Shane Van Boening vs Lo Ho Sum | Last 16 | 2022 World Pool Masters

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just about wins the lag just about very close don't know Phil maybe maybe we'll be having a third color than like the dramatic music in the arena actually perfect for the situation because in these Sprint matches can be so important and as as I suspected thank you that's just what I was going to say was for years we've been saying he's won everything well we weren't quite correct there he hadn't won the world nine ball Championship Shane Van burning but now he has the collection is complete well we just knew Shane wasn't gonna hold back on the brake shot [Applause] burning with the look of you know who I am the fireball rudely blocking his path to the two tricky push out this might end up just rolling the cue ball over to where he stood on the rail and see an edge actually what is the mind of the current world champion push push out cold it's your choice what a special occasion it is for loho Sam to take on Shane Van bowening in this setting and such an important tournament more steps down the learning curve called yeah without a doubt he played Albin ocean in the very first match of the world Champs he actually lost that match but then he went on to win a few good matches eventually beating David alcady as well in that event it was a very enlightening article in the South China Morning Post recently saying that his invitation to this event for London was a dream come true that safety though wasn't [Applause] well this has gone wrong though plate to bump into the four and as you can see he's hooked behind the nine so he's looking at this four ball this is the type of kick shot where there's no real safe I can go on so shame might just rely on a bit of lady look here well it wasn't far away was it now the five ball that obstructed van boning after the break as it obstructed Aloha Sun well in terms of getting over to the the potting angle the answer is yes so the kick from loho song it's not really worked out this has left Shane a shot it's not an easy shot though when you've not really had much table time she'll have to play this quite hard as well to get the Cuke out into the center of the table chain does possess a very powerful game though doesn't it I almost missed that by a long way was it gonna finish up where's this gonna finish up well just look at that could have been so much worse extension we've seen it over the years so many times van boning gets the roll it's pretty much lights out and he's had two roles in this rack already yeah this looks tricky as well because if you can't see full ball he's gonna have to turn the light get up and down and stun the cue ball off the side rail and back out over towards seven well he's made a mess of this he has made a mess of this what is it is it low wholesome's time to get a fortune roll does the eight combo in that side pocket well cool if anybody can manufacture this the man at the table can [Music] he's not going to get away with it this time there's a gap there so what a strange opening wrap we've had here Phil yeah well he taking his extension already and then the the clock started counting down had to play the shot hurriedly [Music] well that wasn't his best effort was it first it looked like the Cube's gonna Nestle look behind the nine and now he's got a tricky bot into the top left pocket this is not easy from the center of the table any contact on any rail this ball will not go foreign yeah that will make him feel an awfully a lot better that will make him feel an awfully a lot worse well when you get opportunities like this you simply have to take him you don't get away with stuff like that you really don't in loho sums first round win over Dennis grubber you made the point Colt 17 balls were missed you cannot miss regularly against Shane Van Bowden and hope to survive makes but it was an effective one in the end but we will remember that rack for the Mystic seven ball from loho Sir move threw away a golden opportunity to get off to an agreeable start Shane Van bowening is already tucked away the world if I'm wanting to break leading Wonder foreign ball just bouncing off the rails spoiled this fishing but first it looked like he was going to be able to pop this in the bottom right and that last little roll sure he can't oh where's the one ball gonna go where's the rumble going well another mistake from the champ clean up extension extension piece asking for the object ball I.E the one to be clean and so he needs his extension and burning was concentrating so hard on leaving the the cue all behind the five he forgot about where the one might be traveling to now can aloho sum my commands for let's be honest throwing away Rock one and there's this pocket well cost him the first rack just not striking through the cue ball how he would like he's under it that by a long way yeah it's a good pot though now he's back in a good position here we'll probably need to use the top rail [Applause] Sean van Bowen made the safety blunder if that doesn't settle him down nothing well that was what an ice dish yeah the shake of the head from Van venue he had tactical control there and he gave it away and characteristically this is something of the the David versus Goliath about it Shane Van boning on top of the world the world of pool that is as the reigning world nine ball champion in his career CV is simply extraordinary this year it's been very good so far especially when I won the the world portion ship that day was pretty much a dream come true for me I've seen him in the last couple years I believe I've seen him played in the uh the water and the whirlpool championship and uh I think he's the good player basically he's just gonna go out there and play the game and don't worry about who you play Whirlpool master has always been a great