shading with black wax over a chalk painted furniture finish

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um you guys are live here on the dixie bell paint  facebook and we're live on instagram tonight so   you guys i'm brandi with brush by brandy and  usually you guys come here live on tuesdays and   you guys see leah noelle with uh leah noel design  co and so i'm popping in and taking over her life   for tonight so you guys have a special brandy  on tuesday and i'll be back on thursday in my   regular time slot as well so sorry to confuse you  guys um we'll let leah rest at home maybe she'll   pop on and be watching with us from her couch  with her feet up i hope she's taking it easy   we've been really busy this week with a new  transfer release and lots of pieces coming out   so anyway you guys are live here on the dixville  paint facebook page and we are going to work on a   piece that i'm working on tonight so this is the  piece behind me that i've got going okay so the   first thing i know i'm going to get questions  about is this color it's a really pretty mauve   color and i mixed this so this color is a custom  mix of dixie paint in aubergine muscadine wine   and apricot i took those three colors and i mixed  them together in a container which is right here which is right here so i'm going over my scissors  okay so when i mix a color i save my old dixie   belt paint containers when they're reasonably  clean and i can wash them out i will save them   for mixes and that's what this is here and then  i took my uh three colors and i wish i could   tell you what the mixture is you guys but here's  how i mix i will start with one color and i'll   say okay i feel like this needs to be a little  more red and i'll add a little bit more of the   line feel like it needs to be more purple and then  i need to lighten it up so i'm going to put some   more apricot in it and that's kind of how i came  up with the color so it's a little bit added at a   time to where going back and telling you that it's  a one-to-one ratio would be near impossible but   this is the color that i came out with when i mix  i always over mix over mix you guys don't under   mix mix generously so you could if you know that  a piece like this would take about eight ounces of   paint mix yourself 16 ounces of paint just to be  safe and then i end up i just save these and i've   got custom color mixes in a dixiel container i can  write the mixture on here um if i like but that's   what this is so i've got my custom color mix  which is um aubergine muscadine wine and apricot   okay so that's my first color and then i shaded  it with just the apricot by itself and i know   that these two colors are going to coordinate  you guys because my mix has apricot in it so   they both gonna they're both gonna have similar  tones so these are the colors that i've got on   here it's actually four paint colors but i  one is a mix and so i end up with two colors   okay so then i've added this is the new um  burgundy roses transfer by redesign with prima   and it's got exactly the shades that i'm working  in it's got a little bit of tea rose in there   a little bit of aubergine i could even  pull out some i usually take my transfer   when i know what i want to use and  i will start with my transfer piece   and then i can look at it and pull out shades so i  can see it's got a little bit of mint julep in it   it's got a little bit of sea glass in there  there's the aubergine a little bit of tea   rose and then you know little pieces will  have slightly different colors on them um   so i pull the color inspiration out of my transfer  for what colors i want to emphasize where'd you   get that transfer so this is um this is the new  burgundy roses transfer by redesign with prima   these just came out yesterday so you can go to  my page go to my facebook page at brush by brandy   my first post on there is with this piece has a  link in the post where you can look for transfers   head over there if you want to look for it but  we're going to add some more dimension to this   paint so i started out shading with just paint and  now i'm going to do a little bit of shading with   waxes too and that just gives me that that other  layer of dimension so i chose not to add a darker   paint color i'm going to add dark waxes instead  and this is where it's kind of fun uh working with   the dixie belt products because a lot of times  you know one one product can replace the other   and you can pick and choose what you prefer to  work with if you like working with waxes use wax   if you prefer glaze use glaze because sometimes  they can replace each other pretty easily   and this is one of those cases where i could have  shaded it in a darker color of paint but i'm going   to come back and i'm going to do it with wax so  let's talk about shading with waxes okay i use   black wax on most every project i do most every  project black wax is one of my favorite things   okay um dixie waxes are really soft and creamy  but when i'm shading with waxes i like my waxes   old and firm old and firm so here's what i do um  i've got an older container wax you guys can look   at this one can you guys see it's cracked it's  a little bit dried out looks like shoe polish   yeah it looks like it is it's firm it's firmed up  because it's been exposed to the air you can take   the lid off of your wax you can buy a little four  ounce container that you use for shading take the   lid off let