SewWithMe Block8

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welcome back to my channel friends we are on block eight of our sew with me series [Music] so for vlog number eight we're going to be making the traditional ohio star block which is this one right here so as you can see our star points are actually more set on what appears to be kind of more like a diagonal as opposed to this one right here so these used flying geese this one is going to use a method called quarter square triangles and so that is what i'm going to teach you today and i have a really easy way to make these quarter square triangles it's pretty foolproof and they just come together so quick and easy so let's go ahead and get started on our ohio star block so as i mentioned today we're going to be making the ohio star block this is actually the more traditional version of the ohio star we did make one a little bit earlier on in this series and it looked like this and just having these on here this kind of tri thing here is kind of what makes it sort of the ohio star vibe so this was the first one we made and this is definitely a much easier block to make so we are going to step up our game today though and we are going to make this one so this one has what's called quarter square triangles to make these star points it's going to be really fun and i hope you will be learning something new as always make sure that you download your pdf pattern in the description box below this video if you're having a hard time with that right click on the download link and click select or save file as and maybe that will help you get that download so you're going to need some fun fabrics and you're going to need some backgrounds i've chosen this kind of low volume greenish print you're also going to need something for your center and then you're going to need something for your points and that accent color on the inside of the points again all the exact cutting instructions are going to be on that pdf download so make sure that you follow along with that so we're going to go ahead and set these fabrics aside for right now so we're going to start off with our larger squares so you're going to need two c squares one d and then one of your b or background squares and we're going to do the same process to both so i've got a background and a d and then for my c squares i'm going to place those right side down on top of both and then i'm going to draw a line from corner to corner diagonally on both and then we are going to stitch one quarter of an inch away on both sides of this diagonal line that we are drawing so we've got our line we're going to stitch a quarter of an inch away on both sides of these lines and then we'll cut them in half and we'll have two half square triangles of each color [Music] okay so we've got both of our half square triangles and i'm actually just going to cut them both at the same time make sure you are cutting the right direction okay and so now i've got two half square triangles that have the background and two that have our kind of accent fabric okay and then we're going to just take these over to our ironing board and i'm actually going to press them all towards this red or c fabric that way they'll all be going the same way and then our seams will nest later on and you've probably seen me do this before but i just kind of stack them okay and so now we've got two with our background and two with our d and now we're going to kind of mix these up a little bit so i'm going to take one of these and you can trim these first if you want i'm actually i think i'm going to wait and just trim them after so we're going to go ahead and take one and make sure that your red fabric is going one direction you're going to take the one with the background fabric and put it exactly the opposite direction so that when you fold it back you've got your quarter square triangle so the reds are on opposite sides okay and then your accent and your background are on opposite sides and i like to kind of do that just to double check and make sure that i'm sewing the correct way and now you're going to sew across your seam so you don't want to sew with your seam because that would be doing nothing but giving you the same half square triangle you started with and so i'm going to go ahead and draw a line on here so that i do not get confused and again i'm going across my seam and we're going to do the same thing we're going to sew one quarter of an inch on either side of this drawn line for both of these for this one you want to just feel this and make sure that your seams are nesting and that way you'll have a nice seam line there and i can even just throw a pin in there just to make sure nothing kind of moves around on me so i'm going to scoot this one over to my sewing machine and then i'm going to do the same thing with this one again making sure that my reds are on opposite sides of the block and i'm kind of just using my fingers here just to press that seam together so i can feel them nesting really nicely and then i'm going to again draw a line corner corner like so throw a pin in here make sure it doesn't go anywhere okay and then we're going to sew again a quarter of an inch on both sides of this line [Applause] [Applause] now here we are we're going to trim these in half and before you trim you might want to just double check that you've got what you were going for there just to make sure because if you sewed the wrong direction or something then now would be the time to fix it so just give it a quick look before you trim don't ask me how i know that okay and now we can just press these so i'm just going to set that seam and then press this isn't really going to matter which way you're pressing particularly and then these hopefully will be just a little bit bigger than you need them to be so that we can trim them down to