Shay's Spiritual Insights -- June 1, 2023

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well welcome everyone to Shay's personal insights we're so glad you're here and gosh what a day this is it's a sunny day here in um Eureka for the most part um the only opening things I have to say uh right up front was that I become aware of that within our soul group we have a number of and we've had this happen before and it's happening again I'm seeing it a number of different Hazard or kind of spawning I want to use the word spawning being created and you know they they deal with different parts of of um of society some spiritual activity some you know the the different types of things happening but I'm seeing about four or five of them happening they're just beginning to form and congeal you could say crystallize so that's something I become aware of just in the last day or two and it's always interesting to see what that's going to look like later so anyway I don't have much else to share I just always want to hear what you all have you know that's the whole life thing is is for everyone to come in and just share what's happening in your life we can ask each other questions it's wonderful so welcome Franny and Brooke as well all right so I guess we'll start with I'm gonna do it reverse I'm going to start with Marcy I go on the bottom of my screen not that you know that but that's where you showed up on the thing here so Marcy what do you have to share why do you have any questions any thoughts anything at all for any of us well look I've got um you know how we get we hear like do pressure you know how that changes and you know people have said oh that's downloads or upgrades you know something like that going on in the universe is that what you think that is too or is that how it is [Music] Mother Earth in the universe it's kind of the same thing they're together communicating to you yes okay for years and years and it's been a lot more frequent lately and then just um like the beginning of the week it came um it came in my right ear and it was super different it was real loud and real deep yeah and and it really caught my attention you know I mean I always stop when it happens to see what's going on and most of the time I don't get I don't get like information or anything like that I just I'm assuming something's going on but this time um so it did the really deep sound really loud and like the next day I was just laying on the couch kind of not really meditating but you know just just in the Stillness and um toning came out of me like I had no clue I I was minding my own business I wasn't thinking I wasn't nothing and it just came out and um yeah it was really interesting because you know usually if you're like if you're focused on something you can see where thoughts will arise you can you can kind of notice that they're coming out or bubbling out this was like totally blank slate and it came out no you know no pre-cognition of it at all um and it kind of went through like a series of notes and then afterwards it just kind of crossed my mind that said something like Siri and lullaby and it was like what and I don't know if that was just the mind trying to make sense of it or not but it was just real unusual I don't know if you have anything to say about it what you're picking up about it I think you're still processing some of it I mean some of it came through immediately and I've seen that kind of thing happen before with people where things just came out but usually there's more to it in the future and um I know with me there almost always says I always wait a few days to see what starts you say bubbling up that's a good way of putting it and I've seen what bubbles up and comes into my Consciousness and comes into my life you know what what all sudden the things that start showing up in our lives manifestations of the energies that come from that so I think you're going to be seeing some more and it might be subtle too okay yeah yeah it was kind of fun it was um like I said it was different it was just like out of nowhere but it almost felt like um this almost felt like what channeling would be or something it's like what is this yeah and I what came to mind when you were talking about this is my friend Kay we've talked about her before um she was definitely a vehicle of of the universe the Divine whoever was the appropriate you know Source at that moment for the person and all of a sudden sometimes she would say something out of the blue we'd be talking about you know whatever we'll be talking about you know cooking or something and the next thing you know she'll say something totally out of the blue or you know it could be a chant it could be almost anything and when that happened that was just coming through and you know spontaneously as you say so I'm not surprised that it happened to you but I I do know there's more to it than what you've experienced so that's great I mean that's wonderful okay yeah that'll be fun yeah let us know yeah next time if you you know whatever if it comes to you please note it down so that you know the next time we can we can all share in it be good be cool yeah all right that's that's like that's all that comes to me at the moment I go kind of blank when we get on here sometimes so yeah and there may be or maybe that's all I've got at the moment yeah that's that was kind of what happens to me all of a sudden it comes through and then all of a sudden nothing I was like okay we're done you know so but I think it's going to be wonderful because I I'm kind of I'm seeing that it came through and I'm seeing that there's more but it's more at the I'm going to call it the not the subconscious level but the non-conscious level and I really am curious to see how this is going to manifest for you yeah okay Jessica boy have no number of people showing up you have Aaron and Lisa as well as Jessica so hello and you know what I'm doing reverse order on my screen not that anyone knows what order things are on my screen but so you're up next do you have anything to share anything any thoughts any questions anything can be for me or for anyone anyone here um well I have a question um about my cat again um so I don't know I always get weird things about my cats anyways um so it's the same cat we've been having like these medical issues like for like nine months and like just one thing after the other and like over the weekend he got really sick and was throwing up and almost I think he was like on the death bed almost and then he snapped out of it but now there's a question of like did the cat that was in the body um actually die and leave and what else might be running the body or I'm not really sure do you get anything on that well let me process that for a little bit and I'm gonna put that out to the group does anyone have anything I do get that energetically still the same Kitty but there has been some energetic things happening with it and part of it and I think that we talked