it sit out let it firm up a little bit  and then i will use this just for shading versus   my newer wax you can tell because this is an old  uh packaging we don't use this packaging anymore   and my newer wax is much softer it's  creamy it's supple it's really nice   for all over application but when i  want to control where it's going to go   i want it to be a little firmer and that's where  my older waxes come in so are you saying just   just for the record here the newer wax isn't as  good as the older wax no i'm saying they totally   do just a different i'm stepping outside of the  wax i know i was i was thinking i was thinking i was thinking last night like you know coming  on and saying is one better than the other no but   it's like saying you know a miter saw cuts a miter  better than a you know uh i don't know jigsaw   like you choose the right tool for the job and  this is just where i like a firmer wax for shading   so i'm going to use this one tonight but i brought  this out so that i could show you i'm gonna   close up my nice soft new black wax and we're  gonna shade with the ugly old crusty black wax   buy a little container you guys um another  thing is uh the dixie belt gilding wax the   black gilding wax these will be back in october  the gilding waxes are firmer that's why i like   these for shading so um keep an eye out for that  too but we're going to just use the regular wax   okay i do not have a top coat on this are you guys  scared right now that's everything you're told   not to do especially with black wax black wax i'm  going to put it on my raw paint and i'm going to   show you guys how i can control it even without a  top coat on it so let me show you guys my brushes   can you not bump the camera please i'm sorry  yeah so sorry i got a new tripod today and   i love it guys it's really nice okay i have of  this caddy right here of all my artist brushes   i have specific brushes that i like to use for uh  shading waxes let me show you guys what some are   i keep them over here in this corner  so i can always find them really easily so these are a few of my favorites  i've got they're all natural bristles   but i've got narrower versions i've  got a little bit fatter versions fatter still and then these guys here i use  these a lot i rarely wash out my wax brushes   every i don't know four or five uses i'll  come back and rinse them out so i'm going   to have a bunch of different natural bristle  artist brushes these are craft store items   super easy to find and i'm going to  have a rag and i'm going to have a   container of baby wipes this will remove  your waxes you guys if you really mess up   my paint uh it has dried overnight so i've got a  pretty dry paint i'm going to start with one of my   narrower wax brushes and i'm going to fill it with  my old crusty heart as a rock it's not like a rock   it is like a shoe polish and i'm going to take  it and i'm going to ride this crevice right here i'm going to give myself a line i'm  just laying on a little bit of wax   to work with and already that adds a  little bit of definition in that crevice   let me pick a different brush that was probably  a little fatter than i wanted so what i compare   this to is like putting on eyeliner me too yeah  that's exactly what you were thinking so weird so   i'm going to ride this crevice and i'm giving it  some eyeliner i want to emphasize those low points   i just switched out to a little bit smaller  brush still a natural bristle artist brush but   just with a smaller tip a really flat tip so you  guys you can go to a craft store and you can buy   packages of artist brushes natural bristle or  synthetic and you get i don't know 25 of them   it's like five dollars they're not they don't have  to be super nice okay and then i'm gonna take this   little fatty right here and i'm gonna smear  this wax out so here we go here's the question   you don't put clear on this first i did not put  clear on this first you can so here's the thing   what the clear underneath does is it allows you  to control your waxes better if you feel nervous   your paint's going to absorb whatever you put on  top of it so if you feel nervous about doing this   that clear coat is your protection i'm just  enjoying all of these life lessons in the comments   it's your insurance policy that's what that clear  coat is okay i'm so i'm taking this fatty i gave   myself a little bit of wax just in this corner  and i'm just softening that line now i'm going   to keep working this out i'm going to come  out a little bit further still only my hand   is going to get even softer because i just want  to carry it out in like a little bit of a shadow this spot right here looked a little  heavy so i worked that spot a little bit okay so i've got my shading with my  paint in the center here and   i'm just adding a little bit of shading  with waxes now i'm going to take my rag and i'm going to wipe it back now because this is  not sealed paint it's not going to wipe back very   well if this was sealed paint wiping over it  like this would nearly wipe away all of my wax   but i didn't seal this got some bite on it okay  let's come over here and i'm going to do a spot   and i'm going to show you how if i felt like oh my  gosh i screwed that up i had raw paint um you know   the gen the general rule is to seal your paint  beforehand i want to show you guys that you don't   have to and there are different features that  you get with putting dark wax