Shadle Park High School Class of 2017 Graduation

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[Music] you [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] please rise as our senior class officers lead the processional for your 2017 shadow Park High School graduates [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to the 2017 Shadle Park graduation ceremony please remain standing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Thank You choir and band everyone please be seated I am honored to welcome you to the 2017 Shadle Park graduation ceremony it is also my honor to introduce our distinguished guest Dina Brauer and superintendent Shelley Redinger school board members Dina Brauer and Mike Weiser our principal mrs. Julie leaf our assistant principals mr. brand invoke mrs. Jalen Finley and mr. Phil hi Edward and our faculty speaker mr. Scott Harmon thank you to the audience for being here to support your graduates to continue the ceremony our choir will perform the songs Loch Lomond and alma mater directed by mustachio Cammarano Oh Barney banks and by on Barney braid where the Sun shines bright on lock one where me and mitru ever want to kick on the bonnie bonnie banks o Loch Lomond [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] good morning welcome to the 2017 shadow Park High School graduation my name is Julie Lee and I'm the school principal I am honored at this time to introduce to you our ASB president Sean bonnet [Applause] learnin everybody and thank you for coming today to friends and family we sincere welcome to the ceremony to our parents we say thank you not only for your attendance today but for your constant love and support I speak for myself and for many others on stage with me when I say I wouldn't be the person I am today without your positive influence in my life to the many teachers and staff members at Shadle Park High School again I'd like to say thank you throughout the four years we have spent here we have some three different principals all of whom have been fantastic human beings focused on helping us achieve our goals we have also been blessed with whom I consider to be some of us educated in the world I know we didn't always make it easy on you guys mr. Hartmann can definitely speak to that but you have always worked with us and then all you can't help us you've helped us grow from the shy quiet freshman into confident young adults ready to take on the world this high school journey would not have been possible without you and your dedication to helping us succeed and finally to my fellow graduates class of 2017 we made it the day that at times seems so far away has become a reality it's been a long it's been a long four years filled with laughter tears and just about everything in between memories of groobie shoes cons sporting events and just hanging out in the commons I will look back on and smile for as long as I live with so many memories many of us are left looking back thinking how could it have possibly gone by so quickly my only logical response to this is the age old idea that time goes by fast and you're having fun and thanks all of you the last four years have been a lot of fun it would be wrong of me to discuss the fun I had here without mentioning the bros you guys have been with me since the beginning and I would not be in the position I am today without the constant joy you provide to me in my life I've been blessed to call such great people my friends would last for years and now class of 2017 like all other great things our time together is coming to an and whether you're moving on from here to become a cougar an eagle or maybe even a Bronco remember we all started out as Highlanders our years together are the foundation for our future success I know we will accomplish great things because class of 2017 we already have there is no other group of people I would have rather gone through this journey with and as we prepare for the future I hope we continue to rely on each other for support and friendship the Shadle Park community is strong and even though we may leave and move onto different paths we will always be a part of it Karrueche and thank you at this point I'd like to introduce my friend Andrew Weaver's we like calm choppers our valedictorian [Applause] dear shadow park high school class of 2017 welcome to the end of our childhood education it is finished but not without the help of many others most of all we have to thank both our teachers for everything that they've taught us in the classroom and about life and our families who have gave them support and love along the way then we have each other this journey our journey would not have been at all what it was like without the companionship and interaction among all of us in high school were consumed with so much that we have to accomplish there's so much that we have to do for ourselves and not much that we can let other