Sew What's New Party 2021

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good morning everyone i'm paul laponte quality sewing and vacuum and i want to welcome you to our 2021 what's new party and this is we've been doing these parties live in our stores for the last two weeks and we know we've had a you know great response we've had a lot of people come but we've also had a lot of people who weren't able to make it or people who just aren't quite comfortable coming out to a to a group class yet so we thought it's important to offer a virtual version with a lot of the same with all the same deals a lot of the same demonstrations and really big giveaway prizes that i'm going to talk about in just a minute but let me talk about where this happened this is our 17th annual what's new party and it started about 17 years ago when we came back from a convention and the people uh and we brought we brought a new machine that had just been introduced and also some accessory fee and we and we and we just invited people we sent out a postcard and we invited people to come into the store to see the new items and and it was really amazing people like to see the new items that we have in sewing and i know that you like to see those as well we have some really exciting new products we have some exciting buys and we've because we've been doing this for 17 years and we're one of the largest retailers of sewing machines in the united states we work with all the major vendors what happens is they want to have their product featured at our what's new party so long about june i start getting phone calls that say hey when's your party and what can we do and i'd like to talk about two things with those people i like to talk about prizes and you're going to see some really nice prizes today that we're going to give away and then also prices because what we're able to do is we're able to combine they will give us extra extra items that we can get that we can include with machines they will give us extra discounts because they want to encourage folks to buy their wonderful new products when they're first introduced and also they make special deals on some of their top selling products and i'm going to talk about those here as well so um the other thing i want to mention is that these same vendors have unfortunately passed along some pretty serious price increases that are taking place this fall fortunately everything we're offering our what's new event is we purchased before the price increase so we have the old pricing we have the what's new deals and we have and we also have special 60 months financing so let's talk about some of the giveaways and how you get them we have behind me here i have a heavy duty you know janome machine this was this was donated by our friends at janome and we're going to give that away how do you win the machine you like comment or share all this week our event is going on from today the 27th of monday the 27th all until up until saturday the 2nd and that's when these prices end that's when the deal's in and a week from today we will announce those winners and contact the winner so like comment or share we're giving away this heavy duty you know janome we're giving away a new brother scanner cut the model 225f and this is an amazing it's an amazing machine it's a machine that we have available on our website at a very special price and i need to mention something else we're doing for what's new is that we are giving an extra 10 discount at checkout off the sale price so how do you get that discount just call your local store or visit your local store and ask them about the extra 10 discount up to 250 dollars so uh on a machine that's like the scanner cut here it's on sale at 5.99 but when you check out online you want to call our online team at 800-687-5175 or you want to visit one of our local stores and they will take that extra 10 off at the time of sale so we have a great sale price we have the extra 10 off but we're giving one of these scan aways scanner cuts away next monday all you have to do is like comment or share we're also giving away a baby lock jazz which is a wonderful 12-inch opening quilting machine it's a it's a basic machine and what it does but it's very good it's a very solid basic machine with all of your basic stitches and a wonderful and a wonderful prize we'll be giving thanks to the folks at baby lock we'll be giving that away but we have one other very nice baby lock prize and that is a baby lock jet air serger the celebrate we'll be giving one of these away the celebrate is an amazing machine it's a jet air serger that sells for only 11.99 and right now if you order now you get an extra 10 percent off that and you know all the frustrations you've had with sergers go away with a baby lock serger because you're no longer having to thread it in a certain order you're no longer having to you know you simply make very simple setting adjustments it does a perfect rolled hem it does a perfect safe mock you know four thread mock safety stitch and it does a perfect uh you know three thread stitch as well and when you thread the loopers it's simply you simply pump you simply put the thread in these holes and you press the pump and it threads those loopers for you but one lucky person is going to win if you like comment or share you know during our what's new event so what we're going to do now is i'm going to turn you over to riva fudd she's going to show you some new things on the brand new scanner cut and also some new things on the brother luminaire and some very exciting software and i'll be back in a little bit to tell you more thank you okay while carrie's coming over here with the camera i just wanted to say thanks for joining us and i'm going to do a public service announcement of course we want you to like comment and share on our post here so that we can be in the drawing for the fun free prizes however if you see any links or anything where someone is saying go here do this please do not do that that is not us someone is hacking into our account and posting those things so please do not click on any links don't offer any private information to anybody okay so hopefully that that takes care of that we'll bring it up a couple more times as we go along okay so got some way cool stuff for you today so we have here the brand new uh sdx 330d scanning cut now this machine has an auto blade so you don't have to change the height of the or the depth of the blade it automatically does it for you it's wi-fi and of course it does disney which is fun but what's really awesome is that this machine now can talk to the luminaire 2 and the luminaire 2 can talk back to it so i thought i would show you how we do that so on this machine i'm going to scroll over to where it says my connection and when i touch that it's going to say send and then i want to choose a pattern from the machine and you can choose any pattern from the machine there happens to be i don't know millions no okay not millions but there's hundreds and hundreds of designs and you can choose the one that you want now one thing we love about a scanning cut is that you can make your design any size you want it to be because it's working with the line information and therefore it you can change the size without it you know making a making it weird you know how when you do stitches sometimes it goes a little bonkers but this does not so i chose six inches and i said okay and here it shows us all the pieces that are needed for that design now i do want to give you one disclaimer i said you could use any of the designs from the machine but you can't use disney because disney is proprietary and so it stays in the machine we can't take that off okay so here's all our bits and pieces and this one shows the entire design so when i click on that or touch that and say okay and then say set then it's going to allow me to transfer so let's go look at the machine now and take a look right here on the machine and i'm just going to close him back off okay so now on the machine i'm going to go into my design center because the scanning cut sent the information to the machine and it sent it into the shapes area so when i go in here to shapes you're going to notice right up here at the top there's a brand new button that looks like a scanning cut and all i need to do is touch that and there's the one that we just sent okay so i'm going to touch that and then say okay and here's our design so now what we can do is use this pattern to create an embroidery design so you send something from the scanning cut right to the machine which is way amazing isn't that cool so now let's say i want to fill this with a nice bright pink color then i can come in here and get my little my little bucket and fill that up maybe i want to do green for some leaves and then i can touch the green and i whoops i touch too much and i can just touch the leaves and change that okay now another thing that we can do is come in here and choose the decorative fills so look at all these different decorative stitches that we can put into our design and the one that i chose was this one right here which i thought was really pretty and i wanted the center of my flower to be yellow and then i'm just going to touch the center and see you can just go on and on and have a great time and i'll fill this in with a pink as well and then let's just do the lines around the outer edge i chose a decorative stitch in here you have lots of decorative stitches around the center i used the grass stitch so it had kind of that nice um not hairy hairy's not the right word but you know how a flower has the stamens and stuff so i use that there but on the whole main part i chose to use what is called a a candle looking stitch so here is the design that i stitched out from doing that process isn't that cool so this was a design in the scanning cut and again you can do any size you want i think i'll stop is there any questions carrie yes i've had two come in pretty quickly um one was somebody wanted to know if they can transfer designs from