Sharpening Carbide inserts & Slitting saw on the cutter grinder

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[Applause] [Music] hey guys welcome to the shop now it's gonna be a busy week I've got several things that I want to do we're gonna be back on the cutter grinder because it's a new tool to me and I want to use it so we're gonna be grinding a slitting saw blade we're gonna grind a face of a tool that we actually kind of messed up last week and then we're gonna be grinded some carbide inserts my dogs are in the creek so what's going to shopping get started I'll show you that first it's in the low 90s today so the dogs like if they go down here often and get their bellies wet and go jump on the couch and so they like it I don't so much here's the cutter that we're gonna try to grind today it's just a basic four inch slitting saw man you know we're starting at the beginning because that's really where our knowledge is our knowledge level is anyway we're definitely a beginner so that's where we want to start and something like this should be pretty simple now measure and it's not that simple trying to figure out what angles are in this and I'm gonna show you what I used in order to measure the angles on this the relief angles what we're gonna be grinding and I'm not sure it's even correct but I'll show you anyway now this fixture is pretty neat it uses just a little spring steel finger to index off the teeth of the cutter and it's really basic yeah but it works and you don't it doesn't require any external indexing unit because it uses the teeth of the blade to index itself which is pretty neat we'll get a better look at that in a minute but let's go over the bench I want to show you how I decided what angles I want to grind on this and how I plan to get those ground back on this cutter well all this measuring reliefs on circular cutters and stuff that's all foreign to me so I'm going to show you what I come up with you know just you off hand to try to measure the relief angles on this cutter so get my Center finder here and I'm lining up edge of the tooth with the edge of the rule here and then come in clamp it on there so I don't have to hold it then I'm taking my adjustable protractor and I'm bringing it down and matching it up to the existing relief angle that's on this cutter now I'm just trying to mimic what the original manufacturer had because these guys this is made cleveland twist drill these guys have been making cutters you know probably four times as long as I've been alive so I assume they know what they're doing and it's probably pretty obvious that I don't but it just match it up here this is my magnifier this is just the lens out of a projector and it really works well to get you in good and tight so you can see you know what's going on now this cutter here looks like it's only got a couple degrees of relief behind the cutting tip and we don't want the cutter rubbing the material we want just the tip of the tooth to remove a chip of material without the back or with all the support that's behind that tooth dragging on the material so let me bring in a little closer I want to see if I can get you a closer shot of what I'm seeing here and then we'll go to the surface plate and I'll show you how I'm gonna get this in the fixture where I can get it ground on the lathe or on the lathe on the grinder yeah and see the setup here did you notice and I'm just bringing it down and it's gonna be hard for you to tell but with that magnifier and stuff I can tell that I'm sitting on the what's left of the existing you know really are the original relief angle so that's what I'm going to try to mimic let's go over to the surface plate and see if we can't get this set up to where we can actually get that in there here's the picture that I'm gonna use and I had to adapt this to make it work this is all I had in a box of stuffs that come with the grinder I had no way you know it just looked like this without this little extra ring here this is to adapt it to the one-inch hole that's in this cutter and I had to make some sort of holder so I just spun this out on the wave and hit it with a meal to get a couple spots on it twirl slide over there and this is spring-loaded slides over it should slide through rotate it into the locked position and tighten the screw down so now it spins take the finger put it on here down in one of the I guess the gullet is what it's called I think and now it's rigidly held or not rigid but it's held securely enough for grinding anyway and then you can just rotate it and back it up against the little finger there so pretty neat way of indexing now to get this set up to actually get the two degrees in the end of this this is all off the top of my head I don't have any literature or anything on setting these up I'm just winging it here for now until I can you know get the proper way so I'm sure there's a there's a way you could use some sort of formula to come off the center line of this cutter you know get the tip on that Center and then rotate this a specific amount to get that two degrees in there but what I'm doing is the mechanical way and I believe this is going to work so I've just got two degrees set and my protractor here know that did have it set in there yep and I'm referencing off the square and off the plate and then I'm going to come in and just line it up by the same way I measured it I mean you know if you you can only be as accurate as you can measure so if I measured it that way then this should be adequate I would think you need to get it back in I mean you could just guess and run this up against the cutting wheel you know twerk it just a lift work it tweak it just a little to where it you know looks right and go with it and it would probably be just fine but I want to try to do this at least somewhat correctly and that's the way I'm doing it setting up this rotates so I can you know keep my finger position locked on one and and just slightly adjust this to I get the angle that I want or my matching angle you know because my wheels gonna be I'm using a cup wheel it's gonna be 90 degrees to the to the plate or to the to the table so this should get me