on unsealed paint   and that bite and being able to wipe it back and  have it stay a little bit is part of one of the   perks so i'm going to deliberately put on too  much wax over here let's really just box this   like just too much makeup yeah just a totally  smokey eye look that's not what i was going for   baby wipes oh leah came on same thank you no leah  oh leah oh hey leah i hope you're sitting tonight   i hope you have a cocktail in your hand hope  you have your feet up um so i'm going to take   a baby wipe dixie belt waxes are water-based and  the paint is super durable you guys so this is   dried overnight um i can rub at it a fair fairly  reasonable amount without taking my paint back off   even with it just drying that one night so if i  don't like this at all i can take just a baby wipe and i can wipe it back off  okay so that's unsealed paint   that's my raw paint right there okay now i want  that spot to dry before i try to do this i don't   want to do it where it's wet that will make it  harder for me but i wanted to show you guys you   do have a certain amount of play now i do have  some still in my crevice right here it's not   perfectly clean but i was able to correct it  enough that i could come back and do it again   now you don't want to over rub  your paint because it doesn't see   it's not sealed it doesn't have that extra layer  of protection so you've got a fair amount of   wiping but don't be too aggressive with it either  um so let's come up here and i'm going to come   around the outside of this box for those in camera  land i want to zoom in camera wind camera land okay so this brush right here one thing i'm  going to say about it needs to be washed   it's really firm firmer than  i'd like it to be right now so   that's usually when i know that i need to wash  my wax brushes they get too firm and i just have   a problem working with them so it's gonna work  for right now so i just put gave myself that   little bit of wax to work with and then  i'm gonna take this this fatty i didn't   add any wax to this brush i'm just using it to  work out this line of wax that i put on here see how soft that looks and then see i came  out a little bit and with an even softer hand   okay and then i can come back with my rag wipe that a little bit away wax i do a lot  of put it on take it back off again so you   so you've seen me now up here and down here put  it on take it back off again and it you know it's   meant to look like old dirt sticking into the  paint i'm going to take my skinny artist brush now i'm probably going to put flat clear coat  on this because i wanted to have a really matte   finish kind of a just a really dry chalky finish i  think would be really pretty on this piece so i'm   going to use flat clear coat same thing again and  then i'm going to put a little bit of gilding wax   just a bead of gilding wax around this molding on  the door and i've got this nice shaded effect with   my transfer with my gilding wax and my hardware  right here it's going to make for a really pretty   door on this piece my transfer is not all the way  done you guys i got semi through putting it on but   i do have a portion i'm going to add up here too  so what you're looking at isn't the completed look so i hope that baby wipe trip makes  you feel a little bit comfortable   that even if you decide to try your  waxes on raw paint it is possible   you're taught to put a clear coat on first  and that's because it gives you control   but if you feel comfortable enough you don't have  to do it that way and then i'm just taking and i'm   softening up that lining even still just want  to leave that little bit embedded in my paint   that's really pretty okay can you go uh you know  what let me start oh yeah i'm not moving i'm   working too hard sorry you and leah you just  don't try to inconvenience me here i'm gonna   grab my gold building watch and show you what  that looks like along that along that molding i'm kind of in my way okay so this is the new gold gilding wax by  dixie bell this these are coming out in october   really soft creamy wax and i'll just  take a little bit onto my finger and once i have i don't want to do it over  here i still need to brush at this and if i   brush over i'm going to pull my and i'm  just going to add a little bit of gold so how long do you usually wait for the  wax to dry before you coat it okay so do   you go to wipe a clear coat over this here's my  secret here's my cheat guys it's kind of unfair   how long it's like a magician with the  secrets it's not no i spray my clear coat   when i add decorative waxes like this because  it's so purposeful and i do take a lot of time   shading with the wax i come back and  i will spray the clear coat over top   because if it's a water-based wax so if i come  back and brush a clear coat over the top of this   it will want to it's going to reactivate  the wax and want to pull it a little bit   you need to wait for your waxes to firm up if  you're going to brush it i cheat i never deal with   that because i always spray it and then i leave  this perfect smooth soft finish stays in place   i don't touch it but you just know if you're going  to wipe it on with a sponge or a brush you can   pull a little it is normal to pull a little bit of  those waxes back off michelle was cool and knocked   it out of the park for me before i could even  get a chance to respond the colors you're using   the transfer you're using like knocked it