other software so like a floriani software can you transfer that into the luminaire and then um the other question was is with the luminaire upgrade can you get it so that it will then talk to your scanning cut oh good those are both really good questions so if you have software like floriani you can put your design on a usb stick and if it's a pes and you've chosen the um applique fabric material then the scanning cut i'm sorry then the machine can see that it needs to be uh us cut information but i'm going to show you something else so hang tight because there's something else that i think you're going to find really exciting and as far as updating your your current scanning cut we always want to do that however this function that i'm showing you works only with the 330 and the luminaire 2. so if you have a luminaire one that you've purchased the upgrade and it's now illuminated too it is a luminaire too um but it is a specific combination of the 330 and the luminaire 2. i hope that i hope that answers that question okay so now let's go here and i i'm just going to go next i didn't finish the design like i did here oh is there another one um she's she's wanting to know about from mdc to floriani for more changes um is that i'm not sure what mdc is that so send carry a little bit more of a clarification with words yeah nancy if you can fill out a little more information so we know what you're asking we're happy to answer it for you yes okay so now we're gonna go ahead and set our design and um get it into our machine now what if you didn't want to have this area stitch out as solid stitches remember how i chose just a regular fill this is so cool i get so excited every time i see it when we go to the built-in applicate feature there's now a brand new icon right here so there's a different type of applique that we can create so when we touch that it allows us to pick the area that we want to turn into applique so i want to choose the pink and the green and then i can say next and preview and you're going to see that it turns that into a solid area where we can put fabric and then when we go next we can go into memory and there's this little icon right here that is the scanning cut so you can send it back to your scanning cut and that's where we got this design so now this is all fabric is that not amazing who would have thought that you could take your two different machines and they could talk together and they can help you create endless possibilities of projects it is so awesome i'm so excited about this um so the program is from my design center my design center okay so ask the question again can you take files from my design center and and what was the question nancy is that to send it back the scanning cut does not read the my design center files you would bring your um your design into the stitch area and then tell it you want to create let me go back so if i come in in here you would then choose your areas here and turn it into applique then that can go back to your scanning cut okay so does that hopefully that makes sense and if it doesn't just ask again because you know it's monday what can i say okay so um so we've got this let me return i'm gonna go there's our design okay so we sent it back to the scanning cut had it cut it out and then we have the design all ready to go with um just the stitches and the fabric which is cool now let's do something even more fun because this is blow your socks off the most amazing thing i've seen in the longest time we're going to go to embroidery and you can go into embroidery and pick any design except for disney and we're going to come in here and we're going to just choose a design so you can pick whatever design that you want it to be and we're going to come in here you can look through all your designs there's tons of different designs in the machine and i'm going to simply choose this one right here which is so pretty now this design is really really lovely but it has a lot of stitches because the wings right here where you see that solid color is all thread so it's going to take a long time to stitch out so if we go to edit watch this we'll choose the new applique feature and then we can choose the wings and we're going to be able to turn those into applique so that means you're going to get a custom look on your design and then also it's going to sew out in a much softer and a lot faster and here is the design all stitched out with the fabric behind instead of stitches and what's amazing is that by doing this and having it be applique we've reduced the stitch count almost in half now i was playing with it this morning because i couldn't help myself and i even took some oesd designs and i put it in here i was able to turn those into applique and so send that back to the scanning cut so it could cut out the fabric for me so isn't that cool you can take any design that isn't even applicated begin with and turn it into an applique absolutely amazing so is the applique feature available even if you don't have a scanning cut the applique feature let's go we're going to go here return return so if we go into there we go if we go to edit you'll have an applique feature but you'll have the first one if you don't have the scanning cut and that creates a lovely line around the outer edge of your design to create an applique the new style that communicates with the scanning cut is something very special for these two machines so for the scanning cut 330d and for the luminaire 2. and it's just amazing so you're gonna have hours and hours of fun with those okay all right so while we're here though i wanna show you one of my favorite features on the the luminaire so i'm going to go back and i'm going to choose home and that happens to be the ability to create sashing around your quilts so you see this goes all the way around you can do little sashings like this or you can do a quilt that's up to 118 by 118 inches in size and that's a king size quilt and it's really easy because the machine does all the work for you so i'm just going to go into the sashing feature and you can see there's tons of different designs you can choose and i'll just pick pick one and i'm going to say set and it wants to know can your whole project fit in the hoop or is it bigger well if it's a king size quilt it's bigger right so excuse me now what it wants to know is the size hoop and i got to get to the right size hoop and then here is the area from right to left and mine uh measures 18 inches and i'm going to say set now it wants to know how tall it is and i'm 20 inches 0.75 and i'm say set and i want this to be 2 inches in width and that's how how wide he is so now when i say set here and i say next what it's done is it's done all the calculation and all the math for us and it's broken that is the whole pattern into individual sewing pieces that will fit all the way around the project okay so what it's going to ask us to do first is move an illuminated crosshair because it has a projector on board an illuminated crosshair right here in the corner for a perfect placement for the corner then when we're done it's going to make sure that i'm hooped straight and if you look at the fabric you can probably see i'm not hooped straight so we're going to let the machine fix that for us so i'm going to go ahead and um come in here and let's just grab our design and i want the whole thing and then it set set so now what it's going to do is it's going to turn on that camera but first it does show me and can you see the screen too it shows me how i should hoop this and i'm using the magnetic sash frame for this because it's convenient and it wants to place that inner corner so it's going to turn on the cross hairs for me there can you see the bright green crosshair that's what we're looking for so i'm going to bring this up and bring that up into the very corner of our sashing and you can see i just used a pen line there and i think actually that worked out pretty good didn't it and then i'm going to say okay now all we have to do is stitch that out and it doesn't take very long for this to stitch but it it's going to stitch out that whole corner and then i'm going to simply show you how we place that design and i'll get that long long thread here after a little bit um but we're going to stitch that out and then i'm going to show you how perfectly it places it okay almost done so this is good for small projects it's good for big projects and it's amazing how it works out that it ends up exactly where you want it to be okay so now it knows where it ended but what it wants to know is okay reva did you hoop that straight and it you know and no i didn't hoop straight so now it's going to show an illumination on the screen oh it's going to show illumination there but it's going to have me put that illumination onto the line see how i hoop so crooked it's about an inch off so now all i need to do is swing that over until it lines up whoops i went too far one more almost there you can even um adjust by a point one of a of a degree okay so now all i have to do is sew it out and what i want you to see is that it's going to go back up to the exact same stitch where it stopped and it's going to start and it's going to stitch out perfect and it's going to be perfectly straight even though i didn't hoop it straight so now take a look at that i'm going to stop it right there can you see look it started right exactly in the spot where it stopped and you get exact perfect placement so and then it's going to stitch you can see it's just touching that line isn't that cool so this is really awesome okay now we have one more thing that i want to show you but we're going to move over here and we're going to take a look at software okay so we're going to do some fancy lighting thing we're going to turn this light off so you can so you can see the screen a little bit more and this is the floriani ftcu software and this software is really awesome it can do everything for you can create embroidery designs from scratch you can do editing and manipulation and stuff