, Mr. Fu personally took his secretary to inspect the goods. If this order becomes yellow I’m afraid you won’t be able to stay at Dongxia Group any longer. On business trip? Xiaodong seems to be on a business trip just for this order. All right I go Qiao Yipan, I remembered this today I'm so scared I told you already I will make it impossible for you to stay in this industry Hello Is Summer Solstice Hotel one of our properties? Yes Room 303 arranged 360-degree surveillance for me with no blind spots. A cleaning lady is not worthy of fighting with me. I don’t believe that Mr. Fu will still want you. Your hair smells so good Does it smell like your wife? She's a piece of shit Old and pearly Her belly is as loose as an old woman's I feel sick looking at it A flabby belly? Then she gave birth to your child She gave birth to a girl for me Our old Zhao family has ruined her for the rest of her life. Why don't you give me a son? I will be good to you all my life Don't you love your wife? Of course I don't love her Then why did you want to be with her in the first place? Baby, you are very curious about me. do not worry I'm with her just for her money I can't possibly love her I only love you Scumbag Do you dare to deny my order of 30 million? Choose one with your wife for 30 million You plot against me Don't move If you move again, I will send it to your wife. Xiao Qiao Xiao Qiao Are you OK Xiaodong, when did you come back? Aren't you on a business trip? No Brother Dong, it’s not just for you As soon as he saw Miss Qiao’s WeChat I had to rush to the capital There are no flights at this point Came here by helicopter Okay, don't worry about me anymore This is Zhou Nanhang, the chairman of Summer Solstice Hotel is my savior The boss is the boss Make up stories without blinking an eye savior It was because I saved Xiao Qiao in the first place He just fell in love with me at first sight How can there be anything else now? coach Hello, Brother Dong, what’s your name? I heard Xiao Qiao talking about you Yeah It seems that your relationship is unusual Boss, come and save me My hands are almost crushed Okay, Xiaodong You have already hurt China Southern Airlines. Go away. Why are you holding me so tight? you hurt me Sorry what happened to you You are very familiar with the chairman of Xiazhi Group I've known him for many years Very familiar Okay, Xiaodong You have already hurt China Southern Airlines Such a big thing happened Why don't you tell me first you are on a business trip What should I tell you? So in danger The first thing that comes to mind is other men Xiao Qiao, I am your boyfriend Xiao Dong Do you think I am incompetent? Think I'm just an assistant That’s why you don’t want to rely on me Xiao Qiao is actually me in your eyes Am I such a woman who dislikes poverty and loves wealth? It's me, I'm your girlfriend But I am also an independent individual i have my own life I also have my own friends Zhou Nanhang just saved me out of kindness Are you going to humiliate me like this? I'm so disappointed in you So let's calm down with each other Vice President, why don’t you tell Miss Xia? You lost an order of 100 million in order to rush back. Don't mention it to me again how's it going cleaning aunt Did you enjoy playing with Mr. Zhao last night? Very comfortable Last night he ran around the hotel naked three times I've known for a long time that you are not a fuel-efficient lamp. Back then, I was chasing after the school bully in school. I know you are capable Hey, that’s me he’s chasing after Stop joking if he chases you The school grassroots are recommended to 985 colleges and universities Can you like someone who collects garbage in your home? He has a mouth that tells stories It's a pity that I don't have a rich life Not like what we expected Although she is the granddaughter of the richest man But he is very low-key I didn't want to expose you before Qiao Yipan, since you said you are the granddaughter of the richest man Then it's your birthday tomorrow Please take us to visit what birthday party You don't know, right? Tomorrow is the birthday of the richest man’s granddaughter I heard that they will be in a top luxury club will be held in Washington How could I not know my birthday? I just don’t want a bitch like you to participate. Washington Council This is a place that only top wealthy families can enter. Even ordinary rich families can't get into my house. Can Yueyue and I go together? certainly Who is Xia Xiaoqiao am i him Yes Yes He was the one who seduced me I seduce you Yes, you seduced me Wear sexy clothes every day and find someone to change them into He even asked me to book a room Wife, believe me He really seduces me Yeah, what I hate most in my life It's you bitches who insist on taking care of themselves. Miss Wu, I think I There must be some misunderstanding between the two of you Otherwise, I will go to the conference room and explain it to you carefully. Wife, don’t listen to him He lied, why don't you kneel here and wait? This cleaning must be finished now I heard that Wu Qianjin won the boxing championship The assistant who seduced Mr. Zhao last time He punched me into a vegetative state President, there is a document here that needs your signature. There is something else, CEO There's something I don't know whether I should mention It is said that Wu Qianjin brought Mr. Zhao to make trouble Looking for Miss Xia Why didn't you tell me earlier? Didn't you tell me not to mention it again yesterday? Where are they now? in conference room Did the company invite you here to watch the fun? Dongxuan heard that Xia Xiaoqiao seduced our big client Our group cannot keep people like Mr. Zhao. Yes, Vice President The last time Mr. Zhao came to our company Xia Xiaoqiao looks so sexy in what she wears I'm afraid he won't notice me Even performed a show in front of him Oh, Brother Dong You talk to the vice president Let me pick up the rags and open them. I'm afraid if you are in the same company as this kind of person Even if you care about him, what's the use? I'm afraid Wu Qianjin has already maimed and disfigured him. I hope you can rest assured The person who is you is ultimately you Miss Xia, it’s so late that I met you. If I could meet you earlier I have long been beautiful alone Miss Wu, it’s not too late for you to divorce the scumbag now What's going on with you? Miss Xia You know the last person who seduced my husband? Where have you gone? Where have you gone? Hospital Who is in a vegetative state? Miss Wu Don't you want to hear the truth? That was the day Video of your husband asking me to play with an old woman Even if it’s the hotel he invited you to You bitches who don't say no are also at fault. Shouldn't you be angry that he said that to you? Can't blame him After giving birth, I belly becomes loose Even I feel sick stupid You are right to scold me I just scold you If you weren't stupid Would your husband PUA you like this? PUA, your belly is like this because you gave birth to a baby Not only does he not understand you I still dislike you for favoring boys over girls You should divorce such a lowly guy. But I can't bear it What are you trying to do with him? You want him not to take a shower You think he has no money and still bothers with it? You are so beautiful and rich It would be easy to find a younger brother. Why do you still keep him? Keep it for the New Year Listen to what you say I suddenly felt that he was so arrogant you're right I'll divorce him when I go back Miss Wu, he seduced your husband Just forget it That's all misunderstanding me Not only will I not blame Xiao Qiao I have also decided Our company’s next billion orders All cooperate with Dongxia Group Xiao Qiao will be in charge Why is it just a personal matter for him? It should be easy to transfer to a new position in your company, right? Maybe I'm really wrong Damn it, I want to divorce you Clean up and leave home Wife, I can't live without you wife wife Xia Xiaoqiang, don’t get too proud too early Hey, why don't you think about it first? How to attend the birthday party tomorrow Allison Your birthday party invitation? It's all been written Well you Uh, I'll send one to Fu Jia later. Grandpa, actually Fu Dongxun also has someone he likes. The strong melon is not sweet It's impossible for me and him Why does he have someone he likes? Then why didn’t my mother-in-law tell me? He may be the same as you Know I have someone And he asked me to get engaged to him Little ghost head I don't care If you don't punish me, I'll die. To grandpa Miss, I have a heartfelt request What's the matter? My daughter didn’t know where she heard it. The lady is having a birthday party Want me to ask for an invitation His dad and I divorced when he was very young Failed to fulfill the responsibilities of being a mother I'm not good either Hard to refuse OK Take it. There are many more. thank you miss since that day Xiao Qiao just had a cold war with me How on earth am I going to coax her? son This is a birthday invitation from the Qiao family The richest man’s granddaughter’s birthday party tomorrow You must go Mom, didn’t I tell you? That granddaughter of the Qiao family already has someone she likes Besides, she is in a heavy mood I don't like it, I don't care so much If you don't go I'll hang myself I think someone is really shameless You can also come to such a high-end place This is the party I'm throwing why can't i come Are you going to say that you are the guardian granddaughter? I am indeed protecting my granddaughter It's just that you don't believe it A bitch is a bitch Habitually pretending I think he has hooked up with another man again. This young man I can tell you He's a slut Seducing the schoolgirl at school I even hooked up with Mr. Zhao a while ago. Keep your mouth clean He is someone you