Shane Van Boening vs Alexander Kazakis | Last 64 | 2022 US Open Pool Championship

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young kid from Wisconsin yeah I saw you were having a busy time you were coaching some of the players you were down on the floor signing autographs for fans no rest for you no that's okay though these guys keep me young and there's no place I'd rather be that's pretty much the closest lag we've seen all week Marcel eart had to get down and have a very close look before determining Shane Van boning on the right to get us underway yeah and a dry break something you don't see from svb very often and I'm not so sure the last time these two clashed but I know the last time it was what you would call Big Moment like we're in right here was the world pool Masters Alexander kazakis with a goose egg against svb a win at 9 to Z yeah they did meet in the world semi-final earlier in the year yeah that's correct VB going on to win the title plenty of history between them as we'll discuss no doubt in the course of the match and going offensive cross side here watch out for ball he's okay that's a nice opener yeah very confident start good chance you got to get off to a good start against Shane Van boning whether you're a newcomer or an experienced figure like this man from Greece yeah and I've got to watch so many of the matches with these two paired off um that it seems like for Alex and maybe not against everyone but against svb it seems like when he's had an early mistake or two it really affected him the rest of the match I know some them been short races in the msone but the you know the 2018 finale there he had some shots he would certain certainly like to get back had a chance I think early in that match before svb wasn't to be denied yeah I mean both of his Moscone Cups he's lost crucial final night singles matches against van boning he's been on the losing team both times and decide to play for that little more of an angle and that's mainly to get the proper angle on the five to swing around to play the six in the same corner so not so much about getting on the five ball here but getting proper on the five to get to the six don't think Alex was too tested getting to this situation we'll look at his match scores Michaels got all of that of course we saw svb in a big test in his Opening match against Joey Tate but other than that he kind of cruised on his next two well kazakus was sent to the loser side he beat Ricardo kamo of the US comfortably enough 62 but then Jesus sateno of Venezuela beat him he had a couple of comfortable wins on the loser side where he needed to find three wins 8-1 against John Moody 8-2 against jman Lee but then he had to play Mickey Krauss of Denmark in losers qualifying and only got through 97 yeah that's correct actually actually I was sweating that match a little bit we were keeping track of the scores talking about Mickey and had actually Mickey had the lead in that match now I recall quite a bit of the duration of it but nice opening now looks like he's going to try and kill the ball a little bit little low tip position maybe not catching the second rail maybe he does he's going to maybe have an awkward St stretch here we'll see is a righty but should be okay looks like he's going to go to the longer extension for this shot on the eight interested to see if he just stuck kind of stun draws across I don't think he'll go with top inside here top left I think he just will stay on the side of the table he's standing on now just to try and get that cut little cut shot on the nine just as well for him there's no shot clock in operation yet he is going with top inside so may end up on the rail all right got nice energy into the Q ball and a really nice opening rack for kazakus off of a dry break which you're not going to have much of from SBB well that's it he's not going to give you much of anything is he but he gave kazakus the opportunity right at the start kazakus opened up with a very nice bang shos did the rest from there one n now Mario he is through having just closed it out at 94 against Chris Reinhold and Mario he will now play Mustafa alnar in the next round after alnar turkey beat Mar noen by nine racks to six reinold was still in with a Chance going into that match claiming one of those automatic spots on the US mosconi Cup team but that is now gone so I make it in addition to Shane bamboni who's already in four players battling for two spots now Oscar dingz and Skyler Woodward currently occupying the two spots which will be decided this week but Greg hog and Tyler Styer still with a chance to catch them yeah and Greg hog up six to3 at right now on Omar Al Shaheen yeah akan Ki leading Johan Chua 64 radislav paba ahead of Oscar dingz at 54 and Mark Boer Bosch 6-3 up on loow ho Su we'll get some other scores after the next rack but back to the action here and I'll tell you I've seen a lot more dry breaks today not saying there hasn't been plenty in the tournament that's a big part of the change but I think I've seen more today collectively of course walking around watching all the matches and I recall seeing in the other days tension's high can affect all the shots Shane Van boning just in case you don't know is chasing history here again this week five time US Open winner shares the record with Earl Strickland looking for one more to become the first six-time champion in the history yeah and we talk about so many greats in today's game and younger guys filler feder and all that Jason Shaw of course a little older than those guys but it'll be a while before another name is really put into that mix with Earl and svb five titles if it ever happens to be honest with it you feel now when we come to an event like this there are a lot lot more players who arrive as potential winners than there were back in Strickland's time um yeah I'd have to say so there's just that many great players and you know all these guys you know there's a I don't know what the number you would put on it but once they get going right once they put that confidence in there there's there's a lot more guys that can win this event than you think and not just that aside from the guys who can win it there are probably a lot more players who can knock out one of the big names even if they don't have in them to go the full distance they can still have a big impact on who does win it yeah that's exactly right and you know most those players I was talking about a half a level below the top guys a level whatever you want to call it they uh you know they make breakthroughs in big events it's usually not in the US Open type of event but who's to say you know that won't be the case this week there's a lot of young Euros that are that are fighting for a big victory okay we'll see if he goes at this it is a shootable shot I mean he is elevated but he has a pretty nice safety coming off the left side of the one going up behind the three thing is he's really got to commit to position needs a little bump on the two and he's going to get it you'd say that's lucky but really he played it percentage wise to never really get in trouble okay if I get position that's great but I'm not going to get snookered the way I played this tough one ball and that smart player going a little Southpaw here doesn't have to do much just get you know a foot past the nine or so he came down quite a bit more so that's going to improve things there a joke in the world of Journalism could you interview Neil Armstrong without mentioning the moonlandings and obviously you couldn't and equally so we were saying before this match can you commentate on this without saying the words 9 N well obviously equally so you can't because of that world Masters final you alluded to last year here he meant so much to kazakus to get that win it's seen off Justin SC Skyler Woodward eckan caty and hill hill finish in the semis to beat Shane Van boning 9 N who on Earth would have seen that coming in the previous staging of the World Masters had ended in such disappointment for kazakus famously 5 nil up against David ALC ended up losing 98 with alcade making that now legendary Full Table bank shot on the winning nine ball yeah and the thing about that nine zero is of course his opponent svb trying to win the match and not giving up anything but as you mount those games on your side you kind of recognize that goose egg you're putting up on your opponent and pressure mounts on that regard as well not easy to to whitewash somebody okay A little choice here and come two rails I personally like kind of coming straight down the table myself don't really see the added bonus or anything better about coming with two rails for the seven in the lower left I kind of like coming down straight for the seven in the lower right again a little preference the thing about it if you come two rails with inside you could land on the rail straight on the on the seven comeing one rail down the table that's a little more difficult to do oh that hit a little thick that may need to travel and it's just going to clear enough it's hard enough to beat Shane Van boning from in front so much harder to try and come from behind against him and you can't let him disappear out of sight which he will give an half a chance so as we've said starts so important against him just as I was starting to write the last rights for this rack he's left himself a bit more work than he would have liked here a lot of players would have just came a soft two rails up the left side of the taable there rather than crossing the position line or possibly crossing the position line so huge little bit of a tester here in rank two for kazakus looks like he's drawing the ball no he's following and I said left himself a harder nine than he would have hoped but still would have been a surprise if he' missed that so Alex kazakus long way to go but can't do any better than this for now that's 2-0 now ecklin katchi well his Moscone cup plac is under real pressure this year he's doing all he can at the moment 74 up now against Johan Chua and that would be a really good win from Chu's been playing very well here this week radoslav Baba now 5-4 in front of Oscar Dominguez who's leading the race at the moment for the remaining in automatic spots on the American team Ralph Suk who's been on more European teams than anyone in history is 3-2 down against Francisco Sanchez Ruiz wuk con Lin as a 4-1 lead over Roberto Gomez Victor jalinski 3-2 ahead of John Mora Greg hog still with mus only dreams 74 lead over alar Al shaheim Mark bbos 6'4 in front of loho su who's had such a memorable year and Thomas cman with a 4-1 lead over Marcel price I was watching the Oscar Dominguez match he just started off a little slow couple little mistakes