Livestream (Part 1) 01/09/20

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hello everyone and welcome back to another live stream sorry totally distracted by a funny message in chat welcome back to another live stream here on the twitch.the tv slash the assumer where we are today playing shapes dot io or shapes io as it says here you can actually visit and play this game which is how i decided that i was going to play it but i'm playing the steam edition and and it cost a couple of quid to pick up which was cool i actually got it with some other games by the same developer that looked interesting we might check those out um but yeah letting you know you can go to shapes.i o if you want to play this game and i didn't know if playing it in the browser for free that's what i mean when i say you can visit because you can visit in a web browser didn't know if it was a full game or not so i just brought it to support the developer and uh and play it for this live stream i got no idea if we're gonna play this more than once you know if it will become the new thing or just be a game we play the one time but i played it for five minutes and it was certainly interesting um also yesterday tomorrow what's happening yesterday we did a five hour live stream playing twitch rivals it was incredible it's already on the second channel um tomorrow episode of hermitcraft coming your way first day gonna stream on hermitcraft most likely and then friday saturday sunday probably playing a whole bunch of tony hawk's pro skater one and two that is my current plan for stuff for the next few days just just keeping you informed also i was not reading notifications on the twitch rival stream so i'm just going to read out a bunch of names of people who donated subscribed resubscribed uh cheers and bits all of that stuff so thank you to all of these people suman scheissen erason's empire tartar digger handsome potato uh cameron dk sylvester i'm an eye max limas mickey's gun bossman 101 load nikken big mark 77 blind nick neymar michael stickle another jt freak burrito yellow meanie dead pirate right so simon daniel have moto peepers little joe shadow panther jack five nine nine nine nine samuel johannesson free phase alpine glow up may school ralphie warren defense 41 the dork knight 87 noradriel doctor castille anna lesse the arctic viking the pick peanut worthless bagel a sea arena um all those last two are actually from this session thank you everyone for your tremendous support jailsberry's here for 36 months saying hey ex have you heard that there's a guy stealing wheels off of police vehicles the cops are working tirelessly to catch him hope you like my third stupid joke love uh have a lovely day i like that you highlighted the word tirelessly i appreciate that thank you jailsberry for your support as always i love the uh the silly jokes you know me some people are saying they're only seeing a black screen uh it looks all good on my ends don't know why but uh yeah just reload if you're having trouble um suemin scheissen's here gifting a sub to rabb's cool cat thank you so much for supporting our community dude okay well everyone's saying it looks good we're going to jump into it uh rupert is here for two months thank you ever so much dude appreciate it okay um so this this game is pretty interesting as we zoom out you'll see that there's lots of stuff going on in this world it's actually i put it into dark mode i actually got a feeling it might look better in light mode but we'll see how it goes so anyway there's a tutorial down here we are you know getting shapes out of here and then bringing them to the central hub which might remind you of my industry now as it teaches you it says that this game is not a cookie clicker type game which i i got the impression at the beginning it may be kind of was but anyway it makes a point that you should extract lots to do things faster which is kind of cookie cutter but i don't know cookie cookie clicker even so i'll do that for now and obviously i could make some more extractors and do this faster but it gives us an opportunity to chat chubbin's rainbow is here for two months thank you so much dude appreciate the support okay so we completed the first level and we've been introduced to the cutter which will split the shapes in half and so now we're delivering these but we don't need to so we're not actually going to modify this just yet we're going to start extracting some more stuff down here this is how i did it the other day is r rotate yes r is rotate uh there's probably hot keys for the f4 so build these a bit quicker right okay and then this one's probably hotkey five we'll uh rotate that so might not have done this in the best way but that's fine i'm just gonna realize something that i didn't do the other day okay let's go and put you uh right there put our next one over here and let's just build two of them to get this going right so there are two halves that come out that's the correct half the other half hold on a second can i run you into the other track it's got that there no okay good to learn good to learn i can use r to rotate those so it's backed up because it needs somewhere for the other things to go the other day when i played this i actually ended up pumping them all into the same middle bit so it'll accept the wrong things but i didn't realize it wasn't actually counting this because it's very specific it's about this half of the shape which is something i kind of learned a little bit later anyway you know here i am trying to teach you about what i've learned but the reality is i haven't learned a lot i literally didn't play it too much further than what you're seeing right now which means we're gonna do a lot of learning in this stream okay so now we've got all of that going right and we'll get them a little bit faster we got yennock here with the amazon prime subscription and official jaden for two months gifting a sub to the rose of marvel and snow days gaming thank you so much for supporting our community with those gifted subs dude appreciate it okay this level gave you no reward but the next one will do better don't destroy your existing factory you need all those shapes later again to unlock upgrades right so let's have it show the upgrades as you can see we have got enough to actually upgrade our speed that's why i left them running and now tier 2 will take a little bit longer but then again everything in our factory is now moving faster so it would appear that we need to get some stuff from over here there's also there's no price for this stuff if i'm not mistaken i can't help but feel this game would have possibly benefit thought it goes quite a plan possibly benefited from uh a bit of price structuring okay so you can't do that that's fine i'm just experimenting so we'll build these out like so whoopsie and this is some statistics of what we're creating it's interesting and then this is our upgrades so when we get 400 of these we get to speed up extraction i believe so extraction speed is currently behind that would you know we've increased belt speed but we didn't need to in our current setup technically so we will definitely get a bit more of this going [Music] and you know what i don't know like if i'm doing things the right way there might be better strategies i'm sure people out there crunch numbers and figure out you should get this thing or more of those or less of those we'll just have to learn as we go uh wandering sophie's here for three months and scooby d 23 for 13 months saying hey x hope you enjoy this dad joke i'm inviting everyone to join me in a thought session of stephen king's iconic shape-shifting cloud come to think of it um i'm gonna be honest i feel like the come to think of it doesn't really kind of hit with the line before it but uh you know maybe it's operating on a different level there maybe it's like the next level of dad joke it's a dad joke for dad jokes who knows anyway thank you for your uh subscription dude appreciate it yeah some people are reporting they're getting black screens in in chat that really sucks i'm seeing that i don't know what's causing it all right so the multifunctional balancer has been unlocked it can be used to build bigger factories by splitting and merging items onto multiple belts yes that's cool but we have to do something now we have to deliver these this this i'm sure is different to what i was doing before on the online one so again not knowing you know priorities over here why hang on oh i need that as well right got it got it what i'm going to do now is remove all of this and we have to deliver the half shapes so we use this one we're going to rotate it uh will that work for what i want [Music] actually no i'm not sure i want to squeeze this into a bit of space maybe i shouldn't worry about space management just yet let's put two of those going down here and what i'm thinking is i have a splitter here can i can is there like a flip f for flip note m for mirror marker oh okay what we got up here we've got move pipette i don't know what pipette means i think it means get rid of what you're holding so you can rotate but it doesn't appear to be like a mirroring option hmm that's fine we'll do this also not sure if that thing actually needs a belt before it let's see what's happening with this output right yeah no it's okay so what i'm thinking is you know i'm not sure if we're supposed to throw stuff away but if we do that and then that again it's a bit messy it's not very space conscious is it oh i see it interacts with that bit all right [Music] and it looks like it's eventually gonna keep up there you go all right so now everything just comes out of that splitting process into the middle here maybe what i could have done is joined it back together to make more of those squares but it seems to me that that might be a little unnecessary so now what we'll probably see is this get backed up yep because we're doing it faster than ever but that's fine faster is good faster is um good jaden thank you for another gifted sub to mumbo void appreciate you uh great cat gray hat is here with the amazon prime for 11 months thank you so much appreciate it you're using three of those to do the job or one there's johnson and no because you need you need two of them right these are two inputs you can't put them onto the same belt so we're actually using three of them to do the the job that you would need free to do or possibly if you had a bigger more complex layout then again we haven't got bridges no no no that's that's doing what it can for now right and look at this down here you see how we doing on those upgrades so i'm not sure if i should prioritize getting any upgrades really or focusing on this right here the upgrade certainly would help us get to these so i guess as the numbers go up we want to balance that as well i can i can see this becoming quickly like a lot of decisions to make you know like a lot of stuff going on and not sure what to do someone says remove the swap from the top right if i remove the swap then we would need two belts coming in the rotator has been unlocked it rotates shape clockwise by 90 degrees cool useful key bindings uh we can select an area we can hold multiple hold to place multiple one building invert orientation to place buildings that is what i was trying to do a second ago so what i wanted to know i can't actually remember was it that maybe i have to do it like this oh no all isn't doing anything select it first is that okay now i'm not sure anyway um here's one that i'd like to flip again like we should be able to do counterclockwise right so let's rotate it and put it there okay that works uh where is it down here that one i feel like we missed an opportunity for it to look really neat and cool you know uh there we go there we go right so we'll have 200 of those coming through now question is is there a way to get them through any faster there probably is because we're trashing the other types and those could equally be rotated to make that same shape but i feel