people do for us and that's not just schoolwork I certainly felt overwhelmed with expectations for me to meet especially through senior year as high school came to a close every day I got to school before 7 a.m. and multiple days week I would be at school until 8 p.m. sometimes much later having jazz band as a zero hour I never got to sleep in with sports music and other practices I didn't come home right after school nights that I didn't feel weighed down with homework whether I had finished it at school or maybe I didn't get any or few and far between I'm not saying I'm the busiest of us seniors though for those of you who are three Sport athletes you didn't know what an offseason was and many of you took more AP classes other than what I got to take yet even with how much I had to get done I would still try to help others with all that they had to do high school would not have been as fulfilling to me without helping to lighten the load of those for whom I could I remember once speaking with mrs. Lee and she told me that to serve is to sacrifice a bit of yourself for the betterment of others since I was created with a servant's heart it's easy for me to do that I ought to show love to other people by giving up a part of myself as some of you know I take cans and bottles out of those out of garbage cans to bring home in order to recycle I'm motivated to do this by my care for the environment but I can't explain how i can willingly profess my self-image just to save a few ounces of plastic from going to the waste energy plant just as we can all recycle our materials we as human should also recycle our kindness turn the love you get from others into actions doing the little things for them with joy and a smile on your face which will make both you and them happy life is a rocky road living in our society these days is not easy the way we think and the decisions we make have the ability to change the world seniors change it for the better listen to those wiser than you who are trying to guide you take the encouragement and love that comes your way and put it to good use look forward and search for solutions to the problems facing our world today take the opportunities to learn more about yourself and others remember that there is always room to learn more we've certainly accomplished so much through high school class of 2017 and as we move on to this beautiful exciting world which will surely exhaust this more than high school has let's bring these experiences with us congratulations my fellow Highlanders [Applause] thank you Andrew at this time I'd like to introduce to you the faculty speakers selected by the senior class this gentlemen every day surprises me with his energy his enthusiasm his creativity and his loyalty and dedication to our students in Shadle Park High School also a graduate himself of Shadle Park High School I'd like to introduce to you Scott Hartmann good morning and thank you to Haley for starting the show Sean well done Andrew you've taken my speech so thank you so I'm pretty much done now I'm just kidding so thank you to our distinguished guests thank you mrs. Lee thank you to mr. hartsey and the orchestra picking him is Cammarano and the choir it's been a great start I need you to give me a bit of a spark so when I point to the audience including the balcony I need you to yell full throttle we are and then when I face you the class of 2017 and point to you you're in a yell right back Shadle Park I think we're ready I didn't point if you are a graduate like me or if you've had a previous graduate from Shadle Park please stand up that's right we are Shadle Park thank you may take your seat relax you're almost able to stand up hey students since this is a lesson from the teacher chosen raise your hand if you've ever perhaps started and finished assignment late at night just hours before it was due yes yes I was up late last night starting and finishing this speech so thank you I know how you feel we're in a great start great energy I've been watching the house fill-up for the last hour or so you're so proud as parents I was lucky enough to be you last year in that seat I had my oldest son graduate from the stage last year and what a tremendous honor so you've done an amazing job as parents these are fantastic kids thank you for being here it feels kind of fitting to me that was selected on behalf of this class to be the presenter and why you might ask well it's because I love love the number 17 I transferred from the other school four years ago so that means I came in a shade apart as a teacher when they came in as freshmen and because of that I feel as though I have a bit of a special bond with this class I also spent 17 years at the other school I went to Def Leppard this last Wednesday my ticket I have with me actually right here where I did and I was in section 105 row nc-17 are you show the camera like many of you I live in Northwest