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what's up guys your boy trucker l thank y'all subscribe to my page if you haven't yet please do i really appreciate it so right now we're in the airport and the reason we're in the airport is because of this phone call stay tuned [Music] [Music] i applied for sfi and this was my return call to them can i help you this call okay let me pull you up here real quick you must have an application with me right uh yes okay hang on one second i'm just signing in because it's so early over here so give me a second and i'll pull those up all right all right so my understanding is if you're interested in our lease to purchase program yes okay and who are you looking to run for i'm currently running with uh landstar okay you're running with landstar now and you want to continue to run with landstar yes okay all right we can certainly make that happen let me take a look at a couple things here real quick um all right so uh how soon are you looking to get into a truck is gonna be my first question immediately immediately okay you know i'm trying to put another driver in and i'm trying to get myself into when i get trucks okay um all right so security deposit let's talk about a security deposit it's going to require 1500 up front okay and um and i see you you know one of one of my clients um so that's a plus also um did he tell you how much the truck payments are going to be so do you need me to tell you about that i do i mean because depending on the truck right between uh eight yeah yeah when you include the maintenance contribution to it it's gonna be somewhere anywhere between a thousand and twelve hundred per a week okay that's our solo driver um but that includes both the truck payment and the maintenance contribution okay yeah so what happens with the maintenance contribution if you still have money in the maintenance account at the end of the leave um you get that back we return that to you or you can apply it towards that residual balance that's due on the truck so that's not something we just keep okay um all right what else did you uh need to know before i start moving forward with this um what kind of truck do you have available um primarily freightliners are you looking for a brand new one yes okay so if you're looking for a brand new one um you're looking at thirty five hundred dollars down or five thousand for a premium um if you to gently use them we could do 1500 um so those those would be the security deposits he said 35 100 so if you want a brand spanking new one that's a fleet spec that's going to be 3 500 if you want the premium package if i have any available then those would be five thousand down but if you want to definitely use the basic i just want a basic new truck okay a basic new truck would require a 3500 security deposit that's it okay um what i can do is um are you well i guess some other questions here you're a corporation escort you're an escort okay um that's not a problem uh since you're running for landstar so it shouldn't be that hard of a thing to do um all right so uh two things i need a copy of your ein letter from the irs along with a copy of the escort dot s-corp document okay okay what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to send you an email that says my info on it all right and this way you'll have that you'll know where to send that stuff to and i also have a few uh questions absolutely um do they have a petabyte or if i do they're gonna be they're gonna be used and the same thing with my kws i don't have any new ones how many months uh depends on the peterbilt hang on i have to pull the inventory up and see what we got there basically one second try again a basic repeat belt i don't even know not the belgian whistle just one of those well any of our peter belts are going to have all the balls and whistles that's basically how those are our premium trucks i have no peterbilts whatsoever right now that's fine um but you say you have a new cascadia correct yes brand spanking um no volvos uh no other brands just cascadias the only thing brand new i have are freightliners uh 2021 yep okay um all right okay uh and how long are your lease programs for one of those trucks elite program at a new truck is three years at the end of three years you have the option to pay it off and own it outright or you could refinance it with me or with an outside bank or you can turn it in and upgrade to a new truck so you got those options at three years but i can't walk away after three years yeah you block away from three years okay um and your warranty what kind of what you got on them man our watch is probably better than you're gonna get out of most uh most dealerships um just bait let's go just over the basic warranties let me pull one up here um all right on a brand new truck um the base chassis is a three years 350 000 mile warranty the engine is a six year 600 thousand mile warranty the transmission is a five year seven hundred fifty thousand uh 750 000 mile warranty and so are the differentials um the good thing also about um about our warranty is it does cover um the after after treatment support at 60 or 600 000 and same thing with the one box that's covered okay do you have gliders or no no okay now automatic trucks are cheaper than manual trucks correct um they're getting that way yes i don't have any manuals right now if you're looking for manuals i only have the automatic okay yeah yeah yeah