the exact size i like to do that whenever i'm doing blocks like this where there's kind of room for error i will make them just slightly larger and then that way i can trim them down so that they're perfect so for our six and a half inch block we're going to trim these down to four and a half inches i'm going to use this diagonal on my ruler actually i'm going to turn it this way so i see my four and a half lines and i'm just lining up all the four and a half inch points on my ruler with these seams plus i have my little diagonal line here to help guide me so i am going to be trimming off a little bit more on these than i would normally trim off on a block but like i said i really prefer to make these just a little bit bigger so that i can trim them down so they're nice and accurate versus not having enough when i'm done okay so here is one of our blocks i'm going to go ahead and trim all of the rest of them two be four and a half okay so here is the hard part of our block all done and now we just have to set it up so how this block is going to go are our d squares are going to be going towards the center just like that and then our star points are going to be going on the outside and congratulations by the way you have just made a quarter square triangle quarter square one two three four triangles you're going to grab your e square for the center and then you can just grab your background squares these are your a squares and you can just put one in each corner and if you do have a directional print make sure it's going the right way if you're a beginner it might be easier to not use directional prints also by the way if they're going a different direction i mean who cares okay so now we're going to just sew our three rows together using a quarter of an inch seam i'm going to go ahead and chain piece which means i'm going to take this row and flip it right side down on this row and sew it and then i'll add this third row okay so we'll just flip this flip that and flip that and i like to do it this way so that i don't accidentally twist any of my point my star points okay and i'm going to slide this over to my machine you're welcome to pin if you want so here's our first row and then it's got twisted we can just un wrap it just like this and add our third row and i do like to leave these still attached that way i'm sure not to turn anything around now because these are gonna they're still attached i will just stick a pin in these just to hold them in place so that when i get to my machine they don't fall or get twisted okay one quarter of an inch down this side [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right now let's take a quick peek make sure everything is still going the right direction it's still attached so that's good for this one we're going to be pressing out on these outside rows because again there's no seams there and then we'll press in towards this center fabric because again no seams i'm going to go ahead and flip it upside down to make my life a little bit easier okay so as you can see these seams are going out these seams are going in these seams are going out so everything will nest nicely when we sew our rows together so i'm just going to lay this one down on top and nest my seams right here and right here and that's always where i'm going to pin as well if you'd like you can snip these little pieces holding these together at this point i don't know i just leave them there so you can do whatever you prefer okay so now we're going to sew that and then we'll come back and we'll add this bottom row [Applause] all right and here we have our ohio star we just need to press it and since there's kind of seams everywhere i'm just going to press out towards these corners because there's just less seams there i'm going to set my seam first and then just flip it back of course we just need to trim this block up again i'm going to try and make sure that my star points are one quarter of an inch away from my edges this block actually looks really good this block looks great you guys i i'll barely even need to trim it up but i will anyway okay and here we go our finished ohio star block so in this block we learned how to make these quarter square triangles as you can see they were really easy you just have to kind of pay attention to what you're doing um and then you can come up with this super cute block all right guys that was the ohio star block number eight in our sew with me series i hope you're enjoying this series now the ohio star block has so many different things you can do with it it might have these three being the same color and this being the background color but i went ahead and just made it scrappy i like the way that it looks and i like having a different center as well and of course like the other blocks you can really change the look of this block if you were to put your darker fabrics where i have my backgrounds and then put something lighter where i have my prints like a white and a black or a white and a dark gray and that would really make this block pop so that is the ohio star block i hope you enjoyed this video if you did please make sure to thumbs up and subscribe you can also hit that notification bell so you don't miss out on any upcoming videos i hope you enjoyed today's thank you so much for hanging out with me and i will see you in the next video what block was this one two three four so as i mentioned we're going to draw a line maybe [Music] you
Channel: Erica Arndt
Views: 9,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: erica arndt, sew with me, sew with erica, sewing, quilting, how to sew, how to quilt, how to make an Ohio star, Ohio star quilt block, tutorial, quilting tutorial, Ohio star quilt tutorial, ohio star
Id: UN5nsYIW-t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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