about this before it's connected with you and that's not uncommon for pets to be because of our relationship to them when we have things happening with us things are happening um that happened with them even when we're not consciously aware of it so does anyone have anyone anything to share on that uh from the group I'm I'm getting that as an allergy involved um okay like a food allergy or something else it might be chemicals in the house in Furniture I I don't know I just I feel allergy feet and it could be yeah all right and then someone something we've kind of looked at but it seems like there's something more because like nothing really helps it look I've tried all kinds of different things and changed out food and this and that but I don't like if it's furniture or something I don't know how I would tell what thing it was Jessica this is Pat I'll share what happened with our cat who's an older cat okay he's uh he's not an indoor cat although he'd like to be but he started like pulling the hair out a lot and I thought that and I looked at his ears because ever since he's been a baby he's had kind of a lot of brown stuff in there I thought oh he's got ear mites anyway he needs a shot because he hasn't had shots in several years so we took him to the vet and the vet said has anything interfered in his life lately or changed or like an intruder come over and hassled him and we said well he used to have that some years ago but we haven't really had Intruders at all in the past year and nothing new happening and then he examined him and he said he did not have ear mites and he said you know what he said I have other dogs and cats that have what I'm going to call a neurosis and this is an older very experienced vet we looked at each other John and I said what he said yes he said I'd like you to try these um these uh this medication for him which he he had the gal when I said okay she cut these little tiny pills into fours and I had to do we had to do it in a certain way for um about a week and then it's just once a week after that and you know what he totally totally changed it is the weirdest thing he follows us around outside like a dog now yeah so it's just something to explore maybe and see what what you come up with um you know yeah funny so I was I was trying to test him the other day and something came up about neurological issues but I can't find a vet around here that would know anything so maybe I need to connect with you and get some information be happy to I'm I'm up in the Eureka area so yeah I and uh you could certainly bring him up to the to the vet here that we took ours to um it's probably a ways for you to go but it might be worth it the pills themselves are only like 19 and they've already lasted three and a half months I think and I've got a few left so it was worth the trial and error of this experienced that where a younger vet may have who knows you know how they are so sell you that and see right awesome thank you sure I'm glad you brought that up Pat because what I got earlier and we I think we talked about it before but you're we would get very connected with our pets I mean I think that just happens with everyone we are very much they're they're connected to us and we're connected to them energetically and because of some of the energetic things happening with you it has affected the kitty cat um and when you said Neurosis I would say it's like an energetic stimulation causing physical manifestations so I it's kind of along that lines um but what you're talking about Pat very well could help okay so you're saying I'm neurotic no no no that's not what I mean the energy is um because we have a lot of energies coming through us and sometimes are very sensitive to them you know especially the higher energies and you're going through some transformational processes in your life right now that have been for a while and it's been an ongoing thing um and your cat is definitely sensitive to it now if others have more to share on that I'd like that but Neurosis is kind of almost like over stimulation kind of a thing and that's what that's where I was going with the whole thing it's like yeah I I think what what Pat said and that that seemed to um what that pill did what it helped her her cat be able to handle I don't know just be calmer I don't know what the what happened but it just looks like everything smoothed out a bit for your your cat Pat and I think it could help Jessica too Jessica this is Paula um I was actually hearing and and this is strange words but that you're overthinking it that it really does boil down to the energetics and the changes you're going through and it really is your cat mirror mirroring it back to you as best they can and I found in my own time that if we sit with our animals and just say this is I'm going through some stuff by making my changes please don't take it on um give them the opportunity to not take in that energetic as you're doing the work on yourself they they seem to take it on as I love out of love for us which isn't always in their best interest right but they Overlook their own best interest because they're there for us so you might just have that conversation and just say thank you but you know you don't have to take this on for me just sit with me and send your love to me I'm good okay did that make any sense oh yeah yeah okay definitely thank you yeah thank you Paula that's awesome it's always interesting to get the different perspectives because everyone gets things in their own way and you know when we hear multiple inputs we can create a get an input I call it a mosaic where all of a sudden it's always helpful for me at least when I get different points of view from different people all of a sudden I think oh there it is the intersection of that makes sense to me and I okay now it makes sense so I hope that's helpful and Polished again thank you and Pat and yeah thank you for sharing Jessica because that's important to do well I appreciate all your help because it makes me crazy he's been to the vet so many times yeah and in in traditional vets as Pat said you know what's the best fit to have are the ones who have that that innate sense I call it the spiritual or at least the intuitive sense to things and they can give they often have non-traditional remedies that work really well and and right find one boy I blessings to you I hope you can find one yeah well I guess I'll have to manifest one to me well I'm sure the universe is going to do that help you do that we just have to be ready to find sometimes the unexpected um awesome individual anyway thank you thank you so much all right and now I'm gonna move on to Franny do you have anything to share to ask or both or to anyone myself anyone in the group you there Franny um um could could I pass for right now I'm still kind of dropping into the session so I feel like I'm not fully here yet okay that's fine well then let's move on the screens have moved around so I guess Paula is next um how