Shark Tank US | Will The Sharks Be Sold On Lavabox's Portable Campfire?

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first in the tank is a way to bring humankind's greatest discovery with you anywhere hello sharks my name is Josh Thurman I'm CEO Chief eruption officer for laubox portable campfires I'm here today seeking two hundred thousand dollars for 10 equity in my world saving products sharks you must have some Primal desires we can't always control very well one of those Primal desires the desire to build fires specifically campfires now we all love a good campfire but the devastation created by human cause wildfires is heartbreaking oftentimes totally preventable so I set out to create something that would be clean easy to use and would keep us safe something we can drink a beer around or why Mr Wonderful and tell a great story that's why I created lava box now normally we would never light loud box indoors this is Shark Tank let's fire this baby up laughs so loud box is deceptively simple it starts with a military style ammo can you just pop the top that right there check the propane light the lighter that we provide and then slowly turn on the gas you guys ready all right here we go there it is pretty cool so it can go from Kumbaya all the way to heavy metal fire all right let's turn it down all right so about a foot out of the box is actually the perfect level for roasting marshmallows for s'mores this is also what everybody asked me Josh can you cook on it and the answers are resounding you betcha so you can lift the lava box up to pass fire restrictions or close up the legs pop it on top and now you're ready for tailgating burgers at the same that's cool sharks I think I've created the perfect grab-and-go solution for a very modern problem so the question is who's going to gather on the lava box and get lit with me baby check out what I've got in front of you these are actually custom we do a lot of custom work it's very Hardy this is actually the lightest product on the market right now with the biggest fire so in the bag is our goodie bag and you get all the things you need so you get the actual regulator and hose everything but the propane everything with propane so you have three sizes so there's like a small medium and large correct and this is small the size that's our small one and then they sell what's the most popular one that's the most popular and it's actually called the takana twosome it comes with the over under Grill retails for 195 and it's about 29 landed for me so I have a question I mean obviously I'm assuming guessing you're a big camper but tell us about you what's your background sure and why did you come up with this so uh I just left my job a few months ago I was uh the program director at the National Sports Center for the disabled and I teach all kinds of sports for people with disabilities and uh my whole life has been about service so yeah I um designed this I sit on the board for the Colorado Whitewater Association we had a camping trip and somebody said hey uh I'm a big Tinker I make all kinds of cool stuff including adaptive equipment I said make some that's not so cumbersome something that's not massive that I'm gonna put into a wrap because you guys have seen the big portable fire pits and the Rocks go everywhere and it's a big mess I went home I built seven prototypes and uh sevens was the best one put it out on the market I sold 40 in a week and I knew I had something oh yeah now we've done now we've done it's a great example for entrepreneurs you know you figure it out you do multiple versions of a prototype you keep on testing and iterating thank you yeah you put them out there see if people buy them I want to hear the numbers we've been open for about 18 months it's a date for this year we're about 610 and that's are you profitable very profitable so we're at 290. all right what will be your sales this year I think we're gonna do 1.2 wow are you selling only Direct online or are you selling through retailers direct consumer has been huge for us and actually my spend has been really low I think because it's been all word of mouth right all word of mouth and people love the product I mean like I went to one trade show and we sold a hundred thousand dollars of stuff yeah so I like it it's simple easy to understand and I have millions of followers who would be interested in this and if Chef wonderful Gets behind this as they like to say to the Moon with a burger that's what's gonna happen hey I like it so I'm going to make you an offer but because I'm Chef wonderful it's got to be 20 I'll give you the 200 000 for 20 percent thank you Mr I appreciate the offer well I I haven't heard what you need from the shark is it just the money yeah so no I we are totally sold out all the time in fact I actually want to get into some big boxes I think I'm not standing Target yesterday really Bass Pro Bass Pro I mean Bass Pro you don't they'll go crazy for it Josh just to clarify because it's important have you taken any other money from anybody else no sir positive after eight months that's amazing thank you thank you another question tell me what is the most important thing to you in a partner I think I've done a lot of the heavy lifting it's going to be an easy partnership on that side I do want somebody I can call and say should I make this call or should I make this call okay I like this product and I like the big box idea I think because this has hanger appeal you walk in a big box generally you have two or three type of grills right the egg the this one and then that one right and I think this has like that moment like wait a minute honey I miss seeing this ever I have an offer I think this is a licensing play Big Box 200 000 and I'll match Kevin's twenty percent foreign I think you don't need to be in a ton of retail stores but Bass Pro and camping world I mean it's why not um I'm gonna make it a little bit different kind of offer um I think you have really great margin I will be that person there at 11 o'clock at night or whenever one o'clock at night my entrepreneurs they do this they call me All Around the Clock I'll give you the 200 000 for 15 okay but I would like to get a royalty 75 cents per until I'm paid back the 200 then the royalty will go away okay and I'll just have the 15 Equity you want 75 cents per unit yes 75 cents for your money no look at me 75 cents is nothing to to the margins don't let them keep talking Josh there's a real deal and you have three offers what do you want to do Lori would you would you take 12 and we'll keep the royalty foreign I would do 12 and a half I'll go down to 15 no royalty you want a shark that really does this stuff because you want to roll out other grills I'm an outdoors person like you I'll go down to you yeah well you're saying no to me Mark is saying you're going to make it more interesting for you Josh I'll do the 200 000 for 10 no royalty hello here's what I will say I think you have to go with your gut and you go away that's wonderful Josh and I offered you exactly what you wanted and none of this disgusting royalty you want to do a deal with a person that never goes camping I am Mr Camp absolutely well here's the thing I'm successful I believe because I trust my gut and I go for things with conviction I went to the 12 and a half percent but I hope that you'd be that person that knows in your gut if I'm the right partner you don't have to and even pay royalties that's just would you do 50 cents so 75 cents is really low I'm your girl you want to step over dollars to save pennies no don't do it no but I know you got a deal okay good everybody no congratulations to you Josh so I would have been happy with whoever I got from the the Sharks but I was really happy to get Lori that's who I wanted coming in and uh is the right fit for me with my small product plus she's really good at marketing and that's what I needed
Channel: Sony Pictures Television
Views: 451,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shark Tank, Shark Tank US, Shark Tank USA, Shark Tank America, American Shark Tank, Shark Tank Pitches, Shark Tank bad pitches, Shark Tank Best Pitches, Shark Tank Covid, Shark Tank Season 12, Mark, Blake Mycoskie, Kevin, Lori, Daymond, mark shark tank, kevin shark tank, lori shark tank, daymond shark tank, mr wonderful, shark tank moments, shark tank deals, shark tank pitch, shark tank best pitch, kevin oleary, mark cuban, lori greiner, Barbara Corcoran
Id: ij505o94wac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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