but now is caught but be up five a piece so maybe Oscar turning the corner in that match looks a little dry at the moment as the six going to get a kiss so we're going to get our first offensive look with one heck of a mess on that left side rail the good thing for Shane is a three near so maybe if he needs to get some short side position on the four later may be able to produce a chance of that but nothing easy even here on the one a little difficult queuing over the two definitely going to have to earn this rack one way or another whether that be an incredible run out from the layout I see or tactically some type of safety later on in the rack I'd keep it simple here again with so much congestion I don't try to do too too much here he's trying to just pinch it back it looks like okay now we're going to have to make a decision as he going to come back for the bank on the four probably so that'll carry him into the seven to try and take care of a couple problems that's what he's sizing up now yeah I don't know if he wants to bank at it from there the Q Ball's going to have a ton of speed I think he probably plays the safety here just chipping the four underneath the 57 coasting the QQ ball over to the rail so of course just one kick shot here to the top cushion probably at a very light speed he's got a lot of ways he can hit this and come clean he can catch the second rail right before the four kind of cut the four back into the seven let the cuq ball just bleed over the top of the seven just a light kick period that's that's definitely what you'll see from Alex just a matter of if you know how fortunate Things Come Away the good thing is with the light kick is he going to get any hit that's the hit I was talking about that's why the guys want to stay aggressive Michael is because they know how great that player behind him is yeah F yeah one's from boning got a single elimination at the world championship earlier in the year it was one close run thing after another he had to win five matches from there to get to the final they were all 118 119 or in the case of his match against mik IM 1110 until he got to the clash with Alexander kazakus it was actually his easiest match through that single elimination stage on the route to the final but it was still 117 kazakus so great determination all the way through yeah this is difficult though the nines got him cut off the natural path to kick at the four he can kick a little right of the nine to the top rail with a hair left spin should hit the ball going that route he's trying to see is there's something better you know the one thing that Shane has on his side here is the eight ball so you he can kick at a light speed even if the four opens up a little bit the eight should block the pocket maybe kind of forcing Alex to shoot a combination if you know he wants to go offensive don't really see the big plus going this route now if he can get in behind the four enough get it to the top rail maybe the seven slows the QQ ball down you can get a snooker that way but you could certainly f out look he's taking an intentional wow this could not get much better for Shane here yeah I don't he's going to be on a foul now kazakus is sizing some things up and I'm not sure what route he's going to go is he just going to roll the five on top of these balls now we're going to have a a jammed up situation where nice player can get at the four but they're on a foul situation now Shane's trying to think he can get at the four but he can't and that's why I didn't understand why he didn't kick at the ball to begin with he's going to have to open some balls up the reason you refer to the foul situation is the three strikes in eight that's right so he's going to move these two that's going to help him he is on two fouls though so if you're kazakus which way do you want to get the snooker most players would try to cut the four a little bit and bring the QQ ball two rails underneath the eight doesn't want to open the fornate doesn't want to leave a gap for like a jump shot of some sort want and Shane if he gets this ball all the way over to the rail Shane's going to have a difficult kick that requires a ton of to spin very surprised he pushed the eight on top of that four there that being [Applause] Shane that's going to leave him a natural shot at the four and he's on two fouls of course he's been warned but here you're almost better off to move the four out in a little space going to the inro I wouldn't try to get the snooker here I don't think now he may cross the four with a little draw trying to go to the top Rail and back behind the purple five but I don't know I think I may just come across this a little thick get it out in this in some space and make kazakus come with a shot from the in rail I think if you go for the snooker you got a better chance to leave him an easy shot now of course Shane won't threaten any pocket with the Q ball no reason to do that now the one thing Shane doesn't he doesn't want to leave him the tester he kind a slow draw behind the six this is dangerous there you look around so many veterans that are have never won this title that are still in it so many stories Neils fan I see him over there pra and has pretty much everything on his resume except for the US Open he's trying to Pence draw this a little bit maybe up by the six so be careful for the scratch in the upper right yeah that would have oh wow you think this guy Ain got some nerve Michael look at this shot wow good effort yeah and the round of applause anyway certainly seeing the other side of the game here just two great competitors kazakus just leaves every last drop of energy out there on the table every time and well we know all about Von and his will to win and I think you know that goes without saying for most of these Champions but one thing that Alex so impressed to me I'm you know I'm met him when he was really trying to come up the ranks and I would have put him at maybe top 100 in the world at that time maybe 150ish you know they're was right here at the US Open when it was in Virginia that I met them and that maximum effort that he always gives is what's gotten him here in the position he's in in the world ranks and stays highly ranked hard worker sorry jery I was just going to say I think he's always been aware of the fact that there wasn't a huge expectation on him and he felt he was a better player Than People reckoned he was and he's used that to fuel his career sort of guy who loves to prove people wrong yeah and he's super nice guy on top of that great for the sport but I used to to watch him even he' get knocked out of the event pretty earlyish and he'd be at the pool room practicing like he was in the finals you know it's just and not just you know hdden balls really committed Big Shot here to keep svb in his chair well can say it'll be a decisive turning point in the match but it could be an interesting one that goes in he's got a chance for 3-0 well one thing is you don't expect Shane to keep dry breaking even though he did have that problem at the European open a bit it was almost alarming to him how he was missing the one on the side a lot here I haven't really seen the problem for that except for this opening rack of course [Applause] so agonizing for kazakus he was so close to having the chance open a 3-0 lead that's got to slow down this is going to get a little 50ish shouldn't be a problem but wow there really could be a big moment this yeah sometimes Shane use a little lower tip position than others on shots like that and sometimes that'll make the QQ ball object ball kind of drag with the Q ball a [Applause] bit wow nothing against kazakus of course but that swing looked off kind of from the start much more difficult shot shot that Shane had but didn't really threaten the pocket much at all he was further off Target than van boning had been oh it's very early this is taking on the field of being a very significant rack they're both feeling it very early in the match yeah and it's something about you know people say you don't want to play first round but tension builds in this room even for the players preparing for their next round they see some big moments you know it's not saying that you're going to wonder what you're going to do in those big moments but well that rack felt much more like something you might see if it was about seven all instead of only the third rack of a race to nine I've said Shane V boning won't give you much gave kazakus more chances would have dared to dream of there kazakus has eventually taken one so it is 3-0 Greg hog is fast becoming one of the stories of this US Open and he's on the hill at 85 against Omar Al Shaheen if he gets through he's going to play mark bbos because the man from the Netherlands has beaten lowo s who's had such a memorable year by nine Rax to four eckan catchy 75 up on Johan Chua closest match going on at the moment is between Oscar Dominguez and radislav Bika that's five all Ralph Suk after all these years still battling well against a contemporary star Francisco Sanchez Ruiz Spanish World Cup winner is in front but only by one at 4-3 Woon Lin 4-2 up on Roberto Gomez Victor jinsky is pulling away from John Mara at 52 and it's also 5-2 in favor of Thomas Kaplan against Marcel price back to table one big story going on here yeah I got the upate I think Greg hogus won that match at night nine games to five yeah just while I was talking there he won that 14th rack so he will play Mark Bosch and he's still in the mix to claim a place on your team Jeremy not the most familiar of American names tell us about him yeah I've actually known Greg since he was about 16 I guess when I met him in Oklahoma City uh excuse me tlsa um yeah he was a really good player like a lot of those guys those kids from the Midwest at a young age used to call him Spanky when he was younger and um just you know took a little break from the game you'd say but been back in it now for several years and really talented player like a lot of those kids like I talked about from the Midwest but just a tough grinder he's going to just take what you can you know what you give him and try and work with it the best he can he's been putting together some nice wins though a long way to go to make the Moscone team but it would be quite a story if he did yeah well I don't think he's that far behind to be honest with you oh I mean it's so tight it's so tight nown but he's still going to have to get through a bit further because obviously bingz and Woodward have got points this week could out to those TS yeah and they were a little ahead of Greg to start with now he's going to need a little travel on this two ball doesn't want to leave the return turn kick shot here don't think he's left him