are you Paula anything to share to ask talk about anything at all well thank you so much and it's always so lovely to have everybody here thank you so I've got a couple a couple things tonight um the last couple days I have just been energetically out of sorts and I I don't want to hope that it's everybody else is going through it because I wouldn't wish that on anybody but just energetically kind of in the dumps and that's a little bit different for me but a couple times in the last two days I've heard myself my high self say to me why are you fighting this work that you're doing on yourself um and I say fighting because it's like I'm not really sitting down and really immersing myself in it and I'm wondering if the two are connected well yes and it ties to I you were there from the beginning there I talked about what I just became aware of in the last few days I'll say the last few days probably longer than that but let's just say that of this of you know because the spawning of these different paths for the soul group you know all these different facets of things happening that are all part of the energetics of of the times we're in and the evolution of of this wonderful time and of course all of us when we plan our lives and I have a point here and I'm going to make it here pretty quick we dovetail our life path into the soul group because we have the energy of the soul group of those of that massive amounts of of collective energies happening moving things forward and unfoldment and we can use those in our own tap and do it in our own lives to bring forth the fruition of the things that we choose that we are looking to do in this lifetime and what I'm seeing right now is that this is we are really in um continued not still in it's not like it's new but it continued but the next iteration of of unfoldment and I'm really sensing it the same thing that you're talking about I'm feeling it as well I've talked to a number of other people Beyond this group who are having the same experience and it has to do with the acceleration is bringing in the new and it's also as we've always talk about as as the higher energies come in at accelerated rate it causes the stuff to come up it accelerated and what your high self told you was accurate and it's just you it's going to happen you could say fighting it but you're just you need more time to process it and it can be a sorrowful thing because that's our low self seeing loss loss it's seeing it from the child's point of view or the low self point of view of of losing things um because that's it's you know that's the level that it operates at um being unaware of the new coming in but as it integrates then it becomes aware of it so you're kind of in this lag period right now of the new coming in and the involvement happening and you're going to be processing through some of it and just know that whatever the things that are coming up are what was that's from your past and those are the energies and the emotions and the and the feelings of the past and just bless them and send them on their way as best you can um and it's not going to be very it won't be I know it doesn't look like it's going to be lasting that much longer for you another couple weeks and I think it's going to lighten up you know get a few ups and downs in between time but I think you're going to see start seeing the you know the clouds break and the sun shining in again and you'll feel more connected again but that's what you're it looks like that's what you're going through your your high self had it very accurate and if anyone else wants to share please do before anyone says anything I'll just say thank you even just that verbiage that you used I felt the lightning of it when you said not to um about letting the past go and it's okay and not to hold on to it and stuff I actually felt that lightness come in and some of it lift a little bit so um but if anybody else has some insights obviously I would love to hear them um and thank you again for this wonderful group that we get to do this in I know what a joy it is for all of us to be together I could just feel that Radiance coming through from all of you so does anyone have anything that they wish to share on that for for Paula foreign there's a lot of stuff I think that we're feeling that's not actually like ours personally and it's and we feel it so intensely we think it is but a lot of what's coming through that I'm feeling when I'll check in to see It'll be like Collective Collective Collective and it's it's just ongoing like that it's like not to take any of it personal thanks Marcy um and as Jeff was saying that that my high self did say to me that remember there's a lot of the collective letting go right now and that energy even though we're on that really high for the new the great newness that we've all get to experience there is still that lower side of it where there's so many people who are just transitioning out and thanks Marcy because that's I am picking up on some of that I appreciate that and I'm glad you brought that up both Marcy and Paula because we talked about it some time ago if someone asked about it maybe it was Pat cat Pat is often the source of many interesting uh things that is in their inner talks as we all are you know just every time we talk with someone but a lot of times what happens is where each Channel's in light workers and we're anchoring things but also what happens because we are the light workers and we're connected to this higher energy that's coming in some of the collective it is for us individually it gets drawn to us as you you feel it because it's coming to you to be dissolved we are the vehicle of the light to help dissolve it as well and that's um we haven't talked I don't think we've talked about that in a while but I'm glad it came up because that's that's certainly true of all of us and and for you Paula as well and and Marcy I think you're absolutely right that Rings thank you everyone yeah anything more Paula before we move on nope I'm good thanks I'll just excited to hear everybody else I know it is all right well speaking of which let's move on Aaron do you have anything to share to ask of the group myself anything we'd love to hear from you um I can't really think of a specific question but I'm open I'm I guess I'm still in that um phase of finding a job so I'm just open to any insights or like hey am I on the right track is everything going fine I just you could keep going kind of along that lines well I can share one thing that came through last time we talked and it didn't hit me right away it needed some time for me the process of being kind of contemplate it and that is is that you're doing some inner work before you move on to the next job and it's probably not probably some of it's conscious you're aware of it you know the insights you'll have and I'm sure you're you know what they are but you've got some non-conscious stuff that's being processed that needs to be done kind of let go of