Shamanic Shaking: Do This Practice to Change Your State

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is everyone standing up and as you stand up I just invite you to place a hand on your heart a hand on your belly or your womb and just notice how you feel at this moment gently bend your legs notice if you're up like this just bend your legs a little and when our knees are bent were able to receive energy from the earth just bend your legs maybe just bounce a little and notice how you feel notice the thoughts notice how you're breathing notice your designer to look at your phone again maybe or to see if anyone's watching you or to see what time it is or to see what you're supposed to be doing next so notice the domestication right now even in this moment and tell yourself hey ego I'm good right now I am safe I am protected I am whole I am healing I have nothing to worry about right now I'm going to let my body talk and just notice the energy in your body now feeling your feet firm grounded into the earth imagine your feet like roots of a tree moving deeper and deeper into the earth notice your feeling of grounding of stability of support feeling yourself like that stable trunk of a tree firmly planted connected powerful full of life take a deep breath in and sigh it out another deep breath in an audible sigh out let's hear it deep breath in inaudible sigh out allow yourself to make sounds the domestication makes it feel like we're not supposed to make a sound we're supposed to be silent notice that make whatever sound wants to come through right now whatever that ugly sound is that you've been holding on to the past week the past month the past year the past lifetime let's hear it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] notice of tears want to come for that notice if you're afraid of making the sounds right now let it out let it out stop judging yourself let it out you will feel so much better right now if you give yourself the permission to let it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] keep releasing keep releasing I feel like I'm floating right now oh if you haven't released yet this is your chance to do it now and if you have just notice how you feel the feeling of emptiness of space that you just created in your body all of the tension and all of the emotions that you just released I love the energy that you've just transmuted I want you to feel that yeah we're feeling tingling we're feeling space we're feeling like we're floating we're feeling just like oh my gosh I can't believe I was holding on to that this whole time so now I invite you to just start to move your body your neck your arms your shoulders wherever it is you're holding on to tension because with shaking we do want to be careful with not pulling anything there's anything right now let me move in your body doesn't have to be a yoga pose just some fluid dynamic movements whatever's naturally wanting to come through I know a lot of you guys have so you'll enact the rest just let your body loose in and let it soften let's shake our legs arms or chest this is just preparing our bodies for the shake this is a really good sound you can make so when you make that sound you're releasing energy that's why you'll see a lot of people in ceremony making that sound we're releasing collective energy charge if you're cracking that's a good sign it means those are just the cobwebs that you get to write now open up every single day every single night when you sleep your body creates cobwebs so every single day it's our opportunity to open them up so do whatever you feel to open your body up and we're going to begin with our shaking practice okay come back into your breath [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] this is your opportunity to shake whatever you've been holding on to don't hold anything back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] pulling the way of healing heal heal heal heal heal heal he'll heal may all beings heal now may we heal the collective may we heal Gaia our mother earth may we heal all seen and unseen beings may we heal and restore the natural order of this planet may we heal our connection with each other may we heal our connections with ourselves may we heal our connection to the sun's and the waters maybe heal our connection to the Stars and the mountains may we heal ourselves as we heal the Earth may we heal the path that we walk on so we can bring more joy more love more light into the world may we remember walking forward why we incarnated here on this planet may we remember our sacred mission may we remember our Dharma may we remember why we signed up to be here at this time in place may we remember our true home to the stars above and to the earth below to the waters and the mountains the oceans and the rivers may we calm into balance with all elements within and without may we walk on this planet more gently may we commune with each other more kindly and when we remember our sacred mission our unique manifestation of love in human form so we can share it brightly freely and truly with all other beings and so it is
Channel: Sahara Rose
Views: 26,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wellness, consciousness, mindfulness, spirituality, mind body balance, mind body, higher self, highest self, purpose, sahara rose, rose gold goddesses
Id: c2uZ6nuXkAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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