Thrill Killer Thinks He Got Away With It

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I'm standing there and like shocked like what the he wanted a little community of little killers oh my gosh this is so crazy that he's being accused of this a young man takes off on a cross-country journey in hopes of achieving a fresh start he's optimistic that this is his chance to make things right for his family and he can feel it everything is about to change unbeknownst to him however his path will soon take an unfortunate detour it will intersect with an individual so incredibly evil they would later be described as a serial killer in the making it was June 17 2017 when 18 year old Hunter Tash Smith left his home in Junction City Oregon Bound for Nebraska they're a steady job that could help him to provide for his infant daughter was awaiting him he'd LED his family to believe he'd be traveling by Greyhound bus it could be that he didn't want them to worry in actuality he had elected to hitchhike three days later on June 20th he updated his friend in Nebraska whom he planned to stay with on arrival he was in Burns Oregon and was catching a bus to Idaho around this same time Hunter's Aunt Raquel Messer received word that Hunter had been picked up by a nice couple apparently they were so kind that they allowed him to stay the night in their home giving him a chance to clean up and get a comfortable night's rest the plan was to drop him off at Ontario Oregon bus station the following day and then all contact with Hunter came to a screeching halt it was the next month in August when Hunter's Friend in Nebraska contacted Hunter's mother Heather Smith the friend was worried it had been weak since she'd heard from Hunter immediately Hunter's family filed a missing person's report it was August 4th and then nothing four agonizing months passed since his family had last seen him and still no word from Hunter on October 21st a development came but it was the worst kind of news human remains were found by hunters in an area of the Bruno desert in Idaho Oregon's neighboring state to the east the cause of death appeared to have been anything but natural and based on the estimated age of the deceased Idaho State Police believed that the remains could potentially be those of the missing young man DNA from Hunter's mother was compared against that of the unidentified body and the confirmation soon came sadly the remains were those of Hunter with the terrible news the family's worst nightmare became a reality and all hope that he'd someday return was lost the situation was beyond comprehension what could have happened to the young father who was eager to start his new life the story behind Hunter's horrendous demise would soon unravel along with unbelievably shocking revelations about the monster whose path he tragically crossed the question why any of this happened in the first place will be answered but understanding the bizarre motive is another thing entirely in the county of Hawaii rumors began circulating about the disturbing find one particular lead out of the many received shortly after news of the somber Discovery was made public captured the full attention of law enforcement a man by the name of Nick Vandenberg had shared a local news story on Facebook this is close to where I live Nick commented but it was his next comment that really raised eyebrows if it was me I wouldn't have left him in the desert LOL too much risk of hunters stumbling on a dead body LOL not exactly the kind of thing someone expected to read about such a tragedy especially posted publicly as law enforcement followed up on the leads that it rapidly filtered in they were soon led to a young woman by the name of Montana Reed she'd been living with Nick in his home until recently and was his ex-girlfriend Montana agreed to speak with detectives on October 24th of 2017. three days after the remains were located first they addressed how it was that she came to live with Nick in his home Halloween night last year I moved in and it was I was getting a divorce and uh so I just you know me and my husband were leaving my mom's house I couldn't live there anymore so he offered me a place to stay and so I was meeting his friends and everybody it seems it wasn't long before the detective got down to the heart of the matter I couldn't think of him hurting somebody why do people say that he's violent because he went to military I mean he talks about little stuff from the military and I mean he's been in a few bar fights Nick has claimed that during the course of his service in the Marine Corps while stationed overseas he'd engaged in combat as a result he'd had to resort to Taking Lives Montana gave some additional background on Nick and explained that his upbringing had left a lot to be desired his growing up I don't know if you know but like he was in and out of foster care and all this other stuff and so as it turns out Montana wasn't the only individual Nick welcomed into his home what about his roommate I couldn't see Keith hurting anybody either Keith just had a baby and he's um you know he's been in jail he does it one he doesn't want to go back at all 33 year old Willie Keith Raby is a man who will hear from shortly as it turns out he's also on law enforcement's radar for multiple reasons Montana continues to describe her dealings with the two men after living with them for an extended period of time neither of them ever showed a violent side to me so far Montana can only speak highly of the two men of course as you'll see this