tournament for me and I've won twice and been in the finals I believe four times I'm just hoping to get in the finals again and see what happens foreign I suppose call when you've got such a world of experiences Shane Van bounding nothing really phases you anymore no especially you've managed to win that one title desperate to win you can almost play the rest of his career I wouldn't say pressure free but you can't kind of see where I'm going with it it's achieved so much in the game I think one thing on Shane's mind would be maybe as really strong performance in a Moscone cup first of all he's got to get past lower wholesome that's not too bad he's got the cue ball back out into the center so he's got a finish cut on the two we can spin this SKU ball round okay balls near the corner pocket though the cue ball is very near the corner pocket wow see that's one of the advantages of these four inch pockets okay it's tough to knock the object ball in but equally scratches are not quite as common the goalkeeper works for those as well for the white ball oh but then again the three ball this time is caught far far too thick this is unusual missing some easy Pops in the opening three rack said balls that just shouldn't really miss extension please well he's put his Q on the floor now he's standing all over it but look at this for a shot he's playing he's playing a jump with the bridge while he was looking at that the problem is he can't reach it again he'd like to play the jump shot the cue balls too far out the table he's taking his extension but that's not an unlimited amount of time what's the cube earlier he's playing a little delicate swerve needs the cue ball to bounce the smattering of applause boss tells you it has just about made its Journey there's a chance of putting this red three in the top right corner well this is turned into a bit of a story this rack now both players have had chances I'm not saying Shane's was an easy chance don't get me wrong but [Music] [Applause] rarely there's a double kiss workout in a a good fashion and that one most certainly did not [Music] screamed out and hampered bridging he looks a lot thinner than where he was aiming there so he's clearly feeling edges low hole so let's not forget he's had a match on the table but he's playing the current World Champ this is a thin one cue ball will be traveling he's trying to get the cue ball back up to where it is now really can he get in between the gap on his character before this is gonna work out okay he's got a little angle wasn't bumping into the four he was trying to miss the fourth [Applause] I'm not inside blow over Sam's mind of course but get the impression that he's doing what you should never do he's playing the man he's playing the marvelous reputation rather than playing the game playing the balls yeah that's easier said than done it's all about experience it doesn't have much experience but he's a good player I agree with you Phil I think that's exactly what is going on here there you see Team USA just to the left of Shane JJ and Skyler that was a nice shot didn't have much angle there he's done well forcing over so it's been something of a circuitous route I found bowling has this nine ball a 2-1 lead there it is Sun cannot complain about a lack of chances he's had plenty but he's only got one Raptor show for it he will need to tighten up of that there is no doubt [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign okay [Music] default Frank see if I'm wanting to break leading 2-1 when we saw a nice kiss there Carl I think Shane Van Buren would look at a few of those pool wise he's had enough stroke well that is not the case Shane was after no that's a sharp rebuke from the pool just do some yeah [Applause] one has to say even though he's two on ahead this is not the start we expected from I'm sure he's going to warm into the match but right now he's struggling somewhat and start the companies mind you the same could be said for his opponent Paul with the reds or should I say the balls nicely spread that's what you can only wishful you hear my snooker Freudian slip their call with a Reds nicely spread old habits die hard but they are very very nicely spread it's been a long day for yeah the start of this rack watching referee Marcel Eckert who's just helping low wholesome because his microphone had come loose so he took it off don't want to preempt anything but this is much more like it thank you a little bit unlucky from Shane off the break there random ball kissed it in the pocket what he needed to do he's cleared the table to tie the match up hello Santa break to rexage there are the austrians in the crowd that's letting it on the left and Albin Ashen on the right [Applause] where's the cue ball going for low hole some I thought it was going to scratch himself there off a random Ball but he hasn't this is a tricky pot though whenever you're rolling across the bays and the cue balls and the rail it's not easy especially going into the side pocket you just catch that near jaw it's not going to go in I was jacking up this it's a horrible shot he's faced with [Applause] wow [Applause] yeah the reason he did that is because he had to stop the cue ball dead it's almost like playing a jump shot isn't it I know it's not jumping over a boy but you can see the cue ball bouncing before it makes contact now he's gotta miss the eight ball now was his next ball after this is the pink four and he's done a good job this is going to end up nice he's gonna end up really nice two good opening shots in this rack from low are you all right Carl suddenly he's sprung to life and already Shane Van burning is being given a tougher test than he was at this stage of the tournament last year when he recorded a very convincing 7-1 victory in this round over Federal gosht [Applause] doesn't want to be straight anything but straight