scumbags like you can talk about. Oh, I found an actor. Acting is really good In order to come to my birthday party I'm crawling on the bed and looking for an actor. It's really hard for you What a waste of time talking to people like you. I know I was wrong If you know you're wrong, leave immediately. This will save you the trouble before things get too big. I think you are the ones making the joke, right? You don’t even know how many people rode you in order to get the upper hand. I'm afraid of getting sick just talking to you Yo, what you said is so nice. He is just a bus flirting with men everywhere It's simply unreasonable Some people’s hearts are dirty in everything they look at We don't have to talk nonsense to them go in Can you get in without an invitation? I didn't send him an invitation Could it be his daughter? A slut like him who is ridden by thousands of people How could there be an invitation? Who doesn’t want life? Dare you scold me, the granddaughter of the richest man? Grandpa, why are you here? If I don't come Can't watch this drama yet How dare someone bully my grandson? The richest man wears such simple clothes Really the richest man Don't be fooled by them He is Xia Xiaoqiao The grandfather who collects rags Let me tell you, if you really are the richest man, you will be judged How could he not know his grandfather? You two, grandfather and grandson, are really good at acting. what are they talking about I am a rag collector That's my classmate When you did charity work before, picking up garbage Saw by him He just thought you were a rag picker What are you muttering about? Grandpa, I will protect my granddaughter Do you know your grandfather? How ridiculous You young people What a bad way to play I didn't expect that I have a granddaughter who was left behind. What are you looking at, old pervert? I'm a cleaner If you want to find someone to act in, you have to give them all the information. My grandfather doesn't have any granddaughters left behind. He has only one granddaughter that's me Grandpa, are you okay? He actually called me a lion when something happened Old pervert It's you who's being scolded You two, grandfather and grandson, are like rats in a ditch. But you have to act like an elephant in front of me It doesn't matter if your head is empty But don't let water enter You are a little girl. Speak in an educated manner Look, this is what I took at Qiaojia Villa can you prove it Qiaojia Villa This is really where the richest man lives. This is not accessible to everyone. Is he really the richest man? How can it be I saw with my own eyes that he was dressed in filthy rags are you stupid Technology is so advanced now Photos can be edited Moreover How can the richest man let his granddaughter work as a cleaner? You two, grandfather and grandson, are really good at acting. I almost got deceived by you guys I know you are a liar But I didn’t know you were so limitless Bringing the family with them Come to Yitei Shenzhen to act Why do you want to eat and drink? Want to eat and drink I told you earlier, if you had knelt down and apologized to me earlier I won’t embarrass you now. Even if you have to take the bag Serve delicacies from mountains and seas that you have never seen before I can bear it too Sir, you forgot to drink the Chinese medicine this morning. Why is he here? This damn woman Don't ruin my life Why did you find another actor to prove your identity? You really do whatever it takes to pretend to protect your granddaughter. This wealthy party This is not a place for people with low status like you to come. Hurry up and get out of here Auntie, you told me yesterday Your daughter wants to attend my birthday party Is your daughter him? he He is indeed my daughter It seems I'm not the only one pretending to be the granddaughter of the richest man The dead woman must be collaborating with Procter & Gamble to commit fraud Now I have no chance to retreat It's better to pretend it till the end Marry into a rich family You said I was your daughter But I don’t even know you Why are you framing me? How can you deny your mother when I'm sentenced? Who doesn’t know about Yipai Capital? My mother died in a car accident Grandpa and I depend on each other for life you woman So brave She actually pretended to be my mother what are you talking about I'm your mother Auntie, since he doesn’t recognize you Just pretend you don’t have this daughter grandfather Please take your aunt back first. Let him cook you another dose of medicine I won't go back If I leave What will you do if they dare to bully you again? Grandpa, you can't be excited Please stop making trouble for me here I can deal with them You take your aunt back first ok i'm leaving Apparently that person is the granddaughter of the richest man This club is owned by the Dongjia Group If I could bow in front of the vice president's fiancée Then won’t it just soar into the sky in the future? Haha Miss Joe I didn't handle it well Released a bunch of smelly fly dogs Where did you get the 5,000 yuan? A bunch of stinky beggars Someone come and kick them out Let me see who dares he is my person You dare to move too Don't let me see you in the police again The boy from the vice-president is too blind to see Taishan. This kid deserves to die I beg you to let me go I can't lose this job Vice President, you are Fu Dongxun of Dongxia Group. I'll explain this to you But you have to explain it to me first Why are you with him again? Damn housekeeping I'm so charming My brother-in-law actually regards me as an imaginary enemy Tell me why you are with him again I have nothing with him He and I are just ordinary friends The second time Xiao Qiao, why are you in danger? He is always the one who comes to mind How on earth do I have to explain it to you so that you believe it? let me go sorry But when I see you with another man I feel uncomfortable all over Fool Are you jealous? Are you jealous? As long as you don't have a cold war with me I will listen to you in everything from now on you are mine You can only be mine I don't want to have a cold war with you OK I forgive you I'm not angry anymore real Happy birthday how do you know Idiot, this is an employee benefit The company has a birthday record for every employee But I only remember yours I'll bring it for you This was specially customized by me. It has a GPS installed on it If something happens to you in the future I will arrive as soon as possible You see, we really took advantage of you If it weren't for your birthday party We will never come to such a nice place in our lives your birthday party Could it be You are the one who protects my granddaughter To me it is Who are you You should have seen me at the engagement party I am Fu Dongxun’s mother your future mother-in-law It's aunt How sweet mouth You wore a mask at the engagement party I didn't have time to take a good look at you where am i Poor etiquette Oh, right I'm here for you today The one who gave this to us is Dongxun. He is forgetful I didn't have time to prepare a gift for you Don't blame him how could be Wow, isn’t this an antique jade bracelet worth 10 billion? yes You have good taste This is an heirloom of our Fu family My mother-in-law gave it to me now i give it to you Thank you, aunt This kid doesn't look like he has anyone he likes This bastard Just to be with Procter & Gamble, you’re talking nonsense again. good boy Why isn’t Dongxun with you? Aunt, I didn’t want to tell you. It’s all my fault that the cleaning lady in our company was too bullying. He clearly knows that I am Dongxun's fiancée I just want to step in. Yes, Mrs. Fu The cleaning lady seduced Mr. Zhao last time. His wife was separated from him Yes, that cleaning lady is my classmate I understand him He just wants to cling to the powerful You must teach him a lesson Xiaodong, actually I am Mom, why are you here? ah Dongxue, you disappoint me so much Miss Qiao's birthday party You actually hang out with such a cleaning lady? Where do you want our Fu family to put our faces? Mom, please respect my girlfriend Dong Xun, how could you talk to your aunt like this? Auntie, don’t blame Dong Xun. It's all because this cleaning lady is too scheming. Let me tell you about the east tour unless i die Otherwise I would never allow this kind of woman Come into our house Come and ruin our family tradition Xia Xiaoqiao, you are so thick-skinned The vice president even quarreled with Mrs. Fu. Are you still watching the show there? shut up It's not your turn to take command here yet Mom, don’t interfere with my feelings from now on. Does it hurt? It doesn't hurt, don't think too much I'll take you home first My mother has feudal ideas don't blame her Yeah I also said to tell Xiaodong I am protecting my granddaughter Seeing my parents like that Forget it What is Grandpa Xiaoxia talking to himself? Did you enjoy your birthday party? Forget it, it’s better not to worry Grandpa. Of course I was happy at my birthday party I've heard everything Father, that boy was at your birthday party Having an affair with a cleaning lady Grandpa, don't worry about this. I'll take care of it Ah, I feel so sleepy and tired Grandpa, please go back early Ah good night Good night, go to bed early ah Um Forget it, the boat will go straight to the bridge. Don't think so much You bitch is so shameless I was discovered by my aunt at the birthday party How dare you come to the company? Why am I afraid to come? Mrs. Fu gave me all the family heirlooms Just accept your fate as a housekeeper. I want to fly on a branch and become a phoenix Next life If you want to marry Mrs. Fu, then marry her I married Fu Dongxun Do you want to marry Dongxun? It doesn’t matter whether you are worthy or not. Don't slap me easily If you are really capable Just let him fall in love with you