all out  okay ready i'm gonna give you guys the list okay   i'm gonna keep shading with my waxes while i tell  you my colors two colors my first color is a mix   it's a mix of aubergine muscadine wine and apricot  mixed into one container to form this mauve color   it's a really pretty mod and you can make this  more purple more red you can lighten it up with   the apricot so i couldn't tell you exact ratios  because when i mix i add colors slowly to each   other until i get exactly the color i always over  mix my colors so i had plenty to do this piece and   i'm actually doing a mirror that matches and i  had plenty of paint so over mix your colors when   you're mixing first color is a three color mix  of aubergine muscadine wine and apricot second   color is apricot that's just my highlight color in  the middle that i shaded with just apricot in the   centers so it's actually four colors but i've  got them into two this transfer just came out   yesterday it is the new burgundy roses transfer  by redesign with prima go to my page the first   post you'll see at the top i just posted today  is with this piece and it has a link to where you   can find these transfers now to go back a step  how long do you wait for that wax to dry before   i mean you spray it uh i could spray it tonight  i could spray tonight i don't need to wait for   it to set up if i've got a sprayer if you're  going to brush it you need to let it firm up   a little bit because you're going to be putting  friction against it it's going to pull like if   i try just like with the baby wipe i showed  you guys if i try to wipe this right now or   brush over it it's really going to be fragile so  give it at least 72 hours if you want to brush   over it if not more even at 72 hours you're  still going to pull a little bit of your waxes   and with such a deliberate application like  this you guys can see why i why i spray my   last clear coat because i do this on most  every piece i do um i do a lot of shading   with waxes it takes a lot of time i will sit  here and go around every detail on this piece   and it takes a lot of time i love the look of  it there is nothing like a wax if you guys ever   took art classes in you know middle school  or high school or whatever and you got to   work with oil pastels waxes remind me of  oil pastels they have that smear ability   and it creates this soft ethereal effect that you  just can't get with a glaze or um so i just love   the look of that and then the same thing i'm going  to take my shirt it's my rag and i'm going to wipe   it back a little bit which actually smears it a  little bit works it into the paint a little bit   and then i can come and i'm going to  put my old gilding wax around my molding   i don't want to put my gilding wax on until i've  done both sides of so i've done the top and the   bottom of the molding and then i can come back  and put my building marks on last so that i'm not   still working that area i'm not going to smear it  guilty marks takes about 24 hours to set up fully in small amounts like this i seal  my gilding waxes underneath my paint   and then i'll have gold hardware on there  and you can kind of see how the look starts   coming together so even though it starts pretty  basic with just the paint and then the transfer   is another layer and then my black wax is another  layer and then my gilding waxes and each one adds   a little bit of interest to the piece i'm going  to kind of shade this side of my door and then i'm   going to add a little bit of depth to the fluted  moldings on here by adding black wax into those   recesses too so this is my black wax you guys i  showed you guys in the beginning it's old it's had   the lid off it's dried out it's firmed up i like  to have an old firm wax for this dig smell waxes   are really nice and soft which they're beautiful  if i've gotta wax this whole piece you want a   really soft wax but when i want to deliberately  put it in one place i like a firm wax for that   so i give myself a little bit of wax to work  with and then come back with my fatter brush so i also i told you guys i don't wash these  brushes out after every use my my this brush keeps   a little tiny bit of wax in it if i feel like i  need more than more smear than what i'm getting   i'll just do tap tap tap and this wax is so firm  it barely picks up anything but it's just enough   for me to shade a little bit darker with that  with a really soft hand just like a feather duster   just writing that ridge just so it picks up  the very top tips of my paint and that's it   i'm not going to shade over my transfer i  don't think i don't want to distort that image so i enjoy this process i really like working  with waxes i could sit here and be totally content   just waxing a piece like this in all the details  and crevices so now this is a fluted molding i got   on the side it's got fluted ridges in it i'm  going to do the same thing i'm going to ride   that fluting i'm going to do more than one at  a time you know because i'm efficient like that i add black wax to some degree on every single  piece i do this is besting wax in black i like   the black gilding wax too i'm showing you guys  the gilding waxes they will be back available in   october keep an eye out for those and then this  i'm working in a smaller area so let me take   here let's take this guy it's a fatty but it's  less fat than its little friend over here huh   it's like abbott costello so this is where