but what's really cool about it is that it has a feature called save to so now i left this screen up this is what comes up when you first open up the software and what i want to show you is that you have access here through your free club when you when you own ftcu to get training videos and blogs and all sorts of things and every month you get free designs too but we're going to go in and create a new design and i'm just going to open up an embroidery design and let's see well isn't that great i'm in a wrong spot hold on um i'm in the wrong folder what i don't even know what it's looking for now okay my brain just died i'm just gonna make a shape and i'm gonna show you what i what what we can do with this okay when you have an embroidery design that is created by someone else and you've purchased it it is uh has the stitches in that they create the design in a generic way so that way you can sew it on just about anything but what they do not do is give you a design for your project okay so what happens is you know a baby onesie is a lot different fabric than a denim jacket so you're going to need a different type of underlay pull compensation and things like that for your design so in this software there's a feature called save to so and we just click on the file and save to so and i click the i slipped click on save to sew and then it asks you what you're sewing it on so if i come over here to my list look at all these different fabrics you can tell it that you want to stitch it out on so you can tell it you're stitching it out on a towel or maybe a flannel here let's do it on flannel and i can choose flannel and we want it to apply the new setting so that way it corrects it for us so we're just going to go next to that and then it pops up with this wonderful feature right here which is a link to see how to create the best importer you can so if you don't know what these different products are when you see the youtube video all you need to do is click on that it's going to automatically launch youtube and let me see if i can make sure that's on mute there and then it's going to show you what the product is and how to use it and why so you have a teacher right there by your side which is really cool does this program convert svgs to embroidery yes it does convert svgs to embroidery in fact the software kind of works in in a line of vector or svg format and then you can convert that to anything you want um and let me i you can print off those instructions and i'm going to show you how other things you can do real quick and then you can also um when you finish it and say it you want to save it then it's actually going to put that instructions right here on there if you want to take your design an svg or a current area all you have to do is with one click you can turn it into an applique or into lace or into cut work which is really pretty cool okay so yes it does work with those and you can even create files for your scanning cut or your digital cutter real quick though i want to show you something really fun and that is how to turn a photo into stitches and this is a photograph that my father-in-law took of sunflower that was in their garden and i thought this would be fun to stitch out and give them for christmas so i just click next and it's analyzing the photo and it's putting stitches in that information and when you stitch out a photograph from um photo to stitches it's going to kind of create it like a monet or it's like a little a little bowl of spaghetti kind of where the the colors all blend together and there you see there's the the image right there transferred into stitches and when i click finish then it's going to put it right in my screen i can save it over to my sewing machine and stitch it out so you can take photographs that are precious memories of a wedding or of a baby or whatever you want to do and you can turn it into stitches and of course it's going to come up all selected but there's our design right there ready to be stitched out isn't that fabulous absolutely cool all right so i that's what i had to show you today and now we're going to go back over paul has some information for you okay thank you reva have some exciting information we have a fantastic deal with the luminaire and the and the scanica 330 now these products are only available locally in our stores so if you're in the local washington area please give us a call it's a fantastic deal when you when you buy the luminaire the xp2 we give you 5 dollars trade in we have 60 months no interest financing and you get the brand new stx 330 for free if you're outside our area please go to your local brother dealer and ask them to offer you a great deal they have these products the sd 330 is just coming in most people i would guess most people have not we have not gotten our first shipment yet but we're taking orders and we expect them hopefully this next month fantastic machine you saw what riva had to offer we also have a fantastic deal on oh i was going to mention we have a flyer when you come into our stores we have all of our deals in this upside down fire but you can see the packages that we've put together for you know for all of our machines that we're featuring for yani we were able to put together a special package with the floriani ftcu when you buy the floriani ftcu at our sale price you get this new universal bundle this expansion pack for free and what that is these are the four programs that are the most popular add-on programs the first one is the floriani total quilter and that's like three quilting programs in one there's also the sketch-a-stitch when you're going to see a little bit about a program they have now for free designs using the sketch-a-stitch and you know carmen's going to mention that to you is that part of our riva is going to mention yeah we're all we're all here working together you can see that we've that we've uh that we've uh rehearsed this seriously there's also lettering master and there's also the rainbow software so this is uh this is about 2400 worth of additional software when you buy the ftcu universal pack you're getting ftcu with the four four add-on softwares for free so please give us a call on that i want to talk to you about a couple other things we have i mentioned price increases and one of the most popular machines we've had as a dedicated embroidery machine is the baby lock flourish and this machine has a beautiful color touchscreen extremely easy to use automatic needle threading and it has a large 6x10 embroidery field uh it's you know it's been one of the top sellers in fact for most for most of la for all of last year and most of this year we weren't able to keep them in stock we were able to get our final order and these are on sale at only 14.99 we can ship it to you for free anywhere in the united states and remember if you call our online team 800-687-5175 they take an extra 10 off at checkout and i have a limited number the new version of this machine is out now it's called the baby lock flare and its sale price is 19.99 it's 500 more with just an indication of the kind of price increase that we have gotten but while we have the flourish available a fantastic deal 14.99 i have a similar deal here this is the brother 3600d this machine we have it featured uh you know in our flyer at only at only 29.99 i just got our last shipment on friday of these we won't get any more but we do have a good supply what i love about this machine is it not only has that six by ten embroidery has everything that the dedicated embroidery machine offers but it's an absolutely wonderful sewing machine it has it has a pivoting function it has the automatic tie off it has the advanced needle threader you don't have to take the embroidery unit off to to uh to go to you know sewing and set the bobbin holder i don't know what i did here but anyway it will go when i go to sewing it pushes this out of the way and it it's a lovely full feature sewing machine it has a wide range of stitches uh it has a wide range of fonts built in for for both stitching and for embroidery smooth and quiet i'm gonna i'm really sad to see this one going it has the disney license so that you have the built-in disney designs as well this guy's on sale like i said 29.95 and you can take the 10 percent off to check out you have a question yes um deborah wants to know can they trade up their scanning cut they can we have a trade-in program for your scanner cut if you have a dx any model dx we have a trade-in program for the 330 so just give us a call on that uh and uh and the other thing that uh that this guy offers is uh i think i lost my train of thought there but anyway it's 29.99 less than 10 while we have them in stock and we can send this to you it's really a lovely top-end sewing machine smooth and quiet along with a very robust embroidery machine so it's a fantastic value the machine replacing this is called the 3700d it's going to be on sale for a thousand dollars more than this guy literally one thousand dollars that it has a few more features but essentially the same machine this is the buy while they last so over here i just want to talk briefly about one other very favorite machine i told you before about the celebrate we're given one of these remain are we given one of these away remember like comment or share and you'll be in the entry a week from today we'll be announcing the winner of the celebrate the janome heavy duty machine the brothers scanning cut and the baby lock jazz quilting machine but we have a fantastic deal on the triumph we have a great sale price on the triumph plus we have this bundle that comes with it and the bundle gives you a lot of things it gives you a big large extension table gives you an extra set of thread it gives you a trim bin and then it would give you a 60-day trial of the so ed program except this is wrong you get a six-month trial and what so ed is is babylock is unique because they have a huge over a thousand on-demand classes and some of those classes are specific like there's a you know there's a training