is okay oh yeah that's really nice that's nice indeed still early days in this match but just feel that Shane is going to be under a little bit of pressure now he's had chances we know he's a good front runner now he's got to dig deep don't let this match get away from you know how someone's a type of player we've seen at the World Championships a couple of weeks ago he will grow in confidence 23 years of age and now it's 2-3 on the scoreboard in favor of the man from Hong Kong China or we go to see a major upset that's Albin Ashen very high in those standings call and although he was runner-up in the world nine ball Championship to Shane Van boning he must have gained an awful lot of positives from the week yeah I mean what Shane did was was quality but let's not forget album went there as defending champion and to get to the final was a phenomenal achievement it gives us a smile leaving a much feature there's Jeremy as well so now to the commentary box but still watching intently yeah I'm glad it won't kiss cam Phil well breaking from the left side of the table oh he's got a shot of the wall his next ball is going to be the three because he's pocketed the two off the break so this is looking good this for loho so in the early stages I suppose understandably he looked jittery he wasted opportunities but then everything changed when Shane Van boning scratched on his break off in the fourth rack since then he's been in the seated position I wonder if he's gonna pop this ball and just run the cue ball into the green six that will hold the cue ball at the top end of the table it's going to work out okay yeah he's close to three but you can do something with that the four balls in the center of the table now to get the tip of the queue out of the way sharp edge there and playing at the slight angle it was never going to be that much of an issue extension please play this in the corner pocket playing for position for the purple five in the same pocket that looks okay cue Ball's going to be traveling a little bit though actually now we look at this is a awkward he's gonna play it a little slower and try and land in the Gap kinda near where in between the seven and the eight balls a big ball eight ball is a big ball now can he see the potting angle has he been fortunate or not oh I think you can just spin this ball in [Music] it's a nice shot very nice shot change into the gun here [Applause] thank you this nine ball to take a two game advantage [Applause] I'll tell you what the man called Low is flying high not so the world nine ball Champion Shane Van boning is facing a possible surprise defeat and the reason for that alohosum leads 4-2 thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign thank you [Music] the seventh fret the whole sound to break leading by forwards to two more so they caught the referee announcing the start of Iraq 7 loho son wants more of the same he's broken running racks five and six can he do so and complete the hat-trick right here cue balls went close to the left Center he's this purple five to hold up that's gonna do him a world of good because now he can play a combo if that five doesn't stop there it's got a tough shot still a tough shot but it's easy it looked like it was gonna be five ball is it looks like any contact and it would fall in the pocket so just pick your points on the yellow one send it on its way any contact and should stay at the table extension please whether it's matched by golf tennis whatever the sport if a massive name is in danger of a surprise defeat it's always really intriguing oh now then we're always looking for a turning point have we just spied one there yeah I believe this is going to be a big turning point it was a good opportunity that fellow any contact it would have felt and now you can see from the super slow-mo just misses the purple five svb he's back at the table well he's made a mess of that I'm amazed how Finney played on to the five yeah the characteristic hitch in key action there seemed rather labored to me and these are little testers and the reason why we say the test is in the side pockets extension called it's because nine ball pool players are so used to playing up into the corners because obviously they play a lot bigger don't they so it's a scary one well done indeed there from Shane he's having a right smile because I can only presume he's landed touching the top rail which means maybe you can't hold for the three wants to play the three ball down the rail in this right corner yeah but there you see he's going to be bumping into the three and he's got to be happy with that yeah just a lovely contact wasn't it to Bear down on this one though Shane's one of them players where he possesses a lot of Q Power really gets the cue ball moving of the match where we know that was a turning point but we suspected heavily the combo was on any contact would have done loho some didn't achieve it Shane Van berning did the rest and when he gets his foot in the door watch out that record was all about one shot yeah this was the shot any contact on that purple five and it would have disappeared it didn't disappear so low house sums lead is reduced to 4-3 his nine ball ranking is 38th he's only 23 years of age he's making his debut in the whirlpool Masters and it already he's made a a positive impression in that first round he defeated estonia's Dennis Grabber 7-4 I'll remember that match and maybe I shouldn't but I will for an awful lot of mistakes 17 mesh balls fell in a race to seven is that record sure you're the stat man you must have that well down somewhere I haven't you know but I'll tell you what it's going to be right up there with one of the the most missed balls ever in a match of this distance oh you're slacking Phil I can't believe you don't have that wrote down in your notebook Shane's not having much luck on the break at the