She killed her friends because "God" told her to...

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religion comes in many forms with various levels of commitment for some that means repenting our sins and praying twice a day and for others it could mean an annual pilgrimage but what would you do if you received a message from god to murder two of those close to you and if this request came in the form of a text message would you believe it since i'm here making a story about it the answer was unfortunately yes but what exactly happened to helena and daniel and where did these text messages come from good morning good afternoon or good evening folks my name is adrian and welcome back to another video by coffee house crime now as we go through today's story i want you to carefully analyze helga's behavior and come to your own conclusion on how many people he actually killed but before getting into today's video i'd love to introduce you to today's sponsor hellofresh general question but do you have a packed schedule hellofresh has meals covered with a weekly selection of over 30 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use code coffeehousecrime6d for 16 free meals across 7 boxes and 3 free gifts once more go to and use code coffeehousecrime16 for 16 free meals across 7 boxes and 3 free gifts thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring today's video thank you guys for supporting us creators and now let's begin today's video pull up a seat grab yourself a coffee and sit back this is the case of helge fosmo [Music] here's another international story our case today takes us to a cold and mountainous land found in northern europe specifically the beautiful country of sweden it's well known for having gorgeous lakes breathtaking snow-tipped mountains and vast ancient forests that enshroud over half of the country due to its natural beauty sweden is extremely popular amongst hikers backpackers and those of the wonderlust for nature and to help protect its natural beauty sweden is well known to be a nation of recyclers in fact to keep their recycling plants running the swedes have resorted to importing waste from other countries to help out and more than half of the country's energy is renewable today we're zoning in to a tiny community in the far east of sweden welcome to the small village of newt bee folks it's so small that it only has one convenience store one restaurant and a church the rest of the town is populated by wooden houses scattered between trees now let's be honest we all know that insane religious things often happen in these tiny communities and this story will be no different as here in the small village of nudeby we find helge fosmo helga was born on july the 27th 1971 in christenham a locality found in central sweden he was one of five siblings and came from a relatively large family and his family were actually not religious i say this because usually most of these stories begin when religion is introduced at a very young age but helga would voluntarily join the church of his own accord at the age of 12 years old he joined the church's youth group and would later claim that this was when his life truly began and he was saved helga was an active participant in the church of god regularly participating in congregations and events and in 1988 at the age of 17 he took up a job at a cafe for christian youth it was in this moment and while here that he met the first love of his life helena johansson their relationship progressed rather quickly and they married soon after turning 18. shortly after this they had two children while living in christen ham the family of four lived happily for now however after a fateful encounter in 1993 they would actually relocate their relocation was prompted by an encounter and this encounter was with a very important woman to today's case and the woman's name was isa valdo isa was the leader of a christian sect in nudeby and she often went from town to town convincing young people to uproot and move to join the church kind of sexist but isa was so influential to helga that he arrogantly told her this was the only time he had ever listened to what a female pastor had to say unknowing to almost all of them at the time but these young people were actually entering what could only be described as a religious cult and this would also be the case for the fosmo family isis started persuading them in 1993 and by 1997 she had convinced them to make the move to newt b everyone in this settlement had their jobs and responsibilities many of them relating to the church this provided a strong sense of community and almost everyone in the town knew of each other naturally helga took up his previous role as a pastor however his teachings were seen as rather unorthodox he would talk about taboo subjects like sex and death and take a rather radical approach to his teachings absolutely two years after arriving in newt and after having a third child the fosmo family decided to hire themselves a nanny the nanny was sarah svensson who had just moved snootsby after also being inspired by isa sarah was raised in a christian household however her severe allergies stopped her from living an average life as a child and eventually her mother dedicated all her time to looking after her now sadly her mother passed away when sarah was just 11 years old leaving her to be raised by her father she stayed with him until she met isa at bible class and decided to move to newt b now this is where the whole story starts to go a little crazy so please bear with me while i try and explain this as simple as possible but helga began to