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hey everybody we're here oh see i can see some comments on there okay welcome to our live it has been way too long yes we are so excited to be on here again and today i hope you guys are okay but you're getting the entire family today so i think um some of you might be new i know we had a question and answer um gosh has it been months now yeah it we did that question and answer kind of near the beginning so it's been a while it's been months i think so um here we are again some of you might be new to the family so i'm matt which i think most of you know matt and savannah if you're on our channel but then we've got eric say hi bud hey hey how you doing and then we've got cute little penny gene and then we've got mom bro brooke and then he's got this handsome dude his name is i'm easton say hi to the people easton hi everyone that's okay we'll watch him on here we're trying to pull up a computer so we can watch your questions a little bit better but we are just going to do our best to try to follow along on the phone so hello everybody tell us where you're from um i'm not sure where that is but that sounds really far away from our case bill utah but thank you so much for joining us so we wanted to answer some questions kind of give an update on what's been going on in our crazy lives since this happened um so gosh since our last question and answer so much has happened yeah a lot has happened what what can we tell them about what has happened during the last question and answer i think you guys were still just posting songs to youtube yeah it was yeah we started yeah i don't think we had anything on itunes or recording yeah yeah we um yeah gosh we've come a long way so now we have songs out on itunes which has been so crazy we're getting so many fun opportunities we've been able to be on good morning america and inside edition and we got to meet kelly clarkson and it's just been an amazing wild ride and i think one of the biggest things that we've wanted to do with um with this opportunity to say hi and talk to you guys is just to thank you all so much for your support um for the amazing opportunities that that you have given us um from your support you know i um a little bit of our story can we share some of our story the background to the music would that be okay yeah go ahead so just so you guys kind of know um maybe i'll start with me just my background i um sang in high school and college but then i kind of put it all aside because you had a family you had a job that's right eric because i had a family and a job um and uh and my dreams kind of changed a little bit um it's not that i had bad dreams my dreams were to have a family and and be able to provide for the family and so the singing dreams kind of went away for a little while but it wasn't until savannah asked me to sing with her in this video the prayer our very first video that we posted that kind of brought those dreams back to life for me but in so much of a more meaningful and um just impactful way for me because now i'm being able to live my dreams but with my daughter and so it's just a yeah it's just an amazing opportunity and a lot of this is here and available to us because of you guys and your support so savannah tell me your background story i took voice lessons when i was five years old so i was about penny jean's age right here she just barely turned six so i took voice lessons for about a year and then i stopped voice lessons to play the harp so i played the harp for a big portion of my life and it got to the point where i also did ballet um ballet was also a huge part of my life but it got to the point where i had to really decide what i was passionate about and what i really loved and i chose to go back to singing and that's i when i started taking voice lessons again i was 13 and i am naturally a very shy person and it's kind of hard for me to put myself out there so i like posting the prayer and having it turn into what it has become has been such an amazing and cool opportunity for me because what i've learned from this whole thing is how important it is to just be brave and just take that little leap and do something that's really scary because you really never know what could happen and how many lives you could be affecting so if you're out there and you're like me and you're kind of shy scared person i encourage you guys to get out there and do something really scary and maybe a little bit hard because it it's always it always has a good um ending to it does you have to be brave lots of people are commenting on that too that's so fun um your words to be brave are an inspiration that's awesome we're getting a lot of questions coming in and i'm trying to watch them so i promise you we are going to do our best to answer your questions um we're getting a lot of them so i'll catch the ones that we can but we get asked does anyone else in the family sing and so um for this next thing we're going to ask easton to sing his favorite song go ahead bud [Laughter] i'm really excited for you guys to hear this because it's so good okay bye star wars song or something i am wow that was really good so i hope that answers the question uh uh penny sings penny sings a little bit but nobody has taken to singing or found an interest or passion for it the way matt and savannah have yeah so it's kind of fun that that's just something that they share together and something that they enjoy and the rest of us are able to support them in it so yeah we we are getting questions about what the boys like to do so easton answer that tell them what you like to i know what you like to do you tell me um well well yeah the i the things that eric and i do together are we like to go fishing and um we we love to play legos or jump on the and go swimming just a lot of a lot of things outside of the house we we have these electric scooters i don't know any of you that live in kaysville have probably seen us once or twice on our electric scooters yeah dollar tree eric loves to go to dollar tree dollar tree is the best every morning they wake up and get their stuff done here and then they pack up they have these backpacks with fishing poles sticking out the back and scoot her down to the lake scoot her down to the kaysville pond and fish yep all the live long day so that is what the boys like to do we did get asked if we ever fight [Laughter] well not much we sometimes get along we sometimes get along like today we are