"Shameless" Emmy Rossum Talks Nudity!

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[Music] her life may be falling apart as Fiona Gallagher but in real life Emmy rossom it appears to be quite put together I might add hi Hi how are you she's right here at a this has already been in progress so let's just acknowledge it you're fantastic and funny thanks um and gorgeous a and you're on a hit show Shameless is this opposite day no okay oh wait were you saying I'm the opposite of all those things no no no usually when you say like oh I like you on oppos did were you did you not grow up grw up in a cave on opposite day they'd be like oh my God I like you so much but it's opposite day I hate you see this is news to me I'm learning so much from you already yeah okay so tell me about okay first of all Fiona is a hot mess right now on shamess she is got an interview this afternoon an office job that's what I had before mhm when was the last time you used not since the night of my arrest going to na first meetings tomorrow I'll need verification that you attend just give me a urance sample and we are done you want to watch or am I going stag this time uh on the show you kind of been kind of the M you know the matriarch of sorts even though you're the daughter Pillar of Strength the Pillar of Strength but this season and last have been a rough road for you yes tell me where we're at well this season Fiona has self- sabotaged her job her boyfriend by uh allinone one Fell Swoop by uh sleeping with his brother and then that's a little awkward yes who's fresh out of rehab and then he gives her cocaine which she does front of the children and then leaves it out and then leaves it out and the toddler gets into it has an overdose the hospital not a good and then she gets sent to prison so you're snorting something on the show what are you I mean not this obviously you're not milk powder milk powder or vitamin D you they give you a choice do you want like sorbitol which is they're thoughtful way powdered sugar or do you want like malitol which is how do you even know what to choose like oh malol sounds delicious it's almost like you're you're trying to like pick like a like a cocktail like what would that make me feel is that an upper or is that a downer like does that make me feel good or bad well did you do it for the first time on camera did you did I told them I'm only doing this twice per nostril right so there's no continuity right you know but at that point going up twice here and twice here so that's that you know the one of the thing about being on a cable a premium channel is that there's always the chance for a little nudity yes how has that evolved for you now that you're in season 5 your comfort level with it what I love is that we're an equal opportunity nudity station like with fat people skinny people white people black people men women vaginas yeah you've got it all I was going to be new today just you know to you know level the playing field for you but I didn't yes um so thank you you're welcome so so tell me how you said that you kind of you reinvented kind of your Public Image by taking this role in a way with casting directors or with people it wasn't a conscious Choice it just happened but yeah a lot of people are looking at an amazing career you've had acting music is it over you're making it sound like it's over what advice do you give to people that are wanting to do it's not over it's just beginning going keep going don't stting so what advice you give to people I mean that that want to follow in your footsteps don't take no for an answer yeah that's kind of I get more inspired and more energized when people reject me really cuz it just as a challenge to prove them wrong yes I mean even for this show they didn't want to audition me I had to make my own audition tape and send it in and convince them to see me in person because they knew me from Phantom of the Opera and that character is so unlike it and you're right I have that fashiony Persona and that doesn't always translate to uh she's gritty she's raw she's unafraid to be um real and uh go to ugly places so I had to prove myself that's okay I'm more comfortable proving myself and having to fight an uphill battle than I am if somebody hands me a job if somebody hands me a job and it's amazing I'm always like what's wrong with it you're skeptical what's wrong with it why is this coming so easy right what's the question that you're sick of answering did I ask anything about nudity yes you asked it really cuz I think it's so boring I don't know I'm like who cares every time I anyone has to been n like who cares there's so much more important things about the show than the fact that I show my boobs like who cares yeah well tell me also America's so anti- new today do you think they are so so yeah we mean you go to Europe there's absolutely no guns no violence really in their materials on television but all the women are topless and pubic care and whatever like what is the big deal about new today I just don't get it like it's not violence it's not offensive to anyone I don't get it it's the human body right we're all born naked that's true true got it off my chest there we go what is the best part of your life right now what's the best part of your day when you get up the best part was getting to answer that question honestly cuz I don't think I've ever really expressed my frustration adequately so in a way I've done you a tremendous favor that's why I'm here to ask an awful question that be slept you know what though it's kind of important because that's always going to be one of the questions do you feel like there're always and in in in different parts of your career do you feel like there's always that one thing once you say it you're like oh I know I'm going to have to ask or I know I'm going to have to answer to this for ever yeah I guess so but I mean I knew going into the show that that would be a thing because a lot of actresses don't do it yeah um and I I'd never done it before the show but I would do it after the show yeah I mean it's not a big deal to me it's a big deal to me in my real life I'm not comfortable with a ton of ton of nudity like I don't get really naked around that's actually a total lie I do get naked around my friends around my girlfriends like in the closet changing or wherever but I'm not but that's because you're comfortable with it because it's not a not I guess I'm suppose I'm not as liberated as my character so sometimes like if I go on a date with a guy he might think I'm a little easier than I may be interesting sorry but you always but it's always good to leave them guessing a little bit right when can we watch Shameless oh it's on Sunday nights at 9: on Showtime thank you so much this has been great thanks such a pleasure be sure to watch seless Sunday nights at 9: and more videos like this right here on [Music] aol.com
Channel: AOL YouTube
Views: 3,294,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brian balthazar, celebrities, emmy rossum, fashion, fiona gallagher, makeup, nudity, Shameless, showtime, Talk, television, AOL (Business Operation), Interview (Ontology Class)
Id: 0pAkJZmlFqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 24 2014
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