If you don't have the ability Just stop chirping here. By the way, I forgot to tell you I moved my workspace This is the bracelet Mrs. Fu gave me How could you break my bracelet out of jealousy? This is an heirloom of our Fu family Priceless More valuable than your life Who do you think you are? How dare you smash the bracelet? I didn't smash it Auntie, he's talking nonsense He saw the bracelet you gave me on my hand jealous I wanted to hit me, but I broke the bracelet you gave me. This bracelet is made of fine jade By the time it can be repaired, he will probably be long gone. It seems that our ancestors of the Fu family are warning you. This woman is the doom of our Fu family Can't keep aunt This woman is evil-hearted Can you kick her out of the company? I'm scared to be in the same company with her You come with me How do I tip off my son? There is no need to tell anything about what happened between the two of us. Tell him that he is quite sensible Give you 1 million leave my son You don’t have to pay for the antique bracelet My grandpa loves to watch Gu Zao Ba Zong I also thought the plot was ridiculous I really didn't expect it Life is like a play This will happen to me one day how You don't think it's enough Mrs. Fu, we actually met at the engagement party It's just that I didn't say hello to you properly at that time Our two families were married It shouldn't happen like this You mean you are protecting your granddaughter? Um I don't care if you're lying Even if you are really the guardian grandson I will never allow a woman like you Enter our Fu family, wouldn’t you believe it? I don't care what you picture leave my son I can promise you anything I have really good eyesight When I fell in love at first sight I really didn't expect it My little security guard boyfriend is actually worth 10 million I'll give you double Don't break up with me Mrs. Fu, your son said he would give me double the amount. Don't break up with him Do you want to increase the price? How did I give birth to a love like you? Son, this woman Sooner or later she will kill your father I have never disobeyed you since I was a child I just hope you won’t interfere with my marriage Hey wait a minute Madam Fu, you haven’t taken away the 1 million card yet. Hey, I can’t take the 10 million either. After all, your son paid double the price let me not have this why are you laughing This was the first time I saw my mother being whipped I think if you marry into our rich family in the future You don’t have to worry about my mother bullying you You are such a filial son Let's go, where will we go? Doesn’t the vice president want to give me 20 million? Anyway, I took a leave of absence. Go shopping with me You go shopping first I'll take a call first Come soon Where did that bumpkin come from? Can you enter this store? Get out of here quickly Don't mess up my store What a bad luck Why are there people like you everywhere? A fool who looks down on others. You are a shopping guide What are you arrogant about? Our Huasheng shopping guide It’s different from the shopping guides outside that sell cats and dogs. Country bumpkin, our monthly salary is It's worth a year to you Customer is god We must treat everyone equally What qualifications does a country bumpkin like him have to cover the ground? You still think of him as God Does this qualify you? Isn’t this the Supreme Gold Card? There are only 20 in the country You country bumpkin actually has it Ah, sorry This lady It's me who speaks without hesitation Unable to see Mount Tai Let me show you You come to receive thank you miss Just wait here for your God Yo, why do you look so familiar? Isn't this the classmate who collects rags at home? When did your store become so low-end? This kind of person can also come in can i remind you He can steal things I want this skirt I am a regular customer Have priority If you want it, I'll give it to you Such tacky clothes make you look tacky. This is the same model for top actresses As expected of collecting rags at home The taste is just bad This piece of clothing is restricted for purchase nationwide And only this one I advise you, a poor man, to stay still. Then this is it Wrap it up for me Swipe card Swipe card Can you afford it? Just swipe Ms. Chen This is the Supreme Gold Card This lady can afford it I want you to talk more Supreme Gold Card There are only 20 of this cards in the country How could a poor guy like him exist? It can't be fake, right? Not frozen yet I just said how could a poor guy like you have a gold card? Your card has been frozen for a long time How dare you play tricks on me, you country bumpkin bitch? I wrapped up all the clothes he picked out just now There are only two black cards in the world One is with the richest man Zhang is the vice president of Dongxia Group So are you the vice president? The boss behind Huasheng luxury store How can you despise the woman I serve as Dongxun? This is the information Make a plan for a product launch I need to make good use of it for the meeting tomorrow. I heard that he turned out to be a cleaner in the company Later, she had a relationship with Mr. Zhao Wu Qianjin also found the company Because Wu Qianjin and Mr. Zhao are divorced This woman has a deep heart Yes, you guess he can come to the project team Is it related to the senior management of the company? Probably Really Such an important plan He was actually handed over to an unqualified parachutist. Hello, this is the plan you want So fast Airborne is airborne Poor relationship skills But it's pretty fast Won't you take a closer look? How can it be He is actually so good at cleaning Redo You can tell me what's wrong I tell you A related household is a related household do not understand anything You should just go back to your cleaning duties honestly. Vice President You won’t leave after get off work You should get off work first Not off work This file has been modified 30 times The director is still not satisfied I want to change it again Xiao Qiao didn't expect you to have this ability Your plan is good Just a little flaw Let me help you change it it is done The 30 times plan he did before was already very good I didn’t expect this version to be better than the previous ones. So be it The meeting will take place in 10 minutes An airborne cleaner Are you trying to steal my promotion opportunity? No door This is not my plan how did you do it You didn't save such an important plan Even small things like this can make mistakes Sorry, Vice President It's my poor management Just hire this kind of employee It's okay, I've remembered it all in my mind It's time to start Our products this time are mainly aimed at teenagers so i made one The content of the press conference about e-sports products is Isn't this my plan? How could you copy my plan? your plan Vice President This is really my plan It has my signature on it But my plan is completely different from yours That's because you skewered my plan Are you sure this is your plan? Vice President, I am a 5-year veteran of the company. How can you not believe me? I personally changed his plan last night There is a backup here You mean I tampered with your plan The deputy director is a veteran employee of the company for 5 years. I believe this matter must be an own incident Just forget it If I dare, there will be a next time I will ban you in the capital Xiao Qiao’s plan was well done and the party ended Do you want to be promoted to director? we can cooperate You are the granddaughter of the richest man You won't help me get what I need, will you? You can rest assured She is the fiancée of the vice president As long as you are obedient, you will be promoted It's not just a matter of his words What to do next Tell the police Let him pick up the things in the warehouse that are not limited to the venue. Hasn't the warehouse been abandoned for many years? Just rats and cockroaches Nothing useful The warehouse on the first floor of the basement is ready to arrange the venue. You need to pick up the things What warehouse? There's not even a light no signal Is there anyone outside? Just let it rot and stink in there. Not seen for a second Where did the people go and where did they go? The vice president asked for leave from me. Said there was something going on at home Go back first Xiao Qiao will report to me when he leaves. where is he Vice President, he took leave and went home. Warehouse, didn't you say he took leave? Right here Xiao Qiao Xiao Qiao are you inside Vice President, this door is locked. Can't be knocked open return Xiao Qiao You don't want to be here take me out It's okay Your hands scratch the ground It's okay. Tell me who locked you up here. I have no idea It was the deputy director who asked me to pick up the things. I'm sorry I didn't protect you You don't need to apologize to me it's not your fault There are all your employees outside The vice president's game is so exciting. this It's my grandpa's phone number Hello Jiajia There is a banquet in the hotel at 8pm You must participate I won't go to the party Must go if you don't go I won’t unfreeze the gold card for you. I'll call my grandpa first Hey grandpa what are you doing Father, that boy doesn't know how to cherish Grandpa personally selected three for you to go on a blind date with. Are you dissatisfied? Let's change to the next batch Pick the one you like to be your husband-in-law Grandpa, are you serious? of course The one with the sunny and cheerful label is Ye Feifan The one with the label of tsundere and sultry is called Xu Mu The one with the label of gentle and warm man is named Lu Jing’an Find out more about it There is always someone you like Hello ah I'm sorry This blind date was not my original intention Let's go I hope this Soviet-style restaurant is famous One position costs 