like we'll just stick with what we're doing for now we're stockpiling a lot of that stuff if i rotate them again or in a different direction we'd start to get these ones so maybe once we've got on our goal we can do that we split them up twice we're making that stuff so we probably need to produce some of that stuff passively if we're thinking long term so what i'm going to do is grab a splitter i kind of want to i really want to flip that and i thought oh is what it was saying i could do what if i do that um no that's not what i'm looking for is this game free says several ink shapes.i oh you can play it free for there how long it lasts for i'm not sure it'd be really nice if i could just flip that so anyway let's uh let's come up into this space we're going to do that and we're going to do it again but not not quite like that hmm maybe just one belt at a time oh we just did level okay yep right tunneling okay that's cool that makes sense and it wants those next which i'm trying to make so i think you need to rotate it before it goes in there because it kind of split i think it just put everything on the other half as if it was splitting it in the same direction so if we give it a little rotation first which is what that one there will need so they both need to be rotated then they both need to go into a splitter i'd really love to flip that so they could just be a bit a bit more neat looking right okay now this one it's going to be different they're all going to be different and the one that we want right now is that one if i rotate this wrong one let's do that if we rotate this it's the same type so then what we'd actually need is that and look at how i'm running out of space rather quickly you know soon i'm gonna need to harvest that stuff and move this somewhere else that's fine we live and we learn peeps we live and we learn so does that put you i feel like it shouldn't but it looked like it would now you need one more one more rotation so that means this one over here probably needs three and i want to do that here's what we're going to do we're going to put a track like that i'm gonna put a splitter down here okay and then i think it's two and three right i think that all produces the same shape yep we got it okay now the next thing to think about is bandwidth like how much speed can we pump these in at so far so good but i'm gonna change this for a second need one of these there's probably smarter ways of doing what i'm doing right now i just think back to factorio there was always some cleverer way of doing what you were trying to do [Music] okay so we'll come down here and go across there and now we pump all of that through as well you can merge your square streams to create more room yeah yeah that's a good point when we need the room we'll start to do that i could i could do a little bit of that already but we'll do it as we go that's that's a good point okay we've got noises in the air we got uh official jaden gifting a sub to hermit fanimations thank you for another gifted sub dude we've got a randy nicole 2002 gift in five subs to tracking 25 shell by plays game superman coffee powder jcc gaming 5. randy thank you for all you're doing thank you for those gifted subs joel reach is gifting some as well to qn green tea spiky dude and aliens rock thank you so much for supporting our community and tyler pr 1997 forward nine months a twitch baby right there and you know i got a little reminder there from qn green tea that i have a cup of tea right here uh saint plays things says the wimp the website is a limited version steam is full unlock aha there you go 20 minutes in that's a really nice hot cup of tea perfect drinking temperature by the way one thousand three hundred peaks tuning in to watch x cut shapes up thank you so much for tuning in i hope you're enjoying it be sure to hit the follow button if you are this is gonna get complicated quick i like it i like it as a challenge i feel like i would like to um collect some of the other things that are on display as well we are rotating those to a different shape what if we were to now change up our plan of action here if i go and put two more of those in we then start collecting the one the other way around did i get all of that correct i did look see you know now we're getting those ones going so we'll have more upgrades coming our way in the future but we got to get 400 of these we've done 300 and look at that it's a big big old factory right there and i'm just wondering there's smarter ways of running the items through the bottleneck seems to be on this side and i think it's because [Music] hmm i guess what i could do is split this up and then have two do build the rest of it again but the reality is it's just feels to me like it shouldn't be that slow and i can't explain why i think that maybe there's just a processing speed on cutting them in half yes that's what chalky says the the the bottleneck is in the cutter yes that that would be an explanation for what we can visibly see down here as well wouldn't it painter has been unlocked extract some color veins just as you do with the shapes and combine it with the shape in the painter to color them there's a color blind mode as well that's cool that's very cool all right so we've unlocked the painter and it just wants us to put those in so pretty simple right oh no it's not simple you need the third ingredient right where's the red on the map it's over here so what i think we'll do is create i mean i've learned that trick from factorio right so bring them over this way where's the painter out well we'll do this simple to begin with i can see how i can see how quickly this is going to mess me up as we have to just do more complex stuff in small amounts of space it's definitely a game to get you thinking so i kind of want it to go that way and the colors on the opposite side this is why we need like a flip function how is it all in our like it told me all but all isn't doing anything t people oh wow thank you everyone chat well done much appreciated that's going to help us so much [Music] to be relatively compact we're going to start like this uh-huh geez i mean i try to make it nice and neat there we go now clearly there's processing time on this and there's probably nice ways to create an array isn't there if who wants us to make 800 we're gonna be here for a while how would we turn something like this into an array i'm just wondering let's actually move back okay so we got the we got the tunnel right tunnel can come in and then come out from somewhere okay just need to think about space here so we take our painter let's say we did all this down the bottom right we've got one painter there we've got a tunnel the tunnel's going to go in and it's going to get split into that and then the tunnel's going to come out and it's going to get split into the next one so i think that's two each time it's trying to make an array of four okay we put our splitters before it [Music] i need to hold down shift right yeah there we go then we go for the bridge no no no no no wrong wrong position oh whoopsie [Music] oh maybe maybe i do need a bit more space yeah i would need three in between each i don't know why i didn't see that start again we need three in between each splitter goes in the middle each time i believe i mean if you see an easier way to do this just remember you gotta like learn as you as you go so there may be more efficient ways to lay this out i'm just kind of figuring out for the first time right so we're saying that we're going to bridge from there to there each time and effectively on the last one i don't need it but we'll uh we'll leave the option in maybe that paint then goes somewhere else so from the extractor we would do that okay and then we would have these like a so so now they've all got paint in right now let's go grab our extractor should probably could do with learning the hotkeys by now i'm not going to worry about that one at the end there that's just there for neatness for now it shouldn't interact with that hopefully now every time we want to put something in it's got to be like that so i'm just going to go okay um no that doesn't make sense let's take a step back it's gotta be here because we need to continue the throughput this is good this is this felt like a good exercise in thinking and i like that i also like the little snaps the way it just knows where to go right now to get stuff out we again are going to need to merge the belt somewhere what's the what's the smartest way to do that so this one's going to come across i think we're just going to put them one two and then i kind of run out of space maybe what i'll do is i'll go the long way around in the other direction or we can just instead of thinking about it being entirely tileable we set it up as if it's going to go to the center so that would be there then we would need yet another one in the middle okay who else stuff squashed together if i had to put all of that down by one block i wonder if there's tools for that like like uh mass edit and move i need tools for that now didn't say i can shift or control look at this okay so i really hope there isn't a delete option copy there's a copy option let's go copy we're going to move it down by two blocks okay i've copied it ah well i've got i've got some unlocking to do then uh escape will clear my selection how do i do this then how do i do this official jaden is here gifting a sub to overpowered spoon official jaden thank you for another gifted sub dude appreciate it someone said just erase the stuff above actually maybe yeah for now let's erase this okay in fact we'll raise all of that right we'll get our thing working and then we'll come and fix this again okay so things coming from this side they're gonna merge oh it's the same problem actually let's rotate because we need a different sort of space now so now i can bring two together and then where does it go or maybe i'm maybe i'm doing it hang on let's let's go back to what i originally was going to do right so this will come in there and then they'll both go out like that and then yeah we kind of end up with this odd bit at the back but that's fine we can compensate for that rather easily okay so i'm gonna go up and across that one's gonna go in leaves room for that one right i'm gonna go up there go up here go up there and and we built an array we've successfully built our first array and it looks like it could be tripled in capacity is my guess and if ever we needed more paint we could bring that for easily if we needed more of this we could bring it through so this thing i i wish we could learn a bit more about it in terms of speed and time because obviously it's got a throttle to it and we could have increased that ccw rotating counterclockwise i was asking for that earlier wasn't i that being said now that we know what t is okay t doesn't work for that so maybe that's what i'm about to unlock uh also while we've been doing all of that we've been slowly chipping away at some more upgrades that's cool press nine and look at the top right painter speed oh thank you thank you wow so 0.8 items a second and then 0.33 so if i had it kind of sounds like free for every one right unless i'm doing something wrong with the numbers one two three well that times three is just short of one and yet this is 0.8 but we've got four of these right are they actually running as fast as they can it looks like they are but they might not be it could be that this has got a little bit built up in it at the moment and when it runs out we'll see it's not actually running at full speed there's certainly like a lack of color again i think it's just yeah it's just tearing through a little bit of supply isn't it so actually that means that we should be increasing our efforts so on this front this front we're doing that then we need an additional one over here just like that we never uh we never fixed this stuff back up so turned out that we could have just left it all along [Music] cool so in effect we should be producing this just a