class on using the triumph there's a training class on using the extra feet and i'm going to talk about these in a second and there's also classes on surging on quilting on sewing tons of tons of information all available on demand they're professionally done by their great education team so when you buy any of the babylock products by the way they celebrate the same way you get six months of the of the sewed program not 60 days they've just upgraded that the other thing that comes with this bundle with the triumph is you get this bag it's a purple bag but inside you have all 29 of the accessory feed that are available so you get the complete collection of accessory feed and each one is in its own pouch and inside there there's a there's a description of how to use it so and there's also i believe a booklet that kind of sums up the use of all 29 of the extra feed included so if you buy this separately it's about 800 value that's coming with it so we have a great price on the triumph call one of our stores we have 60 months no interest and you get the 2600 dollars and free gifts which also includes the trolley and everything i'm showing you here so i have i think with that i'm going to turn this over to carmen and she's going to tell you about some of the new notions and exciting things that we introduced at our what's new party thank you hi everybody i'm going to do some magic here with my rolling tables they're so helpful glad to see you today so i am going to go through and talk about a lot of the new notions and accessories that have just come out so if you're curious about purchasing any of these items if you go to you can click the banner at the top says what's new and it will take you to a landing page that has all everything we've been talking about it has all of it right there so the items that you can just put in your shopping cart and we can ship to you or you can pick it up here locally in our stores those are all it's all there on that website the other thing that is on this web on that website if you go to that landing page is if you came to our in-store presentations you got one of these cards and this card actually gives the instructions of how to get a free digital download from oesd and we didn't want people who were just viewing online and weren't able to come in store to miss out so if you go to that what's new landing page on our website right below the banner there's instructions for how you can download it's a free digital download as a thank you for watching uh this beautiful oesd design collection so that is pretty awesome it is right there it has the codes you can go download that the other thing that we have a link for is in a little bit like paul mentioned reba is going to be talking about the sketching across america thread set and also these designs and we have a link right there on that page as well so that way you can go to these designs so you can download them so thank you so much for watching all right here we are as you can see i have a lot of different new items here from oesd oesd makes beautiful embroidery designs they are very prolific they come out with new things every year um and so let's just start right here this is brand new this is called the happy snowman tile scene and you can see this is really fun great wintry uh project we have one stitched out here and you can get this um as you can buy the embroidery design collection we have this on the website this is something you can purchase but the other thing i want to tell you about the notions and all the things we've been talking about is every single one of our local puget sound store locations has a table showing most of these items in stores right now so if you are watching this and you want to pop into a local store you can touch the stuff and see it or you can order on the website and for all of the offers paul was talking about these are available in our store locations and then we also have some things that we can ship nationally so if your local come into a store if you're not local to the puget sound area you know give us a call um on that 800 number so here's happy snowman and you can get this a couple of ways we have it here on a usb stick as the design but there's also i think this is super fun there's also a bundle so this bundle has all of the thread that you would need to do this design collection it has the design collection itself and it has the stabilizer that you would need and this whole bundle um is regularly 276 and it is on sale for 199 and it's going to give you everything you need to make this beautiful new tile scene what a great thing to hang up for the winter season for the holidays super fun all right next we are going to talk about the oesd luxe vinyl so this is really exciting you can see there's all of these beautiful glitter vinyl there's all of these super fun colors there's actually 10 different colors and what's fun about this new glitter vinyl is it's a little different than the vinyl we've had previously a lot of our vinyl has been heat pressed vinyl i mean you're going to cut it out your scanning cut and then you're going to use an iron or something and press it on this vinyl feels a lot more like fabric so the saw the back is super soft it has a really nice weight you can move it around right you can iron on it this is great for applique this is great for machine embroidery um i know riva was talking about how she wants to make a little pouch out of it and you can see it here actually inside of this pumpkin we're going to talk about the spider web pumpkin design set in a moment but you can see it's all glittery and we've used this for applique where here's the same pumpkin and now it just this one has a fabric in there so you can see how it can really add some shimmer and shine really fun we're really excited about it so you can buy the single spools um they're on sale for 11.19 all of the items for what's new are on sale everything is at least 20 off and a lot of the items are more than that and there's 10 different colors to choose from or if you want all 10 colors we have a great deal for only 99 you can get all 10 colors um in a box like this and we can ship this to you can pick it up at a store location okay so since i was showing you the spiderweb pumpkins let's talk about that new design collection next you can see here this is what it looks like there are three different versions of the pumpkins and you can see i have a couple of them here this one is super fun it's got some spiders hanging on it uh and here's the smaller one and this is the exact same design collection um the same you know the same design but stitched out diff two different ways and i think this is just really fun because you can make these as colorful or as monochromatic as you like depending on what you how you want it and then the spider web pumpkin right now is on sale for 35.99 so that is pretty fun next we have the little oesd lanterns here these are the freestanding little lanterns you can see the little design collection here and you can see there's four different lanterns there that come in this and this guy is on sale for 23.99 um and what's fun you can see i don't know if you can see what's popping out of here um it's hard to see on camera but this actually has these little lights on the inside of it so you can put oesd makes these things that they call pixie lights and these pixie legs can go inside any of these lace items and they come like this on a strand with a little battery pack and it's super fun you can put them inside there and you can see the little shimmering lights coming through them um and these pixie lights are on sale for 9.59 they're regularly 11.99 okay let's talk about how we construct lace so you can see here a lot of these designs we'll talk about these two in a minute these are all freestanding lace designs from oesd so the way that you make these is you're going to use a wash away stabilizer like wet and gone works great because it's nice and firm but it's going to wash away you're going to put that in your hoop you're going to embroider all of these pieces so like if you're looking at this guy here you can see like this was a piece this was a piece this was a piece this was a piece and then and i'm not sure let's see here if you can come in close but there's all these little button sort of attachments here and you can sort of see i don't want to totally pull it apart but you can see how these little button um they just sort of pop through the little loops and this is how you attach it okay because first you're gonna embroider all the pieces you're gonna wash away that stabilizer let them dry and then you're going to attach it all together like this and we have a couple of tools that make this easier so one we have the button clips and this is super handy because you can use these clips you can see the list little clips to hold these different pieces together while you're working on constructing it and then we have these alligator clamps you'll notice these clamps they have a really firm grasp on the end um and they can go through this little hole to pull to pull those little little buttons through basically the holes and they aren't going to stretch out the openings um they work better than using like tweezers or something we highly recommend these if you're doing freestanding lace these two things the button clips and the alligator clamps are going to make it so much easier the button clips are 3.99 a pack and the alligator clamps are on sale right now for only 16.79 okay so i have two more oesd collections to talk about this guy right here is the freestanding haunted manner and maybe flip it around here so you can see all of it it's really fun um and this guy has little lights on the inside of it too and this guy you can see what the design collection looks like it looks like this it's regularly 44.99 it's on sale for 35.99 it comes on a usb stick um and then the other thing that i think would be really fun with this one is oesd makes this glow in the dark thread so i think it would be super fun to go