moment but he's you know he'll have been here many times before you've got to stay patient he's had a naughty enough where a random Ball kicked it in the pocket and two breaks well he's not had a shot so he's playing a push out again played pool matches like this myself Phil where you just can't get a shot on the lowest ball it's not quite happening next thing you find yourself at six or breaking in a hill you break off and get rolling it does happen push-up called and even being world nine ball Champion does not immunize you against Bad rolls on breaks now there's Kelly Fisher in the background she's looking after below her some this week providing lots of guidance and advice she's having a great time on the wpba tour in the USA this year she's played three tournaments out there one all three and of course Kelly was influential in the result here last year Alexander kazakis came off after a semi-final win not happy with his performance Kelly gave him a pep talk let's put it that way and boy did it work he went on to beat Shane Van Buren nine nil in the final so let's hope that logo sun has benefited from Fishers words of wisdom before interesting push from Shane can a teasing low wholesome a little bit into the thin cut into the corner but take it off a great position that's why low is having none of it is Shane just going to try and Bank the ball back up table use the pink the brown maybe the purple five is some kind of it's never easy trying to call Shane shots he's got his own way of doing it obviously very effective well I don't know what he's attempted there I can only think he's gone for the pot but it has gone drastically wrong when he was citing that it was difficult from under the percussion of course it was but when he was citing that I thought if he's attempting to pop this he's thinking too thick he could tell foreign what a story this would be the world pool Masters debutants overcoming king of the world not happened yet but you can't discount the possibility extension cold just having a good look isn't he doesn't want to do anything silly this stage of the match he's got svb right where he wants him this is going to stop perfect for the simple nine we've got a match on now folks we really have we're just approaching the meaty part of this match now someone this really is some kind of Tale the whirlpool masters of 2022 could be ignited with this loho CERN was considered a decided second favorite before a ball was spotted Shane Van berning always one of the players you regard as being right at the top of the list of any title contenders and yet he's 5'3 down and sweating it out so this is the story of the rack that shot was high tariff keyboard very close to the top cushion not easy to give you but frankly the two ball did not threaten the jaws and from there loho son was cool composed and on the money [Applause] Hong Kong will be delighted if he could get the victory new sports Institute there headed by Wayne Griffiths he's the head coach the son of former World Snooker Champion Terry Griffith it's just some wonderful work in snooker and in pool and this would be a real Philip a real boost for them [Applause] [Applause] it's only one call it's been a crazy night hasn't it the defending Champion started us off Alexander kazakis losing seven nil to Dennis ocolio but I'm afraid in terms of the story of the day it's low or to win this there'd be no competition it would be this story yeah no it's a short race and we keep harping on about it as well bought kazak has missed a few chances Dennis o'colo he's no shocked then he's beating kazakus let's be honest he's probably favorite on paper anyhow before they start losing my eyes and change off to a little bit of a shaky start himself he was a little bit unlucky when that ball knocked it in off the break but since then lowers he's done a good job Shane played a bit of a weird safety or pot on that two ball so mistakes have been there Phil yeah you're right to highlight the svb scratch in the fourth rack that was the the cast from which Aloha son what's going on to find himself in this position of strength but while other players might crumble in this kind of situation he looks entirely at home in fact he looks more comfortable in this match than he did considerably more comfortable that's the thing in these short races as well Phil if you can just get a two or three game lead and obviously winner breaks you just relax a bit more because Lowes missed a couple of balls as well early on it was a very shaky start from both players foreign [Applause] dead straight he's gotta draw the cue ball back he wants to draw it off the rail and then back out to shoot the eight ball in the top left oh where's the cue ball gonna finish is this change chance is it okay it's a little cutback he's okay he is okay he's gonna be playing for the nine ball in the bottom left good news is he's playing into a big pocket play this into the rail he's going straight for the pocket he's gonna be on the hill Phil two right goal two right they called you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] is this going to be remembered as a night of monumental shocks one is brewing at the Europa Point Sports Complex for sure the defending Champion he's already out Alexander kazakis and now look at Shane Van berning on the brink of defeat there are potential four racks left in this match against lojo sir van Pony needs to win them all first he needs to get back to the table and call boys there are no guarantees about that either [Music] [Applause] is the seven ball gonna come and spoil it for low wholesome can he see the potting angle has he got a chance to knock out the World Champ it's almost habitual the chain van Bowden goes deep in the world pool Masters but this could be an immediate exit just waiting for the opportunity but maybe it won't come oh we could pot it couldn't