She didn't know she could sing

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That's a whole lotta camera angles for an impromptu performance.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/DutchRudderYourDad 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2023 🗫︎ replies

Goddamn clickbait bullshit title.

She knew she could sing.

"Lemme just sit down here at a computer with Visual Studio installed..."

30 minutes later:

"Seems I just programmed a somewhat simplified framework of an entity-component system. Damn, I didn't know I could program!"

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/SomeBodybuilder7910 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2023 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/goldsounds94 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2023 🗫︎ replies

Lol... Oh she just didn't know.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/EvlSteveDave 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2023 🗫︎ replies
ah later thank you i don't want to embarrass myself well it's it's all about it's all about having fun and expressing yourself well okay who's your favorite singer i have too many people you have a playlist on your phone this is scary it's nerve-racking i play the guitar so i'm not super good at it part of you know part of what makes this transformative is you know it's outside your comfort zone and once you do this you'll be forever changed that is very true you just want a good playlist okay great there's so many like scary things on there oh nice i love scary so so you also like adele yes i do like adele i was just about to say that too didn't that song easy on me i don't know the whole i don't know all the words okay well i have words here if that's the only problem i have words here it's also the melody at certain parts okay okay okay okay all right i'm gonna do any other radio songs yes i'm gonna look at the ones you have on here and then we'll see if we can find something okay we could do set fire to the rain um hello i wanna know we get to set fire to the rain it's fine i think that's a great song yeah it's a comfort comfortable one for me cool cool so what's your name kira uh kiara very nice to meet you kia ora what's your name my name is reggie reggie yeah yeah okay it set fire to the rain because it's because you are about to break a barrier that's one i don't like berries like where i'm at my box is comfy and pink you usually like breaking barriers only after you've done it yeah okay let me see here okay i'm doing the original key okay [Music] okay cool you see this great that's what you are okay one more time [Music] and as it fell you rose to claim it it was dark and i was over until you kissed my lips and you saved me my hands they were strong but my knees were far too easy [Music] sometimes i i can't help myself screaming not your name your name cause i is it was the last time let it burn [Music] hey awesome all right all right hey very good job very good job hey i have a question for you huh um so another you sung how do you feel terrible terrible yeah okay well i'll tell you this practice okay well i tell you to tell you this it took a lot for you to get out of your comfort zone and do that i'm really proud of you yeah and all and everyone here loved it so yeah yeah so uh good job good job no problem [Music] hey hey what's up good how are you welcome awesome yeah yeah would you like to sing a song i would love to sing a song i have no idea what song it is hmm we could we could find something i had a list here i'm a uh i have kind of an alto thing going i'm not she's got like i'm like yeah and i don't sing by the way oh [Music] carla very nice to meet you what is your name reggie reggie yeah nice to meet you nice to meet you too i was also telling your video person i'm a hypnotherapist and energy healer oh cool and i just did an energy healing with somebody who uh wanted me to work with her voice and her throat so it's funny that i'm now walking down the street about the thing that's right and i don't really normally sing so i mean you know in the shower well i just noticed how much it heals and inspires and that's what i want to do i love it i love it well thank you for being you and for coming out here and yeah creating all of that no problem i'm i'm i'm here for you so whatever song you find that you like that's the one we'll do okay i'm gonna ask my body to show me what song to pick [Music] i think i would like to do pharrell freedom freedom i haven't heard that i haven't heard that one but i'll listen to it i'll figure it out for you yeah yeah it'll take me a minute or two do you know what i'm talking about never heard it before okay but that's not that's not uncommon on this show people give me songs that i haven't heard before and then i will listen to it and then i'll try to play it my husband would be like what took you so long to get home oh i was on the street corner singing [Music] all right okay okay and i just go like this one yeah hold on to me don't let me go who cares what they see who cares what they know [Music] freedom freedom freedom freedom [Music] first name is free [Music] last name is dumb we choose to believe in where we're from freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom great job awesome awesome yeah hey i think that's a great song hey thank you thank you and you're and you're living it yes it's true yeah i was like i don't know i can't see lyrics i'm just gonna go for it there you go hey it's a great song and you're living it so there you go and so are you and thank you so much i appreciate it and you're up oh um yeah you want to find me or something guitaro 5000 okay yeah thank you so much i really appreciate it no problem oh shoot that's not possible i forgot your name oh reggie reggie i was like yeah thank you so much i appreciate it thank you thank you all right you too me too thank you [Music]
Channel: Sing With me - EXTRA
Views: 7,913,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oHrISgcMcOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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