Spokane in case there's an emergency I would call the fire station which in our areas engine seven a hexagon heptagon hepatech on I don't know how to pronounce it a 17-7 object I don't teach math right haiku is poetry that has 17 syllables I don't teach English chlorine has the atomic number of 17 I don't teach science but we are the only school in the area that has a chlorine clean pool on our campus I occasionally teach world history occasionally some teachers still question when I teach the french revolution revolution started in 1789 of course seventeen and eighty nine and eight plus nine makes seventeen the Shadle Park Booster Club next Saturday is hosting the bash on Ash and all class reunion and next Saturday is June 17th comcast is airing today's ceremony live on channel 17 hi mom hi mom so you can follow this one Ryan like I mentioned earlier graduated he sat right here alright so he is a graduate Ryan is my youngest Aaron air bear is playing baseball right now a you ten Highlanders team all right and my Jackson my middle child was born on September 17th that's true I planned it but I if you wrap up baseball and Ryan B national graduate and Jackson be more on the 17th it takes me back to my days at Shadle Park in which I played baseball for Shadle and I was number 17 it was meant to be so class of 17 I'm so honored to be with you today mrs. Lee told me just a couple days ago that when the class was selecting me as a speaker many of them said that they want to know what made me tick I stared at her and I thought in my mind there's no way any of those students care about what makes me tick it's mrs. Li just being curious to wonder what makes me dick she wants to find out but I took that question back to my underclassmen I asked them I said hey you know I've got this assignment for Saturday that I've got to do what do you might underclassmen think of me and they said things like well you're loud crazy sometimes salty I'm not just in your face bizarre energetic strange you talk too much and you're loud I said that's twice you've said that okay so I don't know why they would say that about me and I certainly don't know if that's what makes me tick but it certainly is a characteristic or some of those are of me and as I thought about it more why do I get loud why do i why do I look for you to have interaction with me with we are shade apart because I love that energy the energy drives me in the classroom speaking of the classroom I don't really remember all the specific lessons I learned in high school instead I remember things like dances how hot the third floor was in the old Shadle I remember not stepping on the crest in fear that a football player would pound me for stepping on the crest I remember going to the state volleyball games and cheering on Robin and the atre and Brooks and sandy and Christy and all my friends have played volleyball I remember running for ASB office and being elected presidents I remember our adoptive family community service projects I remember the natural helpers program I used to remember going to Brooks house that's that's miss Myers right our teacher and volleyball coach going to her house our sophomore year for the homecoming dance and I had a pin on corsage and she had a strapless dress and I don't know what to do and I'm just thank goodness she put it on herself but I remembered those moments of anxiety and elation and great times and I hope that you guys had that as well all that beyond the books and the lessons do you found some fun and now as you move on to making your own pathways and your own deadlines and your own timelines and your own due dates things that aren't going to be assigned to you by a teacher necessarily I hope you can remember that I want to do one thing for you as your teacher as this faculty speaker and to you the audience I wanted to provide a spark and spark is my acronym of today see I kind of like acronyms like my senior year was STP for spirit edition pride and we had kilt this year for knowledge integrity leadership and teamwork and I like acronyms they're kind of fun and spark with my combination of Shadle Park so see if you can maybe guess in your heads or whisper quietly to your neighbor what you think these letter might stand for see how many of the five you get accurately s as was mentioned by Andrew just now stands for serve in my leadership class and my other classes I speak often about serving others and you can serve others in so many ways in this life in this world and we're so privileged to be in the community that we're in today the shade of our community the Spokane community and I hope that all of you can find it along your pathway to serve others in some meaningful way P stands for passion this is probably my favorite passion is energetically zealously pursuing your goals in a positive manner my passion for the longest time in my life and probably still do a degree today is baseball