that's good i'm glad yeah that's good so we're we're just like any other fans like everybody else totally yeah are normal people and um fight everyone except for me because i never fight but everyone else pretty much does you wrestle me oh that's that's true so wrestling is fighting people have been wondering where we have been recently where our videos are yeah oh yeah we need to talk about that don't we yeah we've had a lot of people ask where are you guys what happened where's your music so we are here today to answer that question so it's been a little while with the last song that we posted was come what may well which was so fun to do that was a pretty song um and then it's been a little while since we've we've posted that and so i think we can tell people we are um working on putting together an album which is so exciting and we have most of the songs picked some of which came from you guys so thank you so much for your recommendations i think a lot of them came from you guys um some of them we're going to tease the album a little bit here coming up so we're hoping to have some songs released very very soon some very exciting ones one of them came from a poll that we saw is that too much info on the fan page on the fan page so thank you everyone for uh giving us those suggestions but yeah it's taken us a little bit of time to um start working on the album and now we're hoping to get back to doing our more regular releases now that we've had some time to kind of work on some songs that we don't plan release plan on releasing until the album comes out we've been spending a lot of time in the recording studio oh people are like guessing you guys are really good because i've seen several of our songs you guys have guessed already oh that's so cool um that means yeah that you you'll be happy with with our songs so i've gotten i've seen someone ask how old everyone is several times so easton how old are you i'm 13. tell the truth oh okay do you want to tell people how old you are ben yeah i'm 35. best looking 35 ever thank you penny gene she's six and then that would be you oh um i'll be 16 in how many weeks two 2 on august august 4th so very big 16. wow and then eric how old are you bud i'm the oldest one here so i'm 41. no no i'm 11. he's 11 and i'm 39. matt will be 40 in one week in exactly one week july 26th 40 over the hill gosh best looking best looking almost 40 year old there is thanks babe how many of you agree raise your hand if you agree oh stop it um can anyone guess what savannah is wearing a dress sweatpants no i'm just kidding she's not she's wearing jeans um so that some people are saying that old enough to drive and oh i thought you were talking about me yeah savannah will be old enough to drive here in a couple weeks um yes july 26 i will be 40 years old and i um yeah super weird to be 40. um but i'm excited about it penny gene this is the other thing why we we had a little bit of time off here because some of you already know this but penny gene had her tonsils out huh they were so big they were touching and so she had to have some surgery never tonsils out and we had your peekaboo ear fixed huh you want to tell them about your ear a lot of people asked what a peekaboo ear is that's just what we started calling it it was sort of an endearing thing that we called it because her left ear was growing out like this and her right ear was growing flat up against her head and so we decided that we would have this cute little peekaboo ear fixed so they pinned it back peekaboo and now now now they're symmetrical huh show them how good it's looking you turn your head and show them how great your ear has been a champ she has been really really good but that's another one of the reasons why we haven't had um our our you know like regular release schedule i guess you could say um let's see what grades are they can do and what do we do homeschool so yes so um our kids are all in home school right now because it's summer but then they normally go to normal public school we don't know what that's going to look like though with kovid and everything going on we have no idea what school is going to look like or how they're going to do that there's a lot of talk so we're just enjoying the family time and the time together right now and school is right around the corner but i'm not sure how that's going to work home homeschool is really difficult though and so uh we've learned that it's harder than we think and imagined or it has it has its pros and cons i think when all of them were going to public school we had these four kids were in four different schools so savannah was in high school easton junior high and then eric was at the public school elementary and penny was at a private school so yeah that was rough when all of that came to a screeching halt we could have because of covid and we had them all at home it simplified a lot of things for us but there were definitely challenges too and we realized just how much we appreciate our teachers so to all of the teachers watching we are so thankful for you we love you seriously thank you so much thank you yes teachers are awesome oh okay so we're trying to get to some questions too so the next question i saw was does savannah date that's a hard no any other questions [Laughter] do you date um i mean a little a little bit i guess yeah i mean i'm queer i'm turning 16 soon so i'm still young i've been out on a few dates but that's that's about it but you'd be happy too but i'd be happy to date yeah yeah i would not be happy though to have her date we'll see the guys have to answer a very very strict set of questions when they come over that is not true so it looks really a little true when did you tell me all right you're not like a packet can you start a family channel we've thought about doing that that would be we thought about doing some vlogs like some more family posts to the experiences people want to see if they're just here for the duets do you like mainly seeing the duets do you want to see more solos you know with matt and savannah do you want to see more of the family and some of our adventures and things that we do together we're happy to give people what what they'd like to see we're not really sure what that is if you guys want some vlogs or if you have any video ideas that you guys would like to see feel free to message us on any social media platforms we thought about starting a channel just for easton's hair what like easton hair channel i don't