Shadow of War - All Shelob Cutscenes + Secret Cinematic Cutscene

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I called you here for a reason I called you you will return him to me now you are prayer for a man but it is not your sword that will save him how much you're willing to sacrifice to suffer I have given up everything not everything yeah you want the ring he would give me the ring for the rainfall and find myself beside him in your web I am Shila and I deal only in truth I wouldn't give it up either wait [Music] [Music] remember astral it must mean something to you go to your puppet before he dies Italian manpower was vast before and now I've given her mind I poured my lifeforce into that ring we must take or you came to fight is not fear the ring is lost so look to Mina see and the Dark Lord's armies that surround to the Palantir Sarah until all the Middle Earth is tolerated the Palantir must be protected Nina she fell I must know if she loves vision holds true and now are you here return what you stole silence ring maker you forget yourself stolen you begged me to have it in the water view time I'm here for Minas either you seek to save it even though it may already be lost there must be a way there is truth in your vision to what end for knowledge to dominate well you don't have to tell me here is your truth rikes you go to Cael get noticed kill it face the bigger the stalks the eyes [Music] Indre she dies many will pass before sorrow mister fidget this knowledge can guide our hind of Achilles assassin perhaps the future will not come to pass she can be saved she will live or die with honor and it will not shift the tide of war because castamere who must be protected if he falls victim to this assassin we will lose the pelant er in process [Music] you put too much face in the spider what she wants then tell me what you wish to see Lena's he fell still standing oh is so selfless nothing more we saw some troubling things last time didn't we I want to know my fate with the Nazca with prophecy we take the city so it's true you're just I know what you fear tell him she not vision is not cast in stone which king is the power of domination the ring can enslave the minds of men what can be done sacrifices must be made and many will be lost we must hold to our purpose no matter what the cost I have come to see more I know if you can see sorrows fate tell us his weakness so we made a feature your vision is limited I would love nothing more than to see his torment to see him beg before me my gaze is fixed upon the fate of middle-earth return what you're stolen from me and I will bring sorrow to you chains why would I do that bring Megan you and son [Music] is this what you seek faker is and riddles is not certainly not yours come tally see through my eyes that's wrong with you I mean this evil house is a traitor who do you doubt huh her visions have come to pass you and I have both seen it and Minnesota's fighting a war on the two sides she love will tell us where the Palantir is Daria the ring is lost but I will have my answers Sheila meanness evil is on the verge of collapse we need a volunteer the Palantir have I not given you sight over your enemies that is what you seek isn't it oh I will grant you your vision but how much are you willing to forfeit in the bargain you also there's hardly any left most know just a mere the final attack is coming the plant er cannot fall into the witch Kings hands must return to Minas evil [Music] fool people's [Music] [Music] [Music] why sacrifices must be made why now take the ring [Music] [Music] they're in Reina split you must destroy this ring it belongs to us your legend holds true killer preamble history he's different use it to defeat I strike down men corrupted by these rings do not become one of them when the time comes I will do what is needed perhaps get as far from here as you can the ring wraiths will return they always do our paths will cross again I cannot allow this Cedar's find peace he was not yours to release and he was not yours to enslave I did more than that he broke someone's heart you dominated him and I'm a dominates on these harmonies will be mine the ailment to destroy souls our Lord cannot be destroyed Caleb Rimbaud is right we fight and fight but evil always returns Italian we can end this here sure water is restored to light not darkness I will not trade one Dark Lord for another this is not the end I have fought for but you are not the only one fighting no he is not this is not a birdie or petty vengeance or mine this is about restoring order to Mordor - all of middle-earth what for you are button this and there are mothers the lady Galadriel said you here for a reason together we can bring south on to his knees we can finish what our people started so long ago [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sacrifices are not in vain it's the only way [Music] see the future you ever a brave Lord instead of a dark you pitiful man I gave you sides and yet you still do not see you surely a fate I could not change you are wrong [Music] when you and Caliban ball forged a new ring of power I saw where your path ended locked in battle against Iran at the top of beara door and you won Sauron was enslaved and the bright Lord rose in his place their armies of Mordor march forth under his banner and middle-earth fell under his heel that is the future I fought against the future you prevented because you saw kind of room or what he was Oh [Music] your wall is not yet ended talion either a brightlord or a Dark Lord rules Baron or the balance of power must be maintained or all of middle-earth yes mogul yes from there Mordor can be held back how the ring is gone [Music] I asked you once how much are you willing to sacrifice [Music] open your eyes open UI the song is I have breath in my body my fate we must stand against them or destroy them they will only keep coming sacrifices must be made you'd abandoned me sacrifices must be made [Music] [Applause] [Music] great suffer
Channel: Zanar Aesthetics
Views: 946,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sow, shadow of war, shelob, secret, shadow of war shelob secret cinematic, shadow of war shelob backstory, shadow of war shelob past, ad friendly, advert friendly, frozen, cartoon network, baby, adsense friendly, toy story, disney
Id: xhBn2afZn5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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