Sharrow Props - Range & Efficiency

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foreign and in this video we're going to demonstrate how the Innovative Cheryl propellers can improve the range and efficiency of your boat now the questions we get asked most often are does it work and just how much does it work well to answer those questions let's look at some tests we performed and the results we found and we'll see exactly how it affects fuel efficiency and range we did one test on a 13 600 pound World Cat catamaran with twin 300 horsepower Yamaha engines the first props we tested were standard 15 and three quarter by 15 inch three bladed props that come with every 300 horsepower Yamaha these props carried the heavy cat to an average Cruise speed of 23.8 miles per hour at 4 000 RPM where she burned 21.2 gallons per hour that meant 1.1 miles per gallon and a range of 282 miles [Music] then we swapped out those standard props with sharrow's 15.5 by 15.4 props and hit the water again now this time we found the best cruise to be at 3 000 RPM and speed was 21.7 miles per hour that meant 1.5 miles per gallon and a 368 mile range now let's compare best cruise speed data for both props and here it's where we find a remarkable contrast of performance first we note that the Cheryl prop's most economical RPM is a full 1000 RPM less than the Yamahas but it's 2.1 miles per hour slower the showers were burning 6.4 gallons per hour less at their best cruise compared with the standard props and this is one big critical difference this huge decrease in fuel consumption means the boat can go 1.5 miles per gallon or 36 percent farther on a gallon of fuel than can the standard props by being significantly more efficient at best cruise the worldcat 320 with Cheryl props could travel 86 statute miles farther than with the standard props for fishermen going out to the canyons and back that 80 miles can make a big difference this Improvement in performance takes place through the entire mid-range of the performance envelope right where the boat spends most of its operating time at the upper end of the spectrum the difference is negligible but even at idle we saw a 24 Improvement in efficiency but this was a heavy catamaran let's try a smaller boat this time an average 20.4 3543 pound Bayliner with a 150 Merc outboard just like millions of other boats on the water we started with a standard 14 and three quarter by 15 inch three bladed prop at 4000 RPM we reached our best crew speed of 27.7 miles per hour with a 4.5 mile per gallon fuel burn which meant a range of 133 statute miles we even tried a second prop to spread out the average range that consumers would put on this boat motor combination this time a 15 inch by 15 inch three bladed prop and here the difference was at 3500 RPM where the boat got on plane much earlier than with the first prop at 3500 RPM she was running 21.2 miles per hour and burning 4.9 gallons per hour for a range of 128 miles other than that not a big difference between the two then we pull the 15 by 15 Cheryl mx1 out of the box inspected it for defects installed it and headed out even at idle we saw an immediate difference a 16 Improvement in both speed and economy and a 14.8 percent Improvement in range at 3000 RPM the sharo mx1 prop doubles the speed miles per gallon and range of the other two props at 3500 RPM prop number two got on plane while prop number one was still struggling and pushing its bow wave the shower prop was 25 or more efficient than prop number two in terms of speed and 23 percent more fuel efficient finally at 4000 RPM the test boat with the mx1 prop was 17 to 19 faster than the two standard props and got marginally better miles per gallon in range numbers when we compare fuel efficiency for the whole RPM range we find that at idle the mx1 with 16 more efficient and 15 more efficient at 5500 RPM when we compared speed with miles per gallon we can see that on this chart that the show mx1 prop is more fuel efficient at all speed data points than the other two but the biggest difference was at planing speeds where the Cheryl prop was as much as 179 percent more fuel efficient when it comes to running speeds we find that the sharp prop was absolutely the fastest prop in all RPM settings and that's remarkable because most props are strung at one end of the RPM scale than the other that mx1 prop was aluminum the latest model is the stainless steel mx-3 this comes in 22 sizes and both left and right hand rotation it's not a custom-made dialed in prop for a specific boat but it's made for average applications with the Yamaha V6 series of engines Cheryl props are made for better economy range and mid-range performance and as we're clearly seeing here the goal is met each and every time for I'm captain Steve we'll see you on the water
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Keywords: sharrow marine, sharrow props, sharrow propellers, sharrow, boattest,, prop reviews, propeller reviews, best props, new props
Id: Urewt1I2FCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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