Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP)

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Hi everyone, I’m Rob Geada, an engineer on the  TrustyAI team, and I’m going to talk a little   about my work with Shapley Additive Explanations,  or SHAP. Now before I go into the specifics   of SHAP and how it works, I first have to talk  about the mathematical foundation it’s built on;   and that’s Shapley values from game theory. Shapley values were invented by Lloyd   Shapley as a way of providing a fair  solution to the following question:   if we have a coalition C that collaborates to  produce a value V, how much did each individual   member contribute to that final value? So what does this mean? We have a coalition C, a   group of cooperating members that work together to  produce some value V, called the coalition value.   This could be something like, a corporation of  employees that together generate a certain profit,   or a dinner group running up a restaurant bill.  We want to know exactly how much each member   contributed to that final coalition value; what  share of the profit does each employee deserve,   how much each person in the dinner  party owes to settle the bill.   However, answering this gets tricky when there are  interacting effects between members, when certain   permutations cause members to contribute more  than the sum of their parts. To find a fair answer   to this question that takes into account these  interaction effects, we can compute the Shapley   value for each member of the coalition. So let’s compute the Shapley value for member 1 of   our example coalition. The way this is done is by  sampling a coalition that contains member 1, and   then looking at the coalition formed by removing  that member. We then look at the respective   values of these two coalitions, and compare the  difference between the two. This difference is the   marginal contribution of member 1 to the coalition  consisting of members 2, 3, and 4; how much   member 1 contributed to that specific group. So we then enumerate all such pairs of coalitions,   that is, all pairs of coalitions that only differ  based on whether or not member 1 is included,   and then look at all the marginal contributions  for each. The mean marginal contribution is the   Shapley value of that member. We can do  this same process for each member of the   coalition, and we’ve found a fair solution  to our original question. Mathematically,   the whole process looks like this, but all we  need is to know that the Shapley value is the   average amount of contribution that a particular  member makes to the coalition value.   Now, translating this concept to model  explainability is relatively straightforward, and   that’s exactly what Scott Lundberg and Su-In Lee  did in 2017 with their paper “A Unified Approach   to Interpreting Model Predictions,” where they  introduced SHAP. SHAP reframes the Shapley value   problem from one where we look at how members  of a coalition contribute to a coalition value   to one where we look at how individual  features contribute to a model’s outputs.   They do this in a very specific way, one  that we can get a clue to by looking at   the name of their algorithm; Shapley Additive  Explanations. We know what Shapley values are,   we know what explanations are, but  what do they mean by additive?   Lundberg and Lee define an additive feature  attribution as follows: if we have a set a of   inputs x, and a model f(x), we can define a set  of simplified local inputs x’ (which usually means   that we turn a feature vector into a discrete  binary vector, where features are either included   or excluded) and we can also define an explanatory  model g. What we need to ensure is that   One: if x’ is roughly equal to x then  g(x’) should be roughly equal to f(x),   and two: g must take this form, where  phi_0 is the null output of the model,   that is, the average output of the model, and  phi_i is the explained effect of feature_i;   how much that feature changes the output of the  model. This is called it’s attribution.   If we have these two, we have an explanatory  model that has additive feature attribution.   The advantage of this form of explanation is  really easy to interpret; we can see the exact   contribution and importance of each feature  just by looking at the phi values.   Now Lundberg and Lee go on to describe  a set of three desirable properties of   such an additive feature method; local  accuracy, missingness, and consistency.   We’ve actually already touched upon local  accuracy; it simply says if the input and the   simplified input are roughly the same, then  the actual model and the explanatory model   should produce roughly the same output.  Missingness states that if a feature is   excluded from the model, it’s attribution  must be zero; that is, the only thing that can   affect the output of the explanation model is the  inclusion of features, not the exclusion. Finally,   we have consistency (and this one’s a little hard  to represent mathematically), but it states that   if the original model changes so that the a  particular feature’s contribution changes,   the attribution in the explanatory model  cannot change in the opposite direction;   so for example, if we have a new model where a  specific feature has a more positive contribution   than in the original; the attribution in our  new explanatory model cannot decrease.   Now while a bunch of different explanation methods  satisfy some of these properties, Lundberg and Lee   argue that only SHAP satisfies all three;  if the feature attributions in our additive   explanatory model are specifically chosen  to be the shapley values of those features,   then all three properties are upheld. The problem  with this, however, is that computing Shapley   values means you have to sample the coalition  values for each possible feature permutation,   which in a model explainability setting means we  have to evaluate our model that number of times.   