know where are you going but show them your hair okay yeah look at this hair really nice matt any formal training uh yes back in so i um yes i took voice lessons um in high school from evelyn harris um she was phenomenal love evelyn took from her in college as well and which was part of my uh vocal scholarship in college but then then i i i kind of i didn't stop singing for a while um i'd do it every once in a while but really i stopped singing until this started so that's kind of the extent of my vocal training savannah's taking lessons from savannah and i both are now in lessons with linda tompkinson who teaches all over the world by the way so if anyone wants voice lessons uh people have asked us all the time if we teach voice lessons we definitely do not i linda is a magician with the voice i could never do what she does so if you're looking at voice lessons speech level singing so it's supposed to how would you describe that um it's like yeah i'm gonna let you describe that no it's just that it's it's a really great way to um sing properly so that your voice um connects um completely and i guess that's the easiest way to say it um who plays the a bunch of piano are we okay good thank you easton um stephen nelson is our piano player and a ranger and he is phenomenal he's amazing so so good we're still looking at he's like he's like our best kept secret but also we want the world to know about him like he's a really private just know he's the best person out there just don't tell him and if you tell somebody tell them not to talk he's kind of hard to find he keeps himself pretty hidden he really is kind of the man behind the curtain yeah for real yeah um but you couldn't do what you were doing without him no no at all absolutely not he is so so good uh some people think that he's the stephen nelson from the piano guys he is not yeah different stephen stephen nelson however they the two of them know each other really well yeah not the same okay what other questions do we have easton are they coming through too i can't i can't read it i can't read the ones um we've gotten lots of comments about eric and penny oh really lots oh that's fun um oh we get we get asked a lot of religion questions so yeah we've kind of we're getting a lot of those a lot of them so we get that we get asked that a lot that is our top ask question so here's the thing with religion i mean we've answered this a couple times before but the reason that we are vague intentionally on religion and politics and you know there's just i mean my goodness we're getting close to an election and things just get so politicized and um they are and so divisive and we want people to come to our music and have it be a safe place where you can feel what you want to feel without us pushing um our beliefs or agenda and it's not that we're afraid of them right it's just we um we want you to take away from the music what you want to so whatever you feel is right when you listen to our music yeah i mean certainly if people really want to know they can they can dig a little bit it's not like we're hiding it and we've answered it before but so i i hope that makes sense um and yeah that's yeah that's kind of the answer to that question you've got lots of um questions asking if you get recognized in public oh my goodness you guys that's so fun but please never be afraid to say hi because we we love it um we do get people who start to recognize us this has only been going on for like three months right and like yeah i chose places blowing our minds if people recognize us we'll go to the grocery store and i'll have like someone looking at me and i'm like wait is there something wrong it seems like most people are they're a little more careful about approaching savannah and it might just be because of her age but i really can't go anywhere with matt without planning on being stalked by at least one or two people um which has been it's been a big change for us and we always appreciate the support and the excitement from people and and we love that so please don't be shy if you want to come up and say hi and talk to them it's been um it's so fun hopefully one day it's been an adventure like for me especially i am an introvert and not really the type to [Music] be talking to multiple people when i'm out and about so we're all learning and growing with this with this new um reality that we're in the most common comment i've seen is people asking to hear john denver songs john denver i totally grew up with john denver music that was my dad's like favorite artist yeah we probably yeah great idea we probably should do some john did that'd be fun for me because that was my dad's favorite i feel like my dad really likes jonathan your dad does too like john denver and jane um james taylor james taylor oh i love those guys um someone asked if it's stephen nelson from gentry yes yes that is the exact stephen nelson yes you guys know stephen see he can't hide anymore because he's in gentry are you going to try and jazz yeah guys something that you should know about me is that i am an old soul and i love old music and jazz and like frank sinatra and all that stuff so i'd love to try and do some jazz music yeah and i love love jazz too so that would be fun favorite food um lots of those oh favorite food honestly i'm gonna be honest my favorite food is anything my wife makes he's so nice it's true he's telling the truth too he's very easy matt is very very easy to please all he is all he wants is to eat and he doesn't care what it is so i just don't like making i'm a lucky woman in that way oh no i really do love brooks food so um does that go for everyone else yes see no we're everyone's asking you guys to sing a song real quick you guys want us to sing a song real quick should we just open god thank you eric did it so we're good eric do you want to try it eric's our cute family clown you can probably bring should we try something let's do a um you guys want us to sing a song um oh gosh dear evan hansen someone talked about i would love to sing that um yes yes sing everyone watching we can take the phone okay it's upstairs how are we going to do this you have the song you don't have this song you do i can oh i can get it sorry guys this is really nice can you tell us okay well we're trying to figure out if we can um sing a song for you we do get asked how we um record so that's lipstick oh you do have it so here's how yeah lip syncing and stuff we we do get asked that all the time so