tiny bit faster now let's say we try and copy our design a little bit here and expand it right so i'm going to was it alt no it was shift control it's control i'm going to select all of that and delete it okay oh that's bad no uh how does this deal with wrong stuff in the system uh-oh they're gonna oh i know what's gonna happen in chat now brand new playing this game for the first time accidentally learn something i learned i just learned something you know i learned oh you got to be careful when you do that what's chat doing oh look at that look at that bunch of dirt fiends don't know the difference between derping and learning don't know the difference do you i'll press it for you okay there you go got your little derpa mean rush okay so we're now extracting at 1.6 with two of those let's say we decided we wanted to triple it um we currently would need two more and then like maybe another two of that yeah let's just double this thing and triple the input and then it will be fine it'll all be good in the hood homie so it's every third one one okay i didn't hold down shift two three four massive expansion over here massive expansion okay and then it's always this goes here not a problem just like that and then each time one of these we're even building it fast now wow okay give it the rotation the whole thing's off by one is that the second up is that the second up oh there's gonna be so many of these derps now [Music] i've built it all off by one okay that's pretty sweet so again these things are off by one rotate them put them in the middle bridges how am i doing this oh no that's right yep it's set up and ready to go okay then we need some tracks just in those spaces and then the outputs it's the same thing really and this one's going to need a splitter here and then they all need one like so and yeah and then all of that whoopsie so that's that's kind of it right that's kind of it except i forgot about this so we need three inputs now that annoys me but like it's technically not broken is it free inputs let's go grab them i i need to learn to hold down shift i've got my finger on r but i'm not holding down shift enough that's my problem okay there we go there we go steady stream coming through and it looks like red was already hooked up right but it will actually need a little bit more that's weird it can point into that one that i believe should in theory be able to handle all that we're seeing we're seeing a bit get down to the end here kind of looks like so let's do the math right 0.8 1.6 2.4 three of these make one so two yeah and then 2.3 2.6 so it could handle a little bit more input actually that's cool [Music] uh brian flexi says hello this game's a lot of fun looks so much more efficient than my setups i think the way because i played a lot of factory i think the way i think about it is that scalability to get like the input in you've got you've got to design stuff like this so it just scales um the other thing is oh wow that looks cool is you've got to think about the placement of other stuff so currently that's kind of okay to expand that way isn't it but like maybe you want to design it so it actually goes downwards it comes back up taobao says looks like a nice factory this bit is good yeah this fits good i don't know if you could make it any more space efficient than that maybe with some more like diagonal tiling or something clever we'll actually try and experiment and do that we we kind of want to maximize what we're doing here don't we we don't want to go any slower especially when stuff is free if if this is all free why would we uh why would we wait so i am going to just make sure that runs at full capacity now and in theory in our graphs if we go click on that one like yeah look at this you can see this is going to tick up now just a little bit what if there's a speed up button for this game i'm gonna guess not because the idea is to encourage you to make faster factories to get the numbers as opposed to just idling which you could do you could go make a cup of tea and come back and you'll have the next thing right so we can now upgrade the speed of our belts distributors and tunnels and now it wants 15 000 of those i think we should focus on unlocking unlocking unlocking the copy and paste tools before we worry about that too much um and i don't think anything else here is really demanding i mean it just makes everything faster right so your your things will become more efficient so we just want to focus on unlocking auto deselecting settings it's worth it when playing for long time says thermo felix if it becomes a problem i'll uh i'll do that i'll definitely uh check that out higgs bacon says is this comparable to factorio absolutely it's got to be right some very similar aspects going on moving items around on belts this is my kind of game though like sandbox puzzling is just awesome and i'm not going to claim to be good at it but it's fun essentially right so i'm starting to think like uh someone pointed out like this is uh you know using up a lot of space we are going to always need that stuff coming in for upgrades so we it would make sense to compact it down you have unlocked a variant of the rotator it allows to rotate counterclockwise press t so we learned about pressing t but it was locked for that one that one bit okay so now we've got to paint and cut that's going to be fun so our paint supply will come in from over here um and we're going to cut we're going to cut in this in fact we're already cutting is what i'm noticing and we don't need it for anything else we did it for one objective so this this here has been entirely useless uh therefore we'll say goodbye okay and we got that over there right so what i'm gonna do is come over here uh let's let's let's do a little bit of math actually it's the same math we're doing the same sort of thing we did before we're just injecting this so 0.5 items that'll throttle speed so we need to think about this as the main thing right now we're going to want to cut rotate and merge something like that so let's say again i would like to just quickly learn we can press t no we can't press t on that one what are we unlocking color mixing oh dear oh dear okay so items will come in and it takes 0.5 to split them up i need to see what the outputs are it wants that side so this one has to rotate twice and then we merge now i don't know like that that looks to me like wasted space but i really don't know how else you would do it right and then we're back on one of these again so depending on like how much we need to pull out of here it might be smart to move this further up yeah okay and that's 0.5 and how many of these do we need we need 1k let's say we're going to really try and do something like this from the get-go smart okay we're going to go with uh how many of these can i access one two three four five six seven eight say we go for eight extractors now they're extracting at 0.8 uh i don't want to mess this up this isn't particularly difficult yeah 6.4 64. i have a weird thing with numbers where like instinctively an answer comes to mind but i always want to double check it and then i spend ages thinking it through 64. 6.4 okay but then we're going to be throttled by this 0.5 i think i might be overthinking it at this point so anyway uh we're going to get rid of all of that and we're gonna put our extractors in a new layout by the way yeah this is okay because this is part of upgrades this makes sense to go all in i think so one two three four five six seven eight that is a that is a large amount that i'm dedicating to this everyone is saying paint before split oh clever clever in which case we'll do a little less then oh that that means i've got to rethink the entire thing right i didn't think about the process of it okay so hmm t to cycle variance i wonder if you unlock any more maybe you do when you do the mixer anyway well we're starting again um we're starting again so i guess i guess we just need to think about things one at a time okay okay so 0.33 it's a similar thing to before right here's another thought we might want to start laying this stuff out so we can pull the paint and move it somewhere else eventually one oh i should have held down shift two three four five six that's gonna give us um about 48 right 4.8 what are these again so three four one we're essentially going to say so 12 14 maybe 14 painters we could use from this okay and i got a feeling it won't all fit on one belt so let's merge three into one each time okay uh that's the wrong way to do three into one and i'll even do that which might not make sense but with two belts out it kind of does right okay so we're gonna have that going upwards we've got to probably avoid the green and then we want to feed them off to the side and put them into painters and we're going to have this stuff coming in raw so the layout that we did down here essentially going to do a very similar thing to that aren't we except we got two belts because we're trying to we're trying to do this super fast we might be giving it too much stuff essentially yeah i'm not gonna worry i'm gonna use one of these belts the other one can be for something else right and this time i'm going to build this going downwards through this space i think is what i'm going to aim for so we'll go across to the sides leave a fair bit of space turn downwards and then figure out where our paints are gonna go gotta be at the right spot first there's a lot of thought that's going to go into this um okay so we kind of know it's going to be one two three essentially didn't hold down shift again one two three okay and as we learned you want one two three four five six seven eight we've put in four [Music] that's three again one two three [Music] okay we've got that going again and we're going to need our splitter in between each and every time blue there we go hold down shift is there efficiently a way to make two rows instead of one long line to save space as vivienne yeah i don't think you would save space but you would the space would be different wouldn't it uh also i see fennerman in chat because official jaiden is giving a sub to fenno good to see you dude hope you're doing well thank you for the gifted sub jaden appreciate it friends or foes here subscribe with the amazon prime as well venement i imagine this would be a game that would interest you i'm pretty sure that this is your cup of tea i've got a cup of tea right here okay with this oh i just realized wasd to move up and down cool i'm so bad at learning controls it's almost amusing okay so the paint is now in there that's cool now what we've got to do is get all of these things in so they're going to need a bridge and it's going to be from there to there and then we're going to need our splitters i just got to put it alongside that blue bit each time then we move down with wasd go up and drag a big old one of these it is looking good no derps so far that's important isn't it okay so for now that can just come across here not like that though jeez we can redo stuff later on okay so when it comes to extraction um similar setup to here just working with an odd shape so we want to go put those onto one and then oh this is awkward because it's around the corner right so like that like this uh can i effectively do that that's that's everything going in through one system right with room for two belts out and when we upgrade belt speeds and stuff like that it might end up working out really well that we put all those extractors in so yeah i'll uh i'll take credit for that one thanks well done x okay do you want to send this thing up or down i think we want to send it down just in case we need the space let's now use these things so our outputs are the first one doesn't need one actually does it wasd to the rescue when i click it changes the animation of the block next to it i've just realized uh let's go up to the top comes out there goes down here and then just straight down and add all of these as well okay here comes the good part we're gonna we're gonna split