this is  where i'm telling you guys get all these different   like little artist brushes in all different  sizes and then i can i have whatever i need   and then i can smear it out  just writing inside that fluting it just adds a little bit of shading  but it's a very soft shading because   wax has that really soft look you know versus  a glaze i like glaze when i want really clean   crisp lines and i like wax when i want really soft smooth smeared outlines now that's my general rule of thumb  everyone's got different preferences   you know i will choose a wax whenever possible  over glaze i just much prefer to work with waxes   okay so what's the difference between black  wax and gilding wax the gilding wax is oil   based and the investing wax is water based um  the oil-based wax the gilding wax is much more   concentrated so let me show you guys this let  me find a small little area i might have to come   over to the other door i'm fairly done here except  for way down here where you guys can't see anyways   um i have a transfer i still need  to do up here i could do it up there   and thank you to those who have  asked we are not near the fires   i guess if you live in california  you're near the fire right yeah   um we're probably about two hours from anything  that's actively burning our air quality is   terrible but we are safe we are safe i put a post  up on my page kind of explaining um the situation   thankfully it hasn't you know we've had lightning  storms going on that are causing the fires and   nothing struck here where we are thankfully um so  this is black wax the black gilding wax this right   now it's not available this will be back when the  new gilding waxes are released in october okay   um so it's much more concentrated so that smeary  smudgy ethereal effect you get with the um besting wax you can get it with this but  just expect it's going to be much much   more concentrated it's a little bit harder  for me to work it out it's that oil base   i can still take it off with a baby wipe  so what i will usually do is is if i want   to darken a crevice even more even more  um like make the crevice super dark black   i will i will do this process and  then i'll come back and put gilding   wax in the corner because it's so much more  concentrated it's just much more concentrated okay so i'm going to do the same thing up here  but i do want to use my besting wax i don't want   to use the gilding wax for this i want it to be  a little bit softer because my color palette is   much softer i don't want if i'm working at  a dark color i guess would be another place   um where i need a darker black it's a darker  black you go by mascara at the store and they have   black and blackest black the  gilly wax is the blackest black   okay and then shade right here am i  high or was there a kid whispering   gina are you are you hearing voices  you guys let's make gina feel crazy   even though my kid just walked out yeah  there was a little one that was out here   they know they know when we're live to  come out and and just whisper quietly it's taken us a long time to  get here you guys when i first   started going live my kids had no clue  what to do they were all over the map   okay so i think that's a really soft pretty  look um i don't have my hard work it's over   there i'll show you but it's a hepa white  pools they're round medallions right here   and i think in the gold so let's finish adding  the gilding wax to the store what do you guys   think does it look pretty seeing that green dish  right there thank you i'm not good with colors i'm going to um so these need to be cleaned  i haven't worked on my hardware yet but you   can imagine this pole right here in a in  a gold it looks like i can just clean them   and they'll clean up really well so i'll take  these and i'll soak them overnight in in a 50   50 mix of white vinegar and water and scrub them  with a sos pad and just a scotch pad and i'll see   what they look like then and then i can decide if  i want to add gilding wax to the hardware i can   do that too it really depends on what they clean  up as so i don't know in that case let's show you   what yielding wax looks like on hardware though  you can use your gilling wax on your hardware too so i'm just using my finger and just writing  this crevice here so all this detail work i   want to show you guys what it looks like with  the plain door without the wax and then what the   what the black wax shading and the gold  gilding wax what the what difference it makes this is the detail work i got a little fat finger there with my building  wax but that's okay we can't tolerate that yeah   sorry okay i still have to clean this so i'll  just clean the gilding wax off too but you can   take your gold yielding wax and i can put this  in just just using my fingers to find the bam i definitely want to clean this pole but this  will show you from a dingy old piece of hardware   i could use a brush to get it in and find one so i'll just use a brush and i can get it into  some of these crevices a little bit better and then i'm just going to wipe it back so it  looks a little bit aged it's not so new looking kind of rough it up a little bit some  of that patina is still showing through and it's got the same shade of gold because i use the gilding marks on both but  it doesn't look it doesn't have to look new   or sparkly but you could put as much or as  little on as you want you don't have to buff   it back