SharePoint Categorization - Enterprise Keywords

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hi I'm Peter come from of Kallstrom dot-com business solutions in this demonstration I'll talk to you about the enterprise keywords column in any document library it's very easy to add that and it does provide very easy and enterprise-wide categorization to enable that in a document library is going to the library tab only if library settings and here is the enterprise metadata and key word settings and that only has one single check box you click on that then you'll have this column as you see it's listed here in the end the price keywords as a managed metadata field and to use that you actually have to add it to your view all so I'm gonna do that that is not done automatically so you need to edit the view and make sure that you actually see this and paste keywords column and now I have another column as you see with Enterprise keywords and of course I can go in and edit the properties of each and every document like this and just type in some enterprise keywords and these enterprise keywords they are as it says below here they're shared with other users and applications so it's the same for the entire enterprise in office 365 that means your entire tenancy and everyone will see these keywords so if I type in long-term planning here since I haven't used this enterprise keywords field before I don't get any suggestions I can just add that there save them and there of course now when I do the next one and I can show you another way of tagging documents or categorization and for going to quick edit view here let's see this one is actually a long-term planning document too so now if I start typing here you see I get the suggestion long-term planning but if I do this one I can do there's this documentation I don't get one word so these keywords now are actually saved in the metadata settings of your tenancy there you go so that's how easy that works your spontaneous reaction might be you know how are we gonna control this how gonna keep it in check so that people don't use the wrong tagging the wrong category station how do we make people use the right tags and of course it's possible to do that that's called a taxonomy a very controlled category section the enterprise keywords field it's what's called a folksonomy that means that it's free anybody can add stuff to this categorization and you might feel that that would never work in my organization but consider the organization of the internet there's no one at you know Twitter deciding that we need a new world cup in 2016 the hash tag no one is deciding that essentially somebody starts writing about world cup 2016 or something like that and people follow that tagging so it does work and it also then works in a similar way on Facebook and other popular social sites so the concept of tagging is rather well known and established so you might want to enable that feature for your own organization also now if you need to clean this up so say that somebody used something wrong or you can do that too that's down here under the checkpoint admin Center which you'll find under admin of course if you can't see that then you're probably not the global administrator of your office 365 tendency here is the term stored by default nobody is the term store administrator even though I am logged in as the SharePoint administrator obviously and the global administrator of my office 365 I'm not the term for administrator so that means nothing works here I can go in and see some stuff I can see the keywords that I've added there but I can't change anything but if I had myself as the Trump store administrator like that then just click Save down here and now you see it all becomes live and if I click the long-term planning keyword here you see I can move that or I can delete so if I delete that keyword the documents will stay there and of course but they will no longer be tagged by that so you can simply remove keywords like that so that concludes my demo on using the enterprise keywords column for categorization in your document library thank you for watching
Views: 9,817
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Categorization (Field Of Study), Microsoft SharePoint (Software), SharePoint Online, Microsoft Office 365 (Software), Enterprise Keywords, SharePoint file categorization, tutorial, demo
Id: gMl8pGTpjys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2015
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