them up now so let's check this out um rotate [Music] can't flip this yet that's that's kind of annoying i can't flip it now how many of these do we need do we need an array [Music] okay i'm going to put it there i'm going to put it there and what we're going to do is have an input like this right the belt is actually going to go up this side and in case we need to scale it let's see where this goes [Music] right it's this one that needs to be flipped okay i'm going to put our belt thing here again and i think what i want to do and it might not be so compact i think i then need to send it out that works okay now clearly there's gonna be room for more we actually kind of need to get this stuff going back in there now to see how much of it we need so well that was awful okay so we're probably gonna need more than one of that and we can see because this is not moving so therefore we want to kind of copy what we got again all right so it's that uh the split the rotate twice the merge and then then that and then i guess that means over here i mean this is where i should probably then definitely compact it okay because now all of that is not necessary okay those will go up to the next one that goes out here and that goes in there please tell me i'm doing the right one ah oh it's definitely a dirt thanks chat i should have looked first i just had this feeling i had this feeling that was derping uh puddy puddy has subscribed amazon prime thank you so much dude appreciate the support we got to do that also that makes no sense does it now that makes no sense obviously i didn't really think that one through okay we need our rotators on the opposite side easy mistake to make come on i didn't check did i i didn't check properly okay effectively this could run out of space let's hope it doesn't get throttled uh i hear noises in the air we'll read those in a second because i really just want to get a couple more of these in so that our time spent reading chat is it's producing more drops right okay then we have the old turn into the tunnel uh-huh uh that would go up through there for the next one you know it might be good to double up here and use a bit of space on the left as well like if i were to put this here oh no we can't flip that can we we haven't unlocked the flipping of that yet right assume are you dirt you have lines splitting two lines at the blue paint i have lines splitting two lines of the blue paint [Music] i do not know what that means um but what i would say is that everything here is good so far okay um we need to get our next splitter involves oh wobbly wobbly with elite i'm just gonna leave it i'm gonna leave it wobbly wibbly and it's still not good enough this is massively throttled which makes me think oh do you know what let's go back to what i thought about a second ago wait a minute like i guess i want the neatness of putting um i need the neatness of it being flipped so it can fit in the same space if i put it here it's going to end up being different because it's it needs an extra bit of wiggle room right so maybe not maybe not actually hmm okay cutters are very slow assuming you need to split them into a lot of different ones says qhm1 i do and am i not doing that i'm not sure what other ways i could go about you could put that left side splitter a little lower but then but then that yeah yeah okay but what i want to do is have it in the same space so it's tileable this is probably in the way here as well like if i left more space on this side then maybe i could have done that because i did the one that could be more compact first it means we're kind of we're kind of going with this now otherwise i've got to redesign the whole thing so let's get in our rotations and our belts and i really want to unlock that copy paste feature i tell you that's going to make life easier is that correct that's entirely wrong and again we're going to need that up here this is going to go down there that's going to go up here and you know it's a little bit faster again so much so that we it was still just completely backed up absolutely everywhere and we're we're over halfway there and we've got about enough room to put one more of these in but maybe what i could do is flip it around and bring it back down again who knows there's there's probably a better way to do this bit there is probably a better way isn't there okay noises in the air zaybodz qhm1 thank you for your amazon prime subscriptions we've got cobble panda for two months and i love the variety games on the live stream on hermitcraft have you thought about putting soul soil under the main street on the sidewalks to let people with soul speed walk faster it doesn't work like that oh you say under the side wait yeah you could put them under the sidewalks but everyone flies around anyway didn't they that's one of the things with all these different modes of transports like horses and striders is that everyone flies with the elytra uh foster thank you ever so much for your prime subscription appreciate it i'm a fan of this music says lucas drakken yeah i thought i'd just leave the game soundtrack on and check out what it's like and you know it's just some nice down tempo ambient type stuff isn't it just easy to enjoy very similar to crinkles actually very similar vibe okay then we merge get our bridge down the corner put in the splitter build a new way back build a new way up put in that and that that's the important one now let's do some cutting hey level eight we can now mix colors together oh dear oh dear it's going deep what we gotta do what we gotta do uh what color of mixing is that what color mixing is that uh let's guess i mean red and blue would be purple that's more like pink is my concern uh you know color mixing might not be an exact art on this i'm not sure red and blue people are saying right red and blue would be more purple but yeah okay so it's not an exact art that's uh an interesting observation i think depends how they're mixed as well i don't know maybe there's more red in that than blue right red and blue red and blue so we could extract here bring it oh wait a minute there's also that huh also is this something we need to do this is site we need to do big time we can also upgrade the extraction speed which isn't terribly useful for us oh my goodness me is another shape peeps i think i'm hooked on this game i think i'm absolutely hooked danny glace is here for 15 months thank you so much tani appreciate it there is a color wheel on the mixer logo there is oh you can just kind of make it out there yeah that's that's good that makes sense now okay so 0.4 speed so extract here pipes go up extract their pipes go down then we'll move the colors across and out now how do we do this in a way [Music] here's what i'm thinking we're gonna we're gonna leave a bit of space for the blue area right and we could probably start about there now we're gonna have two separate streams okay but they're actually gonna be okay right they're actually gonna be further out so our inputs oh that didn't work our inputs are actually there and there and then they continue on to the next one right thing is we've got to get the color out there so the color will just turn and go down which it's got room for and then we'll bridge out let's actually move this further along then okay so that's our prototype right there bye bye prototype i mean i'm gonna double check this because i've got a feeling this is maybe a little bit too good to be true we do that okay these are our inputs and then the next one is pretty much there if i'm not mistaken although it would be possibly too close let's check it out so can i wiggle that i can that's that's it i think right that's that's a very compact array redstone expert new upgrade thank you thank you what do we get oh wait it's going to upgrade the speed to free for mixing and painting before we do that this is currently 0.4 that will make it oh my word oh my word that will make it 1.2 that was a big upgrade um that that upgrades the speed of painting as well but what we want is the speed of cutting like where's cutting at this right here you know i don't think we can even make that yet that would blow my brain up trying to make it you know okay so can you see the plan peeps can you see the plan before your eyes does the plan make sense uh we will extract [Music] uh what do i want to do like there no i've got to learn to hold down shift i could i could learn with learn to uh use more of these keys actually didn't hold down shift what am i trying to teach myself here no you don't belong there i did not know you could place them off-site but now i do no there we go okay all right like that beautiful and apparently those are going in the wrong direction and they're going in the wrong direction there as well it's because i i was just thinking and moving them from one side to the other and that side to the other was not the right side obviously okay um we'll extract four down here so this would be a bit easier okay put put the extractors in next one two three four put in the thing like that oh it's horrible why is it so horrible x oh it's painful to look at okay there we go can i see some beautiful purple beautiful purple beautiful purple i think that you're bridging in the end then you will never really shift i don't understand that but coit says reminder you already have a lineup up top you can pull from yeah i do don't i i've already got some of this stuff but let's just think about where we're building it like everything is in in this area so once again we are simply doing this setup i really wish i had the copy and paste tool now i'm going to try and just from the edge of the screen do this okay let's say we keep that in the exact same spot let's zoom out for a second yeah this is going to be good okay we're going to keep our no no no no no i was about to do it wrong wrong okay okay so where does this start oh my god i need to look at the top of this okay it does come in the side at the top and that wants to be on that side i might i might actually mirror this which is just even more confusing i don't know why i would make it harder for myself okay let's get let's get down here a bit okay if i put that there uh color painter there it is there it is i need to flip it i think i do okay my brain is seriously like not being helpful how is it set up splitter then it's going to turn this way i think that's what i'm looking at that is what i'm looking at yeah we have a splitter then we have that then we have another splitter down here and then oh my god it's so weird to look at when i'm flipping it in my head this is awful i don't know why i find it so difficult to to look at one side and rebuild it over here let's get some more put parts of the puzzle in then maybe my brain will start making sense out of it right there's our input there's our track down the side color goes in here and it goes out there i can see that and then this is the array to add more so then we have the input which is also with a splitter right it's with a split okay it's starting to it's starting to it's starting to make sense now there's like this weird pattern i think it's there okay so that's gonna do color coming in it's weird i've already built it twice and i'm getting confused so there to there there to there definitely built it right so far then you'd have that there and then i guess that there right so that's where the next painter is next bridge tunnel whatever okay and then our next splitters are in line with that and then one here that's right that's right or is it no i think there's another splitter we need merger oh just using all the wrong terminology now aren't i hey it might be getting late it just might be getting late maybe my brain has exhausted all its thinking power because all of a sudden i'm doing stuff wrong that's that's the way it should look on that side now why do i feel like that's in the wrong position probably because it is let's let's do this proper are they there they are there okay we now have a fully repeating correct section i