in here and maybe make all of these silver panels the glow-in-the-dark thread so it would glow and would be really fun but we have this on sale as well right now it's regularly 29.99 and it's on sale for 23.99 and this is a very large spool very high quality thread by ice accord glow in the dark works really well um and it's sort of a fun addition to any halloweeny project okay next we have the um police station here this winter village police station goes with a whole series so every year oesd comes out with a different freestanding lace that goes with a whole village so this year is a police station there have been a train station there's been all sorts of different um parts of a village that have come out and so if you have been collecting those you're gonna want this one as well um it's super fun cute in the blue color here and it's on sale right now for 31.99 so i have a couple more things here on this table um oesd has some new blanks that are great so um sometimes you know i find for the holidays and things make embroidering something on a blank can be a really nice way to have a personalized gift that also doesn't take a ton of time and people love getting personalized gifts and so oil sd has come out with some new blanks so these are a pillow blank so this is if i pull it out here you can see what size it is um this is a really nice little pillow here and you can see that it's already it's partially stitched together so it's flat so that way you can embroider on it on the flat space and then you are just going to sew it together and you're going to have this nice pillow um so this is new from oesd and it is on sale for nine something i have it is on sale i lost my little ticket i don't know where it is but it's a good price right now and then they also have these table runners so they have one in that um they call this white by the way if you're on the website and you're saying oh i can't find the table runner that she showed or the pillow because that doesn't look white this is white so they call this white it is a little bit more natural color looking than um than actual true white and then the table runner comes in both black and it comes in in that white color and you can see how big it is here let's pull this out maybe it's getting stuck in its packaging but you can see this is a nice um a nice table runner size where you could do something fun for the holidays and have it be your centerpiece it would be really easy to put together or it could be a really great um housewarming like or you know like hostess gift you come in for the holidays you bring something fun like this okay and finally i'm excited about this this just came in so daylight makes the most amazing lights these lights are true color lights and i don't know if any of you have them but i have found that when you have better lighting while you're sewing your eyes don't fatigue as soon it's easier to work longer and i know like yesterday it rained a lot here in the pacific northwest it was feeling real dark yesterday afternoon and that is this is the time of year that it is so helpful to have good lighting in our sewing studios so this is a brand new one by daylight and this is called the foley go yes foley go it is a rechargeable light but what i love about it is okay i'm gonna pull it out this it comes in this compact case um and i'm just pumped by how big it feels like it gets so this guy comes up this you can pivot here and then this comes all the way up like this and you can really move it around and then there's also all of the there's also adjustments here so you can see i made it you can make it less bright or brighter and then it you can still move it around right so or maybe you want to do something maybe you do want it back here and this space for whatever you're doing you can move it around but it's totally rechargeable you can put it next to you while you're working on something you can bring it to class you can bring it to your sister's house and this guy right now um brand new and it's normally 130 and it's on sale for 99. so a great addition to your daylight uh to you know if you need some light this is a good one so now we have more notions to talk about because there was tons of stuff that we've been talking about with what's new and reba is gonna take you through some of the fun new stuff from kimber bell i know some of you were commenting on the quilt you saw before and she's going to show you what that's all about okay so the first thing we're going to talk about is the sketch across america and paul mentioned that the sketch of stitch comes free when you buy the floriani ftcu and i want to show you some designs that were created using the sketches stitch software so sketch a stitch is really basically a program where you can create beautiful embroidery designs just by tracing so if you can trace a flower or trace a car you can create beautiful embroidered designs now these ones have been done for you so this is part of a series of state flowers that floriani is doing and every friday they're releasing a new flower there's at least two designs for each date and most times there's a project that goes hand in hand with it so remember to go to our website and click on the what's new banner at the top of it and then there's going to be a link so you can get right to the sketching across america designs and then you can download those and remember they down they post a new one every friday they started this series in january and so it will finish up in december so every friday come back and to that site and take a look and get your designs so that is the sketching across america designs but if you want to do the beautiful designs and have the perfect colors that it calls for we have this wonderful thread that has 30 spools of the floriani thread and it's in the perfect colors to complement the designs so these 30 uh 30 uh spools are thread are usually 179 they're on sale for 109.99 and if you decide to get that we're going to send you a pink box as well for free or you can pick it up in the store right so this is really cool because the drawers lock into place see they don't fall out that was could you imagine if it did that would have been terrible but then the drawers have the little spindles to keep the spools right where they should go and so you're going to get that storage box so each drawer holds 15 spools so one box will hold this entire set and of course we have the boxes separately so if you want to organize all your threads that's great because they do lock into place when you stack them and i have seen some of our customers stack them quite high so it is possible all right so now if you want some other wonderful um floriani threads we have these great trio sets that have light medium and dark in the various colors so these are great to give you the perfect shading whether you're doing florals or buildings or whatever it may be you're going to have nice gradations of color so we have quite a few of those so check those out on our site as well and we even have a flesh tone set which is kind of fun so these are on sale carmen remind me they're on sale 12 there we go it's like buying two and getting one for free so um buying two spools and getting one for free so that's a really a great deal now this is a fun thing right here this is a heat set vinyl from embellish and it's a chalkboard vinyl so how this works is you cut it on your scanning cut or whatever cutter you might want to use and then you can use an iron or a press to to adhere it to fabric and then it has a chalkboard surface so you can write on it so if you want to create a wall hanging that has a to-do list or a chore chart or maybe you want to maybe someone's having a big birthday and you want to make a t-shirt and it has a big 5-0 on the back and people can sign their name on it whatever you want to do this is lots of fun so you can easily create fun things and have that heat set vinyl okay this is a new product that i wanted to point out and remember all of the notions that we have that we're showing you today are at least 20 percent off but these are new of the magic pins these are the ultra grip pens and i'm gonna put the yellow one down for a second so you can see can you see here the little the little diagram see how it has more ridges on it so when you're sewing and you have your pins in your fabric it's easier to get a hold of them to pull them out because you have a grip more of a grip to get onto the handle and so this is the um the ultra fine um quilting pins and then we also have them in the applique pins which is awesome because they are tiny as applique pins should be and they both come with this wonderful case so you don't have to worry about them getting all over the place right okay so this is what carmen was saying that several of you have commented on when we were over at the machine this is the kimber bell candy cane no candy corn quilt shop i'm i guess i'm ready for christmas okay so this is so cute take a look at this there's three dimensional items on there like the little mini quilts and all sorts of fun stuff and this is all contained in a wonderful book that i will show you as soon as carrie is done um panning and isn't it just adorable okay i'm going to set it down for a second i'll put it right here so you can kind of see so we have the book here and in the book there is a us sorry a cd that has all the information to create this entire quilt all the embroidery designs in all different formats and then there's also other projects in the book as well so not just the quilt there are the other projects now if you want to do all the fun things like the three dimensional pieces with the buttons and the little mini quilts and things like that you may want to get the uh the embellishment kit so here you have all those fun buttons you have the embroidery leather and the velvet all in here and even the stuff for the dresses which is pretty fun and then you have the little quilt blanks in here as well so uh the book itself is on sale for 55.99 the embellishment kit