She got diagnosed with cancer. (documentary)

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[Music] [Music] i love you i love you penny penny [Music] penny i love you i love you what's up mama i love you i love you i love you meow all right kitty [Music] my name is cola brand back in 2012 i made a youtube channel two days right after my 16th birthday and uh i don't know what to do now nearly a decade later my videos have drastically changed a topless goofy kid with way too much time on his hands to a croc wearing dad my beautiful wife savannah and our three kids eight-year-old everly two-year-old posey and one-year-old zealand we have worked hard to get where we are today but savannah and i are perfect examples of right place right time if you're quick with math then you're concluding that i became a father when i was a teenager your math is right but the story is wrong when i met savannah i also had the god-given gift of meeting eberly she made me a dad at just 19 years old and completely changed my life forever savannah had everly from a previous relationship when she was 19 years old savannah and i got married on july 9 2017 and pretty soon after that we started having babies [Music] posey is our sweet full personality little girl and zealand is our giggly mama's boy [Music] we are happy completely normal other than the fact that we share our lives on the internet for a living we have normal good days and normal bad days i've been extremely lucky extremely blessed in life and by far the thing that brings me the most joy in life is everything that i've been talking about my kids and my wife who's the best mom on earth like i said we do have bad days and back in february of 2021 we posted a video called my struggle with anxiety happy videos and happy moments but also when they're able to tell you guys when something is going on yeah so i'll start from the very beginning um cole's always a little more like i'll let you kind of talk a little bit about it but cole's always a little more like stress out about things with the kids like just like health issues them getting hurt any like anything like it always stress if it stresses me out like this much it stretches coal out like this much posey has kind of given us a run with just like hospital being hostage she's been hospitalized three times right yeah like like imposes like like first year life she had to go to the er like three three and not even included the cruise it wasn't even just like she was kind of like kind of sick and we had to go she was like projectile vomiting had to like get an iv like got x-rays it's not like normal sick no like she's she's always like scared us so bad i was truly just riddled with anxiety i had convinced myself that our two-year-old daughter had had cancer and it sounds so blunt and so almost bad to say but i was convinced and i really i wasn't eating i couldn't sleep she had bruising on her legs like most kids do but um as you google things you can just convince yourself of stuff and that's my personality unfortunately and we really didn't talk to anybody about it no that's the thing so i think it was like eating him up inside too just like only talking to me about it who i feel like i was like taking all the weight for him because i was like no it's fine because i feel like i had to be that way because if we were both the way he was i feel like we could have like went into like had we both so i was like nope everything's fine like there's no way that that's going to happen like everything's fine it's not going to happen to us which is what i feel like all parents say is like you don't think it's going to happen to you yeah you don't think it's going to happen to you and so i would take that weight just for the fact that yeah maybe i thought that that was a possibility but i never wanted him to know that i thought that and i kept justifying reasons why this was gonna happen to us because of our faith or maybe because of our following and to go through this battle on social media you know you justify reasons why maybe bad things are supposed to happen to you yeah um and pogie was waking up in the middle of the night with leg pain um growing pains whatever it was she was waking up and she was like screaming it happened like for like two weeks three weeks straight and all that i could think of was this kid growing up who complained about leg pain and it ended up being leukemia and he ended up passing away and i was thinking maybe that happened for a reason so that now i would be aware and get her taken in but i was such a nervous wreck i couldn't even take her in yeah i literally wasn't eating i couldn't sleep i mean my kids my everything i took her to get blood tests a couple times we did like all the scans that we possibly could do we did everything but i think at the end of all this we knew exactly what god was doing and he was breaking our hearts for a reason so broken and and as as we were looking into this i wasn't just focusing on my kid i was not coming across all these other kids and all these other families i was like this is not an uncommon thing you know like this is common i mean we're finding families down the street and neighborhoods not too far away like in our community and then all across the country in the world like man this is happening so often and i was thinking people need to know not and i'm sure that people do but like i gotta do something i gotta do something that's all that was in my head is like whenever i thought posey had cancer all i think was like we gotta fight we gotta do something we gotta