8,888 Even though you, the granddaughter of the richest man, don’t like these things But I still want to invite you to try it Fine Sorry, ladies. Our restaurant was booked out for a blind date today Who is so rich that can book a venue? To protect my granddaughter Protect your granddaughter Keep your dog eyes wide open Look, this person next to me is the guardian granddaughter. sorry miss We are not serious or fake Only recognize customers who reserve the venue I want to see who is taking my name It's really that cleaning bitch who is really an eyesore. No matter if he is the granddaughter of the richest man or not No one can stop me from marrying into a rich family what happened How could it be Xia Xiaoqiang? That cleaning lady Just now the lobby manager said he was the granddaughter of the richest man That's not because he can't bear the loneliness. I hooked up with three more guys. He damned for taking my name Let's go and find him to settle the score. Don't be impulsive yet Doesn’t that housekeeper love to hook up? Then let Dongxun take a good look at his true face Hey, don’t scold the rich woman Sister, we were all screened by my grandfather. I wouldn't like you even if you give me a chance. I came because my mother forced me to leave first. Qiao Xia, when did you change your name? It’s you, Lu Da Xiaocao, long time no see haven't seen you for a long time My lips are stained. Thank you. Finally came out for a blind date I also met someone who I like. Then you guys have a good chat I'll withdraw first and say goodbye. Xiao Qiao, you really don’t show your face. Never heard of it before Are you protecting your granddaughter? Of course, if you have a lot of wealth, you should keep a low profile. Besides, at that time, my last name was my mother’s. Later I changed my surname to Qiao Sister, when did you return to China? It’s been many years since I returned to China I have attended class reunions several times. But you have never been here either I haven't seen you a few times You also know about the class reunion They treat me like a bumpkin Never notify me How did I know there was any class reunion? I'll let you know later The class reunion is in three days Are you coming? Okay It's not too early today Then let’s make an appointment next time Okay, then I'll leave first he's mine Let me go, I want to hear it from his own mouth You let go first What did you say Say it again He asked you to let go every time, but you didn’t hear him Sorry, sister My boyfriend has a bad temper It's okay, it's my fault Come back to the Jiangwan Hotel party in three days. Xiaodong This blind date was arranged by my grandfather I have no idea That person just now was my classmate Lu Jinan He has been abroad for many years I didn't expect to meet him here either. Classmates reunited after long absence Very good. What did you say? If I don't come I didn’t even know my girlfriend was so attractive Blind dates with three men at the same time You are following me I'm following you I ask you, do you still have me in your heart? Or are you basically just like what my mother said? You suspect I have ulterior motives, right? I'll give this piece of shit back to you. let's break up Vice President, are you looking for someone else? Why didn't you come to work? Miss Xia submitted her resignation letter this morning Inform him that I don't agree Okay vice president Vice President, tonight is family dinner day Mrs. Fu booked a private room at Jiangwan Hotel Do you want to push Jiangwan Hotel No need to push me there Weird additional dinner party The vice president never likes to go How to get there this time Dongxue, you are finally here Why are you here My aunt brought me here as soon as I got off work. He said today is family dinner day Bring me here to meet the relatives and elders of the Fu family, eh? Long time no see old classmates I'm still a little nervous Don't be afraid. I'll take you in later. Is this your new boyfriend next to Xiao Qiao? Xiao Qiao, please don’t misunderstand me. My aunt asked me to come He said he would take me to meet the relatives and elders of the Fu family today Dongxue, please slow down Wait for me Xiao Qiao, are you okay? I'm fine Just broke up Let's go in Hey, isn't this the classmate we collected rags from? I haven’t seen you for a few days and was abandoned by the vice president. I turned around and ran past the colonel again. Yes, no see for a few days You've already married an old man from the Xie family and become a wealthy stepmother. Rich stepmother It's better than you, a bitch who talks nonsense. And carrying a fake bag It's so embarrassing Chen Xiaomo, everyone is a classmate There's no need for you to be so insulting Xiao Qiao is the granddaughter of the richest man Her bag will not be fake Isn't Xia Xiaoqiao's grandfather a garbage collector? When did you become the richest man? Isn't this bragging? Lu Jinan, you are the lonely black man I learned a lot from Xia Xiaoqiao Do whatever you want tonight my treat Who are you fooling with this frozen gold card? Hello everyone, I am the manager of Jiangwan Hotel I'm here to convey the vice president's message. The vice president said that he would pay for all the expenses in this private room. I wish you all a happy meal It must be because of my husband This hotel is owned by the Fuji Group My husband recently had a cooperative relationship with the vice president He knows we have a class reunion today I must have agreed with the vice president. I broke up with Fu Dongxun Why did he help me? Forget it, if Chen Xiaomo wants to pretend to be a big head, just let him pretend. The Xie family can actually cooperate with Fujifilm Then Xiaomo won’t become a top wealthy family in the future? My wife is so enviable Xiao Mo, you will We must take good care of us old classmates. I'll try my best to be casual today I'm treating you. I'm not like some people who always talk nonsense. I'm going to the bathroom You order first I'm going to the bathroom I thought you were so ashamed that you were ready to run away. Since Mrs. Xie married into a wealthy family, Becoming more domineering I almost forgot about that time when Qiao Yipan looked forward to the eighth festival lovely woman That's not why I have to thank you If you hadn't seduced Mr. Fu How can I become Mrs. Fu? Then I have to congratulate Mrs. Xie Let’s grow old together with Mr. Xie snort Still want to frame me for stealing? IQ has really not improved at all There's something good to watch today Today’s gathering is to tell everyone This guardian granddaughter Qiao Yipan is my daughter-in-law. It seems that I left and married into a rich family The goal of becoming a wealthy wife is one step closer Sit down for me Mom is doing it for your own good If you really bring in those cats and dogs outside, The position you attach to the heir will have an injury ticket. Please don't interfere with my marriage Apologize, do you really have to do it for those outside? A bad woman Are you here to break your mother's heart? Is there something wrong with Miss Xia? Since you want to break up with me Why should you help me? I'm just being sentimental Let them pay for the 302 box, okay? Good you thief Steal my bracelet when I go to school Now steal my wedding ring What a bitch Mr. Chen, you don’t even have any evidence. How can you frame Xiao Qiao? Do you want to defend this thief? Du Jinan, don’t blame me for not reminding you. Not only does he steal things No wonder he hooks up with men Don't you know? He was originally a cleaner at Dongxia Group He got to the top by seducing men. Xia Xiaoqiao's scheming is okay Lu Jing'an, please stop defending him. Who doesn’t know that he stole Xiao Mo’s bracelet when he was studying? He is canned What a bad character Call me a thief do you have evidence The evidence is in your bag I put the ring on the sink when I washed my hands There are only you and me in the bathroom You must have taken it I said classmate Xia Just take it out and give it back to Xiao Mo. not your thing Don’t you feel guilty holding it? Just give me the ring back That's the wedding ring my husband gave me If you don't take it out Don't even think about this box today Do you want to search it yourself? Hey wait a minute Mr. Chen, are you sure the ring is in my bag? I'm sure you don't take a closer look at your bag Not in my bag It must be in your bag, right? How can it be I obviously You obviously put the ring in my bag. It was you who trapped you I am really unjust for harming me. I found the ring from your bag But you said I framed you Chen Xiaomo You still thought I was the Xia Xiaoqiao from before? Don’t you get tired of using the same method twice? No matter how I explained at the beginning, I was not a thief You don't believe it But now I'm relieved Just let you guys watch the violence with cold eyes See who is lying Even if you didn’t steal it, classmate Xia There's no need to be like this, right? We are all classmates Just explain it As for this, is it going to prevent Xiaomo from coming to Taiwan? When you framed Xiao Qiao Why didn't I expect that he was a classmate? They are a group of people who watch the double standards with cold eyes. I just feel that Chen Xiaomo has become the wife of a wealthy family Just want to gain power and wealth Hey wait a minute Who pays the bill when you leave? My husband has already agreed with the vice president Don't worry I'm sorry I just received a notification from the vice president You pay for this table by yourself 150,000 in total Our hotel's rule is to pay first and then serve the food. Please tell me who pays Of course it was Mrs. Xie who paid the bill. Xia Qiao, you seem to be different from before Maybe a little bit Oh right I just heard Chen Xiaomo mention that you work at Dongxia Group Yep Aren’t you the granddaughter of