we recorded our kitchen table um the video and the acoustics in here aren't great and so what we do is we actually record the song in the closet and so the audio is is quieter better and then we'll bring the camera out here and we will sing again on the video but then we turn the video audio down and the closet audio up there's probably a way better more professional like technical way to explain what it is we know how to do guys are let's write the stars rewriting the story really i can promise you that we are the most normal most real people you will ever find you have worked on rewrite the stars but that's been a really hard one yeah let's talk about rewrite the stars here's the reality guys this is what we run into with some of these songs i love rewrite the stars but it starts with me singing you know i want you and it just feels like we can't we can't we try that so many times and every time we're like [Music] should we like change the words you know i love you i love you i don't know and none of it feels right uh we'll work on it if any of you guys have ideas for us then speechless from aladdin is a good yeah yeah that is a good thing so how do you read this we're gonna try to go sing yeah let's see do you want me to carry this up should we just the whole thing guys you have to be you have to be forgiving here we're gonna sing for you but it's really last minute last minute if i forget the words because it's usually me who forgets not savannah i'm so sorry please forgive us are we carrying this whole thing yeah i can like unplug this thing are you guys okay we're just gonna carry this is so weird okay we're just gonna carry this upstairs follow along we're gonna go upstairs and we'll we'll sing and you can you can have it i want to see myself well hey come on up here bud there we go uh all right i'm a little nervous to do this yeah we're gonna come up this is we're bringing you upstairs this yeah house tour sorry we'll sing a song for you this is where we practice right here and um some of you saw on social media that um brooks snuck a video of us singing before yeah i'm gonna try to fix this just don't press [Music] okay are you ready i hope that's okay everyone we're going to get in if you can't hear us or something maybe i'll turn it this way i can't even try to get this more up matt like no wait wait just um gotta turn this and then you kneel down and you don't know that this one's got it okay all right let's do this all right here we go and what are we gonna do after we sing just keep talking if you're talking in the mic okay [Music] oh true as it can be even unexpectedly just a little change [Music] beauty and the peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is never chose [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] i think you can change [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh that was a little scary yeah so some people are wondering if you guys are going to do an original yes actually yes we are should we kneel down now we're here um yes we are um working on one now that's kind of what yeah a part of our album thing we would love to have an original and we've got such a good idea for one and we're so excited working on it yesterday we started working on it yesterday so yes yes we are oh someone had chills thank you so much that was lots and lots and lots of people want you guys to sing hallelujah oh yes that's good for sure um can savannah ask me out is that what i just saw no uh so we're probably getting close to ending this ending this is are there any other questions will you guys be going on tour i don't know that's a really good question because we would love to i really really think it would be fun to go sing live and to share our music um with you like face to face like that you guys is so energizing yeah and an amazing experience what we love about our music is just to be able to um connect and to uplift and to inspire and encourage and we just to it's hard to do that i mean it's the best way to do that is is to do that live and i would love yeah to be able to go perform tons of people are wondering about america's got talent yeah we um maybe is that the best way i don't know uh it could could happen could not i don't know um yeah we i don't know that's a good question we will ride the wave and we'll see where it takes us and yeah yeah we'll take you guys along with us it'll be a fun journey for everyone yeah do you have pets we do have a pet we have a cat we've got a couple geckos some geckos the boys like chickens yeah we have nine chickens they're so fun yeah yeah i'm glad you remember our chickens can't leave them out um so thank you all so much for joining us um thank you so much for supporting us and encouraging um us and our music uh we love being able to share our music with you guys and um really thank you guys for making our dreams come true truly um and giving us these opportunities to sing um and to share our music and so any final words from anyone else don't think so i have a question people are making comments about the giraffe oh really we're getting giraffe comments the giraffe yes the giraffe says hi to all of you we do like are we coming this is like kenny's play room and she loves animals so that's why we have the giraffe and the elephants and we're in pennsylvania they want to see your face when you talk babe oh it's a really nice face look at that all right no just just give this a moment really nice face so many people think that all of the kids look exactly like matt oh we can we do a poll we should one of these day we'll do a poll who looks like who yeah i'm a must i because i think that savannah looks like me um and i think that easton probably is in between he's got a lot of my features but some of brooks all right put our faces together scoot them in so they can see everyone get your faces okay in the comments you can let us know who looks like who the most and on that note we'll sign off and say goodbye but thank you everybody for joining us we love you guys um just thanks for coming on this wild ride with us and we're so so very grateful see you guys you
Channel: Mat and Savanna Shaw
Views: 505,391
Rating: 4.9515629 out of 5
Keywords: mat and savanna shaw, mat shaw, savanna shaw, live singing, q&a, Daddy daughter duet, daddy daughter duo
Id: fY1caUHq-6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 41sec (2261 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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