believe i believe everything there is correct so let's go get some extraction going on and we'll start to produce this stuff again we're going to use these and let's see if we've got it right we have we have beautiful okay then so the question is how many of these do we want let's do a little bit of math together we are extracting four for four um so that's like 6.4 these things go at one so we need seven i believe we need seven hmm oh it looks at the wrong thing no i didn't no i didn't okay so that'll be done before five six just checking the space between them seven okay then between each one of those we're gonna have splitters right and then the next splitter is just off from the bottom each and every time okay and what we'll do is we'll drag this down and then we'll bring it around so we're gonna have some horribly wiggly ah it's so wiggly and awful and it doesn't even work okay horrible awfully wiggly stuff which isn't actually properly forming yeah just about all right sweet that's uh that's coming in that's coming in that's great so now i'm gonna build uh all the next bit and then we'll read the noises in the air so each and every time just above the painter we have one of these i guess this is a splitter isn't it it's a splitter and a merger it's two in one okay then all the outputs and then we want um that don't look right oh there's a gap of two ah jeez what silly mistake [Music] uh we're getting rid of the top one each time aren't we how silly was that but you know these things are still in place so it kind of helps a little bit there not bad not bad so what is this a dialed down factorio says veritali um it's a bit like factory isn't it just another sandbox engineering puzzling game it's awesome you invent your own solutions to the problem why does that still look what's still two how did i just do all that wrong again oh come on come on okay i think i've pressed the dirt button twice for that you know okay you're getting you're getting your dirt brush you're getting your dirt i mean don't worry now this thing seems to remember how i want to place them cool uh we'll go put those in oh holding down shift at the same time makes that happen faster when you use wasd interesting [Music] put these in and we re we really want copy and paste copy and paste is going to be a game changer again i'm not holding shift i just so bad at learning stuff it's unbelievable [Music] and that something looks wrong aha we are throttled by that that's brilliant yes we're frolds let's get some throttle hype in chat oh oh we know how to fix the problem uh we got tony glace here for 15 months and annabanana bananas gifting subs to chalky123 and sf915 anna thank you as always for supporting our community with those gifted subs and vanitas boys here for six months saying hex i think it'd be a great idea to take things a bit slower from time to time even though you think you need it i think you're gonna like it a good a good a good point but i do feel like i am you know going at a reasonable pace but maybe maybe yeah maybe i should listen to you actually because i'm making some silly derps over here right i appreciate the uh appreciate the input i will try to be a bit more thoughtful i think is how i look at it so like i'll be more thoughtful now one two then there one two so we've got to have two in between each time now that might be absolute overkill in which case not bothered so we put these down the side we need a whole bunch of mergers over here to bring it all back together again putting these for the outputs okay then put those in there drag that across and that across and then i guess you want to turn back towards this way so it will be kind of like we did before except we're also going to need one there that's not a problem so we'll have them over to the side by one each time except not there and then just go uh well that was wrong well that is the way yep and we're good and we're good so now we are mixing the paint faster it looks like the paint is starting to back up and so the bottleneck is now probably just the painters it all looks good we could put more painters in the looks of it actually it kind of looks like maybe this could do one more or perhaps it's the speed of the belt like look at this by the time it gets down no no okay it's good we could probably put in an extra painter i believe let's check it out [Music] uh i cannot wait for assumer's reaction to free play after level 18. also level 18 shapes as a nightmare is count going well when they put when they take an objective away from me like let's say i get to level 18 probably not gonna happen today we'll probably stream this again though then i'll probably want to do all the upgrades but once there's no objective i'd probably find it hard to give myself an objective at that point molly the spy thank you for the lovely message if you miss a stream it's not a problem just tune in when you want to be entertained you know uh ghm1 is here some cheers and bits saying there is a setting so that you don't have to hold down shift the entire time yes when you're saying that earlier someone said that earlier and i said i didn't understand but now i think i do i'll try and get used to the controls for a bit and if it becomes annoying i'll give that a shot but thank you for the suggestion there okay anyway how close are we we're pretty close it's almost probably not worth uh building anymore but i will i'm going to uh put that there okay then i'm going to need you to there i think it is kind of looks that's right that's right [Music] we're gonna need our color mixer gonna need our bridge and now we get a little bit more color coming through down here gonna i'm gonna not stop production right do it that way let's see if i can do this without getting confused so it's one two three [Music] and the next one would be there [Music] okay outputs are here inputs are there in the middle we have those then it's bridges between those gaps and i'll just leave it like that for now so then we have hmm hey level nine what's this you have unlocked a variant of the balancer accepts two inputs and merges them into one okay gotcha gotcha yes yes i understand uh let's go over here we know that bit inputs outputs color mix not there though and that's it we've expanded that by two we now actually seem to have a full speed belt that's that's pretty good i think we did good we got a full speed belt going in now we gotta do that chaos okay so when we get to 15k we get to upgrade that again um what we got down here we're not going to make that we're going to focus on this what i will say is that it makes sense to put those in to get cutting rotating and stacking upgraded so that is a side objective to our current objective now how do we make that shape i'm not going to look at chat okay i'm telling you now i'm not going to look at your chat uh hds105 thank you for your amazon prime subscription chat you have been put on pause because i want to suss that out myself and think about uh what if it's just like a new thing out here i don't think it is oh there you go it's a new thing out here well i'm glad i didn't spend ages trying to figure out how to cut and do all that madness so where's like oh what's going on there look at that that's odd oh maybe you have to get right i think i know how we do this one now okay they're just rarer and looks like you get parts of them from one and parts of them from the other oh look at this interesting stuff going on around here okay anyway we found one down the bottom there's also one over here i think i might just use this right so first order of business we're just going to get that back to the hub um full belt speed i think was around six of these wasn't it we'll have that and then that and then eventually that i don't know does that look right that's sort of everything onto one at the moment okay and then we're just going to go straight up [Music] uh shift and w whoa yeah ah wait a minute this lets me kind of yeah interesting oh no no no i'll do this music is kind of jazzy okay i'm blatantly now gonna need to clear some of this stuff aren't i nope nope there we go okay that's our objective we've got to get up there ah whoopsie this is the right stuff isn't it yeah okay let's go up here hey also look at some graphs you know let's look at some graphs how much we're producing this stuff is there anything interesting going on i mean why is that bumpy i'm not sure let's go check out that production that's that's an interesting quirk i would have expected it to have been steady it was sort of repeating that's this stuff over here right oh i get why it's bumpy because it's it's getting produced in little waves as the next bit gets done you can merge shapes as the odds brits tone can we what was the thing that we unlocked we unlocked a variant of this i believe let's press t yeah we but that's that just puts belts together what's the um i don't think we've got the merge shape stuff yet right something else entirely okay anyway uh what color do we need for those okay where's the color wheel zoom in green and blue so green and blue there green and blue i think hmm spring green blue so you don't want to you don't want to clog up the area around your hub too much do you that's what you don't want to do i think we'll take green and blue here and go into this plate now maybe go up yeah let's go blue across the green up and then back in that makes the most sense also do we have to get to level 12 to unlock copy and paste that's just that's just mean okay and let's do this whoopsie-dupsy i didn't upsee you are going in this direction and then we've got our green over here a new upgrade is available my friends what is it what is it it is cutting rotating and stacking that changes the game right there the game was just changed did you see it it looked this way now it's looking that way so we might just see yeah no longer a full belt here um this is actually speeding up to be a full belt meaning it's now throttled by belt speed funny enough and probably then extraction after that so if we keep producing this we'll get our belt speed up so let's go look at this again to me it looks like we can do a better job big time because we can put more extractors into here um [Music] i am seeing the light like that that's a cheeky way for me to just make that full i think we just yet we need more in over here as well this is this is really like factorio now coming back and like sussing stuff out again just classic factorio having a up the bandwidth of things now where would you go for a good old merge um actually i think i think i can wiggle you in there uh-huh does that cover all of it everything goes through there now doesn't it yeah we got a full speed belt cool up here we should just borrow from this up since it's already in place okay so now now we're looking good again yeah there we go that's almost a full belt brilliant hey we've got a noise in here it's ghm1 with the cheers in a bit saying the new combinate combiners are really good at saving space you can put them on the output of the painters to have one straight line yes yes we'll have to think about them when we build site next which we're about to do right we're about to build something hello i'm new to the stream and the game would you care to give a brief explanation of your setup and how it's working by the way love um your videos and i hope everyone is doing well aussie rocks now giving you an explanation of every setup would just be a bit monotonous essentially anything unique coming in here shape color all of that stuff has been processed from extracting materials from these deposits and then putting them through a bunch of machines to cut rotate split and merge and do all sorts of magic so let's walk you through the one we're about to build right we've started off by pumping this stuff directly without changing anything so we merge our outputs send them along a pipe all the way back to the central storage where we uh collect them what we got to do is paint them so we are going to extract blue and we are going to