to cut it's close we are going to be talking about the Moscone a lot today because it's on everyone's Minds getting into that team kazakus is still in the mix to claim an automatic spot on the European team but he would have to win the tournament nice snooker here it looks like from Shane and I'm sure there are many at home doing the math and keeping up with what's going on things will definitely unfold not only today at some time you would figure but definitely over the next two days [Applause] there's one player who's got unfinished business with the Moscone cup it is Alexander kazakus after the disappointments he's had in the past both on a personal level and as part of the European team yeah this is about the most difficult one rail kick you'll have on the Slick table or really any of the pool tables when you're close to the rail little judging how it's coming off easy to hit it long just like that oh wow great hit very nervy the way he shot it but that was correct Shane's just got to got to kick this one in this is the type of shot out the way it lays the six is a little in the way of the natural path so you may see him add some speed here instead of rolling this ball he rolls it he could go long yeah yeah got to know that though not a good sign there he starting to think another 90 could it happen again oh he doesn't want to let SBB get going no matter what the score is so thing about Shane of course everyone in this game you have to stay mentally strong when things aren't going your way cuz normally you'll open up with a big opportunity to get back in the match of course we'll see how that that goes but it's just not going to be that you know where you hear from players I never really had a chance you know because the break and everything else these days normally you're going to get a chance it may be four to nothing it may be 5 to one but you have to remain Head Strong all right he's just going to stun up for a little two rail angle to go short side on the four and he's going to play off the three here should get up around the headring on the left side rail shooting the three on the lower left maybe just a flick of left English here got a lot out of that and for kazakus I mean don't get me wrong he can come with it but really once he gets that starter down and gets in position that's really where he excels keeping control maintaining a good QQ ball good decisions probably the starter itself is what really only separates him from the next level of players that are just above him oh that looked a little thick but it's going to SL in [Applause] early in the year he just kept losing to Van boning over and over again we've talked about that world semi-final at the same venue only a few weeks before that they' both been involved in the Premier League pool in Milton kings that was a format where players played each other three times in some cases in fact in some cases it was even four they had three meetings Van Bon won them all of course he had also beaten kazakus in the quarterfinals of the world championship back in 20 2016 so a sense of deja vu about that world semi-final defeat earlier in the year for kazakus second time he'd been that far in the world championship in fact he was just a rack away from the final in 2018 before bowing out to the eventual Champion there Joshua filler okay a little in between here could draw back could kind of stun forward for the nine in this side I think I think he draws above the nine here did hold for the [Applause] side Shane vanon is being asked some very serious questions here and he isn't coming up with the answers at the moment Alexander kazakus is giving everything as ever and it's all going very nicely for him he leads the world champion or nil right let's look at some other scores eckan catchy in a real battle with yoan Chua there's only one behind now at 76 Oscar Dominguez 65 in front in another really close one against radislav Bika Francisco Sanchez Ruiz has just won the eighth rack to lead Ralph Suk 5-3 wuk Lin is 5-2 up on Roberto Gomez Victor jalinski of Poland enhancing his reputation all the time you could say the same about his opponent John morah but it's galinsky who's leading 5-3 at the moment and it's also 5-3 in favor of another polish player Thomas Kaplan against the Welsh Marcel price we are now getting into the action in the last 32 vek shevchik who knocked out Alban ocean earlier is getting started against Roland Garcia also yanoski and Abdullah Al yusf and Mustafa alnar versus Mario he they're all in the first rack at the moment 4-0 to kazakus oh this is the thing you know you don't expect a dry break to continue from from kazakus we did have one of those do expect shots to come clean that's why any mistakes early can really you know they can really start to add up and look like you know costing you much more than just one game now Shane on this table I believe it was on this table anyways he was down heavily in his first match against Joey Tate so he's been here already this week just a matter though is kazak is going to surrender to the table for Shane to get going saw this in the match we did earlier Jeremy between Jason Shaw and leave van coresa Shaw never really settled early on cortea got a bit of a lead Shaw was obviously hoping he could turn it around but never really got a chance to because corzo just kept shutting him out and it's exactly what kazakus will have in mind I then when we talk about the two biggest individual titles in the game it's this and the world championship without question now you want to be in the category of players who has won one of those Alex kazakus is not in that category at the moment but of all the players who've never won either of those it would be hard to think of anyone at the moment who' be better placed to make that breakthrough yeah well he's a he's a hard worker he's been near you know those titles before so you know once he gets comfortable his demeanor I think really adds up you know to making that big win but you know there's a bunch of guys in this room that don't have either one of those titles also that have played some incredible pool this week it's just a matter of taking advantage of the opportunities you get of course the break and all that matters you you have to be doing the right things but I think for sure kazakus is a guy that can get going and and just kind of what I tell the guys is you know just kind of play the game by yourself and see what [Applause] happens when it comes to these big field matchroom events with had the new European and UK opens this year and the World Championship now this as well the previous three of or and won by players who had won events of that stature before and this the last chance in 2022 for someone to join that club someone who's won a big field event this level of prestige and profile he's a little concerned here you know your first look sometimes can concern you you'd rather have gone forward by the left side of the nine now he's either got to draw to the side rail or kind of stun two rails to the right or right side of the nine I like the draw more to the side of rail he's going to stun a little bit nothing wrong with that he's pretty much in control yep two balls down on the break for the first time in the match we have someone running out from the break Alex kazakus as we've said has beaten Shane bamboni 90 in a big match before only about a year and a half ago he's more than halfway to doing it again it's 5 n complete contrast to events over on table two between eckan caty and Johan Chua that one is seven all at the moment Oscar Dominguez one ahead of radislav Bika at 65 as we look in on table two eckan caty runner up to Jason Shaw 5 years ago if he loses this match he'll be relying on a captain's pick to keep his mosone cup Place Francisco Sanchez Ruiz has a 5-3 lead over Ralph Suk wuon Lin is 6-2 up on Roberto Gomez Victor jalinski has won the ninth rack to go 6-3 in front of John Mora and Thomas Kaplan is leading Marcel price 63 one match in this round hasn't started yet that's Chang Yung Lin former finalist against Skyler Woodward and no scores to report yet from the matches which are underway in the last 32 big score to report here 5 n well the Q ball got a nice kiss there was heading towards the corner but you know the two got a little jammed up I think it may go by the eight nevertheless it's now or never for svb's got to get something going as you said he was well behind against Joey Tate did manage to turn it round in extraordinary circumstances assisted to a large extent by Tate incredibly potting the wrong ball oh five instead of the four at a key juncture it looks like the two does pass the five excuse me so position here is key and we couldn't have got much better on that really opens the rack up now and svb of course got to keep that concentration probably nobody better and then of course get out here and put some racks together at least make balls on The Brak to try and get control of the table in some fashion when you're trying to turn around a big deficit got to hope that your strengths come to the four and although as you alluded to earlier he's not always been firing with the break this year when it has been all clicking for him from the break in 2022 it's been a huge weapon for him to have that's what he needs now he got a little funny here I think he can pinch kind of hold it for the five in the upper left looks like that to me today's equipment really you know offers that shot in a little easier manner than you know yester Year's equipment but now this is a little funny is he got to go into the eight with the cuq ball or is he going to go by the eight got to make a clear-cut decision one way or the other yeah but I mean you look at a lot of players in this event that really do have the skills to win this event you know sometimes it gets between the ears and the headstrong guys are are the ones that you look at because they're all talented but I mean just look at a guy like beaster Bosch for instance definitely has the skills has the experience maybe not all the finals in the world that he'd like to have been in but you know every player in the building knows how great a player he is it's just a matter of getting a few shots doing it at the right time and then again you got to do it over and over these last few days there's no way he hasn't picked the brains of His World Cup partner Neil fan who's such a good adviser to have when it comes to knowing how to get the job done in big events and make that step up and he's still very very young right in the heart of his career has another great 10 or 15 years left and just no reason why he can't win it and I think there's another 10 or 12 like that well it isn't going to be 9-0 this time the dry