SharePoint Communication Sites: How to build a site in under 10 minutes

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[Music] Hello and welcome to Microsoft Mechanics Live coming up we're gonna take a look at SharePoint Communication Sites a brand new way for you to publish your content and reach a broad audience and further power your organize organizations Internet we're going to show you how you can in under 10 minutes create a fast and beautiful internet communication site that works across devices use our out of box site design tools to quickly get started and incorporate your own look and feel you'll be able to author pages that use SharePoint web parts to add rich capabilities and pull in data from other services even third parties and interact with readers get usage information and see how your sites and your content are doing and to do this I'm joined by Dave Cohen from the SharePoint engineering team give him a warm welcome thanks Jeremy great to be here all right so communication sites they're a brand-new way to publish content to broader audience but what problems are we solving for with communication sites well we built communication sites to make it easy to build a fast and beautiful mobile ready intranet site to share your finished content and messages and to reach and interact with people across your organization we're seeing many of you build these sites for events campaigns product launches for teams to share their insights and expertise on topics and many other scenarios where the key component is to communicate your message broadly and effectively all right and you say it's fast but we're gonna put this to the test we're gonna challenge you we're gonna give you precisely 10 minutes to be able to build out a communication site now we're gonna let you do a couple of things so redundant items you know I don't want to watch you load an image six times individually or you know load in documents every time and have to see that so we're gonna give you a couple leeway there I know you've got some stuff kind of pre-prepared some documents so let's put ten minutes on the clock are you ready to start with ready all right your time starts right now all right well I'm gonna start from the SharePoint home and I just click this create site button and I'm given two options a team site or a communication site this site is going to be a resource for my entire company and so I'm gonna choose communication site here I can see different site designs that we've pre provision for you and sorry so these are these are templates and you've got a couple of different options that you can use but you run out of time Dave I am sorry the topic site here is a great site design for information dense sites we have other site designs like the Showcase design that's great for when you have beautiful images lots of text but it's a fairly static design I'm short on time today and so I absolutely want to start with one of our pre-canned designs so I'm just gonna give my excited name contoso it's so easy he's not even like urgently still cool up here he doesn't even care that's that's true now course I run into a demo bug uh-oh demo bug yeah my my taskbar oh how do I should hide the taskbar what are you trying to do hide the taskbar oh don't worry about hiding the taskbar it's okay I need to get to a button oh you need to get to a button behind the taskbar all right let's uh let's uh let's try it out eleven enough try that is it still being hit by the taskbar yes Wow we literally ran through this ten minutes ago all right let's let's um let's not go fullscreen on that on that let's see if we can see these are these are some interesting things to work all right we're good right I'm still good now it's never gonna happen at eight eight minutes it's 15 seconds can you still do it all right so because I was a little rushed I picked the wrong site design but no worries I can change that so I'm just gonna quickly go in here I really wanted the showcase but like I said the site design I'm not locked into it I can change it all right hurry oh no I'm gonna change it to layers I'm gonna add three layers there we go worries I'm gonna leave news I'm gonna delete this and I'm gonna delete this and I'm just gonna this is a real this is a real yeah yeah this is this is like three seconds left and rehearsal so we just lost a minute on on troubleshooting taskbar issues okay all right all right so the first thing I want to do now I've got the site set up back to where I want is I'm going to create a page to link my visitors to from the home page of the site so all right so is written sub pages now underneath the communication site given a couple different page templates to choose from and just like the site designs I'm not locked in any I can start with whichever I want I'm gonna pick single column okay okay so now I'm gonna name this page it's gonna be program overview good name okay I want to update the title image we know what people have some really great images that they they want to be on this site I didn't get a chance to upload to upload the images that I wanted to I get a little flustered so I'm just gonna go into my overview folder choose this go luckily I'm on a pretty fast demo Network I hope excellent so it's great about the title region is