yeah he did tell me that he was back order right yep is there termination fee in case you know somewhere to happen i mean if you walked if you walked away early there is it's called a remarketing fee or a reconditioning fee yeah if you turn it into one of our locations um it would be um a six thousand dollar uh remarketing fee if we had to come get the truck then there's an additional two thousand dollars or so that would be assessed okay yeah yeah i don't release day cap right it's just all sleepers correct yeah close to 1200 right now if you're not going with the premium if you're going with the other it may be right around 1100 but if i did get the premium how much would that be you're probably looking somewhere closer to 1200. okay and the difference between the two the premium the paint goes all the way down the skirt it has a chrome package it has a window in the in the sleeper area it's got a leather seat that's air cooled so yeah you've got those type of benefits to where of course they all have a refrigerator the premium also has the workstation in it but they all have refrigerators they all have a tv mount oh wow okay so i guess the next point would be then if you're still interested um we can do a business assessment and and get the ball rolling with you and work it from there yeah definitely all right if you got time now i mean i just i'm just starting my and you're currently an owner operator right yes i've been for the last uh five years okay what stresses do you have the most as a truck driver breakdown that i've gone through right now kind of breakdown are you having right now emissions okay oh okay let's see here i'm assuming you have a smartphone and a tablet or a laptop uh yeah smartphone and a tablet your dsu medical card is two years yes okay do you have sleep apnea uh no any other health concerns that could impact on the ot physical i don't know do you have a savings account or an emergency fund to help you run your business yes i have an escrow with nasa okay and you can come up with 3 500 for a uh for the freightliner for a new new truck yes okay any tax liens or repayment plans in place nope child support spousal support anything like that nope um let's talk about planning for time off sometimes your truck goes down or you you know the family said you know we need to take a vacation your truck payment is still due every week so how do you plan to make that payment and still take time off well the money my escrow usually cover my current truck note now so and it always just builds and builds and builds unless i have you know breakdowns sure all right well we've got something similar here besides our maintenance we have this thing called skip credits some call it rainy day fund some call it ar credits you can have extra come out of your out of your you know come out with your payment each each week and it builds credits on your account so if you know you want you need to take time off or or something happens and the time off is needed you just call me and say hey use the credits and i'll just apply the credits to your truck payment um what's good about that there's no set amount i mean you take the amount and you can change the amount anytime you want it's a voluntary program you don't have to get into it um you can start it stop it restart it whenever you want um and i find drivers who who use it seem to be more successful because there's always a truck payment around for them to actually you know take that time off and that hurts their you know their business so just want to throw that out there um but it's something i find you know extremely helpful for drivers so okay how much is a late payment fee it's gonna it's gonna depend i'm gonna say somewhere around forty five to fifty dollars for like for late three and i read online that uh the first four weeks after signing the lease is um friday first floor fridays you don't make a payment until your fourth friday so say for instance um say for instance if i brought you in on tuesday the 27th your first uh truck payment wouldn't be due until the 20th of november oh well now maybe a couple weeks get out there i'm already out here but is it uh i know yeah but i guess you're saying but uh you know just between the transitional period right is it possible to save those weeks for later um they in a weak german lease agreement or i have to use all four immediately yeah now it's set up right from the get-go it's the way our system is set up so you would you wouldn't get you wouldn't get your first billing until that fourth friday so if i choose to make a payment early can i just to be ahead absolutely absolutely you just give me a call and i'll do a nine routine apa but i will miss those four weeks or i will use them later on you won't be able to use those later on you'll use those right from the beginning so it's kind of like if you don't use it you lose it correct well i won't say you use or lose it we just don't start billing you until that fourth friday okay is it because they rolled back at the end of the term or yeah i mean you're still going to have 156 week lease we just don't start billing you until that fourth friday so it's really it is really truly great friday for free the first four fridays for free correct correct because in a lot of cases unlike you where you run for for landscape now so you know this you know a lot of drivers are doing this for the first time and you know we want them to get out there