Shark Tank US | Can Pizza Pack Wow The Sharks In Front Of A Live Audience?

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[Applause] next up is a returning entrepreneur looking for a second slice of the action with an Innovative solution for leftovers [Applause] let's find out about the entrepreneur [Applause] [Music] I'm Tate from Aurora Oregon this isn't my first time in the tank I went two years ago on season 12 with the cheese Chopper where unfortunately I didn't get a deal but I used as determination to come back with a new product and close a shark I recently purchased a farm where I live with my girlfriend and our beautiful baby Casey on the farm we've got peaches pheasants goats hazelnuts and the warehouse where I come up with all my inventions I also work as a lumber broker with the cheese Chopper the shark said I was too early I didn't actually have any sales only pre-orders we didn't have any customer feedback with my new product we've shipped it we've gotten their feedback and the people love it Mr Wonderful told me to take the cheese Chopper out behind the barn well I didn't and it's still selling but now I created a new product that all the sharks are going to want to take a bite out of ready to get back in the tank and I have the perfect pitch and you know a good pitch it's just like good pizza it's all about the delivery Mr Cheese is ready for round two howdy sharks my name is Tate Koenig back to give you one more chance to get in on a size reaction as Mr Cheese Pizza when it comes to leftover pizza we've all tried to cram that big bulky pizza box in the fridge even though there's only a few slices left in it it takes over the whole shelf and knocks over everything in the process so I decided to think outside the box sharks meet the pizza pack the expandable and collapsible Pizza storage container that can store a single slice or an entire pie wow each Pizza pack comes with five divider trays that not only keep your sizes separate during storage but double as perfect Pizza plates when you want to microwave and reheat and each Pizza pack comes with a pop top air vent to keep you safe from the dreaded soggy slice syndrome even when reheating the entire pack at once wow sharks crust me it's time to cheese the day we are just preheating the oven on this legendary product this literary history in the baking but now hold on there's a butt we need your dough and I'm asking for a hundred thousand dollars for a 10 slice right so corny so sharks who's ready to start making some cheddar can we try the pizza yeah of course oh yeah it's dinner time you need a little dog I'm ourselves I didn't make the pizza okay um this is very well made but if you sell these four and what do they cost you to make yes so we've got down we make these for four dollars landed cost sell them for 24.99 with the plates and everything 24.99 now it's not just it's not just a pizza pack it's a whole set of dishes too yeah I have a question for you this is extremely well made thank you um and it's very solid it completely collapses and it comes with all of that right so how does that oh yeah how does that bend out you can reheat everything in this wall at once yeah you can throw either reheat single slices on these trays five or six in there at once wow I wasn't around when these Underachievers didn't do your last deal but as for this one how much uh how how many in sales what do you have yeah so we just started selling this in April since April we've done over 250 000 in sales [Applause] in the first two months we're pretty much out of inventory are you selling it online online so we're on our website the perfect Pizza pack and then also on Amazon and Walmart so how are you promoting it uh social media advertisements what's your return on next talk what's sorry I saw you buying ads or just having fun we're doing yeah ad spends it's about two dollars and 83 cents and this is all online correct yes and uh what is going to be your profit off of uh your sales this year uh for the this year so far 250 we'll make about 60 000 anybody else make something similar to it uh so absolutely nothing we have had one knockoff come out since we started uh we have uh are you patented we're pending so we've got a utility and two design patents pending we've been able using those to get everyone else shut down there's one knockoff that's still up as soon as that issues we're confident we'll be able to get there two two partners two business partners how much do you own of the company 35 how much money 35 yes that's correct okay uh no no so there's three business partners me and two others so you split it three weeks how much did you raise or are you indeed we've each put in 25 000 of our own money and we owe nothing what do the other guys do uh so yeah where are they today by the way I'm the sales guy I'm the front man they all have very good things [Laughter] what do you plan to do with the money uh inventory we need more inventory yep that's it I mean that's what you need it for inventory in the play of the offense so get ahead we want to get as much space as we can as fast as we can I have bad news for you okay I don't get this product I really don't and I had an Italian boyfriend in high school and I ate pizza every night with his family they never saved a piece I ate it all up oh okay hey fortunately I don't I don't I don't like Robert excuse me better be sorry I'm out okay take okay take I didn't like the pizza and I think I mean congratulations this is a one product company I like to invest in a wider set of products I'm out Tate your last product was a loser this one's a winner okay [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna give you