break from Alex kazakus gave Shane boning the chance he was waiting for to start turning it around he's still got a lot more recovery work to do it's now 5-1 Oscar Dominguez every rack counting so much in his match against radoslav Bika he's just won the 12th to go two clear at 75 he needs two more to go through to the last 32 70 between akan caty and Johan Chua Francisco Sanchez Ruiz has a 6-3 lead over Ralph Suk wukan Lind 6-2 against Roberto Gomez Victor jalinski the ever improving pole 64 in front of John Mora Thomas Klan has a 638 over a Marcel price and Yan Oki someone you've been talking about a lot today Jeremy he's won the first rack of his match in the last 32 against Abdullah Al yusf Shan van Bon's just won his first Rack in this match took him a while though yeah he won't lay off here either going to smash him two balls coming around is he going to open up and get a pocket or is the seven in the way now Shane won't back up on this cross Corner most likely unless he sees a safety he really likes but it's hard for these guys to play safe when they can Quee the ball and the banks kind of sitting right in front of them like this and trailing five to one It kind of all adds up to to knock this ball in yeah we mentioned the match against Joey Tate 97 he got through five against Margaret fef over played really well didn't do much wrong and then and boning played her husband Tyler Styer the next day and beat him 92 today he's fighting a rear guard action and that'll help him along the way watch him kind of force the two in here caught a little bit of uh the knuckles you might say now this is a tricky little shot after you make a big shot I know it's easy but just don't take your eye off of it going to the rail with the Q ball okay he should be good here and this is what he needs not only to cut the lead down he needs to put some racks but he's got to remind Alexander kazakus hey I'm here in this match see how he Al is he going to come all the way over to the side rail here to get a nice running angle on the seven to come two rails looks a little heavy this has gotten awkward I think he over hit his Mark there Michael I think he wanted to lay on the rail to just run the CU ball two rails off the seven now he's got to draw this and I think he's got to kind of cheat the pocket a little on the seven that way he drills right over where his hands at now that should that'll do so it's going to be his first break and run Shan van boning continues this emerging recovery it's now 52 won Lin closing in on victory over Roberto Gomez 72 now Francisco Sanchez Ruiz 63 up on Ralph Suk Victor jalinski leading John Morris 64 Thomas Kaplan 64 and Marcel price the other matches in this round as you were caty and twoa 7 all Oscar Dominguez leading radislav Bika 75 and in the next round the last 32 Mustafa alnar has won the opener against Mario he and Roland Garcia has taken the first rack of his match against vek shevchik already told you that yanoski is one nil up on Abdullah Al yusf and I'll tell you Michael I knew we were missing a player that I expected to see here just cuz I I love watching and play and I usually learn something from from the kid is Oliver zi he didn't make the US Open of course there's always some travel problems visas different things who knows but hard luck not having the youngster here yeah well he was someone who going into the week still had a chance of making the Moscone Cup team automatically but obviously not to be well Shane has at least for now remedied that dry break in in our opener and now has an a great chance I believe the three does pass the four he's got a proper angle on the two to get to that three and really should uh cut that deficit down even more six years since he won that fifth US Open to equal the record but because of event be moved to a different part of the calendar one year and also the year we lost to co he's only actually had three attempts to get that tiebreaking sixth he's not really been that close last 16 last year beaten by luus Yap last 16 the year before going down to Wu chaing or rather the staging before that in Las Vegas in 2019 both of those players went on to reach the final and it was a different format in 2017 when he had his first crack at the sixth title but he had a Ninth Place finish which amounts to the same thing effectively lost to Joshua Phil so he's not really been that close it's not like he's been on the brink of completing the elusive half dozen yeah well the last two times he took a shot at it he was in great form though it took a exceptional match by both those guys to knock them out and then again like you said both those guys got to the final those respective [Applause] years how quickly this has turned around the dry break from kazakus in rack six was a big moment from boning made it count it's back toback break and run since then 53 has a really really different look to it than 5 nil looks like the 15th rack has been going on a long time between Ean caty and Johan Chua still 70 there and Oscar Dominguez still no Advance on 75 for him against radislav Bika John Mor is close to 65 down against Victor jalinski Marcel price is hanging on well Welshman Trails Thomas Klan 64 and in the next round the last 32 vek shevchik knocked out Alvin ocean earlier but two- n down now to Roland Garcia no change in the other two matches underway in that round talk about a dangerous guy especially because he trailed early in his M last match and he had a heck of an opponent so you know he had to get in formed to win it is Chris meling Chris meling is a dangerous player in this event especially if he gets really solid between the ears you know like really confident right so oh there's that drive break it's amazing how it just happens from nowhere it seems these guys are getting shots off of these Drive brakes so now kazaka to try and return the favor just going back to Mel you never know what form he's going to be in turning up because he does play a lot of eight ball so you don't know how much nine ball he's had in the leadup to an event in terms of practice and preparation and everything but the sign's good so far he plays B ala in the next round yeah a player from Kuwait that cannot be overlooked super solid fundamentals really good stroke in a fighter batter that's for sure he's been in a lot of big spots he must be a little bit snookered here or maybe just sizing up position on the two not the type of shot you would want to roll unless you have to but that looks like probably the best choice unless he snookered here is he having to roll [Applause] out it's kind of what he's looking at e talked about his 9-0 win over Shane vanon to win the World Masters last year as the start of a whitewash Reay really because when he went back to defend the title this year orbe it at a different venue he lost his first match 7-n to Dennis orolo who in turn lost 7-0 to the eventual winner Joshua filler it's not been a great year from in the match room events outside of the world championship didn't make single elimination at the UK open went out early at the European open last 32 beaten by John Mora and with Greece went out in the second round of the World Cup although they were just a rack away from overcoming the challenge of the co Brothers to get to the quarters on a couple of events of a smaller but still reasonable size nature in the states backto back the start of the year one of those was the Wisconsin open he beat fidal gor Ean catchy and L van cortea for seeing off batter ala in the title match so what's the thinking here JJ well Shane doesn't like to give him back very often and I like that mentality usually if you're comfortable you can cut off the left side of the one run the cball the top rail side ra come back down problem is if you don't get the snooker the one may open up now he's going to look at I think banking the one maybe straight back down and trying to go with a high ball into the six with the Q ball it's not terrible to be honest with you though Michael I'm not in love with the whole whole lot here really hard to Edge the ball and run the QQ ball accurately when it's out in the middle of the table you know if that balls down by the headring a little more than one little little easier to be confident running the Q ball let's just have a look in on table too eckan Katy won that epic 15th rack against yoan Chua to get to the hill and it doesn't look to have taken him long to see it out from there so Chua who's played so well this week is out beaten by caty by nine racks to seven Chua who got to the quarterfinals here last here catchy has been runner up in the past yeah that's the shot that I saw initially and again the one was going to come out a little bit open very good line on the QQ ball there from Shane so keeping the pressure on the on the Greek Champion just to wrap up that catchy situation he will now play Wong quak Wang of Vietnam who ended the hopes of Shane Wolford earlier today the end of that match means Chang Yung Lin and Skyler Woodward can finally get things underway on table two in the one remaining match yet to start in this round yeah very difficult now if he's not totally snookered he'll try to bank the one back down towards the 72 rails and come to the right side just take his chances here all about the one ball more than the Q ball pretty solid hit he's going to hope it doesn't get through that Gap and it looks like it may still pretty good effort you're just trying to contain your opponent right there you know as long as your opponent doesn't clear the table or end the game on this next inning you kind of done your job if you're kazakus now Shane sizing up a 1 n I'll tell you he can run the QQ ball safe but I don't like this shot too much you know this shot's okay when everything you hit it perfect but whenever you don't make the nine where's the one going where's the QQ ball going okay he was all out about the safety the entire way he wasn't playing the nine at all [Music] now of course that next match huge Skyler Woodward fan obviously but I'm a big Chang fan as well he's one of the you know guys I I do likeed to watch a lot of and during pandemic he kind of started to play Chinese eightball a little more and not being able to travel actually kind of changed his stroke a little bit according to the Chinese eightball but good to see him back here in the US Open he's had a couple close runs of course I'm not sure is he playing like a safety here maybe a three ball combo on the nine [Applause] okay Shane is battled for that first shot and he's gotten it interested to see how he plays this the one goes in the corner by the six kind of drops him on the short side position of the two e little awkward here little awkward queuing it's a little off angle on