spend a lot of time with isa during this time while helga and isa were spending time together they were supposedly receiving prophecies sent by god a file on isis computer confirms this and in this document it's told of a prophecy god had bestowed upon her and just this snippet pretty much sums most of it up the prophecy said i am the king of kings and you are the queen of heaven i had you in mind already at the creation of the world and i have been waiting for you ever since this translates to the idea that jesus had been waiting for isa ever since his birth and she was to be wed to christ himself now amazingly helga also believed this and in 1999 he was the one to officiate the wedding between isa and jesus he bestowed her a ring with seven diamonds a holy number amongst many in the christian and jewish faiths now this made helene insanely jealous which by the way in the church community of newt p was an emotion that was strictly banned for women isa told helga that if his wife did not change her envious ways the church would quote take her home which was the cult's way of talking about death now isis and helga's relationship became even more strange after this while isa would shower him with love praise and affection she would also control him and his actions but helga wasn't necessarily innocent either he claimed he could channel jesus through himself and please jesus's wife asa through sensual massages and sex and all of this tension surrounding helga and asa would finally erupt in december of 1999 in the mid-month days of december and as christmas approached a deadly sickness cast itself over the town of nudeby helga and his wife helene had unfortunately caught it from their neighbours as many of them had already fallen ill although the couple were bedridden they were still trying to keep their energy up doing this in the form of an old swedish trick warm oats and coca-cola they had both finished breakfast and while helga could fall asleep helene was having difficulties a short while later came a knock at the front door it was their neighbour samuel frankner the man was checking in on the couple to make sure they were okay and although helga managed to answer the door helene was nowhere to be seen asking helga where she was he replied with she's in the bathroom but immediately after saying this he had noticed she'd been in there for quite some time so after realizing her silence the two decided to knock on the bathroom door it was locked and there was no answer after several warnings the two unscrewed the door handle with a screwdriver and barged through the bathroom door and what they found inside was horrific helane was in the bath floating face down her head underwater she was still in a nightgown and an apparent head wound helga was distraught and in fact he screamed so hard that he alerted other local neighbours in the area he and several others then attempted to perform cpr but unfortunately it was already way too late helene was dead at the young age of 27. investigations concluded that she had died from drowning but it was noted that she had a head injury and strangely a lethally high dosage of dixophan in her system and although in hindsight it appeared that there was obviously some form of outside interference the incident was ultimately deemed as an accident although helga did seem to genuinely despair over the death of his wife he was also very quick to remove all her belongings from the house in fact he even altered her autopsy report to remove the fact that dexophane was found in her system helga claimed this was to remove the possibility that she had taken her own life as doing such a thing is classed as a sin and apparently he didn't want her to be a disgrace to her parents or the community following his wife's death helga was again very quick to find love with another woman in the church and lo and behold it was isis sister alexandre valdo by the spring of 2000 alexandra had moved in with helga and shortly after this the two married but in true helga fashion he was still unsatisfied with a single partner and by the spring of 2001 he had started flirting with his children's nanny sarah you see helga was counseling sarah and her husband as the relationship was rocky at best furthermore it didn't take long for sara's husband to realize that helga was taking her side in almost all situations and it's during one of these sessions that sarah lets slip that all of the feelings she had once felt for her husband she had now felt for helger instead unbeknownst to him at the time but helga often invited sarah over to pray with him where he often convinced her to have sex and of course helgen insisted that these acts were not for a self-gratification but merely to send a message to god i mean honestly who knows what he meant by that but zara adored helga and his authority in the church led her to believe him strongly it was around this time that helga asked sarah for the first time if she was willing to kill someone should god ask her to now this is a strange question no matter how you look at it but zara implied that god could fight his own battles instead in tandem with this helga would also feed her strange statements like my second wife will be taken from me soon god has told me that my perfect match is someone close to me and god told me that if your husband is unwilling to divorce you he will die as a result the slow and steady feeding of fake prophecies and lies brought sarah closer to helga and using his power in the church to aid him he was known to be the closest singular person to god he also claimed he needed sarah by his side to help him fight his