yeah so this is a great chance now that was tighter than it looked as well he had to kind of spin that ball in it [Music] well is in Prime position now he's done the hard work I'll say that he's a little straight oh fell this is what svb lives for he's no stranger to a comeback it's all about applying pressure low hole song has had his chance he might not get another one the key to success at the world nine ball championship in the eyes of many foot back from ten three down against Mecca Iman and no less to win 11 10. small fry in terms of a fight back compared with these imminent recovery not really with exchange it's not easy these race to sevens you feel like you've got to get out the gate quick so he's going to try and duck the cue ball behind the nine seven on the top rail is over at this Low's got a fire at the bank shot here Shane will be disgusted with that effort he really will it's got to attack the bank in the bottom left pocket if he makes it he should have shape on the eight it's close it's close but it's not there Shane is still alive Phil is there a big big story a big big moment about to happen this is the beauty of pool this is why we love watching it this is called these little stories that can happen on a nine foot B5 table with nine balls on Phil 10 including the cue ball before you pull me up Phil I know what you like so this time the seven does disappear this is so edgy there's aloho some bolognes Shane Van burening refuses to wave the wide flag twice he came close to defeat there but the match remains alive and in three racks time could lojos um come to regret he's missed double but much more pertinently well he came to regret that missed Fireball which he should have knocked in working up to its normal level of efficiency a 7-6 result for him very much on the horizon okay it all starts here with the brake shot doesn't it 6'4 Lowell's had a beautiful chance you just want a clip and look will we get another go the break's not been working for Shane somehow you just feel like he's gonna now though don't you this game has a way of punishing does svb get a shot of this one ball he's not coming you know he isn't gonna this is incredible svb can't get a look at the lowest ball and as we've said before reputation records CV none of it matters when it comes to how the balls break sometimes the rolls just don't go your way I mean you could be forgiven saying that he's trying to park the cue ball in the center of the table so he's lost the cue ball to the side rail push push out cold pushing out okay here leave something awkward for your opponent but not too difficult for yourself well hello do you take this ball on do you fancy knocking this ball in the top left pocket or do you play off it a little thinner seven ball looks like it's in the way if you're playing safe thin could he maybe back up towards the six and send the cue ball over towards the top right pocket let's see what Shane spotted there's three options there attention I think though some did the right thing too to put burning back in yeah good shot he played the first option that little tin safety keep distance [Music] Shane's got a look at this film so it was a good push out and a good safety needs to play this ball with a bit of right English I believe or is he powering it in looks like he's gonna power this ball he needs to be accurate oh what a shot that is svb that is very best [Applause] crunch chose to draw the cue ball back off the bottom rail there just to get the key ball away from the rail just these balls remain the shame to pull the match back to six five down about 10 minutes ago it looked like svb was about to depart the tournament and now what a smashing way to end a memorable Day Shane Van berning he won't go quietly Clinging On he needs the next rack to make it our first Hill hell match of the tournament this is the 11th match and we could be going to the wire for the first time he certainly hopes so [Music] called the the push out there in hindsight was quite a clever shot wasn't it yeah it was a clever push out this was the position low wholesome could have made that shot he would have been scared of that seven ball that Shane just missed more of a containing safety it was couldn't really do much in regards to Snooker in low Hole Sun but this was the safety paved the way for Shane to win the 11th rack [Music] shaven burning breaking run outs or commonplace he would love a couple now just get this done and tested with the minimum of us the minimum of stress the way the balls have been breaking for him just get the feeling we're gonna have some more twists and turns yeah you can't keep breaking up pool and not getting a shot in the lowest ball it will turn around at some point the thought that loho serma's got a fight against is that he had a golden chance to win 7-4 and missed that five ball actually put into the jaw trailing six five yeah if he gets another visit he's got to do it knowing that he's had a golden chance already so the pressure has been notched up over um [Applause] now does he get a shot this time does get a shot this time but first glance it looks difficult he's gonna have to pull some form of a good shot early you may have to power this ball into the top right corner and send the cue ball to rails and back out to miss that pink four doesn't need to go crazy as long as you can get out kind of level with the four ball he'll have a shot on the two just like that good shot indeed earlier today excellent catchy Mr a pot like that in it was the beginning of the end for him just the near Jordan stayed out against Dennis ocolio but that one was rising to the heart of the bag you might spin all the way down the table yeah yeah look at this that gives himself so much margin for error as opposed to trying to get the cue ball on the center spot of the table there's nobody better in the gamer pool