For a model that operates over 4 features, it’s  easy enough, it’s just 64 coalitions to sample   to get all the Shapley values. For 32 features,  that’s over 17 billion samples, which is   entirely untenable. To get around this,  Lundberg and Lee devise the Shapley Kernel,   a means of approximating shapley  values through much fewer samples.   So what we do is we pass samples through  the model, of various feature permutations   of the particular datapoint that  we’re trying to explain. Of course,   most ML models won’t just let you omit a feature,  so what we do is define a background dataset B,   one that contains a set of representative  datapoints that the model was trained over.   We then fill in our omitted feature or features  with values from the background dataset,   while holding the features that are included in  the permutation fixed to their original values.   We then take the average of the model output  over all of these new synthetic datapoints as   our model output for that feature permutation,  which we’ll call that y bar.   So once we have a number of samples computed in  this way, we can formulate this as a weighted   linear regression, with each feature assigned  a coefficient. With a very specific choice of   weighting for each sample, based on a combination  of the total number of features in the model,   the number of coalitions with the same  number of features as this particular sample,   and the number of features included and excluded  in this permutation, we ensure that the solution   to this weighted linear regression is such  that the returned coefficients are equivalent   to the Shapley values. This weighting  scheme is the basis of the Shapley Kernel,   and the weighted linear regression  process as a whole is Kernel SHAP.   Now, there are a lot of other forms of SHAP that  are presented in the paper, ones that make use of   model-specific assumptions and optimizations to  speed up the algorithm and the sampling process,   but Kernel SHAP is the one among them that is  universal and can be applied to any type of   machine learning model. This general applicability  is why we chose Kernel SHAP as the first form of   SHAP to implement for TrustyAI; we want to be  able to cover every possible use-case first,   and add specific optimizations later.  At the moment of recording this video,   the 18th of March 2021, I’d estimate I’m about  85% done with our implementation, and it should   be ready in a week or so. Since our  version isn’t quite finished yet,   I’ll run through an example of the Python SHAP  implementation provided by Lundberg and Lee.   So first I’ll grab a dataset to run our example  over, and I’ve picked the Boston housing price   dataset, which is a dataset consisting of  various attributes about Boston neighborhoods   and the corresponding house prices within that  neighborhood. Next, I’ll train a model over that   dataset, in this case an XGBoost regressor. Let’s  take a quick look at the performance of our model,   just to make sure the model we’ll  be explaining is actually any good.   Here I’m comparing the predicted  house value on the x axis to the   actual house value on the y axis, and we can  see that our plot runs pretty close to y=x,   indicating that our model is relatively decent; it  has a mean absolute error of 2.27; so about 5-10%   error given the magnitude of the predictions,  more than good enough for our purposes. So   now that we have a model, let’s imagine we’re  trying to use it to predict the value of our   own house. So we’ll take a look at the input  features, we’ll fill them out, and we’ll pass   them through the model, and we see that our house  has a value of around 22 thousand dollars. But,   why? To answer that, let’s set up a Kernel SHAP  explainer; we’ll pass it our prediction function   and some background data. Next, we’ll pass it  our sample datapoint, the one we created earlier.   Before we take a look at the SHAP values, let’s  make sure local accuracy is upheld, that our   explanatory model is equivalent to the original  model. We’ll do this by adding the model null   to the sum of the SHAP values, and we find  that they are exactly identical. Perfect,   both our original model and our explanatory  model make sense. Now we can take a look at   the SHAP values for each feature. Here I present  the value of the feature in our sample datapoint,   the attributions of each feature, as well as  the average value that each feature takes in   the background data, just so we know which  direction of change caused the attribution.   We can see that the biggest attributions  are from the below average crime rate,   the above average number of rooms, and the above  average percentage of neighbors with low income.   The question is, however, are these true? Did,  for example, this last feature cause us to lose   exactly $1,190 from the value of our house? We can  test this by passing our datapoint back through   the model, replacing the last feature with values  from the background dataset. The average of these   outputs is our new house value, having excluded  the Lower Status feature. Our original datapoint   predicted 22.09, while the datapoint with the  excluded status predicted 24.42 on average. That’s   a change of around 2.33, almost double the change  predicted by SHAP. So where did SHAP go wrong?   Well, all these attributions come from a weighted  linear regression, one trained over noisy samples.   There is going to be implicit error in each of the  attributions, giving each one an error bound. The   existing Python implementation by Lundberg and  Lee doesn’t report these error bounds, so it’s   very possible that the delta of -1.19 is actually  -1.19 plus or minus 1.19. This is something the   TrustyAI implementation will remedy, so that we  can ensure the outputted attributions and bounds   always match reality, and are therefore,  trustworthy. But until then, that’s all   I’ve got time for, I’d love to hear any questions  you may have, and thanks so much for listening!
Channel: KIE
Views: 3,907
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: shap, ai, trusyai, explainability, explainable ai
Id: VB9uV-x0gtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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