Shading hack for PERFECT shading in Blender

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what's up guys this is going to be a quick video on how to cheat your way out of bad shading now before we get into it i would highly suggest if you don't know how to do it the good old-fashioned way cleaning things up manually go watch some of my other videos learn that method first you're not going to learn anything new by cheating your way out this is for people who know the methods just want to do the most efficient way so check this piece out here the shading looks absolutely amazing right no matter where we look at this from the shading is perfect no issues at all but if we go into edit mode you can see that most of these um most of the topology has n-gons around it right you know n-gons triangles here and there and you'd think the shading would be bad which it is if we don't use this data transfer method i'm about to show you you can see how awful the shading begins to look now i've discussed data transfer before this is just going to be a short to the point video so you don't have to watch my longer ones okay basically let's assume you have a piece don't care what it is ideally a curved surface is when you'll use this you have a piece like this right shading is awful around it you have these bevels in here but you know the shading just all around it terrible okay first thing you need to do not gonna do it in this video first thing you need to do with your bevel modifier still in the stack one clean up artifacts all you have to do to clean up artifacts you can see my fixing artifacts video you need to move around vertices emerge vertices move them out of the way from the belt the reason artifacts occur is because the vertices are overlapping with the bevel move them out of the way fix every single artifact on your bullion step number two once your artifacts are fixed and you're only left with bad shading you need to go in and apply your bevel modifier now when i use bevels i use either one segment or three i don't really have much middle ground on where i use them usually my bevels are three segments so you want to go in apply your bevel modifier then you'll be at a stage like this where we are in the video right now you'll have your the artifacts will be clean there will be no artifacts and you'll have your bevel applied but the shading will just be absolutely awful around your boolean cuts this is where our little uh shading sheet comes into play in side note the reason you want to clean your artifacts is because artifacts are on a geometrical level whereas shading is on a render level you can't just magically fix bad geometry whereas with shading you can fix that because it's just a rendering trick right that's why if you have like i don't know a cylinder here a cylinder you can see it's really jagged right you can see all the edges on it and if we just go in here and smooth it and then apply auto smooth it's not really smooth if you exported this to like a 3d printing software this would still be blocky this is just a rendering trick same idea with our shading trick here you can't use it externally but for rendering in blender it works okay now to fix the bad shading one theory to practicality so let's hop in here we need to go into our side front back whatever orthographic view we need to get in a piece that matches the curvature of this object perfectly this is why it mainly works for spheres and cylinders more complex cases are a little bit harder so we're going to do in here is that in a cylinder we need to have the same exact vertex count as the base mesh so that way it's matching the curvature completely accurately so in here what we're going to do is shade smooth and then apply auto smooth make sure the smoothing is nice in here and then all we need to do is take the cylinder and scale it up to be just about the size of the area that's giving us problems so just kind of scale this guy up you know move it up scale it kind of like this okay and now this piece is completely encapsulated now what i like to do is just rename it to something like and transfer whatever you want to name it right okay you do that and then what you need to do is hide the cylinder okay so now we're at the step where we need to transfer the normals over for good shading to do that we need to select the area where the shading is giving us problems in this case it's basically all around these boolean cuts here so in this case the easiest solution for me would be go in here select all these faces expand the selection once again i'm doing this quick because it's just a quick tutorial control i i'll invert the selection and we only want to have the area selected that's actually given us problems if you have more selected sometimes it gives you issues so i just like to deselect any areas that are not going to benefit me so just deselect those areas okay so now we have this what we need to do is apply a vertex group here so i'm going to add a new vertex group ignore this old one i have this is for a tutorial we're going to assign a new vertex group here so now you're going to see select deselect and now we have only this area selected and just the final steps basically what we do is we go in here we add a data transfer modifier we select the source to be that normal transfer cylinder that we named we choose the vertex group to be the vertex group we just we just made we're going to go to face corner data custom normals projected face interpolated and before i click that just to show you check this out projected face interpolated boom shading is completely clean no issues at all and that's basically it you can literally use a piece of geometry that has perfect shading and then just just steal that piece transfer the normals over to another piece with bad shading like this and you're good to go it's really easy i do want to mention though if your piece you're transferring from is in a bad location kind of like this you can get other odd like shading errors in here so you want to make sure that the piece you're transferring from matches the vertex group as accurately as you can so you have to be like down to the t really so you can just go in here and just kind of scale it manually and see what works best for you but if i have this like really low it's not going to do much for us so we just want to make sure it's matching the entire area as best we can and that's how you're going to get the best normal transfer possible so that's it really quick video and just a quick way to cheat the shading like i said don't do this if you don't know the right way you're not going to learn anything do this if you're experienced and know what you're doing but just want to get the job done quicker use this to your advantage so anyways that's it for this video hope it helped see you later
Channel: Josh Gambrell
Views: 43,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 2.8, perfect, shading, hack, 2.9, tutorial, workflow, beginner, cylinder, sphere, curvature, artifacts, clean, topology, hard, surface, data, transfer, normal, josh, gambrell, ponte, ryuurui, hardops, boxcutter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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