won't always remain the case the detective then poses an interesting question to Montana have you seen the news article that came out about the body that was located yeah I've seen um lots of people post on Facebook from around that area and then it was right out there where we lived kind of he's trying to get a sense of how much Montana knows and where was they where were they saying the body was located I I didn't look exactly aware but everybody like I know Nick posted on there he was like that's pretty much in my backyard I mean you know and it just said that the Bruno desert is where it was found why would Nick talk about this if he did this to this person I don't know he is not necessarily a show-off I guess I don't know why he would be talking about something like that if he didn't do it and if you if he did and he's not I don't know gosh this is so crazy that he's being accused of this no one's accusing him yet I just suspect that he did it because people are talking about it never talk to you about the term bunny bumpin bunny going out and shooting rabbits in the desert yeah we did that did he ever talk about going out with Keith they went out at I mean not lots lots but the detective asks where they enjoyed going out to shoot and coincidentally it seems they frequented a spot near the Bruno desert according to Montana near where Hunter's body was found at this point it seems the detective is narrowing in on the suspect Point Blank if you knew that he did this would you tell me of course I would I don't want to get in trouble for that for keeping that I don't I don't know if they did this or not there are things that point the possibly he did which means he's a bad person or he could not be so again I'm trying to reiterate to stay away from the guy okay don't talk to him about this don't talk to anybody about this something happened whether he had something to do with it or not I don't know but he has told people that he has that's crazy oh my gosh Montana continues to express her shock that Nick's name has come up in relation to Hunter's death the detective concludes the conversation and Montana may think this marks the end of her involvement in the matter however the following day the detective in Montana meet again and as you'll see she didn't heed his advice um I talked to him talking about the stuff and then that's why I called you so you talked to Nick after you talk to me yeah I I told him because he messaged me so I tried to like keep it short while it is possible that Montana is innocent and is simply trying to look out for her friend going straight to Nick could also suggest that she's involved and wants to ensure their stories line up if the detective wasn't suspicious of Montana before he likely is now I don't know if I'm not allowed to ask those but I'm guessing since you're talking about the guns the person that was found was shot am I allowed to ask fortnite we can't comment on we have but that's a possibility let's focus in on what you do now okay interestingly stating that they can't comment isn't actually true there's usually no rule that would prevent the police from providing details to a potential witness however officers will often be strategic about the details they do divulge many times police will want to wait to hear a witness's version of events this serves two purposes first it ensures that the witnesses statements aren't influenced by the detectives second if the witness provides statements that the officers already know to be false then they can use these contradictions in the interrogations as it seems they aren't making much progress the detective begins to lay it on thicker I'm glad you called me last night but I still find it strange that you would even care to even stop and talk to Nick after I've disclosed to you that he is suspected yeah and killing somebody I can't tell you what we know but I know you would have been living at a house when this happened and I don't know how you wouldn't know at least something something happened in that time frame between say around the 4th of July and the month leaving after everybody moving out of that house of course Montana can explain it all away as she's been doing so far Keith was on the run and we told him that he needed to go serve this time everybody did but he didn't want to so I know that Nick pretty much I don't know if he told him but I know that Nick didn't want him at the house if he was going to be on the Run I moved out because we were having some issues and with our relationship one night we got in an argument and I just had it so I moved out the very next day as of now the detective is curious how Montana and Nick's conversation began the previous day apparently they've been texting each other frequently unfortunately Montana is unable to show the messages to the detective apparently she routinely deletes all of her messages these having been erased alone wouldn't make Montana guilty of anything however if combined with other evidence the prosecution could use this to show something called consciousness of guilt this is evidence that shows that a particular criminal defendant knew that they had done something wrong and were conscious of their own involvement for example destroying evidence of a crime a common misconception is that once you delete something from a phone or computer then that file or message is permanently deleted however this is not the case until the underlying data is actually written over it can still be recovered as Montana has continued to stick to her story that she