the two but not a ton of angle you know you kind of want one way or the other here you want to be straight or you want a little more angle to easily move the QQ ball good thing for Shane is the four is not too bad so get in position on the three you don't need a ton he'll take that the talk today about m only cup places should say Shane vanon is the only nailed on member of the American team clinched his place some time ago see balls pted all level up bony tries to level up in the match by winning this rack and the next and one thing that will definitely happen in the Moscone this year well almost definitely is that Shane voni will become the first player ever to play 100 Moscone Cup matches he's on 96 at the moment so I'm guessing probably somewhere on maybe day two that Landmark will be reached yeah well he's grinding hard here every ball trying to overcome a big deficit of course everyone in the building including the two at the table know we have a match now that's for sure don't expect a mistake here in track number nine and should be 54 [Music] soon probably definitely doesn't want straight here on the six a her of an angle would be perfect just like [Music] that wow I don't think he was trying to come across the table at all doesn't really make sense to come across the table doesn't get you on the eight better it certainly wasn't as natural from the six to the seven doing so so I think a little fortunate to cross cross to the left side and get that clean shot on the seven I think he could have ended up on top of it that's the old principle if you're going to Mis judges make sure you you misjudge it by a lot because then you'll have the same shot on the other side of the table you don't think he's into this match he's sweating every shot and I'm not sure that got there yeah we could see the anxiety yeah I think he's a hair short I mean of course the camera never does us any favors we're a little ways away from the table but maybe he can spin it all this shows us if it is on it's very very tight yeah well the thing is if he has to soft spin it the Q Ball's going to end up on the top rail for a tough shot on the nine okay he could kind of pinch it so a couple of break and runs back to back different story in this one but it looks as though he's going to win it as well that'll be four on the bouns it's only one's match now kazaka still has the lead but van boning has all the momentum and now he Trails by just a single rack at 54 now news of three players who have just moved to the hill Oscar Dominguez 86 up on radoslav Baba Francisco Sanchez Ruiz has an 84 lead over Ralph Suk and Wu klin on the brink of a big win over Roberto Gomez it's 8-3 there otherwise some close contests going on in this round obviously the one we're watching on table one but also John Mora who now leads Victor zalinski 76 and Thomas Kaplan who's 75 up on the Welshman Marcel price jumping ahead to the next round the last 32 Roland Garcia 3-1 lead over vek shevek it's also 3-1 for yanoski against Abdullah Al yusf is this going to be the week wheni is a really deep run in a big event like this and Mustafa alnar of turkey has a two-nil lead over Mario he who was a semi-finalist at the recent European open this man was the runner up there he's got his eyes on the big prize here and he's only one behind now in this last 64 match wow golden break there and Shane's had a few this year but none none more important to this one to tie the match well his first break in this match was a dry one this one is a golden break and that's really going to be hard for kazakus to take isn't it he worked so hard to build that 5-nil lead and boning has come back so strong and now this is the moment the deficit was wiped out entirely yeah just like the layouts Sheen wants some tough for both players he wants the pressure to be at a premium as well he feels like that's a big Advantage for him and we've certainly reached that point at 55 so we'll see of course kazakus has got to get an open look first but we'll see how he responds if he comes up with something very difficult to start all turned on that dry break in the sixth rack since then van boning has been absolutely dominant wuk Lin is through 93 winner over Roberto Gomez will probably play Francisco Sanchez Ruiz in the next round yeah and another solid tournament for Gomez I think all he needs really is just to play more of these big events around the world think at sometimes he still a little nerves get the best of them sometimes just like it does all of us but man what a talent and now another good shot at the two not as easy as some of the other ones and certainly a difficult position play he's kind of got to play this in the side and go the side ra take a long one on the three with the four a little covered up also I doubt I'll see a safety here or we'll see a safety here Michael even though this is not easy very brutal angle going into the side pocket especially if you need a little speed on the QQ ball now he's got some really nice safeties that he could play but I know he wants to attack was he looking at a three ball combo here on the 264 I think he was looking at that for just a moment now sometimes Shane will get very involved in like a two-way shot that he likes like like maybe shooting the two off the edge of the four kind of holding the QQ ball behind the three trying to make the two in the side I think that's he's sizing something like that up to be honest with you I don't think he's trying to picture the two just straight in that left side pocket so it's either the two off the four is what he's looking at or the three ball combo I think it's the two off the four with a little bit of a back door safety in mind that was the two off the six didn't quite get the Q ball over as much as he wanted and there was no safety in mind there Michael he was going all out for that and what's he got now now he's got a super thin cut on the three in the side and if he feels like he can get something on the QQ ball I think he he should shoot it yeah the problem is he can't go natural the scratch in the upper right is a big issue so he's got to get the cuq ball to the side rail to the top Rail and then enough power power to get it to open up and come back down he could easily just roll up on the four that's that's the prudent safety play right here and I know he doesn't want to surrender to the table just because what happened to Alex could easily happen to [Applause] him the problem here is you have to give it enough time time to draw the ball to the side rail or else you could scratch in the upper corner but then you also need enough power to produce shape on the four so big dilemma and he's doing everything he can to not have to play safe really wanting to keep uh his turn at the table and I say it all the time if they had to lay him out there or they lay tough rack after rack I still think he's the best in the world in my opinion several racks already in this match even though we're only at five or that have felt like they're at a sort of seven all or eight all situation this is another one he wants to to get close to this combo even if he has to cut it a little bit accuracy's at a premium just as he sizes this up Jeremy we're sitting here next to some of these youngsters playing in the svb junior open they've got their practice area here don't if you can see him there's a kid over there who only looks about eight and he's wearing these specially adjusted shoes that enable him to reach the table I actually saw him hitting a breakoff shot on the practice tables yesterday and he absolutely rifled through the balls he can only be about eight or nine yeah I met that kid in Vegas and he's certainly going to be a champion really nice basically got a little kind of stilts attached to his shoes but good thing about that is it gets him to where not only he can reach but it gets that backand to where he's underneath and not out to the side like some of the youngsters when they start at such a young age and would you ever believe it would be 65 SV be in this match some 45 minutes ago all sorts of things have happened he's had a couple of break and runs he had a golden break in the previous rack that one there was such hard work but Shane Van boning now leads for the first time in the match at 65 and you know JJ we were talking about kazakus winning nine racks in a row against svb in the world Masters final that obviously was from nil nil van boning could do it here from 5 n down all the momentum with him now yeah absolutely the one thing that kazakus can rest easy on and of course it you could label it a mistake but it wasn't an open shot it wasn't a silly mental error it was just a dry break which both players have had Shane has just kind of taken over since Oscar Dominguez on the hill at 86 against radislav babika Francisco Sanchez Ruiz on the hill at 84 against Ralph Su okay looks like Alex wants to take a timeout that gives us a chance to look at some of the other scores John Mara 76 in front over Victor zalinski Marcel price the Welshman doing so well 70 now against Thomas Klan just H uh half a dozen places have to be decided in the last 32 including Chang Yung Lin against Skyler wward but they're just getting started they speaking of the the last 32 Roland Garcia already making great progress towards getting through to the last 16 because he's 5-1 up on vek shevi the man who beat Albin oan earlier today yanoski now 3-2 over Abdullah Al yusf and Mustafa alnar has a 3-0 lead against Mario he yeah well I'll tell you Roland Garcia talked about it with Carlo biato of course that name speaks for itself you know reigning champion world champion but how consistent Carlo is tournament you know after tournament it seems same thing with Roland if you watch him he's just you know he's not quite as flamboyant as some of the other Filipino players but goes about his business and gets a lot of that business done speaking of Carlo biato he's going to be next up on this table against nyuki oi that of course is a repeat of the semi-final from last year and over on table two it's going to be Joshua filler against Tyler Styer Styer of course having beaten Fedor gor earlier today I know you've got some big calls to make over the next week Jeremy and Styer obviously has been on your radar anyway having featured in the team three times in the past but if he beats Gorst and filler in the same day then even if he doesn't get in automatically he's really making a case for himself well yeah I mean I think it's easy to say he's definitely in the mix and he's I think heading in a great Direction I was saying it earlier in this year I think he's made a little bit more Improvement both physically and mentally so here's what's happening on to at the moment Chang