dissolved bring in the new connections before you move it find the next thing because that's the next thing is tied to these some of these new energies coming in and you are to continue looking and it's not like to stop looking but that's the process you're in and I don't know how long it's going to be there's part of you that wants to go you know that needs or wants or desires to be working right away and there's another part of you I'm going to kind of generalize here because it's it's too hard to describe it in detail terms that wants to kind of wait and likes this this time of in in in the silence and the meditation if you will of life so that's a little give that's the yin and yang kind of happening there a little bit with you but that's the process that's happening and if you truly within yourself decide do you want to do it something will manifest sooner um and you can do that although your your guides and and I'm gonna I think it's an aspect of your high self is kind of hoping I don't know something in between where you can let it process a little further before you move into new one because as you these new energies that are coming in are really going to serve you well and what's beginning to congeal and crystallize for you it hasn't shown up yet it's still coming in um and it's there for you and again they they being your guys and your high self really do want you to and your angels want you to continue to con look that active process of looking but that's the process you're in right now and I don't think outside of Justice saying and you can do this you can jump in and say I want it sooner um but outside of that the natural process it's going to take I don't know what a little while is a few weeks but something it looks like it's coming for you and if the as the energies get processed as they're in you'll be ready for it and ready to recognize it does that make sense being recognize and accept it whatever the word is but there's something along that lines yeah does anyone else have anything to share for a friend so Aaron when you said that this is Paula um I just saw blessings like peeking around a corner just like oh we're you know it's not far off we're here soon and just I heard them say just let her know that we're here and it's gonna all be good so the blessings are excited to get here they're just on a timeline a little different than what we would expect okay that's awesome thank you Paul and boy and my heart kind of rang I I don't know if kind of a little bit of a joyousness when you said that so I'm thank you because I think that's true and of course we have free will but I'm not seeing that you're really trying to block anything Aaron I just feel like you're processing and that it may feel like I I'm with Paula sometimes my left brain thinks it should have happened yesterday and of course my guides today but listen you know give it the time it needs and it's like sure okay tomorrow you know so I know we all know how it is so thank you thank you Paul and thank you for asking Aaron sharing I'll add something if you don't mind Aaron recall recall some of the stuff that I said last month and I'm thinking about that again but then I'm thinking at least in my life when I was at your point in time and I can go back three times back in 1981 when I didn't work all summer than to 2016 to 17 when I was leaving Electric City to come down here and then um there was there's one other time I guess it was around 94. and I didn't work for about five months and each one of those times if I could keep as I said last time keep the fear out knowing there's a reason I had a lot of growth but the challenging part was I also had a lot of Life Changes I left Alaska I left Washington they were major things that were kind of adjustments or Corrections in my life and so as we keep that open that you might have big changes in come up just be open to what's out there and we'll see what happens thank you go ahead Aaron go ahead I'm I feel like things are just popping up like little work projects or temp work and all that so it's not like I'm not working it's not like I actually got a job offer at the one of the temp jobs but it's not work that I want to be doing and it's outside in 100 degree weather so but I'm having fun at that job it's just not long term for me I feel like stuff is happening just like oh here's confidence like I do have these certain skills and I'm learning like this is how I can contribute and these are what my skills are so like I don't really have fear at this time because stuff just keeps coming in I'm just not exactly sure like as a career what you know they're not really like career things I don't think so right that's that's a that's important part there's always something that I enjoy doing so and it just kind of fits in and you know it's the right so that's cool yeah well thank you and I like what you said there because it it felt like what you said there being ready and and and that has to do with the things coming in and being ready to and energetically being in the emotional body mental body and spirit just all the different parts of us being ready to be when the opportunity comes to to be able to to say oh hey I should do that where we wouldn't do it if we weren't ready you know we weren't ready yet things hadn't happened so anyway thank you Brooke and I'm glad things are still flowing for you Aaron that's good all right well Brooke you're up next anyway so um you're next on the screen here so what do you have to share any thoughts anything at all I was just trying to figure out my new phone and unmute myself for a second um I don't know if I have anything really big or anything like that tonight other than just the last number of meditations I've been doing were like getting re-familiar with the chakras and and working through that process in my meditations then I'm thinking maybe it's time to get a hold of Jeff or Lisa or somebody and do a tune-up and just see how things are get re that's a that's probably the right word get re-tuned up um and and I don't know if you you pick anything up from that comment and I guess on the other side just reaffirming that things are going well and [Music] um I don't know if you have anything else that I'm supposed to be hearing or I from my higher beans that you got in front of you there's it they want me to know something if I'd be open to anything tonight well I do have something from your high self and what you said about a tune-up yes and and you just and you can you know we're available and and I'm getting that and I'm not going to speak for Lisa I don't know what her schedule looks like but she's what the the thing she does absolutely would be wonderful for you either or both um you just let yourself be guided to what you need um it would be helpful soon it doesn't I'm not eminent and your high self is just right now I I call these these and I don't know how you think of it but we do all this energetic work we grow grow and then we have