can't believe Nick could be involved in such a terrible crime and that she has no information to share the detective kicks things up a notch and as you'll see Montana does have some details to share after all truth is going to set everybody free okay I know you know something I'm looking at you right now and I know you do and with that Montana makes a shocking statement with this Revelation there's no question about it Montana has been lying I don't want him to be in trouble I don't want to go to jail this marks the point where everything changes course Montana has a mountain of information to provide and it definitely won't be setting anyone free I know one day uh Nick came home with this kid I don't know his name he said that he picked him up and he was a hitchhiker and we were gonna feed him dinner and let him take a shower and then Nick was gonna drop him off at another place if you recall the last word from Hunter was received around June 20th the detective asks Montana when Nick picked the kid up give me a time frame summer was it about this party time that we're talking about a little bit before okay the kid joined them for dinner after that they were going to show him a good time the kid had never went shooting rabbits like we talked about all that sort of stuff he had never went hunting really and that he never went shooting rabbits so you guys were gonna take them out Keith and Nick so that was their plan as they were gonna take him out to go shooting and then go take him up to Mountain Home when they got back he wasn't there anymore and you didn't go with him to shoe rabbit not that type what did Nick tell you about this oh he said he said I'm off the mountain home but you said you were there you know this happened you're in now you you you're on the right path the detective asks her if she would be willing to call Nick while he covertly listens in yeah it's worth a try according to a statement the detective made earlier Nick has been eager to talk to other people who have then shared information with police so the the police left me a message asking about the body they wouldn't say that in a message why would they be asking me I don't know I don't know either do you know anything no when someone's voice goes from a lower tone and ends on a higher tone it often means the person is questioning something or lacks confidence in what they're saying it could also mean they are being disingenuous or are simply caught off guard his upward inflection here is a red flag because this should be something he's certain about which would be demonstrated with a firm tone of voice rather than his less than confident no does anybody that you now know anything what's going on we're all trying to figure it out too because that seems really suspicious to me but they can call you and talk about a body and message they would just ask you to return the call if anything it seems the call is making Nick suspicious of the whole situation they wanted to know about the body and they said uh that it involved possibly that hitchhiker that you brought home and you and I told him that I'd have to call him back later what's going on I don't know Montana okay do I have any idea what happened to The Hitchhiker because I just want to know I I want to know why they're calling me it's already no do you know everything I know so why are you asking me because I just I just want to ask you because I don't know what to do and I'm nervous and nervous about okay I gotta go okay bye unfortunately the call didn't include the admission the detectives had hoped for the following day interview number three with Montana kicks off you recognize that gentleman once again how certain are you pretty certain you're sure that that's our missing hitchhiker looks exactly like him okay well I can also say that I'm 100 sure that that's the body we found in the desert starting to crash down on Montana and she has to know it also on this day detectives also finally catch up with Keith as you'll see he's definitely not eager to talk as Keith has had three unrelated warrants out for his arrest he's been made aware that he will not be heading home after this interview these warrants are not of interest to the detective he has more pressing things on his mind we've been looking for you because you are not a suspect you are a witness to what happened that day the detective starts the interrogation with some simple questions how long have you known Nick so like I said I've only known maybe five or six years but you grew up in that in that area out there in in Grandview but I don't think Nick really went to school and he's quite a few years younger than he saw I didn't really hang out with kids over shook me up you know what I mean already Keith is attempting to distance himself from Nick the question is why would he find it necessary to do so it's going to be a good relief for you I think is just tell us what happened from the beginning as Keith is about to start telling the story he rubs his face and eyes which is considered eye blocking Behavior not only is this a sign that he's uncomfortable but it also acts as a barrier between him and the detective as well it can be an attempt to avoid having to look into the face of the person who he may begin lying to so naked oh I think I was a word or something uh it's gonna get on I was going to get one late a naked messaged me and said that he picked up as a tiger and he brought him back to the house but I knew it was sent me a while before I got there that's not how Montana recalled the evening Keith