Yung Lin and Skyler Woodward of course it was Chang young Lin who played Shane vanon in the final of this Championship back in 2016 in Virginia when svb got his fifth title yeah I really remember that one Michael I actually made a little run myself at that event Chang beat me in the final four of the winner side believe it or not and then svb knocked me out don't have a very good record against svb not many people do well I got a few wins but I mean it's not like you know we haven't played a ton I beat him in Reno a few you know years back when he first hit the kind of professional scene and couple wins here and there but probably about three and three or four and about nine I think something like that well that's pretty good well not out of nine three and four and N okay yeah anyway let's be fair about it yeah a couple of them I didn't should have not even left the room he just kind of beat me like I wasn't there but here's Chang with the opening rack there huge match I think it was sha noi wasn't it who beat Thum boning three times in 2021 and various events so we're still waiting for uh play to resume on table one Shane Van boning from 5 mil down now leads Alexander kazaka 65 I'm guessing this is why kazakus has gone out just to recompose himself yeah you know used to be the Roy you had to wait till it was your turn right that's changed a little bit it's just between racks and which is fine between racks I mean you know your timeouts there for different reasons and one of them is definitely to try and maybe settle yourself plus kind of slow down a little bit of momentum little gamesmanship nothing wrong with that the news of a couple more winners one of which is really going to please you Jeremy Oscar Dominguez as we've said is leading the race at the moment for those two automatic spots on the only team which will be filled this week to join Shane Van boning he's beaten radislav Baca 96 now that's a good result any day of the week and it takes him through to play C Chen for a place in the last 16 Francisco Sanchez Ruiz has also won he's ended the hopes of Ralph Suk the champion of 20 years ago FSR wins 94 and will play Wu Conlin in the next round so only four places left up for grabs in the last 32 one of them at the the moment looks to be heading Shane Bon's way what can kazakus do about it I'm very happy with Oscars win especially because the start of the match wasn't ideal he hung tough against a very very strong and experienced player in bacon hats off to him as well kind of said that I believe it was at the European open I think all the young polish players that are coming up has kind of you know kind of sparked him and a lot of professional pool again three polls in the quarterfinals there more than any other country six in the last 32 and in fact there have been nine in the last 64 yeah this lays pretty perfect you know just to come behind the three putting the one below the nine it's not a devastating snoker unless the Q ball comes up on the back of the three and kind of welds to that that red three ball but otherwise it lays really natural I'm wondering is he considering a two-way shot here n you can't consider the two-way it's not really a position shot so just the safety behind the three uh I don't know oh nice super nice and he's cut off a little bit of the one ball with the two there should be a two rail Escape though right before that left side pocket to the bottom rail and up underneath the one boning has really got that air about him at the moment of not on my watch are you going to get a chance to get back into this well you know that's a big piece of why he has five of these titles and so many more around the world is you know you wouldn't say other players would give up but maybe say it wasn't my day without maybe you know a definition of a give up where he doesn't you know he pulls these matches out we saw it earlier this year a couple times in the world pool championships and or maybe seeing it again here at the US Open yeah and most notably that incredible match against mik and 103 down looked to be heading for an early exit from Milton keing turned it around to win 1110 if you can turn that match around against a competitor like maika been around so long and won so much and you still got to have belief in any situation yeah and the ref needs to be on this one I'm sure Marcel's close or one of the head guys cuz he could get close to the two and the one here well it's not a hard call to make in the end is it cuz he's absolutely smacked into the two yeah the one never moves so Shane should draw up this right side rail playing for the two and the side that's what he's looking at you can follow into position that's actually what I prefer a lot of times he's going to come three rails but don't be afraid to play the one in the upper right corner and be able to follow just because anytime you're going forward your touch is usually at its best nothing wrong with this either he's going to play a three rail position two natural rails just gaining the third rail kind of important he gets on the two somewhat properly though to get on the three yeah like I said I think if Albin ocean has this ball in hand he follows shooting this one up in the upper right hits right before the side with the QQ ball and then up into position this got to bounce just a little bit doesn't want to be too thin I could have used a little more out of that he's a little thin a little bit closer to the rail than he wanted the good thing is the three goes in both Corners so if he just wants to level out and roll this in and come across at the five nothing wrong with that well Shane has had two dry breaks in this match and kazakus is going to really be pulling for a third here soon it's going to be seven to five before you know it and you know before I bet on a dry break I'd almost wager that kazakus doesn't come back to the table it's just my feeling anyways that's the key thing isn't it dry break break no control over what happens at least if you get something off the break but don't have anything to go at you can play the next shot keep the heat on kazakus yeah and of course that dry break from kazakus really got Shane going but a couple times Shane has kind of battled and kind of won the Tactical side of this um some situations with Alex that's the thing with this run which now looks set to extend to seven racks there been all sorts of different ways of winning them now he's just going to size up should come off the eight to the right side rail you know the top rail right side rail for the nine and the lower left he could draw back I guess I don't really see much reason to do that you may draw back a couple inches but yeah not not a whole lot so the winning line is starting to appear on the horizon saw Le back cortea when seven racks in a row on this table earlier today to see off Jason Shaw Shane bamboni has done the same here and he now leads 75 over on table two it's still 1 nil to Chang Yung then against Skyler Woodward and Thomas Caplan has become the third polish player through to the last 32 he's finally shaken off the dogged Welshman Marcel price by nine racks to seven vikor galinsky May yet be the fourth but he's going to have to win the last two racks against John Mora to do it he's trailing at the moment 87 of those three polls who are already through to the last 32 one of them is really going to have to turn it around to make any further progress moek Chev is 6-2 down against Roland Garcia yanoski leads Abdullah alus of 3-2 and it's also 3-2 now in favor of Mustafa alnar against Mario he all the other matches in the last 32 either yet to start or are still in the first rack 75 to the World Champ Okay so we've said kazakus needs a favor to get him back into this this is the moment yeah he made two on the break three on the break including the the white ball and now kazakus with a pretty routine out I mean he's got to work the QQ ball from the five to the six but ball in hand should get Prime position on that five and make things pretty easy of course probably the ultimate sin and nineball pull a scratch on the break it's the worst feeling that's the thing isn't it something like that can always happen even if it feels the other guy has got all the momentum and you're just going to be sitting down till it's time to shake hands something like that can always happen and as much as any I think Jeremy you've got to be sitting in your chair preparing yourself mentally to deliver if the chance does come your way yeah absolutely it's been a while since he got to shoot offensively that being Alex he did have a kick shot that he gave up ball in hand on just a couple games ago but at least he can again know that it wasn't a big miss that really allowed Shane back in this match so Alex has played Super solid just got to keep that confidence Ence a brewing and uh did he get an angle here okay he got enough not a whole lot of an angle still think he's okay to draw up the right side of the table and may not have gotten near as much angle as he wants but still should be okay he's in good shape here he's a little thinner than Maybe the television will tell us but maybe he has to add a hair left English going forward with the Cubo not a lot just to make sure he doesn't end up on top of the seven and kind of spread the Q ball open a bit with that side spin got a lot more arc on the QQ ball there than he really wanted shouldn't be an issue just got to really put a little more into the QQ ball plan from the eight to the nine I haven't seen Sky Woodward at the table on table two yet I know it's early but been a lot of Chang over there shooting so far yeah he's two nil now in favor of chank okay so kazakus is a bone the scratch on the break we're heading for one heck of a finish here kazakus back to just one behind now it's 76 let's have a look at table two the match were talking about Skyler Woodwards two time osone cup MVP still battling to confirm his place on this year's team a win here would be a massive help but he's two to down against Chang Yin John Mora on the hill at 87 as we've said against Victor jalinski they're still playing the next rack there and then in the next round Lan cortea after his win over Jason Shaw has won the first rack against copen Roland Garcia now 6-3 ahead of vek Chev coping Chong has won the first against Neils fan Abdullah Al yusf has turned it round to make it three all now against yanoski and Mustafa alnar leads Mario he by four racks to two the big drama here though kazakus just one behind now yeah and he's going to really shake his head here with another dry break oh the eightball eight ball you see he looked reluctant to leave the table it was almost like he couldn't quite believe it come up dry there yeah Shane