close that's my thoughts anyway let's go over the grinder all right real quick now I think you know most of us that get a machine or any item really will try to find pictures especially if it's an old item and try to see what it is we're missing or don't have or you know think we need and I noticed that this machine didn't come with a guard that guards the spindle here off the motor when it's not in use now I think you can put grinding wheels actually on here and use this as a actual grinding spindle but when it's not in use it just gets Sparks and stuff and debris throat on it and can get in the bearings and and damage it so I wanted the protector that comes on this and let me show you an example of what they look like here's one here and a couple more examples this one has that yeah just these three but it's a protector or a garden and I wanted one so walked outside just a second ago and I was you know just walking around the shop and I seen this in my scrap pile now this is just a filter housing and it was damaged the screws and stuff was tripped out on and it was thrown away but I noticed that this looked a lot like the piece that I was missing it was just the wrong size so I put it on the lathe and turned it out and it actually doesn't look too bad and it's pretty good now so other than I'm not trying to chrome this thing out so I'm gonna paint this but works pretty good I have to block this hole with something but there we go a trash pile spindle guard alright so we're about ready to cut now I'm set up here all I did was mount this fixture to the table and indicate it in on the back it's got a flat surface on the back here that I can register off of so I just took an indicator stand mounted it to the actual spindle and ran it back and forth just so my blade is square with the wheel because the wheel is dress square to the table so I also relieve this wheel let me bring you in a little closer I think you can see it best on this outside corner that little darker ring this wheel is relieved three quarters of the wheel from the inside is relieved and I've got just a thin little cutting ring on the outside alright so got a vacuum system going I've already come in and touched off [Applause] let's get started warm the spindle up and for anybody this is not a for TV wheel this blotter there I think that's what they're called something like that this paper is off another wheel this wheel didn't have a paper it's stamped on the back one is so it's a 60 J make sure we're up against our finger good but the real get up to speed we've already touched off on this one and we're not taking a real heavy cut we'll go around this thing twice [Applause] working pretty good you could sharpen one of these in just a few minutes [Music] [Music] [Applause] we all seems to be cutting this pretty good not removing much material [Music] first time around man that was fast let's feet in just a little as I think that we need just a little more [Music] we'll stop and look at it well I think it turned out okay not crazy about the little discoloration on the end I think it went at it a little too aggressive but it is definitely sharp now when we degrade those edges I'm not for sure I guess the only way to to know for sure is to try it see how it cuts I mean the relief angle looks pretty good not sure it turned out exactly what we thought it would I'm not surprised about that either so let's put this on the arbor let's put it in the meal and let's let's cut something with it unfortunately I just cut the slot without the camera rolling so we're gonna cut it again we got a little run out in the server the sauce seems to be cutting good we're gonna take a hundred thousand step [Music] [Applause] [Music] take across it it actually cuts really well that's a shot meillard where I got in the back too it's only over I have quitting time very well 17 seats and really I'm pretty sure that's in New York Lewton like slipping slot to Nellis go look at it again well I would call that a success you know when round this thing and looked at the teeth on it and they're still it seemed just as sharp as before I started and I didn't baby that up dad pretty aggressive with it but it cut cut really freely here's our slot we cut two cuts a hundred thousandths dink beach and just sped it by hand the only thing I'm not you know happy about was it run out in this Arbor but this Arbor and this slitting saw were attached to each other in the bottom of that old toolbox if you go back and watch my tool box video where I did the tour of it when I first got it you'll probably see this in the bottom very bottom of the box you know just attached this Arbor and all so I brought it back to life and I would call that a success that wheel that were using 60j even with that dress that we done on it I still not happy with the heat that we generated you can see the discoloration on the end of the teeth necessarily didn't seem to you know hurt anything but I think we can get a freer cut the net and I need to be mindful of my depth of cut on that that grinder you know I used to run another machines and I may be you know a little too aggressive so not too bad I'm pretty happy with that just need to make a new barber let's go do something else [Music] [Music] well most of my corns come up almost all of it yeah that we planted that's pretty rare usually you have to go back and transplant Lots this year we haven't tomatoes they're doing pretty good peppers looks like it's gonna be a decent here let me take you up and show you the other side of the garden now this part here was planted several weeks before the other one it was just too wet to get that other in the ground so it's quite a bit bigger and a lot of this is my mom and dad so it's not really all mines beans peppers zucchini eat squash and corn and got some tomatoes on the other end just want to stop raining okay last week I said that I couldn't reach the end of a tool of this tool with this fixture well that's not true Robin Renzetti and both Jim lichty both said yes you can you just need to articulate your fixture more and that was true you know sometimes the answer to a problem can be staring you right in the face with