fight and even after it's like we gotta we gotta fight you know like i don't know i think maybe it'd be so easy to just because you see sad things on instagram all the time and you just keep scrolling and scrolling and you'll see it you'll get sad and you'll talk about it and then you just keep scrolling past it and it could have been so easy to just keep scrolling but instead we wanted to do something much bigger so i've really just been praying and talking with savannah and uh the team on where they should go and what families you should incorporate so i've been going through instagram and you know the algorithm kind of recommends to you what you've been looking at so if you're into fitness usually the instagram algorithm will like recommend you fitness post on the explore page but because i've been looking up so much pediatric cancer stuff my my instagram explorer pages is filled with kids with cancer and different families with cancer and it's just never ending it's never ending it's never ending it's never ending so i just don't i don't know i don't know who to reach out to i don't know where to begin um so i just i'm just starting i'm just reaching out to different families and different people and just praying that god will put the right people in the right families who want to tell their story who are desperately trying to use their instagrams and their platform that they already have to raise awareness and tell their story we want to give them a bigger platform to further tell that story on so it's it's a lot it's hard [Music] we decided to use our voice to echo the lives and stories of these sick children and their families [Music] so right now we're uh headed to la to meet with a little girl and her mom named callie um she started another session of chemotherapy yesterday today's actual second day of treatment so we're going and obviously with covid and all the hospital regulations um a big part that we wanted to capture within this documentary was um the hospitals you know just within the hospitals because it's something that all parents hate the kids hate they love being home you know nobody wants to be away from their family and especially with cobot times whenever a lot of the times only one parent's allowed in in la they just started allowing two people so this mom's going in and she has one spot one extra spot and she's allowing me to come in for the day and um that's where we're going children's hospital l.a [Music] so [Music] okay so we are um two minutes out um um are you guys in the la children's hospital parking lot or the vons upside down yeah hello hey carrie how are you my name is cole we got you a giant pony cycle we heard that you wanted one of these right you are welcome you're so sweet [Music] he's a weirdo that's awesome we love weirdos it's nice to meet you hey hey nice to meet you yeah thank you so much no thank you guys for letting me come along again childhood cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 19 in the us one in 285 children in the u.s will be diagnosed with cancer by the time that they are 20 years old each year an estimated 250 000 plus children will be diagnosed with cancer worldwide that's almost 700 kids per day despite these facts childhood cancer research receives less than 4 of the annual budget from the national cancer institute so on a normal chemo treatment day you'll be admitted to the room like this sometimes it's shared but including your own room today and you get in at nine usually and you said yes we didn't leave till five yes wow nine to five it's a long day for a little girl is this your bunny's port yeah yeah i don't know where the top is oh we got to find the top wow yeah we love pony rides they're trying to eat the bushes you're trying to get a snack while you're on them you're trying to eat the bushes while you're on them yeah it's crazy here cali is learning how to swallow a pill she is learning because they are adult-sized pills [Music] maybe if pediatric cancer research received more than four percent of the funding medicine would be better suited for these little kids she just seems too little for this tell me a little bit about how your faith has played a part in your guys cancer journey because i know we were talking about it earlier and you she was explaining to me how she came to know god through her daughter's diagnosis the day kelly got diagnosed i knew that i needed him he was the only way my child was gonna be cured lord we just looked up cali right now god i pray that you just god you just pour out total and complete healing over her life lord i pray for kylie's parents god i pray that you give them the strength and peace god i pray that all depression all anxiety leaves god i pray that you just you do what you do best god and you make all things new and god i pray that you just give her just a totally new and healed body god that just has no evidence of disease for the rest of your life god we receive it we love you and we thank you for all you've done amen amen one last thing before i head out is um financially it's not easy so um we wanted to give this to you and your family and it's a ten thousand dollars so to help you guys and just um yeah whatever you we trust your heart we know that it's not easy so um whatever you guys feel is best to do with that and uh we love you guys what starts meeting you you're so cute okay and you're so well behaved and you're so scared and my daughter she um she really likes all she was nice she was working my daddy's feet your dog [Music] all she was saying the entire time i didn't even i