in this situation than Shane Van Born six three down looks buried he sat there patient he's waited for a little error it's come and now he's four balls away from tying the match up hill hill van burning demonstrating what Champions what great Champions are made of not all about skill it's about heart about nerve and about refusing to accept defeat just asking myself for the cue ball to be cleaned sometimes the players do that not necessarily because they want the cue ball to be cleaned extension but it just helps them slow down make sure you don't get up to the nine ball and shoot it too quick this the hill hill Winston right Shane Van Buren produced An Almighty comeback on the way to winning the the world nine ball Championship will we be recalling this on Sunday night when he's lifting the trophy loho some could so easily have won by seven racks to three but then the five wall went astray and since then the man the van bowling has struck cracking much goal s that's a couple of safety errors from the van bowling the big thing for me was the the one in the foul column when he scratched on the brake in rack 40 was 2-1 ahead at that point had that break off gone well and he'd run out there 3-1 you can see a landslide effect occurring in fact it went the other way now though he's the favorites again based on two things yes he's career reputation but also it's hill hill one more rack to go and vitally crucially he's breaking yeah break percent there breaking one percent 17 that is purely down to well I'm not getting a look at the lowest ball he's had one break and run and that was the last one final wreck you just get a feeling Shane's gonna break off and get a nice table layout don't I'm not saying it's gonna happen but the way this match has gone low how some well they had a wonderful opportunity to beat Shane 7-3 shame to break in the designer where's the cue ball going now what shot does he have can he drop it in the middle [Applause] well don't think he can cut this two ball in the right center without the cue ball hitting the purple five the other problem however he puts the two he's got to get the cue ball down table for the pink four if we can pop this ball in the side and miss cannoning the five he'll take it on so the cue ball is going to be going one two three rails maybe four but the cue ball would also have to miss that green six so well this is not easy oh it's going near the side pocket that was the problem cue ball was always looking like he was going to Cannon the purple five kicking at the for now [Applause] yeah the two clusters there sit and seven and nine always provided the possibility of a self-imposed snooker oh he's missed it Mr kick all together no contact can you believe it wow the worst thing you can do in nine ball pool is do not make contact and sell out he was trying to pop the four in the corner and there you see just missed second chance for low wholesome ball in hand I'm gonna make sure he doesn't land low on the sixth ball make sure you go past the line of the pot you could tell from his expression Shane Van bowening is in his chair fearing the worst gotta be carefully does he risk just drawing it into the nine or leave himself or does he risk playing the cue ball high and running off the nine ball he's not 100 certain where the cue ball would go it's gonna draw back he's gonna watch the letter pocket here though that's a good job good job Indeed he's playing the eight into the right and Center pocket he's pushed the nine over the pocket mouth dry just a little tight even at the age of 23 pumping this is effectively the nine ball and he's done it what a match hello wholesome the man from Hong Kong China has proved to be the sum of all fears for Shane Van boning last month he was crowned world nine ball Champion now he's out and he's opening much at the whirlpool Masters well done to lohosum Kelly Fisher's advice and guidance before the match no doubt played a big part in that and in the end the underdog gets the verdict what a way to complete a remarkable day [Music] we thought he might have blown his chance but he got another one in the decider when van boning failed to escape from a a self-imposed hook and loho sum the 23 year old from Hong Kong gets the job done van bowling twice a winner of the world pool Masters will not be completing the hat-trick in 2022. so let's crunch some numbers here we go breaking run out percentage for Shane Van Bowen 14 percent incredibly low for him because he's normally such a wonderful breaker of the balls and so efficient they're taking just one chance to win a rack ball spotted well low not in 17 more than he's a venerable opponent he missed a couple more but in the end he's misses did not matter especially the one on the the five ball when he was on the verge of victory at 7-3 couple of fouls from Shane Van Bowden the the scratch in rack four and then the the Miss from the snooker in the decider they were ultimately costly so this order of play this evening it started off with a bang Dennis occolio whitewashing the defending champion and the top seed Alexander kazak is from Greece seven nil the scoreline there Maximilian lechner from Austria was good value for his 7-2 lead 7-2 victory over Dimitri younger from Switzerland he led in that match six nil and then the story of the day without any shadow of a doubt lohosa invited to the whirlpool Masters for the first time completes a shocking but deserved 7-6 victory over Shane Van Bowen
Channel: Matchroom Pool
Views: 88,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mosconi Cup, Pool, Sport, Matchroom, World cup of pool, world pool championship, us open pool championship, world pool masters, 9 ball
Id: WxXpwbMO00Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 55sec (5215 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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