extract green over here and merge them together so i will walk you through this whole thing so what do we do over there for them we just kind of learned that we're we've upgraded our belt speeds and actually we should probably be looking at getting about six of these together really um and this is kind of messy as well what i'm doing here like this could be done a lot neater probably um so then we want i think we want one there to merge all of them together that seems about right okay so six belts if we use up all these materials they'll they'll feed them as fast as they can over on this side we're gonna go one two three four five six that allows us to visualize mix them up oh yeah and also speaking of which this we just said about this didn't we we got a message so is this going to help us here like will this make this smaller i think it does just i think it does yeah i'm just used to using the other one no no actually i don't think it does i don't know i don't know but we'll um we'll stick to what we know for now so we're putting those three together and then we're going to do that whoops you dipsy i did an upsc okay now all six outputs will go on to one pipe [Music] that pipe is gonna go upwards this one's going to come along for the ride okay so i think in the next part we're going to use the new merging setup but if we go and look at this it's actually super compact i i don't think we actually need it like is that really helpful tool it's two inputs into one whereas we're taking one output and splitting it into two it's actually definitely not going to help in that situation we're going to build that again just facing a different direction okay so in order to paint this shape that we're extracting here we need to mix these colors together first of all so now we're going to make the mixing part of the factory uh also quick reference how many did we make over here one two three four five six we'll do six again and we'll have room to expand into the future into the future wow sounds so like conceptual and time oriented okay so it's three blocks in between each time one two three one two three so that one two three that's the fourth the fifth and the sixth color mixers in you go oh wait have i actually made oh no no that's right okay let's send our color all up the side here and all upside there so we are splitting the contents of the belt into this factory from either side and it will merge those things together this is where we now need to use a tunnel to what happened there ha i don't like that i want it to be super duper compact by the way you can be kind of wasteful on this game you know you can waste space which is what i was just doing then and also just waste resources and rebuild stuff it's uh it doesn't really punish you for that sort of stuff a game like factorio kind of does you got like item management i think it's kind of clever the way this game trims out that fat because that's like you do on factorio that's part of that game this one's kind of uh skimmed over that element of tedium which is good game design i think for factorio because you've got the element of like the graphics and the environment of the alien world and the immersiveness of it kind of makes sense to have it in that game whereas in a game like this you've started with simplicity it kind of makes sense that uh the whole way you just put down belts out of thin air kind of just works with that it'd have been a whole other level complexity if you had to like build the belts out of your resources though okay so uh what we're looking at now or what we'll be doing now is putting all of these together the first one doesn't actually need it but everyone after we'll need a merger okay so it'll connect here and this one will go up like that so we put everything what have we done we've taken blue we've taken green we mixed them together we put them on a line okay now we've got this big space here in which to go across and do the next bit so i'm going to bring this up a fair bit and then it's going to go across and now we're going to do the next part we've already done but we're going to try and use the new component to make it smaller so it's this setup over here and i think i'm going to just forget about it a little bit essentially okay try and try and start again from scratch this will be able to by the way split up and bring up here as well so we don't worry about that just yet okely-dokely then um input and output is like that so what if i were to hmm okay let's move across a little bit with this new thing that we got we can take now that's not what i want at all hang on man this is this what i want this is this is not what i want i don't see how hang on what was the message again the new command is really good at saving space you can put them on the output of the painters to have one straight line the output of the painters these are the painters so the output is there i failed to see how that makes it one straight line let's go look at what we had before this setup so it's talking about this i think i get it i think i see it that way aha it's like that gotcha gotcha so i was trying to do this different over here if we do the same layout that we've already done we'll achieve that so this way we're going to need regular splitter there let's do it the way we did it before then oh that's confusing me so we have that going into the middle got the wrong thing i've got the wrong thing you can also do that with color mixers says qhm yeah but is it qhm it looks like a g it's a g on the other screen and it's a q in chat weird um i can but look how compact it is uh i need to use it to figure out where it belongs essentially okay so again i'm struggling to activate my brain it's late late in the day i have to go look at the design again so that stuff goes down the middle that's what i'm not thinking i'm not thinking that it goes down the middle so if i think that it goes down the middle we'll do better well that looks good so far okay uh then we would have that going on that's correct these would go in there so it's the outputs that are now going to change the output can now take advantage of this yes like that that is now our output a little bit more compact the input i'm not sure can take advantage of it let's uh go to the next type rotate it a bit no it doesn't no that won't take advantage of it at all okay so then we have them there each time don't we i think that's how we've done it before well that is our new design right there let's come down here and split this one off bring a belt upwards okay and then there each time not there and then across to each one and that my friends is it we have painted and what should we do with all this down here i'm going to put that on this spot and get rid of that in which case i'm then going to build this and to be a bit more neat and orderly we'll uh swap that put it over here and i managed to destroy that didn't i okay beautiful okay we need 1.6 k and there they go sweet people are saying merge the lines oh right because the uh the amount well you know the amount might change we might we might start changing our priorities here we're extracting more you never know because we can do this okay i'm one step ahead of y'all i am one step ahead of y'all with the bandwidth right see what i'm doing i'm giving us gains actually that's not gonna work is it we've got six here let's change the whole setup and put eight on it okay oh god so i guess i'm just going to do this like the not that smart hacky way which is that apparently all right how good is that also uh we need to upgrade this upgrade the belt speed there's a lot that we could upgrade we are passively working our way towards that one though so that's good and i really want to unlock the copy and paste feature okay we're gonna we're gonna make this it so there's six of these i think so how many we did before so that'll be an extra one two and three let's go for seven just be on the safer side okay then our painters go in the middle see how there's a little x that's where this thing comes in change the type put those there things can still move over the top of it bridges from spot to spot uh these things again [Music] type that one in line with the blue bit all right that is pretty good and where we going here there each time wonderful and now we should see the production speed here just zip right up we have just zipped right up look at that that is good that is very very good i assume it would be more efficient to have one line per painter color mixer as all painters and color mixers are used for their fast speeds yeah um mast our destroyer i think you're thinking longer term than i am i'm just taking each challenge one at a time like if i were to start over then yeah i'd probably set up like you know come all the way out here get all the colors mixed into like rows so you've got all the colors coming up here and then you know like you could really get neat and orderly and have all the stuff sort of available on big belts like what do you call them well they call them a factorio like big buffers of stuff coming through but i'm just you know unlocking things one by one and there's 18 levels i think after those 18 levels maybe that could be a challenge to do to build it out like that anyway let's go check on this thing it i think we can get away with like one or two more here so why don't we just add in uh let's add in the eighth one that's probably all we need for now now that will require oh put that in the wrong spot didn't i [Music] we're going to require one here and then there no that's wrong accidentally just delete it what okay change the type there it is bam one extra and now it kind of looks like uh we're using as much of this as we can i wonder i wonder check this out right like an old factorio trick except the wiggle room for this i do it's a bit ugly but see the point see now we're prioritizing this this is now full and that one takes less so we'll get it all the way down to the end every time now and it might even start to back up a little bit it is not backing up but i think that's about as fast as we're gonna get the input speed for now and we're almost there so that's just terrific and there we go what have we got oh my goodness me you can combine shapes of a combiner yikes oh this game's going deep now we've unlocked the next bit oh my what is that what on earth is that okay let's check our upgrades um we need 20k though so i don't really want to siphon off our current supply but we'll get there in the end so if we were to split this thing in half and rotate two of them we can make that bottom shape and we just need to take some colored circles now that color on top is that straight green or is that like i don't think it's green and red or green okay so the bottom one is the turquoise it's got to be the regular green summer go up to the right you have that shape and just need to rotate it all right is there already a well actually if that shape came just as is out here in the world we need to paint it with two different colors don't we yeah we need to paint it with two different colors there could also be green back here yeah there's green there we know that and then there's circles here there's also circles there and green here are you thinking what i'm thinking are you thinking what i'm thinking let's see how can we wiggle out as much out of this space as we can so two will go out like that and then we'll have two here and then two there so that's one that's two they join together there can meet with that all on one belt okay and then we're gonna go up and around to this space and paint those something like that uh yeah like that okay same same trick again those two these two them two cool so that puts all six of those into one belt all right now it's the old paint it process which is this setup right now that's the mix isn't it the the painting setup is this again so we need another one of these here when did i unlock copy and paste by the way wasn't it like level 12. i want that i want that you know coffee face did you see the