the richest man? Why are you still working at Dongxia Group? I go to work at Dongxia Group Half of the reason is to break off the engagement What about the other half? The other half is for learning I know nothing about the company After arriving at Dongxia Group I also learned a lot But I decided to resign It would be a shame to resign. I also said I could be colleagues with you. I just received an offer from Dongxia Group today Then I really have to congratulate you. It seems we can be colleagues again Oh, right Jin An: I am the granddaughter of the richest man You must keep it a secret for me Is the cleaning lady surprised to see us? I got promoted Secretarial Assistant Now my position is over your head. Thanks to you My aunt promoted me to secretary of the Eastern Tour Yeah Then I have to congratulate you Hello everyone I am Lu Jinan, the new deputy project director. Isn't this the adulterer we saw last time? What a good couple Meeting in everyone conference room Vice President, I am the new deputy director Lu Jinan. Since he is the new deputy director So The beauty project in cooperation with the richest man will be left to you If you can't do it right, get out of here Isn't there a more suitable candidate for this cooperation project? Qiao Yipan is the granddaughter of the richest man Wouldn't it be more appropriate for him to do it? how Miss Xia thinks that the deputy director will not do a good job Afraid that I would drive him away Then Vice President, please let me go together. Then this project will trouble you. This is really a hot potato. Are you right? Protect granddaughter Miss Qiao Why is she obviously alienated from this cleaning lady? But he still subconsciously defended her no I want to marry into a rich family as soon as possible before things are exposed Feed aunt Can I come to your house tonight? My house You kid, you want to find Dongxun, right? Well, this brat hasn't been home for a long time. If you want to find him Go to Dongxia Hotel Something's wrong, Dongxue I didn't mean to disturb you It was my aunt who asked me to bring you chicken soup. If I don’t drink it, take it back. Hey, if you don’t drink, Auntie will be sad. He has become haggard recently because of your affairs. It's so hot, Xiao Qiao, I'm so hot, Xiao Qiao This is not the room where Xiao Qiao and I met Where have people gone? I came here unknowingly So hot, so hot Xiao Qiao Xiaodong Why is it so hot? Xiao Qiao is so hot help me Xiao Qiao, I'm so hot, help me Xiaoqiang is so hot help me This fool You wouldn't have been drugged yesterday, right? this document My grandfather didn’t sign the Eastern Tour Because Xia Xiaoqiao pretended to be me before My grandfather found out So he didn't sign Xiao Qiao pretends to be your vice president you don't know Xia Xiaoqiao pretended to be the granddaughter of the richest man again and again People like him should be fired Go call him in This project is up to you to follow up on Why Could it be that we, the richest man’s granddaughter, Miss Qiao, can’t come to terms with each other? Scare Xiao Qiao You still have the nerve to mention it all because of you You pretend to be looking forward to something His grandfather already knew everything He will never cooperate with us again I pretend to be Qiao Yipan Is it the richest man who doesn’t want to cooperate? Or did you never marry her at all? Except Xia Xiaoqiao Get out of here, everyone We have only had a cold war for a few days Just let other men touch you Why are you so crazy? Xia Xiaoqiao You actually let another man leave marks on your neck It's none of his business My neck was chewed by some bastard You damn housekeeper is about to be doomed. you messed up the project It's the first time I've seen the vice president get so angry. You can still laugh You will be fired soon No way, I was just in the office I heard that the vice president handed over the project to him What do you know You are the granddaughter of the richest man at first glance It's useless for him to say it himself. What can he do as a cleaner? Xia Xiaoqiao He is your classmate Yes, that's him He won't come with us to grab the project, right? Husband, we must not let him succeed. Mrs. Xie, you are also here to discuss projects. Xia Xiaoqiao, what are you talking about? I heard Yueyue say it What you pretend to be looking forward to His grandfather already knew I advise you Better leave quickly Don’t walk around without being able to eat by then. this is my house Where did you ask me to go? Your family affairs are still fake now. I hope you can pretend here Isn’t it ours that offended the richest man’s project? Hahaha Chen Xiaomo I thought you became a wealthy wife I had a very comfortable life Unexpectedly, Mr. Xie became bald at an early age It really embarrasses you Come and lie Pretending to be the granddaughter of the richest man Aren't you the nanny actor Xia Qiaoqiao found? oh I see Xia Xiaoqiao, you are the daughter of the richest man’s nanny Then it all makes sense Don't rush into the lady with your nonsense. Miss status is the most expensive How could it be my daughter? Xia Xiaoqiao Why did you bring your nanny to act in the richest man's house? Auntie, please go down first It's none of your business someone's imagination It’s so rich that I double-click to deduct 6. Xia Xiaoqiao, I think you are acting Do you really think you are the granddaughter of the richest man? You should tell Qiao Yipan this sentence. You see how fascinated he is in his acting I almost forgot my identity What are you bragging about? Xia Xiaoqiao, what do you say? This is at Qiao's house Don’t call it a project then It’s hard for you to survive in the capital city. Mr. Xie, you have to pay attention. Don't be infected by your wife's low IQ You'd better worry about it Can you win this project? Haha, you don’t need to worry about this, Mr. Xie. When I walked into this door This project is destined to be mine No wonder my wife’s face is full of disdain when she mentions you If I had a classmate like you I feel ashamed too Do you want to be my classmate? That's a bit difficult Unless you were born 20 years later Who doesn’t want life? Dare to come to Qiao's house and beat someone up? Who dares to come to Qiao's house and beat people at the risk of their lives? Isn't he the actor at the birthday party? Why is he also at Qiao's house? Is there a possibility I am the granddaughter of the richest man It’s impossible that your surname is Xia and not Qiao And one faction is the granddaughter of the richest man You must be in cahoots with each other Sneak into Qiao's house What is your purpose? you know in this world What's the hardest thing to prove? What is it that fools like these prove that I am who I am? Isn't this Xia Xiaoqiao really protecting her granddaughter? Wife, are you sure you are not protecting your granddaughter? I'm engaged That day, Joe saw Obviously posted on Moments I'm sure he's not my grandfather sleeping upstairs Joe's cooperation I can be half the master I understand now Are you trying to steal my plan? Hahaha, I really have an opinion The plan to deceive you is not necessary That's not a bad tone Then talk about your plans respectively. Mr. Cheng Cheng Our plan is to cooperate with WeChat as soon as possible uh produce uh fans drink This plan is old-fashioned but it works Another girl What's your plan? The plan we prepared is to cooperate with beauty bloggers Short videos are popular nowadays Live streaming is the best way to bring goods She is indeed the granddaughter of someone like me, Joe. He has the demeanor of his grandfather back then How is it possible He is the richest man Could it be that Xia Xiaoqiao really protects her granddaughter? Old classmate, now you know who is lying, right? Please leave We at Qiao’s don’t cooperate with people who have no vision. Mr. Qiao grandpa Sign it, sign it, hahaha My Xia Xia has grown up Grandpa can’t keep up with the times. The future will still belong to you young people. Grandpa thinks it's time to It's time to leave Joe's Group in your hands How about you, hurry up and resign from Dongjia Group? Come to work with me tomorrow No, I haven't had enough fun yet Grandpa Xia Xia went to the company to report Let's talk about it another day I will go to Dongxia Group tomorrow Is this project coming to an end? Oh boss Master fainted China Southern Airlines, please call an ambulance. Doctor, what happened to my grandfather? The old gentleman is because he has been too tired recently. plus emotional excitement Okay, grandpa, stop pretending. Say it What happened to Joe's want me back Then I won’t hide it from you Our Qiao family is going bankrupt How is bankruptcy possible? Those old employees in Xia Xia are too ambitious. Misappropriating public funds The company has been investigating for so long but still can't find out who it is. I'm afraid this old antique may have moved me. It's okay if you want me to come back But let’s make a three-part agreement Tell me First Can't reveal my identity I want to start from the grassroots level second I want to move out Thirdly, I haven’t thought about it yet. I can agree to everything else You are just the granddaughter of the richest man How can we start from the grassroots level? grandfather Only start from the grassroots level Only then can you tell clearly who is the enemy and who is the friend? good year after year Well, I will go back to Dongxia Group and resign now. Go, go, go Then I'll go first Vice President Since you are worried that Ms. Xia will run away if she can’t discuss the project, Why don't you make a call and ask? Who said I was worried about her? Wow You look like a stalker If you don't want to do it You can resign at any time I don't dare I'm just curious Why don't you tell Miss Xia directly? Even if Dongxia Group doesn’t cooperate