"Shanks & Yonko are FAR More FRIGHTENING!"ft @B.D.A. Law FINALE | One Piece Power-Scaling Discussion

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we saw how whitebeard's interaction went without kiji yeah uh what was about to happen which was where [Music] whitebeard stabbed out kiji aokiji moved around it he's like you fool then he was about to attack him with his with his attack okay and he got saved he got saved his life got saved right then and there okay so and then so once again a weekend a weekend whitebeard oh my god it's gonna be again though a weekend wiper at the weakest yeah this is the thing that you always because you all always talk from both sides right because when when we show an admiral getting the edge on whitebeard it's like well he's weakened but then when he does something to a kai and he's like wait wait wait wait we guessed wait wait wait wait wait is he weaker or not i don't think that matters here oh come on yo that right there you see i'm gonna let you bite the bullets on the kainu and blackberry i'm cool with that because it's right i mean you have the biz on your side fair enough i'll give you that i have more than this but the problem is that but but the problem is that you won't give white beard anything because i think you know now after we saw kylo and luffy i think it's very obvious that whitebeard is absolutely weaker than kairo i mean it's not even comparable in terms of durability in terms of speed in terms of technique in terms of raw power i can even use the a slice novels where in that in those numbers they say that it's kaido who's the strongest of the yonko when it comes to actual combat one-on-one and the only reason why whitebeard is known as the strongest quote uh human or the strongest man is because of the territory he had he had the largest territory yeah so like literally social translations for that pal just okay wait what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean for that pal i don't remember anything okay okay okay okay okay so let me get to you because i actually have this safe somewhere so i'm gonna help you out because uh this is the vince translation of the ace lighting all right okay let's get it okay so here's what they say so whitebeard and this is i think is um well i'll read it whitebeard that's the only man who could stand toe-to-toe with roger king of the pirates he's a legendary monster he's the most powerful man in the world without a doubt the man closest to the one piece uh the bits formation that skull gathered about edward whitebeard newgate came from man from many sources but all said the same thing whatever you do don't miss whitebeard the strongest in the world ace murmured it was hard to say what made you the strongest this wasn't some kid's competition like foot races or arm wrestling or it just said white beard is the strongest i'm getting to it okay according to skull the part obsessed nerd in terms of sheer battle power in a one-on-one fight kaido was likely the strongest if you are sitting drinking telling stories and debating the merits you might conclude that qaeda was the invincible strongest creature alive while big mom had the strongest family in the world and that our new gate very life was that of the strongest pirate alive that is from directly from the age how does that okay how does that prove that whitebeard is the weakest because whitebeard number one off the grip according to this guy's skull she is weaker than kaido off the rib and then no no no that's not true we know that already we yeah yeah we that's already confirmed because they're already confirmed they're all working in kaido nope because kaido himself has only one man alive left on his ceiling that's it we're done so i'm just gonna prove that this is in you again you can you cannot deny the ceiling you just can't deny it but then moving forward cole this is nasty it's not how okay roll it how how because it says that kaido is the the most the strongest in one-on-one you're saying it justifies kaido is stronger than whitebeard but this doesn't justify kylo is stronger than shanks because he's in his top five yes cool this doesn't make any sense how if kaido himself is literally saying here are the men that i'm trying to compare luffy to in terms of his ceiling and then only one of these men shanks is alive we know for a fact that shanks and god had an altercation of some kind before shanks arrived at marine four and then we also know that king the wildfire involved in that as well cool according to the database who else was on that show all dead men why does it matter that they're dead at this point whitebeard was alive yeah and he was stronger than kaido when he was younger okay so when did kaido surpass him probably when robert got old and sick cool this is nasty work how again because you're sitting right here shanks is the only person alive shanks is the only person in the story that's wrong at this point in time correct correct i mean that's easy that's easy that's i don't know how you make these jumps i really don't i it's kind of okay i really don't okay if kaido himself can fight against big mom toe for toe blow for blow and one can't really be the other as far as we can tell but i do lean towards kaido a little bit we saw that and then kaido himself is putting shanks on a pedestal then along with the guys you can argue are stronger than kaido so prime roger stronger than kaido prime whitebeard strong the kaido rock is the begging argue in theory showing the kaido and i do put money on oden beating kaido as well so why is shanks all of a sudden left out all those people that he has envisioned in that ceiling are probably beating kind of one on one no that's a very safe that's a very safe bet no i think those are the people he respects but why because of their ceiling and their prowess no kaido based on what we got from kaido's backstory the only person kaido felt like could beat him was joy boy we knew that he said the oh and this is mind you this is actually way after oh then we have to oh that he says to kingdom he said only a scant few are capable of fighting me yes okay fighting yes fighting him yes fighting him but the problem