SHARK FISHING in BACKYARD POND! **Freshwater Isolated Lake**

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this is what I'm using for bait right now I'm using a shark rod in my backyard just gonna keep feeding that thing lines guys cuddles is out here sunning himself we have him inside when it's too cold I have inside this bin just for a little bit you know for the night so if it gets too cold then I bring them back out here meet him he's doing really good but we have something out here that's massive there's no way that this was a largemouth bass it was huge it had to be like three feet long or something it was down here with the carp today scaring a lot of the bait fish away now it's not a bad thing what was that what was that that wasn't a carp guys we have popcorn here we know that I've shot one with the bone marrow we've done a catch and cook on them we also have giant carp now I think I've seen some giant clown night fish thank you I'm not sure not positive but I know that this doesn't connect to anything that's a thing that's what's weird about all this there's something down here that's not that it's not it's not a carp it's not a pocket it's it's a it's like a I don't know if it was I don't know what it was it was a giant fish but as you can see check it out it's a little murky today it's really really windy it's really windy now that back there that's probably carp and pop you guys but I've been trying to bay it up some smaller bait fish I need to catch something something that I can use for bait that's why we have this check this bad boy out boom this is what's gonna catch them whatever that is down there I'm telling you it was a monster now I don't think it was a giant catfish I thought it was a catfish at first but when I saw a little bit closer it kept swiping at our bait fish but it only swiped I think maybe three times we're gonna try to teach this thing a fat lesson but first we need some bait my little trusty bait fish fry I do not want to catch a carp or a PACU on this rod I will be completely screwed is only eight pound test I've done it I've done it you know but I don't want to spook any of these fish because they're kind of like my pets back here I just need to catch a bait fish but it needs to be pretty big it can't just be like a little dinky bait fish pit whatever just that was honestly it couldn't eaten like Shamu it's so big I'm using a shark rod in my back yard I'm using a shark rod in my backyard I've caught the live groupers with this rod look where I am look right and this is a lake so I don't know what's going on but it is a massive fish these car for being ridiculous they're well-trained animal come on baby look maybe that fish will come up with you go ahead carp come on come on babies come on you hungry oh yeah man those things are scary in itself but I'm telling you whatever that was was just as big if not bigger than these animals and as you guys can see these things are vicious and giant look at them look at them if these things had teeth they would tear stuff up but here is right here sweet down guys there is something that is bigger than this and I'm telling you it was a predator it was not after the car because luckily the carp are just big enough here we got some sunlight we got some sunlight on but um I don't know maybe it'll come up I don't know I don't know man it just it they creep me out look here's a baby baby for that baby car better watch out that's how big it was see this block tiny cart that's it was it was so big but I'm telling you guys it could have eaten that car they're eating all cat food and stuff and I think I'll be able to get a bait fish now because it seems like the bait fish just the food has gotten the bait fish all riled up and not worried about whatever else is down there come on come on no cars no car no gurps that's why I need whatever this is that's what that's when you oh yeah oh my god guys a big boy this is what I'm going to use for bait well this is what I'm using for bait right now I'm telling you right now this is what was getting eaten today at this at this dock I thought that was it was a carp check him out man the size of these carp it was chilling it looked as big if not bigger than the carp I don't really need this guy to be alive but I want him to be anyway oh oh here we go all right cool he's good he's good he's good now I had this huge circle hook I tied this up beautiful that's what I'm using in my back yard for whatever this is I'm telling you guys I'm freaking out you guys should see me this morning so just gonna go ahead put this through I'm assuming with whatever this is does not have teeth it does no we're gonna have to try again gotta go ahead and stay right through the nose just like that all right backyard backyard this is insane so guys going down I'll go over here gonna throw them out literally just gonna throw this guy out boom off buddy and I'm gonna hope that this gets eaten hold that camera boy put on the quicker just gonna keep feeding that thing line I'm telling you definitely gonna take a while but the carpet move down there check it out some some just Boop them might be after the baby carp if it is what I think it is it'll think that baby carp is a bullet and try to choke that thing down I don't think he's too far away from this area so I'm just gonna go ahead and leave this right here with the clicker make sure I don't get my rod stick good to go all right I'll leave this here and see what happens so this is a drop net I was gonna use my mega net but I don't know if it is what this fish