wasn't with Nick when Nick picked him up I think Keith was already at the house her messaging something like he needed to and don't quote me on that I've designed his exactly okay it's just in reference um there's something like he he had like a basically like a thirst for to kill or something like that things are looking worse for everyone at this point Montana and Keith's stories aren't lining up and Nick allegedly has some very alarming urges and I first well throughout the whole night I thought it was all I thought he was just joking but then when I showed up at the house his Persona was different it wasn't the same Nick as you normally know it wasn't the same there and there was a hitchhiker there the other was we started driving we started shooting rabbits and then I remember we go up towards like the Bruno Canyon maybe and in the midst of this story Keith reveals something that perhaps he wasn't supposed to reveal and like Montana she was sitting in front of me this admission from Keith is definitely not consistent with her story at least with one of her earlier versions that she told the previous day you didn't go with him to shoot rabbit not that time in this third interview she must realize that the walls are beginning to close in you haven't been honest with me I know you haven't I went back I listened to the calls and I listened to their interview yesterday you were there when this happened I have to put naked Grizzle whether you like it or not and you're gonna have to help me do that will you do that and tell me exactly what happened yeah as her self-preservation instincts kick in Montana's account changes yet again and as you'll see she knows much more than she originally LED on so I didn't I didn't watch it happen I looked away because I didn't want to watch it Keith was in the car with me he was in the back seat there's now a consensus between the two Keith and Montana were both present at the time of the murder Nick let the kid get out and go shoot at a rock a kid wanted to shoot on the next bigger guns rifles so he's firing it and what's he shooting at it's just The Rock and nothing there was no rabbit there he was just firing it just so he could fire it I guess what happened next was absolutely chilling I don't know I just happened be watching on and I think the kids NGO MTF that gun and he spun around and I I looked over at Nick and I came here and with his pistol and it was down at his hip and his point right towards him did the kid was maybe maybe a little bit farther than that door from the wall to the door yeah a little bit farther from Nick okay and then Ned pulled the trigger and shot him right in the stomach and uh Nick got up out of the car and he shot him the kid like through Nick's rifle down and Nick waited till the time his gun was empty that rifle was yeah his kids couldn't fire back and I know that the kid said something the kid was like screaming why did you do that why did you do that don't kill me I have a kid don't kill me and he'd like fell back on he fell onto his back and he was like trying to kick it Nick because Nick walked up to him and then he fired off two more shots and then that put two rounds in his head in his head I'm standing there and it's like shocked like what the the accounts match up as far as Nick's shooting Hunter but then the versions Veer off in different directions according to Montana Keith was in the car with her at this time Keith continues with more heart-wrenching details of the Savage Ambush on the unarmed young man and he turns towards Nick turns towards Nick and is walking back according towards Nick towards Nick and he gets shot right here okay in the side of the stomach it was like right maybe below the rib okay and he drops the gun in and he's holding himself and he's standing up he was standing up yeah and then he had like tripped and fell on his back okay and Nick walked up to him and they'd walked up to him and this kid's saying don't shoot me whatever he's saying yeah and Nick puts two runs in his head what happened uh what did Nick do after he shot him in the head looking for casings looking for his shells for the for the pistol for the pistol what kind of pistol was it 1911 what caliber 45 the Lord's caliper when it seems an exacts have reached Peak malice he takes things to another level which can only be described as horrific the kids are still breathing even though he's been shot in the head yeah twice he's still breathing so Nick Point Blank suddenly come again in his face I need to stop and with that Hunter referred to by Montana and Keith only as the kid was dead you've probably noticed that Montana and Keith continually refer to Hunter as the kid or the body these are their attempts to emotionally distance themselves from Hunter and his murder I don't this is what I don't understand why would you put someone Maine and Montana in a situation that you buy a shirt I don't know about Montana but I don't want to be in there what did you guys do and I'm saying that as a collective maybe it was all him conveniently that's where the story is headed for now I'm so like what the I don't have a gun and I sure I don't I can't just pull the trigger on somebody you know what I mean I know I know it wasn't directed towards me I know I probably should have done something but I don't know what the to do apparently Nick knew exactly what to do next she's like tearing the kid's clothes off because the kid was in our house Nick's wanting to take all the clothes off except for his underwear because she sat in our house