is on sale for 35.99 and it is just a hoot or maybe it's a boo hoot i don't know it's fun anyhow then if you are interested in getting the the fabric kit to go with it then you might be interested in this and this has all the fabric that you need to create the project the front of the of the the front of the quilt and also the binding and this is on sale for 63.99 and one thing about quilt kits the fabric kits is since this is seasonal they only cut a certain amount of the quilt kits so make sure you order yours before they're gone and we can't get any more and one of our gals here in the store made this adorable little halloween outfit using the extra fabric she had left over from her kit isn't that cute show the back not fun using the scanning cut just a hoot isn't that so much fun okay so again this is the um candy corn quilt shop and you've got all those fun embellishments and what i gotta see if you can see this i love the witches the hands are those buttons and they're little little monster hands holding those up i just think it's just absolutely adorable and the instructions the step-by-step instructions are very very easy to follow okay the next thing i want to share with you is a brand new um item from kimberbell and it's called clear blue tiles and this is so exciting i don't know about you but i love to quilt on my embroidery machine one reason is because i don't feel comfortable doing this but i'm really good at pushing a go button right so that's that's awesome but what this system will do is show you how or allow you to create your quilting in the hoop without doing math okay so by quilting i'm talking about you have your top done you've got your batting there and your backing and you put all your layers together and then we're going to quilt it and it's so so easy so in our and i'm going to let me first move out my little quilt here so i'm going to show you how this works real quick and then we're going to talk a little bit more about it so with um with this set you get 26 different clear blue tiles you also get your booklet of instructions you get marking pens you get snap bands and then you also get a usb stick now on this usb stick you have 372 different quilt files for different sized blocks or areas on your quilt okay so how this works is it kind of reminds me of the memory game you know you used to play when you were kids where you would take you would take different cards and see if they matched that's basically all you have to do so if i want to quilt this area i can take a tile and say oh well that doesn't fit so obviously that is not the correct one right so i'm going to remove that and let's see if this one fits well that one fits the block the way i want it to so what we're going to do now is take one of the pens they give you two of the water soluble markers but my challenge is that i'm blue fabric on the camera it didn't show up so i'm using a friction pen today but all you have to do is move this table runner from underneath it so i can actually draw hold on let's do that okay okay so all you have to do is you're going to have your top your batting and your backing all together in one piece you place this tile right where you need it to go and then we're just going to trace okay just trace your line make sure you mark your dot and this one says eight by eight so i'm going to say eight by eight and that's my up okay so now i have my marks on the fabric and i hope you can see that okay so all you have to do is mark what it says right here and mark the the lines and then pop this in your hoop and then you just pull up your design now all you have to do to get the right design is you still don't have to measure anything you're just going to take the usb stick and put it in your machine and then you choose the style you want there's everyday type embroidery then there's also seasonal so maybe you want to do the daisies so you can pull up the daisies and pull up the format your machine reads right and then all you have to do is put what it said on the block or in that what i wrote right there you pull up that design and it's going to fit so it's really easy and very very simple so in this box with those 26 different tiles you're going to be able to do block sizes from two by two borders and everything all the way up to size eight by ten so depending on you know the only limitation there is the size of your hoop right so you just want to make sure you you're working within your hoop confines and then you have all the different um all the different pieces and you have the different designs other things that are on this stick is you're going to have a tutorial from kim the owner of kimber bell where she's going to walk you through step by step in a video showing you exactly how to do it and then you're also going to get this darling quilt pattern and all the instructions right on that usb stick so all the piecing on this particular one was all done in the embroidery hoop and then the quilting itself was done using the clear blue tiles so you're going to have a hood of a good time you can even do a um all over like an edge to edge quilt where you're putting the design and have it be all over so you can even do that with a system so this is on sale for 103.96 the regular price is 130 dollars so you are ready to go and create your designs as much as you want to now if you have larger hoops like maybe you have up to a 9 by 14 inch hoop there is an expansion set and that's on sale for thirty one dollars and some change um but one thing to know is that is the tiles you still need the expansion the i'm sorry the essential set to begin with then you can move on and add that ex the expansion pack okay so this has the designs and all the information you need then you can add on the expansion pack okay oh one last thing i want to show you about this which is really pretty cool you know when you're at your machine and you have your fabric and it's getting in the way of your machine because it's you know it's big and everything there are these slap bands that are in here and you can just put those right around your fabric to control the fabric so it stays out of your way that's absolutely brilliant so i know you're gonna love the clear blue tiles okay are there any questions are we good okay so i wanted to show you before i give you back to paul because you know i can't get it away once i get it give you back to paul i want to show you some really cool things about the epic 2 from viking and this machine is really fun and it's so smart but you know what it's not too smart for everyone to enjoy so i'm going to come over here and i just want to show you some basic things when we start up if we want to do sewing i'm going to simply see if i can get it to move hello why won't it move there we go let's try again there we go okay now we're in sewing now the first thing that you do is you can tell it what type of fabric you're stitching on so maybe you're stitching on a normal quilting cotton so i would say that's a medium woven choose that and then it has these choices down here where you can say i just want to do a seam or maybe you want to have it do a zipper and then you can choose what type of zipper so like a centered zipper because maybe you want to do this for a tote bag or on a pillow or something like that then it opens up with information showing you all the different steps that you need to do to create that zipper and there's even automations or animations in here so it's going to show you exactly what to do at every step so this is even better than having a teacher right by your side because it's going to tell you at your pace which is really pretty fun and i love the fact that we have these um like the projects in here so we had the zipper and pockets because i don't know about you but i find that pattern garment patterns are really hard to understand what steps that they mean so this is a good way to kind of reinforce that information okay let's go back again and let's take a look at what we have right here this is really fun this is the mysonet blog and this machine is wi-fi capable and so you're going to get new information here all the time and i thought that that necklace was really pretty so here is all the information you need to know how to make that project right on the machine isn't that cool so you have people who are creating this content and then you get to enjoy and you can make that as you wish okay so another thing that you do is let's go into embroidery because this is amazing now it does tell you information just like we did with a zipper it's going to tell you how to do different types of embroidery and help you along the way but as with sewing you can touch the start new button so if i was in sewing it would start up and give me all the thread the stitch choices and i can make all the choices you don't have to have the machine do all the work for you if you don't want to but look at all these pretty designs that are in here but you know what there's more than that because you can access the online library and i'm going to touch right here and i'm going to type in let's type in fall because you know the weather is starting to turn and so let's take a look and see what kind of stitches they have for fall so they have all these different designs that are fall themed and this is right on the my sewnut website um that the library and that you can access right from your machine so these are not built-in designs in the machine we're actually shopping on the internet which is pretty cool so i'm going to choose this little guy and i'll bring him down into my into my screen and then let's close that off and i'll move this and let's say i want to make some thanksgiving napkins because i'm kind of in the mood for that right now so i'm going to come and just touch it and hold and go over and tell it to duplicate and here's my second one and i want to rotate it around so that way i can do a corner and then just pop it right into the corner and we're good to go so when i go to sewing this is really fun if i touch go it's going