not only can I drag this this image run to where I want it to be I can actually tell it where I want the browser to focus that image on in smaller screen resolution so as it shrinks the size of the image it's keeping what I tell it to in focus all right now minute 30 seconds so now I already have the text of this page ready to go I'm gonna copy it I'm gonna paste it okay looks good the formatting held exact going okay I want to add an image so now what I'm gonna do no pressure no pressure whatsoever right now and this music is intense I am gonna I'm just gonna drag this image I don't have time to play around with uploading it Oh boom I just dragged an image into the rich text editing web part and it made an image web part alright but I'm not happy with this I want the image in text to be side by side at a time so yeah thanks Jeremy so I'm gonna go down I'm going to open the toolbox I'm gonna add a to column section to my page go up you forgot the L you gotta go back I did I forgot the L back to the checkpoint who gets that I'm gonna cut that add a rich text part copy it in alright that's great but now I want this image to be next to it that's as easy as drag and drop boom there we go time check five eighteen alright so next thing I want to do I'm gonna add a three column section because I have a bunch of documents that I want my my site visitors to see so I add a file viewer part I'm gonna upload from my demo folder nice so this is gonna take the PowerPoint it's gonna drop in a nice thumbnail view of it in a sec but you got to keep going I do got it you only got four minutes and 56 seconds okay time's running out I got this don't you wish all the web devs that we're building these sites for you on-site we're working like this with a 10 minute clock if you ever thought that we weren't committed to performance and SharePoint let this convince you all right so this is risky you're gonna add Yammer to the site I am gonna add Yammer so Yammer is an important part of the kink the conversations that happen across my company all right and I really want to bubble those up to my site so I just drop a Yammer URL into this part there we go I'm gonna choose top conversations because I want the most interesting conversation to come through to this site okay you got 4 minutes and 18, no 16 seconds that looks good I'm gonna publish this page all right so you got a page done. so now I could help people find this page but I'm not ready to yet I'm still building my site so I'm gonna go back to the home page and I'm gonna edit the hero web part that was incorrect go back you're gonna edit the page and point this hero web part to the page that I just made now awesome it's right here in recent pages it's saving me a ton of time the next thing that I need to do is copy and paste all the text that I prepared because oh man am i running short on time you got 3 minutes and 37 seconds it's like when your manager says hey I need a site and you didn't do it and then he asked you where the site is you can do it very quickly we saw a really, we saw a really cool trick yesterday where you can use the rand function from Excel and Word it will just automatically generate paragraphs of content so we did say that I'm gonna cheat a little bit I'm just gonna point I'm just gonna point the other tiles in this hero web part to some images you saw how easy it is for me to create pages that I could actually link to all right but for the sake of this demo I'm just gonna point them at images so my home page looks good I don't think my managers really gonna click through to those anyway all right and the nice thing is like any engineering you can adjust scope based on the time that you have and you can see I keep telling my keep telling me they hear a webpart to automatically pull in the images from the pages that I link to and that's really saving me a lot of time right now so last one all right upload it okay how much time do I have at 2:33 all right I got this and you might want ads it might not want to add the description oh but you're gonna go for it anyway look at that he's brave I am brave or dumb whichever okay right beautiful so now so I added an image gallery part I have a bunch of images here that I just want to go and quickly upload my original intention had been to preload them before you load them into the site assets right after I created your right some parallel process but I I got flustered in so I'm going work on some other stuff all those guys load up alright so last thing I want to tell people who they can get in contact with today I'm Andy he's actually sitting in the audience today okay I'm also gonna add Alyssa in this demo program they're responsible for the cheaper of course right no I'm not I didn't mean to chew up your time no because you know honestly I don't want Jeff looking at this soon all right Mike through all right uh my image gallery didn't load that's okay oh I got this he's got this we've got another way there's always more than one way to do it yes there we go one of the cool things that I can do is I can upload these images just directly to the site assets library they should upload as long as the demo network doesn't go down and as they upload I'm gonna tell this to just go and look at a document library actually this I haven't