couldn't get on camera enough that she just wants to go home she just kept saying i want to go home i want to go home i want to see my dogs i want to i want to write a pony i want to go to the park um she's she's four years old she doesn't want to be at a hospital she wants to be home and that's that's the saddest thing is i'm just i'm i'm imagining my kid i'm imagining my any of my kids in that hospital saying i want to go home mom why can't i go home they don't understand why they can't go home and it's not right it's not right so so cole told me that he found a family in miami whose little girl had cancer and he was gonna go visit them and pray over them and at the same time he was going to go visit delphi's family he lived in new jersey and i wanted to go so badly with him and um but at the same time i thought how important of an opportunity would this be for our daughter everly who's eight to go with him um first of all to just be humbled by just your overall health like i don't think that we realize how blessed we are just by being healthy um and for everly to learn that and also just to get some daddy time with cole and just to have this like learning experience just to pray over families and pray over healing and i just thought this was really important for everybody to go do with her dad and so i sent them two together to go do this i stayed back home with the babies um and it just would have been a lot to take off to take both of the babies with using her inside keep my braces yes she said you're gonna have so much fun with daddy because you'll get snacks come on i love you hey be a good girl for mommy okay bigger girl for mommy oh he's not crying crying now she's so sad because she's gonna miss mommy she's gonna miss you guys so much yeah we can draw yeah well i want to drop okay i love you love you bye guys love you guys bye we will everyone's doing better now be happy yeah you better [Music] camila is a three-year-old girl she's battling neuroblastoma this is the exact same cancer that cali also has we're currently in the los angeles airport getting ready to catch a red-eye flight to miami where we will meet with camila and her family in the morning so even though she lived in miami i feel like that that's god's heart like you don't always just go for the easy person right down the street if god's calling you to go and pray over and share someone's story who's on the other side of the country um we didn't want to withhold from that so we're like let's go to miami you know 10 30. flight leaves at 11 10. so we'll probably start boarding like 10 minutes straight to miami it's night time we're gonna wake up in miami and uh go meet camila for the first time you ready and it's camila's birthday in one week one week from today so she's turning four so it makes it extra special a little extra leg room if you can't tell you did yeah this is like i think we got like an extra two inches i can actually unhinge my knees we're not even in my aim yet and i'm already sweating it's gonna get hot there you ready yeah should we get our neck pillows ready you guys got coco crispies just tell me whenever you want the crispies all right we got on our flight to miami um we're about to take a red eye it is almost eleven o'clock and we have a red-eye flying uh overnight and i think we get in at 7 30. for the time change we have like a five and a half hour flight so fingers crossed we can sleep for like three or four hours at least but we'll be tired in the morning but we are so stoked and excited to meet camila prior to this past february i had no idea what the word neuroblastoma even was i mean if you told me any cancer other than like brain cancer or leukemia i probably won't be too familiar with it and now just a few months later i feel like so educated and specifically neuroblastoma pediatric cancer and i feel like that's because the passion that's there and i'm not trying to guilt trip anybody because we're in the exact same boat i mean there's little kids all around the world right down the street from you like me dying of diseases just like this every single day that i just feel like there has to be something that can be done you know and whenever i think about this documentary what we're trying to make i don't really even know what exactly i'm trying to do i decided we have to do something i got a big scale like please i hope that somebody can see this and increase that budget so the medicines get better back in the mid 1950s childhood leukemia had less than a 10 survival rate and now because medicine has increased that has over a 90 percent survival rate so i mean those statistics are amazing there's still so many childhood cancers that's such a small survival rate and but neuroblastoma is so common in kids five and under it's one of the more common diseases and we're hoping for better medicines and hopefully one day a cure please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the seatbelt sign is turned off and keep the aisles clear of all carry-on items take a moment to check your seat back pocket for any personal items [Music] this used to be one of everybody's biggest feeders it still kind of is maybe as of like a week ago she got over that but oh that's just escalators in general just escalators yeah [Music] camila's mom sent me this video yesterday of camila just saying hey [Music] she's so cute hi camila we're so excited to see you today write a message to her you try see if it's um it's pretty easy you just go through [Music] on her uh kidman he's a saint jude st thing where you can create a message for