because of my passion of baseball I parlayed it into a trip to the Soviet Union Denmark Sweden Australia New Zealand I've been all over things to baseball it also led me to being able to have the privilege of wearing a college baseball jersey baseball has been very very good to me but I earned those opportunities to baseball my passion to a tremendous amount of hard work and when it comes to your passion you have to work hard for that in a you reap benefits at the end a is for attitude when I got my driver's license my mom bought me a keychain that read attitude is everything when I played baseball in college my coach drove into us a mantra of attitude and efforts taking the words of Charo Swindell who we asked all the baseball players to memorize the passage this year he says quote attitude to me as more important than facts is more important in the past than education than money than circumstances and failures and successes then what other people think or say or do in quote attitude is completely in our hands we are in charge of our attitudes bring a positive spirit and positive attitude to whatever you endeavor in r is for respect that's a pretty easy one respect is quite simply acceptance in our social media-driven age with a new cycle that operates wicked fast with different cultures beliefs mindsets and opinions encouraging upon one another we need to learn respect and accept others I'm not asking you one to see eye to eye or agree on every issue instead when you come across something new or someone new or something or some experience that's new remember to respect and accept that opportunity see all perspectives and K I think was also mentioned earlier K for me stands for kindness if I'm passionate I certainly hope to live my life kindly to others there are days in which I find this is my greatest strength there are some days that I can see where maybe students don't think I'm so kind but this is the attribute I feel like every teacher should be striving for is kindness and I feel like you as students moving on into whatever endeavor you choose kindness can lead the day so in summary I wanted to give you a spark serve ashin attitude respect kindness here's the fun part if you can make those letters into a mathematical or numerical equation and put that addition symbol between each letter S Plus P plus a plus R and K equals a different four-letter word which to me is love students at Yale Park the class of 2017 it was my pleasure and honor to serve you passionately with a positive attitude respectfully and kindly I feel like if I did that then those are the real life lessons I wanted you to take away far more than anything from a history textbook each Friday I remind my students to make good choices and buckle their seatbelts and if you've ever wondered why I say that it's my little way of giving you a spark to the weekend or in other words PS I love you after all is not what a teacher should do is love their students class of 2017 thank you for letting me take some of your time and share some of my thoughts shada for community thank you for giving me such great memories and such wonderful students to be around every day congratulations class of 2017 [Music] [Applause] Thank You mr. Harmon good morning distinguished district and school administrators faculty family and friends and of course our honored graduates of the class of 2017 it was merely a year ago that I became the tenth principal in the history of Shadle Park High School as a woman with strong connections to both Irish and Scottish ancestors I discovered that Shadle Park is a place of excellence and it has become my new home my Irish father was an O'Brien and my Scottish mother was from the Buchanan plan but honestly I did not know much about my ancestral roots until I came to Shadle Park High School I began to do some research on the rich traditions of Shadle Park which also mirrors my own family's history many years ago the ruggedness of the Scottish land led to the formation of clans each clan was ruled by a chief and the members of the clan claimed a rich Highlander tradition there was one such clan the henderson clan which our Shadle Park Highlander dancers and pipe band wear the antique Henderson tartan plaid the kilt with the belted plaid tartan became a source of pride and tradition as Highlanders climbed the rugged emerald green hills as they traveled to new destinations our graduates have also climbed high reaching for excellence as basil build their goal to earn a high school diploma and participate in today's commencement now the tartan plaid with its colorful threads are woven together with a green thread a blue thread a gold thread and a swatch of white to form a unique strong pride filled plaid which is the antique anderson tartan just as the scottish kilt is a brightly woven wool with a unique color combination to the henderson clad and Shadle Park high school our graduates