is that all these guys that we see are people that have as far as i can tell myself have stronger than kaido goldy roger in his prime prime white beard prime new game then we have rox de sabek the legend okay according to saint goku probably his greatest rival and then you have oden the guy that we could see was on the verge of defeating kaido um i think you are taking this too far way too far wow these incredible jumps oh my god because whitebeard is right on this same top five and then mind you two i'm not i don't know so they mentioned some about shanks too where basically they should never never never make changes angry ever um but that's under the story yeah they don't make it that matters a lot i think oh so he's gonna have uh he's gonna be bloodlusted yeah yeah and then again that's why a kind of stop what he's doing do you stop me kissing goku tonight nah he stopped because shanks pulled up no yes no if saying goku didn't call off the dog he would keep going shanks was ready to fight against everybody there him and his lads versus all the marines versus rugged pirates against [Music] beckman you don't believe that this is the problem brago this is the problem yo okay the admirals they have good feats they do they definitely do but most of their great stuff is always compared to commanders or people that are much weaker than yonko like black by the time or maybe marco or josu but it's never in front of the yonko it's never in front of the yonko it's almost it's almost like inconceivable it's like this is why whenever the yonko do something the world government sweats buckets they're always dripping those oh my god like they're meeting whoa wait a minute they're talking oh my god but we've never seen a yonko ever sweat an admiral that's never happened in the story like ever not a single time you know how i know yonko sweat admirals because they haven't attacked the marines okay this is dumb why don't they control the world they control the new ones no no no the world government allows them to feel like they control their territory no no no no no no they help they no no no no no no the world government maintains peace we we know for a fact that the only reason why they don't actually conquer the world as a collective is because they're always vying against each other bro that's what said deliberately i think like garb or by saying goku some of that source and then garp also says too because again big mom and kaido just teaming up had the world government had even garp sweating like ah they're rocking the swing of the back they were all sweating i mean we even saw that it we even saw in 1044 or 1145 that the only reason why they didn't want to make kaido upset and mad just making this man mad was a bad idea why because the nika was coming up so they had to make a choice here either make cairo mad or kill the nika to kill anika or trying to get on the nika that's it the thing right now it's only fun of the nica right where it's a big deal right now it's a bad time because resources are stretched thin that's the only reason for the admirals and the yonko the reason why the yonko haven't been folded by the animals yet is because they avoid them they avoid them they literally say in the chapter we don't want to get kaido mad okay but we have another choice because we have to kill the nika who said that the goros that's the gorilla say there's some bums we're not talking about it we have there are kainoos bosses we had we had we had kizaru if kaido pulls up they have to do once again what they did for whitebeard pull up all their boys get everybody to go you really think king and queen are causing damage in marine ford i mean who's gonna stop them vice admirals yes momosagio your vice admiral that's your champion maynard the one shark dude i forgot his name um the one that sabo just crushed in a single move um the one guy that snuck marco with the kawasaki cuffs um the one dude that fought against these two random white bearded guys with the one guy with the long nose and the lightning bolt thing that was uh that was a longest fight like yo these vice admirals are actually i would say this there is no good advice about vice admirals in general have not been portrayed in a light that is favorable commander i would just say it just say it no i think momosage and chaton clearly can't command oh what have they done they were up for admiral okay and nicole we just talked about this earlier where even being mentioned in an admiral state confirms your strength no no no no we have no idea what that means for momosagi and shiton because they could have no no no no no no no they could have literally have been in this group people that are all admirable candidates these people and then god wait wait and then gotten smoked by green bull foods with these people they could have been outclassed why you know why that is you know why that's not the case why because the only people we know that was vying for this fujitora green bull momosagi chatard we don't know what that means in terms of their power they're vice admirals like the rest of them nobody because that no no no no i was in my mom to mention with them okay well why did fujitora and greenwood get that spy instead of most likely and shattered because they were stronger how much stronger probably slightly probably slightly yeah yeah broccoli it's gonna be funny when like we've seen the future where like someone like i don't know carrot deals with like momosagi it's like oh okay all right there's your adam right there that's crazy like how's going to pull up on sue long form against mom is not beating i don't think i just apologize jared is not pulling up carrot pulled up on carrot pulled up on what's his name who is katakuri's brother daifuku what do you mean he's clean what he didn't kick your nose in the carrot too long uh likewise though she didn't know that him no he was she was right there she was right there and nothing happened to him like zero no damn listen i mean literally he's clean wasn't that food i mean look again it's like huh wasn't that [ __ ] yeah he's on ship yeah he took a shower literally like he's like you know all that war came down he took