with the richest man You have also found freedom for Miss Xia get off It's almost 10 o'clock when I look forward to it The cleaning lady hasn't come yet It seems to me that he has not negotiated a contract. Are you too scared to come? This Xia Xiaoqiao is nothing more than that, right? Dongxue Xiaoqiao hasn’t come yet I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t dare to come because the project was not concluded. Yes, Mr. Fu I guess He just pissed off Grandpa Yipan Didn't even enter Qiao's door Why am I afraid to come? I've already signed the contract I didn't disappoint you, did I? Miss Qiao, please stop bragging. Xiao Qiao is awesome I haven’t married into the Fu family yet Things cannot be manipulated You offended grandpa How could he sign it for you? I think your contract is a forgery, right? Signatures can be faked But the seal of Qiao Group cannot be faked. If you don’t believe it, you can take it and take a look. How can this be This is really the seal of Qiao Group Ah, I persuaded grandpa yesterday Let him not be prejudiced against Xiao Qiao Just for Dongxia Group It turns out that’s why Xia Xiaoqiao, why don't you thank me soon? Your skin is so good It’s so well-maintained. I think you are the one with the thick skin, right? Yipan helped you Forget it if you are not grateful And insulted him His face is really thicker than the city wall I said Lin Yueyue Are you Qiao Yipan's number one fan? Protect him like this Don't blame me for not reminding you Be careful of house collapse After all, Chen Xiaomo is a psychopath who has learned from previous mistakes. Follow me to the office Fu Dongxun is mine No one can take it away starting today Move your workstation to my office Why is there a problem Such an attitude What should I say before he is willing to let me resign? He doesn't eat hard Then I'll give him something soft. Xiaodong I might really have to resign recently you know my grandpa He has Alzheimer's disease His condition has worsened recently He always thinks of me as my dead mother My mother was an employee of Trader Joe's Group during her lifetime. Now she always goes to Qiao Group I can hardly keep up with this lie. ah It's okay to resign It just happened that Lu Jing'an's idea came up, okay? Why do I feel like I'm being plotted against? Thank you my ex wow What ex did he just call me? Get the next step of moving If you live here, you don't have to worry about your identity. Uncle, if those two people come over in a moment, You just pretend to be my Alzheimer's grandfather This is the corresponding reward for you The two little ones are getting into trouble You're playing pretty high hehe Didn’t Xiao Qiao originally live here? Why do you still need to move? I don't know what's going on with him I think you If you are curious, you can ask him in person. Oh my god Auntie, what are you doing after you get married? two presidents We don’t need your performance at our doorstep Get out of here quickly Is something wrong, uncle? Are you Xia Xiaoqiao's grandfather? Xia Xiao, what Xia Xiao Qiao? Xia What Joe? Xia Xiaoqiao, what Xiao Qiao? Come to me right We just finished our meal and there's nothing else to do Come over and take a walk Let's take a walk Um Go grandpa jojo Hey, how can you get back together with your ex? Although I don’t know how to get back together But I know people like you are so duplicitous It is even more difficult to get back together with tough words You, a single person who has been single for ten thousand years, have no need to ask. I'm a big fan of the Internet Hey Vice President I have a way tell me the story Just drag your suitcase and stay at Miss Xia's house. Many opportunities to meet Maybe Miss Xia is soft-hearted forgive me President of Tangtang Dongxia Group It's impossible for you to let me stay at his house Xiaodong, why is he here? Look at it this way Looks like a polite scumbag wearing a suit than usual Much more handsome What’s wrong with you You scared me to death I go to work at Qiao Group Why are you here Forget it Fu Jiaba understands my inheritance I was kicked out of the house by my mother Xiao Qiao, please take me in because of what Because I swear I will never cause you any trouble And I can also wash and cook for you I can also be your bodyguard The chance to turn over has come Um What are you doing standing still? Follow me, bodyguard Hello, we are new internet celebrity assistants Please inform me You are the new assistants I knew the manager felt sorry for me He said he refused In the end, I found two more assistants. Xiaotao gave all her luggage to the two new arrivals. I'm sorry sorry to bother you that You can go to Haichuan Beach in a while It’s a good day to go on location today bodyguard Let's go I said you have Why don't you even bring me sunscreen? I rely on my appearance The sun is so big Got me sunburned How do you compensate? sorry Sister Rika You just said to give your luggage to the two newcomers So I gave them all my luggage Idiot, you are blaming me. Stop it. Who do you think you are a new assistant Do you want to stand up for him? Sister Rika You are also a well-known internet celebrity after all. Aren't you afraid of others taking pictures of you? Look around you, who dares to take pictures of me? You are the assistants I recruited You did this to me Do you know who my boyfriend is? He is the manager of Qiao Group He can tell you to get out with just one word. I got it now Ruikajie Xiaodong Put it away I said why does he listen to you so much? It turns out you two have an affair. Really cheap It just matches the face You came to work and fell in love? You are quite discerning What are you going to do, you bad assistant? I'll buy you a drink Just take a call Don't look at it Sister, what we are filming today is a short play. Need a slap picture The actor is temporarily unavailable You see, keep shooting Don’t we have ready candidates? Walk Miss, can you please help me? We are going to cut this video tonight It will start broadcasting tomorrow Okay, let me start with 321 Sister Yuekan, this is fine May I But I feel like I didn’t perform well just now. One more one This one is really good Sister Rick, right? But I think my profile just now didn’t look very good. Hey, let’s have another one The tiger does not show its power Do you think I am Hellokitty? Bitch, hit me Why can't I beat you? Why did you spend your makeup? The cosmetics you are using are not from Trader Joe’s Group You think I'm a poor guy like you? My face is worth a million How to match Trader Joe's Cosmetics What I use are all high-end foreign products. But you are endorsing the cosmetics of Trader Joe's Group Who allowed you to switch privately? who are you Do you dare to yell at me for worshiping foreigners? baby Who made you like this? Obama bullied me He hit me ouch Ouch ouch Don't cry, baby My heart aches when you cry Let me help you vent your anger You dare to bully me, baby? This project is a joint venture between Fujifilm and Trader Joe’s I have a group to change the live broadcast candidate you are blocked Pooh Just you, you are Hu Dongxue, President of Dongxia Hahaha, this is such a big joke How come the vice president can be my assistant? Oh, but you are right about one thing. This project is indeed a collaboration between Dongxia Group and Qiao’s So I decided not to shoot Tomorrow is the broadcast day bad data Just wait until you are killed by the two major groups. Gone baby ignore them This is how to do ah Sister Rika is a big internet celebrity with 5 million fans It was not easy to talk about the little poem If she stops filming What about the live broadcast tomorrow? Miss, why don't you beg Sister Rika? Otherwise we will all be doomed Yes, please beg. We can't afford to chase these two major groups. If she doesn’t take pictures, I’ll take them. will this work Valentine's Day tomorrow We can change the subject Take a couple video You can also get some heat lead someone down Hey, this is okay What's wrong This is what it feels like to be suspected Xiao Qiao, I will never doubt you and Lu Jianan again. You still doubt me go with him Made a short video i've seen this through and i didn't like the ending you're not my homeland anymore Look at this CP, it’s so addictive We will work overtime tonight to edit this video. But can you be on the live broadcast tomorrow? able Hello everyone, today’s love There are activities in the People’s Day live broadcast room This set of cosmetics was originally sold for NT$99,998 Now this set only costs 998 meters If you buy it as a gift to your girlfriend, it will definitely last a long time. Hey, you girls all like cosmetics. Yes, leave a set for me later Who do you want to send? give you Professional things must be done professionally The effect of this live broadcast is really embarrassing You guys have been on air for 5 minutes But not even one order has been sold yet Don't worry, baby This live broadcast I've already said hello to the top. The compensation for this gambling agreement was written first. Just know the manager You didn't mean it was a performance reward Why is it a gambling agreement? That's 30 million we are just ordinary people How can you afford to pay for this? It's strange I blame you for offending my baby Sold sold Our live broadcast merchant searched for the number of people in the live broadcast Reached 60,000 It seems there is a hidden rich man who placed 50 orders in a row. How can this be Look, look, look Someone in the live broadcast room said The chat guy in our live broadcast room He is the vice president of Dongxia Group Deputy Dongxun The president’s pursuit of love online has become the number one search topic He is actually the vice president This thing offended him When will this happen? I said, how can there be such a handsome assistant? It