and the fibers next smart dude so he stripped him of his clothes yeah put it all in the bag and burned them and then he asked Keith to get out and help them undress him and they drug him off I did not watch I didn't want to watch I didn't want to be a part of it I didn't I didn't even know what was going on he says help me drag this body over it's like dude I don't want to do this and I did Nick likely wanted him to help clean up because the more involved Keith was the less likely he would be to report him if he tried to implicate Nick then he would be implicating himself as well despite their efforts both Keith and Montana are more involved than they claim to be and the truth will soon start to show itself as more shocking revelations are made after it all went down the neck went through his belongings and got his ID what happened to the ID I don't know I have no idea he kept the license I'm thinking I don't know where he put it I don't know if he still has it but I know that he kept it this Behavior can be a warning sign of a potential serial killer and an indicator that if given a chance he would kill again as the detective is starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together he wants more information about the motive behind the brutal killing obviously there's no real rationale so what drove Nick to commit such an unconscionable act you told me that it's like he had a thirst for blood yeah so what makes you tell me that there's well I mean what was the the basis of the context of which you I can't remember exactly what was said but it was along the lines of this kid's a liar and I'm gonna end it or I'm gonna end him or something like that according to Keith Nick's comments were in the form of text messages sent to Keith while Hunter was a guest in their home did you have the idea that something bad was gonna happen to that kid it's like just because Nick was saying that I didn't really expect that to be gonna happen that way however that's not what Montana says but what happened what transpired with Nick because what I'm being told is Nick was going to kill this guy and he had planned on doing it hey did you have any idea that this was going to happen I know that Keith and Nick talked about it and they told me that something was gonna happen but I didn't know what and we once we got out there I figured it out end of it after the fact uh he would talk about doing it again that it was a stress relief or talk about um finding a random person driving down the highway in the middle of Idaho like on the highway from Idaho to Nevada and just fighting a random person and I feel like the car was broke down or something and killing them and driving their car off into the desert and burning it on fire the reality that Nick was an aspiring serial killer is all too real Keith's interview is concluded and he's taken into custody as a result of his unrelated warrants however when it comes to his involvement in the murder the investigation has just begun there's only one person left who can answer the detective's remaining question Nick detectives then catch up with them that same afternoon on October 26th the reason we wanted to talk to you is because of a body that was found out in the dead I heard about that I actually saw the notice on Facebook but that's really small okay well some Hunters found this body that's out in the desert right uh and contacted the police they asked us to to assist with them that's why we're here and we're trying to track down any and everything that we could find out about who this person may be okay okay and what happened to this person Nick is holding his body very still which may indicate that he is in fight or flight mode when someone encounters a threat they may freeze momentarily this is an instinctual response in order to minimize attention much like an animal may stop all movement when they realize a predator has spotted them your name came up as somebody that we might want to talk to it might know something about this now I got to tell you straight up I can't tell you a lot of stuff I'll tell you what I can would you happen to know anything about this body being out in the desert I don't no no I don't have any idea I know some people a while back thought I saw a notice saying that hitchhiker that I had picked I think I'm missing Nick has thoroughly prepared his story for this interview so far he seems confident that he's got this one in the bag as you'll see though the interview will begin to head in a different direction shortly and not to Nick's Advantage Nick readily relays his Encounter With The Hitchhiker to the detective I asked him where he wanted to go because I'm obviously not gonna drive into Nebraska and I said well if you haven't eaten if you're hungry whatever I can take you home make dinner I gotta make dinner anyway and I can bring you back to town tonight or in the morning save you that much time and he said all right Nick explains that Hunter ate dinner with Nick Keith in Montana then they all went out to shoot rabbits his account is consistent with the others so far but then Nick throws in some new information came back to the house he had made a comment about Montana I was not excited about his comment about Montana some sexual stuff without wondering if she would sleep with him and all this and I said no because at the time Montana and I were semi seeing each other okay take him to the Chevron Mountain Home it was after dark I don't even know what time it was so you can see around a Mountain Home gave him twenty dollars cash