this Plateau it looks like we're not doing anything but in actuality we are integrating and expanding and getting ready for the next thing that we're going to be doing whatever that might be whatever that next unfoldment is and that's where you are right now generally speaking that's as much as he wants me to talk there's some stuff going on but it's stuff it's kind of um if you you know what is it in the military world it's top secret we can't tell you um kind of a thing so it's along that lines but it's really wonderful things that are happening um I would venture to Guess that in your silent moments you could probably if you got you'd start sensing it coming in it's you it's there your awareness is there that you I think you're pretty close to knowing what it is but that's the period you're in right now go ahead well I don't know if I'll say too much because this is being recorded but okay but the idea is always sensing things yeah there's a little bit a lot of things coming up and people making contact or I'm making contact and they'll ask questions about where I'm at or what I'm doing and have I considered this or have I considered that type of stuff and I said well I believe I'm still where I'm supposed to be but yes but it's been coming up so much lately I'm thinking okay I'm being tested then I'm going to make sure and that's where I'm supposed to be um because it's so easy to be distracted and move on to the next big thing but not quite feeling it yet and I and I told somebody that yesterday he says no I still believe I'm where I'm supposed to be and things are still happening and people are affirming that and on a regular basis and so but yeah the the tune-up part has been coming in strong so I think it might be time to do that now I'll talk to you talk to you all about that okay yeah and and it'll happen I think it's gonna it'll it'll be it'll happen when you're you know it'll get scheduled when you're when you're probably the universe is ready for it to happen everything will for for whomever or both or either that'll be fine um both will be either or both will be wonderful for you the universe and the Divine your higher guidance will use that as the vehicle for you and you're moving into the expansiveness of that's that that silent you know the top secret part is what you're moving into and yes you are right where you are to be right now and you and it's going to expand within where you are now um prior to whatever will be coming next the next moving on thing um but I'm not sure when that would be our house I think the next big moving on is I've been getting uh antsy it's time to take a road trip have trailer will travel sure we may be coming up your way uh Lisa because if we do we'll probably come through Electric City or we're thinking through Montana and uh um if that's the case we'll stop and see you all there but it's it's time to get on the road for a few weeks so that sounds awesome it sounds like fun I I like to travel from time to time too so well I think you just I it's just you're really flowing with it and just they just keep doing that just keep doing what you're doing I guess that's what what I'm getting from them that's if I were to just translate it into one sentence just keep doing what you're doing so that's that's it and I've been feeling that though I appreciate that yeah well thank you okay thank you all right I'm going to move on to Lisa Lisa do you have anything to share to ask both myself anyone here hello everybody I missed you guys last month um last month was really intense I was sick um flattened out for a week and then it took me a couple more weeks to kind of get back on my energy and be able to start doing stuff um and today I had a meeting with Douglas about the space clearing and I am hired awesome congratulations yay super excited about that I hope that I think maybe next Friday might be the beginning of it um so uh I had a couple questions so one question was did I get sick and kind of get flattened because a lot of stuff was happening and I needed to just be not doing a lot possibly I have an answer for that because as you were talking and they were keep telling me to share something and I was like why am I sharing this now I know why I'm sharing this as and I'm gonna So my answer is yes and I'll get you as you know what happens like you know in in the in the older tribes when they had a shaman and sometimes the child would get very very sick what that sickness was was that these are huge transformational energies come in manifested in the sickness was the letting go so that the new could come in and they you know usually the shaman would take them on that would become the Protege for the for the for the group and that also happens to us sometimes when it's so much it's not that it has to happen this way but it can you know the sickness um can happen and what happened last month funny you should mentioned it that this um we had the monthly meditation Endeavor let it and that meditation I had so much energy coming through and I think this is part of the soul group stuff I think this ties into all of us if we're ready for it it came in I think this certainly happened to you this the most intense energy I've had highest frequency in 20 years that much my physical body over stimulation nerves I couldn't Deborah tell you she wasn't sure what if I was going to be okay and I said no I and my guide said just make it through it and I want to share that's what's happening with you and it's happening with everyone in here too everyone we're all tied into this because of our connection and being light workers and if you're ready for it whatever you're ready for is going to come through and that certainly yes that happened to you okay that's my long answer to your short question okay yes I started building a fence at the first part of May but and I know I got dehydrated and probably some heat stroke but yeah this this whatever came in and hit me real hard it it didn't want to leave it started coming back even last week yeah and so um yeah it was a really intense month and then I can't remember if it was like a week ago because time is so crazy now um but I wasn't even really asleep I was kind of in that space right before you're falling asleep you're really relaxed yeah and I heard this large loud pop go off inside my head and it just like totally startled me it wasn't like a sound outside but it was literally in my head and I'm wondering what the heck that might have been what do you suppose it is before I answer that I think some kind of energy clearing or moving but I don't know what specifically I've had it happen one other time and that was quite a while ago um but yeah it was a very substantial loud popping sound so what it was and I'm just going to use kind of an analogy for it real short um and this happens to people and it's tied to the energies it came in before because of all the processing that happened now everything needs to integrate and align very quickly