sharpening hand-shears

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[Music] hi mommy is Christine Lavelle and I'm a little university college today and this week's task is to do a bit of hedge cutting my shears however and need of a bit of tender and loving here so I've got a few bits of it here and just to sharpen them up clean them up I've got some oil I've got a sharpening stone and some wire we'll most importantly I've got some paper towels just to put down to protect the Ilia walking around so before we do the hedge cutting I'm going to take you through how we actually go around preparing our tools for the job now that I've got my paper towels down I'm going to take a stiff brush into my shoes I'm just gonna give them to get any okay and once I've done that I either give it a spray with wd-40 we haven't got any lifes I'm just gonna get some oil and drip it over the cutting blades some wire room and here's something that I've been using area so I'm just going to get the wire room and very carefully making sure that I don't get my fingers in the blades here I'm just gonna run up and down we believe cleaning them up we do need to give your hedging Cheers a regular clean because if you're using them for hedging the plant sap that comes out at the stands that you cut where you're cutting your head it will come and and smear it all over your blades here and then it can get gummed up and it might not cut quite as nicely in a sharply [Music] do the other side [Music] now although that's not perfect it certainly is hugely so we've now cleaned up I've got all the rust off of it there was quite a lot of all pod SAP and the blades here so the next stage is that so as I said the next stage is to sharpen the blades now you don't sharpen this side and the other side of a of the blade here you this is a nice flat and bit of the bleed here so be you've got the curve on here this is a sharp say this is a bit you need to sharpen and then on this blade here this is the flat side and this is a side that's got the edge on it that you need to sharpen okay so I'm gonna start with this one I'm using a side sharpening stone here and I'm going to move it in a downward direction and move it along this takes quite a bit of time to do especially if al hasn't been done phrases like this here and you just keep repeating that now you could cheat and take it to the me man down the road who does it for a fiver [Music] okay can you see that starting to sharpen there along that edge along here so just keep doing that you can see that and then I'm going to start on the other one now as I said before this is the flat side let's just say that it's got the cutting edge on it so I'm going to turn that round this one here so this is where the edges that I'm going to sharpen okay I'm just gonna sharpen it just a little bit more and then I'm going to get a piece of paper and I'm going to put the shears and just angle through the piece of paper and cut it and if it cuts through it will be ready for going out to do the job if it isn't I'll just go back and sharpen it a little bit more [Music] now with the shears going over and did a little bit more sharpening and then got the oil and then giving them another clean up so they are ready to go and also we're getting the oil and cleaning them up it means that if there's any filings on there that they're removed and not going to get into the mechanism of there okay so it's time now to get my piece of paper now mop up on here I keep having to go back from there back of the video camera and switching your honor off but I've got a piece of paper no no I get someone to hold it up and enable and snip it I'm just gonna have to put it down like this and then we'll give it a cut and see how it does yes it's beautifully doing this bit and just on the tips here it's not cutting so I'm going to go back now I want to give my haking shears another going over just on the tips here in terms of sharpening it and go back and taste the paper again okay then everyone I'm just gonna have another good trying to cut the paper towel I find our building assistant now so here we go there we go absolutely perfect cut right the way through it and that's always a good trick to make sure you've got a piece of paper you cut it and it's not cutting it go back and sharpen that uni again I should have been doing the front here for quite a little bit and then just went over the whole blade again and then I've come back and got this result so I am now ready for my hedge cutting practical so off we go Aki shop [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Christine Lavelle's Gardening Channel
Views: 54,487
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Id: GhfYFE_79QM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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