a saint jude kid and i want them to tell their story so i don't want to like game plan it too much and i want it to be all god i want i want god to move i want the spirit to move and so i also don't want to go in with no plan but it's also such a sensitive um subject and topic you know but what i've learned after having conversations with these families at least over texts and dms whatever it is is that most are so eager this is pretty common you know i mean for them especially in their world i like like they're connected to so many other cancer kids and families i know camille is connected to so many other kids just right here in miami um we could have made this whole video right here in miami and we we could have made a 10-part series with how many kids there are just here in miami you know [Laughter] [Music] my mind goes blank on issues that are more serious than this a sick kid why i can't even begin to fathom the weight that these parents must feel every second of every day that is why it is so essential to us that as people of faith we prayed over and lay hands on these kids and these families believing in faith and asking the ultimate healer that at the end of the day to do what only he can do we're thankful for doctors and we're thankful for medicine and medical advancements through the years but we aren't flying across the country just to bring these kids good vibes we come knowing that the same god who brought sarah's womb back to alive to have isaac who opened blind eyes who called the lame to walk who healed the leper who made the sun stand still who created everything we see and fills our lungs with every breath who rose jesus from the dead defeating sin can surely change the course of a disease today we aren't just praying to momentarily make these families feel better like putting a band-aid on an open wound but we pray pleading to god as something miraculous and something divine would happen i don't know why bad things happen and why kids get sick but this message of faith and hope in jesus is why we came we were close yeah we're in your back end hi camilo nice to meet you how are you i like your bow is it cool if we come over for a little bit like i want to play with the little girl yeah definitely say hi she's a lot of fun she's good [Music] for today the surprise for today baby we heard that you're turning four years old is that true that's still awesome can we open this right now because emily loves playing with barbies her tumor was right next to her kidney so when they touched they felt something so they request an ultrasound and they found a mass that's what they call it a mass and they didn't know if it was cancer it was just a mass that was there in two days as she was in there she just started chemo they told us it was stage four the cancer already was in stage four so that means it went from the side of her kidney to her bone marrow so it spread mine started with just a little bump that you see and you might think oh she hurt herself but that's that neuroblastoma and um it was just so fast we went from oh she has a fever get tylenol we got this yeah you know so oh my god what's going on with her she's on life support and this and that and what are we supposed to do well nothing just sit back pray and watch and that's the worst one yeah i just pray that they're doing their best it takes over everything real quick wow in the beginning she used to ask us why why why are you doing this to me and diet those words is like your three-year-old daughter asking you and you can't explain to her why we have to do this but later on we started explaining to her and she knows why she goes to the hospital she knows why she got to put the needles in her arm she knows why she knows how to do all that i'm sure she doesn't understand what cancer is yeah but she knows she had she tells you i have cancer yeah the name of my hospital is sometimes we just look at her and it's like white hair yeah you know it's just this happens to other people you think not to us but she was so healthy she was just we don't know what happened i kept asking the doctor what did i do wrong you know like and he told me there was nothing you could do so all right to avoid this yeah nothing it was just it's like the lottery you know it's just she was picked and that's it childhood cancer only four percent of cancer research budget yep yeah only four percent there are futures yeah four percent is just we're hoping that somehow somebody will see it who can do something and it's like this is wrong 44 is wrong i pray that you get peace over her mom or her dad or her whole family i pray that you just heal her god god would you heal her [Music] i loved seeing camila and i it was really fun talking to her she kept on talking to me and saying um do you want to play with me and it was really fun she it was really really cute all right hey bye it was a very nice meeting you likewise thank you so much for letting us into your home um we really appreciate it thank you say bye thank you for coming yeah thank you so much for coming down yeah thank you guys so much i want to give you guys this as well before we head out this is a check for ten thousand dollars because i know that it's not easy with the financial burden of having a sick kid so just for you guys thank you so much um just write your name on it because i didn't know who to make it out to you you guys yeah a great day thank you so much thank you so much thank you we really appreciate it we have little bracelets we will be wearing these on our flight big bracelets awesome thank you welcome