sitting upon this stage represent unique scholars who at times had to navigate rugged difficult terrain to reach great heights that Highlanders who strive for excellence reach these Shadle Park Highlanders have reached excellence in many ways honored guests as you can see when the graduates entered the auditorium many of them wear brightly coloured honor cords and all wear a traditional green and gold tassel on their caps this class has reached an unbelievable number of accomplishments so that you have a visual of how amazing these scholars are please watch as I read their accomplishments graduates you will rise to be honored as the award applies to you you will stay standing until the next one does not apply to you or you remain standing if it does I'm testing your listening skills dear seniors here we go audience if you could hold your applause for the visual it would be appreciated you learned something at Shadle Park High School all of you should be standing dear seniors you are wearing a white cord for earning unweighted 3.5 grade point average and or you are a member of the National Honor Society you are wearing a green cord to signify kumoi day the third while ranked weighted grade point average you are wearing a gold cord to signify magna laude the second decile ranked weighted grade point average you are wearing a green and white cord to signify summa laude the first decile ranked weighted grade point average and also Andrew wavers our valedictorian you took one or more AP classes you are an AP Scholar earning a score of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams in your junior year you are a Spokane scholar you are wearing a light blue cord to signify you earned your associate arts degree while in high school [Applause] you are a commended national scholar that's you Andrew you participated in athletics you are an athlete who won a state championship for your sport you are a Triple Crown state track champion and took first place in long jump triple jump high jump and he won a Washington State team or state record he won the Washington State meet record that one was a mouthful then I got overexcited about I apologize for that you are a college success Foundation scholar wearing a burgundy blue and yellow Honor cord you are wearing a red white and blue military honor court and will honor us and our country your family and your friends by volunteering [Applause] [Music] you have earned scholarships for either your academic prowess athletic ability artistry or leadership you received one of five scholarships awarded by our Superintendent of Schools you will be attending school or college throughout Washington across the country or around the world you are taking a gap year to explore the world or you are going directly to the workforce you were a Highlander helper assisting our new 9th graders you were a member of the Highlander dancers or pipe band you were a member of a student organization or Club you were an ASP board officer or class Council officer you helped with the homecoming morp or prom dances you participated in groovy shoes you had 100% perfect attendance in high school you were a captain of your team you were a musician and participated in choir or instrumental music you were on the dance team you completed excuse me you competed in a postseason sports event [Applause] you were an avid student you were an avid student are they up okay I'm going too fast okay haha you were an avid student for four years you are an artist who won first place in regionals and traveled to Olympia with your art teacher for the statewide art exhibit as an athlete you signed a national letter of intent to play in college [Applause] you are the athlete of the year for Shadle Park High School you participated in a school play or musical you participated in the talent show or mr. Shea doll you were chosen as the mr. Shea doll you pitched a perfect game against Ferris high school you were a drum major you completed your high school and Beyond plan dear seniors you earned state or national recognition for a deca club related competition you were able to generate income from technical skills that you learn here at Shadle Park you are working towards or have earned your Eagle Scout or gold award you see more than one language [Applause] you have survived what teachers call celebrations of your learning otherwise known as surviving senior final exams all of you should be standing dear seniors you stand because you have skills talents dreams and goals and this morning you will receive a diploma signifying your graduation from Shadle Park High School please give them all a solid round of applause graduates you may be seated as Highlanders I stated it is in our blood to travel and reach new heights as you have demonstrated to the faculty and your families you are prepared to meet the challenges of your future life is about a journey and not the destination dream