a machine like this there's a million things you can do you know it seems like to get results that you want and that was the issue I just wasn't looking at the fixture good enough so we can reach the bottom of this tool we have clearance under the wheel and stuff but first I have to true this wheel dressing and truing or two different things as far as I read you know dressing is when you put a new angle or a shape in a wheel you know for new grinding specific new shapes truing is when you're just true in it I guess with the rotation I read this and that seems to make sense to me so we're gonna use the word truing we're gonna tree this wheel up then we're gonna come in and grind the end of this tool yep and hopefully we'll get good results we should because this stone seems to work pretty good okay vacuum system plugging up bfb on [Music] spin this wheel up [Applause] real rotation should be safe with the this left hand hug them you bring this under the wheel [Applause] bring it down [Applause] so we feel a little bit slightly away from the center of the wheel so it can't suck it down under the under the wheel slow just out here it you feel it you're never as close as you see [Applause] you touched it and we're just gonna [Music] until we get a good sound they even sound [Applause] we're just barely skin in this wheel doesn't need much this wheel is now true so now we can work on the face of the stool should get a decent finish I'm gonna get set up flat [Applause] all right so we should be good to go this wheel and gift the waitress well she probably getting right under center when I bring down to touch make sure I'm covering the tire wheel at the bottom with the face of this tool and we don't have any spots sticking higher than the others it's the thought anyway this way you'll get up to speed slowly come down to a touch [Music] touch [Music] a couple tenths maybe wowt's already looks good just back and forth and feeding across this time try that they're all ready to be honest made sure and double checks and everything was tied accidents [Music] that was easy we just ground into that - oh yeah I'm just a little off I mean that looks good not perfect a little it's not a Renzetti finish but it's a good finish you know for a tool you know we're not we're not looking for perfection we just want it to work and that my friend would work so I'm happy with that at least I know I can get around my you know average length 4 inch or three inch lengths the tool steel with that fixture now I'm happy with that that this heat marks are from the last time aground but not from this time I mean the tool when I pulled it out the fixture it wasn't even warm so we just tested it well a couple days went by and I've changed a couple things I wanted to grind some carbide inserts I wanted to try to grind some carbide inserts but I didn't want to deal with this little hose being my only source you know of dust evacuation so I made a scoop it's just a large it's 8-inch magnetic base you know second position it where I want and this should do a pretty good job of dust evacuation when I run it I get a lot of suction you know around this thing so hopefully this will be adequate for now and I dressed more true the diamond wheel now I've heard people say you can't do it you know I've heard people say it ain't worth it but I did it I did it because I had to I had nothing to lose let me bring you in and show you the wheel that I'm using and I'll explain to you the way that I dressed it alright here's the little wheel that I'm using it's just a four inch diamond wheel it's a hundred eighty with a seventy-five percent concentration and 180 is I guess the the granule size or the diamond size and then seventy-five I guess is the concentration of diamonds in this resin bonded area I don't know a lot about wheels that's just what I believe anyway this wheel had 7,000 some run out in it which is crazy for a cutter driver mean it was unusable and I put it on here and I used a dial indicator on the wheel and ran it around now the dial indicator that I used the tip was already broken off so wasn't wearing my dial indicator tip off yes I was but it was already broken anyway and I went over that I put my mag Chuck on here and this is steel which they say you should never use a diamond wheel on steel this is a two till still so I've seen a video by the solid rock machine works solid rock machine shop where he treat a diamond wheel using this method running it over a piece of steel this was a piece that I'd practiced on on the shaper and done a diamond pattern on so it's pretty aggressive but this thing was way out I mean 7000 smite as well be a mile you know on a wheel like this but I've worked this wheel back and forth extremely slowly cleaning it with the white diamond wheel stick you know every little while it took probably three and a half hours to get this wheel to where it runs true so it's never coming off this Arbor and now I got it to where it's within a few tenths run out and I'm happy with that I'm gonna leave it as it is diamond wheels are pretty expensive this wheel happens to be a really cheap wheel probably I don't know less than ten dollars it's one of those kind of wheels I don't have a hundred dollars to spend on a wheel so we bought the cheap one we use it you know if it right now it's fine but it took a lot of time to get this thing to where you know it functions you know reasonably well it's still not great but good enough for what I'm doing for now I can always improve on my equipment later right now I want to learn how to use this thing so that's how treat that I'm will let's go get a carbide insert I've got several for a boring bar that I want to grind let's grind them and then let's try them out all right so we got our slightly wore out insert in the bar because there's not much better to hold this thing than a pocket that was actually designed for I think it's best that I say you know my normal viewers already know this but I'm always getting new viewers and this may be the first video of mine that you've seen I'm not a cutter grinder expert I'm not a cutter geometry expert I know the basics like most folks but that's it so