Sex in Japan: Dying for company
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: undefined
Views: 11,586,368
Rating: 4.8250294 out of 5
Keywords: Sex, SBS, Vice, The Feed, Birth, Relation, company, relationships, internet, modern, alone, isolated, lust, boyfriend, girlfriend, partnership, investigation, virgin, ageing population, porn, robot, anime, konkatsu
Id: a1jGZUbN06M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
People that have learned how to act from self-help, or "learn how to fit in" tutorials or books are way more obvious than they think. Never do that. You're way better off just being genuine and awkward. You'll never be in a healthy relationship if you're trying to constantly manipulate and trick the person into thinking you're someone other than who you really are. Not to mention it's underhanded and sociopathic.
How big is the incel movement in japan?
That video was unexpectedly and immensely impressive. Thank you for sharing
Is this why the fuckin' weeaboos think they'll have such luck in Japan?