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well show me ask the audience crackdown suggestions for things one of the things is scenes they'd like to see the performers act out and we take the good ones put them in a hat and which how many guys connect out so let's start with bad gameshow concepts will I'd like to buy a bowel I'll take what's behind horn number one things you never want to hear your grandmother say you look really good today honey grandmas changing pimps chair grandpa and I would make love like two ferrets going you kept pickup lines in the fruit and vegetable aisle cantaloupe tonight personal ads that won't get many responses single white question mark slightly balding superhero yeah slightly and I'm slightly overweight people you'll never see on the cover of Playboy modern additions to the Ten Commandments thou shalt not joke about bald people if dogs told jokes hey knock knock ruff ruff if you can't beat them lick them hahaha favorite pranks of ER doctors well it's a pleasure to be here
Channel: PotatoeHater
Views: 40,609
Rating: 4.9379845 out of 5
Keywords: sfh
Id: 0HckKWy5Ajc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2007
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