She Must Respect You to Want You | No Respect = No Attraction

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in this video i'm going to talk about something which keeps on coming up and that is when a woman doesn't respect you she's not going to feel attraction for you now that's more important than love men need to feel respected we need respect more than we need to be loved a lot more women are a little bit the opposite they don't really care if you respect them it's nice if you respect them but they really just want to feel your love and presence and emotions it's very different from men we think we want love actually we don't we want respect and tied in with that is attraction if we get the respect we also get the attraction that's why no respect equals no attraction so i'm going to start off by reading through an email of a guy who's going through this situation and will find out how to fix it he starts off hey chris my fiance recently broke up with me and she has done this many many times and it's most often been because of money when i convince her to come back i always try to buy her things then she accepts me back and shows me love isn't it interesting when you show her how much money you have and you start giving her things and buying her things then she shows you the love when i'm with her i'm not happy because i feel like she wants me to fulfill only her needs her material needs and i can sense that she doesn't respect me deep down so we fight and i move out then i feel terrible without her and i go back to begging for another chance usually i make sure to let her know that money is never going to be an issue for us and i will always be there to take care of her that's a huge mistake right there i'm an idiot i know well he knows it i'm with her now telling myself you're a coward you're a coward you're a coward why did you come back to her coward you want to leave but you know when you leave you will come crying back i keep on telling myself these words in my head i want to get out of this situation i want her to respect me i want her to love me please help well you might think you want her to love you but first of all you need her to respect you because if she respects you then she's going to be attracted to you and if she's attracted to you she's going to treat you with respect and kindness and sweetness on all those lovely female traits which you don't get if she doesn't respect you by the way if you give her money she's never gonna respect you if you try to win her over with coin it's never gonna work right women don't want men who throw money at them because it's like i say in my book atomic attraction if you try to buy a woman's love they don't trust you because they think that other women can come along right and you will try to buy their love as well second of all your love is cheap any man who tries to buy a woman tells a woman one very important thing that is i don't have what it takes to seduce you i don't have what it takes to win you over the only thing i have is my money that's all i've got going for me i don't have any real value in this world but i got a lot of money in the bank so if i can buy you love maybe you'll be attracted to me and care for me no it's not going to work like that women see right through that but they'll take the money no question about it i remember one very very clear situation this is a shocking story about a guy who is very very wealthy i can't go into too many details because if i do you'll know who he is you'll be able to work it out but he was very very wealthy he had a very very senior position and how do i describe this without giving away the guy's identity um let's just say he was very rich and wealthy and prominent now his girlfriend would call him up and she would say to him you know i've got a problem with my car i need help fixing it and he would instead of getting her car fixed he'd buy her a new car she would call him up and she would say hey i've got a problem with my house i just i'm sick of the place i live in the area sucks the traffic's horrible i hate my flatmates what does he do he goes and buys her a new property uh i mean it gets worse she's telling him at lunch time hey i really want to have ice cream today could you bring me some and he's on the phone telling this girl i can't i'm busy i've got to work i've got stuff to do i've got meetings with clients i got to do a lot of stuff which i can't get away from let's just wait until dinner and we could have some ice cream then no no no i want ice cream now that's what she says to him so he thinks oh boy if i don't give her ice cream she might lead me drives over to give her some ice cream she gets a photo of the ice cream sticks it on instagram seems happy in the moment but then later on she doesn't want to meet him now why doesn't she want to meet him for dinner she doesn't want to meet him for dinner later because she doesn't have any respect for him he's successful he's prominent he should know better but he still thinks that his value his self-worth isn't enough you'll get this a lot with guys who are successful and not necessarily just successful men but men who've got value right men who are going somewhere they are good people but they don't value themselves and women can pick up on it and a lot of guys think my value is related to my income how many numbers i've got in the bank that's how much i'm worth that's how valuable i am as a person and they try to equate that with my value their value so they will give the woman money trying to win her over and if you do that the woman will never respect you doesn't matter who you are how successful you are how much money you've got in the bank she won't want to see you because she you just won't get her off you won't do it for her you won't make her feel that i really like this guy he's so sexy he's so attractive he's so confident that's what women respond to she would rather hang out with the guy who didn't have any money because he's going to be more exciting at least he's going to make her feel some emotional pull he's going to make her feel something so focus on that make a woman feel emotions it's not about the money it's not about that kind of stuff standing up to a woman saying no you can't have the house no you can't have the car no i'm not gonna do this for you if you want it you gotta work for it you gotta get it yourself you will notice with women it's not about how much you invest into them it's not about how much money you give them it's not about how much you buy for them it's not about how many holidays you take them on it's about how much a woman invests into you how much she spends her time thinking about you her emotional investment her financial investment in you her time investment in you a physical investment in you if she's investing in you in any kind of way she's gonna feel something for you but if she's not investing in you and you're not giving her a chance to invest in you you're not gonna get her to be really attracted to you and she's not gonna respect you and if she doesn't respect you she's not gonna love you and if she doesn't love you then it's all downhill from there so you want respect because with respect you get love and you get attraction if you want to know more about this i talk about this in great detail in my book atomic attraction i highly recommend it you can get your copy today by clicking on the link below or going to until next time talk to you soon you
Channel: Develop Attraction
Views: 22,440
Rating: 4.9676552 out of 5
Keywords:, develop attraction, get her back, get girlfrend back, get ex back, get ex girlfriend back, girlfriend pulling away, girlfriend distant, girlfriend losing interest, chris canwell, girlfriend not responding, girlfriend doesn't respond
Id: rPQikNZV228
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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