uh two ten dollar bills I think it was and that was the last time I saw or heard from until somebody said they seen a missing poster with his name on it this is the first we've heard in relation to inappropriate comments so it's likely that Nick may have added this in to paint an entirely different narrative he wants police to believe that he's a kind stranger that took in a hitchhiker and made him dinner only dropping him off at a gas station in Mountain Home Idaho after he supposedly made Montana uncomfortable what would I what would you think if I told you that I thought the guy that was out there in the desert is the same guy the same person that you that you described to me I think [Music] kind of crazy to say the least a little uncomfortable at the same time what would I because that would that would instantly point a finger at me being the last person that saw him had a meal with him it's going to be difficult for Nick to explain away the next question posed by the detectives what did we just say if I told you that he was out in that general area that you described to me as well around shoo fly well in the in the desert out there yeah well I mean that's I don't know is it well known out there for people to go yeah all kinds of people go through the desert out there shooting rabbits or well whatever you know we did talk to Montana [Music] and she told us some of the same stuff that you've said but some of it's a little different okay okay uh we talked to Keith okay and he told us some stuff too but some of it's a little different okay okay so that's why we wanted to talk to you completely okay the story they told us has a different kind of an ending really yeah so we want to talk to you about that and see what the ending really is okay Nick is clearly feeling the pressure he may be realizing that this version isn't quite cutting it you know the the story that we're hearing is that uh the hunter never came back from the hunting trip right rabbits most likely a strategic move the detective exits the room for a few minutes then returns and directly confronts Nick I know you were involved in what happened with him I'd like you to tell us the truth I know that you guys are out shooting rabbits I know that okay there's not a doubt I know that you guys had you had picked him up as he was hitchhiking okay I know that uh that you had some drinks smoked some weed with him took him out for a drive right but I also know that the end of the drive he stayed there and he stayed there because he was shot I know that I also know that he was shot was in 1911-45 okay which you had okay yeah okay I also know that you shot him then the tables turned and Nick poses some questions of his own and why would you say that because I know that how do you know that I have the proof I have the 45 bullets I also have witnesses that were out there that said that you did it Nick has dug himself quite a hole now that he sees he's not going to get out of this he attempts to provide a new story to the detective one that will get him out of trouble and as you'll see it's unbelievable do you want to tell us about what happened down there yeah but we were out there shooting rabbits drinking and we got out he had said he wanted to shoot he shot at a rock he just started shooting at it and I was like don't shoot at the Rock like ricochets happen and he said it'll be okay and he turned around and I was standing just outside the driver's door and he turned around and heard the gun click all right reacted and what'd you do I shot him I went back to the same thing I was trying to do be in the military and even even afterwards Keith looked at me and he's like that wasn't you I said well I mean in a way that is me so Nick did shoot Hunter but according to Nick it was simply a reflex after all he'd been trained to react in the military Nick makes a last-ditch effort to assassinate Hunter's character having already confessed to actually assassinating him while going through Hunter's belongings prior to burning some of the evidence Nick claims to have made a shocking Discovery he grabbed my stuff from the Marine Corps I have a set of dog tags and a little Crystal image of myself from boot camp and then my reading that stuff in here was in his backpack along with a set of my hunting knives really so he was in the process of stealing for me and then just pissed me off even more I think okay quite obviously the detective isn't buying any of it as the interview is about to come to a close Nick recounts the gunshots that ended hunter's life you got the one in the stomach um can have the one in the face and I I've heard so many people struggling to breathe and I couldn't listen to it it's just one of those kind of triggered me so just double tap real quick to his head yeah okay so it was a mercy killing you'll soon hear from Montana that this story has no merit whatsoever in the 1911 the uh the one I shot him with is buried in the desert okay we're out in the desert that's I'm not gonna tell you that okay you'll never get that from me okay refusing to disclose the gun's location could be a show of power Nick already confessed to killing Hunter because of the evidence against him however the whereabouts of the gun is something he can control especially if he's the only one who knows the location feel better get off your chest a little bit the whole situation didn't even weigh on me I don't know the easiest way to explain it would be like playing a mask on it seems that in this moment Nick is the most honest he's been the entire time openly