a shower he's actually clean like on ironically carter yo listen cole i know you love your yonko and i love the yonko too right but but you got your cape on you got your k-pop for these yonko and is it a superman cape a homelander cape a villager my cape was this good thing bad thing it got a i got it got a big y on it that's what they do you got a big y on it you got your spandex on you got your wife for yes we got an eye on it for yonko let's go i mean look again so again but like the problem is that there is no evidence on your side that's the problem so again we're taking the yonko and we're i mean we're taking the admirals and the commander stuff and then we're running for yonko pastors but where are these again we have such a long road ahead of us for the admirals to even be comparable to the yonko i would say a long road there's a long road i don't think it's i don't think it's a long road at all i think i think it's a huge road i think the animals prove they're more than capable at marine ford they prove they have kill shot potential they prove that they can maneuver in any situation possible however i am weary i'm gonna lie i am weary of what happens in chapter 1054 because green ball maybe maybe in over his head and him attacking the alliance right now i don't think it's smart because personally i don't know if there's any character well assuming that these people are not still really beat up i don't think there's any character that can walk into this alliance and them being full health and walk out unscathed okay interesting things i mean maybe who knows i think green ball and it'll be a weird thing for order to set up greenville just to get folded by the alliance it'll feel stupid um i mean there's a good chance he just parties with them parties with them and then delivers information that's a good chance too yes because party party yeah normally when we party party so that's probably the best bet yeah but i understand like you know outside because again greenville has his thing but when it comes to the animals the commanders they're just i mean you can even look at someone like like doflamingo or fujitora it's not or aokiji for that matter it's not the good case here where the admirals exude that same level of fear and that same level of of of control and power that um the yonko have over at least the new world and other stronger henchmen another stronger men um they're more intimidating than the admirals well not most of the animals i think a kind was equally as intimidating but i would say um i think it definitely is i mean that's not the vibe i'm getting from kind especially when the goro say can talk smack to him like he's a goddamn child but then they fear kaido's name they just fear oh my gosh cole you know matches facts that's just the facts that happened this happens incredulous because it's such bad faith such bad how okay look okay look today you have a w with blackbeard and a kainu that w is always existed no not really but the problem here is that no no no you can't take this w and try and cash it for money in the bank it's not money today you have a w that's it [Applause] thank you thank you everyone for coming but it's not name is oh my god where are you oh my gosh listen man the admirals in the in the names as the great king of lightning would say studly the admirals are getting studlier getting started true cole why do you want every opportunity you have you just [ __ ] on my voice um well i mean your boys have been looking good dude do you know well like literally the animals have to can do in order to actually be on that level nothing because the show no just wasn't the show they don't have to show anything that they have to show like country level stuff they have to show like durability that is on an astronomical level yeah they have the choice for 10 days so what like so what is this that's worthless 10 days 5 or 10 days against your counter is this worthless doesn't mean much i mean like in the grand scheme of things that doesn't mean much much when you get out there fighting fight for one day admirals fight for ten days we're not built yes and then it's clearly that you can do more damage i mean that's the problem how the admirals change the entire landscape have you not seen kaido's flame drum dragon have you not seen luffy's boss ran gun what wait wait wait first of all luffy and kylo to fight for a day oh you mean supposedly big mom and kaido oh i got you i got you okay i got you i gotcha i gotcha i got you nothing happened alan was fine are you actually comparing kind of mom fighting just to test each other see how good they are where did they say that because the drinking stocking companies did they say that they were so wait wait so that was life and death okay fair enough no note to self kylie my father full power life and death yep noted okay based on what the marines said about them that they don't like each other they always try to kill each other while they were on rocks yep but like but like you know now though right like after seeing kaido and what he could do it's like okay like this dude can take five ten days to make a mountain range kylo won't attack his character right okay but you know that kylo can literally take you know the aokiji ice mountain range or the akainu volcano range and with one attack just blow it all away right like you know how powerful he is right uh listen as far as you know kaido died to magma i think i rest my case wait what do you mean dr magma guide to magma wait great title's dead yes oh you're really gonna okay okay bad bad as far as we know right now kaido as far as we know right now kaido is either a still chilling in the magma pool b he is somewhere off because of king eruption as far as you know right now there's been no mention of kaido correct he's gone in magma and i think old is sending a message here which is admiral's w so it takes kaido in regular form ideally in your mind regular forms nothing no transmission no nothing and you can just disappear in magma and that's it you just vanish did you see the kanji [Laughter] wait but you know hold up come out do you where way ho do you think that his flame drum dragon is magnetic