to ask me you know have you done all these things it's just a safety check and i'll say continue and then it says well you got to put a hoop on silly i'm not putting it on but you get the idea it wants me to put a hoop on but here's something that's really cool so here's all the thread colors that are in this design it does the the red the yellow then orange then red the yellow and orange because i have the two designs take a look at this with a touch of the button i can have them do all the reds together then all the yellows then all the orange so you don't have to change your threads as many times so this machine is going to help you create beautiful beautiful embroidery without all the headache or the the well the worry it even tell it will tell you what type of stabilizers to use or what they are and what they do and give you all sorts of other help along the way so i think you would really love this and i think oh i do i hope i have time to show you one more thing so i'm gonna show you one more thing it also has an automatic needle threader which you know i absolutely love because i don't know about you but i sure cannot see that needle anymore the hole and so this will find it without any struggle and of course it stitches beautifully too so i think it's paul's turn to to go on oh oh let's wheel that over and i'll move over thank you reba i wanted to mention i asked riva to show this machine because of all the cool features but also the fact that we were able to negotiate a special deal on some education model epic twos these were machines used by the viking company we got them at a very special price our lowest price ever we have them on sale with 72 months no interest financing and they come with naturally the full new machine warranty they come with the the new ribbon attachment set and they come with the deluxe uh trolley set we give you five thousand dollars trade-in allowance and it's a fantastic deal so call your nearest store once again if you're outside our area go see your local biking dealer if you're in washington state if you're in our local area please come into one of our stores or give our stores a call and they can fill you in on the on the great deal that we have on this machine um right beside it here i i have a couple of new models you know from bernina that i wanted to talk about the first one is bernina's most popular sewing and quilting machine has been the 770 qe it has the large 10 inch opening the machine is super quiet super powerful it's always been the most popular machine they have just upgraded the model they've come out with called the 770 qe plus and the cool thing is is they've added a lot of functionality they've added a larger screen they have the ability to all the 770s have the ability to add embroidery to them so you can have your choice you can have the ultimate quilting machine or you can have quilting and embroidery and remember this merdino like most berninas come with their exclusive bsr which is the bernina stitch regulator it's a patented feature that gives you truly precise free motion stitching now you say i already bought a 770 what's this upgrade or i have a 765 bernina has just introduced the plus upgrade and so you can get all the new all the new sewing and quilting features there's a couple new accessories packed with it uh there's and there's new enhanced designs and editing your capability if you are using the embroidery mode and this is on sale at a very special price so if you're the owner of a 770 or 765 you want to get the upgrade it it basically turns your machine into the new 770 qe with the exception of there's no way to change your screen your screen is going to be the same but all the other stuff will be new and you know will be new they've also come out with a new uh they've come out with a new embroidery module that's called uh uh what's the wit yeah with smart drive technology it improves the speed of embroidery 55 percent so that's something you can add on to this machine or that's something that comes with the new 790 but before i forget we still have if you want a great deal you know give our stores a call we have a combo package of the original 770 qe brand new machines we just got our last shipment at a phenomenal price coming with embroidery at no extra charge so that is one way to get a brand new bernina with all of the with all the benefits uh or you can say i want i want the latest and greatest and we have the seven we have a great price on the 770 qe plus the 790 it's a crystal edition they've come out they've added they've added new functionality to the machine but when you but when you get this machine you get this you know beautiful you know crystal this holds you know the embroidery unit you have a trolley bag here that holds the machine and it's custom limited edition the machine has has the decorations on top and it comes with with all these all these you know crystal settings here and a special uh and there's a special usb stick that has special designs that you can take advantage to use all the swarovski crystals and i'm pretty sure these crystals like this big like this big diamond here is worth is worth more than the machine so if you just pay for the diamond you get the machine for free well just kidding but it is a very nice package we have a special we have a special price on this package a special bundle uh 60 months no interest financing uh and remember this week all of our machines we take an extra 10 off the sale price up to 250 dollars and that's true of everything in our flyer that you'll pick up at our store but also anything in our store any other machine from any other brand we're offering that this week so if you've been interested in you know in any machine whether it's a machine we've shown you here or not please come in and ask for that extra discount is 10 off up to 250 dollars when you visit our stores and remember i'm going to come i'm going to mention them one more time but we're giving away four wonderful sewing machines we're giving away a celebrate air thread serger from baby lock we're giving away a baby lock jazz quilting machine we're giving away a janome heavy duty machine and we're giving away a brother scanning cut and all you have to do this week is like comment or share on this posting here on the video and your name is entered you can enter as many times as you like and uh and next monday we'll be announcing the winners so please share it with your friends let them know to look at that i'm going to mention one more machine and i'm going to come back i'll i'll come back at the very end bernina has a brand new serger i'm going to show you a little bit about at the very end but before i do i want to talk about the baby lock solaris we were as i mentioned earlier we were able to get baby lock you know donated those two machines because they wanted to be part of our show here and we thank them for that and what they've done on the solaris is they put together an amazing bundle we have the solaris on sale at our best price we have the 60 months no interest financing we give you five thousand dollars trade in for your red you know for your present machine and this bundle comes with first off it comes with another purple case like i showed you on the triumph and it comes with a book these are all 30 of the accessory feed the baby lock soares comes with a ton of accessory feet packed in these are the 30 feet that aren't in with the machine and each foot has its own pouch and it has its own you know instructions all the way from your pin tuck feet to felting feet to walking feet quilting guides anything you can imagine that's all part of the bundle it comes with the new magnetic hoop this is a new 5x7 hoop that's available for any this basically this hoop fits any late model brother or baby lock embroidery machine that has a that has 5x7 or larger and it's a fantastic it's a fantastic magnetic hoop where the surface is flat and it just you know the tops just simply pop off so we have those on sale as well we're including we have we have from anita good design we have a 700 value it's the possibilities made for the solaris that's included it comes with this quilt box this is 40 spools of madeira quilting thread in a handy box that doubles it's not only an organizer but it doubles as a thread stand and then it comes with some stabilizer and it comes with the solaris inspiration guide which is a full color booklet with projects and inspiration and it comes with the uh the six months of the so ed classes that i mentioned that comes with any baby lock and finally it comes with the uh here's just an example of the size of the hoop on the solaris 16 by 16 inches by you know by 10 and 16 and a quarter but oh it's ten and a half bytes no wonder i can remember 10 and 5 8 by 16 but it's a huge working area and you can just see the size of the hoop that's the largest hoop it comes with three other hoops as well and then finally it comes with the deluxe rolling tote here that holds the machine and the and the embroidery unit so i'm going to turn this back to reba for one more short demonstration and then we'll wrap up thank you okay this is really cool too this is the pr 680w it is a multi-needle machine and one thing that is just fabulous about multi-needles is that you pre-thread i know it looks scary because it has all those threads but all you're doing is you thread this the threads you're going to use for your design and then you can push go and you can walk away it has a free arm here so if you're doing a baby onesie or a pant leg you don't have to unstitch anything because it can go on here and the fabric can ca the extra fabric can hang underneath which is cool but there is a new feature on this machine that i want to show you and that is the new uh laser guided placement so if you have your design and you want to have it in a certain spot right you know you want to have it someplace and you want to make sure it's straight especially if it's a name you don't want that getting wonky i'm going to show you how to the machine will line it up