telling the officers that the murder he committed hasn't bothered him in the least when he says it's like putting on a mask he's likely referring to the manipulation and deception that he uses in his everyday life to blend in with the average person well you know you have to be arrested I completely understand I prefer you read me my rights first though on the tape with everything else I'm not going to read you your rights right now because I'm not going to ask any more questions okay but we are going to arrest you all right so do me a favor turn out put your hands up on the wall there Nick is taken into custody and though his conversation with the detectives is concluded he definitely isn't done talking he calls a woman believed to be his mother while in prison and it seems he still believes he can beat the system hello hello what happened Nick well right now it's Murder One I know who did you who was it it was a hitchhiker why there's a lot that went into him that's why you were so infatuated with it that's why you called me isn't it as soon as you knew that that body had been found no anything like that for me yesterday why is that right we get some interesting insight as to how Nick thinks when he gloats that because he wasn't read his rights he believes that nothing that he said the previous day can be held against him he is sorely mistaken we can assume Nick was not in custody when he came to speak with officers if the police ask you to voluntarily come down to the police station and don't place you under arrest you aren't in custody so everything you say can be used in court unless you're in custody there is no legal requirement that the police read you your Miranda Rights a few days later ironically Montana meets again with the detective for one last interview and boy does she have some interesting information to share and he talked about doing it more afterwards like going and on Highway 51 out in the middle of nowhere and acting like his car was broke down and then end up killing whoever stopped and taking their car out into the desert and burning it on fire we've heard this story before however this time Montana has some horrifying information to add he talked about doing that he talked about paying out more hitchhikers he told me and Keith that it was our turn next we wanted a little community oh so killers and I just I went along with it because I didn't know what else to do knowing now that Nick's plan was to commit more murders a chilling question is raised did Nick kill anybody else not that I know of he never talked about it we I never went after that um he just said that he wanted to did he pick up any hitchhikers that you know of and then the question that follows the detective provides some intriguing information regarding Nick's alleged service did he ever besides his fake Afghanistan stories where he said he killed people which are true did he ever talk about killing anybody outside of the military yes he did he said when he lived in Caldwell people would hire him kind of they would pay him to go take care of people that they didn't like as horrifying as that admission was it seems that this was another case of Nick lying about what were most likely acts he merely fantasized about committing there has been a warrant for your arrest um we'll take you from here you'll get booked into the Twin Falls County Jail um you'll be arraigned probably tomorrow wait and you'll end up being transported most likely to the oahe county jail Keith's also just got arrested today too you knew that Nick did Nick did confess to this the case against him is unbelievably strong based on what we've found despite this claim Nick continues to believe that he has the upper hand in a jail call recorded a few weeks after Nick's arrest he and a man believed to be his father discussed the case against him I don't know if they've got all their ducks in a row yeah I don't think they do well that's what I'm thinking I don't think they got it all together and I don't think they think they'd be and enough evidence shoe a whole lot Nick also spoke to a woman believed to be his new girlfriend apparently Nick caught wind of an element that was to be used in the case against him an incriminating find had surfaced went to court this morning yeah how'd it go uh I talked to my attorneys and apparently they're trying to use text messages a group message between me Keith and Montana about shooting rabbits behind the barn okay uh they're trying to use that as a plan to commit murder what about shooting rabbits yeah behind the barn in Bruno Idaho shooting rabbits behind a barn that's a plan apparently give me a break in the end despite his certainty that he would beat the system Nick elected to take a plea deal in late August of 2019 he was sentenced to life for first degree murder he will serve 30 years before he will be eligible for parole Montana pleaded guilty to criminal conspiracy and failure to notify authorities of a death in December of 2019 she received a sentence of 15 years in prison with a possibility of parole after serving five years earlier that year Keith pleaded guilty to accessory to first-degree murder evidence destruction and failure to notify authorities of a death he was sentenced to 26 years and could be eligible for parole after he has served 11 years
Views: 5,698,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, true crime documentary, psychology, law, educational, education
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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