new 3000 graphics cards says jos uh yo soy mr q i didn't but i'm gonna take a wild shot in the dark okay okay i'm gonna guess tell me if i'm right or wrong i'm gonna guess it's better than the 2000 series how do i know this stuff inside information maybe maybe i've got some inside information on the whole subject you know okay literally i'm just going to build it in line with what i see here right like that makes sense okay so am i building it right or wrong let's go a little bit closer like it's hard to see the grid in dark mode it's a little easier in the other mode i think yeah i was off by one there oh god no i'm off in several places here that's great that's not right good stuff we got mia tacky here for 48 bumps in a row mia tacky thank you for your tremendous support dude appreciate it go up for the shape you can cut it and then paint it and combine it says the shark bite i could do that i can also do it this way right i can also do it this way okay so um this actually runs across the bottom and then each one of the monster turn upwards that's what they want to do i'll tell you they want to turn upwards man if you really wanted to you could do like a master plan on this right and just get like every color paint every shape like try and make everything imagine what that would look like geez i bet someone out there has done it g-staff 55 months goodness me mumble mumble something witty oh oh hysterical thank you so much dude appreciate it okay so now we put in our painters we put them in in all these spots don't we let's go back to this one and quickly just knock this out the way it's that button and it's that one hey no what what there we go what is that that's the wrong thing come over here drag it like that oh it cut it off well that is our output i'm getting faster doing this now aren't i as well getting that experience in okay so change the type and do all of this uh do anyone before it i do need one before it that means some of that stuff might be in the way back to the track okay and then it's the bridges or the tunnels depending on how you look at it okie dokie right so this is wrong right here it's very very wrong it's naughty cool and then we just got to get the coloring as well and that i believe oh look at that you're in the wrong spot that's good that's good okay right new challenge this area right here new challenge a new challenger approaches i'm gonna put you there i'm gonna put this one over here i don't know if we should collect this but i've set it up as if that could also go somewhere else which is fine all right let's think about this let's think about it together and by together i mean i'm going to ignore your chat no i'll read you can make it more compact by putting two and two painters side by side with the color input in different directions yes yes i think i know what you mean like but uh you know hey i haven't actually redesigned this yet we just picked a design and kept going [Music] let's think about this we have to make the shape on the side of the screen so we are going to obviously cut these in half and on both instances rotate them now we need to do this in a way that's scalable that is also not flippable which is annoying that annoys me okay um hmm so for now i think i'm going to keep it actually using this line [Music] so i'd put that there then we need the old rotate rotate don't we but we don't know which way we're rotating yet might also be three in one hmm oh yeah let's just get like a well see that's wrong which means the one up top will be right did i ever unlock ha i unlocked the counter so we can actually do it in one on each side right so i do that and then this one i counter it that in theory has them both the same which means immediately after we put that and we have the one shape there okay now we're going to try and mirror this down the bottom effectively these are actually going to want to be closer together now that i think about it let's get the next bit figured out then i want to use that that is our new thing so at that point we would literally just need that so we want this in the middle and i kind of i could kind of probably do with this one being closer to that so let's now do the harder bit where this is the other way around [Music] i'm not sure how much harder that makes it um i wonder if this thing done differently would help like i think it would [Music] see basically what it does is it takes up an extra step like an extra footprint okay which is what i don't like but it's it's fine okay so we'll do that and then hopefully i guess these the right way around [Music] let's check it out it did i guessed them the right way around that's cool [Music] so then we're gonna put this one up i think that's just like a individual module and we leave it like that that's fine then we need this thing okay so now let's reverse engineer this this is where it will be on this side okay now we built the longer part first which is actually really quite important oh uh no okay i thought i thought of a problem but i don't think it is going to be a problem yeah it's not okay so now these things up top we just got a copy of the way around that they are so that one's at the bottom this one is at the top oops and then we have the cutter before it and then we're going to put this in line so you can see now how it's off by one that's that's what i'm trying to demonstrate here that's off by one all right and then we're gonna have a line like this because we will tile this over and over again and that means that we're gonna need some of this to go underground and when it goes underground i'm not sure but we can start putting the next bit into place kind of about here it could be mistaken but we'll give it a shot could be very mistaken so we have a cutter there no wrong button nope yep that's right okay cut a car then one here one there flip them one there one there [Music] bring the merging back together and then we have our little belts do that put these here and merge them again now this bit uh where am i gonna put this maybe actually this is where the other type comes in and becomes more helpful no because that's for uh okay so that would skip over that wouldn't it i mean i think it's just a case of doing that no that doesn't make any sense just do this all over again it's like the other ones you put it one in front so that you have your line through like that and then you have this on the opposite side that's the way you do it there it is my friends what is that is that the shape father of apocalypse for 23 months thank you so much for your tremendous support appreciate it hope you're entertained hope you're enjoying the stream having a good time as if you're not oh oh i'm going to be writing a letter to your parents i'll tell you geez uh thank you so much dude appreciate the 23 months see graham 17. thank you for your subscription [Music] let's get all these under one belt it's that kind of time you know it's the kind of time that these things are all on one belt also how far does that go i could you know oh not that much apparently jeez but i could just skip right over this green die here and keep it in a straight line uh wobbly corner and we're delivering and we need 1.8k to unlock the chaining extractor oh i need to extract my chains i think hey wait a minute this could have all been close no it couldn't have been it couldn't have been for a second there it looked like it could have been closer but you need this middle space right i thought i was mildly inefficient for a moment there that was just unacceptable that mild inefficiency oh it made me angry okay um how many one two three four five you know maybe maybe there was another way of looking at this as well like i don't know like could could these have been merged onto one splitter together would that have been possible i don't think so because you kind of need them separate i'm guessing it's literally looking at what's on either belt so i don't actually think there was a way to compact that too much anyway um three blocks four and five so one two three four five in between three four five no one two three thought five one two three four five bam so we'll do that we squeeze him one more one two three four five we can so we will we will excellent so we just got to build a few more lives frozen ketchups here for six months thank you so much for your tremendous support appreciate it you could use the other mergers as apple i i get not really getting my head into this other merger like what would that look like you'd have oh yeah i could yeah i see it would look a little prettier wouldn't it right it won't let me override it strangely enough like i want to put that there but it won't let me yeah it would look a little prettier if i use that one actually then again no no i've built this incorrectly wait is this even necessary like what am i doing here it's necessary the next time because you got that there yeah we'll figure it out we'll figure out yes so basically this thing is kind of slightly confusing at the moment right then uh in line with that will be actually yeah i should probably build more of these okay we've got to do the middle bit first right so it's every one of those okay so that so the way i've done it is you have one ah okay i can see why it's confusing me i can see why i'm getting confused because there's like other elements that aren't built yet and so you're not like seeing the bigger picture so again there's a gap and then there's that gap that gap that and then that's the last of it so if we put fill in those gaps it gets all the way to the end and uh it keeps on going through however these are very erroneously placed at the moment i might have sent for a couple of erroneous shapes i didn't know people to say an upgrade oh got an upgrade thank you belts distributors and tunnels look at that thing i know to make that i know to make that right there okay then so stuff everywhere let's go look at the grass stuff probably all just started no it didn't really i'd expect to see some jumps in production yeah there's there's there's a jump beginning we'll come back in a minute and see more of that well that thing's going to go all the way over there now we're going to turn to this change the type okay and put these in in line with that each and every time at both top and bottom that's the next part we're building looks like we might actually run out of a little bit of space there i guess that's for the next one right that's not gonna get used here's the problem there okay so again putting in all of these and yeah that's for the next one so this is actually his last bit here isn't really necessary all right a little bit of wiggle not there though that's straightforward straight forward each time [Music] very good then we got to set up our rotators so that is the middle one both times there and there each time press t to flip it about those are the outside ones looking good and then these go here okay and then coming back to the first one again that this is where we got more wiggly wiggly bits and you go wiggly bits and what's our output speed look like now a little bit better perhaps not much but a little better and a bit of a ways to go i want to see what the training extractor is william says oh i love factorio and thus i started playing satisfactory yeah it's like a 3d factorial isn't it molly spices these puzzles and scrolling shooters are as much fun to watch as minecraft as long as the sumer is playing hope you do more uh we're going to do something very different on the weekend to either of those we're gonna do some tony hawk's pro skater one and two from a teen years man when i was a kid oh geez thinking about it that's like the whole of the whole of teenage years because there's like six or seven of those games and they came out over many years and first one i played was the second and then obviously learned about the first and just loved him and got the third the fourth the underground and used to play it with my mates we used to have this busted up big old telly that we would play it on in the