for you so i've got this shirt um hooped and the only way i could really hoop it was this way so it's not even it's going to go on the the machine completely crooked but that's how i was able to get it in with the buttons and everything so i'm just going to slip this right on to the machine and notice how the rest of the shirt just hangs loose so that's that's pretty good so now i've got my design here so now let's come take a good look at this we're going to go between the machine and the screen but we're on the screen right now so what we're going to do i brought in the design and i'm going to touch the button that says laser guidance so i'm going to touch that now it wants to know what you want to use for a reference point the left the right the top the bottom i'm just going to leave it right in the center of my design and touch next now it wants to know do you want to make sure it's straight up and down or do you need to have it like a name is side to side i'm going to have mine go straight up and down and then i touch next now it has turned my red ball into my blue ball into a red ball and that is showing me where the cursor is on the fabric so you can probably see that bright line there and the black line is the actual area for my design so i'm going to come over here and just put that right in the center cross hairs for my design so now i know that the center of the design is lined up there now we just have to make sure she's lined up so we're going to touch next and now it wants to know where the about the top of the design is so i'm going to move the cursor over to that line and i'm going to slow it down a little bit and get right on the line now i'm right on the line there because i wasn't able to hoop crooked in fact it's in sideways so the top of my shirt is up here the bottom is down here so i've told at the top of this design is right there and now all we have to do is touch set and it's rotated and moved her so it's going to stitch out absolutely perfect so that is such an easy way for you to get your placement of your designs exactly where you want them to be and you'll love stitching on this machine so whether you want to have a business or you're someone like me that just loves to do embroidery this allows you to sew on your other machine while it's doing all the work and you know i actually go to bed with mine running and i also go to work with mine running and i'll quilt on mine as well so it's lots of fun and i think you're going to love the productivity you can create okay now it's paul's turn again okay thank you reba thanks for i really appreciate everyone you know taking time to look at our video today and i want to thank you for all the business in the last year and a half we've had challenges but our customers you folks have been wonderful and supporting us and we truly you know we're a family-owned business and we truly appreciate that business on the multi-needle machines we have a fantastic deal on this new 680. we have it not only a great sale price we give you a great trade-in we have 60 months no interest financing and you get a free choice of a cap driver right next to the 680 is our is for someone who wants a single needle machine with a lot of the same capability this is the persona 100 and this machine's on sale at only 49.99 and remember we take 10 up to 250 off at checkout this is a machine we can sell to anywhere in the country and ship it right to your home for free the 680 you want to come and see us you don't see our 10 needle here the 10 needles have been so popular this year that we are very tight supply if you've been thinking about getting one this fall please contact us and put a deposit we'll get your name on one of those machines that are incoming we also have a free booklet at all the stores if you're thinking about making money with embroidery it's like a 24-page booklet that that gives you guidance on how to price on how to get into starting an embroidery business on how to price your goods where to get the stock items like the hats or the shirts that you're going to embroider and learn how much money embroidery is a very profitable business because because you can take uh it's not just people paying you for your time to embroider and the fact that you have a wonderful embroidery machine but also uh when you buy like the hats you know riva what do you pay for a hat you typically pay about 250 wholesale for a hat but yet when you sell it after it's been customized it will sell for 20 or more and you can easily do with one of these multi-needle machines you can easily do six or eight hats an hour depending on the design that's going on there and that's where you can have a very profitable business and i always say because you can finance these machines for 60 months it's very easy to earn enough money to make that payment so other people will buy the multi-machine for you and you have an ultimate embroidery machine at home so i promised you two other i have two other machines to show you briefly i have them right over here the first one bernina has come out with with a series of three air thread sergers and the air threading is amazing because you literally you literally get the thread close to the close to this opening and you tap the foot pedal and it sucks that thread in and threads it automatically uh this is the brand new lr i'm sorry uh yeah elf uh l860 i get mine but see it has this one has a color touchscreen it has automatic tension control it sets everything up for you it's extremely easy to thread and this does two three and four thread surging absolutely quiet and smooth this is a machine built in the same factory that they build they're larger or they're regular sewing machines and that's why it kind of almost looks like a sewing machine it also has the free arm capability so that this piece slides off and we have a nice free arm here and we have this model and then we have his her big sister which is the l890 which has all the features of the 860 plus it does the cover hem stitch so please come this is once again we offer these at our local stores if you're not local please go to your local bernina dealer and check this machine out but we have a fantastic deal on it this week you get the extra 10 percent off up to 250 and uh and we have special 60 months financing on all of bernina's products i have one more machine to show you i'm very excited about this is this is a double cover ham machine just released by janome it's a it's called the c3000 pro and what the double cover gun is is the where's my sample is you get a cover hem you'll see this you know you know on professional goods that you can see the one side is a triple cover hem and the other side's also a triple cover hem so this machine is a dedicated cover hem machine very attractive price and you can do the triple or the double cover hem on both sides with the triple with the three needles you can have the two you can have the two running stitches on top and the cover hem on the bottom are the three running stitches on top and the cover hem easy to thread uh very smooth and quiet it uses ball bearings they they really up the ante on having a machine that's a dedicated cover hem machine so we have these available we have them in stock right now if you haven't checked them out you know call us at our local store remember we're going to be giving away these machines here this week so like comment or share this post the jazz is a very popular machine sale price is 7.99 on a new jazz we can ship this to you anywhere we take 10 off at checkout 12 inch opening heavy duty free arm machine it really does a great job at a very attractive price this janome here is sale price to 339 and if you want to just a solid free arm machine that's made on a metal chassis uh with all of your basic construction buttonhole and stretch stitches 329. we take 10 off we have them in stock you can uh you can we can ship it to you the the uh the brother scanning cut 225 uh has most of the features riva showed you on the new 330 it just doesn't have the disney capability and it doesn't have the capability to send designs directly to the luminaire but outside of that it's a dx machine it has the autoblade has all those it has all those great features have those on sale at 5.99 if you don't happen to be the lucky winner and we can ship that to you and we take and we take 10 off and finally we're giving away the air thread baby walk celebrate thanks to our friends at baby lock these are on sale at 11.99 less than 10 percent we have those in stock as well a wonderful easy to use serger so please come and see us this week we appreciate your business if you have any questions we have a question here before we go um so sharon's asking is there a code for the 10 off online or do they need to call they just need in order to get the 10 off online just call our online team at 800-687-5175 and they will apply that when you call in with your order or call our store as well if you're local and you want to you want to come into the store maybe you can't get in this week but you want to walk in the special give us a call we can take a small deposit over the phone that deposit is refundable so you can come in when you are able to we can give you a complete demonstration and of course after the fact we have our we have our classes we have both virtual uh you know usage classes orientation classes and we've just now begun i apologize for some of the background noise but we were we were so excited about everything we have a class going on just on the other room and i think some of the noise you heard are the people enjoying one of the first orientation classes in person we've been able to offer in 18 months so we're we're in this for the long term we appreciate your business thank you all very much goodbye
Channel: Quality Sewing & Vacuum
Views: 2,199
Rating: 4.984375 out of 5
Id: b3zTYsC4Dzg
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Length: 84min 29sec (5069 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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