and what it is is kind of like you eat the our bodies as you know have these structures that are the connections in between them internally and into the extended being and what sometimes the higher Divine guidance or higher guidance will do is I'm going to call it like almost like a like a like a M80 or something it goes or shway and it takes and it just gently it in in a good way it kind of breaks down all the structures and then unless some uh because they're ready to read reform and it just lets them go and they read in the new Chris crystallize then into the new Dynamic that you're ready for it's just something that allows to happen very quickly and that's what happened to you and it's also partially because of what you're going to be doing next the work that you just yeah the end part that that's a piece of it but it's more than that yeah okay yeah it's awesome I mean this is when that happens that's a very powerful thing Kay and I have talked about it years ago when these kinds of things happen um it's just an instant way to realign everything in a very short period of time and it when it needs to be because all of a sudden all these things need to happen at once and that's how they do it and you're always also it happens because you're ready for it yeah thank you yeah well thank you I'm so excited for you this is absolutely wonderful that you're going to be doing this and it's wonderful for you and for the tribe I'm excited for both of you yeah it was a good conversation today and I walked uh Tony took me on a tour so I walked through the whole space but it's very intense energy there yeah um a lot of different energy Dynamics and then several people were there as well just telling me all the stories of their experiences with spirits and things happening um sounds like most people don't want to be there in the evening at all um because that's a lot of times when stuff happens and Tony said this morning at about 11 my meeting was at one she said she walked towards the the conference where we were going to be speaking and she said the lights turned on automatically and those are not automatic lights there's actually a switch you have to push up and down so she said oh something's going on so yeah and you're gonna get as we talked about before you've got the guy and you are probably I'm not telling anything you don't already know the tribal Elders guides as well as as other higher guidance that you have are going to help you okay yeah and so if I start that process next Friday am I in a am I strong enough now to do it or do I need to put it off one more week I thank you yes you're strong enough now let yourself I don't know who said this I'm not sure if it's your high self or one of your guys or one of someone there but it's just associated with this let yourself gently move in and and you know kind of like stepping into the water getting used to the water until you know what to do let yourself move into it slowly and it will it will accelerate when as you get you know I say connected and knowing with the pro with the energetic processes that are being you're being guided to do it will speed up okay relatively quickly but um you let yourself gently move into it you'll be guided to the amount and that will be best for them and for you okay really best for them too because they they're um if things happen a little too quickly they may not be ready for too quickly right yeah back in I guess in April they had three deaths there so yeah I kind of pushed them to like let's get this let's get this cleared out yeah and and I'm sure you've probably told them it's a process because oh yeah yeah because the beings you know it takes time for some of these things to happen um as and you already know and they just I think they might have some expect some of them have expectations that things may happen um they want them to happen a little more rapidly than maybe they they will unfold it'll just I know you'll tell them what they need to know so yeah thanks and thank you Brooke for helping you can use that too I appreciate it you're working I was wondering if and I was meaning to get in touch with you to see how that was going yeah but yeah there were many times that night I would feel things and I didn't hear or see all some of the stuff that some of the stories they shared with you I'm sure um but I know what's happening here in this office building I'm in now because I'm there at night and I hear things going on in one side of the building and there's banging and clanging and so they're they're there yeah yeah I just feel glad that you're bringing in the light this is oh wow what a blessing wow thanks yeah it's it's really fun to know that and it was a play appreciate it yeah yeah thank you Brooke wow is there anything else Lisa before we move on uh no not not that I can think of thank you oh thank you I am so excited oh wow my heart is jumping for joy that you know this opportunity for you and for them oh wow yeah I'm excited too I just I've got a call yesterday so I didn't you know which is good because I couldn't done anything last month but yeah I just got a call yesterday of like could you come meet us and I was like oh okay so I didn't know I kind of just forgotten about it it's gonna happen or not you know well it happened in its time and it's wonderful excuse me oh all right um next on my screen is Pat anything to share anything at all to ask it to myself anyone uh yes I have something to share first and then I have something to ask so [Music] um I was awakened I don't know whether and it was this week I don't know if it was at night or the morning or what but I remember if you if you visualize something in front of your face it's kind of like a computer and at the top look where the bar is I could not see or remember what that was when I actually woke up underneath it I know there was writing underneath it there were um lines that said something which again I could not make them out so what I was told is that the underneath all those lines are programs from our past lives programs that have been put upon us not that we would have necessarily chosen and I was my understanding is that it is like a computer program and I got that what I was to do is command and demand that they be gone forever and um just now before it was my turn I wrote it down because I I got do it use it and not just once so if you have anything to add to that um would be great or anybody else well the one thing I can just I guess add to what you're already saying in in if you may have read some of the posts that I've had I call this energetic software because it really is it has volition it has programming it has these kinds of things and they're left over and sometimes we get associated with them and we wouldn't necessarily say we directly chose them we allowed ourselves to be Associated at some level of our being and here we are dealing with it so I can uh I concur with you that these energetic stuff once we're aware of it let it