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hello everybody welcome back to my channel and if you're new here my name is Elizabeth and welcome to today's video I want to show you guys how we have everything organized in a one bedroom we do live in a one-bedroom condo so I don't have a separate room for his nursery we had to put everything in a one-bedroom we had to make it fit so I want to show you guys how we managed to do all of that and organize his clothes and everything that we need for him so I'm gonna turn around and show you guys our southern and I also wanted to let you know because a lot of the times that I'm editing I can hear Sebastian in the background screaming so I only make videos when he's sleeping or when his dad could be you know playing around with him and taking care of him so that's why you can hear him in the background because he's outside playing around with his dad so I just wanted to let you guys know if you're hearing him in the background okay guys so this is our bedroom this is pretty much it it just has our bed our nightstand we have Sebastian's crib over there on my side that's where I sleep we have our dresser on TV and then this over here is what I wanted to show you guys because this is what we used when Sebastian was a newborn currently we have different things on the shelves but I wanted to show you because this is what we used for everything that we needed when he was a newborn so we had his bassinet instead of the crib we just recently updated him to a crib but before we used the little bassinet for him and then over here on this corner we had that shelf over there that we got from Target so we stocked it up with everything that we needed and that's pretty much what worked for us for like the first few months when he was born so that's pretty much it his bassinet the garbage for the diapers then his little shelves so I'm going to show you guys what we used in these years so this is how small it is it was perfect and fit in our corner and this little potty here I basically just stocked it up so that I can show you guys how we had it set up but imagine this being on the first shelf so now I just hold his books now in there but before it used to have full of diapers I had his white bees on his little spatula for his butt cream so that he wouldn't get a diaper and we're amazing because I don't have a changing table um we don't have a dresser with a changing table we just don't have the space for it so I would use these so that my sheets wouldn't get dirty I would just get one of these put it on my bed and then whenever he needed a diaper change special in the middle of the night I just had easy access to it I would put it on my sheet and in case he had a blowout or he got dirty while I was changing him this put saved my sheet from getting dirty or having to wash them all the time I would just throw these in the laundry whenever they would get dirty and it comes in a pack of three I got it from Target and I love those those were literally used all the time here I have his gripe water basically we used it when he was newborn we haven't really felt like we needed to use it anymore thankfully and then we also have his little medicine pouch this is where I keep his vitamin D drops and basically all of his medicine like Tylenol and things like that and that was all in the first shelf so down here I basically use it for storage I keep his toys in there but before when we had it in our corner we used to have all of his swaddles I had extra clothes for the night like if he needed to change because he had a blowout or he threw up or something like that I had one of these I had his pajamas I had the burp cloths I had a lot of little extras right there on the second shelf and then down here basically it's pretty much the same I have a lot of like we'll Sachs and his little life medicines the only thing that's different is that we had it stocked with extra diapers and extra sets of white bees but we don't really go through them and smudge anymore because he is older when they're newborn you really go through diapers and wiping illogically this is a lifesaver this is what helped us have everything that we needed for sebastian i felt like we didn't need anything else it kind of kept me from buying a lot of things that i felt like i needed but in reality this is all I used and I didn't feel like I needed anything else small and it was very inexpensive and it fit perfectly in the corner over there with his little bassinet and his bassinet was smaller so it actually seemed like we had a lot of space so it worked out great and now it's basically just his crib and I got this little mogul from one of my baby showers and then I have his little night owl' and that's a little light and his white noise so it's pretty cool I also got it as a gift and over here we just have his little camera and we have his monitor outside and that's pretty much the setup that we have right now I don't feel like we need anything else and for all of his clothes and all of his extra stuff like sheets and blankets I'll go ahead and show you guys outside because that's where I have his closet that I have turned into his closet so let me show you guys so this is what it looks like inside this is supposed to be a linen closet but because we didn't have enough room in our closet which is made this into Sebastian closet and honestly I think it works great I don't mind it at all I think I have plenty of space and I have everything that I need when we first moved into our condo everything needed to be updated and remodeled so I was about seven or eight months pregnant and when we started the remodeling so we didn't finish the closet we never got around to it so basically what we did is we just painted it before we took off the shelf so that's why it looks like that and we never finished painting it afterwards and went to Home Depot and he bought this little rod so that we can hang Sebastian's clothes I think it was like two dollars or something like that so very inexpensive and I just have all his little cute clothes his little robe his leather jacket how cute is that anyway so that's where I have his clothes down here on the first shelf I got these little baskets at the dollar store and usually what we keep up here is what we're currently using the most I'm so right now I have all of his jeans and his pants his long sleeves one sees his little PJs when he was a newborn I had all of his swaddles and the birth claws and give a super cute so that's what we have on the first shelf and then down here again just more clothes these are kind of empty because a lot of the clothes are dirty and haven't gotten around to it then down here I have two more baskets on the left that's where I have all of his lotions shampoos body wash and this is just like all his winter stuff since we don't need them at the moment they're just down there and then up here more shelves I have all of his onesies and on this one I have like all of his bath stuff like his towel his um washcloths and then this basket this is where I have all of his clothes that don't fit him just yet so I just have them in there and then this is just all of his socks his little shark socks I have the same pair so it's a pretty kit I love sharks and then this is his little shoe shelf some of his shoes don't fit him anymore some of them are too small because he's already gone through them and then some of them are still too big so eventually it'll fit him but he has his little converse on his little Mexican boats super cute and then his little white arches when he was tiny and they don't fit him anymore but I'm for sure gonna keep those forever and then his little snow boots that he already use and then at the bottom as you can tell we didn't even finish painting this died um it still has a lot of wallpaper that we scraped off on the other side but not on this side and then I have this basket that makes this Renoir gave it to me um more shorts this is where I keep all of his clothes that don't fit anymore so when I do the rotation of taking out everything and putting in the new size that's usually when I empty this basket so in the meantime it's just there and I can just put everything that doesn't fit anymore and then I just have extra blankets there basically this is it it's worked so far I like it and if I needed more space I can just add more baskets down here yeah so that's that's his closet guys and then you just close this and you can't even see any video guys thank you so much for watching and if you can please like and subscribe and turn on the notification valve so that way you don't miss any of my future videos and again thank you guys so much for watching and supporting my channel until the next time fine artist
Channel: Eli Ocean
Views: 14,067
Rating: 4.8348622 out of 5
Keywords: SHARED NURSERY TOUR SMALL SPACE 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, shared nursery tour, thecfamily, small apartment with baby, ditl2020, nursery organization on a budget, nursery organization, nurseryorganization for small spaces, bedside nursery small room, shared nursery tour small space, 1 bedroom apartment with a baby, 9 month old, 2020, small youtubers support, small youtubers motherhood, motherhood, vlogs, vlogs 2020, cosleeping, mommy channel, bedroom tour, sharing a room with a baby, sahm
Id: WpwZlWhUaO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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