can't pocket the one cleanly does have a long rail bank it's a little funny just uh has to kind of hold it kind of twist the ball a little bit H it' be hard for him not to shoot at that now he's climbed his way back into this match with some fine runouts but it's been a lot of tactical battles as well so thing is there's not a great I mean like really like secure safety that you're in love with that you're going to say yeah I'm burying him every time here now if he's trying to float behind the seven could easily sell out that's what he's going to look at he's got to cut the one just a hair to move the QQ ball over be by the seven or behind the seven doesn't really put the one in the best places going down table could end up between the 39 and give up a shot oh he played the bank which I thought he would anyways try you know make kazakus come with it if he does Miss and I think Shan got fortunate [Applause] here now the one thing for kazakus is he I think all he can do is cross this ball over kind of banked the [Music] one between the 39 and just kill the QQ ball one rail on the bottom rail it may leave a little bit of a look but if he tries to do more than that I think he could get away from him and it doesn't lay bad at all to bank the one between the 39 and let the Q ball go to the side rail with a little left English let it just kind of die down here to the middle of the in rail I think if you get involved trying to get tricky with this safety and I don't think offense is really available I think you could really surrender an easy shot to Shane and now's not the time to give up an easy one he's queuing up like he's attacking oh wow what a shot great shot what guts what courage what composure yeah not only to pull the trigger there but how clean did he hit it center cut s he looks to find people's expectations in his career don't think many were expecting him to do that what a chance now to level it up yeah really no worries hardly at all open 34 maybe a 5'8 combo here in a minute probably would like to stay away from the combination as long as you know he's okay on the five that eight leads easily towards the nine later in the round rack we didn't know whether kazakus would be given a route back into this match we did know that if he was he would give absolutely everything to make it count that's exactly what he's been doing since that scratch on the break boning had at the beginning of the previous rack he's the one in control at the moment yeah I think I stay away from the combination not saying it's not super easy obviously but like I said it leads the eight leads towards the nine a little easier later in the rack you know say you fall a little funny getting from the six to the seven you get kind of straight right well that doesn't really matter as long as the Aid's hanging in the side so never know on a combo it's not supposed to get away from you in this spot but you just never know I think the way he plays that he's thinking the same way as you yep think just a little more fullprof even though foolproof is is far aot a thing that's far away from these two or any of these top Pros just can't expect some kind of kind of silly Miss seems a long time since he raced into that 5-nil lead it's become a very different contest now but it's war in which he is hanging on so bravely and he's level again start from here with a race to two because it's seven all one by one for both USA and Europe players have been eliminated today from contention to claim an automatic place on the Moscone Cup teams and Victor jalinski is the latest to go because he's been beaten 97 by John Mora of Canada who will now play either Chang Yung Lin or Skyler Woodward Chang leading 2-1 there at the moment that's the only match still going in the last 64 now apart obviously from the one we're watching on table one shalinsky came here this week at number seven in the European standings needed to get into the top three it isn't going to happen for him now in the next round Chris melin and bad alawadi level up one all Le van Cortez now 2-0 ahead of copen poek schev has closed to 64 down against Roland Garcia abdah Al yusf has really turned it around against yanoski he's now leading 4-3 Mustafa alnar is ahead by the same score against Mario he 7 all on table one at the US Open watch out cual needs a friendly kiss and watch the one as well well neither of them has dropped he's made a ball on the break though so and I think the one is okay he made the seven I think the one is definitely playable reason I was saying watch the one would have been if it had dropped what would he have had on the two not sure that passes yeah the eight and the sorry the nine and the five yeah good call there Michael but now he's really perfect naturally off the right side of the one two rails right at the two yeah kazaka should get to the hill first here of course we take for Grant granted that these guys just always get out but still you know it's not easy just got to do the do the work now he'll just draw this back about two or three inches to be able to come one rail across for the from the three to the four definitely wants to draw it back some though wants to carry a little natural angle on the three and I tell you we've seen some really highly you know quality matches played that were one-sided right we've seen a few of those this week but maybe this is the best quality match on a close one coming down to the inward that's what I was about to say oh my goodness it's one big miss that seems to get a kazakus well Jason Shaw came away from his match earlier today Furious over a kick he had had at a big moment Alex kazakus will be kicking himself he now goes on to lose this match I can you believe it it's come from him man who just P pours so much focus into every single ball makes the most of every opportunity that's given to him then he goes and misses one like that I was getting at how high quality from both players I was just going to followed up with as long as kazakus can maintain cuz it's not like once he gets in that mode that it's a tough shot that gets him it's usually you know and that's actually a lot of players but it's usually somewhat of an easy shot it gets the best of kazakus at times Joe Davis the 15 times World Snooker champion who basically invented that game as we know it today used to say it's the easy ones that are difficult saw proed there again yeah they're difficult but also they have a ton of value meaning you know those are the ones three or four shots a game for these guys are pretty easy but you can see how disciplined they stay with them they treat them just like the tough shots so much on the line for kazakus chance to get through to the last 32 of the US Open which hasn't been as greatest event over the years and if he got there by knocking out the world champion five time US Open winner it's just the sort of springboard from which you can go on to win an event like this turn that could have gotten back into the Moscone Cup team well it's definitely not over I mean I wouldn't be surprised if we had more drama in this match but you know if Shane was to go on and make the nine on the break or get a very routine kind of out in the last game you kind of it just wouldn't surprise you right after that big Miss on the two ball from kazakus not hard to identify the big turning points in this match kazak's dry break in the sixth rack when he was 5- nil up that was what started the turnaround to 75 then the scratch on the break from boning start of rack 13 that was what started kazakus Revival which looked as though it might take him all the way to the hill until the next massive turning point that incredible Miss on the two yeah and it's been pure class from kazakus you know the one ball he buried at 7 to6 you know that's a shot would be looked back on if he went on to win this match but quickly forgotten if if spvb pulls this off this comeback so Sports is an amazing thing and pull is no different there have been so many big moments in this match there may yet be another one one kazakus needs it to swing it back in his favor because somehow vanon is first of the hill at [Applause] 87 well we thought the last match on this table between G and Styer might be the most enthralling contest we'd see today seems a long time ago now because this has turned into a real epic the one other match still going in this round Chang young Lin 3-1 up on skaret Woodward in the next round Chris meling leads B ala 2-1 one all between Max lechner and Yona Camino also one all between coping Chong and Neils fan C chaen and Oscar Dominguez level up one all and sanan panovic has won the first two racks against Conrad yushan all the other matches as you were when we last updated so here we are vanon breaking on the hill [Applause] the one's down the two's going to spin to the end rail I'm not sure how offensive this he can go out but got of some options and you said a name there right before that break that I would watch out for is panovich he lost a brutal match on the winner side hill hill I believe it was and then went on to really get in stroke he started off the next match I feared a little drowned from that that loss at hillhill but picked it up Midway played really nicely to qualify had a big convincing win over loers Yap not long ago and he's a big Talent Michael and you know that silver medal at the world games is kind of like one of those stepping stones for a kid like that that can do wonders if he wins that match he may play the defending Champion Carlo biato next Now where's this going it's going to leave a jump shot maybe a swerve shot at the two we'll see he kind of wanted the two to hit the eight maybe I don't know probably not you know he didn't want to threaten scratching right so he's going in into the four at all times the problem for Alex is if he has to jump this ball well he's going to have a little heat on it and I don't know if he can hold the QQ ball for a shot on the three may have to kind of swerve this ball to really have a chance think yeah I was going to say I think he's just sizing up that swerve shot at the moment but the way the balls lay whoever gets that first real shot at the two should either end this match for Shane or take us to hill hill if it's Alex yeah I like the swerve shot hard to hard to hang it that's the good thing about the swerve it's hard for it to hang at that speed it probably get away from the pocket or go in if it lays over the side that'd be a little unlucky he's okay so a treacherous little situation here Michael the margins on which these players careers their aspirations their livelihoods hang are just so minute you look at that Tu ball there that rolls one more rotation and it could be match over and I'm wondering what he's