battle against demons and despite having a wife already he insisted that sarah move in with him and his wife take care of him and so you can probably see where this is going but sarah left her husband's home moved into helga's bedroom and helga's wife alexandra moved down the hall every night she could hear the two bonking which they claimed was merely a healing ritual for the demons and illnesses that helga was fighting moving one year forward to the year 2003 ansara had finally agreed to divorce her husband and after that divorce was finalized that was when the real manipulation began taking stockholm syndrome to the max but sarah was confined to helga's bedroom and to make things even worse helga was one of the only people she was allowed to speak to in helga's mind sarah now belonged to him he would mould her into the exact shape and size that he wanted someone who would obey him entirely with no questions asked he would insult her daily calling her an arrogant unintelligent a blonde and a filthy sinner but you'd always finish off with an i love you to magically make things better sarah was always so happy to hear those three words to know that this important respectable man loved her she felt grateful even though he made her feel like a disgrace during this volatile and manipulative time frame helga once again asked her if she was willing to kill for god she again said no but with less resistance than last time using a new and unknown number he began to send cryptic messages to sarah the first message said get it done before november the 25th otherwise it will be too late for you after asking helga if he had sent her the message he angrily denied it sarah apologized and after showing him these messages he convinced sarah that god must have sent them so over the following days more and more text messages found their way to sarah these messages talked about god's plan sending certain people home to heaven and how killing them was her only way to salvation helga further backed these up with messages from his own phone persuading and twisting her thoughts to lead her to believe that she must kill for god and on the night of november the 8th 2003 came the first formal request although unsuccessful sarah received a message from god to attack and kill helga's wife alexandra while she slept in her own bed alexandra woke up to sarah bludgeoning her with a hammer however she survived after fending her off sarah saw no punishment for the assault either as helga insisted it should be kept under wraps instead he formally banished her from new toby and she was ordered to return home to live with her father but still despite being banished more text messages followed these messages further convinced her that murder was the only way to get into heaven and that certain people needed to be sent home with no mistress in town helga instantly began to have a new affair with a neighbour and edlind and unsurprisingly this is when another new name started to appear in god's messages the new name on god's hit list was annette's husband daniel lind call her gullible but sarah truly believed that these messages were sent from god and to add to this she also wished for salvation she was genuinely scared that she would go to hell should she not obey his orders and therefore she had to try again but this time not fail on this notion sarah began to yet again formulate a plan she purchased a pistol from stockholm before making an amateur silencer followed by god's instructions and all in the meanwhile she was further encouraged by helga to follow god's will and in the dead of night on january the 10th 2004 sarah jumped into her father's volvo and set off for nude b on her way she kept in touch with helga who kept her updated on who was still awake and when it was safe to enter the town at 3 30 am helga called sarah to tell her that the coast was clear sarah felt nervous but she was ready to continue with the plan and at 4am she parked 500 yards away from the fossman residence put on a black face mask and covered her shoes in plastic wearing one size too big to throw off any police trail as sarah approached the house she pushed the front door open the handle was conveniently broken that night she made her familiar way through the darkness towards alexandra's bedroom alexandra was fast asleep in her bed unaware of her impending doom and unknown to sarah at the time but helga was even home too quietly listening in ready for his wife to be murdered sarah raised the gun shot alexandra in the hip and when she screamed then shot her in the head and with one of her targets now taken care of she silently crept outside and began to make her way to the lind residence next door she was ready to complete the second half of god's plan with one more killing making her way around the back of the house she forced her way in and started walking towards the main bedroom conveniently annette was away from home this night leaving daniel home alone but the main bedroom door was locked and not knowing what to do she knocked on the door as it swung open daniel lind appeared right in front of her without hesitation she raised the gun and shot him square in the chest raising it higher for a second shot to the face this one striking him through the side of his head as daniel fell to the ground a commotion could be heard from within the house they were not alone the noise startled sarah and without hesitation she turned around and sprinted out of the house into the dark of the night miraculously daniel was still alive and even conscious enough to describe his attacker to police he told them the assailant was a man so it