and understand the load board before we actually take a payment from them because it's you know once you're uh you know i guess once you're in it for a couple weeks you learn the load board you learn how to process work better so yeah that makes sense yeah yeah we're not putting you in a truck we don't think you can be successful so um that's the one excuse me that's the one thing we pride ourselves on i don't um i'm not a commissioned salesman so i don't get paid money to put you in the truck so with that perspective i'm gonna put you in the truck i think you could be successful if that makes sense to you you might be granted on your success so that makes sense all right yeah any other questions not at the moment what are you expecting for miles per gallon in the truck with a freight light you used to get really good fuel economy i'm gonna say even on a heavy load you're probably still gonna get eight and a half miles to a gallon so wow um and then on some of the lighter loads you're probably gonna get up right around 10 miles per gallon i mean it all depends on how you drive obviously yeah i've got some drivers getting 10 miles per gallon so now are the trucks governed or nope there is no governor whatsoever that's entirely up to you how you drive your truck wow um and we also have either like on the 2021s we have the optimized idle system too so you're not burning all your fuel either trying to idle the truck so yeah i don't i don't add it from there cause it calls up the gps's yes it does um all right um all right i guess that's really the last question i had for you i guess one more why should snyder finance take a risk on you and put you in one of their trucks because i've been in business for five years i know how to run a little board [Music] um know how to generate revenue i'm not new to the game and overall i've been in as a truck driver for nine years so i think i'm a perfect candidate for this financing program and trust me believe i love driving trucks and i will not let you guys down especially i have a brand new equipment compared to what i you know currently have now absolutely man just imagine the peace of mind you're gonna have with that warranty on that truck you know what i mean yes yes indeed that's my that's what i go through now i mean every day when i go out you know to maine or vermont i'm like i'm not going to get back home without a breakdown because there's not a lot of places especially vermont how long is my application good for um before you know so i can make a decision well i'm going to approve you on my end so um the approval is still going to be good as long as you know you know probably at least 30 days i'll probably have to rerun your credit after that but um yeah how much time do you need no no just because you know i just want to just make my way for wherever things are going and just get her opinion because you know we do make decisions for them and this is a big decision so yeah um i mean like i said i'm going to approve you and we can actually select a truck now if you want and i can put that on hold um and i could pick it up on monday you won't be able to pick it up on monday um i'll need some documentation from you first yeah if you've got your stuff squared away um i could probably have you in this on wednesday or thursday please though if not i can do it the following week no yes i mean i have to you just need the um ein number and also escort docs right yeah that and the security deposit need to have those up front okay yeah i have that since you're from pennsylvania i'm assuming uh my closest location is going to be solid to you charlotte or green bay yes so sorry i think it's closer so try not to count that all right yep and how soon were you looking to start immediately so like could you have everything to me by tuesday yes um i'll be sending you um the aph form to fill out i'll send you the wire instructions or where to wire the money to i'll send you the insurance requirements that are required on the truck um i'll send you a copy of the w9 but some of that stuff i i i won't fill out until i have the um uh you know all your s corp information in the ein letter okay that's really important without it i can't i can't close you on in the truck okay all right that's fine i got it all right cool any other questions for me no that's all if you have more questions give me a call like i said i'm going to send this out to you so at least you have it and you can get because we're going to be on a tight time frame this way we'll uh you know you'll have everything you need so you can get back in the world with it all right all right and this is your direct number right it's my direct number correct all right cool all right well thank you i look forward to working with you and um congratulations thank you all right take care now we'll see you bye too so hope you guys enjoyed the phone call don't forget to subscribe give it a thumbs up and make sure you sell your bell notifications so you can know when the next video drop because picking up my truck is going to be even better video stay tuned right and make sure you share this video for those who wants to know how does the sfi process go while i'm going through it all peace catch you guys next one
Channel: Trucker L
Views: 2,119
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: c8MBfn5qBLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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