a hundred thousand dollars for ten percent because I'm not greedy and I'm Mr Wonderful however royalty royalty okay here we go here's the deal because the audience wants it I didn't but they do I'm willing to put a very small royalty of two dollars a year until I get my Hundred back and then it drops to 50 cents in perpetuity take the deal eat the pie the p word perpetuity two dollars he's got huge marches okay look you have huge margins he's right and it only costs you two dollars and 83 cents for customer acquisition right why haven't you acquired more customers why haven't you ramped up we haven't had enough inventory uh so once we've started when we first start out so do you have a supply chain problem you can't get it or what's the deal we can now we've got a bunch of like I said when we start in April we ordered a thousand of them to test it we sold out in a matter of days we ordered 2500 more those sold out we just got a big box it's the best problem what do you need from a shark uh honestly I we need the a the money for inventory and the connections to do either a large Nationwide Pizza chain exactly getting that retail space or something like that all roads lead to Mr Wonderful I'm going to make you an offer I'm not going to be I'm not going to ask for a royalty I'm going to offer you 100 I'm like 20 because I want to work with you side by side oh don't even think about that yes think about it because that's right yeah everywhere I can get you everywhere awesome thank you very much Tate I hate investing in companies run by inventors and you just jump from product to product to product but I like buying companies from inventors so we going we're going into commercial break I want you to think what you would want me to pay to buy your company out completely oh don't answer me now but when we come back I want a number wow done two sharks around and Tate has two offers on the table for his leftover pizza container business a pizza pack but Mark wants to know how much it would take for Tate to sell 100 of his company take what you're about to tell me is the biggest response to a question you will ever make in your life you have a chance to be worth who knows how much money if you give me a number that's reasonable so take what's your number well Mark I think this has a long ways to go and a lot to make uh we're just getting going to get it from me today with everything ahead of it five million bucks [Laughter] you know are you serious hey hey I valued your copy at one million dollars and I understand it was just for a percentage but that's insane that is absolutely insane for a company with 250 000 even though I like the product that's why I asked so if you still have Mr Wonderful [Applause] I like the product okay look I prefer my pizza cold normally I prefer it under the bed but this is good right I like the product and I like that you can stack it for kids and everything it's a negotiation so I'm okay here let's do it this way guys I'll let you ask talk to these guys okay but in the back of your mind I want you to think of the right number because I can write the check it's just a matter if you're ready to sell oh so you want to negotiate against himself absolutely I use you guys all the time you know what okay I'm gonna change my offer what you asked for is actually correct I don't think what you asked for is crazy uh I love this this is a this is a huge licensing play I I can get all the NFL teams on this as well as the major chains will probably give it away after you buy a certain amount of Pies but I need to be one fourth let's cut this pie the right way one fourth all of us are equal Partners one hundred thousand dollars twenty five percent wow what do you think of that say you know what I believe in you listen I just believe in you I can tell instantly when something is a hero or a zero and this is a hero I love it I want to be a part of it I want to take the ride with you I I am changing my offer I'm going to take it down from a hundred thousand for 15 in It to Win It with You side by side I'll go to twenty percent oh wow okay down from two to one but 50 cents in perpetuity that's a great deal and you get the only Mr Wonderful that's right Lori I think you're fantastic I've dreamed of working with you since I was here with the cheese Chopper can we meet in the middle at 12 and a half you don't want to know what I was going to know about 13 Kate and you got a deal you don't wanna know come back [Applause] you know what happens sometimes in the Shark Tank I can do for you can do you have something else you want to say yes can can I hear it no Kate you need come on you I was your dream okay the number that works for me I'll write you a check for 1.5 million dollars to buy your company right this very second you get a million point five you can go invent everything and anything you ever dreamed of and if your whole life changes your whole life change is just like that today [Applause] Mark I really appreciate that offer that's a ton of money and that's fantastic but I think I can make a ton of money with this with Laurie yes [Applause] oh my God
Channel: Sony Pictures Television
Views: 525,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sony, Sony Pictures Television, Shark Tank, Shark Tank US, Shark Tank USA, Shark Tank America, American Shark Tank, Shark Tank Pitches, Shark Tank bad pitches, Shark Tank Best Pitches, Shark Tank Covid, Shark Tank Season 12, Mark, Blake Mycoskie, Kevin, Lori, Daymond, mark shark tank, kevin shark tank, lori shark tank, daymond shark tank, mr wonderful
Id: 8waTzyLgAfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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