go if it's time for if it's not part of who we are or what we're doing absolutely I agree if anyone else has anything to share please do starting to do it and I just have to bring it into my awareness more than one time a day so that it becomes a regular part because that's where we're at with the collective right now so for us it's really important that we do this yes so my uh my um my neck I've I've been um made aware a couple of times code and that it is you know the highest code we are aware of this code we are to keep it in our hearts highest frequency and I'd like to just get your input on that yeah what what what code what maybe a lot Miss some of that what would you say can you repeat please the Jesus Christ code okay it's called the Jesus Christ code and it's the highest frequency there is and it's available to many many of us right now you seem to be resonating with it I mean and I think we find things when we're ready for them that's why we find them you know we you know it's not by accident that we run across it so I think that's absolutely true for you right now it's it's something that um what and keep in mind whatever is the highest right for us now we can move into even higher later because you know the code that's available is a code that we're ready for but you know if you want to call it that and and as we're ready for more higher is available within that spectrum of if you want to call it Jesus Christ code yeah so that's what I have to share anyone else any other thoughts is there anything or that they want me to know more about that or anything that they all say I think what you you're to be doing is to be connecting with it and letting it come through and seeing how it manifesting your awareness and you you know your you know how you know how it is when you connect with something next thing you know things start coming to us ideas we start meeting people events happen that kind of thing see what it does see what's released from your life as well and I think you're going to see some of that as well with it that's what you are to interact with it so that's the extent that I'm getting from the source of that code I'm going to leave it at that thank you I'm sorry if I am I cutting out because everybody's cutting yeah you were a little bit there at one point that's why at least on my end I lost a couple of the words that's why I asked you to repeat yeah that's what's happening when I listen to people too said my internet connection is not stable okay six thank you well thank you for sharing that's interesting I mean I'm I'm excited for you because it's I'm always excited when someone when we run into things you know even if it's not for anyone else if it's something that resonates with us um that's that's what's true for us and and embrace it and bring it in and and let it manifest and unfold that's that's awesome I just I truly believe that's what we should all do is when something resonates with us um it's always nice to talk to someone else but it may not be for someone else it may just be for us um and then later it might be for someone else you never know so anyway that's all I have to share thank you very much Jeff thank you all right last but not least for any anything to share anything to ask or both to myself or the group well so good to be here and thank you for doing this and uh greetings to everybody which is wonderful I had a little bit of trouble settling in and kind of getting into the groove or matching the energy here and I finally have so I'm very grateful to be here um I um yeah I have a question and I think I already know the answer but you might add to the answer that I have um I just paid off my mortgage last week so I don't have the um the deed yet um but I'm real excited about that it feels really really good and so there's an ending of that cycle but it feels like there's some other Cycles as well and I I was initially thinking that it had to do with you know exactly where I'm at in this lifetime and then as we were talking tonight I was like oh gosh Fanny how did you miss it it's related to other lifetimes as well um and I know that in the past we've talked about vows of poverty and so I wonder if that's another piece or another cycle that's ending then there's a couple of other things that it feels like they're I don't know how to say except that it's a convergence that the timelines are kind of happening together and with that ending I also feel like there's going to be some new beginnings for me and I feel like there's going to be some um greater clarity um I was sick for a few weeks there I had some problems uh with a tooth and all of that and now that's all over with so that it feels really good to feel happy again and um I just met last weekend with some old friends and I was so nourished by their friendship and we went out into the mountains um really high up to a fire tower and just all the Earth energies like I'm I'm loving the weather right now I'm loving being outside I feel really um really blessed and really grateful to live where where we do and so [Music] um I guess I just want to hear your comment on you know the ending of Cycles you might say and um any anything else that comes through well I'm with my here's my my answer is yes yes and yes to all those things you said yes it has to do with past lives and yes it was that the poverty identity that whole letting that go that was part of that part of it has to do with I think you're already aware of this um um retirement when that it allows for retirement you know when that when you can you can choose the the time better when it fits you yes you have a convergence of things coming in and that's your own life pass convergence that matches what's happening with the soul group and I'm seeing that happening with everyone and I it can't be understated you know we talked about the energies coming in from the soul group that we're clearing and the other things the also the positive things that are happening with the soul group all these things that are beginning I think you see four or five of them I don't know what they are yet they haven't quite crystallized yet at what they're going to be in their different areas within the domain of of humankind and spirit our spiritual paths in the in the soul group as well as our individual and but the parts of our life path that plug into that bring convergence and gives power to our own transformation that's happening in our lives and that's happening to you right now in a big way and all I can say is yes yes yes you're synced up to it and keep doing it and and they want your high self one main room I might say re-end your retirement you know whenever that you choose that to be whenever that's going to be this gives you for some reason this seems like this breath of fresh era ah I can do this when I want how I want more than I could have before yes yes so you're you're already you you're already getting it so you I hope that helped but you're you're on track we're