going to do with it here this is super touchy you know you don't want to just push it past the seven leave some type of jump or real first shot you know you could get a little froggy here going real first off the two chipping what is his left side of the two and Roman the QQ ball across the table for a snooker behind maybe the five and nine you may leave a jump there as well so like I said nothing easy at all now what he's going to look at is cutting the two past the seven and just trying to let the QQ ball just come off the rail and then stay on top of the 59 I'm not in love with that at all that type of shot is just not one you ever practice it's very hard shot when the nerves are high easy to let up on it he's not pulling the trigger I don't think yeah okay two things could happen here of course it could be successful but the two could not go near far enough or the Q ball could overrun coming across the table we'll see yeah that's the one I would have feared is the Q ball and you got to say that's a pretty darn good shot under the [Applause] circumstances Chang Yung Lin is now 4-1 up against Skyler Woodward over on table two and I think Shane has left a little piece of the two I'm not so sure it's makeable but he can certainly just Edge it and run the Q ball back up now Skyler's gotten back on the board and those type of match Skyler needs he knows he's got to play really pure against Chang to have any chance that Ripple of Applause May well have been to Mark the end of that sixth rack there Woodward back to 4-2 behind Mario he incidentally in the last 32 has just gone 54 up on Mustafa alnar he's playing the kick here this could get away from him this isn't the easiest kick because he has to avoid the six with the two ball so I was going to say may not get a rail either with the seven there but nice effort Precision of so much of the Tactical play in this match has been absolutely [Music] wonderful yeah from both guys really playing a lot of different types of shots now the problem with kicking this direction is he knows he's kicking to a very open table he'd much rather be able to kick where the two's going towards the pink or the green but now it's going to come up towards the eight most likely anyways and hard to get much cover when there isn't much cover there could fluke it though could fluke something no we're staring hill hill right in the face don't know if it's possible for Alex kazakus to find another level of focus he has every reason to KN as he passed up glorious chance in the previous rack with that Miss on the two really be aware how important it is to avoid anything similar here with that kick shot Shan did him a a little favor moving the three a little closer to the pocket nerves are high that definitely makes the out a little easier really very minimal cuq ball movement really needed here this is the shot now this isn't the type of shot you want to draw out of there but with top inside the only thing you really have to worry about is a little hook on the ball and maybe that six the green six that would be the worry if he catches the six maybe he kisses up Gets behind the 5'9 I don't know if he has enough angle to get easily underneath the 62 rails it's close he's hitting downward on this so he's trying to stun out above I think maybe I don't know this could go wrong oh good good effort there and what he was saying to himself there is if I do catch a little ball here and there I'm going to have enough Steam on the Q ball to get clear for for every shot at the moment feels like the winning nine ball it would be such a huge moment for him to win this match to beat Shen V boning at such an early stage of the US Open as I said potentially give himself the springboard to finally become the winner one of these absolute top level Big Field events we're going all the way Jeremy I've got to ask you this 32 matches in this round 30 have so far been completed do you know how many of them have been hill hill zero I'm guessing zero this is our first kazakus with a satisfied smile on his face there and he knows this match has been looking to slip away from him a couple of times he would love to be able to forget about that miss two ball in the previous rack forever which he will be able to do if he can take this deciding rack and of course he'll have the break quickly let's look at the other matches Chang Yung Lin as we said 4-2 up on Skyler Woodward and in the last 32 it's Chris meling leading bad alawadi 4-1 Lee Van cortezo what a day he's having thrash Jason Shaw earlier he's 4-0 up against copen bosek shevi and Roland Garcia that's six all now yanoski 5-4 ahead of abdull Al yusf and C Cha Chan is a 3-1 lead over Oscar Dominguez they are some of the big stories elsewhere the biggest story of all is happening right here now look at there oh my now he's going to have a go at this one way or another considering this isn't the worst thing in the world I mean you can't be too upset about this right here he could be dead snookered with no shot at all he's got a very doable kick shot with the two hanging the three's very near over the opposite pocket this could be a lot worse for Alex he needs to keep that Focus because he's still a huge favorite in my opinion the long rail kick is not hard at all I mean I think if if Shane had the opportunity he would he would love to shoot this long rail kick right here now it's one thing if the three's away somewhere you know pinned away and you can't get position but I don't even know if I would jump this I think the jump has more of an issue of a problem than the kick shot I really do the kick shot if you make it the qy Wall's not going to get away from you jump shot you're going over a ball that's very close so when that happens any Mish hit on the Q ball you curve the Q ball and you could have serious problems I would just go the top rail myself now he won't do it with the short queue obviously he's just kind of measuring things up Sky Woodward has put another beat on his side 43 and at the table I can't believe he's not going for the kick don't get me wrong I'm not so good with the jump Q so there is a little difference there but this is a kick shot you learn as a professional early in your years right so what a big decision to make way he goes with it could prove to be the final determining Factor yeah the only way to not come on away with the shot this way is if he happened to catch the two off the second rail very thin and the Q ball kind of ran but I think he's going to hit it out of speed to where it'll still be fine be very surprised if this ball isn't made and he doesn't get all the way out always a little drama hill hill though Michael we love it you don't want to see a break and run a golden break in this sort of scenario this is how you want it to be especially in a match with so much on the line so much history between the players involved now the point he was aiming at I still think is okay but he was aiming a little more to play for that natural Bend of the ball that we talk about a lot now the only thing is if you play for that a little more you don't use that second rail there is one other misfortunate or unfortunate excuse me thing that could happen and that's following the two in after pocketing the ball very hard to do from that angle but is possibility this is one of the great things about not having a shot clock the tension just gets ratcheted up with every passing second yeah and just a top English roll should Arc a little bit to the long rail oh wow well a little unfortunate not to get an angle and the Cubo end up on the rail here he'll take it though won't take have the chance to play the next shot here absolutely a little unlucky the four doesn't pass the eight there wasn't much contact there I think it went rail first and then caught it on the way back yeah that's how he ended up on the rail or else he would have had the Q ball a little cleaner where he could hit a little draw stroke now what does he jack up and try and stun this ball well if he doesn't get that little flick on the two that's probably the end of that isn't it but he battles on I don't think he can get the position he's trying to get with top English watch out for that left side he's not shooting yet is he it's going to be a bank shot he was trying to make the ball actually Arc into position he's got to go for the bank though I mean it's set sitting perfect he's already Buried one to open this match is he going to bury one to close it this is what they came to Atlantic City to watch great players producing top level drama wow defense coming easy but he's still at the table Yeah and here's where Alex needs to not take too too much time I mean this is right in front of them I mean this is your first round match against uh you know where you're a big favorite you just get down and pocket the ball and that's all it is here the five and the six 7 eight n pretty easy so just one rail down past the eight a little bit that way he can go naturally off the eight to the top Rail and then swing in to position somewhat straight in on the nine I wouldn't get involved with anything but one rail here with the Q [Applause] ball Alex kazakus pots these next two balls Shane boning will go into his 40s still looking for that record breaking sixth Us open now for a long time it looked as though to jalter 2019 we might be adding Atlantic City 20122 as it seemed Alex kazakus might lose a big high-profile race to 9 from 5 nil up for a second time well something he didn't feel too great about better to start over especially you have that opportunity no shot clock yet right so you see the guys so often on the nine ball take their extension you know when there is a shot clock involved so nothing wrong with that he's earned that right Alex kazakus lost seven racks in a row to Trail 75 he leveled at 7 he missed a simple two ball to let van boning get to the hill but kazakus as ever has poured every last drop into it and has prevailed 98 he will play Thomas Kaplan in the last 32 the world champion is out yeah you got to give it to Alex there though he started off very well he ended very well in a real high quality match from both players really very similar the breaking runs a little different with Shane making that comeback right but very good stats from both players and uh wouldn't be surprised now kazakis kind of gets that
Channel: Matchroom Pool
Views: 250,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mosconi Cup, Pool, Sport, Matchroom, World cup of pool, world pool championship, us open pool championship, world pool masters, 9 ball
Id: UVg6GozwVdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 2sec (7742 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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