seems like sarah did a pretty good job of disguising herself hearing the noise and wanting to appear innocent helga ran to his neighbor's aid and once an ambulance arrived he even accompanied daniel on the way to the hospital just before leaving helga asked his neighbours to wake his wife and tell her what had happened but of course when they did they were met with the grisly sight of alexandra's bloodied body authorities immediately implemented roadblocks out of town but with the assailant's description being that of a man sarah was let through without question however helga and sarah slowly found themselves in the spotlight as investigations progressed neighbors noted that helga's previous wife was found dead under strange circumstances and authorities became further suspicious when they learned that sarah had previously attacked alexandra with a hammer with the room heating up around them helga immediately pointed the finger at zara admitting to police that she had in fact attacked his wife before it also turns out that sarah wasn't even trying to evade the police and instead she had travelled back to her father's home for refuge and soon after being located and arrested the very next day the floodgates opened as soon as sara's first interview began she crumbled and confessed to her crimes however something didn't appear to be right sarah was very clear in highlighting that she had worked alone that nobody had prompted her to do it and that she killed in the name of god but after authorities seized her phone they found two numbers in her recent contacts of course one was helga's but the other was an unknown number the one she claimed was god drilling into helga's wiretap revealed quite a lot annette complained about how boring it was to visit her critically injured husband in hospital while helga complained about arranging a funeral however it was one particular phone call between helga and another member of church that would finally trigger authorities to bring him intensive foreign upon researching god's so-called phone number it was found to have been sarah's old phone number which now was in helga's possession authorities eventually found this phone stashed away in helga's room and here the messages they found were astounding over 1 000 text messages had been sent to sarah all of which painted a haunting picture of coercion manipulation and deception upon hearing that god was actually helga sarah was legitimately distraught she honestly thought that these messages were from god and upon learning that helga was behind them the manipulative cloak holding sarah captive was at long last lifted with that said she told investigating officers everything the evidence was enough to convict helga of soliciting the murder of his wife alexandra and the attempted murder of his mistress's husband daniel lind standing trial in july of 2004 he was sentenced to life imprisonment with the possibility of parole after 24 years sarah svenson was also found guilty of murder and attempted murder however since she was determined to have been mentally ill at the time of the murders she was admitted to psychiatric care indefinitely honestly this case was a strange one helga fosmo was a manipulative and abusive man with a large ego he was never happy with those around him and placed himself above others he ultimately saw people as expendable and used them like pawns in his very own game and in the end this led to the death of one of those closest to him and the attempted murder of another innocent individual although alexandra is sadly lost to the world now daniel would eventually make a full recovery in hospital however after being admitted out of it he would not return to newt bee or the church in 2017 sarah was released from her full-time psychiatric care beginning a new life after being declared safe to be among the general public once again she has made a remarkable recovery and although sarah is not entirely without blame helga was very clearly the mastermind behind all of it alexandra was always a warm individual who took helga's children under her wing and tolerated his adulterous behavior her death has left a hole in the community of newt bee and her friends family and town will always miss her hey again and thank you so much for watching another video today by coffee house crime i really appreciate you being here if you found this case interesting then please remember to like the video and of course share your thoughts in the comment section down below a huge thank you to dr izzy and several others for recommending this case i am genuinely surprised that this story hasn't been covered much yet and a big thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring today's video go to and use code coffeehousecrime16 for 16 free meals across 7 boxes and 3 free gifts as always please remember to share your thoughts on this case in the comments section down below i'll be back again real soon for another video but until that moment arrives remember to look after each other and stay safe thank you and goodbye so i had intended to start recording but um looks like this guy's got other plans come over here and naturally helga took up his previous role as a pastor however this pastor like spaghetti all right what's up i don't think you're gonna get any salmon you want some salmon [Music]
Channel: Coffeehouse Crime
Views: 901,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffeehouse crime, true crime, coffee house crime, crime, helge fossmo, knutby murders, helge fosmo
Id: T_SAW1UAbh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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