already you don't I don't need to tell you anything more um well thank you yeah thank you wow I just think it's what's interesting when I'm hearing from everyone and I'm getting and all the people that are that I have had conversations with outside this group that are of the spiritual nature I'm just seeing this intensities of energies coming in I mean Lisa what you went through and what I had happened in the meditation these are events that you know I can point we can point to that say oh wow this was really happening in an intense way but it's happening with everyone and the in the events of our lives and sometimes sicknesses and other weird stuff that comes up is part of just a I guess a manifestation of our body of releasing things and and allowing things to come in and in a faster way than they would have otherwise but it's not uncommon and things are really are just continuing to accelerate I think it's we're in an awesome time you know with new powerful possibilities comes to letting go of the old and um this is coming from the universe it's a message for everybody here is to not get caught up in the activities of the world you know outside of being aware of what's going on knowing what we have to do in our own life and if it intersects with something happening in the world obviously we have to we're going to deal with it and address it but not to get caught up into the you know was it that Buddhist saying don't take on someone else's Karma and that means also of the soul group just be aware of it bless it send a light and just let ourselves be guided in our own paths and be not in not that anyone is but but be not in fear be not concerned about it just as things come up address them and move on and you know there'll always be bumps in the road but that our lives the light that's coming in for everybody here is just incredible and opportunities are are are wonderful and and I think that's all I have to say I think I don't think anyone else have any thoughts before I on that yes okay wow what a time I just love and when we have this everybody gets together just hearing what's going on and just I don't know how it is for you and but my because I'm on a computer screen I just all this energy coming from each one of you so each stream it's like I'm being inundated then it takes me to like two o'clock in the morning to get to sleep you know because it's so it's a good thing it's a good kind of uh insomnia it's the positive kind I love it um and then things happen I just feel like it does for all of us if we as we we move on in our life path I think it's wonderful so with that I'm just going to go around everyone any closing comments thoughts questions anything at all before we we close this out so I'm going to start I'm going to reverse the order this time I'll start with you Pat anything any final thoughts comments anything at all no I just want to tell everybody how much that I love them and John's here he's always here when we're doing these and we're so grateful for the group and for you Jeff oh thank you Deborah all blessings to all of you too thank you thank you and just just stay in the light thank you Lisa anything at all questions comments final any thoughts just anything to share um I'm just glad to be here with all of you guys and I just appreciate your energy your input and I really do miss when I miss one of these each month I feel like um I don't get to connect with the group so it was really great tonight to be with all of you and and I just appreciate you guys holding space for everything that I've been doing yeah blessings to all of you thank you oh thank you okay Franny I need that final thoughts comments is it for anybody just just thanks to everybody it's so nice to be here and I just feel so um so uplifted you might say to being in the Stream of this energy so yeah much gratitude thank you Aaron anything any Fair final thoughts comments questions anything at all oh yeah just same thank you for being here and it's great to see everybody [Music] um yeah yeah and feel everyone that's all thank you and hang in there you're you're going along fine it's I agree with Brooke you just comments yes good thanks Brooke uh do you have anything any final thoughts comments questions anything at all for the group as I sit outside here under a tree of life it's been a wonderful evening I sometimes think when I see eight or nine of us that are pretty regular on these calls and it should be nice to have more of the master group participate on these calls but for everyone that's on here it's enough because they're always so wonderful I never really know what I'm going to bring up um before getting on but I'm like Lisa and the rest of you I don't want to miss if I can possibly make it so I'm rushing home and setting up and sending out here today and it's been wonderful so thanks everybody and thank you and I agree with you now I've come to you I used to wish there were more people or different people or sometimes in different groups and things that I've just come to realize you know the universe and the Divine and our higher guidance they know we know and the universe knows who needs to be here and that whoever shares is who's what's right is what's perfect and so that's right yeah that's right I appreciate everybody I love you all yeah we love you too all right Paula anything to share questions comments anything for the group anything at all oh I would just say that um I had the most beautiful vision of white Wings lifting us each up with wings of love that we will all soar through this next month so what a blessing this group is yes thank you so much okay Jessica anything to share any questions comments anything at all do you wish the closing comments here well I just appreciate everyone being here and I appreciate all the advice I got I feel so much relief over uh my little kitty cat um but you guys are awesome thank you thank you for being here it's what a blessing blessing for everyone that's here so thank you thank you and last but not least Marcy anything from Sunny Hawaii anything final comments thought anything at all oh just it's so good to be my heart's gonna burst out of my chest right now so well to all of you guys thank you for everything oh thank you all and thank you Marcy for sharing and just thank you all for being here what a blessing truly for my heart it is from just having everyone here and all the love and the caring and the concern and all the thoughts and the you know all the different things that come through each of us is such a blessing to all of us it can't be overemphasized so just thank you and until next month you know blessings light and love namaste this is
Channel: Shays Holistics
Views: 512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soul Group, Channels of Light, Light Workers
Id: w-qqYZqpWdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 6sec (4086 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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