turns out he is the president of Dongxia Group Hey, look quickly They even opened Weibo Super Chat It seems that this live broadcast is really popular President Chasing Love Online is so exciting No, 50 orders is not enough I have to buy some more to raise some money for them. That’s another 50 orders The two of them are a perfect match That's a match made in heaven hey-hey Am I crazy I almost fell for that woman's deception Mrs. Fu from Qidong You look for me Dongxun What the hell is he doing? Leave your own company alone Go to Qiao Group to do a live broadcast of goods You don't stop him either Mrs. Fu, this is what Mr. Fu has to do I can't stop it either Where does he live now? You tell the truth No need to hide it from me Mr. Fu is sorry. I'm going to betray you He lives in Chengdong Village Today's live broadcast is over Thank you all for your hard work Sister Xiao Qiao, you are so awesome First live broadcast The number of orders has exceeded the records of all Internet celebrities. Not only that That short video we shot The number of likes exceeded 20 million What is the concept of 20 million? Some internet celebrities I will never achieve this amount of likes in my life What are you proud of? Just bad luck Oppa, let’s go Did I say let you go? Go ahead Vice President, forgive me for being blind. You adults don't remember the faults of villains spare my life spare my life Oops, Oppa What are you shouting about? Why don't you come over and apologize to the vice president? Oppa, you are cruel to me Stop being so verbose. Stupid woman, why don’t you come over quickly and apologize? This is the vice president of the Tosan Empire Are you worthy of it? Sorry, Vice President I was wrong Oops, kneel down Apologize well I said I had half the say in this project From today Joe's product replacement live broadcaster You will be banned forever Wife, you can't ignore me Oh, you did something stupid yourself Don't bother me And apologize to my girlfriend I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that to you please forgive me This slap cleared up everything You don't need to apologize to me It's you who should apologize I misjudged the person It depends on men Might as well rely on yourself Scumbag Let's go home Go home to your house Today is Valentine's Day I'll cook you a candlelight dinner Let me go, but I haven’t agreed to get back together yet. Let's go home jojo Come here and tie my apron for me good I really didn't expect that You can also cook There are still many things you don’t know Oh right Where has grandpa gone? Grandpa, I sent him to a nursing home Then tonight is our world for the two of us. You think beautifully I go to the supermarket to buy red wine You are at home Cook obediently OK, go ahead Just this red wine I don’t believe you won’t throw yourself into your arms and get back together with me. Did you forget your key? Mom, what are you doing? If I don't come I didn't even know my son was so ridiculous This kid used to think he was not enlightened I didn't expect it to be so unpopular Why didn't Xiaodong close the door? Rich aunt is here too Won't you treat me to a cup of tea? No need to be formal I'm coming today I just want to see that my son would rather give up the rich life What kind of life do we have to live like? I can’t keep my son when he’s grown up Don't worry, I won't interfere in your marriage anymore Wait, Aunt Fu, please sit down I've repaired your bracelet for you This is really my bracelet Can someone repair this jade bracelet? The old master is no longer alive how did you do it It's my grandpa There is a dead friend in the nursing home He taught me this when I was little So you fixed it That being the case Then he is destined to you Just give it to you I feel so good But when it comes, it’s a pity that it’s sweet I'm going to have a grandchild to hold in my arms soon. So what does your mother mean? He means he wants to hold a grandson Got it So we can get back together reluctantly What are you doing? Miss Xia, I’m looking for the vice president Why are you looking for him and why are you calling me? This is the vice president’s cell phone I'm still the same What's going on, Vice President? Someone posted rumors about Miss Xia online The media has compared Qiao's and Dongxia Group It's so crowded Did you find out who did it? Inside Joe's Group okay, I get it What's the matter? So anxious so early in the morning Someone is smearing someone online discredit me Shock The vice president of Dongxia Group actually climbed on the bed to clean the heroine when he wanted to pursue her. What is this? You don’t need to read it either. I will clean up all the dirty stuff on the Internet for you You'd better stay at home to avoid the limelight these days. no He posted it online There must be something to gain from hacking me Hey, I already know about the things that are smearing me online. I was just about to tell you this Because of this look down on you Stocks plummeted The old man suspected that someone had embezzled public funds. Behind the scenes I want you to go back to the company, where is grandpa? The old man is busy getting black blackened You tell him to leave it alone. I'll come to the company right away in addition How about you investigate Manager Qiao’s overseas accounts? Mr. Miss, please take a rest. I'm not tired at all if I don't rest hey-hey I am my precious granddaughter’s number one fan of CP Chaohua Haha these people She actually suspected that my precious granddaughter and the CEO were not really in love. Damn, old man Why don't you tell the lady We have found someone who can have communism Xia Xia must find this person personally. Only in this way can I be justified Leave the company in his hands It's Miss Xia Please tell me online that you are a top three is that true Miss Xia Is the reason why you are with the vice president because of money? Say one more thing It’s not as simple as a lawyer’s letter Walk Xiao Qiao will get there I'm fine. Actually, you don't need to accompany me. I said I will protect you forever No matter what happens at that moment Please you must believe me, okay? Okay, this is all yours Oh, isn't this the vice president and his little wife? It turns out you were the one who embezzled Qiao’s public funds. You actually know this? It seems that your identity is not simple either. But then again I have to thank you If you hadn't exposed the dirty information, The shares of Qiao Group It won't drop so fast Really? It seems that you are still happy a little too early. All accounts on the screen It was Qiao’s manager who laundered money through live streaming of gifts. Evidence of profiteering Stop spitting here. Your little assistant Dare to report me You don’t even think about your identity Vice President she's just a woman This woman just like clothes You help her, why not cooperate with me? In the future, the entire Qiao Group will be my cooperation You and I can dominate the world if we join forces. He is not a foster father He is the future young lady of our rich family That would be against our entire Qiao Group. Joe's Group is not yours not mine If it's not mine, is it yours? Why I just can't figure it out Your little assistant How dare you wade into this muddy water? Qiao Group is the achievement of my grandfather’s hard work all his life. I won’t allow you to destroy his grandpa hahaha Arrogant kid You mean you are the granddaughter of the chairman Hey, you ask Just ask the assistants here Do they believe it? His assistant How could she be the granddaughter of the chairman? yes I heard that he always loved his granddaughter How could it be possible to put him in the automobile factory? Don't be afraid, don't worry I'm the vice president You have really bad taste in choosing women. Don’t marry the chairman’s granddaughter You have to do it with this woman who lies all day long Hello, Chairman Joe's manager suspected of embezzling public funds All positions will be removed from now on Chairman under investigation This is a trap for me I started from scratch with you You can't just listen to what an outsider says. The evidence is conclusive How can you expect me to believe you? This evidence was forged by him Chairman, I am loyal to you. Loyal you are loyal Not a year ago Start transferring the company's assets how come I thought it was because you had some merit for the company. Let me give you a break You are greedy Making mistakes again and again Chairman give me one more chance I beg you late Take advantage of this meeting I also announce something The little assistant standing next to me Help our company weather this crisis Made a great contribution So I choose to abdicate Choose him as the successor of the Qiao Group Why Why Why why? Why is he just a small assistant? What qualifications does he have to inherit the entire super group? Chairman Are you confused? What about you, you just let the chairman go like this? Random selection of heirs? The chairman should not be hasty in choosing a successor. Be cautious Yes, Chairman He's not qualified to be a little assistant. Just because he is the granddaughter of someone like me, Joe Under Qiao I ask you Is he qualified enough? Yeah, you already knew that I embezzled public funds. I won't be after you abdicate A stepping stone for your granddaughter. It's so ridiculous Ha ha ha ha This is your Alzheimer's grandpa I'll explain it to you later I will hold a press conference the day after tomorrow Officially handed over Qiao's Group to Qiao Xia's hands You moved out just because of this brat Grandpa, what are you talking about? He is the grandfather who had an affair with the treasure thief Those are all misunderstandings who is your grandpa Sooner or later we are all one family, right? Hahaha, let’s meet your mom tonight We are a family Have a