you can make it new and shiny um so  that's kind of what what it's going to look   like so then you can come back over here and see  the door that i haven't done yet and look at the   amount of interest that that black wax adds to  this look right here why do i have to go mobile   okay so i still need to do this  door um on a flat surface like this   let me show you how i use the same  concept on a flat surface like this drawer   so that's a little easier when you've got a  molding to shade around but when i've got a   flat surface like this i've got no moldings here  i've added dimension just with my paint shaving   i've got my transfer here i'm going to take this  little fatty right here and i'm not going to use   the smaller brush like the eyeliner guy i'm going  to use just this brush i'm going to tip it in   just just the tips just the tips into my wax i  don't it takes so little wax to do this you guys   that's how come i have this oldest container  of wax ever i wish i had a date on it this is   probably my first cooking here at dixie doll wax  just tip your brush in a little bit of that wax   and just feather i will just feather this black  wax around the edges now do you tap tap tap or do   you tippity tap tap i'm just in the wax don't rub  it i'm not you know i'm not trying to pick it up i   just do tap tap tap what if you give it an extra  tap no then you did it no totally did it wrong now there have been a few that have asked this  question yes what are you doing to the top   oh um it's stained so it's not sealed yet  that's why i've got a towel on here i took   it back to the bare wood and it's going to  be stained um so i'm protecting it so that   i don't get paint up on here but right now  it's raw wood so that's what it's going to be right now it's raw wood though okay so i just will start shading around  the edges i'm using a really soft hand   this natural bristle brush  barely any wax on my brush this is not sealed paint you guys this  is going right on top of my raw paint   okay and then i can take my rag smear it out wax is smeary smudgy  so when i wipe it with my rag   it just kind of smudges it gives it a really  smooth effect and that'll be kind of my effect   where i'm just going to shade around  the corners a little bit even this out so it looks like a darker color of paint  maybe but i've just shaded with waxes instead okay and then again if i feel like oh my  gosh i totally messed this spot up i hate it   take one of my baby wipes oh and i can wipe this  wax off of the corner water-based wax now you're   just showing off as long as i don't over rub  my paint i can take it right back off again   i like this spot down here and then i'll wait for  that to dry and i can come back and redo it again   oh robin you have no clue  how difficult it is for me   to keep this g rated like all these  all these things i'm just a quick   it does take a lot i know sean's sense of  humor takes a lot okay so i'm gonna go ahead   and finish this up on this piece right here  i've got some transfer i'm going to add up here   i'll probably fill this in with a few smaller  pieces i like to cut my transfer up and i do   the larger pieces first and then i'll fill in with  smaller ones so this whole transfer i cut up i cut   up everything out of it i started with scissors  and i just hacked my transfer so now i've got all   these little flowers and i'll just start placing  them one by one you know not overboard but i   could decide if i want to add something small that  would be cute kind of coming off of this guy here   so i will fill in but i start my design my design  with my basic larger images and then i'll fill in   with smaller pieces of it so that's all you  guys i'm on the details of this i'm going to   finish it off i think i'm going to stain my top  and um probably a mix of gray and tobacco road   voodoo gel stain i want just that really soft  light gray and then with a matte finish on this   oh it's going to be really pretty kind of kind  of um old victorian is what it feels like to me   anyone else no bueller all right anyway you guys  i'm gonna pop off i hope that was interesting   i'm shading with some waxes thank you guys  for letting me fill in for leah um she'll be   back with you guys next tuesday and i will be  with you in my regular time slot on thursday   thursday at 9 pm eastern also here on the dixie  bell paint facebook page um you guys thank my   husband sean for being here and helping us out  you guys can use the link i put above in the post   to find your local dixie belt retailer if you  want to purchase any of the items i used here   you could also use that link to purchase online  and i earn a small percentage from those sales   which i always appreciate um and that's about  it you guys have a great week okay thank you
Channel: Brushed by Brandy
Views: 28,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dixie belle, chalk paint, diy, tutorial, chalk mineral paint, redesign with prima, painted, painted furniture, blending, blended, paint, home decor, farmhouse, furniture, brushed by brandy, dixie belle paint, how to chalk paint, how to paint furniture, chalk paint tutorial, furniture makeover, furniture flip, painting furniture, how to use chalk paint, dresser, how to wax furniture, shading with waxes, brushed by brandy blending, redesign with prima transfers
Id: NdotDzgICc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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