to the cameraman yeah thanks there's another one just man do these races have your name on it camilo pray for camilla right [Music] all of us are everybody is yes about a week ago as i'm going through this and trying to find answers and praying and dealing with my anxiety and trying to you know get answers from posey this uh instagram account comes onto my home feed and i click on it and um i feel like it's assigned to some extent and the instagram account is called positively penelope penelope is a two-year-old girl supposedly's age who um did get diagnosed with cancer she has stage four high risk neuroblastoma so i asked his mom like is it okay if we share your daughter's story not not anything for our game whatsoever and i hope that you guys know that and see that simply for they're trying to help raise awareness um help help receive prayers i mean a large reason that we even made the video about my battle with anxiety was just out of fear of posey potentially being diagnosed with cancer that fear just rattled us but mainly me another large reason was there in the research process of looking into all the stuff for posey we came across a little morning penelope it was two years old like posing but did get diagnosed with cancer in the summer of 2020 penelope got diagnosed with stage four neuroblastoma and so back in february months before we even knew who camila and callie was months before their stories even changed our lives penelope's story changed our life and penelope's story inspired this entire documentary i truly don't think that we'd be making this documentary without penelope's story yeah and um so back in february we just knew that we had to help her we didn't know how we see that we had to help her and one of the ways we felt called to help her was to fly out and pray over her so that that's what we planned on doing we actually booked flights and we were playing to fly out and pray for healing and a divine miracle to happen [Music] [Music] so i don't really know what i'm gonna do with this [Music] um [Music] as a lot of you guys know we followed uh this girl named penelope and we tried to raise some money and awareness and uh i was actually supposed to um fly out and meet her and pray over her and just believe for a miracle but she passed she ended up passing a few days before i was even able to fly out and uh that wrecked me that wrecked me really bad i haven't been the same since i've been coming across these kids and after penelope it was just kid after kid after kid after kid after kid after kenner for kids ever since i went down the rabbit hole per se of just finding these kids with cancer i just find myself watching their stories and just breaking down all the time like i just like i said i just see my kid and uh for the longest time i could just look away i could watch a kid dying of cancer and i could watch it see them with bald hair know they're dying and then look away and be able to go and enjoy my day and i just can't do that i can't look away anymore so uh [Music] i've been thinking i've been praying i've been talking with people and just what we can do how we can help because i know that we can't help everybody but if we can help some people then that's not what we're gonna try and do so i have no idea where this is gonna go but i've been in contact with uh uh camilla's family so uh that's she lives in miami penelope lived in new jersey and we're gonna we're gonna do something so i don't know why poor again we're gonna do something [Music] [Music] made to new jersey thank you [Music] we're going to pick up dinner right now to bring over to uh penelope's parents place we asked what their favorite dinner was they said olive gardens were picking up a ball garden gonna go meet with them have dinner so even with penelope being gone um i want to do it it just felt right to include her parents in this and even though she's been in heaven for a few months um her parents haven't touched any of the stuff at her house all of her toys all the stuff they said it's exactly where penelope left it so we're going to see that right now going to have dinner with them just have a conversation and then we'll stay the night and then tomorrow morning we're actually gonna drive two and a half hours to um where they bury penelope [Music] [Music] when going into conversations like this it's really impossible to anticipate what to expect i'm not a professional i don't have these conversations regularly with people and i just wanted them to be able to tell their story but asking certain questions like this can be so difficult and we just have no idea what they're going to say or how we're going to respond so thank you it just makes it all that much that much more difficult like not in like a battle i'm not bashing them at all because honestly she had a a two-year appointment for like her pediatrician's like yearly checkup like four days before we actually got diagnosed and you know they had to press on their stomach and stuff and he felt nothing weird he's like she looks good she had a bruised eye though for like a month but he's like no toddlers are toddlers yeah that's it i was like you're right like i like he doesn't know he's not an oncologist we wouldn't know um so when it was cancer and we really called them on the twins like hey garage looks more swollen um the doctor's office is about to close so they're like you can bring her to the er if you want to but you know kovid's like really heavy right now so you shouldn't like yeah you should wait on it and they kind of gave us the option they were like you