good meal Good hahaha Mrs. Guo I didn’t expect that you are also a fan of President CB Planning. bad customer I'm a huge fan Why I will continue to be their CP in the future Where's Super Troopers? What is a war policeman? You don't even know this I don't know how to explain it to you either Anyway, just take a photo of them with your phone. let's go It's easy to shoot them and call the police. Then I'll wait for you too Ha ha Ah hey Where is this person? I guess he's having an underground love affair. You didn't go back to Fu's house I'll stay here for the next few days. Um Hey, don't worry The room is monitored Vice President, what kind of hobby is this? We also installed surveillance cameras in the room. Your fiancé, I am good-looking and rich. It’s inevitable to be framed Of course, I have to keep my shit on my sleeve. By the way, I'm going back to my old house tomorrow. Okay i know a place I'll take you Hey, what are you two doing? sneaky The vice president's eyesight is not good at night Didn't recognize you It is you Good job Walk Feel sorry I will accept you as the security captain Why That night was truly unforgettable report report Xia Xia is home over over over Why Leave as soon as you come back I'll come back and get the dress oh How was the filming of my war song? Very good, but the pace of this battle is slightly better My boy has already gone to buy a ring. He probably wants to propose to Xia Xia I will take revenge on Sun soon, hahaha Miss, I'm sorry There is someone in the VIP room of our store Do you know who I am I'm the richest man's granddaughter's best friend Excuse me Even if you are the richest man My granddaughter can’t go in now either. OK This is how your jewelry store treats customers, right? Believe it or not, I can put you out of business with just one phone call. Sorry, Vice President I bought from this store Let me see who dares to let him go bankrupt Sorry, Vice President I didn't know it was you Vice President, this is the engagement ring you ordered. The vice president came to buy a diamond ring Are you planning to propose to Yipan? Usually I just saw the vice president choosing a diamond ring He must have seen the dirty stuff on the Internet Recognized the true face of that P&G I’m ready to propose to you. Are you serious I saw it with my own eyes That day I exposed P&G’s scandal on the Internet Someone bought it Does it really work Congratulations! First sentence The position of the vice president’s wife It was originally a one-judge decision It's that cleaner who is shameless Go up and stick to the vice president How dare you come Isn't this the cleaning reptile? Are you a secondary network? Those untrue and black materials on the Internet have long been removed from the shelves. So our cleaning methods are really good. I don’t know which big guy I hooked up with again. Get rid of the dirty stuff I deposited those dirty materials. flying group Vice President, why are you still listening to that cleaning lady? Didn’t you buy a ring to propose to Yi Pan? What diamond ring? I originally wanted to give you a surprise I didn’t expect to be seen by an unrelated person. Qiao Yi judged that you are still pretending Don't expose him Let him dance around for a few more episodes He will finish it later You may not know about the Eastern Tour There's something I haven't had time to tell you yet can you come with me Is there anything we can't listen to? Just say it here That night at Dongxia Hotel I'll bring you some soup then you wanted me I've been pregnant with your child since that time I remembered It turns out you were the one who drugged me that night Dongxue, you can’t accuse me wrongly. That medicinal soup was given to me by my aunt Maybe he wants children too much That's why I shut up It's impossible to touch you Besides, I woke up in another room the next day Could it be that night Xiao Qiao You must not do it because I am pregnant with Dongxun’s child Just quarrel with him Xiao Qiao, listen to my explanation I can prove I didn't touch him Xiao Qiao No one can stop me from marrying into a rich family Xiao Qiao Xiao Qiao maybe from when we met I'm too timid to confess to you. I'll lose Total loss Xiao Qiao, please listen to my explanation. Is there anything to explain? Surveillance installed in the presidential suite I asked Qilong to send over the surveillance video from that night. look I do not want to look Just let me beg you, okay? It’s fine if you want me to see it. promise me a request Well, I will agree to whatever you ask for. starting today You can't doubt me anymore I don’t want you to be jealous if I talk to any boy. angry good Okay idiot I'm teasing you I never doubted you at all Xiao Qiao Idiot, you drank too much medicine Drink all the memories away I don't believe what Qiao Yupan said at all Because it was me who was with you that night So I wasn't wrong that night yes It's really yours I want to avenge you for being angry with me in the first place By the way, there will be a press conference tomorrow Ask Qi Dong to prepare two invitations and send them to Qiao Yipai But don’t tell him what press conference it is good This is what the vice president asked me to tell you. I hope you are pregnant with the vice president’s child It seems that he has changed his mind after thinking about it. This kid is the deputy's mother and he doesn't recognize you. I hope you can take me with you tomorrow I want to witness your happiness what happened Isn’t the vice president planning to propose to you publicly today? Of course today is not an official press conference Today's game It was the press conference for the granddaughter of the richest man to inherit Qiao Group. Press conference for the granddaughter of the richest man to inherit Qiao Group First sentence, why didn't you tell me? How could he know me? Because he is the one who has been pretending to be the richest man, Sun Yu. criticize you for speaking he is lying You are the richest woman’s daughter, right? Take advantage of today's opportunity I also want to announce to you Dongxia Group has no employees with such bad records You are fired Regardless of him, you are lying to me Your dad is obviously the granddaughter of the richest man My granddaughter, the richest man How could I lie to you? Aren't you the same actor as last time? Okay, I get it now It's you, it's all you It's all your fault, right? Always My precious granddaughter Too low-key Never showed his face in front of the public That’s why I was taken advantage of by such a villain. Back to the topic Today’s press conference I officially announce my abdication My granddaughter Qiao will inherit the Qiao Group It turns out his surname is also Joe You hurt me so badly Qiao Yifat, you bitch! Hey, where are you going? Brother Wang, why are you here? Miss Qiao, long time no see. I don’t want to give you the money you owe me. Want to run away Brother Wang, please give me a few more days of grace. I'll pay you as much as you want Brother Wang Do you still want to make more money? Just kidnap someone from me I'll give you another 5 million when it's done Xia Xia, you are so beautiful today How can you win over Fu Dongxun if you are not beautiful? I rely on my personal charm Okay, you have a good rest. Enjoy this last moment of being single Okay, let's not disturb the bride. how did you get in brother-in-law Why aren't you jealous when you see me now? You looked like you were going to eat me when you saw me before. I see Our vice president Just when I met Miss Qiao Xia I couldn't walk in an instant. I think you are too brave How dare you tease me There is an opportunity for job transfer outside Jiangwai Do you want to go? It's so miserable, brother If you resign now, you still have time to follow me, eldest sister After all, this is the vice president of your family. I will definitely be a strict wife in the future. alright Where are the people? Call the police immediately Find someone to call the surveillance outside the hotel Something happened to Xiao Qiao How did you check the surveillance? The surveillance inside and outside the hotel has been cut off. Shopping mall surveillance has also been cut off I guess they came prepared Is there any news from the police station? Our people and the people over there A full search has been launched Find them all for me and keep looking. Didn’t I ask you to find it? Vice President, don't worry Miss Qiao Qiao It's okay, we know where she is come with us Xiao Qiao Xiao Qiao, just be fine I'm fine you cried Xiao Qiao if something happens to you I will definitely bury you believe it or not I can't believe what's going on Nurse, please be gentle Don't hurt him Okay, it's just a small wound I am okay Is it okay to find my daughter-in-law in the east? Mom, don't worry he was hurt a little It's okay now Since it's okay Can you still make it back? This is an auspicious day It's a pity that I missed it Mom, I listen to him let's go back If not, let’s go directly to get the certificate. good Come to 321 eggplant
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Views: 312,542
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Keywords: 女频, 爽文, 短剧, 华语, 2022新剧, 都市, 娇妻, 嫩模, 模特, 老婆, 女朋友, 男宠, 女宠, 甜宠, 霸道, 总裁, 逆袭, 赘婿, 女神, 屌丝, 废材, 创业, 小视频, 财团, 霸道总裁, 家族, 龙族, 神族, Male frequency, female frequency, cool text, short drama, Chinese, 2022 new drama, urban, sweet wife, tender model, model, wife, girlfriend, male pet, female pet, sweet pet, domineering, president, counterattack, superfluous son-in-law, goddess, diaosi, waste material, entrepreneurship, small video, consortium, overbearing president, family, dragon, protoss
Id: Bb-S0DFdVgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 17sec (7757 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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