big dream often plan big plan often you carry incredible capacity to make a difference in our world beat to your own drum when it makes sense and it will make our world a better place my favorite poet is Robert Frost and his poem the road not taken' one verse resonates with me two roads diverged in a wood and I I took the one less traveled by and that made all the difference graduates set forth see the world accomplished make a difference yet travel back home occasionally to share with your Shadle Park family what you have accomplished in the world on behalf of the Shadle Park High School faculty and the power authorized in me as principal I recommend to superintendent render and the Spokane Public Schools Board of Directors that the graduating class of 2017 have met all of the high school graduation requirements [Applause] so at this time I would like to introduce our superintendent of public Spokane Public Schools dr. Shelley Redinger welcome families friends staff and students wow what a class let's hear it for the class of 2017 again it is an honor and a privilege to serve as your superintendent students my hope and our goal is that we have prepared you well for your futures whether technical school military two or four-year colleges or universities or right to the workforce in addition compassion and empathy for others know that we are rooting for you and look forward to the contributions you will make to our community and to society and remember believing something possible is to make it come true graduates go for that Islanders and make your dreams come true congratulations class of 2017 [Applause] at this time also I'd like to introduce to you our school board president Deena Brower and also new a school board of directors Mike Weiser and at this time I'd like to present to you sorry I'm looking at my script I'd like to present the diplomas to the graduates of 2017 [Applause] Andrew James Weaver's summa laude [Applause] Shawn Monty bonnet tanner John Groce laude Hayley l ed ur laude Josie Kate Walter magna laude [Applause] Josie Brianne kinder laude samantha dawn magna laude [Applause] Josie Noel or vaq magna laude taylor em all guard come loud Associate of Arts degree [Applause] Michaela Renee Adams Haley Christine akin Jaya Leigh Allen [Applause] Dylan M Allison [Applause] Kailyn a ankle United States Marine Corps Kaylie Marie anise [Applause] Samantha page Archer Lauren Taylor Atkinson able of vila angel Avila [Applause] Blake J Bach Meyer laude [Applause] Griffin Thomas bacon sow Sherman bacana [Applause] Kyle James Lewis ballinger Trevon Barrington Sam bond [Applause] Brittany Brittany Lynnae bum garden [Applause] [Music] Karen Brianne Bennett James Frederick Avery Bentley [Applause] Travis J black Ashley Rose Blackburn [Applause] Cameron chase Black Adder Brendan blocker [Music] [Applause] Torian Jane bow henyk Erik Fernando Bravo [Applause] Kendra Lee Raymond andreas Carpio Brown Associate of Arts Kaede Archie Brown [Applause] habeas Marquis Brown [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Taylor Mackenzie Brown associate of arts [Applause] Samantha grace Corollas Anna a chair Kushina Andrew Choi Lucas Eli Jannard [Applause] Brendan Quillin Kristensen [Applause] Matthew Frances Christophe Joseph Arthur clinger Kaylee Joan KOB kun loud Associate of Arts degree [Applause] Andrew Christopher Cochrane takea Karen a treat Colin [Music] [Applause] Kendall Elizabeth Connelly Mina T Cornelius [Applause] Gavin McEwen Cowan young Justin Nathaniel dr. Benjamin a Davis [Applause] keyonna Elizabeth Davis tremé Marie Dean [Applause] will Rowan dobra Noah James Dolman Celine dozer Kelsey Danielle Doyle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] William Jake Doyle [Applause] Maxwell Aaron Duke laude [Music] [Applause] Rhys Avery Duncan Associate of Arts degree Jennifer Lee Everly magna laude Bradlee Dean ager United States Navy [Applause] Ethan Michael eichstätt Benjamin win Earl [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jordan Matthew Elton Isabella Don Emory Angelina Marie engleson [Applause] Vincent Anthony's epifanio ii Stephanie Elizabeth fahman Cody Albert farmer [Applause] Jaden Sariah Bergesen Jason Michael fetch [Applause] Bailey be sick now come loud Associate of Arts Sarah Michelle Finley Josephine Brooke thin leaf Jacoby ray Sean Ford [Applause] olya Maury for side [Applause] Caitlin Dale Fullmer Jared Vaudrey Todd Gaither faith Siana got hard though [Applause] ah Delaney Scarlett Garcia almost Julian Christine Garcia Miguel hey soos Garcia United States Air Force [Applause] Maria Isabel Gonzalez Molina Madalyn Murray good Associates of Arts degree [Applause] Brittany LeAnn graves Shila Lynn Guzman Abigail Frances Hagen magna laude McKenzie hope Halbrook [Applause] Justin's James camp [Music] Nikolai Daniel hangs Leoben United States Army Reserve Ashley Diane Hager Hannah Flynn cave Michelle P film Breck Leticia