know if you want to go in you can we we're not going to tell you not to do it but that's your call we're the protrusions all due to tumors in the cancer or any of the medication or alcohol that those are all tumors in the cancer itself leading up to penelope's death were you guys expecting it and as it happened um just i'm not gonna say like what did it feel like because i i can only imagine the worst magical pain in the world but how would you explain the moments leading up to in the moment shortly after well leading up to it i guess we didn't really expect it that moment like we knew it was coming eventually but we just never knew that like for the days before we knew it was gonna happen soon because she had signs of her actively going and she had all the signs of even the hospice nurse was like you know she's in that stage the night before she actually like was awake like she's been sleeping for the last like week before like just sleeping like she wouldn't wake up um she was just tired because the morphine and all other things and um the last night she was actually awake and talking to us and like just like telling me to like to sing to her and oh just like really good i was like wow she's actually like really nice like she's doing really well today and then the next day this one it like happened and then the moment it happened was just even crazier because i was wearing pizza she's sleeping on jack and i'm ordering the food and she just made this like weird noise and like that's how we knew like the noise what she made was just like like just like like i mean i can't even explain the way she made it but like judge said i feel like it was like a release of breath i think right yeah but it's almost like a gasp like kind of yeah she was trying to catch her breath or but i think she was letting it out i was like like i don't get like i don't i win noise and then and then she like took another one and but all i remember is she's trying to sing like cassandra and i looked at him and we looked at penny and [Music] and she took like two deck like random breaths like i guess the release of the really friendly she was like i was like yeah it was almost like hope for a second like wait she breathing again but then it was it was it was just yeah i know she could hear us but like we just told her like you don't have to hold on for us anymore like we're okay [Music] we're gonna be fine and that she's gonna be with all her um family up there with early customers and uh duncan nice coffee like today i actually cried because i seen her i was going through a box of stuff and i found this this was during because she loved being in the hospital they actually made her a badge like a nurse and this was like her own little nars badge and i found it in a random box and i i like just started crying like it really hurt camilla had this exact same um and so does my two-year-old oh yeah that's my favorite that's like they all love it i'm telling you posey could be outside playing with that and you guys actually have all the all the flavors yeah yeah i was telling you i'm missing a few things up there yeah is missing if it's okay with you guys because we won't be back in your home um i i don't know what level of faith you guys have i'd love to just pray over your home if that's okay dear god we know that you are in heaven right now with penny looking down on us lord in this moment in this house and lord we just we love you and we thank you even whenever we don't understand why things happen lord we know that you work all things for the good of those who love you lord i pray that you just give penny's parents right here just the clarity and the peace to go through life that you fill them with your love and that um god we're so expectant and so excited to to meet you one day and uh um and to see penny again god we love you we thank you everything you've done amen [Music] the next morning we drove two hours from penelope's family's house in newark new jersey to penelope's gravesite yeah lincoln tunnel two miles [Music] sorry guys no you're all good please don't apologize [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it was really sad i never been in a cemetery before and seeing all the gravesites are it was really sad know you guys specifically chose this spot for a reason and i'm curious as to what that reason is we wanted something less industrialized something natural that she could just you know go back to the earth you know the way we would intend it just to just naturally go back and re-nourish the world around her and give life to flowers and plants trees [Music] [Music] we always bring penelope like usually the tail end of my duncan um because she would always share donuts coffee with me yeah um so she was it was our favorite thing to drink literally over anything it didn't matter what it was so much [Music] [Music] [Music] i love you i love you [Music] penny penny i love you i love you that's not mama not the mama not the mama i love you i love you
Channel: The LaBrant Fam
Views: 4,380,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cole and sav, the labrant fam, labrant fam, the labrant family, the labrant fam youtube, youtube the labrant fam, youtube sav and cole, cole sav and everleigh, everleigh, cole labrant, sav and cole labrant, savannah soutas, vlogs, family friendly, family vlogs, cancer, diagnosed, hospital, documentary, sick
Id: 5mV7r75sil8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 57sec (2577 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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