why we're at the last minute ago looking it open in alright save and close okay now also I'm going for gold I want to create a news post news post in 48 seconds alright alright so I already have my text actually I need need an image so I'm gonna upload an image quickly and he's not even going for the default ones they're already there in the folder no he's going for a I have an image that I know I want no don't worry about refocusing that one you got 28 seconds alright alright this is the last thing he's doing though 21 seconds I want you guys to count out down on 10 and okay I'm back on my homepage all I need to do publish the homepage share the site it's open to my whole org I'm gonna share it with 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 shared with everyone you did it then the SharePoint socks congratulations thank you alright but we're not done we want to show some stuff now that it's all built because we've got some more things to show right because now that you've got nothing if you've bait this time one second you've built your Communication Site looks beautiful page underneath it a news post all those things but hey you can you can do more now you've got a mobile site that's ready to go as well right yeah that's right so my boss is waiting for my site he's on the going I'm just gonna give it to him I'm gonna send him a link and he can open it on his phone so can we switch over to the phone there we go what do you guys think it's all mobile responsive everything's looking good and in the portrait mode all right it's got my news post it's got the images and it's got people web part now so my sites here it's ready I want to tell you about two more things so something that we've added to communication sites and modern pages is the ability to interact with your readers and kind of get an idea of what they're doing on the site so the first thing I want to show you is on the page that I created that overview page you can see at the bottom of the screen a little section that says comment count so now my readers can actually go and comment on my site I can reply to them and so it creates this interactivity that we never really had before and then nope ah cancel thank you no and then can we switch back to desktop that's the last thing you need was the battery of the phone today yeah yeah thanks that would have been that would have been fantastic yes huh I have a charger right here just in case so as a site owner the other thing I want to show you I'm gonna go to a different site because that's a brand new site there's no usage on it so I want to show you some actual data on the site usage page I can actually see in the last seven days how many unique viewers went to my site how many site visits I got and I can actually see the pages and the documents that are trending the most so we've really upped the level of interactivity between site owners and there and given them better analytics and how their their sites are being used but you said there was two things there's another thing you wanted to show right yeah so lastly we announced Hub Sites this week and Hub Sites are a huge new feature you can attach any site to a hub and I'll actually show you what that looks like I'm not going to demo attaching it to a hub today I just wanted to bring up a hub that already existed but you can see that the hub has a global navigation it has its own branding and that's basically how you can ensure that when you attach a site to a hub that that site gets the look in the feel of the hub its global navigation and then conversely the activity from the sites that get attached to the hub flow back up in an aggregated way to the Hub Site itself so lots of really great updates for communication sites and SharePoint you built an awesome site media-rich in about ten minutes everybody what do you think of that so if you're watching this if people are watching this watching this at home where would I go to get started well Communication Sites are in production today so the easiest thing is to just go to the SharePoint home in your organization click create site and get started the SharePoint community is awesome both online with events everywhere and happening all the time so definitely check those out and check out the resources that the link shown to get all the details what you can do with SharePoint Communication Sites I'm awesome Dave thank you again and you beat the challenge it must have been the argyle socks with SharePoint logos on them of course you can keep watching Microsoft Mechanics for the latest updates in SharePoint and beyond across all of Microsoft thanks for watching we'll see you next time! [Music]
Channel: Microsoft Mechanics
Views: 153,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft, sharepoint site, sharepoint website, how to create a sharepoint site, microsoft sites, sharepoint team site, teamwebsite, sharepoint sites, team site, sharepoint setup, free sharepoint site, office 365 team site, create sharepoint sites, sharepoint communication sites, building a sharepoint site, how to create a sharepoint page, how to build a sharepoint site, create sharepoint site, create new sharepoint site, how to make a sharepoint site, communication sites
Id: dhE9UN5QcHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.