garage playing playstation to stupid o'clock in the morning those were the days when you didn't have a care in the world as they say soundtrack to sunny hawk 2 is amazing g-staff yeah a big part of those games for the soundtrack and the culture as well which unfortunately i think a lot of it is lost due to copyright like they're going to struggle to deliver the same soundtrack which reminds me um i'm probably gonna i think i'm gonna have to leave the music on i don't care well hmm the copyright situation is very different on twitch compared to uh i need to shoot my guy an email and ask him about that okay um i would really you know be happy to sacrifice monetization to share that soundtrack of ulial but on twitch it works differently so i need to find out what's going on on twitch with using copyrighted music now uh cgram17 thank you for your subscription frozen ketchup oh we actually read those out didn't we and aiden the weird kid is if two bumps be weird be proud thank you aiden i appreciate it [Music] so yeah um it's a big part of those games the soundtrack like they introduced a lot of like hardcore metal and hip hop and uh at least introduce it to me and probably to a lot of other people as well right over here it kind of looks like uh this is the bottleneck right here so this will be uh super simple just to add two more right where do those go like there one two get a little color mixer going just drag those out i mean that's super quick right there which is cool um add these in nope you're the wrong way you're the wrong way you're not the right way but that's okay okay man this guitar solo right here it's funky i like it [Music] get a bit more of that juice going into the system oh yeah we were going to look at uh the graphs again right like yeah you see everything just like stepped up to a new level that's cool that one in a big way right there oh that's the production of these halves yeah that makes sense 1.3 out of 1.8 k beats can't really uh can't really speed this up because that's in the way so slight drawback to the system we've made i find i've made these so so close i could have maybe have run them back round again but anyway it's fun apparently you can build on top of the colors for real oh yeah yeah of course you can like we put extractors on top of them i didn't even need this oh what a dup what an absolute dirt well i guess we'll do just one more round of these right we'll probably finish building it right as we get to the next bit that's my guess okay so then it's like one two three to the next one two three and you're there and you're here let's go ahead and make our wiggly track okay oh no that one's not wiggly though is it okay then what's the other side of that the rotation uh it's that one and that one now i kind of feel i've done that wrong but no it's right it's just for some reason feels wrong uh whoopsie already done that yeah okay we have to put in this from here and how many blocks across is that i think it's to about there but i could be wrong oh we did it chaining extractor oh that's not that exciting i was like oh what's this now i know immediately what it is and i'm like oh okay that makes sense that's that that's what that does geez okay so we've got this press thing here and we need another wiggle a wiggle wobble and i might be mistake yeah that's actually been put in the wrong spot okay yeah one there this thing comes out here and that's it that is it we squeezed in one extra okay so chaining extractors where can they be useful if we look at this set up here it looks to me like this could do better so if i do that it pumps extra through [Music] there right did i do it right hang on do i have to do t for type yes i do yes i do okay does that look like it didn't change a thing okay so we're doing a chain ah look at that now the belt is full that's cool so that one there i could actually probably affect a couple of these now can i do them like this well that one that one probably does change today i'm gonna guess let's just send those in bastards do we even need them for anything yeah we need them for this although we probably covered that for forever anyway that's full so then down here uh-huh so we just get to kind of upgrade all our old systems a bit really don't we that's what we're doing right now so let's zoom out so extraction that belt is going as fast as it can extraction that's pretty good over here also pretty good over there you know not too bad not too shabby what's going on down here we've got some good extraction we've got loads of good extract this this could technically be faster so down the bottom here let's just go add you know silly amounts extra uh now we almost got two full belts out of that now we got two full belts out of it everything good on that side everything good over there so everything's probably going as fast as it could do without some major rebuilding and that's pretty cool there's our next shape to unlock blueprints which is what i really want i really want those blueprints and we're steadily making our way towards this one okay now what i could potentially do is go we don't ever need this again right now watch what happens over here can you guess what's about to happen to this bell that's right it's picking up speed there's more of them there's more of them in the mix i'm kind of expecting that thing to tap out and max out soon but it's not why would that be this setup here is slower so if we made a few more of these then we would get them a little quicker i guess okay so we'd want one there one here this is super easy that goes there uh what is that that's a painter if i'm not mistaken and then right that's just so you can have the next one but i feel like i've done something silly here hey look this is a bottleneck as well we need more of that this is why we need those blueprints peeps okay so that's the one two blocks each time there's your first two and there's your second two so that definitely needs to point into that thing from here to there from here to there does that look so wrong i know why it looks so wrong because i've done it wrong it's two in between each time you gotta weight got to put in that mixer which means those are wrong as well cool all right this should be a little easier now a little easier to understand what's going on yep come on that's good that's good for something now we've got a few more overall those in fact we should be able to see it in the graphs we should see this come up it's going to come up right rugbucks likes to look at this game yeah kitten pax is leveling what are we leveling there it goes is that it is that it just a little peek right there i wish you could zoom in and modify this a little bit to make it more obvious how many we got stored all right yeah yeah look at that one right like we're not storing that anymore no thanks also what is the difference between that and this did i do something we made four of them i don't know how i made four of them but we made four of them at one point in time that's fascinating anyway so we are working towards getting extraction upgraded that's not kind of necessary with the unlock we just got a second ago i noticed this right here cutting rotating and stacking that would be huge we need a little bit more of something that we are potentially not producing oh that's interesting you can see where you brought an upgrade right that's what that's easy to look at right we made the blue things there we never actually continued making those that would be a good priority next so we want to split it onto the right side and look at this we've got plenty we can borrow over here we can upgrade the extraction speed nice and easy i think what we're going to do is take some deliberately from that chain and we're going to have something come back down here and going up there we want to split off the side into a car it's just the wrong way around isn't it it's just the wrong way around we're gonna put it on that side then whoops uh split into the car now how do they come out we need to rotate this side twice or i could trash that but no and then merge and then that would want to find i mean this is probably not a great layout but hey i've been streaming for a while my brain is slow i'll take what we can get at this point right because then i can drag that up here and we're going to unlock blueprints in the future and this stuff's going to get so much easier i swear i swear that can go in that direction then we can get this over to here cool look at that right full belt almost no it had it had some backed up let's check it out we're gonna get that in a little bit we're all downloading the game says insert comedy you can yeah you can get it on steam or you can go to uh shapes.i o and play it online although it's limited apparently limited amount of play time that way okay so oh this is where the other type of merger is better that's the one thing i can't quite get into my head so like uh do that again like that that would be the layout makes that entirely useless let's put one more in get there a little bit quicker i hope trying to use these keyboard shortcuts a bit more and a new upgrade is available we just got it beeps isn't that cool and is that the right no that's the wrong thing all together nice let's check it out what happens now cutting rotating hey more of those again well let's put that back online so rotating cutting so many things sped up now that i think [Music] let's go read that again cutting rotating and stacking we haven't done stacking yet unless it means extraction stacking which i don't think it does so cutting rotating i mean there is rotating going on here and cutting so in theory look at that look at that like we've got too much going on here now but there isn't a bottleneck as well i'm noticing we're still producing this maybe the bottleneck then is this is possibly a little bit of a bottleneck hmm confirm the upgrade someone says oh no i've done it yeah i've done it [Music] okay so this one didn't really have any what's the bottleneck here it's probably it's just the amount of factories there oh pressing spacebar takes you to the middle i've been playing this game for two hours 20 minutes and i've just learned that so we got some here we go we've got cutting and rotating going on here so now this thing is like loads in that's cool that is cool and this right here might require stacking i mean i don't know how to make that that is going to be one heck of a challenge for the next stream that we do oh what a beautiful link into the end of the stream i'm so impressed that i'm going to hit the follow button on the way out of here i'm also going to stick around for the raid oh of course i'm going to do that oh what a great streamer just just linked like that so smooth so smooth into the exit peaks we could definitely gonna do another one of these gotta do more of this i've got it in me i don't know how many i got but uh definitely got one more and as you know we like to raid other channels i'm just gonna see if anyone else is streaming this game maybe support the community a bit you know also master thank you to everyone who subscribed resubscribed donated and cheered i appreciate all your support as always and there's two other people doing this three other people and it looks really interesting what they're doing but um we've got two viewers here on prime sub to me let's go raid them they're playing this game if you want to see more of it stick around let's uh let's see what they think of this all right thank you everyone take care yourselves ciao for now bye
Channel: xisumatwo
Views: 26,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xisuma, xisumatwo, xisumavoid, shapezio,, all levels, walkthrough, gameplay, playthrough, demo, steam, review, steam game, puzzle game, level 1, episode 1, part 1, livestream, free puzzle game, cheap puzzle game steam, game, shapez
Id: S1-oH439j3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 1sec (8461 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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