Marie Hills royal e Hodge Raven leros Hoffman Catherine and Hoffman magna laude Samuel hog art Michael Alexander Hollenbeck election Shay Holloway [Applause] Michaela Elaine Hoover David Andrew horn Parker E Howard Christian best Savannah Brooke hunt [Music] James Thomas Hutchinson L Meredith Jane's Associate of Arts [Music] Jaden Sierra Johnson Taylor James Johnson khylin are Kelly Associate of Arts degree Oh Alex em Kel Kessler Tim Ivanovich Kazi Victoria Kinsel Carol P Lara Keith wrong sickles Madeline Taylor climb Connor James clenchy laude Babette jewel Clint Oh Marla Jean Knowlton Brayton Tice coma villain Michael coccyx [Music] [Applause] Kaley and Kramer [Applause] ready Eleonora Christine Burke croaks guard Brooke Michelle laughs well vans Nkosi Alexander Lattimore Anna larae lahrman laude Associates of Arts degree Sherry Lynn ledecky um Bruce lepen yang [Applause] Camille janae LUN Associate of Arts degree Reese Kelly Mac Julie Dariana McKenzie laude [Applause] [Music] Casey Morgan nanny Hanna Alice mates Cody Michael Aaron Marshall [Applause] R'lyeh Nicole Martel Kylie Brook Martin Kumari Cody Ryan made Casey marine McBride [Applause] Lindsay Carina McBride saurian njd McLaren PD Aubree Lynn McLaughlin Associate of Arts degree [Applause] Serena Kalin Maclaurin Kyle McMullen Donovan Allen Thomas Meadows Joseph Edward Mejias Ashley Nicole you Santos Mendoza Brian Lee Mendoza Associate of Arts degree Molina Devin Pacheco lingotto laude [Applause] Gabriela marine Manette Oh Cole Michael Miller [Applause] Collin Andrew Mitchum [Applause] Tyson Mojica sky er L more Aaron Dale Morrison Sarah rose Moulton Matthew W Maas net Kaylie grace Murphy Joshua Ryan Marie Charles Benjamin Meyers magna laude laura grace night holt laude and Associate of Arts degree Natalie Estelle Nicasio Brady Michael Noel Associate of Arts degree [Applause] Joel inna Eloise Nowakowski [Music] [Applause] Zachary James Island Joshua W Oleson Carson Alya Oliver associate's degree Julian Thomas Olsen Connor Michael O'Neill [Applause] Preston Jeremy parks Kayla Patterson Colin James Peterson Britney Anna dr Piero Rebecca Michelle Rangel Pimentel Stetson Patrick Plummer [Applause] Jacob Zachary - Roth Damien Michael Presnell United States Army [Applause] Matthew C price Taylor Lee McKenzie price Austin Luke proc no Jamie Margaret Reynolds laude Ariana ELISA Richardson Lilia Rose Reardon Rogers [Applause] jessenia Rios Lopez Michaela may Ripley [Applause] Alexandria Renee Rogers [Music] [Applause] Andrew Connelly Rogers Anna Marie Lynn Roselli [Applause] Joshua a Raleigh Sydney Julian rippen [Applause] faith and Kiki Lonnie say Cius Nathaniel L Schuler Caitlyn Maria Scoble Keaton M shawl kiala to say Shaw magna laude [Applause] Calista Rose Kistler associate's degree [Applause] London may soup Romer Shanley layer shoot Romer [Applause] Daniel a some calls Christian em silver Sarah Lee Ann Simmons Kobe Lane smart [Applause] Jonathan Joseph small area [Applause] Eric Christopher Smith [Applause] [Music] Justin Carter salt magna laude [Music] taylor jean Solverson [Applause] Tony Kristin speranza Connell Orville Spivak the United States Marine Corps [Applause] classy Lee see Ratana Wong Abigail Lynn staples [Music] [Applause] Samantha case town halls magna laude [Applause] Dylan Keith Stern Samuel Anthony stove [Applause] Raven Diane Sullivan [Applause] ELISA Nicole summers Kaley Lynn suak hammer Brianna Michaela Swartz Keaton Alexander II tar OC Devon Harbor Associate of Arts degree Jordan Ashley Thompson Mason Hunter Thompson [Applause] Jan Marini teams on Eric Randall Trent [Applause] Jeremy Xavier Tucker Jaden Matthew Michael Vandiver Alison Nicole wait magna laude Kevin big nerd Mitchell Thomas wiper Austin Gabriel Witt [Applause] timber ray which Turman Ryan Dwayne weird United States National Guard Jason James Alan Wilson [Applause] Courtney Nicole you borrow Mikayla Louise Jaeger and Tyler Paul that [Applause] [Music] [Music] at this time I would like to invite senior class president Haley etter to lead the class in the time-honored tradition of moving the tassel graduates please rise move your tassel to the left side signifying your status as high school graduates [Applause] it gives me great pleasure to announce to you the graduating class of 2017 [Applause] Thank You Piper students parents faculty and dignitaries Pipers please lead us in the recessional [Music] [Applause] [Music] you'll start with on lang syne [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Spokane Public Schools
Views: 1,788
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: shadle park high school, spokane, spokane public schools, class of 2017, 2017 graduation, sphs, inb performing arts, shadle, graduation, high school
Id: f7yp-sG2E2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 6sec (5946 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2017
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