curiosity i think it's like an in-between between magma and in between yeah like magnifier so that means that like let's say quinoa fires who lauren fires harder than the flame drone dragon or something i think kaido is probably hotter okay but not as high nah i don't think it's quite there but i think it's hot definitely hot under fire but i think it's in between okay okay oh they're never okay yeah so even though they have this image of it being like some sort of magma dragon even though you know you think it's not magma you think it's in between yeah do you see how far you go no it's crazy because it's like you see like the lengths we have we have something like oh my gosh we have momonosuke it looks just like kaido just not as strong i rest my case yep looks just like it don't it you know if momento i think he's winning [Laughter] but he's not the strongest in wano right now not including the people no no no no no because no because it's kitty man because keema is gonna you know with the firefox because all magma like literally he's insane i think dendro beats kennywood i think dandruff is a kind of yo can somebody clip that and send it to me please no i need that i need that clip please please please i beg oh boy let me just put it on twitter let me just put it on twitter real quick i just want to put that on twitter no yeah you want me on twitter all right cool okay no no content no context love it okay perfect thank you i'll be is this y'all king yeah yeah yeah is this your king yeah most definitely they're not dead i'm a link to the video oh perfect i love it okay well you wait to do that because viewers aren't coming out for a while okay all right so take some time to edit that video all right that's a bit that's a bit okay cole you are so ridiculous ridiculous that's all i can say ridiculous look i think so far i mean i think listen man oh man you know because i think we've been what two hours deep into two hours maybe okay we're trying yeah so i think we call it that all right so let people on that note we had a fun conversation across the board we haven't we've had a fun conversation oh my god um i think i made my case clear uh one hiccup fair enough okay you were um yo i i i can't even like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa listen john that's my boy okay so let's not try and spin this around okay because right now we're sitting pretty i don't know you have to hope that greenville can carry this ship to the promised land yo like he is christopher's 2.0 trying to find new worlds you're you're hoping to find new worlds with greenville right now let's hope that happens okay because if the next chapter if in the next chapter greenville is not the man that you thought that he was then you know i mean i wish you the best brother i definitely do okay because i'm sitting prayer now the only thing i have to do is say this listen man i gotta admit there is one yonko that right now is losing an animal that's it and then there's one snake in the garden listen listen you know for the admirals listen for the animals we don't got no snakes buggy would never become an admiral because we have actual we have actual legitimate things that you have to surpass to get to that level for a yonko a sham sham you can troll your way to yonko title doesn't that doesn't that make you sick are you not ashamed shame no of course what do you mean vloggy's like frieza dukes are training he's sad buggy is busted broken are you crazy buggy right now has mihawk under his wing are you nuts okay i agree with that hawk and boa hancock are under his wings but you stronger than animals so that's even blasphemous itself really you think that mihawk is losing to kizaru now [Laughter] don't slither now don't slither now is he losing the green light sister no okay all right boys let me think about it okay let me think about it we'll give you a little bit of time i'm gonna need i'm gonna save it for next time lovely okay i will say for next time i'll eat it off without this one godhawk struggling with some uh kendo swords all right cool bet all right boys all right so listen ladies and gentlemen boys and girls uh i think we are going to call it a stream we're going to call we're not streaming stream jesus christ we're going to call it a video um we'll see how this goes it comes to editing and so on and so forth um good times good times i think we're gonna have this up in segments i don't know how many things it's gonna be but it'll be chopped up over the course of the next few let's say weeks or so on so forth so let's hope that jafar can get the job done and uh why are you laughing because bro i'm talking about outro oh my gosh cole i don't i don't understand you i don't understand you but the people know watch both ways people know what do you mean the people though the people i think they do now i agree people always enjoy this so this is always a great time yeah i know it is fun so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna like harbor this too much but it is fine yeah it is for sure i mean i know people on twitter gonna go crazy um your eclipse my collection but we'll see all right either way so people uh you know where to find brago on his socials on um you can check out his live streaming channel on bravo d ace you can also find once again his um uh main channel called the main channel right b-day law main channel sir yeah so mentioned on bday law uh anything else on plug twitter um nah nah i just only thing i want to say is that um you know we just walk away with w's um and i appreciate king of lightning small w's we yes um just w's i just finished taking a lightning for participating you know um but hey we do what we do you do what we do all right that's it so people take care stay safe peace out have a nice one
Channel: King Of Lightning
Views: 102,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KingOfLightning, King Of Lightning, Shanks Yonko, Yonko Vs Admiral, Admirals Vs Yonko, shanks vs admirals, Shanks Vs Akainu, Brago d Ace, bda law one piece, bda law king of lightning
Id: aN6Vix7gC2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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