don't take what I'm doing as the way that it should be done because it probably is not it should be done but we're learning I'm trying to familiarize myself with the sounds of this machine the controls you know all the things that you need to do in order to get a successful job you know you have to know your machine you have to know the sounds and and you have to use it otherwise you know you're not gonna get good results because you don't know the machine that's what we're going to do here and that's really all we're trying to do it doesn't matter if these inserts turn out good or not I hope that they do but if they don't they were destined for the trashcan anyway so we're gonna grind this thing real quick we're gonna take it on the plate and look at it real quick and then we're gonna take it to the lathe and see if we can cut with it hopefully it turns out good all right vacuum system going going rounder going and give it up Steve [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] now I'm just taking you know few tenths at a time that's come in a little on the insert and no reason to brown this whole top of this insert when all we're really concerned about is this front cutting edge [Music] and they did get some sort of missed [Music] not because the sensor gets hot because dragging in carbide I think would be safer even though this really works really well I think it'd be safer if we maybe [Music] when those the dust from carbide is extremely small [Music] what's good look at it you have guts right that's what it looks like on the plate and I wish I could really get a good picture of the finish it's pretty good it's got some striations in it some long straightens across the face and I think I can improve that you know a smoother wheel or my method of cutting this probably not the best idea to plunge cut this like I did cut it all in one pass probably best to feed down a little and then feed to the side into the wheel that's my thoughts but whatever I think this will work for now we got a little bit of positive action I believe so let's go take this and put it in the way then and try to cut some steel with it all right Boers in the leg it's a piece of two inch do em to the [Music] loyal [Music] and what it cut the Florida [Music] she finished with Oh John [Music] learn [Music] with a little ricotta and I think I think this would work out just fine [Music] and you could slightly you know alter the geometry to to get the cutting action that you want but let me get you around here show you this finish it's actually pretty good plenty acceptable they'll insert nice job pretty good I mean if it asks I don't think for that to go to much better you know I could work on the finish and I plan to I need to get some better diamond wheels you know some with a finer grain size and just better wheels see those cheap wheels are you know where they leave a lot to be desired let's just say that and method that I had to go through the to true it was probably not the best thing to do to a wheel like that but it seemed to work it got it running through you got it to where we can use it and you know that's all I'm trying to do right now it's like I said get the feel of the machine my buddy Matt sent me a bunch of horizontal milling cutters and he looks like he picked through them to get some with different shapes and whatnot some with helical teeth some you know with staggered teeth like this one side cutting edges I mean that's a complex cutter and a cutter like this would be really expensive so you definitely wouldn't throw it away if it got a little burn up on the end you would regrind it that was a common practice and it still is some places so learning to grind a cutter like this successfully would be pretty tough but I I'm up for it I think I think we can do it I don't have a horizontal mill to try these out but the brian block does he could he could try something if you wanted to maybe and who knows maybe in the future we'll get one it's definitely on the list but those things are big and heavy and I don't want a small one so we'll have to find one I guess I've been studying cutter geometry and cutter grinding and with a little bit of literature that I have and that I have access to you know it's it's tough there's a lot to learn you know especially when you're not a you know cutter expert but you got to start somewhere and that's what we're doing so pretty pretty excited about it to be honest I really like that machine I think we're gonna be able to do some really cool things with it Matt sent me some that have radiused edges on now don't have a radius grinding attachment for that machine but I'll have to get one what to find one they're fairly a complex unit I guess next we'll probably try to sharpen some flutes on some in wheels maybe not an end meal like that that does new angles maybe just a straight fluted end meal I got the end mill grinding attachment that I've yet to even try so maybe next we'll try that who knows I think you know like said this turned out pretty good if you were burning up several inserts you would burn up several or just you know get them to where they're due the edges are degraded and get a batch of them and leave the bar in the holder and just batch grind them think Stephin gots winter does that and robin Renzetti also I believe touches up his inserts when he needs to so it's done you know people do it it's successfully done and you know all we have to do is refine it so I'm pretty happy with that so thanks for watching guys I really appreciate it if you haven't make sure to subscribe to the channel by clicking on my little guy up here and hit the bell for notifications and as always I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Steve Summers
Views: 36,581
Rating: 4.9315405 out of 5
Keywords: cutter grinder, HSS, High speed steel, cutter, carbide, inserts, grinding, surface grinding, saw, machinist, machine shop, lathe, shaper, mill, bridgeport, farm, tractor, funny, girl, welding, tig, mi
Id: I2Ptxc7V7W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 29sec (2309 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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