but if it is what I think it is I can't get this stupid cord untangled hey this is what I think it is this gonna win it right way if it is what I think it is it'll cut through my my biggest my big man trying to get this untangled before whatever eats our beat if that even happens today I guarantee you guys that if I do not catch this today eventually we will catch whatever this is sooner or later but this is the only day I've ever seen it guys our blue glow has been swimming left and right and right and left but it's sitting right now it's been sitting for a while on the on the bank over there we were messing around playing with Shamu cost him to a couple beats Smoove splashed the hell out of me should have been recording that but this bait is just sitting there I got to recast [Music] the only thing that sucks about fishing in pawn right get this branch up should be good [Music] this to me life isn't the fish it's a fish it's blue oh my god I'm just being is that it's official oh my god oh my god dude it's a snook it's a snook oh my god Bonnie you're so curious gimme gimme um I'm gonna get the drawer okay he's not going anywhere he's look brainless look right on the top of it looks Umizoomi look right on the top lid hold on get a little beat up relax relax relax relax oh my god honestly this is 200 280 a heck of flipping [ __ ] no I'm not going to I'm not gonna do that all right just put do me the favor just step just picture this Ron just step over this rock he's good he's good give it up if you turn it down or toast I whupped his ass keep the head up head up it's just just pull the rod he's good I knew it I knew okay you're good you're good you guys on the side oh my god here get this easy easy easy get what get completely destroyed oh my god what a fish oh my god it's so big oh my god that is disgusting oh my god look at the eyes look at the eyes on that day it's like a human eye it's beautiful look at the size of it hold on Kim right now circle hooks all day oh my god oh my god destroyed her oh my god onto the grass oh my God look at the size this fish oh ha ha ha freshwater snook that's got to be 35 that's gotta be the ashes buddy that's got to be 35 all day that's huge that's huge where's the blue key oh my god look at the blue yo look inside the mouth hold on is that the tail down the tail in there can you zoom in can you see that no nevermind that's not a tail anyway but check this out look at there look inside the mouth look how big this fish's mouth is when I told you about that cart oh nothing dude nothing all right so I don't want to hold this grill out of the water for too long but it's awesome to know that there's fish in here freedive see you later baby backyard baby there might be tarpon here to be tarpon here it might be tarpon here I need to start throwing out carcasses and stuff but that might scare the carp I don't know I might that was a big bass recall last time - it's probably not too many big bass if they're snook in tarpon stuff in here what the hell this isn't this this doesn't connect to anything happening I'll bet one of my fans lives here in stock in this thing I wouldn't be surprised myself sorry my bad the rods right here guys we just used a shark rod because I wasn't playing I wasn't playing I've been throwing like carcasses and stuff here and there and I think that's what got I'm on and this the all the bait fish are right here because I always throw out always throw out the cat food always throw out the cat food so all the predatory fish for obviously gonna be right here as well my mouth is dry that thing was we kicked his butt we check this but with this thing if you're gonna catch yourself caught me eighty pound test a 200 pound great that's the way to do it no worries at all you guys see me do it with everybody Under the Sun smoker one of my favorite fish to catch one of the fish that really got me on this thing is it's not even afraid that bad it is frayed but it's not that bad holy crap I wonder how long the thing was sucking on that thing boy who knows who knows this was sitting out here for what at least an hour hey going back and forth we Sally ever so long we caught food for Shamu Chen was doing phenomenal by the way we should go feed her in a second we'll do on the next video whatever guys stay tuned I didn't think today was gonna be that epic I thought we might we might catch it you know you when you're fishing fishing fishing it's never a guaranteed like home run but today was a home run man the next episode that was amazing I want to see what else is back here guys ah PACU I'm almost positive I saw clowns definitely massive PACU carp everywhere Giants largemouth bass I was a pretty solid one there's probably a giant you can't really fish this I don't know guys the stay tuned for the next episode we're gonna catch it one way or another I promise catch them all hit him up
Channel: Catch Em All Fishing
Views: 1,604,839
Rating: 4.7147326 out of 5
Keywords: pond, vlog, snook, jacob feder, fish trap, snook fishing, coralfish12g, shark fishing, fish, zak catchem, aquarium, 618 fishing, catch em all fishing, shark, shark in freshwater, florida, shark fishing in backyard pond, jon b., rawwfishing, cashnasty, how to, fisherman's life, flair, pet, predatory fins, catch em all, fishing videos, bluegabe, fishing, animals, carter sharer, ace videos, shark in pond, catfish, bass, blakes exotic animal ranch, diy, shark fishing in pond, blacktiph
Id: MR4scgBarCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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